Oracle of Seasons & Ages - Wasted Greatness

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • Sorry that I don't review the games individually here. I kinda see them as one game. They were made together as a single production, they're meant to be played together, you sometimes swap back and forth between them and your progress in one carries over into the other. They really do feel like one big game. Which technically makes this the biggest traditional Zelda game ever, with 16 dungeons. Now if only this giant game wasn't such a pain...
    I did skip over some things, like the rings. They're neat, but not that impactful. I stopped even thinking about them once I got to Ages.
    I also didn't 100% these games because some of the heart pieces are acquired through pure randomness. Which sucks. And that's a problem we see in another handheld Zelda by the same team. Those stupid seashells... We'll get there.
    / pariah695

ความคิดเห็น • 62

  • @CassiusStelar
    @CassiusStelar ปีที่แล้ว +15

    "Zelda doesnt recognize you"
    Zelda: "You're link, I knew it was you at first glance"

    • @lpfan4491
      @lpfan4491 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Other characters you met before in Oracle:"Let me introduce myself."
      Impa:"Oh yeah, I kinda forgot your prior adventure, I guess."
      Idk how Zelda seemingly half-forgetting you is much diffrent from that. If anything, these are just writingmistakes a remake should fix and we're good. Capcom really thought a bit too little of the playerbase and just said "eh, people would be confused if characters talk like they know each other".

  • @kierenbuckley370
    @kierenbuckley370 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Completely disagree these are great Zelda games if not the best 2D Zelda games

  • @coreyander286
    @coreyander286 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Speaking of _Oracle's_ art style, it's funny how there are some small details that first show up in this third-party spinoff but often get reused in later mainline games. Princess Zelda's zigzagging lightning-bolt-like side locks, the ponytail/long/twin-buns hairstyles of Din/Nayru/Farore. Actually, maybe that's all I can think of, just hairstyles. Oh, but also the designs of Zant and Midna based off Onox and Veran.

  • @Ghost-ul8eu
    @Ghost-ul8eu ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Interesting, I think the oracle games are some of the best Zelda games especially when it comes to puzzles some of these dungeons stumped me for quite a bit especially ages in Dungeon 7.I also really liked that you could get special items like the biggoron sword and master sword by linking the games and accessing one extra dungeon after beating both games.
    I have beaten every singleplayer Zelda game from Zelda 1 all the way to Tears Of The Kingdom and the oracle games had the best dungeons out of all of them.

  • @Difegue
    @Difegue ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Playing the oracle games as a kid bulletproofs you against the entire zelda series because the dungeons will never be as hard again
    I have a soft spot for these because the style is thoroughly distinct from other zeldas despite reusing link's awakening assets out the wazoo - I'm surprised you didn't mention subrosia when talking about how the worldmap just feels like hyrule again, since the whole lava ocean quasi-alien world isn't something you see in zelda very often, if at all.

    • @Cretaceous158
      @Cretaceous158 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The trees in Subrosia look like the Dark World trees.

  • @thajocoth
    @thajocoth ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You're simultaneously saying that there's not enough different about this game, while pointing out a bunch of the ways that they made them different and improved on what's there, making these games great (like the hookshot alternatives and such).
    Being made by a 3rd party, this game would've been criticized more harshly by fans if it strayed more from the things already enjoyed by fans of the series (and honestly, there's plenty that can be done within what's been expected), so there are things they had to stick to, but they did a *LOT* within that, and there's a ton of great content in this game.
    The only things I've found tedious at all in this game are collecting all the random rings (from the seeds) & entering codes to go back & forth, the latter of which I don't see a way they could've gotten around. Exploring the world to reach places is part of what's enjoyable about the series, and I guess I just had a better memory for places to return to with new powers and trading items as I had no trouble figuring those out at all.
    I treat these two as one big interlocked game. It's one of my favorite 2D Zeldas, right behind A Link to the Past & A Link Between Worlds. I would personally put this game above Ocarina of Time in my own rankings. (I haven't decided an order between the Oracles, Majora's Mask, & Twilight Princess.)
    Zelda 2 isn't great compared to most Zelda games, but it's not an awful game when _not_ compared to other Zeldas and instead compared to other NES games. It's alright for a game from that era. (Though it's a masterpiece if compared to Skyward Sword.)
    I don't think that continuity in the Zelda series is worth paying much attention to. Each game exists for itself first, and if it can reference the other games it will, but none of them will constrain themselves to fit continuity. I think Nintendo only released a timeline because fans kept asking for one to try to piece it all together, but they never consider the timeline during development of any of the games. Nintendo games tend to be very "gameplay first". The one exception that stands out as caring about timeline placement and putting story first is also the worst in the series gameplay-wise, Skyward Sword, so I really don't think they should suddenly start caring about continuity & plot. Those things aren't why most people play this series. I feel like it'd be like making a slow turn-based RPG for the normally speed-focused hedgehog.

    • @lpfan4491
      @lpfan4491 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I personally wish for a Zelda 2 remake. There is definitily a good game in there, that is just very much marred by the pains of being an NES game. I have to admit that I don't really like the NES from a gamelibrary-standpoint, the better games from what I played are still full of jank that makes them a pain to actually play.(With Kirby's Adventure being the only exception I can think of. Which is ironic because I usually like SNES and N64 games more, but Kirby's are all very jank.)

  • @TP3200
    @TP3200 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I hate to admit it, but this is a rare case where I disagree with the conclusion, but agree with almost everything you evaluated the games on. You do really well in summing up the greatest strengths and weaknesses of these titles.
    This is different from, say, Nerrel's videos on Hollow Knight and TotK, where he mostly missed out on or didn't engage with the best aspects of those games, in my opinion. You completely engaged with what the Oracle titles are offering to players, and you explained why they may not hook as many people as other Zelda games, especially in the modern era where the issues with map/UI/etc. are more noticeable.
    Good video. The fact that this made me want to go play more since you reminded me of everything I love in these titles shows how balanced/complete your take is.

  • @rafresendenrafresenden.1644
    @rafresendenrafresenden.1644 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    That waste is really good, very yummy

  • @patofanatico
    @patofanatico ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Oof, did not expect you to find these about as much fun as Zelda 2 lol
    I never played the Oracle games, but whenever I hear about them, it's pretty much always in a positive light.
    Looking forward to see what that next, personal favorite Zelda game of yours is!

    • @GldnClaw
      @GldnClaw 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think ot genuinely was a skill issue with him

  • @jacobkakyoin6882
    @jacobkakyoin6882 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Sorry to hear some of the jank ruined this one for you. The challenge levels, creative design, and just being a setting besides Hyrule with a ton of its own personality combine to overcome that all for me and legit make it up there with MM as two of my all time favorite Zeldas. World traversal puzzles I also felt come insanely into their own as soon as you have the full kit for changing time/seasons, and the tokis and subrosians are fun new species. Ultimately I think some of the stuff that’s more padded than it should be never bugged me much because even with that these still aren’t THAT long as far as Zelda games go. Keep meaning to play it again.

  • @Harmony270
    @Harmony270 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    A remake of the oracle games would really help these games like it did links awakening

    • @tadaokou4919
      @tadaokou4919 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I agree, but they should not use the Links Awakening Remake artstyle for the Oracle games. The 1 thing these games are good at is the artstyle and they should try to find a way to somehow preserve it.
      Just looking at the intro sequence of either Oracle of Seasons or Ages showcases what I'm talking about.

    • @Ghost-ul8eu
      @Ghost-ul8eu ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm getting tired of Zelda remakes I would rather have a proper new 2D Zelda game the last one we got was A Link Between World which was 10 years ago.

    • @lpfan4491
      @lpfan4491 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@tadaokou4919 I actually think a darker variation of the LA remake artstyle(darker colors, plastic instead of clay, etc.) would actually fit pretty well imo. Since Oracle as a whole is supposed to have the style of "this looks like LA, but actually kinda doesn't".

    • @BananaReidy
      @BananaReidy ปีที่แล้ว +1

      add a third game with itt.

    • @GldnClaw
      @GldnClaw 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Don' you *DARE* put the Funko Pop curse on these games.
      His case was a skill issue, not a design problem.

  • @NIMPAK1
    @NIMPAK1 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Personally I think Seasons is easily one of the top 5 best Zelda games if not even top 3. Ages has way too many forced minigames and side sequences for me to like as much. My only problems overall are the gacha trees and maple being needed for 100%. I also think the dungeon designs were better in Link's Awakening (maybe even ALttP), the Seasons side being a bit better because they're shorter and sweeter, but a bit more empty as well.
    Maybe one other thing that I wish it did was keep how the roc's feather worked in Link's Awakening (the 2D version) where you can attack grounded enemies even while jumping. The way Oracles handles it is more balanced but I found LA's method to feel more fluid and add to gamefeel. At least the roc's feather/cape still allows you dodge and move around so swordplay is at least better than ALttP and leagues above Minish Cap which had the audacity to bring back the cape but add way more start-up frames and only allows you to move in a straight line and also gave to you way too late and essentially turned an interesting deep movement mechanic into just another key that can be used to open some doors.

  • @Laekith
    @Laekith ปีที่แล้ว +5

    At least Din is hot

    • @RTHbeto27
      @RTHbeto27 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm more of a Nayru person but yes

    • @coreyander286
      @coreyander286 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@RTHbeto27 I prefer to the girl-next-door quality of Farore over both of them

    • @grawman67
      @grawman67 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why not all three?

  • @RifeXD
    @RifeXD ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Interesting perspective.
    I grew up with these, have played them over and over and they are my favorite Zeldas. A lot of that is probably nostalgia, but I wonder if it was just the fact that I hadn't played too much Zelda before it so the normal tropes just hadn't gotten tiring for me yet.

    • @Pariah6950
      @Pariah6950  ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Might also be from playing so many Zeldas that came after these. When you've played like 20 of these games, then come to these two, they really don't have much new to offer.

  • @Zejgar
    @Zejgar ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Really digging Link's sprite and its various poses in this game!

  • @tadaokou4919
    @tadaokou4919 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The 1 really amazing thing the Oracle games have going for the Manga. So, not even the games themself.
    The big problem with both Oracle games for me is how how slow these games are. I do remember playing Seasons on my Gameboy as my first Zelda game and I have to be honest...if a child can't push through one of it's first videogames because it gets bored to much, that pretty much says it all.
    I still actually do really like Seasons for many different reasons, but yeah...on the lower end of Zelda for me.
    As of ages, I actually never played it until I was grown up and I do have to say...I heavily dislike it. Even if we ignore the Zelda series as a whole and just compare the Oracle games on their own...Ages is far slower in comparison to Seasons. And for me, that was basically gamebreaking. I never really gave Ages a chance and I honestly don't feel bad about it.
    But defense of these games:
    If you play them on a small Gameboy screen they don't feel NEARLY as slow. So, if you actually play them as originally intended they are actually far more fun. But for most people that is barely possible nowadays. Playing both these games on the 3DS is pretty painless in my experience, but...still not really worth it. For example, you still have to deal with the flawed world design and the 2-Button-System for items. Just because Links walkspeed feels a bit better due to the smaller screen size does not mean that these games suddenly are totally different games.
    Especially in comparison to Minish Cap, because let's be honest: Minish Cap is fantastic.
    If they ever do a remake of the Oracle games they should give Link better walkspeed (obviously) & need to redesign certain parts of the world so that you don't have to solve the same puzzles over and over again. And they also certainly SHOULD keep the originals artstyle alive because that is basically the best and most iconic thing about the original Oracle games.

  • @RTHbeto27
    @RTHbeto27 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The backtrack and slow part really hurts but its true even more as someone who played both links awakening versions and experience the wonders the remake did for it.
    I wonder, "power" and "wisdom" is obvious how you focus gameplay in those concepts but how you could encapsulate "courage" gameplay wise? Like making a horror game or what

    • @Pariah6950
      @Pariah6950  ปีที่แล้ว +5

      A focus on exploration maybe? Maybe have certain tough enemies in the world that you can't fight, but still need to find a way to push forward. Maybe some stealth and running and hiding? Leading them into traps and such? If you go with my day/night concept, you could have them come out at night. So night is dangerous, but sometimes you need to do things at night.

    • @lpfan4491
      @lpfan4491 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Considering it would have been about the "oracle of secrets", dangerous exploration seems like it makes sense.

  • @AmazedDefault
    @AmazedDefault ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yes finally

  • @jesuss5721
    @jesuss5721 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I had those games back when I was 9 years old, and I managed to finish both without much trouble; the only part that gave me real trouble was remembering I had found all 4 tablets in OOA's last dungeon, because I roamed for days in the tomb before noticing I already had the tablets required.
    And I was in primary school... I only had the experience of Awakening which was my first game ever...

  • @Wildstag
    @Wildstag 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The issue with not liking how often you use the game’s gimmick in the overworld and overall progression is fascinating because the infrequent use of time travel in OoT is the main complaint for that game online.
    Also it sounds like spatial awareness is the part you struggle with the most.

  • @RadRedBomber
    @RadRedBomber ปีที่แล้ว

    26:36 This design for Link and general style from this game appeared again in A Link Between Worlds and in the announcement trailer for Link's Awakening Remake.

  • @jesuss5721
    @jesuss5721 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's pretty sad because Capcom's Zeldas were truly a breakthrough in gimmick Zelda mechanic.
    OOA was implemented with 2 entire maps to explore with different design.
    OOS was implemented with 5 entire maps to explore with similar design.
    If those gimmicks were to be applied to Breath of the Wild, we would have the best Zelda ever for sure. Heck, Tears of the Kingdom had its own Subrosia domain, that's how much of pioneers these two games were.

    • @Cretaceous158
      @Cretaceous158 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The depths seem to be based on the Dark World from LttP

  • @Helpful_Harry
    @Helpful_Harry ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice. Seems like it was already outdated by the time it came out in 2001. I can't stand the type of game that basically requires a walkthrough to know where to go / what to do. Wonderful video, keep it up.

  • @Hack_Man_VII
    @Hack_Man_VII ปีที่แล้ว

    I wouldn't call them my favorite Zelda games, but they were good for long road trips back then.

  • @catcocomics1601
    @catcocomics1601 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    so if I remember my Zelda game release dates well enough, the next game is either The Wind Waker, or Four Swords for the GBA, both of which I'm very fond of.
    Well, Four Swords I'm mixed on due to just how insanely awful Nintendo has been in regards to its accessibility, but I absolutely loved playing it the couple of times I had the opportunity.
    Wind Waker, though, I play once or twice every year, same as I do with Ocarina of Time. I'm a little sad its questing content got the short end of the stick because of rushed development, especially where sunken Hyrule is concerned, but to my understanding, Miyamoto wasn't on board with the idea at all and the team did most of it behind his back, finally revealing it to him when it was way too late to back out.
    That said, I do actually kind of enjoy that story dead-zone Wind Waker kind of abruptly puts the player in where you have to go find the triforce shards because even if it's not particularly engaging, I enjoy seeing all the little side things and getting into almost a Zen state sailing from island to island and getting that little bit of satisfaction of filling out the sea chart one island at a time, and not feeling pressured to complete any particular thing before I put the game down again.

    • @catcocomics1601
      @catcocomics1601 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oh and for the Oracle games... I've never played them, I might consider it if they ever get the Awakening treatment like you had mentioned maybe wanting, but not particularly interested otherwise.

    • @lpfan4491
      @lpfan4491 ปีที่แล้ว

      I really want them to port Four Swords Anniversary Edition onto the Switch. Maybe with hitboxes revised because they were kinda broken originally. They may just put the original on NSO, which would be fine I guess, but it would be kinda disappointing because it does not have a single player...and we all know how poor Nintendo's online-offering is.

  • @hoardpill
    @hoardpill ปีที่แล้ว +2

    have you ever considered opening up a discord server?

  • @luigibarqs
    @luigibarqs ปีที่แล้ว

    Me personally, Oracle of Ages probably my third favorite Zelda, behind Link Between Worlds in 2nd, and Link to the Past as my most favourite.

  • @JoacoN22
    @JoacoN22 ปีที่แล้ว

    The oracles games and links awakening really have an excellent art style and I love the way their combat work, I wish there were more portable games like this
    Minish cap is kinda like them, but still takes place in hyrule (still love it)
    And then the DS and 3DS portable games are either reimaginations of other games or pseudo sequels to another game, which isnt bad, but it would be cool to have more spin offs exploring places outside of hyrule

  • @lpfan4491
    @lpfan4491 ปีที่แล้ว

    Idk if I would go as far as Pariah does, but yeah... There are many issues, starting with the title screen ironically enough. They still only give you 3 saves...but they expect you to play both of these twice for a full run through them. Which, ignoring that the only bonus they gave you for this "second quest" is a ring with no effect which makes it less interessting than it should be, that means savefiles should be in a multiple of 2 because each "full run" occupies two slots per game. So yeah, they should have given us 4 Saves at least. Maybe there was a memory limitation involved or maybe they just went with tradition and failed to see that they did an oopsie, idk.
    In general, a lot of issues I have with it are easily fixed in a remake, surprisingly. Like, give us 6 saves(Equivalent to 3 in this game), map the buttons better like the LA remake, give the second quest bigger difficulty and remixed challenges, give the player some help in reaching a 3D-perspective in Jabu Jabu(aka. fake watertemple), etc.
    9:30 Oh yeah, this cr*p. I genuinely forgot until now because I think i just repressed it. Did the LA remake fix it? If not, then we are doomed, even if a remake of Oracle cleans up all the annoyances.
    28:46 I vividly remember this being discussed as a non-issue in the community before, so I looked it up and yeah. While she does say this same thing in japanese, it is often pointed out that characters already reintroduce themselves in the Oracle games, when the player already met them before. Because both Oracle-Links are obviously the same, that moreso puts the writing quality of these games into question, not their timeline placement. Of course, this not being the same characters would presumbly be solidified in a remake because they officially swapped it around a few years ago(Even tho a remake-change would argubly be better spent just fixing the writing and making Zelda remember instead, reverting the swap), but as it stands now with the originals, this seems to moreso be in place to not confuse new players.

    • @King_Luigi
      @King_Luigi 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well, the LA Remake fixed _most_ of that stuff at least...
      Dungeon Maps are detailed enough to show the general layout of each room, teleporters,
      locked/revolving doors, treasure chests you've seen but couldn't/didn't get (without the compass),
      and of course, where the stairs are (even showing which are "up" and which are "down" stairs).
      The only catch... is that is doesn't show where each of them connect to. (At least, I don't think it does.)
      But you could still "guess" to a certain degree, because each pair shares a direction.
      (For example, If you go "down" stairs then the other end will _also_ be "down".)
      Though, I seem to recall the "Dungeon Builder" showing a connection between stairs,
      but they probably didn't want the clutter on the map during the main game.
      (The possibility exists though, so Oracle games have a chance in this area.)

  • @mikeymittens777
    @mikeymittens777 ปีที่แล้ว

    i just was trying out the bird hat link game, pretty fun so far

  • @Nigel222
    @Nigel222 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you compare it to other Gameboy games at the time it was a lot better than its contemporaries.

  • @nyaatistic
    @nyaatistic 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    All the Capcom Zelda games are just massive wastes of time I found

  • @AxeMain
    @AxeMain ปีที่แล้ว

    I love these games, but I played all these games back in the day. Maybe if I played them today for thr first time I'd feel the same. I'm an old man though so idk

  • @rhouy22-md7rg
    @rhouy22-md7rg 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    lol, this a common case of toddler gamer blaming the game for not handholding him. I've beaten this game as a kid without any walkthrough (well internet isn't a huge thing back then). the fulfilling part will always be finding out puzzle solutions on your own. you're a complete definition of a lazy gamer that these developers today has spoiled. actually the more unique of the 2 games is seasons. time travel is an overused mechanics in games whereas 4 seasons is pretty new even up to this day. consoles with more buttons is already a thing back then so you should've expected a game for a gameboy would have less buttons to work on. the kid me was never bothered by that because I know a gameboy only has 4 buttons. you should know what to expect. also using walkthrough to finish this game is a real shame. sums up the gamers of this generation

  • @CoffeeAndonuts0
    @CoffeeAndonuts0 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Be glad you didnt play the gb Link's Awakening
    Switching your sword and shield out every 3 seconds to move 1 screen in the overworld isnt unique to these games.
    Specially since its basically just an inferior version minus the dream setting

  • @ivanzoneBR24
    @ivanzoneBR24 ปีที่แล้ว

    Minish Cap next please!!!!!!!

  • @aGuyThatLovesPooping
    @aGuyThatLovesPooping 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Played these games for the first time earlier this year myself since I've also started going through all the main Zelda games to finally play all the ones I never got around to, and, I don't know maybe it's a recency bias thing and I won't feel the same way in a year or two, but I honestly loved both of these games and thought they were maybe the best 2D Zelda games, they're not perfect but I feel like they're severely overlooked and deserve more attention.

  • @Hack_Man_VII
    @Hack_Man_VII ปีที่แล้ว

    I wouldn't call them my favorite Zelda games, but they were good for long road trips back then.

  • @Zolerian
    @Zolerian วันที่ผ่านมา

    I liked these Zelda reviews, I'd wish you'd continued it.

  • @greek1237
    @greek1237 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To put these games on the gameboy, was amazing, as a kid, I played them nearly non stop.

  • @timtanium7074
    @timtanium7074 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I always found it interesting how these games were developed by Capcom (under their subsidary company Flagship which would later make a couple other Zelda and Kirby games). I never played these games but I noticed in the footage that the Energy Balancer debuting in Mega Man 6 is an obstacle that Link grabbed at some point which is interesting.
    Your description of how these games are a weird mix of classic 2D and "modern" 3D Zelda also reminded me of the two Mega Man Xtreme games which released also for the GBC at like that same time. Those two games also have a weird mix of abilities, mechanics and characters from Mega Man X 1-3 (SNES) and the newer X games of the time (4 and 5 on PS1).