I wonder if one could purchase these fasteners from you? The rivets and the nifty self-tappers with the covers? I plan to look at your website and possibly reach out to you.
Buy them here. www.commercialvanshelving.com/shop-by-vehicle/promaster/wall-liners/vanliner-3-16-plastic-wall-paneling-promaster/?sku=601D2WL&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwLKFBhDPARIsAPzPi-J0S-2v2jrXnGRZKgEeCt57dLAETXkd6yLMIj4WAYr5IUWwlO-NyaIaAslsEALw_wcB
I wonder if one could purchase these fasteners from you? The rivets and the nifty self-tappers with the covers? I plan to look at your website and possibly reach out to you.
What is the wall liner made of?
Hello there please tell us how and where can we order those walls including those ceilings? Thank you
Buy them here.
These liners are great but very expensive.