As a black girl, I get that the n-word has a negative historical connotation, however I’m over the outrage. Ninja was singing it in a song and his usage of the word was not negative or disparaging. I’m moving on. Now as a black girl I appreciate Phil getting a little gansta by delivering that DMX joke lol
You do realize that that "as a black blank" is a meme right. Lmfao you are nothing but the token, that's why you have so many likes because you mentioned you are black. I could care less if he said it but the problem was nigga wasnt even in the song. As a black man this was a stupid ass comment.
As a black dude, I genuinely don't care. Like, if you are singing a song or rapping then who cares? Context matters so much, and this is a prime example. Ninja didn't use it in a hateful derogatory way, and shouldn't be persecuted as if he did. I feel like some people just sit around waiting for someone famous to fuck up just to validate themselves.
I didn't even hear ninja say the word. To me, it sounded like he was just spouting gibberish. Regardless, I think his apology was great and very professional. He's a very good dude that deserves what he has. I think people are just upset that hes making it in a world where it is very hard to be relevant, so they want to break him down.
He definitely said it, but the context in which he said it is being completely ignored in favor of he "RAAAACIIIIIIIIIIIST" narrative. Dude was rapping, and it's a word commonly used in rap. So, apparently, if you rap, but aren't a person of color, you can't use that particular word. It's all rather absurd.
To me personally, it sounded like Ninja was just singing gibberish. I actually had to relisten to the clip because I didn't even hear the N-word the first time. So I believe 100% this was a slipup and don't see any reason to be outraged by this.
He literally didn't even say it. The line from the song is "smoking on indica", if people literally spent 5 seconds looking up the actual lyrics they would realise that they were mishearing what he said. Fucking outrage culture man.
I personally have never watched Ninja's content or anything to do with him, but I just have to defend him here because I couldn't even hear the word in that clip you played.
he admitted it because he doesnt want t his controversy to blow up in his face, obviously. he definetly sounds like he's just stumbled at the worst possible moment and i'm saying that as someone who fucking hates the fortnite twitch community.
I’m black and I’m 16. I’m all about trying to take the negative connotation out of the “N-word”. Personally I think the word doesn’t carry the same weight that it used to. It’s 2018. Things are changing. It’s gonna take time but hopefully people can start to treat it as any other word in the future. Now on the topic of ninja, it’s pretty obvious that he didn’t even mean to say the word. I’m sure nadeshot noticed that as well. Ninja gave a very good apology and I think he should be forgiven by those that were offended.
HAvoc Take the term back! I'm for taking the negative connotation out of all racial terms. It's kind of Orwellian but I'm all for positively changing the cultural and ending racism by changing the language.
HAvoc we can’t take the pain out of that word cause if we do and everyone just starts saying outright if there is no fear when they speak it then there will be power in it, the same power it had all those years ago. when we as african americans say nigga we know we mean friend or brother but when white man says nigga u know theres a double meaning
Minority Nomad he was repeating a rap song... if the word is in a song and he’s repeating that song because he likes the song and it’s played on the radio and stuff I don’t see a problem.
white people beating themselves up over a word that was hardly audible. I say no big deal. Stop being so super sensitive. If it is not used to describe someone or put someone down it does not matter. Context matters
I agree. The fact that he was actually attacked for this is so incredibly stupid. He wasn't attacking anybody with it and it doesn't change that he's an inviting streamer who makes his viewers feel welcome.
Sierra Evans lol oh those were like a luxury to us. Because there were so many noodles, we would each manage to get a little. We'd have to guard the Easy Mac though, to make sure nobody managed to abuse the Easy Mac honor system. If anyone did, their life would be hell for a solid month. Happened 3 times that I remember over a 4 year period.
Have you not heard? Context does not matter. Just look at the Nazi pug dude. Chaps going to prison for a Joke and now had a record for "being a racist and anti-Semitic".
Camera Man he didn't say he was pro racism at all bro! He said he didn't hear it and due to that it doesn't bother him. People of the black community should be immensely proud that the N word is now a term of endearment rather than a derogatory term amongst the masses. I see the N word as a celebratory word nowadays as it had disgusting implications before... but now the black people of our planet have turned that negative word into a highly positive one.. That even the white skinned people have taken on and agree with!!!! The N word should be used EVEN MORE by both black and white people due to how the black community have made the N word a highly positive word ☺
So far everybody I’ve seen that is offended by him saying nigga is not black, I personally think that he was just saying random shit (he was drunk) bc he forgot the words to the song and it just happened to sound like nigga... as a black man everybody is blowing this out of proportion
Jhay Monroe What I hate today with us white people, is that we see minorities as defenceless souls who needs us to help them and feel offended for them. I think that itself is pretty discriminating against minorities. I know feminists tries to speak for me as a woman, but I don’t want them to do so. I have my own voice and I can defend myself. I hate it when people say that I’m so oppressed by men that I don’t even realise it, which is pure bullshit. Therefor I do my very best to never speak for anyone. Not even for my own race or gender.
I agree. I remember that some girl was super angry about a video in which the youtube said "colored women"...and was saying it was racist and real African-Americans and Latinos told her that we are all cool with "women of color or colored", and she kept saying it was offensive. Like, stop getting offended for my sake!!
Black here. I couldn't care less about use of "nigga". A. It's not a hard R. B. as you said, context matters. At this point, I feel white people are more offended by other white people saying nigga than black people are (There is the vocal minority, but as someone who has grown up in several black communities, I promise, most people actually don't fucking care).
LilT2o00 it's the 21st century where people love to get offended for others 😂 Im Mexican and I say the word all the time yet no one bats an eye because of where I grew up but when one white person says it, bam, internet goes crazy
Yeah, it's pretty much anyone but white people. Even the Asians in my school would say nigga all the time (we had a lot of "hood" asians in our high school)
I’m an Army vet of two tours in Iraq, I think just changing the man at the top won’t solve the VA’s problems. As I have seen the speed and quality of VA care is wildly inconsistent depending on were you are. I don’t believe privatization is the solution but change is definitely needed.
I don't think it's ridiculous that he had to apologize. He misspoke and anytime you are unclear with your intentions and motives, you should take a moment to set the record straight.
How crazy is it that in today's modern progressive society, we still have that *ONE* word that can potentially end a career if even mumbled by someone of the "wrong" skin color, regardless of context. Edit: No hate >:3
It's one word with a lot behind it. There's lots of things that can get you fired, many of which involve racism, and this is no exception. Whether it's one word or 100, racism is racism and should absolutely not be tolerated.
except that a whole flipping industry uses the word 24/7. As a foreigner I find it pathetic that people are so pedantic about it when certain skin-colored people use it on a song, the same way other artists use it in every other sentence. Even when doing covers, it's ridiculous. Just my opinion, but context should matter.
I mean there's a whole host of racial slurs that could end most careers - the n-word is just the most frequently used one. Someone just got put in jail in SA for two years for calling someone a racial slur there I've never heard of.
Veteran here, Long time listener, first time caller. I have tried to work with my local VA for Health care, but never made it farther than the initial call to receive the paperwork I need to fill out. The first time I called they never sent the packet, the next time I Called, the person I connected with didn't have any interest in helping me and I felt like he was short and rude. After my experience on the phone and hearing about my fellow veterans receiving poor care, my sister who works in a hospital in the billing department, saying they drag their feet on paying bills, I opted to get healthcare through the state. I have very little faith in the VA and imagine anything is better than what they are doing now.
I'm a vet, and have used the VA for almost a decade now. The most important thing is to not think of all VA hospitals as the same. The system as a whole is not broken, but several hospitals are broken, and it is a past failure of leadership. Getting those broken hospitals healthy is a difficult task with how entrenched some of the bad actors are, and how bad the culture is at those locations. There is a lot of house cleaning needed. I have been happy with my VA coverage. There could be some improvements made, its not perfect, but I am overall satisfied. The best thing is that all of the resources are in the same building.
A lot of reasons. Media loves stories that trigger any kind of back lash because they get a lot of attention so the media is constantly exploiting those kinds of stories as much as possible. On top of that, getting triggered makes people feel good about themselves. They think they're a good person and they're doing the right thing by being mad at things, it gives them a dopamine rush when they think they're better than someone else and someone else did something wrong. Lastly, because it makes people feel like they're fitting in. Being mad about something is a really easy way to get attention and have a bunch of other people agree with you so people feel like they're apart of something when they go online and bitch about stupid things.
Lol that's the most harmless least offensive use of the word I've ever failed to actually hear within such a fast song. Intent is all that matters when judging something like this, if he was reading Huckleberry fin and said it crystal clear because it's in the book, that would be fine too. Even PewDiePie's situation (while way worse) wasn't a big deal imo because it wasn't used in an especially hateful way, it slipped out and then he corrected himself right after. Either the word is free for all and judged on context or nobody should use it, personally I think option 1 is better because it lowers it's power.
Eileen the Crow They don't want to listen, only hear. Honest conversation means we open ourselves up, and that can be difficult. Much easier to shut each other down and not explore others and ourselves through dialogue.
I have no earthly clue who Ninja is so I'm impartial to any outrage against him. But I've listened to that clip 4 times now and I don't hear the n-word or even one word of English anywhere in that clip.
i feel like phil censored out the n-word, which kind of makes the whole clip useless. but if this really is the uncensored clip, then i cant hear it either
Me: "15 kids?.... How?" DMX: "There was Brenda, LaTisha, Linda, Felicia Dawn, LeShaun, Ines, and Alicia Teresa, Monica, Sharron, Nicki Lisa, Veronica, Karen, Vicky Cookie, well, I met her in a ice cream parlor-" Me: "ok ok!... I get it... That was 17 women though...." DMX: ".... There also were like, 3 Kims..." 😶😶😶😶😶
I mean, most rap has the word in it, can't blame the guy for thinking it did . Frankly, if ya want people to stop using the damn thing, stop saying it...
Agreed, the word holds virtually no power anymore. Only those stuck in the past think the word is still "active". Context matters, and since black people do use the word basically as a switch up of "friend", there's absolutely no reason to follow suit when a single desperate person gets offended. As a side thought, in this day and age, I really don't get why we give so much attention to those that get offended by things on the Internet.
The Ninja thing is idiotic. I had to listen back to the clip about 4 times before I could hear it. He stammered, he didn't even actually say it. Yet people are furious. It's incredibly childish.
he didn't say it at anyone and definitely didn't use the hard er. homie was rapping and got tongue tied let him have some room to air his nuts. he apologized stop being so sensitive.
Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.
lets be fair now, that thing sucks but they have a developing oil industry, a fairly self sustaining economy, and waaaaaaaaaay better healthcare than us in the states.
kieran cadoreth ahh, but do they have the lovely accent? Look I'm not defending that, its bullshit, but I think theres more to the country than a decision i disagree with that might still be overturned and all but certainly will lead to legislation
On the university embezzlement story: I didn't know this kind of thing was illegal mostly because it's a fairly common practice where I'm from. I knew of at least two people who literally made money from aid and scholarships by just going to class including an (ex)boyfriend. And here's the real kicker: my ex did not have a job, he never brought any books to class and never took any notes. He just showed up to classes he thought would be interesting and consistently flunked them, all while putting away an extra thousand dollars in the bank each semester. Honestly I am so happy to find out that this is not okay because it always seemed like a gross misuse of aid that could have been shared with others who would actually care about education.
Rachel Lee same I too am one of those people who get paid about 1000 dollars a semester for just being in school... however I labeled myself as low income (which I am) so I usually use the extra 1000 a semester to live off of and do so VERY comfortably without having to work at all to focus on my studies. Despite this I’m from Louisiana and they have a TOPS program which overlaps with financial aid (TOPS coming from a 3rd party and not tax payer money) so if you do get TOPS AND financial aid and go to a very cheep college you get all surplus tops money as well as all financial aid. Which can be anywhere from 1000-2000 a semester for just going to school
Yeah, most who have their whole tuition payed for by the school (including me) end up with about 1000 left over, at least half of this usually ends up going to buying books and the rest, for me at least, goes to paying for extra expenses that classes have. Ex: a drama class I went to required us to go to a bunch of plays throughout the semester which would have gotten expensive (I dropped that class though lol)
Lol he was trying to say “indica” but he was singing fast and he screwed it up lol😂. I listen to that song and I know it’s not in the song and also I had to watch the clip over and over like 10 times before I realized when he said it
Tanin Moores the exact lyrics are “in the cuts, smoking on idica” and he was drunk. if you’ve heard the song you know logic is going very fast. seems like an honest mistake.
If people are actually counting Tyler blabbering a bunch of random words, him saying the "N" word then the world has gone mad. I'm a black guy and frankly it doesn't materr but I'll state it here, but this is just total BS. He was literally blabbering! He wasn't saying any word or any thing just blabbering and I think the rhythm was to a Logic song but he was blabbering.
I think the people affected by the word should be the ones in control of how they feel know.....its literally about them and can only affect them.
But you don’t know he “isn’t harming anyone”. Just because it doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect someone else. Empathy is important, especially because the harsh use of the n-word has and is still in use. Also, “moving on” from history, painful at that, is scary to hear. Appreciate your opinion but thought I would add my 5 cents.
I find the whole "n-word" thing absolutely ridiculous and hypocritical. Mass-idiocy at its best. If you don't think a word should be used, you don't sing/rap it. The end.
C Anderson Hypocricy, judging a term based on who says it is racism and it goes against the foundation of our civilization. Yes, "freedom for all" was f-ed up in the USA of the past with slavery, every sane person agrees. Doesn't mean we should keep dividing people as compensation. Let's all live by the same standards, let's be better.
As a vet who recieves care from the VA I have to say it has improved a great deal over the past 10 years. It isn't what I would call great but it has greatly improved. As for the new apointee I don't have an opinion. I don't like people replacing somone who is doing good with somone unproven but I don't know enough about either of them to say more.
That first story though... The white guilt was strong with that one... I honest don't see why someone should not be able to say something because it might hurt someone's feelings. He was singing a song. And even if he wasn't I still think you should be allowed to use the N-word regardless of race because if my fellow black people can do it then why can't my white friends do it? So what if a few hundred years ago it was an insult. That was then. This is now. Yes it is important that people get the context of the word but I'll be damned if someone ever told me I'm not allowed to exercise my freedom of speech because someone thought my diction was offensive.
*please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks mvmnt is over priced for college students lol,its costs the same amount as a armani exchange watch .. o.o*
I could care less who uses the N-word nowadays. Everyone uses it so it's ridiculous to create an uproar about it cause you could do the same thing for rappers or whoever. Plus, his apology(whether it was ghostwritten or not) was a good one so people should relax.
Segun Oriola it’s kind of like Idubbz’s way of thinking. It’s either all bad words are okay, or none of them are. We can’t hold one word to such high standards but all the others be either not as controversial or terrible to use. Now I don’t mean I’m gonna go around using every cuss under the sun but I do agree with his mindset.
I feel like Ninja didn't even know he said the word! It was not aimed at anyone he was just trying to rap and couldn't really rap lol! I've had the word aimed at me before and this is not like that.
I personally don't say the word itself because I've seen it shut down conversation immediately. So while I do personally think it is immensely dumb how entrenched it is, for now I shall abide for the sake of civility and for the conversation to continue.
I think he was wrong to say the word as it has such meaning behind it but I thought his apology was lovely and he didn’t intend it to hurt anyone s we should just move on. What’s your opinion?
Alice Bell it was my understanding that if you say it with an A it's ok-ish, depending on who you're talking to. Also, bonus points for using it in a rap song, not just outright. And if you say it with an R, it's a no no :)
James acasters special is AMAZING. He may be my new favorite comedian. I feel like it’s hard to be creative as a comedian these days, but he did it! Love it.
This is like a more educated version of dramaalert lol your videos are awesome man very informative without any bs (apart from the plugs lol) best news TH-camr by far big love from the UK :)
Truth is people these days are so used to hearing the N word on TV and in music, the negatives have effectively been taking away. You cannot expect young people of certain races not to use it when they idolise celebs and singers that frequently use it in songs, tv and in interviews. White and Asian people from the 90s+ have heard the world an associate it with being cool. Don't want people to say it?? Stop putting it in songs 24/7! Black people have successfully changed the words meaning among the youth but some don't realise it! The meaning of worlds change and the N word in popular culture has a different meaning than the one used in the 1950s!
If only the world was so black and white (no pun intended). Unfortunately when you're past 16 years old you realize there are complex issues which aren't solved by blanket rules.
Why are we giving the word so much power? It's every other race but black being offended by this word. Yes I know the word was made to be racist and negative towards black people in the past. But it's the past if literally 99% or more blacks have moved on from it being racist and discriminative, why can't we? My standpoint is it's ok to use the word if it's not being used in a harmful way that's all. If we really wanna end racism, we can start by seeing that word like any other word to address someone. Take the meaning of it away.
Gabriel Torres I don't necessarily get offended by it because I just see it as people who use it as dumb but younger kids who are black may not see it the same way and feel some type of way about it. It is not that people are giving the word power but that the word has a very dark deep history behind it. Besides he didn't use the hard R one so it really doesn't matter to black people.
Because it helps their victim cause. It makes it seem like they have racism against them when in reality it's sooooo rare. There are no many people that are legit racist against black people. It's parts of black culture that people hate and they use the word black to describe it. Same when someone says "That's so white". Well wtf does that mean because there's tons of cultures.
teamhex because being enslaved for three hundred years, then being segregated for 80 years, THEN being killed while being unarmed and not resisting arrest is us playing the victim card.
teamhex are you black? If not... How can you speak on racism about a race you are not... And if you are black just because you haven't experienced racism doesn't mean other blacks haven't... THE MORE YOU KNOW 😀
The amount of times the N-word is said in raps by black rappers and other influencial people. not only in raps but in everyday life then expecting white people to not say it while you are making it seem like its the most normal thing to do. This whole Ninja story right now is a perfect example of it. He obviously doesnt see a difference in race and skin colour and didnt use it in a bad way but then there are people drawing a line to what one race can do and what the other race cant do. We want equality but in the mean time we are setting boundries everywhere.
Ninja did the right thing, his apology seems genuine and he covered every aspect of the issue. It seemed like a harmless mistake but ffs those of you who never had to deal with being on the opposite end of that word being used in a negative context, shut up about "it's not a big deal".
LostWanderingSoull it’s honestly not a big deal the way he used it was the most harmless way I’ve ever heard it used stop wanting to be a victim about everything
Then why do black people use the word if it's such a big deal? I didn't hear any controversy over Drake using the word on Ninja's live stream. Plus, there's slavery going on in other countries and we're fighting over a stupid word. Good job, people. You're pathetic.
Jake38nine This dynamic exists because the N-word was used to ostracize and oppress Black people. So by claiming the word that has been, and is used in a derogatory way, it becomes impowering. Also inregards to your slavery comment, slavery still occurs in practically every country. It is called human trafficking, the industry is alive and well. And this fact doesn't change the fact that English and Americans forced Africans on a boat and shipped them to their countries to be their slaves. Sentencing a group of people to Lifetimes of slavery, and Lifetimes if discrimination hereafter. So next time you want to call someone pathetic for making a diplomatic and respectful point in the conversation, try to remember the context behind the word(s).
Did he even say it, or mumble something that sounds to some people like it? I can't even hear it, just sounds like a mess of syllables as he trips over his words where he supposedly said it to me. =/
Yeah I listened twice couldn’t here it and decided I don’t actually care it’s a word get over it, Black people say it all the time, it’s in songs, it’s inherently racist to say that someone can’t say a word because of the colour of there skin, context matters
Seriously? The dude fumbled into some gibberish while rapping and some pathetic snowflakes got triggered when they heard something that barely even sounded like a racial slur. One that even if he did say it clearly and with full intent would not have been used in a hateful manner in the context. People are REALLY stretching with this one.
Exactly! Now that I know what the title means. (This old lady has no clue as to who this kid is.... or Twitch, for that matter.) Alternatively, I read the title and thought "oh crap - I have to stop saying "ninja please". I probably should quit it any how.
Please give me a like Thank you omg, you’re white and you said the n word!!! lose your job! Lose everything you have Rn!!!! you should get all the hate in the world!! You’re going to be on news outlets for saying this omg!!! #sarcasmintended
Chris Richfield at the end of the day people can say wtf they want but don't expect people to not get offended and not to take action 🤷♀️... Aka (ass beat)
he sounds like he is rapping? im always up for freedom of expresion and dont think he is racist. we give words alot of power and at the end of the day he wasnt yelling it at some random people was it wrong yeah but lets cool it a bit with this crap
Everyday I see more and more of the dad side jokes coming from Phil. As someone who had a dad do the same bad jokes I appreciate it but part of me is reminded of those jokes my dad tells
I didn’t not hear that guy say nigga at all what the fuck? Like I have no idea who this guy is so I’m pretty biased, but honestly did not hear him say that word at all. I literally went back and listen to the clip like three times
The point isn’t if you heard it or not. The point is the people still getting offended by someone just pronouncing the damn word, which is fucking nuts. As many stated anyone should be able to say any word regardless of skin color. The simple idea of the opposite is racist because you’re excluding someone from doing something based on their skin color and origin. If you get offended by the word you need to grow the fuck up and stop being a nigga. (Not YOU personally, I mean it in general, and yes I’m saying it to prove a point)
I'm not black but I see this as very different from other scandals because it sounds like he wasn't intending to say the slur, and the apology sounds sincere.
Lmao at the people saying he didn't say it. He said it. Admitted he said it and apologized for saying it. Yes, he mumbled his way through that improv rap, that doesn't change the fact he said it. The twitch community isn't too upset about it from what I've seen. Most people accept his apology and know he didn't use the term as a slur against another player (like Pewdiepie). He's getting a lot of support from fellow streamers, so he should come out of this fairly unscathed. I don't think he's going to see too much loss of support (viewers) over this slip. He owned up to it and apologized quickly.
I watch ninja a few days a week on Twitch, he is one of the nicest most inclusive people on the internet. He apologized and beyond that what's done is done.
Volatile Supernova so being "inclusive" is somehow a personal characteristic worthy of admiration? Shouldn't even be a thing...hang with who you like and fuck those you don't. To be purposefully inclusive is almost racist in and of itself. "Sure bro we can hang" then tell your white friends you hang with a black dude
This is the lyrics he was singing. Ayy, bitch, I've been goin' and goin' like the Energizer Yeah, I'm supplyin' the wood like Elijah In the cut, smokin' on indica Might fuck around and compartmentalize ya He didn't say the N word, he got the words "might" and "indica" switched up so it sounded like he said something along the lines of "my n-word" so yeah. (Which is the reason he himself didn't react to it in the stream btw)
A million dollars go missing, and one student ends up getting half a million? What dire straits were you in that you needed that much, leaving other needy students to get a pittance, while you prance around in your mink coat?
EliMakesDo I don't get it. I had no money when I went to college, furthermore no program or grant or aid was ever provided to me. But this guy lands 500k and lives the life of riches. I now know I am stupid and that hard work rarely pays off.
Tldr; im black, Ninja did nothing wrong, he didnt need to apologize but he did so expertly, Ninja is still the hero the gaming community needs. Edit: if you don't believe i am black so be it, not my problem. But if you care to take 28 seconds out of your busy schedule to go to my profile you can find your definitive answer.
Supersonic it’s so weird because ninja is the OPPOSITE of racist. He streams with his good friend KingRichard all the time and gives him lots of love. But more importantly, ninja was banned from twitch 2 years ago for doxxing a racist donator on his stream. The random person donated using the N word and since ninja hates racists, he told the stream the guys real name to shame him. The guy isn’t racist
to each their own. i dont get the love for most celebrities. In my eyes, streamers at least have the capacity to directly interact with their viewers. but in my case, i am saying that he is the face we need is because he knows how to work in the public eye while still being true to his craft.
andddddddddd video isn't showing up for people again. AGH! Thanks for tuning in and caring about what we're trying to do.
isn't that always fun
Philip DeFranco your welcome.
Philip DeFranco hi what’s up
Philip DeFranco That’s why I just got here.
That's cause you saying N-Word, N-Word is now just as bad obviously
Phil... explaining jokes, making puns... You're going full dad. You never go full dad.
As a black girl, I get that the n-word has a negative historical connotation, however I’m over the outrage. Ninja was singing it in a song and his usage of the word was not negative or disparaging. I’m moving on. Now as a black girl I appreciate Phil getting a little gansta by delivering that DMX joke lol
T_K M I agree with you
Slay queen
Its so fucking stupid to start a sentence with "as a black girl" like it fucking matters
As an avid hip-hop fan I genuinely appreciated that segement of the show.
You do realize that that "as a black blank" is a meme right. Lmfao you are nothing but the token, that's why you have so many likes because you mentioned you are black. I could care less if he said it but the problem was nigga wasnt even in the song. As a black man this was a stupid ass comment.
As a black dude, I genuinely don't care. Like, if you are singing a song or rapping then who cares? Context matters so much, and this is a prime example. Ninja didn't use it in a hateful derogatory way, and shouldn't be persecuted as if he did. I feel like some people just sit around waiting for someone famous to fuck up just to validate themselves.
I didn't even hear ninja say the word. To me, it sounded like he was just spouting gibberish. Regardless, I think his apology was great and very professional. He's a very good dude that deserves what he has. I think people are just upset that hes making it in a world where it is very hard to be relevant, so they want to break him down.
you gotta check those ears
Feepis this is sarcasm right?
Feepis o nvm wrong video srry
Yeah it sounds more like "smoke the indica" than "smoke the n-word".
He definitely said it, but the context in which he said it is being completely ignored in favor of he "RAAAACIIIIIIIIIIIST" narrative. Dude was rapping, and it's a word commonly used in rap. So, apparently, if you rap, but aren't a person of color, you can't use that particular word.
It's all rather absurd.
To me personally, it sounded like Ninja was just singing gibberish. I actually had to relisten to the clip because I didn't even hear the N-word the first time. So I believe 100% this was a slipup and don't see any reason to be outraged by this.
Don Korb i didn't even hear it
He said indica imo...not the n word
I didn't hear it at all...
Why should a word cause outrage in the first place. It's mere utterance causes a loss of sanity.
He literally didn't even say it. The line from the song is "smoking on indica", if people literally spent 5 seconds looking up the actual lyrics they would realise that they were mishearing what he said. Fucking outrage culture man.
I'm black and I honestly couldn't care less, it was a slip up and context matters so personally it's whatever..
Did he say he did?
Chantell Sherman he didn't say he did. Phil asked how he felt and he replied how he felt.
Chantell Sherman never claimed he did and maybe don't take it so personal
I personally have never watched Ninja's content or anything to do with him, but I just have to defend him here because I couldn't even hear the word in that clip you played.
you can barely make it out, but it really sounds like he just stumbled on some words and it came out that way
I'm pretty sure there is no n-word, he just said "Indica" and then probably forgot lyrics and that's it
Yeah I couldnt hear it either
Nah he said it, just cause you don’t here it doesn’t mean he didn’t😂 he admitted it.
he admitted it because he doesnt want t his controversy to blow up in his face, obviously. he definetly sounds like he's just stumbled at the worst possible moment and i'm saying that as someone who fucking hates the fortnite twitch community.
"according to the IRS X did not give it to em" I died😂😂...I just wish you had not explained it after lol
pen art I was thinking that too
His explanation was also a joke. I found it funny
I’m black and I’m 16. I’m all about trying to take the negative connotation out of the “N-word”. Personally I think the word doesn’t carry the same weight that it used to. It’s 2018. Things are changing. It’s gonna take time but hopefully people can start to treat it as any other word in the future. Now on the topic of ninja, it’s pretty obvious that he didn’t even mean to say the word. I’m sure nadeshot noticed that as well. Ninja gave a very good apology and I think he should be forgiven by those that were offended.
People are giving it more weight by acting like whiny bitches every time a white guy says it.
HAvoc Take the term back! I'm for taking the negative connotation out of all racial terms. It's kind of Orwellian but I'm all for positively changing the cultural and ending racism by changing the language.
bigots were offended, and they shouldn't be on the Internet in the first place
I agree.
HAvoc we can’t take the pain out of that word cause if we do and everyone just starts saying outright if there is no fear when they speak it then there will be power in it, the same power it had all those years ago. when we as african americans say nigga we know we mean friend or brother but when white man says nigga u know theres a double meaning
Honestly, I didn't even really hear him say it. I had to go back and listen a couple of times. It's silly clickbait to go after this kid for that.
Minority Nomad even if you didnt hear him say it.... He must have had said it or he wouldn't have apologized
He said nigga, anyone can say nigga. See 6ix9ine, no one's outraged at him for saying nigga. Its all good
Minority Nomad he was repeating a rap song... if the word is in a song and he’s repeating that song because he likes the song and it’s played on the radio and stuff I don’t see a problem.
+Isaac Porterfield As Phil said, the word isn't in the original lyrics.
Isaac Porterfield the word is not in the song but he said it anyway.
white people beating themselves up over a word that was hardly audible. I say no big deal. Stop being so super sensitive. If it is not used to describe someone or put someone down it does not matter. Context matters
Well said bro
I agree. The fact that he was actually attacked for this is so incredibly stupid. He wasn't attacking anybody with it and it doesn't change that he's an inviting streamer who makes his viewers feel welcome.
Carl Buffer I doubt it Oladipo is a very common Yoruba name
Akin Oladipo finally, someone who agrees. Honestly, people need to learn that you only need to pull the stick out of your ass to not get offended.
Am I the only one who didn't hear ninja say the n word?
Gabriël Ozo I didn't either.
He faintly says it.
I had to rewatch it a lot to understand what's going on. He stumbled on trying to say indica and people think he said the n word
All I heard was Mumbling Tyler Belvins is not a Great singer.
Lol that guy getting over $400k during his 4 years of college, while I had to fight my roommates for the last Oreo.
Darrell Barrett Did you get the oreo???
Darrell Barrett same only we fought over the last easy Mac that Iiiii bought lol
Sky Dalrymple lol competition was fierce... On a good day, I'd manage to get half.
Sierra Evans lol oh those were like a luxury to us. Because there were so many noodles, we would each manage to get a little. We'd have to guard the Easy Mac though, to make sure nobody managed to abuse the Easy Mac honor system. If anyone did, their life would be hell for a solid month. Happened 3 times that I remember over a 4 year period.
Darrell Barrett tis a victory none the less
I honestly never heard the word the first time. I'll try to listen at it again...
Its at the end of a line where it sounded like he cut out because he had no idea what to say, so it's rather faint for the "ga" part
Neither did I. Unless this was edited, seems like he just started speaking gibberish that kinda sounds similar
I've listened to the first part 6 times now, I still can't hear or find where the n-word is used. Honestly.
zenmar84 really does sound like he just fumbled with his words to me
Same, I had to turn on captions to catch it actually
Word of the Year: C O N T E X T
Twice in a row now!
Jefin Majo 👌
Word of the fucking decade
It's 2018, who needs context if everything is racist, misogynistic, sexist and islamophoic anyways?
Have you not heard? Context does not matter. Just look at the Nazi pug dude. Chaps going to prison for a Joke and now had a record for "being a racist and anti-Semitic".
I didn't even notice the use of the N world 😂 I also don't care.
MatthewJBD you don’t stream yourself saying it then. Share it too
Camera Man you salty man
Camera Man he is saying that he doesn't care that he said it lol
Zidane Malik As'ad haha. A bit. Simply because the shyt people are allowed to get away with nowadays
Camera Man he didn't say he was pro racism at all bro! He said he didn't hear it and due to that it doesn't bother him. People of the black community should be immensely proud that the N word is now a term of endearment rather than a derogatory term amongst the masses. I see the N word as a celebratory word nowadays as it had disgusting implications before... but now the black people of our planet have turned that negative word into a highly positive one.. That even the white skinned people have taken on and agree with!!!! The N word should be used EVEN MORE by both black and white people due to how the black community have made the N word a highly positive word ☺
So far everybody I’ve seen that is offended by him saying nigga is not black, I personally think that he was just saying random shit (he was drunk) bc he forgot the words to the song and it just happened to sound like nigga... as a black man everybody is blowing this out of proportion
Jhay Monroe
What I hate today with us white people, is that we see minorities as defenceless souls who needs us to help them and feel offended for them. I think that itself is pretty discriminating against minorities.
I know feminists tries to speak for me as a woman, but I don’t want them to do so. I have my own voice and I can defend myself. I hate it when people say that I’m so oppressed by men that I don’t even realise it, which is pure bullshit. Therefor I do my very best to never speak for anyone. Not even for my own race or gender.
I agree. I remember that some girl was super angry about a video in which the youtube said "colored women"...and was saying it was racist and real African-Americans and Latinos told her that we are all cool with "women of color or colored", and she kept saying it was offensive. Like, stop getting offended for my sake!!
Black here. I couldn't care less about use of "nigga". A. It's not a hard R. B. as you said, context matters.
At this point, I feel white people are more offended by other white people saying nigga than black people are (There is the vocal minority, but as someone who has grown up in several black communities, I promise, most people actually don't fucking care).
LilT2o00 it's the 21st century where people love to get offended for others 😂 Im Mexican and I say the word all the time yet no one bats an eye because of where I grew up but when one white person says it, bam, internet goes crazy
Yes... to all of this
Yeah, it's pretty much anyone but white people. Even the Asians in my school would say nigga all the time (we had a lot of "hood" asians in our high school)
I know a lot of black people who do care about the word though so it's still a touchy subject
black here too. It make me cringe every times people get offended over stupid stuff.
i really don't think he needed to be apologize here.
I’m an Army vet of two tours in Iraq, I think just changing the man at the top won’t solve the VA’s problems. As I have seen the speed and quality of VA care is wildly inconsistent depending on were you are. I don’t believe privatization is the solution but change is definitely needed.
The fact that he has to apologize for something this ridiculous is sad...
Arcade I know... fucking ridiculous
Agreed, world needs to toughen up
but....ur white-
i agree but if you felt really disrespected and and got called that word of course you would say something about it.
I don't think it's ridiculous that he had to apologize. He misspoke and anytime you are unclear with your intentions and motives, you should take a moment to set the record straight.
How crazy is it that in today's modern progressive society, we still have that *ONE* word that can potentially end a career if even mumbled by someone of the "wrong" skin color, regardless of context.
Edit: No hate >:3
It's one word with a lot behind it. There's lots of things that can get you fired, many of which involve racism, and this is no exception. Whether it's one word or 100, racism is racism and should absolutely not be tolerated.
" The English language is broad as hell." So why do we keep seeing it used in music and media?
except that a whole flipping industry uses the word 24/7. As a foreigner I find it pathetic that people are so pedantic about it when certain skin-colored people use it on a song, the same way other artists use it in every other sentence. Even when doing covers, it's ridiculous. Just my opinion, but context should matter.
I mean there's a whole host of racial slurs that could end most careers - the n-word is just the most frequently used one. Someone just got put in jail in SA for two years for calling someone a racial slur there I've never heard of.
i respectfully disagree
"X did not give it to them"... *slow clap*
There's 1 hunnit fo ya.
Veteran here, Long time listener, first time caller. I have tried to work with my local VA for Health care, but never made it farther than the initial call to receive the paperwork I need to fill out. The first time I called they never sent the packet, the next time I Called, the person I connected with didn't have any interest in helping me and I felt like he was short and rude. After my experience on the phone and hearing about my fellow veterans receiving poor care, my sister who works in a hospital in the billing department, saying they drag their feet on paying bills, I opted to get healthcare through the state. I have very little faith in the VA and imagine anything is better than what they are doing now.
Sorry to hear that. I hope your situation gets better. Thanks for your service.
Joey Jensen you look like you're barely 19.
Joey Jensen It took me ten months to get an appointment
When did that happen about? Was it recently, or did it happen a while ago and your experience with them didn't make you want to go back?
I'm a vet, and have used the VA for almost a decade now. The most important thing is to not think of all VA hospitals as the same. The system as a whole is not broken, but several hospitals are broken, and it is a past failure of leadership. Getting those broken hospitals healthy is a difficult task with how entrenched some of the bad actors are, and how bad the culture is at those locations. There is a lot of house cleaning needed.
I have been happy with my VA coverage. There could be some improvements made, its not perfect, but I am overall satisfied. The best thing is that all of the resources are in the same building.
Puns, explaining jokes!?!? Phil, you are most certainly transforming into a real top notch dad
Mr. AlmostCertain
It brings tears to my eyes. So proud.
pretty much what i just said
Freek Vonk, what?
why do people get triggered over anything these days.
I am triggered that you would even ask that.
They grew up soft
Black fragility
A lot of reasons. Media loves stories that trigger any kind of back lash because they get a lot of attention so the media is constantly exploiting those kinds of stories as much as possible. On top of that, getting triggered makes people feel good about themselves. They think they're a good person and they're doing the right thing by being mad at things, it gives them a dopamine rush when they think they're better than someone else and someone else did something wrong. Lastly, because it makes people feel like they're fitting in. Being mad about something is a really easy way to get attention and have a bunch of other people agree with you so people feel like they're apart of something when they go online and bitch about stupid things.
Aaron Johnson Liberalism is a mental disorder
Lol that's the most harmless least offensive use of the word I've ever failed to actually hear within such a fast song. Intent is all that matters when judging something like this, if he was reading Huckleberry fin and said it crystal clear because it's in the book, that would be fine too. Even PewDiePie's situation (while way worse) wasn't a big deal imo because it wasn't used in an especially hateful way, it slipped out and then he corrected himself right after.
Either the word is free for all and judged on context or nobody should use it, personally I think option 1 is better because it lowers it's power.
Eileen the Crow They don't want to listen, only hear. Honest conversation means we open ourselves up, and that can be difficult. Much easier to shut each other down and not explore others and ourselves through dialogue.
Yakub9001 people just want to be offended
Eileen the Crow ... you probably "failed to hear (it) within the song" cuz it's not in the song. Phil literally said that but ok.
Nick-E Nicole He's saying that he didn't hear it when the Ninja person was singing due to how fast the words went by.
I have no earthly clue who Ninja is so I'm impartial to any outrage against him. But I've listened to that clip 4 times now and I don't hear the n-word or even one word of English anywhere in that clip.
i feel like phil censored out the n-word, which kind of makes the whole clip useless. but if this really is the uncensored clip, then i cant hear it either
@Lebby Great Edit: nevermind, now I heard it. It's real faint.
Came down to the comments just to say the same thing.
Yeah, it's really difficult to hear but he said "my nigga" just at about 0:31. Took me literally 10 times to hear it though.
@Rhids that's about how many times it took me too.
What's up my NINJA?
*gets crucified *
What's good, My Ninja?
Ayyyee my ninjaas
Mah ninja
Ninja please
What’s really good?!?
Mah Ninjer
Me: "15 kids?.... How?"
DMX: "There was Brenda, LaTisha, Linda, Felicia
Dawn, LeShaun, Ines, and Alicia
Teresa, Monica, Sharron, Nicki
Lisa, Veronica, Karen, Vicky
Cookie, well, I met her in a ice cream parlor-"
Me: "ok ok!... I get it... That was 17 women though...."
DMX: ".... There also were like, 3 Kims..."
We'll claim ninja so it's cool.
Real talk? I really don't care about the word as long as it's not being used as a slur.
LivingEidolon Who is “We” really doubt we claim him.
Super NIght ay, that argument works both ways, who is 'we'?
If you take away the meaning of a word and not use it as an insult (which is the original meaning of the N word) then all you have left is a word
LivingEidolon He ain’t even know you I think it’s weird he says nigga but it’s not in the song tf.
joski358 There's a reason you're using that specific word rather than another one. You can't fully strip a word of its meaning.
lmao unbelievable. people just love to be offended nowadays. If anyone is legitimately upset about the ninja thing they are truly pathetic. grow up
I mean, most rap has the word in it, can't blame the guy for thinking it did . Frankly, if ya want people to stop using the damn thing, stop saying it...
+Gabrielle, What? No one alive today was alive during the Black slavery days in the US.
Gabrielle M.
... What?
For fuck sakes. Its all
i hear from everybody these days.
What about brainwashed through rap music?
Agreed, the word holds virtually no power anymore. Only those stuck in the past think the word is still "active". Context matters, and since black people do use the word basically as a switch up of "friend", there's absolutely no reason to follow suit when a single desperate person gets offended.
As a side thought, in this day and age, I really don't get why we give so much attention to those that get offended by things on the Internet.
BRO! That "X did not give it to em" line made me laugh out loud for about 30 seconds straight. Seriously THANK YOU for that!
I paused the video and commented this before you broke down the line, which made me laugh even more.
I did the same.... In the middle of the gym.
Paul O'Brien 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I can't even hear the n-word.
I can't hear a single word at all.
Eren Reed Kosluk Don't worry. It's ok to be a little slow...
The Ninja thing is idiotic. I had to listen back to the clip about 4 times before I could hear it. He stammered, he didn't even actually say it. Yet people are furious. It's incredibly childish.
THANK YOU I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. I'm not even a fan of his and I still dont even hear the n-word at all.
To be fair he's childish himself and his fanbase is almost entirely children, so let all of the children freak out
They bleeped that part out. If you listen then hear a random pause that's where it was.
Yeah, I can't hear it...
I can’t hear it at all. And why tf would they bleep it if they are trying to show you what he said, that makes no sense.
he didn't say it at anyone and definitely didn't use the hard er. homie was rapping and got tongue tied let him have some room to air his nuts. he apologized stop being so sensitive.
TheUsualSuspect bruh notice it’s not us who are offended.
If he can't hold his bars, then he needs to stop.
"to air his nuts" This is my new favorite saying now XD
Ciel now black people need to come up with a new saying like in da house
Triple DDD's Lightskin Salvy I swear
What are we talking about??!! people are dying people, and we debate a guy with blue hair for singing a bad word? I am out.
Dragan Bakema Has there ever been a time where people aren’t dying? It’s a normal thing.
I think you might be missing the point on how they are dying..
Utmostseeker 834 it shouldn't be but you're right, it is normal which is depressing
Dragan Bakema then go listen to news about people dying lmfao then do something about it
Dragan Bakema he didn’t even try to say it he accidentally did because he forgot the lyrics to 44 more by logic
I had no idea Ninja was saying words, tbh.
"Top 5 Fortnite TH-camrs who've sworn!"
Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.
i think you summed it up pretty good.
Shadrach Ray JH 👏🏽
That's exactly what I was thinking
Michael Scott lookin ass
that one girl during debate week
Hmmmm, I'm an Aussie and I cannot hear him saying that word at all in there. What the hell is going on in this world we call home?
You need a special 'offence sieve' to find it.
It's like anyone today: "I'm offended" so therefore it must be wrong.
^ Welcome to 2018
Exactly! The year when all things collapsed.
Outrage generation. People get off on acting outraged for others and seeing what they can make someone do
I think ninja should fall from popularity not for using a word but for that horrible "rap"
Exactly 😂😂
Oldhead headass
I audibly laughed when i read your comment. thank you for the laugh
Willa Herrera fuck i agree
Tanner Lawless ?
Good thing ninja isn’t in Scotland cause we’ve determined that context doesn’t matter so he’d probably have been arrested for being offensive by now
Supercooled Gaming lmao
lets be fair now, that thing sucks but they have a developing oil industry, a fairly self sustaining economy, and waaaaaaaaaay better healthcare than us in the states.
nathan carignan all things that can be found in other countries that won't arrest you for a Nazi joke
kieran cadoreth ahh, but do they have the lovely accent?
Look I'm not defending that, its bullshit, but I think theres more to the country than a decision i disagree with that might still be overturned and all but certainly will lead to legislation
He always swears.
On the university embezzlement story: I didn't know this kind of thing was illegal mostly because it's a fairly common practice where I'm from. I knew of at least two people who literally made money from aid and scholarships by just going to class including an (ex)boyfriend.
And here's the real kicker: my ex did not have a job, he never brought any books to class and never took any notes. He just showed up to classes he thought would be interesting and consistently flunked them, all while putting away an extra thousand dollars in the bank each semester.
Honestly I am so happy to find out that this is not okay because it always seemed like a gross misuse of aid that could have been shared with others who would actually care about education.
Rachel Lee same I too am one of those people who get paid about 1000 dollars a semester for just being in school...
however I labeled myself as low income (which I am) so I usually use the extra 1000 a semester to live off of and do so VERY comfortably without having to work at all to focus on my studies.
Despite this I’m from Louisiana and they have a TOPS program which overlaps with financial aid (TOPS coming from a 3rd party and not tax payer money) so if you do get TOPS AND financial aid and go to a very cheep college you get all surplus tops money as well as all financial aid. Which can be anywhere from 1000-2000 a semester for just going to school
Yeah, most who have their whole tuition payed for by the school (including me) end up with about 1000 left over, at least half of this usually ends up going to buying books and the rest, for me at least, goes to paying for extra expenses that classes have. Ex: a drama class I went to required us to go to a bunch of plays throughout the semester which would have gotten expensive (I dropped that class though lol)
If you are offended by ninja, you need to get your priorities straight
If you post a comment on TH-cam about people being offended about something you don't care, you need to get your priorities straight.
bravourways Why are you posting to a hypocritical post by being hypocritical thats like wanting to end gun violence by shooting people who own guns
That was sarcasm
If not then you know who you are........Just ask your "black friends".
All are gay
Lol he was trying to say “indica” but he was singing fast and he screwed it up lol😂. I listen to that song and I know it’s not in the song and also I had to watch the clip over and over like 10 times before I realized when he said it
He already said indica and then he said the N-word afterwards
Tanin Moores the exact lyrics are “in the cuts, smoking on idica” and he was drunk. if you’ve heard the song you know logic is going very fast. seems like an honest mistake.
Holy fuck he was singing a song and was not malicious at all. People need to calm down.
JOnBeGone exactly
Xavier Zee
Logic does say nigga sometimes in his songs b.
xrelik the youtube apocalypse started because of the dumbasses who thing every joke is somehow racist
Wait did he say the N word? Didn't hear it.
Mama Bear He said nigga, not super loud though. No hard R
neither did I and I'm frustrated because I keep listening and I hear nothing
I didn’t hear it either
it was probably blurred. Just look at the reaction of the guy on the camera
He said nigga but it was very unclear and mumbled... pretty easy to tell he him self didnt even know what he was saying.
If people are actually counting Tyler blabbering a bunch of random words, him saying the "N" word then the world has gone mad. I'm a black guy and frankly it doesn't materr but I'll state it here, but this is just total BS. He was literally blabbering! He wasn't saying any word or any thing just blabbering and I think the rhythm was to a Logic song but he was blabbering.
C Anderson WOW
“X didn’t give it to em, he didn’t give it to them, Uncle Sam , he never gonna deliver it to em!” 😂😂🤑😜
Knock knock, open up the door it's the IRS! With the non-stop "pop pop" of "pay your fucking taxes, idiot".
I'm expecting a Pew News tomorrow
Yoel Horwitz 😂
Or a random Lwaiy
👏meme 👏review👏
I think we need to stop policing what people are saying. It's pointless. He isn't harming anyone. Move on.
CodeCommand exactly
CodeCommand We all hated On pewdiepie why not hate ninja
I think the people affected by the word should be the ones in control of how they feel know.....its literally about them and can only affect them.
But you don’t know he “isn’t harming anyone”. Just because it doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect someone else. Empathy is important, especially because the harsh use of the n-word has and is still in use. Also, “moving on” from history, painful at that, is scary to hear. Appreciate your opinion but thought I would add my 5 cents.
I am tired of this policing for offensive words, the censorship, and the attacks by mainstream media to destroy a internet platform.
I find the whole "n-word" thing absolutely ridiculous and hypocritical. Mass-idiocy at its best. If you don't think a word should be used, you don't sing/rap it. The end.
Woah, woah woah woah
How could you not know by now!?!?!?
Logic, he is bi-racial.
Lofty SHIT DUDE, I can’t believe that I forgot that logic is *B I R A C I A L*
White people can't sing/rap the N word.
C Anderson Hypocricy, judging a term based on who says it is racism and it goes against the foundation of our civilization. Yes, "freedom for all" was f-ed up in the USA of the past with slavery, every sane person agrees. Doesn't mean we should keep dividing people as compensation. Let's all live by the same standards, let's be better.
As a vet who recieves care from the VA I have to say it has improved a great deal over the past 10 years. It isn't what I would call great but it has greatly improved. As for the new apointee I don't have an opinion. I don't like people replacing somone who is doing good with somone unproven but I don't know enough about either of them to say more.
UK judge be like
Solitude did you have a lisense for that song lyric?
Ethan Klein also agrees.
That first story though... The white guilt was strong with that one... I honest don't see why someone should not be able to say something because it might hurt someone's feelings. He was singing a song. And even if he wasn't I still think you should be allowed to use the N-word regardless of race because if my fellow black people can do it then why can't my white friends do it? So what if a few hundred years ago it was an insult. That was then. This is now. Yes it is important that people get the context of the word but I'll be damned if someone ever told me I'm not allowed to exercise my freedom of speech because someone thought my diction was offensive.
*please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks mvmnt is over priced for college students lol,its costs the same amount as a armani exchange watch .. o.o*
Looking at the cost like 'You got mvmnt money?"
Very overpriced but we're gonna let Phil get his coin lol
Luxury costs money. If you need a watch, buy a $5 digital one.
The DMX wordplay, then explaining it. You're gonna be a great dad
Freek Vonk he already is one, of two kids
Generic Fuckboi Clone I'm sure he knows that, but there both still little kids
I could care less who uses the N-word nowadays. Everyone uses it so it's ridiculous to create an uproar about it cause you could do the same thing for rappers or whoever. Plus, his apology(whether it was ghostwritten or not) was a good one so people should relax.
So, you don't care when someone uses a racial slurs?
Segun Oriola it’s kind of like Idubbz’s way of thinking. It’s either all bad words are okay, or none of them are. We can’t hold one word to such high standards but all the others be either not as controversial or terrible to use. Now I don’t mean I’m gonna go around using every cuss under the sun but I do agree with his mindset.
No, "everyone" does not use that word.
69 is literally a mexican rapper who says the n word all the time in his songs, i mean he is a trash musician but still no one gives him trash
harry balls murphey why black men? Why not black women? White men? White women?
"X did NOT give it to em'.) Well played, sir. Well played. LOL!
Danny Duncan that's not how I heard it. I heard the 15 children and variety of mothers in reference to how expensive it is to be Darkman X
I'm over it
u ain't even black and I herd you say it
Funny how people can be so offended by a single word.
Gre Funky funny how people can blow a small scale story that barely anyone cares about out of proportion to make it seem like a serious issue
why do you support this racist?
I feel like Ninja didn't even know he said the word! It was not aimed at anyone he was just trying to rap and couldn't really rap lol! I've had the word aimed at me before and this is not like that.
seemed more like a rap satire to me, also "nigga" isn't the N-word
I've listened to the thing a few times but I seriously can't make out the N-word. I do think as well that the taboo behind it is simply ridiculous.
I personally don't say the word itself because I've seen it shut down conversation immediately. So while I do personally think it is immensely dumb how entrenched it is, for now I shall abide for the sake of civility and for the conversation to continue.
I agree. The fact that this is news is complete bullshit.
Personally I didn't hear it.
All this drama over a word...
MediusMajere 2018
The Word that Schall Not be spelled!!
I think he was wrong to say the word as it has such meaning behind it but I thought his apology was lovely and he didn’t intend it to hurt anyone s we should just move on. What’s your opinion?
Alice Bell it was my understanding that if you say it with an A it's ok-ish, depending on who you're talking to.
Also, bonus points for using it in a rap song, not just outright.
And if you say it with an R, it's a no no :)
MediusMajere that thousands of people were killed as they were called
That DMX joke was the most obvious joke that I knew Phil would say but I still laughed at it.
I guess if you ever need the perfect punchline for his situation
X gon give it to ya
whatever he was giving, he gave it to multiple women and got 15 kids back =)
JetHawk222 if donald trump told that joke you wouldnt laugh
James acasters special is AMAZING. He may be my new favorite comedian. I feel like it’s hard to be creative as a comedian these days, but he did it! Love it.
in my opinion N-word controversies are ridiculous. instead of banning that word just don't give it any kind of power and it will loose its power.
*insert idubbbz offensive words argument here*
Who cares
Oxidize Alot of pepole apparently
Oxidize I'm not even a fan of ninja but it's not a big deal
No one should
The white people who get offended for us
Tay Cou IKR. Annoying as fuck.
This is like a more educated version of dramaalert lol your videos are awesome man very informative without any bs (apart from the plugs lol) best news TH-camr by far big love from the UK :)
Well according to UK police, context is what they say is context
Truth is people these days are so used to hearing the N word on TV and in music, the negatives have effectively been taking away. You cannot expect young people of certain races not to use it when they idolise celebs and singers that frequently use it in songs, tv and in interviews. White and Asian people from the 90s+ have heard the world an associate it with being cool. Don't want people to say it?? Stop putting it in songs 24/7! Black people have successfully changed the words meaning among the youth but some don't realise it! The meaning of worlds change and the N word in popular culture has a different meaning than the one used in the 1950s!
Agreed. This is way overblown.
Dmx joke was choice. Keep that up.
Yeah I'm not a fan explaining the joke if you didn't get that's your bad. I'm with the joke was choice
Met you and the team at Vidcon last year. You're all awesome. Keep up the good work!!! :)
"Either all of it is ok, or none of it is ok"
- IDubbbzz
If only the world was so black and white (no pun intended). Unfortunately when you're past 16 years old you realize there are complex issues which aren't solved by blanket rules.
Oh, if only the world were such a simple place devoid of nuance, perhaps this sentiment might work.
All these 12 year old edge lords quoting IdubbbzTV is kind of sickening. It kind of makes me hate one of my favorite youtubers lol.
It's funny because I see more white people get offended when whites say the n word rather than blacks actually giving a fuck
Why are we giving the word so much power? It's every other race but black being offended by this word.
Yes I know the word was made to be racist and negative towards black people in the past. But it's the past if literally 99% or more blacks have moved on from it being racist and discriminative, why can't we? My standpoint is it's ok to use the word if it's not being used in a harmful way that's all. If we really wanna end racism, we can start by seeing that word like any other word to address someone. Take the meaning of it away.
Gabriel Torres I don't necessarily get offended by it because I just see it as people who use it as dumb but younger kids who are black may not see it the same way and feel some type of way about it. It is not that people are giving the word power but that the word has a very dark deep history behind it. Besides he didn't use the hard R one so it really doesn't matter to black people.
Because it helps their victim cause. It makes it seem like they have racism against them when in reality it's sooooo rare. There are no many people that are legit racist against black people. It's parts of black culture that people hate and they use the word black to describe it. Same when someone says "That's so white". Well wtf does that mean because there's tons of cultures.
teamhex because being enslaved for three hundred years, then being segregated for 80 years, THEN being killed while being unarmed and not resisting arrest is us playing the victim card.
@Rosedeath68 The history doesn't have any power but what you give it either. The world would be a better place if people let go.
teamhex are you black? If not... How can you speak on racism about a race you are not... And if you are black just because you haven't experienced racism doesn't mean other blacks haven't... THE MORE YOU KNOW 😀
The amount of times the N-word is said in raps by black rappers and other influencial people. not only in raps but in everyday life then expecting white people to not say it while you are making it seem like its the most normal thing to do. This whole Ninja story right now is a perfect example of it. He obviously doesnt see a difference in race and skin colour and didnt use it in a bad way but then there are people drawing a line to what one race can do and what the other race cant do. We want equality but in the mean time we are setting boundries everywhere.
Freek Vonk logic White so your argument is invalid
Freek Vonk aye. -.- stop that u gonna trigger some people. They can’t handle reality
Freek Vonk THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dupe Carter so your racist?
if91100 Ehh, wrong your.
Ninja did the right thing, his apology seems genuine and he covered every aspect of the issue. It seemed like a harmless mistake but ffs those of you who never had to deal with being on the opposite end of that word being used in a negative context, shut up about "it's not a big deal".
It really isn't a big deal though.
LostWanderingSoull it’s honestly not a big deal the way he used it was the most harmless way I’ve ever heard it used stop wanting to be a victim about everything
Phil Deep
I literally said it was a harmless mistake 🙄
Then why do black people use the word if it's such a big deal? I didn't hear any controversy over Drake using the word on Ninja's live stream. Plus, there's slavery going on in other countries and we're fighting over a stupid word. Good job, people. You're pathetic.
Jake38nine This dynamic exists because the N-word was used to ostracize and oppress Black people. So by claiming the word that has been, and is used in a derogatory way, it becomes impowering.
Also inregards to your slavery comment, slavery still occurs in practically every country. It is called human trafficking, the industry is alive and well. And this fact doesn't change the fact that English and Americans forced Africans on a boat and shipped them to their countries to be their slaves. Sentencing a group of people to Lifetimes of slavery, and Lifetimes if discrimination hereafter.
So next time you want to call someone pathetic for making a diplomatic and respectful point in the conversation, try to remember the context behind the word(s).
Someone said the n-word? To whom do I send thoughts and prayers?
Smilomaniac Like this comment 1 like equal one prayer and one less hungry kid in Africa
ninja clearly used it with harmless intent why’s everyone crying lmao
no one is really crying, kinda blown out of proportion
Kelechi I’m thinking the same thing, I don’t see a single person is mad, the media just blowing it up but no ones bashing him for it
Did he even say it, or mumble something that sounds to some people like it? I can't even hear it, just sounds like a mess of syllables as he trips over his words where he supposedly said it to me. =/
Kelechi I don’t even think he used it.
Kelechi Thats what Im saying.
That was just incoherent nonsense. I was trying really hard to even here an N word there. Lol people need to get off their high horses.
Goats like to stand on horses, because they like high places. I think Social Juvenile Warriors are Goats.
Yeah I listened twice couldn’t here it and decided I don’t actually care it’s a word get over it, Black people say it all the time, it’s in songs, it’s inherently racist to say that someone can’t say a word because of the colour of there skin, context matters
From what I understand the N word wasn't actually even said, but is simply part of a lyric. It's a stupid controversy.
B-b-but it has like lots of history and shit behind it tho. That makes it re-re-re-really offensive
Seriously? The dude fumbled into some gibberish while rapping and some pathetic snowflakes got triggered when they heard something that barely even sounded like a racial slur. One that even if he did say it clearly and with full intent would not have been used in a hateful manner in the context. People are REALLY stretching with this one.
So is it just me but I didn't actually hear the "n" word
Demetri davis I didn't hear it either
I had to go back and listen a few times to catch it
I didn't either at first. It's like there's a skip between syllables. It looks like the kid just got tounge tied.
Demetri davis Neither did I!
It's all a crock of shit. I'm over it.
Lauren I'm sure that's all it was
He should have said "My Ninja" instead. Less controversial, plus it's self-promo.
Cultural Appropriation. We can't use terms from other cultures.
He wasn't even saying the word lmao, he stumbled over syllables right after saying "indica" - how is this even a thing?
Exactly! Now that I know what the title means. (This old lady has no clue as to who this kid is.... or Twitch, for that matter.)
Alternatively, I read the title and thought "oh crap - I have to stop saying "ninja please". I probably should quit it any how.
Josh Vonderfecht I guess he's the head ninja in charge now
house ninjq,field ninja broke ninja
I didn’t even hear the N-Word when he was rapping soooo
I didn’t hear it either, even after I listened to it over again.
zsom1987 listen again
Alex Ngan it was there
Alex Ngan you must be deaf because I heard it quite loud and clear
Dennus Han I still didn't hear it, unless if there's an "unedited" version. I couldn't hear it.
“X did NOT give it to em” made me snort laugh 😂
Sup my ninja
c r y i n g
Going to use this with my fortnite buddies lmaooo
Damnit I commented this same joke and then scrolled down and saw your comment. You beat me to it big ups my ninja.
Please give me a like Thank you omg, you’re white and you said the n word!!! lose your job! Lose everything you have Rn!!!! you should get all the hate in the world!! You’re going to be on news outlets for saying this omg!!!
Jennifer Martinez.... *walks away slowly*
Its tragically ironic that rap music has subliminally influenced people to use the nword reflexively.
Chris Richfield blame the blacks they trapped themselves XD
Chris Richfield at the end of the day people can say wtf they want but don't expect people to not get offended and not to take action 🤷♀️... Aka (ass beat)
More like white people who just started listening to hip hop subliminally assume nigga is used is ALL of our music. It's not. It's not.
But at the same time I really don't give a shit about this and have no idea who this dude is nor do I care, and I am a HUGE gamer. So that says a lot.
Savon Jenkins
Take action against what though? The fact that used a word that's used in a lot of rap songs?
he sounds like he is rapping? im always up for freedom of expresion and dont think he is racist. we give words alot of power and at the end of the day he wasnt yelling it at some random people was it wrong yeah but lets cool it a bit with this crap
Everyday I see more and more of the dad side jokes coming from Phil. As someone who had a dad do the same bad jokes I appreciate it but part of me is reminded of those jokes my dad tells
I didn’t not hear that guy say nigga at all what the fuck? Like I have no idea who this guy is so I’m pretty biased, but honestly did not hear him say that word at all. I literally went back and listen to the clip like three times
Mahari Bryan Even if he did, I don't see why it's such a big deal.
Mahari Bryan he said indica
All I can hear is him mumbling, no matter how many times I listen. If he even DID say it dude needs to learn to enunciate. xD
I listened to it 6 times and didn't hear shit. Guess I'm deaf.
The point isn’t if you heard it or not. The point is the people still getting offended by someone just pronouncing the damn word, which is fucking nuts. As many stated anyone should be able to say any word regardless of skin color. The simple idea of the opposite is racist because you’re excluding someone from doing something based on their skin color and origin. If you get offended by the word you need to grow the fuck up and stop being a nigga. (Not YOU personally, I mean it in general, and yes I’m saying it to prove a point)
I'm not black but I see this as very different from other scandals because it sounds like he wasn't intending to say the slur, and the apology sounds sincere.
Alton Cyphers he said indica
It's not even a slur
It doesnt matter even if he gave no apology. Its a word. Stop being a little bitch.
He was rapping who fucking cares anyway
Lmao at the people saying he didn't say it.
He said it. Admitted he said it and apologized for saying it.
Yes, he mumbled his way through that improv rap, that doesn't change the fact he said it. The twitch community isn't too upset about it from what I've seen. Most people accept his apology and know he didn't use the term as a slur against another player (like Pewdiepie). He's getting a lot of support from fellow streamers, so he should come out of this fairly unscathed.
I don't think he's going to see too much loss of support (viewers) over this slip. He owned up to it and apologized quickly.
I watch ninja a few days a week on Twitch, he is one of the nicest most inclusive people on the internet. He apologized and beyond that what's done is done.
That's a lie.
How ? he didn't apologize? Him being nice isn't even up for debate.
Michael Pozharsky fek nevvs
Volatile Supernova he didn't even say it
Volatile Supernova so being "inclusive" is somehow a personal characteristic worthy of admiration? Shouldn't even be a thing...hang with who you like and fuck those you don't. To be purposefully inclusive is almost racist in and of itself. "Sure bro we can hang" then tell your white friends you hang with a black dude
This is the lyrics he was singing.
Ayy, bitch, I've been goin' and goin' like the Energizer
Yeah, I'm supplyin' the wood like Elijah
In the cut, smokin' on indica
Might fuck around and compartmentalize ya
He didn't say the N word, he got the words "might" and "indica" switched up so it sounded like he said something along the lines of "my n-word" so yeah.
(Which is the reason he himself didn't react to it in the stream btw)
A million dollars go missing, and one student ends up getting half a million? What dire straits were you in that you needed that much, leaving other needy students to get a pittance, while you prance around in your mink coat?
EliMakesDo I don't get it. I had no money when I went to college, furthermore no program or grant or aid was ever provided to me. But this guy lands 500k and lives the life of riches. I now know I am stupid and that hard work rarely pays off.
This family friendly internet nowadays pisses me off everyday, i just miss filthyfrank, he was so non PC
Thank the adpocalypse for putting him out of business.
Tldr; im black, Ninja did nothing wrong, he didnt need to apologize but he did so expertly, Ninja is still the hero the gaming community needs.
Edit: if you don't believe i am black so be it, not my problem. But if you care to take 28 seconds out of your busy schedule to go to my profile you can find your definitive answer.
Supersonic I don't get the love for streamers at all.
Supersonic it’s so weird because ninja is the OPPOSITE of racist. He streams with his good friend KingRichard all the time and gives him lots of love. But more importantly, ninja was banned from twitch 2 years ago for doxxing a racist donator on his stream. The random person donated using the N word and since ninja hates racists, he told the stream the guys real name to shame him. The guy isn’t racist
Doxxing can lead to people dying. Fuck Ninja....
to each their own. i dont get the love for most celebrities. In my eyes, streamers at least have the capacity to directly interact with their viewers.
but in my case, i am saying that he is the face we need is because he knows how to work in the public eye while still being true to his craft.
Damn, sucks i had to find out this way :O
Sloth spinning a web catching pineapples...James Acaster is sooo funny!