BELARUS: The Penultimate BULLET of the RUSSIAN ARMY? - VisualPolitik EN

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ต.ค. 2022
  • Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks: Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more. 🎨
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    Rumors that Belarus may join Russia in its war against Ukraine continue to grow: the movement of troops, the concentration of soldiers on the Ukrainian border and statements by Belarusian tyrant, Alexander Lukashenko, seem to point in that direction.
    Now, what would this mean for the war? Could Belarus really go to war against Zelenskiy's country, and why does Lukashenko continue to support Putin's Russia? In this video we answer these and other questions.
    Join the VisualPolitik community and support us on Patreon: / visualpolitik

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  • @VisualPolitikEN
    @VisualPolitikEN  ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks: Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more. 🎨 See important Masterworks disclosures:

    • @conduit242
      @conduit242 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      It’s a scam. Read the disclosure documents. They buy the art, mark it up for an automatic profit to themselves, then sell it to the community. Combined with the exorbitant annual management fee and you’ll be lucky to make a dime on most pieces. It is NOT buying art.

    • @Perkele231
      @Perkele231 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@conduit242 😂 less propaganda more truth

    • @keosan
      @keosan ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Stop promoting this scam. You’re better than this.

    • @ogedeh
      @ogedeh ปีที่แล้ว +2

      who would buy art for investment?

    • @ajr993
      @ajr993 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Stop peddling bullshit and scams. Fractional art shares are about as bad as NFTs.

  • @ValensBellator
    @ValensBellator ปีที่แล้ว +200

    Forcing Belarus into the war would be a catastrophic mistake for Russia. The Lukashenko regime would collapse with Belarusians smelling blood in the water, and his army would no longer be there to save him.
    Russia would be stuck fighting a new war to stabilize Belarus, lest the west-friendly government in exile move in. I’m just not convinced Putin understands what a disaster such a move would be, so I can’t rule it out.

    • @Joe-Dead
      @Joe-Dead ปีที่แล้ว

      sanity and sane decisions seem to have left stage right in regards to putin and his puppets. you had that chechen asshat advocating for using nukes.

    • @robertosovietunion7567
      @robertosovietunion7567 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      What you said are true . If Belarus join the Invasion of Ukraine on his side Russia Belarus will suffered the same fate Russia do Belarusian Soldier know that well some of these Belarusian soldier will not fight in Ukraine some or most of them will defy those order . If the Russian soldier who were stationed in Ukraine are retreating Balarusian soldier will defy those order on behalf of Alexander Lushakenko

    • @newsgeekus1216
      @newsgeekus1216 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      During the election unrest, Lukashenko sent the army to the boarder of the Lithuania because he did not trust it. With wide spread opposition to the Russian war and hate of the regime kindling under the surface, you never know what event ignites the unrest.

    • @michaeldelisieux
      @michaeldelisieux ปีที่แล้ว

      Lukas hands has a lot in common with " Napoleon's"...

    • @jonson856
      @jonson856 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Just the more reason we should hope that Belarus enters the war.
      First make Belarus collapse and ghen make Russia collapse👌

  • @Summer_Sausage
    @Summer_Sausage ปีที่แล้ว +198

    Could they? Yes, they could. Will they be effective in doing so? No, probably not.

    • @joecurry382
      @joecurry382 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Still a probability though

    • @dylanwhite3383
      @dylanwhite3383 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Let us not be quick to judge about something we haven't seen in action yet

    • @demven04
      @demven04 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@dylanwhite3383 there’s nothing to see honestly. I’m saying as a Belarusian, who escaped the country and happily lives in USA now. Belarusian army is a parody for Russian army, which is already a laughable parody. And don’t forget that our military arsenal was partly depleted by Russians during these 8 months of war.

    • @dylanwhite3383
      @dylanwhite3383 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@demven04 you are not a true Belarusian because you have ran away from your problems and now others will suffer because of your cowardice the people of Ukraine will suffer the wrath of a combined army of Belarus,Russia,Chechnya and other countries that are a part of the Russian Federation including the people of certain areas that the rest of the world has ignored where as Russia gave these poor people a new lease on life and as an American born and raised i would rather not worry about Ukraine because the money that i wanted to give to the citizens of Ukraine has instead been sent to the rich and corrupt people of Ukraine because of Joe Biden and NATO

    • @charlieduke6393
      @charlieduke6393 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@demven04 I’m happy you made it out safely.

  • @bruceogilvie5607
    @bruceogilvie5607 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    Having lived in Belarus and knowing how Lukashenko operates, I'd say that given he has been making statements for 8 months, and has tried to get troops to cross the Border a few times, with them refusing to do it, it's not likely to happen. The attack on Ukraine and giving away the Sovereignty of Belarus to Russia just compounds all of the hatred felt by a majority for this guy and his Government. The bottom line is, he forces the troops to go and risks them turning on him and overthrowing him, or Putin gets rid of him. These are the two only likely outcomes that remain for the big guy in Minsk. Putin gets the lipservice that Mr. L has successfully appeased Europe and Russia with for over 2 decades. He had a chance to leave with dignity in 2020 but decided that he wasn't ready for this to happen and people are pissed as inflation in real terms is out of control, wages have got lower than all EU neighbours, lay offs are huge in State Enterprises, the money is running out and Putin can't afford to keep bailing Belarus out now he is wasting a billion dollars a day on a war he can't win. The writing is on the wall and both Belarus and Russia look likely to see collapses in economy and Government.

  • @QwoaX
    @QwoaX ปีที่แล้ว +191

    Since Belarus is basically Costco budget Russia and we all know how well Russia is doing, I give Belarus 2 Weeks to 2 months until Ukraine liberates Minsk and captures some nukes Russia parked in Belarus in the progress.

    • @eduwino151
      @eduwino151 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      2 weeks lol Ukraine will be owning Belarusian bases in a week max

    • @QwoaX
      @QwoaX ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@eduwino151 Depending on the weather. I'm wondering, how many soldiers would Putin trade for Lukaschenko? Who am I kidding?He'll f off to Russia before the battle even started.

    • @brandonlyon730
      @brandonlyon730 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nukes are no good if you dn’t have the codes to launch them. It was one of many reasons Ukraine agave up there after the USSR broke up, the Russian Army had all the codes so they were just soaking up the national budget while providing nothing in return for the new Ukrainian government

    • @josephfox9221
      @josephfox9221 ปีที่แล้ว

      See that's why you stick with brand name eastern dictatorships.

    • @horstnietzsche1923
      @horstnietzsche1923 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Well Russia is doing poorly because of it's bad tactics, poor training, and logistics. Maybe I'm giving him too much credit but if my army was based on Russia's and I saw how those things have cost them in Ukraine you'd think he'd take steps to correct them but probably not.

  • @nesseihtgnay9419
    @nesseihtgnay9419 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    Belarus wanted to be free and join the EU. But Luka and putin have kept the country down.

    • @thomsen256
      @thomsen256 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If they sit tight that could change in a few years

    • @dant.3505
      @dant.3505 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      All we would have to do is kick the door open, and the whole rotten structure would come crashing down!

    • @Lincos321
      @Lincos321 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@GeorgeWashingtonLaserMusket Who needs oil nowadays? US needs lithium and cobalt!

    • @dpt6849
      @dpt6849 ปีที่แล้ว

      And western Europe is fed up with EU robbing the west to give money to poorer countries.

    • @Bob_Adkins
      @Bob_Adkins ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Lincos321 Yeah! We can run everything with battery power and charge the batteries with batteries!

  • @krish4134
    @krish4134 ปีที่แล้ว +146

    Considering Russian army's abysmal performance over the last couple of weeks & Ukraine allegedly fortifying it's northern border, I'd be surprised if the Belarusian armed forces make even a dent in the invasion.

    • @JMM33RanMA
      @JMM33RanMA ปีที่แล้ว +9

      If I were Polish or Lithuanian, I would proclaim that half of Belarus belongs to the Commonwealth [Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów], have Lithuanian and Polish troops mass along the Belarus border and demand that Russia and Kukla-shenko evacuate their territory immediately. This would probably result in deflecting a prospective invasion of Ukraine to fortification of the western border.

    • @ivicacaric8423
      @ivicacaric8423 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      This are not exactly the ukrainian soldiers, and to be trained so quickly is just not possible. Wait for body bags to start arriving back to states

    • @foxdavani4091
      @foxdavani4091 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hello? They don’t have to make a dent. All they have to do a split up the Ukrainian army, and Russia will get what it wants. A weaker and easier army to attack.

    • @ElTigre12024
      @ElTigre12024 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I don’t even think Belarus would want to get directly involved, given it’s military lacks the experience Russia and Ukraine have. Plus Lukashenko is already on thin ice with the Belarusian people and there’s no real support for the war there.

    • @krish4134
      @krish4134 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@foxdavani4091 well then that'd risk NATO intervention

  • @poodlescone9700
    @poodlescone9700 ปีที่แล้ว +64

    Considering that Armenia got screwed when they requested aid from Russia when Azerbaijan attacked them and Russia refused, I can not see how Belarus thinks being aligned to Russia is beneficial. It is no different than remaining neutral.

    • @illesbela07
      @illesbela07 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      No choice and this "friendship" has never been among equal parties. Bear is the "dominus" at the forest. Russia has only implicit or explicit dependent allies.

    • @eget4144
      @eget4144 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lol you westeners know nothing about topics you talking about.
      Armenia was a bad child. She mangled with west and ousted russia affiliated bureaucrats. Russia punished armenia by not helping to some extend. When punishment was enough, war ended.

    • @tzora6462
      @tzora6462 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You have no idea what you're talking about

    • @yarem4uk.r
      @yarem4uk.r ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Lukashenka simply has no choice; nobody needs him.

    • @wolfswinkel8906
      @wolfswinkel8906 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@tzora6462 the ignorance of Western armchair analysts makes me dizzy. These people have no clue and proclaim it with much enthusiasm.

  • @rimmerblues1586
    @rimmerblues1586 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    How long before Russia officially annexes Belarus? Even if the people wanted to fight against it they'd have nothing left with which to do so. Considering all those oligarchs whom met with "accidents" I wouldn't be surprised if Lukashenko is avoiding upper floor windows.

    • @mandenmori
      @mandenmori ปีที่แล้ว

      Russia already mentally annexed Belarus

    • @assertivekarma1909
      @assertivekarma1909 ปีที่แล้ว

      That should be the final straw, NATO & other respectable countries should thus get involved, if they still want to play cautiously with Russia I disagree but that could be argued, regardless let's annihilate the Belarus regime & their lackeys, then split the country between Ukraine, Poland, Baltic States... If Russia decides to escalate, then it's better to face the Kremlin pigs sooner than later.

    • @wolfswinkel8906
      @wolfswinkel8906 ปีที่แล้ว

      Is the concept of Russia having a friendly and independent country next to them, too much for you to comprehend?

    • @smokey_mcbong
      @smokey_mcbong ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wolfswinkel8906 Just like it is hard for Russians and Putin to comprehend that they are getting their asses whooped by Ukraine. Keep talking, clown.

    • @assertivekarma1909
      @assertivekarma1909 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wolfswinkel8906 Corrupt autocratic imperialistic countries like Russia don't have "independent friends". Any country approaching the definition of a friend is just another deplorable corrupt autocracy, such leaders find comfort in others like that.

  • @MrMordechaiAnilevich
    @MrMordechaiAnilevich ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Belarus has been transferring ammunition, tanks and military equipment to Russia. This is not the act of a country preparing for war. Lukashenko knows that his people don't want to enter the war. Lukashenko, Kadyrov and Putin have tied destinies

    • @thomsen256
      @thomsen256 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      my thoughts as well. It just doesnt make sense and makes Belarus incredibly soft along its own NATO border. I dont think Luka is that dumb

    • @ivancho5854
      @ivancho5854 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thomsen256 Smart or dumb, Lukashenko is running out of time and options.

    • @ArchOfWinter
      @ArchOfWinter ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ivancho5854 If Lukashenko is smart, he would wait till Russia weakens even more and for Putin to demand more, then turn on him and expel Russian troops. It would be a quick way to get the West to lift sanctions and might even win back popularity from Belarusians. What would Putin do? Fight two losing fronts?

    • @ivancho5854
      @ivancho5854 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ArchOfWinter That is a possibility, but I reckon that changes are coming to Belarus which Lukashenko will not survive. I think that he is more likely to try to remain on good terms with Russia so that he has somewhere outside of international law to flee to.
      All the best and Slava Ukraine. 🇺🇦

    • @mojewjewjew4420
      @mojewjewjew4420 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ivancho5854 And if Russia wins in ukraine? Then Lukashenko's choice of been neutral and pro Russia will pay off.
      Death to the nazi government of ukraine. Slava kokaine.

  • @critterfritter69
    @critterfritter69 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    The outcome of the Russo-Ukrainian war should be a free Belarus under the rule of Belarussians.

    • @mojewjewjew4420
      @mojewjewjew4420 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree, thats why Russia needs to win.

    • @critterfritter69
      @critterfritter69 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mojewjewjew4420 Russia needs to be dismantled and built back up like post-WWII Germany.

    • @mojewjewjew4420
      @mojewjewjew4420 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@critterfritter69 Nah, america needs to along with most of the west, they still havent payed for Vietnam, Afganistan, Iraq, Korea, Libbiya, Syria, Yugoslavia, south american and african coups and exploitation in neo colonialism.
      Russia invaded fewer countries and didnt damage them as much.
      German model is also a big failure, should west stop financing Germany they will have another recession as they do now and go back to the old ways.
      Accept that the world is multipolar now and soon american empire will die.

  • @tim7462
    @tim7462 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Being a friend of Russia it not a plus, with their military equipment being Russian, western military equipment has proven to be the best.

    • @SA2004YG
      @SA2004YG ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Doubt anyone thought that it wasn't

    • @quartermaster1976
      @quartermaster1976 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @MarxAlex
      @MarxAlex ปีที่แล้ว +4

      You think being a friend of the USA is any better? Talk to the tribal chiefs in Anbar, the afghanis who provided interpreter services and were left behind, the Kurds who fought Isis and were abandoned to attacks by turkey . The Americans encouraged South Africa to intervene in Angola to prevent commie takeover and were promptly abandoned when it became politically unpalatable. The list goes on...

    • @JMM33RanMA
      @JMM33RanMA ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MarxAlex Rather ask Mexico or Canada if they fear imminent invasion and absorption by the US! The days of the US government doing things like that are long over.

    • @ricardomesquita8167
      @ricardomesquita8167 ปีที่แล้ว

      USA is the worst country to have as an ally
      and as a puppet master, as europe is maybe realizing now

  • @LD-pt5ur
    @LD-pt5ur ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I agree with a lot of this, however you should never ever underestimate your enemy.

  • @tengkualiff
    @tengkualiff ปีที่แล้ว +23

    lmao if Lukashenko posted his "better to be a dictator than gay" on Twitter, a lot of people on Twitter would have actually known who he is.

    • @donovan8747
      @donovan8747 ปีที่แล้ว

      Even worst, during the pandemic he said covid19 can be cured with vodka. Can't believe a dumb like this can stay in power for so long. He is a clown.

    • @mojewjewjew4420
      @mojewjewjew4420 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He is right tho.

  • @michaelkavanagh5947
    @michaelkavanagh5947 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    If they do you open up Ukraine to having allies join in. Fairness and honour dictate we deploy if they attack Ukraine. Poland alone would destroy Belarus in days.

  • @stischer47
    @stischer47 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Right. Capturing the Suwalki Gap would prevent NATO from sending troops into the Baltics...for about 30 minutes.

    • @nicolaszan1845
      @nicolaszan1845 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      30 whole minutes? Woah, didn't know Belarus was that powerful!

    • @jonb914
      @jonb914 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I know you were trying to be generous with the 30 minutes, but given that the US knew what the Russian military was going to do months before the Russian military knew what the Russian military was going to do I'd say they would get maybe one tire of the lead vehicle over the border before the entire invasion force lit up like a Christmas tree.

  • @lloyddavidson4056
    @lloyddavidson4056 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Self Defense: Any 'Aggressor' (s) with a weapon, regardless of where he is LOCATED, is a legitimate target to be neutralized by Ukraine if it is firing into Ukraine.

    • @MarxAlex
      @MarxAlex ปีที่แล้ว

      That's not what the Americans have said , particularly with the weapons systems provided. That's why Ukraine was limited to suicide runs with Bayaktar drones on Russian infrastructure but the most potent weapons cannot be used. The fervour for escalation ignores Russia's capability to destroy the planet three times over and no one has made a cogent argument why Ukraine is worth ww3

  • @rogerdodger8415
    @rogerdodger8415 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Ban inflation? Genius!!
    Only problem is that the shelves will be empty!🤔 But, we can find an explanation for that! 🤡

    • @JMM33RanMA
      @JMM33RanMA ปีที่แล้ว

      One cause of inflation is printing and issuing money, therefore the lamebrain cure is to take lots of money out of circulation. When the people complain, "we have no money and can't by bread!" They can use the Soviet version of "Let them eat cake!" I don't know whether the people of Belarus have a guillotine, but where there's a will, there's away! Отруби этому ублюдку голову!

    • @rogerdodger8415
      @rogerdodger8415 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@THEROOT1111 The difference is that with Belorussia, it affects their own people. With the EU, it affects Russia and Putin. BIG difference.

    • @Snoy_Fly
      @Snoy_Fly ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Ban empty shelves. Problem solved!😂

    • @rogerdodger8415
      @rogerdodger8415 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@THEROOT1111 Whoah there. You're a little confused. The EU ELECTED their politicians!
      Yukashenko STOLE his office as President. This wasn't the FIRST time that Putin tried to use oil and gas as a political weapon. The people of the EU will gladly freeze rather than to submit to the Putin boot! Now pay attention....
      The EU has a *temporary* problem with Russia. However, Russia has a *permanent* problem selling to the EU and the West. Once Putin is gone, which I expect will be in less than a year, you'll see Yukashenko go down the flusher as well. The EU has not spent ONE DAY of suffering since the invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, Putin has lost (pay attention now) HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dead, injured, and fleeing young men. If you can't see the difference, you need to work for the Kremlin!

    • @rogerdodger8415
      @rogerdodger8415 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@THEROOT1111 Putin's days are numbered. All around him their economy is in shambles. The most important asset they had, their young talent, has fled the country, while the remaining human flotsam is being put through an ammunition blender in the woods of Ukraine. Peasants in the countryside are left without a breadwinner, as are countless young Russian women that are bereft without hope of fostering the next generation. These calamities will not disappear in a month, a year, or even a decade. These cold months will be a distant memory for those of the European Union, while the chill it casts will haunt the Russians into the foreseeable future.

  • @ryhol5417
    @ryhol5417 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I would not want to jump in line to get attention from Ukraine right now. They’re kicking asses and taking names. They have space for that name

    • @terrystucker6433
      @terrystucker6433 ปีที่แล้ว

      Good luck with going at the US. Not gonna end well.

  • @twerkingfish4029
    @twerkingfish4029 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I doubt Belarus would do much because they’d get absolutely steamrolled, and if they stay out of it, the international community will probably let them be just to avoid further conflict.

  • @GordKapasky
    @GordKapasky ปีที่แล้ว

    Good shows. I must compliment your lighting, kinda perfect.

  • @notaspy1227
    @notaspy1227 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Belarus shouldn't. Lukashenko needs those soldiers so he doesn't get disposed.

  • @netiturtle
    @netiturtle ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Russian troops in Belarus are probably on multiprong mission. Create a perceived threat to Ukraine's northern border, assist in potential uprising, but also to avoid Lukashenko getting any unexpected thoughts

    • @ArchOfWinter
      @ArchOfWinter ปีที่แล้ว

      The only reason Putin would force Belarus to offer troop is if he's really desperate. Lukashenko would know that. He might order his military to turn on Russia if Putin demands troops. It would be a shortcut to lifting Western sanctions and for him to regain support at home. Russia can't fight a two front war if they need extra troops. Lukashenko can play victim and take a spin on why he let Putin use Belarus in the first place.

    • @mojewjewjew4420
      @mojewjewjew4420 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ArchOfWinter nah, it wont happen.

  • @YFun-ux5rs
    @YFun-ux5rs ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I think Belarus would make things worse for Russia lol. It's like Russia 2.0 but in the negative sense.

  • @fromduskuntodawn
    @fromduskuntodawn ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Banning inflation is the same as setting price caps, you just screw up the supply chain even more.

  • @TonyRome402
    @TonyRome402 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Belarus is surrounded by Nato allies Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. The lack of mobility would essentially render thier ground forces sitting ducks. Target practice for the Ukranian Army, even without the assistance of Nato.

  • @nachalnickk
    @nachalnickk ปีที่แล้ว +8

    If Russia cannot finish this war, then will Belarus take part in it? I think no. It will just give Russia its territory maybe to start reinvasion of Northern Ukraine. Otherwise, if Belarus starts war, there will be all conditions to join Belarus to Russia, because little country is much more weaker than big Russia

  • @aerial558
    @aerial558 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Excellent channel, very interesting? Many thanks for sharing your thoughts. I like your shirt👍

  • @test-rj2vl
    @test-rj2vl ปีที่แล้ว +4

    If I was belarusian top military commander, I would troll Lukashenko by agreeing to send army to the war but secretly telling entire army to surrender as soon as they have crossed the border and that helicopters an planes all should land on nearest ukrainian airfield. Would like to see Putin's and Lukashenko's face then.

    • @ivancho5854
      @ivancho5854 ปีที่แล้ว

      No, I'd seek asylum in Poland.

    • @test-rj2vl
      @test-rj2vl ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Just asylum alone is not good enough. Surrendering entire army to ukraine with out a single shot would allow ukrainians to use that equipment.

  • @kandyapple2210
    @kandyapple2210 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video. Your shirt is amazing.

  • @Phozz4
    @Phozz4 ปีที่แล้ว

    12:31 "Perfect, your guys will blend in perfectly with the VDV"

  • @jaccokoopman3349
    @jaccokoopman3349 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I would assume that it is a pro-active move to prevent a military coup. With the Russian army getting weaker and fully engaged in Ukraine, it would not be able to also fight a military coup when happened and that would also set back Putin in his ideology of the greater Russia. With creating a combined army (with untrained Russian conscripts) and changed communication lines, the Belarusian army becomes basically ineffective. That the combined army also oppose a ‘threat’ to Ukraine is a by-catch.

  • @johnkooy5327
    @johnkooy5327 ปีที่แล้ว

    one word for this report.....

  • @JonathanWrightSA
    @JonathanWrightSA ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Two Russian colleagues of a friend visited my country for a company retreat, and received their draft notices while here. They just didn't board the plane back to Russia and instead outright bought a house together 🤣

  • @dynamicascension981
    @dynamicascension981 ปีที่แล้ว

    thank you

  • @simonj8174
    @simonj8174 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    When a headline finishes in a question mark it means the answer is no and the question is just click bait

    • @jessefisher1809
      @jessefisher1809 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Pretty much but it was still a good video.

    • @thomsen256
      @thomsen256 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sure but i still want to know why

  • @I-am-awayTOM
    @I-am-awayTOM ปีที่แล้ว +25

    A hard working channel for sure. I'm wondering... how many man
    hours of research and production does each episode take?

    • @lv3609
      @lv3609 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ruptly is an offshoot of RT.

    • @lv3609
      @lv3609 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@y4lnux “They coowork with Visualpolitik (spanish channel) (…)”
      A lot of European political movements/parties have heavy political influence from Russia. Alas not only Europeans, but also Americans’ undercurrents in far-right, anarchism, and mostly Libertarianism.

    • @quartermaster1976
      @quartermaster1976 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Pentagon talking points

    • @quartermaster1976
      @quartermaster1976 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@lv3609 They have an honest antiwar stance as they were against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. Nation building regime change Wars

  • @michaelsimarmata5880
    @michaelsimarmata5880 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Belarus does not need to deploy its troops into Ukraine
    They can just simply sit on the border and bark as loud as possible
    Thus achieving their goal of keeping some of Ukraine's military strength on the North.

  • @JMM33RanMA
    @JMM33RanMA ปีที่แล้ว +2

    His name, in truth, is Kukla-shenko, when he speaks and moves it's by Putin's hand at his back.

  • @Kynos1
    @Kynos1 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Ukraine could temporarily "gift" the area adjoining the Belarus border to the USA for the duration of the war, so Lukashenko doesn't get any ideas and Ukraine can commit their troops somewhere else.

    • @foxymetroid
      @foxymetroid ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I think Denmark did something similar in WWII, temporarily giving Greenland to the US, though that was mostly to prevent the Germans from getting Greenland too. I could be thinking of somewhere else, though.

    • @JorgeMartinez-ez1jl
      @JorgeMartinez-ez1jl ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Or just make Ukraine the 51st state. jk.

    • @artman12
      @artman12 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It could be like how Canada temporarily made a hospital room the territory of the Netherlands so that the princess could be born as a Dutch citizen.

    • @robertharper3754
      @robertharper3754 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@JorgeMartinez-ez1jl, I am normally against adding anymore states to this country, but what you suggest is something I would be quite happy to vote for!
      Frankly, I am ashamed of my country, the USA, for many MANY things, but with how few Ukrainians we've let into this country with refugee status is sickening! Many have had to go to Mexico to try and get across our porous border, yet most of the Ukrainians were detained upon crossing the border. Last I checked there isn't a war going on anywhere in central or south america, yet many of the people from all those countries come to our border and get refugee status, it makes a mockery of not only our immigration laws, but our refugee system.

    • @dbs555
      @dbs555 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ah, the old 51st state trick. I like the way you think.

  • @katitadeb
    @katitadeb ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Putin and Lukashenko are literally Hitler and Mussolini, if Belarussians join the ear they'll only be a pain for Russia 😂😂😂

    • @sticks_studiosHQ
      @sticks_studiosHQ ปีที่แล้ว

      Dude simps Putin

    • @militaristaustrian
      @militaristaustrian ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Have you ever opend a history book?

    • @ricardomesquita8167
      @ricardomesquita8167 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      hitler and mussolini? seems legit...
      though, the only ones using nazi insignia and worshipping nazis are the ukraine gov

  • @pro-libertatibus
    @pro-libertatibus ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Join Pooti's failing war? Nah! Lukashenko will continue to strut along the fence.

    • @RandomGuy9
      @RandomGuy9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He wouldn't survive a war. His generals are not as "loyal" and patient as Russians.

    • @pro-libertatibus
      @pro-libertatibus ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RandomGuy9 Even more important, his troops are probably even less motivated than the hapless orcs who are being slaughtered in Pooti's ztupid war.

    • @pro-libertatibus
      @pro-libertatibus ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RandomGuy9 That sounds good.

  • @MichaelJFroelich
    @MichaelJFroelich ปีที่แล้ว

    11:00 reduced spending actually sounds like a good thing... That's a huge leap of faith though

  • @alexeysaphonov232
    @alexeysaphonov232 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    When you hear the minister of defence of lukashenko (lukashenko isn't a legitimate and supported by Belarus people president since at least 2020) you must know that his name is Hrenin and Hren' in russian isn't just a plant but word meaning "bullshit", so in Belarus we are laughing from every single hrenin's appeal.

  • @dutchymon
    @dutchymon ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It looks like Lukashenko is going to let Putin's Ukraine problem be Russia's, he will choose peace with neighbors and neutrality, He recently congratulated Ukrainians on their Aug 24 independence from Russia day, he also said it does not bother Belarus one bit whether Ukraine joins NATO.

  • @Shinzon23
    @Shinzon23 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It would be amusing to watch them try

  • @williamsullivan3702
    @williamsullivan3702 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    that might expedite arms shipments actually

  • @KyleSSamuelson
    @KyleSSamuelson ปีที่แล้ว +1

    1:36 the song I’ve been looking for. What’s the name??

  • @jamesbohlman4297
    @jamesbohlman4297 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Kelptocracy and military prowess are mutually exclusive of each other.

  • @averymackey2966
    @averymackey2966 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's the same theme as VGG! Nice!

  • @oo-kt6nf
    @oo-kt6nf ปีที่แล้ว

    13.19 the guy really said "Minks" instead of Minsk 😂

  • @justingoh1471
    @justingoh1471 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sick video dude! But... is the thumbnail a Tiger tank with a Soviet flag behind..?

  • @rainieresguerra4780
    @rainieresguerra4780 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Lukashenko is crazy about power but he is not insane.
    He knows that invading Ukraine will ultimately lead to his downfall.

  • @joseelempecinao89
    @joseelempecinao89 ปีที่แล้ว

    I do remember from my times as an officer trainee in the army, always to be tough not to reinforce failure. I don't know where russian generals have been trained.

  • @tilapiadave3234
    @tilapiadave3234 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Belarus would be CRAZY to attempt that ,, Poland would become involved and Poland would wipe the floor with them

  • @randomcommenteronyoutube1055
    @randomcommenteronyoutube1055 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This isn't even a bullet. It would be the diplomatic equivalent of Russia shooting one of its boomerang missiles at Ukraine.

  • @DaedaliusRE
    @DaedaliusRE ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why does Lukaschenko still support Putin? Because the former said he would make little Luki a colonel in the army. I can still remember how big and prideful his eyes became when he legit said that in an interview. Like a little kid about to open his Christmas presents.

  • @yobyaxestheanti-mgtow2700
    @yobyaxestheanti-mgtow2700 ปีที่แล้ว

    6:03 Anyone know where that music is from?

  • @parrotletsrunearth1173
    @parrotletsrunearth1173 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If Belarus does invade, they should be open game for a Ukranian counter invasion.

    • @sandymilne224
      @sandymilne224 ปีที่แล้ว

      Agreed. Could Ukraine attack and roll right through to Minsk and to the border with Russia? Lukashenko could flee to Russia and Ukraine could declare that they have ‘liberated’ Belarus and freed the people. 😃

  • @jonaslapinas3648
    @jonaslapinas3648 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I think it's worth adding that Lukashenko also turned to Putin to compensate for the Western sanctions that followed the domestic repressions in Belarus. Which raises some very interesting dillemas. Were we in the West actually wrong to sanction Belarus? Did we not see this coming as a result? I would love to hear VisualPolitik's take on this.

    • @FuriousImp
      @FuriousImp ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Nah. Chicken and egg. He has showed his autocratic insanity long before the war started and deserves to be put on the naughty bench.

    • @jonaslapinas3648
      @jonaslapinas3648 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@FuriousImp I also obviously think he deserves it, especially after the full-scale invasion. It just seems that sanctioning belarus made russia stronger. Can't deny that as a result, they were able to attack Ukraine from the North.

    • @elbruces
      @elbruces ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jonaslapinas3648 "Maybe they wouldn't have been mean to us if we were nicer to them" doesn't work with dictators.

    • @jonaslapinas3648
      @jonaslapinas3648 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@elbruces I couldn't agree more. I don't think you understand my logic. What happened: 1) Belarus trades with the West and avoids a union state with russia. 2) Belarus gets sanctioned (for good reason obviously) and stops trading with the West. 3) Belarus needs to compensate for the sanctions and turns to the obvious choice - putin. 4) Both countries create a union state which allows russia to invade Ukraine from all sides. 5) putin decides to launch a full-scale invasion on Ukraine.
      Is it not reasonable to question that if we manipulated Lukashenko instead, things could've been different? I don't know the answer to that question. But some people were speaking about this back when the repressions in belarus broke out over a year ago.

    • @jonaslapinas3648
      @jonaslapinas3648 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@elbruces As an analogy - throw Hungary out of NATO and the EU. Where would they go?

  • @Shadow-Banned-Conservative
    @Shadow-Banned-Conservative ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I really wouldn't be surprised if Belarus joins in.

  • @jaydenclowers2616
    @jaydenclowers2616 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Belarus could provide a distraction to divide Ukrainian forces so Putin can focus.

  • @ycplum7062
    @ycplum7062 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I wonder if the 9,000 Russian troops are in Belarus to prop up Lukashenka or to overthrow him if the opportunity arises.
    Maybe a bit of both. LOL

  • @danielgarciainfante4138
    @danielgarciainfante4138 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The aspect that we are talking about the posibility to this country thinking about joining the war is enough to understand that russian aspirations are really bad and they dont have a better way to resolve all of these problems, Putin is the main prisioner of the war that he started.

  • @dylreesYT
    @dylreesYT ปีที่แล้ว

    The video starts with the word “of”, I feel like something is moving

  • @fromduskuntodawn
    @fromduskuntodawn ปีที่แล้ว

    I think Luka needs a bigger hat. I mean, gotta bump those hat sizes up, that’s a rookie dictator hat.

  • @mdev3987
    @mdev3987 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I see only two scenarios with both Lukashenko and Putin. They fail and get overthrown or nato getting involved and potential nuclear war.

    • @joecurry382
      @joecurry382 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's 3 options you splayed out

    • @dant.3505
      @dant.3505 ปีที่แล้ว

      NATO would steamroll Russian military. NATO would end Putin and his terrorists regime along with his oligarch goons.

  • @jeffreydavis9757
    @jeffreydavis9757 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What's the name of this song?

  • @cooley987
    @cooley987 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Does the ground need more fertilizer?

  • @timothymckenney5023
    @timothymckenney5023 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The only reason they are friends is because they bolder each other and Belulus did not want Putin to take any of his land

  • @Mad-Mo
    @Mad-Mo ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great Channel ….

  • @bigmac201
    @bigmac201 ปีที่แล้ว

    One of the main reasons Lukanshenko got in to power was a promise not to go to war. 1 in 3 Belrussians died in the previous war and it is a strong fear the people there have that this is not repeated.. Lu La Lukanshenko knows this and he's already playing a tightrope, with so very little chance of Belrussians being pulled into this on a mass scale.

  • @tolic14ever
    @tolic14ever ปีที่แล้ว

    Where is the link to visual economics?

  • @Jukilady
    @Jukilady ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What makes Lukerschenko think Putin won’t make his country next on his agenda

  • @bemusedpanda8875
    @bemusedpanda8875 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Tiger tank in the thumbnail looks kinda sus

  • @benlamprecht6414
    @benlamprecht6414 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for yet another excellent video. It might be a bit risky moving one's army far away into Ukraine, if they are essential for one's political survival, given that one has only the support of 25% of the population. This risk of such a popular defiance materialized soon after Russia's attack on Ukraine, where the railways between Belarus and Ukraine were sabotaged, probably by the Ukrainian railway workers who disagreed about hostilities between Belarus and Ukraine. There are also Belarussians in the Ukrainian army fighting the Russians

  • @cheatinc
    @cheatinc ปีที่แล้ว

    for some reason Belarus reminds me of Tropico but with Eastern European country.

  • @hermes667
    @hermes667 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That Lukaschenko-guy must tell his inflation trick to Erdogan. XD

  • @boulderbash19700209
    @boulderbash19700209 ปีที่แล้ว

    He should read "4000 Years Of Price Control".

  • @ql5132
    @ql5132 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is that a Tiger Tank on the thumbnail?

  • @freetolook3727
    @freetolook3727 ปีที่แล้ว

    VisualEconomik is in Spanish with no English subtitles.
    How do you expect us to watch that?

  • @fuzzyhair321
    @fuzzyhair321 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Belarus invaded and the soldiers then defected to Ukraine wouldn't that be hilarious

  • @philippegilson
    @philippegilson ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hello !
    Could peace and respect overcome greed and lust for power ? I doubt it. Oligarchs could be erased, but there are more candidates ready to replace them. If we want peace, equality and respect we must eliminate pride, lust and hate. Insulting the opponent is so low. Rise instead lowering the others.
    Phil, Belgium. Peace.

    @LONE_WOLF_GANG ปีที่แล้ว +3

    He said I'd rather be a dictator than be gay shows what's his ultimate phobia, and phobia can weigh heavily on the mind. Poor guy, must be tough fighting all those gay demons in his head.

    • @JaKingScomez
      @JaKingScomez ปีที่แล้ว

      Thats rude not even one needs to be pro gay

    • @johnkooy5327
      @johnkooy5327 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @horstnietzsche1923
    @horstnietzsche1923 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "it's better to be a dictator then to be gay" I'm sure this guy mistreats gay people and that's terrible but that no context quote killed me.

    • @johnkooy5327
      @johnkooy5327 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sorry man!...........
      This comment had me rolling over the floor laughing!

    • @yarem4uk.r
      @yarem4uk.r ปีที่แล้ว

      In general, yes, they can kill

  • @Joe-bm4wx
    @Joe-bm4wx ปีที่แล้ว

    Skip to 5:04 to get to the discussion.

  • @gromm93
    @gromm93 ปีที่แล้ว

    Heh. The second to last bullet, eh?
    Are they reserving their last bullet for themselves?

  • @YouTubeGlobalAdminstrator
    @YouTubeGlobalAdminstrator ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Let's hope Putin gets a coup.

  • @thomasridley8675
    @thomasridley8675 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Putin has made all those other ex-soviet states very nervous.

  • @OperationNonsense
    @OperationNonsense ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If I hear one more TH-camr shilling for master works and their fake waiting list desperately trying to hype up failing sign up rate, I am going to throw up. “There are so many people lining up to throw up, we have a long waiting list for toilets. But if you click any one of a billion referral links, you get to have your own toilet immediately and throw up right away!”

  • @breadbasket2512
    @breadbasket2512 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If Belorussia enters the war then Poland should join the war in alliance with Ukraine..

    • @mil3k
      @mil3k ปีที่แล้ว

      Hahahaha, no way mate. To give an excuse for French and German to reject usage of article 5. I smell Russian wraps!

  • @sH-ed5yf
    @sH-ed5yf ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice new hair style.

  • @fredmidtgaard5487
    @fredmidtgaard5487 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The northern border is used by Ukraine as a training area so there are 3-4 times more Ukrainians there than the combined Belarussian-Russian force. Ukraine says that they are welcome to attack.

  • @glenncoldicott1040
    @glenncoldicott1040 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I expect Belarus will just bleed itself dry of equipment, troops and warfare machinery etc in loaning and ‘enforced loans’ to Russia until they have little left and then Russia will about face and take over Belarus in an emergency operation due to potential attacks from Poland. Then they may finally have another front to attack Ukraine.

    • @johnboddie6826
      @johnboddie6826 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What we all fear is Belarus "accidently" engaging the Polish military just kilometers away from their borders. The West and NATO supplies are routed through Poland. Anytime you have to access drones from Iran and military equipment from Belarus you're losing militarily. So you commit war crimes to try to force Ukrainians to surrender or negoiate a cease fire. Then you wage a full scale war while your enemy's army is being withdrawn. Only the Ukrainians refuse to surrender. Live under Russian occupation and oppression or fight in the streets for your freedom and survival. That's the choice. Then what about the atrocities and martyrs of Bucha and Mariupol? Are we going to just allow their executoners to remain free and unprosecuted?

  • @MrRezillo
    @MrRezillo ปีที่แล้ว

    I wish I had a big old officer's cap like Lukashenko is wearing; Halloween time in the U.S.

  • @ger13nunyah56
    @ger13nunyah56 ปีที่แล้ว

    It’s complicated

  • @jstoned88
    @jstoned88 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why did you put a tiger tank on the thumbnail lol

  • @endless2239
    @endless2239 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    invade Ukraine? through the pripet? during winter? I mean, not sure why they'd enter the war in hard mode but.... ok?

  • @satishbmsce
    @satishbmsce ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice hat

  • @jonson856
    @jonson856 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "its better to be a dictator than gay" - lukashenko.
    Tell me you are gay without telling me you are gay 😂