This quintet was was written in the last period of Carter"s period. The composer"s musical principles were used during all his career in a consistent way, but in that last period, the evidence of conflicting parts gave place to a more "peaceful" style. This does not mean at all that Carter"s basic questions abiyt time, events, etc. were forgotten? They were just expressed in a rather different way? This evolution can be traced back yo "triplr duo" 1982
What a delight to have performed this youthful exuberance just five days after Carter's death at age 103. The generations have spoken.
I don't know that anyone has lay'd down a more clear path towards the future .
This quintet was was written in the last period of Carter"s period. The composer"s musical principles were used during all his career in a consistent way, but in that last period, the evidence of conflicting parts gave place to a more "peaceful" style. This does not mean at all that Carter"s basic questions abiyt time, events, etc. were forgotten? They were just expressed in a rather different way? This evolution can be traced back yo "triplr duo" 1982