Hey Phil, I'm a big fan of your content but one thing I kinda wanted to say was this: in my opinion it would be better to have any corrections for mistakes as the first part of the video(unless in the event of a tragic/important event or story). This is just my opinion and I could just be dumb and you are doing this, I just thought it'd be cool. Looking forward to more vids! Have a nice day
I can see why people got up in arms about the Katy Perry kiss. With all the attacks against men now a days, they are using this as ammo against the “me too” movement and many feminists who are using everything against men.
Regarding the researcher mess up with the wrong graphics, please don't fire them if you perhaps were thinking to do so. Instead maybe get them to directly shadow the main editor or a researcher to get them more up to snuff. I know you're stricter than most shows and are continually striving for perfection but this seems like unfortunate oversight by someone that was pushed into a higher role out of necessity.
If anything Phil will just have a talk with the editors and try to make sure it doesn't happen again. There are rarely mishaps that Phil has to apologize for so I doubt any one is in too much trouble especially with how small an incident this was.
I think we should treat the Katy Perry situation the same way we would treat a man kissing a girl without her full consent. Having said that, I think the whole incident has been blown out of proportion a fair amount.
An apology is a nice touch man. Give that editor some slack, train him to do better and to not let his past get him down. We need more shows like this, so you showing responsibility gives this editor who used to work in news some hope for the future. Keep up the work.
Matthew Conway That's a sunk cost. Whether you fire them or not you already spent the money training them so that should have no bearing on the decision
+Jason Costa It does and always should. Basically the question should always be: "Is this mistake really worth firing them for?" This is taking in all the good work they've done until that point and the special circumstances along with how much you've already invested in them *vs* the cost to the company in reputation and from the specific case.
nfzeta This is literally the definition of a sunk cost that you learn in any basic economics course and by definition a sunk cost doesn't weigh into your decision. The cost to train the previous employee won't be recouped if they're fired or not so you shouldn't take it into consideration. The cost of training a new employee on the other hand is a different story
+Jason Costa that's the problem with always going by the book. The sunk cost isn't technically taken into consideration in the books but its almost always a part of the decision as long as its made by a person.
nfzeta The whole point of it being in the book is that it shouldn't be taken into consideration. Money spent that won't be made back with either decision therefore has no weight so why would you even want to consider it? Like I said, you'd need to consider the cost of training someone new if you decide to let the person go but that has nothing to do with the original cost of training
I feel like Katy Perry could have offered and not do it when he said no. Obviously she thinks she is doing some sort of charity here by kissing him but that is so pretentious.
Kea Lynn yeah, he already said he didn’t want to kiss outside a relationship before she kissed him. I don’t have any restrictions like that, but if I did, someone knew about them, and kissed me anyway, I’d be mad as hell. How can you know someone’s wishes and break them anyway?
Exactly, no means no. I don't necessarily think it was that "inappropriate"; granted yes, I fully agree she shouldn't have done that and that he had said no to it. I also fully agree that if the roles were reversed it would be a much, much larger scandal. However, and this by no means excuses what Katy Perry did, nor is it intended to damean or take away from the issue of sexual harassment...it was a kiss. That's it. I don't like that she did it after he said no, I don't think it was appropriate, I don't think anyone should do something like that, whether they're a man or woman, but it was a joking kiss. It was not anything serious, and I honestly think that if news media are demonizing Katy Perry over this its a little overblown and unnecessary. Everyone seems to have become complete, and utter whimps. Again, WHAT SHE DID WAS WRONG. HE DIDN'T WANT TO BE KISSED AND SHE WENT AGAINST HIS WISHES AND DID SO ANYWAY. There is NO excuse for that, But it really is not THAT big of a deal. On the scale of wrongdoing it is extremely low... but what she did still is on there. Katy did something wrong, but it wasn't outrageously evil.
The Hillary Clinton video helps confirm that Donald Trump didn't win because he was a good candidate, but mainly because Hillary Clinton was such a bad one... She's the best PR manager Donald could've hoped for.
That's what I kept telling Democrats (im independent) during the election, that having having Clinton as your front runner is going to give it a republican win. Any decent Democrat would have beaten Trump.
I’m very disappointed by the sentence and charges that Brianna received. From what I understand, she wanted to make her roommate sick so she’d move out. Brianna’s behavior is deeply troubling. One has to be seriously depraved to mess with someone’s toothbrush. Brianna sounds like a sociopath.
sweetie1027 can you imagine being in a relationship with someone like that? I'd never let her cook for me....not seeing anything wrong with this behavior really is quite troubling.
Philly D and team, I hope you know that we don't hold it against you and understand the apology. I hope the girls weren't too offended, but from the sounds of things you've got things and you'll tighten up the screws. I hope those who made the mistakes here don't let this hinder the good work you do, and will continue to do. I love being apart of the nation, keep at it!
That kid is absolutely pure and adorable. I’m sorry he had to be thrown into this bullshit. I hope he gets his cute first kiss , what an angel And bro if that would have been a man kissing a girl it would have been INSANE.
I was wondering who the hell you were talking about at first. Then I realized that you were talking about the singer who imagined his first kill would be with someone named Roy, but it was Katy Perry.
There are double standards for men and women and some of them exist for good reasons in my opinion. And also a person's attractiveness can change the situation aswell. It's just a fact that most people let you get away with stuff like this more often if they find you attractive. So yeah, more people would have found it wrong if Katey Parry wasn't an attractive woman. But it seems like the guy didn't think it was such a big a deal, so if he doesn't care why should anyone else.
Tao of Jester I mean I agree but your example of a 14 year old sleeping with a 50 year old is kinda a bit extreme considering we are taking about a 19 year old getting kissed by a 34(?) year old.
Loving that we are getting an 'update' episode on recent done stories, I often have to re-watch and look up through the links to see what happened after some time has passed by. It's good to have it all in one video.
I hope you go easy on that researcher. Everyone makes mistakes. Making a mistake isn't indicative of work ethic, nor does it really hurt your show as long as you own up to it and correct, which you did.
JessicaLeighMo Mistakes do happen yes, but, as a News Editor I can tell you, a researcher making a mistake like that is not cool, it's not a small mistake. It can result in lawsuits. We gave professional researchers for a reason, to get FACTS and to ensure that information is 100 per cent correct and factual. With that said, I dint think Phil will be too hard on him he seems like a easy going guy.
The public reaction would be different, but should not be different. People have the idea that if a woman does something sexual like that to a man, it’s completely okay. But if a man does the same thing to a woman, the whole world comes to an end. This thought process isn’t right and needs to stop.
sounded like both.... researcher should have provided the correct image. editor should have found the correct image. researcher should have caught the incorrect image. .... i suppose we'll figure out from the vlog channel if anyone got fired.
Jared Begg in my opinion, you can't expect the editor to do the in-depth research, that's not their Job. I just think he should have at least tried harder to get the right image from the researcher. And the researcher should have reviewed the cut.
you shouldn't kiss someone without their permission. no matter how (un)attractive you are, how old you are or what gender you are. is that so hard to keep in mind? what Katy did is unacceptable and just creepy
About the girl who accidentally killed her boyfriend, I think the punishment is fine. After all, the justice system is supposed to reform and deter. While he unfortunately won't be able to learn(reform), I think she already did, right at that very time it happened. They were stupid, but they both already paid for it. Also, the children need care.
On the other hand, you can argue that watching her partner die and knowing that she was the cause probably screwed her up more than she already was, making her suitability as a mother even more tenuous.
Well she's mentally scarred and still serving a decent amount of time. Not to mention the long term probabtion. People need to remember it was something the 2 of them agreed to do. While stupid, the man and woman both played a part in the act
Yeah... My first reaction is.. It's a kiss from Katie Perry!! Then I'm like... yeahhh you flip it around or change the situation and it turns into a whole crapshoot
Joseph W. Thompson my thoughts exactly. I thought lucky bastard he got kissed by Katy Perry. But then I thought if that was Lionel Richie kissing a female contestant there would be an uproar
Mike Fleet yeah unfortunately that's just the way we were molded by society. It's okay for a female to do that to a male because if he doesn't like it he's just a "wimp" or somthing like that but I'm glad we agree that it should be looked at in diffrent perspectives
If the kiss happened to a female, even if she said "I don't think it was sexual assault", the public would have lynched him. Especially with all the metoo stuff.
If someone randomly kissed me on the mouth after I had just told them I wasn’t going to kiss someone until I felt like it was the right person...dang, I’d be mad. When I say “no”, I mean “no” and the person who kissed me would have hell to pay for it. What gives anyone the right to reject my wishes and force me into that kind of physical contact? Nope, don’t like it. If a guy kissed me out of the blue after I had already said something like the boy did, I would classify it as assault and never go near him again.
kiss or kiss me on the cheek then I turn my head around? Situation and intention matters a lot. Yeah sure get angry, not saying anything about that but classifying it as assault??? dont know about that. Not to be disrespectful but that kinda lowers the bar a lot and mixes up what constitutes an actual assault?
Yeah, that kind of scares me about Phil is the aspect of getting fired. It was just a bad scenario, people weren't able to be at the stations due to unavoidable circumstances, and the most they can do is make certain the viewers understand there was an era and inform anyone who hasn't seen the update yet.
Hex's youtube account - a friend of mine in high school got in some trouble and the judge allowed him to serve his jail sentence on the weekend and do community service in the afternoons during the week so that he could continue to go to school and hold down his job.
Yeah, I got tougher "sentences" for misbehaving at home when I was a kid. As for the second crime story, about the room mates from college, how can Phil be surprised at the leniency of the sentence when the previous story was a girl getting 180 days in jail, at her convenience, for shooting and killing another person?
I'm a Civil Engineer and that collapse was catastrophic. It is sad that in today's world many people in the construction industry and another engineering Industries try to cut corners where Corners shouldn't be cut. It is a constant argument between people who want to do things right and people who want money. Most of the greedy firms go out of business, but every once in awhile something like this happens oh, and it is very unfortunate.
I was working for such a firm up until December. It was run by some old fart that would complain that we were taking too long to do anything, despite all the changes in regulation. Dude's stuck in the 80s. As far as this goes, I imagine there's a lot of finger pointing going on between the engineers and the construction company right now. No doubt both sides are lawyering up.
Jumping to conclusions dude. The cause of the collapse is not known yet. Was there gross negligence? Or was it just some accidental catastrophic failure? I'm sure we will find out sooner or later
Zell Catastrophic failure doesnt exist without gross negligence in the industry. There are too many standards and regulations for it to be a simple mistake.
@SSTEAS, even if they did stress test. The fact they didn't seal off the street during such a test is mind blowing. It is like someone walking under a crane lift that is carrying a load. You don't do that... You simply Don't... I mean, if florida don't even have those safety protocols in place... I am going to ask, how many more work accidents they have under active heavy lifting... As for potential flaws of the construction... The engineering aspect of the bridge might of just been fine but the construction of the bridge have been flawed. For example, if you don't seal the Iron properly with cement during your construction and it continues to erode... It will eventually break from erosion weakness. Which is fatal when handling larger loads. I am not an engineer tho... But such flaws can lead to larger consequence down the road. It could also be the fact the bridge was constructed askew. Meaning, the diagonal corners have too much difference in height which causes the bridge to twist and break. Since it might of not been engineered for such faulty tolerance. Well, there is many points where the flaw could have been.
Everyone knows if this had been a male judge it would have been deemed as him using his male privilege to force a kiss on a young girl. I definitely think Katy Perry was out of line though. Here is a kid who's trying to get the approval of her as a judge to move on so I'm sure he felt pressure to do what she asked. How is this any different than the actresses being pressured by Harvey Weinstien to do what he asked when they were trying to get roles in his movies? Maybe different in severity of the offense but it's essentially in the same category.
hes 19, not a kid, he's also a male, not a girl or a [retty pretty princess, it was innocent, not sexua assault or rape and he himself acknowledged he was only 'caught of guard'. Don't use feminist logic, it only justifies the crap they come out with. He has a fun memory now that a big star admittedly, kissed him cheekily on tv.
+No1More1Mr1Nice1Guy1 That wasn't an "innocent" kiss! She purposely stole a kiss from someone who sees the first kiss as a special thing he's SAVING for someone he cares very much for. You can't call what she did "innocent", is all I'm saying. She disrespected his beliefs AND boundaries. Period.
+No1More1Mr1Nice1Guy1 Absolutely use feminist logic to illustrate how illogical that logic is. I recall a certain PSA about "rape" in which a very earnest young woman states "If you talked to my friend and she didn't want you to, you have raped me". Principles only count if one applies them when it is inconvenient to do so. Therefore we must apply their self-stated rules about consent uniformly across all situations to show how ludicrous they have become. Edited for typos, as usual. When will someone invent a TWIM (Type What I Meant) app?
It's sexual assault, not because he was slightly uncomfortable, but because Katy Perry heard that he wanted his first kiss to be special, with someone he cares about, and she still did it. He was not expecting it; doesn't matter how he feels after the fact, it was unwanted.
As a PhD student in civil engineering I would not rush to blame the construction company before analysing what really led to the bridge collapse. Sorry for anyone's loss but I have to presume the company's innocence until malpractice or underdesign is proven. The bridge could've collapsed due to plethora of reasons such as excessive loading that was not expected , differential settlement in the bridge piers, bad construction practices,,,etc. Again, I am sorry for anyone's loss and wish who's got hurt a speedy recovery.
Here's what I've found out about on the Florida bridge collapse. They were re-tensioning the tendons because the preload was thought to be too low. If you watched the video of the bridge install and then looked at the engineering plans, you would notice that one of the right SPMTs in the video (south side of the street) was not lifting the bridge where it was supposed to and most likely caused the tendons or anchors to be overloaded past their yield strength in the move, hence the apparent lack of preload. When they tried to re-tension the tendons they exceeded their ultimate tensile strength causing them to snap or their anchors to fail and led to the immediate, catastrophic collapse of the span. They did this re-tensioning without closing the road. Negligent homicide at the least.
Michael G That is a possible explanation. However, i don't think anyone who's got a good background in engineering would exceed the ultimate tensile strength of the cables. Most codes recommend staying below 70% of the ultimate tensile strength.
It wasn't the engineer directly. When they moved the bridge into position, they placed one of the SPMTs in the wrong location per the movement plan. Because of that >>>during the move
As is far too common in construction, they deviated from the engineer's design. They did not place the SPMTs in the designed locations nor did they place support beams between the SPMTs as per the plans. _Maybe_ they had a PE's sign-off on the changes, but I doubt it -- I don't know any PE that would risk their career by oking a last minute change like this without significant (read: lengthy) verification. From what I've read, they "compensated" for the repositioning by increasing tension in the outer beams. The span failed while they were in the process of returning the tension to spec. I suspect they over tensioned the cable, or the concrete hadn't cured sufficiently to tolerate the increased tension. Seeing as the tensioning rod rebounded by what appears to be several feet, it either broke somewhere within the beam or at the anchor.
jfbeam if that's the case then the construction company or the engineer and consultant who approved the change are at fault. I think a technical report will be published specifying the reason for failure whether it was the cables failing or the concrete not supporting the anchors. Hopefully, whoever is responsible will face the consequences of their actions because human lives have been lost.
Re: Katy Perry, the whole situation is gross especially because he explained what a kiss meant to him and Katy disrespected that and tricked him into making a type of contact he didn't consent to.
Kissing somebody without consent isn't considered sexual assault. The mouth is not considered an erogenous zone. There have been similar court cases where males have kissed a female and it's been ruled that it's not assault. Katy Perry should learn from this though and not do it again because a lot of people wouldn't even feel comfortable with that
I don't think a peck can be considered as physical assault. Now if he said no and she did it, maybe, or if she clearly forced herself onto him, probably. Besides, he didn't see it as a big deal.
It's none of my business, literally. But it sounds like this is potentially a high pressure job, being Phil DeFranco. Moments like this make it obvious the standards expected in the show. I hope no one was fired over this, but ultimately it's obvious that while not being a big deal to me, is definitely important for the show and the people that work on it. Those kind of behind the curtains moments really showcase everything that goes into this.
Freedom Panic when you're in this type of environment it is going to happen the best thing is to just own up to it and move on like they did which is why I respect them.
Yeah Phil's standards are so high...sometimes I wish I could work as one of the researchers, but damn. That must be so stressful sometimes. Makes me very grateful for everyone involved
People are more replaceable than a brand is. I hope someone WAS fired over this. If he wants his channel, his band to be news, you can't have those kinds of mistakes. It would be one thing if the story was about an S9 but had an image of a S8 on accident. Totally excusable mistake. But when you're plastering someones face to a story or crime to millions, it's inexcusable to get an innocent person in the crossfire. All it could take is one news outlet not doing proper research and spreading it to ruin that innocent person's life. As Phil himself says, things on the internet never go away. That said, he knows it's not excusable, and wasn't trying to make excuses. What it boils down to is that he got lucky that this didn't blow up in his face. You can't employ people who put you at that kind of risk.
So to anyone defending Katy, you can honestly tell me that if a man, on screen, did what Katy did, he wouldn't get fired and his career destroyed? Really?
BOB money yeah maybe but it wasn't. It was a cutsey playful manuever anyway, if a guy did a cutsey playful maneuver then probably it wouldn't be so much of a big deal. people are so against physical contact now a days. I wonder if some people could even play tag now.
LAX2SanGabriel I respect the optimism, but let's be real. He would have been fired for sexual assault and the radical feminist would crucify them. But because she's a woman its cutesy. When its a guy, its aggressive
Danny Boy Jango except that men have most their jobs over things where the “victim” said they were not offended, it was done “on their behalf” and against their protestations. I agree that it should be the way you indicate, but it isn’t that way currently.
BOB money yeah if it was a male artist forcing a female contestant to kiss him he'd be absolutely crucified by radical 'feminists'.That artist would be boycotted and labeled a sexual predator and there'd even be people who claimed he raped the girl.
I mean that's why he didn't mention names, but stressed that they were new so people knew that it was a simple noobie mistake followed by everyone else's collaborated mistake of not checking it like they usually do.
I kinda wish this kiss situation was blown out of proportion, despite how I feel about it. Just because if the situation was reversed, and it was a man stealing a kiss from a girl, he would be swimming in shit right now, whereas KP is just seen like a funny tease. That's not normal. If it applies to one situation, it applies to the other.
It was a kiss on the cheek. Im not sure the reaction would be as crazy as people say. Especially because it would be the girl kissing the older guy on the cheek if you just switched the genders.
I think its kinda creepy without changing anything in the situation. Even if one of my girl friends did it to a guy the same age id find it creepy... if they want to kiss you they will. I dont know why KP wanted him to kiss her so much. I find it cringey and creepy
So did you fire them? I really don't think you should have. It's a mistake, mistakes happen. You even have a shirt that says "Let's make mistakes together", sure, the sentiment of the shirt is different, but still. I sure hope you didn't say "It was a one time thing" because you removed the person that made it happen. I know for certain every job I've been in, I always make a rookie mistake, but I learn FROM my mistakes. Also, (and im a long time subscriber), good job on saying "It was all my, I take all the blame" and then proceeding to say "It was their mistake, and they made it"
Sounds like person who messed up will be reprimanded, and Phil will re-evaluate the current workflow to make sure something like this can't happen again. I can't see him firing anyone when it was such an extraordinary set of circumstances, but at the same time they can't afford to make mistakes on a show that puts such an emphasis on reporting factual information.
LivtheFlame Phil has been mistaken before. And before it WAS 100% his fault. This time was the mistake of a noob. they shouldn't lose their job over that.
She shouldn't have kissed him. That is crossing the personal zone. I don't care who she is or who he is. If he felt ok with it, then good for him. Some other people would feel annoyed and totally NOT happy about it. I wonder if that is to do with her being the hot singer and people would think of him as an idiot because she kissed him. She obviously crossed her limit and she didn't even take his consent on it. She stole it! If she was a guy and he was a girl, that would be HELL awkward and even if it was someone as famous as KP .. it would be a topic to discuss and dissect. I say NO for that kiss.
Nerdy Snailie lol is just a kiss. It’s absolutely hilarious that people put such a pedestal on an act of touching lips. Now this guy has 15 minutes of fame from it. Do you people realize how big the universe is? How insignificant our speck of dust is in the cosmos? This is sad.
Nerdy Snailie i agree with you but to be fair, are'nt people talking about this pretty much in the same way they do when a guy does this. because it feels to me that people emidiatley assumes people dont care when it actually seems like most people do. but thats just my opinion, i would love to hear what you think in the comments down below :)
"other people would feel annoyed" aaaaaand that should be the limit of the "issue" Not matter who is who, how famous or not, female or male...There are levels of action and we are talking a rather small thing on scales. Was it not "right" probably...it also is not worth the energy it is being given.
He was uncomfortable, but he didn’t feel it was sexual harassment. If he felt like it was, then it would be a worse situation. But Bryan specified that he was uncomfortable because of the sudden suprise, he was thrown for a bit of the loop and denied most of the articles written about him because they didn’t truly portray his thoughts and feelings. It was still wrong and sneaky for KP to do that but if he didn’t feel like it was sexual harassment then it should end at that
Ummm .. I have no experience on females being forced kissed by a guy other than the ones in my secondary school (high school) years. It is uncommon here in the UK for anyone to do any of these actions unless consent is there or hints of consent. I understand celebrities do that often, look at Helen and Colbert kiss; was that acceptable? We have faint lines separating right or wrong in random forced kisses. KP knew she is turning her head for her lips to meet hers. Many people choose to name this as an elementary kids joke. A stupid joke honestly and children in school years are being playful and mean - to other children and usually get called on it and parents get involved to stop them from such behaviour. I find it interesting how people find it closed minded to not accept a random lip kiss. I would imagine myself in his shoes, going to a contest and thinking of my performance. How much pressure was there? What would happen if he continue to refuse!? Is more than one refusal necessary!? Our problem is we justify small acts and try to brush them off. What is the limit for crossing personal boundaries!? I think there should be mutual respect for all genders. I refuse this act done by any person to anyone from any age group. I think we need to learn to respect that we have options to say no and if we don't mind it, that doesn't mean it is right or ok to be done. I know from my experience that lots of (playing) and (jokes) that are miss interrupted end usually with not desirable results. Now it is KP .. but what if random person did that!? Why randomly kisses aren't acceptable but KP kiss was acceptable? What if it was anyone else .. who can ask you for a kiss on their cheek!? Why is it allowed?! O_O..
If it was a male judge, people would've gone insane. He would've lost his job and American Idol would've been boycotted. Benjamin seems like a really nice, smart kid, and I'm happy he doesn't feel too violated by the whole thing. But it shouldn't have happened. The cheek kiss was cute, but the lip kiss was just too weird. At least that my take. Also, the girl who killed her boyfriend. 180 days in jail? She killed a guy. She murdered someone. She deserves at least a year or two! I mean, what!
inglourious basterds like it or not situations are different depending on if a man or women is involved. As it should. We're different like it or not. Yes we should be treated equally but somethings a women can get away with that a man can't and vice versa.
I feel like what Katy Perry did was disrespectful at best. Just because someone doesn't conform to your expectations of when someone "should" have achieved certain levels of physical intimacy does not mean you should force or shame them. It's their own personal business and no one else's.
I don't see the point of defending katy perry's action. Now would I say it's sexual harrasement? No i would not, but that does not mean it's extremely disrespectful and I see no problem with calling her out on that. And about the whole you don't need to force or shame people into your level of intimacy. That is literally what Katy Perry did to that guy. It's a bit hypocritical for you to say other can't do that but then defend Perry while she did exactly that.
KINGFAIL My comment literally agrees with everything you just said. I said Katy was disrespectful and that she shouldn't have shamed or forced him. I do not defend Perry in my comment whatsoever- I think she was an absolute jerk.
KINGFAIL kingfail indeed.... think u need to check your autocorrect before saying something nonsensical lol Fuck Katy Perry, but she didn't do anything wrong… People need to grow a pair
KINGFAIL I think you may have misunderstood? It seems to me she’s saying that at BEST it’s disrespectful and at its WORST (implied by only saying BEST) it’s disgusting and clearly sexual harassment. She’s not being hypocritical or defending Perry, you’re on the same side... Perhaps I’m wrong, but that was how I interpreted that.
"Please understand that it is being taken care of right now." ...Uhh, are you reassuring us that you fired your backup editor? Because I'm sure no one in this community would feel happy that THAT was the result of this not-super-serious mistake...
Pretty sure its changes in the work flow process and not firing someone. It just might have come across more harsher than it is since Phil was probably still upset during the recording
I thought it was more in reference to the researcher anyway. Not that we want them to be fired either. But I could understand a reprimand kind of a broken windows policy.
I think because he made such a big deal about the first kiss, the "prank" should not have happened to begin with. Regardless of gender, it seems to have been more disrespectful and insensitive. *But regarding gender, I 100% agree, had it been reversed, a 33 year old man doing so to a 19 year old woman, it would have been different. They would've gotten backlash almost immediately. People argue for equality but don't bat an eye when it comes to double standards.*
The Katy perry situation just isn't right. With the roles reversed, people would be absolutely outraged and with due reason. Whether he said it was okay or not after it happened, it doesn't excuse her behaviour.
VarshaJay Very true, especially since he did say he wanted his first kiss to be in a relationship and after she did it she was high fiving the other judges. She's a piece of work
So true!!!! He may even get paid off to keep quiet more... or already has been. But if it had been a man then damn that judge would've been kicked off the show.
He didn't get past the info from the researchers so he did the best he could as quickly as possible. It just sounds like there were a few extraordinary circumstances that caused it to happen. As for the researcher that didn't pick it up at the viewing, I hope nothing happens to them either: sitting 5 ft away and trying to pay attention to a small picture of someone you don't know as well as the audio is harder than it sounds!
One month ago we were dealing with the Stoneman Douglas High School shootings. Today, I am crying over the victims under the bridge. My father lives within walking distance from where the FIU Bridge is located. Just 24 hours prior to the incident I drove him from the grocery store on 8th street under the bridge and he said "that bridge looks too wide for that location" I teased him, laughed and said Ok dad, when did you become a bridge engineer? but as I glanced at it as we drove under, it looked "odd" it was a monster of a bridge for what seemed like a small area...today, I am thankful to be alive. I told my dad I love him (we lost my mom and brother several years ago so its just us)...all night I could hear cranes, police and ambulance sirens and this morning at about 4:45am I woke to the sound of various helicopters (I think I saw 3) hovering over the accident scene...Please tell those you close to you that you love them. Hug them. Be kind to strangers. We don't know when it will be our turn. Live your life to the fullest.
this is a thought i've had recently as well. after Christmas last year i was staying in a house in coral springs a couple hundred feet away from the Stoneman Douglas School, a couple weeks before the shooting took place. I was in Vegas during the shooting (thankfully not at the concert, was in our hotel at the time) and also was in Nice in france a couple years back during that attack at the beachfront with the truck. Crazy coincidences but it's just a terrifying thought to me to really think that you have no idea what is going to happen, when it is going to happen or to whom. and the thought of such things happening to people who also were just going along with their normal days terrifies me that it could happen to anyone live life to the fullest while you can!
I live by Orlando. My fiance's family lives 2 blocks from FIU and drove under that bridge the night before. So very scary isn't it? Florida has been through enough already.
Tbh, the apology in this video sounded really weird to me. Saying "for some reason" about anything makes whatever you say after that sound really dismissive, where in this case, the mistake is completely understandable. Especially when the perfect storm of absences and injuries make the entire normal workflow very different. However, the most disappointing thing to me is that you seem to single out a specific employee after saying that the entirety of the blame falls on you. You really *did not* have to say that questions were raised for you regarding said employee. Your subscribers do not need to hear about that, and I'm sure said employee did not appreciate that drag. Honestly, you didn't even need to explain anything. If you really wanted to make it sound like you were genuinely taking fault for the mistake, you could have just said something like "These images were used in error; the girls pictured have accounts on different platforms with the same names," or something to that effect. We're not here for WHY the mistake was made. Just correct it and move on.
I feel for the guy Katy Perry kissed. I didnt have my first kiss until i was 23. Ive only been in a couple serious relationships and i wanted my first kiss to be special. So my girlfriend at the time took me out to the local park and we kissed under a tree. It was really nice. I do hope this guy goes on to have something special like that
My first kiss was recently stolen by one of my closest friends. Everyone was fine with this because had a previously established relationship and years of building that friendship. A 33 year old celebrity stealing a 19 year old stranger's first kiss after he explicitly objected is just... no.
The reaction *would* absolutely have been different had it been a male aggressor, and looking at his own reaction to stoically and unemotionally deny, downplay, and bury it, it still is different in a multitude of ways. It *should* not be different, but it would have been, and in fact I'm surprised even this has gotten as far as it did. That shows massive progress among those who fight for progress, as that fight's finally being less exclusive... and *that's* a VERY good sign, as extremists in these groups had people convinced that only one side of these heinous gender-based double standards *even existed,* let alone mattered. That is very clearly false, and the more people realize that, the less nonsensically polarized these issues become, and the closer to a mutually beneficial solution they get. This is one of many crossroads moments, one we should hope won't fail like the dropping of hate crime charges against the Facebook Streaming Scalpers; a moment where we set a precedent for what is and isn't acceptable, and whether or not that applies to everyone equally. Crucify her, as you did Spacey, and make an example to women everywhere that being a "non-traditional" assaulter does not excuse this or any kind of assault... Or let her get away with it, and reinforce an already far too prevalent preconception. Your move, public eye. "we'll be watching your career with great interest." -Senator Palpatine.
Somehow get more respect for you when you all do slip up, because on the rare occasion this happens you all own up to it asap. Sometimes you have to make mistakes to get better. Still my favorite and most reliable news source 🤗❤️
Phil, I’m confused. You r always asking for our comments and thoughts about a specific story or stories. In the old Friday show format, you would actually show viewers thoughts and opinions on the stories and the idea of a “conversation” would be reached. Now you ask for our thoughts and opinions on a story, but you never bring them up to be discussed or debated on the new Friday format. Is there a new area(i.e. the website) or different platform where the conversation is being discussed? Please let me know, I miss the idea of a conversation.
Answer, Phil. I too would like to know why it's changed. Got lazy? Didn't want to put the extra effort in to read the comments anymore? Didn't want to share our opinions anymore so you could make the friday shows shorter? You "love" hearing our opinions in the comments down below but we all know that's bullshit. You aren't reading them anymore.
Scarlett got lazy? He is running a company. And there is around 10000 comments. If it only took 3 seconds for each comment, which usually are sentences, it would be 8 hours and 20 minutes of reading comments. Would you want to sit and read all that?
Scarlett The original comment was a fair question, but passive aggressive demands to be acknowledged and claims that he is too “lazy” to do so might be a reason why he doesn’t give you the attention you think you deserve
I respect your leadership in acknowledging a mistake, your plans for improvement, and not throwing your team under the bus. You show your team that you have there backs and show your audience you respect them and your pursuit in getting the story out truthfully. Kudos.
yes,if this was a man kissing a young teen girl it would be all over the news, lawsuits would be filed, the man would be publicity shamed.. etc..double standards for female celebs at it's best..
Seneca Sounds yes I agree I've seen it first hand at a place I used to work with lesbians.when I first started at a brand new built restaurant from a world wide chain, there were men,women and a lesbian Mgr.now there were also a couple of other lesbians. after a couple months there are only females and 75% are lesbians. I visited last week.disgusting
WickedlyDefiant only by some- some women are saying “he shouldn’t have felt uncomfortable he’s lucky” and other things- we must acknowledge that IF it was a male there would be immediate firing from positions, probable legal punishment, and ostracizing front the community
Not to mention she is famous. If she wasn't it'd have a bigger uproar. Or like Phil said, she could've been ugly, she could've been fat, etc. It's sad really, that different people cause different reactions.
Phil, you are an incredible and responsible host with an amazing team. Please don't be to hard on yourself or them. Taking responsibility for your mistakes is something admirable and inspiring, it is also something that few others do. That you meet every setback or failure with with the desire to constantly strive for perfection, is an example of your passion and professionalism. Thanks to you and your team for everything you guys do for us.
clearly there is mass outrage, needless mass outrage. people are acting like she pulled his shorts down on national tv, pointed at his penis and laughed at it.
Jedda Yeah but if the roles were changed the male artist of the hypothetical situation would be in court right now. It wouldn't be a mass outrage it would be nation wide outrage.
but the roles aren't changed, she's a woman, not a man. men and women are different. every one knows anytime a man meets a pretty girl, on some level his instincts are telling him she's potential mating material, even if he's happily married with adorable children, even then in the back of his mind he's thinking about the possibility of fucking her. women are wired differently, all Katy Perry was doing was trying to be cute and funny. her motivation was different. there was no hint of it being sexually aggressive so, is there a double standard? yes. because their should be! you have to be simple to think that double standards are automatically hypocritical . you see this in those teacher sexual misconduct with a student stories. 'WELL IF IT WAS A MALE TEACHER HE'D BE IN JAIL' that's because a 30 year old male teacher could easily rape a 15 year old girl. a 30 year old female could not rape a 15 year old boy, if he resisted he's easily over power her. all she can do is let him fuck her. it IS different.
jedaaa yeah I’m definitely calling BS on that just because men and women are wired differently this gives a woman an automatic pass? Sexual harassment doesn’t apply to just the other gender her motives don’t matter, and labeling every man as an aggressive male who just wants to have animalistic sex is a disgusting generalization. If Katy Parry is going to cry rape and sexual her assignment for every woman out there than she needs to hold her self and her actions to the same standards that she is enforcing on her male counterparts.
The young, male contestant was pressured into kissing KP. Then was pressured again to do another, where on the second attack, KP stole a kiss at him. Basically unofficially stealing his first kiss. If a male judge did this to a young female, the public would crucify that judge and said judge would be fired.
If it had been Luke Bryan and a female, people would be freaking out no matter what the kissed person said after the fact. Pretty sure the only reason Brochu got the ‘special kind of probation’ is because she’s a pretty, white girl. Also, I think I’m the one person on the planet who is subscribed, sees all your videos in my subscriptions and always gets notified.
Hey Zachary. Happy to hear that you don't use that word. The preferred way is called "person first" language, where you refer to the person and then the disability. So, you would say/write "persons with mental disabilities." There are some exceptions like the Deaf, Blind, and sometimes Autistics, but when in doubt, I'd go person first. I did know this until I entered the field, so I'm not trying criticize, just inform. :)
Having the wrong photo up there is more than a small error. If the person wanted to, they could really cause a stink or possibly sue. I'm thinking it probably won't come to that but it opened them up to that kind of issue. And mostly for causing people to have to question the show's general integrity, it is absolutely a fireable offence in my opinion. I HOPE the researcher isn't fired but I wouldn't blame Phil if that happened.
Honestly, I kinda hate how there's so many people in the comments saying that Katy Perry's actions were "just a joke." This is the time of the #MeToo Movement, people...and if the same event happened with the roles switched (older man steals a kiss from a 19 year old girl and then immediately high-fives his fellow judges while the female literally stumbles and falls to the ground in shock), people would be tearing his ass apart online.
Exactly. This isn't really sexual assault I wouldn't say so entirely- but I do think its gross and pathetic. Leave the dude alone, he didn't want that and they all knew it. Its sad.
"the time of MeToo Movement" I think my eyes rolled into the back of my head with that sentence. I highly doubt that a reversal would be much more of an escalation. It is dumb this is even an issue. there ARE real issues. this is petty and dumb.
Do you want to live in an equal and just society? If so, then everyone MUST be treated equally no matter how rich or poor, how ""priviledged"" or powerless, no matter the sex, no matter the gender. Once you open pandora's box and claim to fight for progressivism, you have to walk the walk instead of use it as a means to have power.
You are a great example of a true leader and manager. Taking responsibility for your team’s and show’s actions is the proper way to handle these scenarios. In the past, you have criticized those who have not. You followed through on what you believe. I know what that feels like. It is a hard to do and not everyone can do it. I don’t always agree with you but I respect you more than ever before.
I really couldn't care less who kisses who aslong as they don't force a kiss after they pull away and it's not an adult stranger kissing a child on the lips like that then who cares. Shit happens we make our choices and as long as you aren't hurting people and can take no as an answer then there is no issue in my book lol. P.S. I really wouldn't care who was older, who was male or female, or who was ugly or attractive although you can't be mad if someone calls you a disgusting moldy cunt if you kiss a stranger like that because shit happens lol.
I’m not trying to be *that* person, but really.. switch the roles on the Katy Perry story. If it was a man in his mid-thirties and he kissed a teenage girl against her will after she SPECIFICALLY said that she was waiting on that moment... everyone would outrage. I don’t have anything against Ms. Perry but that was sexual assault, plain and simple. Instagram + Snapchat: laurensabino182
Lauren Sabino completely agree. Some people are saying it is nothing serious just because she is a woman and famous. Being a woman or famous doesn't change the fact that it happened without consent.
Philip! Can you talk about Samcrac and his lawsuit with Domino's over his Domino's Pizza car? I think it's kinda unfair they're trying to sue him when he bought it fairly.
What Katy Perry did is a form of sexual assault. It's not as bad as full-on rape, obviously, but if a man had done this to a woman, I think more people would easily be outraged. The fact that there are people not angry about this, who would be furious if the genders had been reversed, boils my blood almost as much as the act itself. SHAME ON KATY PERRY!
+TeenyTiny That's the point. It's sexism against men and it needs to stop. If the genders were reversed people would be outraged. Thus they should be equally outraged now. Or they should never be outraged. The genders of the parties involved should not matter. The act should.
I think a lot of people miss the point with the Katy Perry story. It's not about whether or not the young man feels like he was sexually assaulted or he's okay with it now, it's about the fact that he might not have been. Ultimately he consented to giving her a kiss on the cheek, he made it very clear that he didn't want to do it, and he protested when Katy asked for a kiss. She then tricked him into a kiss on the lips that he had explicitly said he did not want. I'm glad that he's apparently okay with it and he's not scarred for life or anything, that's a good thing, but it's not the point. The fact that he's okay with being sexually assaulted doesn't negate the fact that he was, just like if she had stolen $5 from him and he was okay with it, she wouldn't be less of a thief.
Annie Lucy I agree with you on your points, and to add, this shows the difference between how sexual assault is handled differently depending on the sex of those involved. He is under social pressure as a male to "just let it go", where a female in the same situation is under social pressure to press charges!
The Kary Perry incident falls into the shift of power, and how hypocrite this system is. If it was the other way around (guy steals a kiss from a much younger girl) oh! The outrage by everyone, but in this case it is beautiful powerful famous singer, who happens to be a woman kissing a guy.
Gawd dammit Katy Perry. There cant be a double standard for this me too movement. Sexualy harrassemnt is still sexual harrassment no matter who its affecting
Some double standards exist for a reason. It's not the same as a guy stealing a kiss from a woman. It wasn't right for her to do, because she knew he didn't want a kiss. But it's not as bad as a guy doing that.
NeoFryBoy how on Earth is that not as bad as if a guy did it? It's the has Same act with the same intention. And you're saying it's ok because it's from a famous woman?
NeoFryBoy ...Why is it not the same as a guy stealing a kiss from a girl? Feminists say they want men and women to be treated equally, they claim men and women are the same, so if you want equality you have to be prepared to have the same standards of scrutiny and face the same punishment that a man would get. Personally I don't think there's much wrong with what Katy Perry did, a bit rude but nothing that would have gotten attention a few years ago, but if the metoo movement wants to create a toxic atmosphere around anything a man does, it should be the same for women.
You're a good guy, PhillyD and you face your mistakes and shortcomings and work on them to better yourself and your show. I like that since it's a very rare trait these days. People tend to turn to fighting for their mistakes rather than owning up to them and learning from them. You're a gentleman and a scholar, sir. Respect!
Yep, would have destroyed either one of the dude's careers! (I personally dont give a shit about what Katy did) But, the fact is they would call the man a rapist
Your Guitar Inspiration Guy pretty much .. Katy should be jailed it’s all about equality and if she wants to be treated like a man she needs jail time .
That's the entire point. Women rightly are upset when that happens to them, and it should have the same seriousness when it happens to men. Ultimately we all get to decide how we feel if it happens to us but it should still feel the same regardless of gender
Bb Ff ummm...nobody needs to be jailed over a peck, dude. Katy didn't rape the guy. If the guy really cares then he can sue her, but he clearly doesn't. Nothing to see here.
I don't think this is to the level that would require jail time (mostly because the guy who was kissed wasn't too upset about it and because of the intention behind the kiss). He definitely could have sued though and she should have known better. People need to know that that is not acceptable behavior no matter how famous you are.
I go to FIU and I’m not surprised that I got more straightforward information about the bridge collapse from you than from any local news source and the university combined.
Something you realize early on in life, there are double standards for the genders. Just take a look at that female teacher sleeping with that 14yr old boy, explain how she isn't rotting in jail like ANY man would be for the same thing.
Mystic Phoenix I agree but if you look at the comments under videos about that teacher the majority are from men justifying why it’s ok for teenage boys to sleep with grown women.
elemeno82002 Even though most of the ones arguing for boys to sleep with older women were men, most men do *not* support that broken statement. So that arguement is invalid
The fact is, most 14 year old guys would love to sleep with a "sexy older woman" type (I know I wanted to, and many I knew would given the chance). That doesn't necessarily make it right, and I can't speak for everyone, but it's not like I was incapable of understanding what consent was when I was 14. Most guys I've met have a similar past experience.
Hey Philip I think the “R Word” is a stupid concept. I am disabled and I have worked not only with Special olympics but I also run my own organization called Trident and it’s a non-profit for disabled students. The word is something that everyone demonizes but the thing of it is no one in the disabled community has a problem with it. Disabled is now a word that everyone thinks is bad because some people don’t see themselves as disabled. I personally think people should call me matt and we should stop caring about the use of silly words and actually focus on the real topics like the fact that our countries congress actually justified cutting funding to the ADA. Disabled people more care that in almost all aspects of life we are bullied, and discriminated against the “r word” campaign is a distraction to make it look like the world supports us.
ArchCraftGaming personally I believe it's the meaning put behind the word, not necessarily the word itself. For example while camping out back I found a sign with said "trees planted by the spastic Centre 1980" after doing some research I found in that time period it was used as the correct term for people with a mental disability but others had taken the word and created something mean used to hurt people. This doesn't mean I run around using words with mean connotations, but mostly I find the meaning for words changes with each passing decade and it's the meaning you put behind the word not necessarily the word itself. Hopefully that made sense.
Jenna Gibson I understand your point and liked the comment for that reason. However you should realise that things change with time and we must evolve with it. If the meaning of a word does change over time and it starts being seen as derogatory then it should not be a part of anyone’s lexicon. Also, I’m not going to stand here and say I haven’t used the word, I have used it and sometimes it comes out, but I’m trying not to.
"If the meaning of a word does change over time and it starts being seen as derogatory then it should not be a part of anyone’s lexicon." I hope you realise you're on a slippery slope here.
ArchCraftGaming you said you wanted to be called Matt then called yourself disabled. When you say disabled people get bullied then say we. Your bullying your self
And If it were nicki minaj? Or JLo? Or Beyonce? What if one of them had kissed him how would people react? People are going to overreact and stick their nose into shit no matter what. If it WERE a guy and a young girl then that's creepy. This...No not SO much. ESPECIALLY SINCE THE KID WAS COOL WITH IT AFTERWARDS.
While I do agree it's nothing much considering the context, I guess the outrage is mostly being like that to "balance" the outrage when the situation is gender-flipped.
I’m scared for that employee! You’re like that awesome boss who gives you the benefit of the doubt, then you screw up and you just fell all the disappointment at once
The key part of the mindfuck here is that you are never really safe, you are simply playing the odds each and every time you get out of bed, walk out your door or start your car. Shit can and will happen, but look between you and I your odds aren't that bad.
Government giving you safety is an illusion is my largest point, they sell it to you like they will but in reality all you do is trade some form of already held freedom for basically nothing.
This isn't even the first time Katy has done something like this. She's groped Shawn Mendes too. So many more people would be upset if the genders were reversed
Buttered Lumps it's kinda fucked up that women get away with it....but most of the time it's the men who don't seem to bother or care, Statistically adult men really don't have to worry about being violated by women. The uneven backlash is understandable if it was a 19 year old girl and a 32 year old man kissed her, because in reality women do have to be constantly on alert around other men.
that's completely true there are men who are violated and victimized by women and are not taken seriously...I wont however put this Katy Perry incident in the same category. People are comparing it to the surge of backlash during the me too movement, it's not the same thing. Those allegations described a horrific scenario completely different from being quick kissed on television.
Exactly. How would you feel if this was your son? But honestly it doesn’t matter how we feel it matters how he feels and felt and he told us and she needs to apologize and at the very least cut the creepy bullshit
I feel the "r-word," as any other "no-word," has a time and place to be used, either in familiar settings were you could probably use certain words without being too careful, or in professional or communal company where you might offend someone whom may be going through or has been through certain situations where the words might carry more weight. I like to see my company and surroundings before comfortably using certain words.
Thank you for talking about the tragedy that happened at my school Phil. Really appreciate the research and knowledge you are sharing with everyone around the world. You are one of my favorite TH-camrs and it really means a lot :)
I felt like it was necessary to address a few things and apologize. Thanks for sticking around you Beautiful Bastards and I'll see you Monday.
In regards to the Katy Perry story, people need to get it in their heads that not everyone needs to be saved.
Hey Phil, I'm a big fan of your content but one thing I kinda wanted to say was this: in my opinion it would be better to have any corrections for mistakes as the first part of the video(unless in the event of a tragic/important event or story). This is just my opinion and I could just be dumb and you are doing this, I just thought it'd be cool. Looking forward to more vids! Have a nice day
Philip DeFranco Dude!! Katy Perry also kissed a girl and she liked it, I wonder if it was a similar situation!!!?!
I can see why people got up in arms about the Katy Perry kiss. With all the attacks against men now a days, they are using this as ammo against the “me too” movement and many feminists who are using everything against men.
You should've made the apology the first thing you talked about today.
"And the reason Mona Lisa's name might sound familiar to you , is we talked about her before"
No Phil, I know Mona Lisa from the painting.
Saitama ^^^this
I know her from Parks and Recreation.
Regarding the researcher mess up with the wrong graphics, please don't fire them if you perhaps were thinking to do so. Instead maybe get them to directly shadow the main editor or a researcher to get them more up to snuff. I know you're stricter than most shows and are continually striving for perfection but this seems like unfortunate oversight by someone that was pushed into a higher role out of necessity.
If anything Phil will just have a talk with the editors and try to make sure it doesn't happen again. There are rarely mishaps that Phil has to apologize for so I doubt any one is in too much trouble especially with how small an incident this was.
I think we should treat the Katy Perry situation the same way we would treat a man kissing a girl without her full consent. Having said that, I think the whole incident has been blown out of proportion a fair amount.
Yeah, It's the double standard that pisses me off the most. You see the same thing happen when female teachers diddle male students.
Cael Ray Thank you, appreciate it :)
Zenkai76 Agreed. Equality needs to go both ways.
Very sensible and fair point made that I agree with...big win for the internet today
Will it's gonna get worse because how it first started
An apology is a nice touch man. Give that editor some slack, train him to do better and to not let his past get him down. We need more shows like this, so you showing responsibility gives this editor who used to work in news some hope for the future. Keep up the work.
Matthew Conway That's a sunk cost. Whether you fire them or not you already spent the money training them so that should have no bearing on the decision
+Jason Costa It does and always should. Basically the question should always be: "Is this mistake really worth firing them for?" This is taking in all the good work they've done until that point and the special circumstances along with how much you've already invested in them *vs* the cost to the company in reputation and from the specific case.
nfzeta This is literally the definition of a sunk cost that you learn in any basic economics course and by definition a sunk cost doesn't weigh into your decision. The cost to train the previous employee won't be recouped if they're fired or not so you shouldn't take it into consideration. The cost of training a new employee on the other hand is a different story
+Jason Costa that's the problem with always going by the book. The sunk cost isn't technically taken into consideration in the books but its almost always a part of the decision as long as its made by a person.
nfzeta The whole point of it being in the book is that it shouldn't be taken into consideration. Money spent that won't be made back with either decision therefore has no weight so why would you even want to consider it? Like I said, you'd need to consider the cost of training someone new if you decide to let the person go but that has nothing to do with the original cost of training
I feel like Katy Perry could have offered and not do it when he said no. Obviously she thinks she is doing some sort of charity here by kissing him but that is so pretentious.
My thoughts exactly, and it's shown by how she reacts afterwards by throwing her hands up as if she won a prize, a prize he didn't give her
Kea Lynn yeah, he already said he didn’t want to kiss outside a relationship before she kissed him. I don’t have any restrictions like that, but if I did, someone knew about them, and kissed me anyway, I’d be mad as hell. How can you know someone’s wishes and break them anyway?
Exactly, no means no. I don't necessarily think it was that "inappropriate"; granted yes, I fully agree she shouldn't have done that and that he had said no to it. I also fully agree that if the roles were reversed it would be a much, much larger scandal. However, and this by no means excuses what Katy Perry did, nor is it intended to damean or take away from the issue of sexual harassment...it was a kiss. That's it. I don't like that she did it after he said no, I don't think it was appropriate, I don't think anyone should do something like that, whether they're a man or woman, but it was a joking kiss. It was not anything serious, and I honestly think that if news media are demonizing Katy Perry over this its a little overblown and unnecessary. Everyone seems to have become complete, and utter whimps.
Again, WHAT SHE DID WAS WRONG. HE DIDN'T WANT TO BE KISSED AND SHE WENT AGAINST HIS WISHES AND DID SO ANYWAY. There is NO excuse for that, But it really is not THAT big of a deal. On the scale of wrongdoing it is extremely low... but what she did still is on there. Katy did something wrong, but it wasn't outrageously evil.
Mingo La Flare
That sort of level-headed critical thinking has NO place in today's society. Good day sir.
DUUUUUUDE I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M ON PHILIP DEFRANCO!!! Thankyou so so much! I really love your show!
You’re actually him? :0
Satan Anime girl Yep that's me!
Hope everything is going well Benjamin :)
Best wishes brother.... Hope everything goes well for you!
Well if you're actually him I hope all goes well buddy! You seem like a really nice guy :)
The Hillary Clinton video helps confirm that Donald Trump didn't win because he was a good candidate, but mainly because Hillary Clinton was such a bad one... She's the best PR manager Donald could've hoped for.
She was, most definitely, the reason I voted for Trump.
People who vote on personality and not policy are also part of the problem.
Her policies sucked as bad as her personality.
Russian bots... Lolz at msm, obviously she was the problem!
That's what I kept telling Democrats (im independent) during the election, that having having Clinton as your front runner is going to give it a republican win. Any decent Democrat would have beaten Trump.
I’m very disappointed by the sentence and charges that Brianna received. From what I understand, she wanted to make her roommate sick so she’d move out. Brianna’s behavior is deeply troubling. One has to be seriously depraved to mess with someone’s toothbrush. Brianna sounds like a sociopath.
sweetie1027 can you imagine being in a relationship with someone like that? I'd never let her cook for me....not seeing anything wrong with this behavior really is quite troubling.
Philly D and team, I hope you know that we don't hold it against you and understand the apology. I hope the girls weren't too offended, but from the sounds of things you've got things and you'll tighten up the screws. I hope those who made the mistakes here don't let this hinder the good work you do, and will continue to do. I love being apart of the nation, keep at it!
That kid is absolutely pure and adorable. I’m sorry he had to be thrown into this bullshit. I hope he gets his cute first kiss , what an angel
And bro if that would have been a man kissing a girl it would have been INSANE.
Haley Murphy that wasn’t a kid that was an adult lmao
I was wondering who the hell you were talking about at first. Then I realized that you were talking about the singer who imagined his first kill would be with someone named Roy, but it was Katy Perry.
There are double standards for men and women and some of them exist for good reasons in my opinion. And also a person's attractiveness can change the situation aswell. It's just a fact that most people let you get away with stuff like this more often if they find you attractive. So yeah, more people would have found it wrong if Katey Parry wasn't an attractive woman. But it seems like the guy didn't think it was such a big a deal, so if he doesn't care why should anyone else.
Tao of Jester I mean I agree but your example of a 14 year old sleeping with a 50 year old is kinda a bit extreme considering we are taking about a 19 year old getting kissed by a 34(?) year old.
Bruce Doughty I mean I’m also just saying I feel bad he was all in the media, I think he felt really pressured to be eventually blow it off
Loving that we are getting an 'update' episode on recent done stories, I often have to re-watch and look up through the links to see what happened after some time has passed by. It's good to have it all in one video.
If it'd been a 33 year old man kissing a 19 year old girl, we all know damn well he'd be in court right now.
Foo-Foo Cuddlypoops Hello tasty meat.
well it isn't a man, it's a woman so.....
... in what state?
So true
I hope you go easy on that researcher. Everyone makes mistakes. Making a mistake isn't indicative of work ethic, nor does it really hurt your show as long as you own up to it and correct, which you did.
JessicaLeighMo agreed mistakes happen
JessicaLeighMo Mistakes do happen yes, but, as a News Editor I can tell you, a researcher making a mistake like that is not cool, it's not a small mistake. It can result in lawsuits. We gave professional researchers for a reason, to get FACTS and to ensure that information is 100 per cent correct and factual.
With that said, I dint think Phil will be too hard on him he seems like a easy going guy.
You deserve a trophy
Hahahaha. Noice
Avoid criminal record? Wtf
The public reaction would be different, but should not be different. People have the idea that if a woman does something sexual like that to a man, it’s completely okay. But if a man does the same thing to a woman, the whole world comes to an end. This thought process isn’t right and needs to stop.
"it is being taken care of...right now"
"In unrelated news, we currently have a new job opening for a research position! Apply in the link down below"
i hope that's not what he meant.
two mistakes regarding pictures, sure. but not major mistakes. :-/
hopefully its just a huge telling off and new better systems in place. unfortunately this could mean a later PDS
But that wasn't the fault of a researcher it was the fault of an editor
sounded like both....
researcher should have provided the correct image.
editor should have found the correct image.
researcher should have caught the incorrect image.
i suppose we'll figure out from the vlog channel if anyone got fired.
Jared Begg in my opinion, you can't expect the editor to do the in-depth research, that's not their Job. I just think he should have at least tried harder to get the right image from the researcher. And the researcher should have reviewed the cut.
you shouldn't kiss someone without their permission. no matter how (un)attractive you are, how old you are or what gender you are. is that so hard to keep in mind?
what Katy did is unacceptable and just creepy
A nice concept, but has nothing to do with what op was stating, which was about consent.
minceyjs Good idea
About the girl who accidentally killed her boyfriend, I think the punishment is fine. After all, the justice system is supposed to reform and deter. While he unfortunately won't be able to learn(reform), I think she already did, right at that very time it happened. They were stupid, but they both already paid for it.
Also, the children need care.
Noblesse Oblige or.the perfect.crime
On the other hand, you can argue that watching her partner die and knowing that she was the cause probably screwed her up more than she already was, making her suitability as a mother even more tenuous.
That's for family court
Well she's mentally scarred and still serving a decent amount of time. Not to mention the long term probabtion. People need to remember it was something the 2 of them agreed to do. While stupid, the man and woman both played a part in the act
Noblesse Oblige get hyped for R3 my dood
Yeah... My first reaction is.. It's a kiss from Katie Perry!! Then I'm like... yeahhh you flip it around or change the situation and it turns into a whole crapshoot
Joseph W. Thompson my thoughts exactly. I thought lucky bastard he got kissed by Katy Perry. But then I thought if that was Lionel Richie kissing a female contestant there would be an uproar
Mike Fleet yeah unfortunately that's just the way we were molded by society. It's okay for a female to do that to a male because if he doesn't like it he's just a "wimp" or somthing like that but I'm glad we agree that it should be looked at in diffrent perspectives
Mundy it's legal ?
Joseph W. Thompson not since Trump won
Men and women arent the same. It's ok if that happens to a 19-yr old MAN.
No, the reason I recognise the name Mona Lisa is because of a renaissance painting.
Danny Vasquez
no, he painted a guy named Oscar, i think
No that was michelangelo
Elisha Parker you sure it wasnt Bill?
Yeah because bill was the guy that invented America
The real shocker to this story is that they are allowing Katy Perry to judge other people’s singing voices.
Donny Donowitz she is cancer
It's almost like music is subjective
Alex Temple tbf music is, but singing voice isn’t. Genuinely think the car radio is broken when her songs start playing...
Donny Donowitz Oof
Oh of course, Mona Lisa... I totally recognized the name from that youtuber Phil mentioned one time... not the famous painting...
If the kiss happened to a female, even if she said "I don't think it was sexual assault", the public would have lynched him. Especially with all the metoo stuff.
[REDACTED] Equality.
[REDACTED] that goes without saying at this point tbh
If someone randomly kissed me on the mouth after I had just told them I wasn’t going to kiss someone until I felt like it was the right person...dang, I’d be mad. When I say “no”, I mean “no” and the person who kissed me would have hell to pay for it. What gives anyone the right to reject my wishes and force me into that kind of physical contact? Nope, don’t like it. If a guy kissed me out of the blue after I had already said something like the boy did, I would classify it as assault and never go near him again.
Sarah S girls get a little more leeway
triplesix no kidding, but they shouldn’t. Women keep wanting equality, that means equal consequences, too.
Sitting on Ceilings I was suggesting an ideal, not reporting a reality, sadly.
kiss or kiss me on the cheek then I turn my head around? Situation and intention matters a lot. Yeah sure get angry, not saying anything about that but classifying it as assault??? dont know about that. Not to be disrespectful but that kinda lowers the bar a lot and mixes up what constitutes an actual assault?
Exactly but that's why there is laws and we fallow the laws enough of breaking them and apply them whenever we feel like
Phil don’t fire your people!! Accidents happen. It’s not a trend
IKR someone is getting canned for sure, but I hope not...
Little Lion Family I'm sure he understands that but he will tighten the screws to make sure such things never happen again
Yeah, that kind of scares me about Phil is the aspect of getting fired. It was just a bad scenario, people weren't able to be at the stations due to unavoidable circumstances, and the most they can do is make certain the viewers understand there was an era and inform anyone who hasn't seen the update yet.
What exactly happened?
Is 10 days in 10 out a normal thing? I've never heard of that before.
I would really like some clarification of the jail time being served
It's pretty normal. I've heard of "weekend" jail before.
Hex's youtube account - a friend of mine in high school got in some trouble and the judge allowed him to serve his jail sentence on the weekend and do community service in the afternoons during the week so that he could continue to go to school and hold down his job.
Katalina K I have
Yeah, I got tougher "sentences" for misbehaving at home when I was a kid.
As for the second crime story, about the room mates from college, how can Phil be surprised at the leniency of the sentence when the previous story was a girl getting 180 days in jail, at her convenience, for shooting and killing another person?
I'm a Civil Engineer and that collapse was catastrophic. It is sad that in today's world many people in the construction industry and another engineering Industries try to cut corners where Corners shouldn't be cut. It is a constant argument between people who want to do things right and people who want money. Most of the greedy firms go out of business, but every once in awhile something like this happens oh, and it is very unfortunate.
I was working for such a firm up until December. It was run by some old fart that would complain that we were taking too long to do anything, despite all the changes in regulation. Dude's stuck in the 80s.
As far as this goes, I imagine there's a lot of finger pointing going on between the engineers and the construction company right now. No doubt both sides are lawyering up.
Jumping to conclusions dude. The cause of the collapse is not known yet. Was there gross negligence? Or was it just some accidental catastrophic failure? I'm sure we will find out sooner or later
Zell Catastrophic failure doesnt exist without gross negligence in the industry. There are too many standards and regulations for it to be a simple mistake.
@SSTEAS, even if they did stress test. The fact they didn't seal off the street during such a test is mind blowing. It is like someone walking under a crane lift that is carrying a load. You don't do that... You simply Don't...
I mean, if florida don't even have those safety protocols in place... I am going to ask, how many more work accidents they have under active heavy lifting...
As for potential flaws of the construction... The engineering aspect of the bridge might of just been fine but the construction of the bridge have been flawed. For example, if you don't seal the Iron properly with cement during your construction and it continues to erode... It will eventually break from erosion weakness. Which is fatal when handling larger loads. I am not an engineer tho... But such flaws can lead to larger consequence down the road.
It could also be the fact the bridge was constructed askew. Meaning, the diagonal corners have too much difference in height which causes the bridge to twist and break. Since it might of not been engineered for such faulty tolerance.
Well, there is many points where the flaw could have been.
Everyone knows if this had been a male judge it would have been deemed as him using his male privilege to force a kiss on a young girl.
I definitely think Katy Perry was out of line though. Here is a kid who's trying to get the approval of her as a judge to move on so I'm sure he felt pressure to do what she asked. How is this any different than the actresses being pressured by Harvey Weinstien to do what he asked when they were trying to get roles in his movies? Maybe different in severity of the offense but it's essentially in the same category.
Kristopher Williams True
hes 19, not a kid, he's also a male, not a girl or a [retty pretty princess, it was innocent, not sexua assault or rape and he himself acknowledged he was only 'caught of guard'. Don't use feminist logic, it only justifies the crap they come out with. He has a fun memory now that a big star admittedly, kissed him cheekily on tv.
The actresses with Harvey felt violated and victimized. He doesn't. He even said so. That was a really bad comparison you used there.
That wasn't an "innocent" kiss! She purposely stole a kiss from someone who sees the first kiss as a special thing he's SAVING for someone he cares very much for. You can't call what she did "innocent", is all I'm saying. She disrespected his beliefs AND boundaries. Period.
+No1More1Mr1Nice1Guy1 Absolutely use feminist logic to illustrate how illogical that logic is. I recall a certain PSA about "rape" in which a very earnest young woman states "If you talked to my friend and she didn't want you to, you have raped me". Principles only count if one applies them when it is inconvenient to do so. Therefore we must apply their self-stated rules about consent uniformly across all situations to show how ludicrous they have become.
Edited for typos, as usual. When will someone invent a TWIM (Type What I Meant) app?
It's sexual assault, not because he was slightly uncomfortable, but because Katy Perry heard that he wanted his first kiss to be special, with someone he cares about, and she still did it. He was not expecting it; doesn't matter how he feels after the fact, it was unwanted.
Don't forget she had power and privilege as well according to feminists.
Well it just feeds their egos.
"I want my first kiss to be special!"
Katy Perry: *iM pReETtY SpECiAl!*
100% consent is consent
As a PhD student in civil engineering I would not rush to blame the construction company before analysing what really led to the bridge collapse. Sorry for anyone's loss but I have to presume the company's innocence until malpractice or underdesign is proven. The bridge could've collapsed due to plethora of reasons such as excessive loading that was not expected , differential settlement in the bridge piers, bad construction practices,,,etc. Again, I am sorry for anyone's loss and wish who's got hurt a speedy recovery.
Here's what I've found out about on the Florida bridge collapse. They were re-tensioning the tendons because the preload was thought to be too low. If you watched the video of the bridge install and then looked at the engineering plans, you would notice that one of the right SPMTs in the video (south side of the street) was not lifting the bridge where it was supposed to and most likely caused the tendons or anchors to be overloaded past their yield strength in the move, hence the apparent lack of preload. When they tried to re-tension the tendons they exceeded their ultimate tensile strength causing them to snap or their anchors to fail and led to the immediate, catastrophic collapse of the span. They did this re-tensioning without closing the road. Negligent homicide at the least.
Michael G
That is a possible explanation. However, i don't think anyone who's got a good background in engineering would exceed the ultimate tensile strength of the cables. Most codes recommend staying below 70% of the ultimate tensile strength.
It wasn't the engineer directly. When they moved the bridge into position, they placed one of the SPMTs in the wrong location per the movement plan. Because of that >>>during the move
As is far too common in construction, they deviated from the engineer's design. They did not place the SPMTs in the designed locations nor did they place support beams between the SPMTs as per the plans. _Maybe_ they had a PE's sign-off on the changes, but I doubt it -- I don't know any PE that would risk their career by oking a last minute change like this without significant (read: lengthy) verification. From what I've read, they "compensated" for the repositioning by increasing tension in the outer beams. The span failed while they were in the process of returning the tension to spec. I suspect they over tensioned the cable, or the concrete hadn't cured sufficiently to tolerate the increased tension. Seeing as the tensioning rod rebounded by what appears to be several feet, it either broke somewhere within the beam or at the anchor.
jfbeam if that's the case then the construction company or the engineer and consultant who approved the change are at fault. I think a technical report will be published specifying the reason for failure whether it was the cables failing or the concrete not supporting the anchors. Hopefully, whoever is responsible will face the consequences of their actions because human lives have been lost.
Re: Katy Perry, the whole situation is gross especially because he explained what a kiss meant to him and Katy disrespected that and tricked him into making a type of contact he didn't consent to.
Jessica Luxe hopefully someday women will actually start getting punished for rape/sexual assault
Kissing somebody without consent isn't considered sexual assault. The mouth is not considered an erogenous zone. There have been similar court cases where males have kissed a female and it's been ruled that it's not assault. Katy Perry should learn from this though and not do it again because a lot of people wouldn't even feel comfortable with that
Jessica Luxe he did give consent...
Brayden Savage He went to kiss her cheek but he never said he wanted to kiss her on the lips, which she took it upon herself to initiate
I don't think a peck can be considered as physical assault. Now if he said no and she did it, maybe, or if she clearly forced herself onto him, probably. Besides, he didn't see it as a big deal.
Apologies you do just make me think you really have integrity. This is why im here not cable news
It's none of my business, literally. But it sounds like this is potentially a high pressure job, being Phil DeFranco. Moments like this make it obvious the standards expected in the show. I hope no one was fired over this, but ultimately it's obvious that while not being a big deal to me, is definitely important for the show and the people that work on it. Those kind of behind the curtains moments really showcase everything that goes into this.
Freedom Panic yep. He is a CEO of a business so naturally, high stress lots of moving parts
poor millionaire Phil he's under so much pressure
Freedom Panic when you're in this type of environment it is going to happen the best thing is to just own up to it and move on like they did which is why I respect them.
Yeah Phil's standards are so high...sometimes I wish I could work as one of the researchers, but damn. That must be so stressful sometimes. Makes me very grateful for everyone involved
People are more replaceable than a brand is. I hope someone WAS fired over this. If he wants his channel, his band to be news, you can't have those kinds of mistakes. It would be one thing if the story was about an S9 but had an image of a S8 on accident. Totally excusable mistake. But when you're plastering someones face to a story or crime to millions, it's inexcusable to get an innocent person in the crossfire.
All it could take is one news outlet not doing proper research and spreading it to ruin that innocent person's life. As Phil himself says, things on the internet never go away.
That said, he knows it's not excusable, and wasn't trying to make excuses. What it boils down to is that he got lucky that this didn't blow up in his face. You can't employ people who put you at that kind of risk.
Philly D is a brilliant communicator and knows exactly how to explain situations like the mistake and knows how to be accepted, master of empathy.
So to anyone defending Katy, you can honestly tell me that if a man, on screen, did what Katy did, he wouldn't get fired and his career destroyed? Really?
BOB money yeah maybe but it wasn't. It was a cutsey playful manuever anyway, if a guy did a cutsey playful maneuver then probably it wouldn't be so much of a big deal. people are so against physical contact now a days. I wonder if some people could even play tag now.
LAX2SanGabriel I respect the optimism, but let's be real. He would have been fired for sexual assault and the radical feminist would crucify them. But because she's a woman its cutesy. When its a guy, its aggressive
Danny Boy Jango no ones saying she should go to jail but i am saying the double standard is ridiculous
Danny Boy Jango except that men have most their jobs over things where the “victim” said they were not offended, it was done “on their behalf” and against their protestations. I agree that it should be the way you indicate, but it isn’t that way currently.
BOB money yeah if it was a male artist forcing a female contestant to kiss him he'd be absolutely crucified by radical 'feminists'.That artist would be boycotted and labeled a sexual predator and there'd even be people who claimed he raped the girl.
Please don't reprimand the researcher who messed up too harshly. Everyone has bad days and makes mistakes
Oh they should be reprimanded, by spending a full day with Joe Nation.
I Hate Choosing Usernames Yeah, Philip DeFranco himself says inaccurate things all the time.
I mean that's why he didn't mention names, but stressed that they were new so people knew that it was a simple noobie mistake followed by everyone else's collaborated mistake of not checking it like they usually do.
Fire them all ruin their rep so they can only get jobs at mcdonalds
"bad days" are no excuse. They had a job. They failed.
I kinda wish this kiss situation was blown out of proportion, despite how I feel about it. Just because if the situation was reversed, and it was a man stealing a kiss from a girl, he would be swimming in shit right now, whereas KP is just seen like a funny tease. That's not normal. If it applies to one situation, it applies to the other.
It was a kiss on the cheek. Im not sure the reaction would be as crazy as people say. Especially because it would be the girl kissing the older guy on the cheek if you just switched the genders.
lynchdj if you watched he clip it was on the lips.
I think its kinda creepy without changing anything in the situation. Even if one of my girl friends did it to a guy the same age id find it creepy... if they want to kiss you they will. I dont know why KP wanted him to kiss her so much. I find it cringey and creepy
Yeah especially how she high fived the other judges like it was her victory
You're hoping for the right results for wrong reasons, though.
So did you fire them? I really don't think you should have. It's a mistake, mistakes happen. You even have a shirt that says "Let's make mistakes together", sure, the sentiment of the shirt is different, but still. I sure hope you didn't say "It was a one time thing" because you removed the person that made it happen. I know for certain every job I've been in, I always make a rookie mistake, but I learn FROM my mistakes.
Also, (and im a long time subscriber), good job on saying "It was all my, I take all the blame" and then proceeding to say "It was their mistake, and they made it"
Sounds like person who messed up will be reprimanded, and Phil will re-evaluate the current workflow to make sure something like this can't happen again. I can't see him firing anyone when it was such an extraordinary set of circumstances, but at the same time they can't afford to make mistakes on a show that puts such an emphasis on reporting factual information.
LivtheFlame Phil has been mistaken before. And before it WAS 100% his fault. This time was the mistake of a noob. they shouldn't lose their job over that.
I certainly fuckin hope that person didn't lose their job. That would be a pretty unfair overreaction.
She shouldn't have kissed him. That is crossing the personal zone. I don't care who she is or who he is. If he felt ok with it, then good for him. Some other people would feel annoyed and totally NOT happy about it. I wonder if that is to do with her being the hot singer and people would think of him as an idiot because she kissed him. She obviously crossed her limit and she didn't even take his consent on it. She stole it! If she was a guy and he was a girl, that would be HELL awkward and even if it was someone as famous as KP .. it would be a topic to discuss and dissect. I say NO for that kiss.
Nerdy Snailie lol is just a kiss. It’s absolutely hilarious that people put such a pedestal on an act of touching lips. Now this guy has 15 minutes of fame from it. Do you people realize how big the universe is? How insignificant our speck of dust is in the cosmos? This is sad.
Nerdy Snailie i agree with you but to be fair, are'nt people talking about this pretty much in the same way they do when a guy does this. because it feels to me that people emidiatley assumes people dont care when it actually seems like most people do. but thats just my opinion, i would love to hear what you think in the comments down below :)
"other people would feel annoyed" aaaaaand that should be the limit of the "issue" Not matter who is who, how famous or not, female or male...There are levels of action and we are talking a rather small thing on scales. Was it not "right" probably...it also is not worth the energy it is being given.
He was uncomfortable, but he didn’t feel it was sexual harassment. If he felt like it was, then it would be a worse situation. But Bryan specified that he was uncomfortable because of the sudden suprise, he was thrown for a bit of the loop and denied most of the articles written about him because they didn’t truly portray his thoughts and feelings. It was still wrong and sneaky for KP to do that but if he didn’t feel like it was sexual harassment then it should end at that
Ummm .. I have no experience on females being forced kissed by a guy other than the ones in my secondary school (high school) years. It is uncommon here in the UK for anyone to do any of these actions unless consent is there or hints of consent. I understand celebrities do that often, look at Helen and Colbert kiss; was that acceptable? We have faint lines separating right or wrong in random forced kisses. KP knew she is turning her head for her lips to meet hers. Many people choose to name this as an elementary kids joke. A stupid joke honestly and children in school years are being playful and mean - to other children and usually get called on it and parents get involved to stop them from such behaviour. I find it interesting how people find it closed minded to not accept a random lip kiss. I would imagine myself in his shoes, going to a contest and thinking of my performance. How much pressure was there? What would happen if he continue to refuse!? Is more than one refusal necessary!? Our problem is we justify small acts and try to brush them off. What is the limit for crossing personal boundaries!? I think there should be mutual respect for all genders. I refuse this act done by any person to anyone from any age group. I think we need to learn to respect that we have options to say no and if we don't mind it, that doesn't mean it is right or ok to be done. I know from my experience that lots of (playing) and (jokes) that are miss interrupted end usually with not desirable results. Now it is KP .. but what if random person did that!? Why randomly kisses aren't acceptable but KP kiss was acceptable? What if it was anyone else .. who can ask you for a kiss on their cheek!? Why is it allowed?! O_O..
If it was a male judge, people would've gone insane. He would've lost his job and American Idol would've been boycotted. Benjamin seems like a really nice, smart kid, and I'm happy he doesn't feel too violated by the whole thing. But it shouldn't have happened. The cheek kiss was cute, but the lip kiss was just too weird. At least that my take.
Also, the girl who killed her boyfriend. 180 days in jail? She killed a guy. She murdered someone. She deserves at least a year or two! I mean, what!
inglourious basterds like it or not situations are different depending on if a man or women is involved. As it should. We're different like it or not. Yes we should be treated equally but somethings a women can get away with that a man can't and vice versa.
inglourious basterds She did WHAT?!
Roy RogersMcfreely Yeah, that's true. For now, at least. It just makes me a bit angry when men get treated less seriously in these cases.
Nokomomo 22 what?
I mean, the guy agreed to the prank. So they’re both pretty dumb. Not sure what a longer sentencing would have done for anybody.
I feel like what Katy Perry did was disrespectful at best. Just because someone doesn't conform to your expectations of when someone "should" have achieved certain levels of physical intimacy does not mean you should force or shame them. It's their own personal business and no one else's.
I don't see the point of defending katy perry's action. Now would I say it's sexual harrasement? No i would not, but that does not mean it's extremely disrespectful and I see no problem with calling her out on that. And about the whole you don't need to force or shame people into your level of intimacy. That is literally what Katy Perry did to that guy. It's a bit hypocritical for you to say other can't do that but then defend Perry while she did exactly that.
KINGFAIL My comment literally agrees with everything you just said. I said Katy was disrespectful and that she shouldn't have shamed or forced him. I do not defend Perry in my comment whatsoever- I think she was an absolute jerk.
KINGFAIL kingfail indeed.... think u need to check your autocorrect before saying something nonsensical lol
Fuck Katy Perry, but she didn't do anything wrong… People need to grow a pair
Brynley Louise Preach!
KINGFAIL I think you may have misunderstood? It seems to me she’s saying that at BEST it’s disrespectful and at its WORST (implied by only saying BEST) it’s disgusting and clearly sexual harassment. She’s not being hypocritical or defending Perry, you’re on the same side... Perhaps I’m wrong, but that was how I interpreted that.
"Please understand that it is being taken care of right now." ...Uhh, are you reassuring us that you fired your backup editor? Because I'm sure no one in this community would feel happy that THAT was the result of this not-super-serious mistake...
Geneva Phil doesn't seem like the type to fire someone over something small and easily fixed. But who knows. 🤷🏽♀️
Pretty sure its changes in the work flow process and not firing someone. It just might have come across more harsher than it is since Phil was probably still upset during the recording
I thought it was more in reference to the researcher anyway. Not that we want them to be fired either. But I could understand a reprimand kind of a broken windows policy.
How dare you say ‘Katy Perry’ and ‘dead nun’ in the same sentence with zero explanation, Phil. Also, why won’t American Idol die?
slimkt same :/
slimkt it’s honestly an interesting story lmao
slimkt I didn’t even know American Idol was still alive?
I thought it died already?! Is it a damn zombie?? Or vampire? I don't understand why it won't just go away!
Shelly K fox canceled abc revived it... funnily enough abcs parent company Disney has put a bid in to buy fox...
I think because he made such a big deal about the first kiss, the "prank" should not have happened to begin with. Regardless of gender, it seems to have been more disrespectful and insensitive. *But regarding gender, I 100% agree, had it been reversed, a 33 year old man doing so to a 19 year old woman, it would have been different. They would've gotten backlash almost immediately. People argue for equality but don't bat an eye when it comes to double standards.*
I agree and I think the reaction should be equal
I agree
The Katy perry situation just isn't right. With the roles reversed, people would be absolutely outraged and with due reason. Whether he said it was okay or not after it happened, it doesn't excuse her behaviour.
VarshaJay Very true, especially since he did say he wanted his first kiss to be in a relationship and after she did it she was high fiving the other judges. She's a piece of work
If he said it was okay then there would have been consent, but he absolutely didn't- she sexually assaulted him.
So true!!!! He may even get paid off to keep quiet more... or already has been. But if it had been a man then damn that judge would've been kicked off the show.
People still are outraged
Bill Anderson It's not that time frame anymore. There's a reason for consent
Thanks for not editing the last bit out. That had me in tears! 16:37
Phil, please don't fire anyone over this, I'm sure they're doing their best.
Christian Miller your pic says it all😂😂😂
Christian Miller off with their head i say
Haha, I came to say that. Getting mixed messages here.
The PDS is Phil’s baby, I highly doubt whoever fucked up still has a job....
Christian Miller
I don't know if this is reverse psychology or not
If Jason gets fired, we riot!
Xaine's World I don’t think Jason would really be the one to blame... I got that he was “blaming” a researcher more than the editor
yeah, but I haven't become emotionally attatched to any of the new researchers yet, if it's Nina however, then IF NINA IS FIRED, WE ALSO RIOT!
Xaine's World I’m going to riot anyways.
He didn't get past the info from the researchers so he did the best he could as quickly as possible. It just sounds like there were a few extraordinary circumstances that caused it to happen. As for the researcher that didn't pick it up at the viewing, I hope nothing happens to them either: sitting 5 ft away and trying to pay attention to a small picture of someone you don't know as well as the audio is harder than it sounds!
dave shoe is right, do we really NEED a reason to riot?
Comon' ya'll, riot party in 20 mins
One month ago we were dealing with the Stoneman Douglas High School shootings. Today, I am crying over the victims under the bridge. My father lives within walking distance from where the FIU Bridge is located. Just 24 hours prior to the incident I drove him from the grocery store on 8th street under the bridge and he said "that bridge looks too wide for that location" I teased him, laughed and said Ok dad, when did you become a bridge engineer? but as I glanced at it as we drove under, it looked "odd" it was a monster of a bridge for what seemed like a small area...today, I am thankful to be alive. I told my dad I love him (we lost my mom and brother several years ago so its just us)...all night I could hear cranes, police and ambulance sirens and this morning at about 4:45am I woke to the sound of various helicopters (I think I saw 3) hovering over the accident scene...Please tell those you close to you that you love them. Hug them. Be kind to strangers. We don't know when it will be our turn. Live your life to the fullest.
honestly young people are WAY to soft shit happens get use to it life is hard
CoolCat Carolena every has the mentality of “its on the news” not many realize that it could be them next, well said
says the dude with an anime icon lmaooo
this is a thought i've had recently as well. after Christmas last year i was staying in a house in coral springs a couple hundred feet away from the Stoneman Douglas School, a couple weeks before the shooting took place. I was in Vegas during the shooting (thankfully not at the concert, was in our hotel at the time) and also was in Nice in france a couple years back during that attack at the beachfront with the truck.
Crazy coincidences but it's just a terrifying thought to me to really think that you have no idea what is going to happen, when it is going to happen or to whom. and the thought of such things happening to people who also were just going along with their normal days terrifies me that it could happen to anyone
live life to the fullest while you can!
I live by Orlando. My fiance's family lives 2 blocks from FIU and drove under that bridge the night before. So very scary isn't it? Florida has been through enough already.
Tbh, the apology in this video sounded really weird to me. Saying "for some reason" about anything makes whatever you say after that sound really dismissive, where in this case, the mistake is completely understandable. Especially when the perfect storm of absences and injuries make the entire normal workflow very different. However, the most disappointing thing to me is that you seem to single out a specific employee after saying that the entirety of the blame falls on you. You really *did not* have to say that questions were raised for you regarding said employee. Your subscribers do not need to hear about that, and I'm sure said employee did not appreciate that drag. Honestly, you didn't even need to explain anything. If you really wanted to make it sound like you were genuinely taking fault for the mistake, you could have just said something like "These images were used in error; the girls pictured have accounts on different platforms with the same names," or something to that effect. We're not here for WHY the mistake was made. Just correct it and move on.
Exactly. I said the same thing
Appreciate your transparency in correcting Monday's PDS. Thank you!
I feel for the guy Katy Perry kissed. I didnt have my first kiss until i was 23. Ive only been in a couple serious relationships and i wanted my first kiss to be special. So my girlfriend at the time took me out to the local park and we kissed under a tree. It was really nice. I do hope this guy goes on to have something special like that
Undertaker9711 what is wrong with u
Ben Solo a lot of things, where would you like me to start?
I thought about kissing too much and now it feels like the weirdest thing ever
Silphet I keep thinking of Ted Danson on “The Good Place”: “You just mash your food holes together...it’s not for that!”
My first kiss was recently stolen by one of my closest friends. Everyone was fine with this because had a previously established relationship and years of building that friendship. A 33 year old celebrity stealing a 19 year old stranger's first kiss after he explicitly objected is just... no.
yay human centipede !!!!
Yeah I used to be like that too
The more importance you give it the weirder and more emotionally damaging it will become
yeah it gets real weird and real gross the longer you think about it.
The reaction *would* absolutely have been different had it been a male aggressor, and looking at his own reaction to stoically and unemotionally deny, downplay, and bury it, it still is different in a multitude of ways. It *should* not be different, but it would have been, and in fact I'm surprised even this has gotten as far as it did. That shows massive progress among those who fight for progress, as that fight's finally being less exclusive... and *that's* a VERY good sign, as extremists in these groups had people convinced that only one side of these heinous gender-based double standards *even existed,* let alone mattered. That is very clearly false, and the more people realize that, the less nonsensically polarized these issues become, and the closer to a mutually beneficial solution they get.
This is one of many crossroads moments, one we should hope won't fail like the dropping of hate crime charges against the Facebook Streaming Scalpers; a moment where we set a precedent for what is and isn't acceptable, and whether or not that applies to everyone equally. Crucify her, as you did Spacey, and make an example to women everywhere that being a "non-traditional" assaulter does not excuse this or any kind of assault... Or let her get away with it, and reinforce an already far too prevalent preconception. Your move, public eye.
"we'll be watching your career with great interest." -Senator Palpatine.
Somehow get more respect for you when you all do slip up, because on the rare occasion this happens you all own up to it asap. Sometimes you have to make mistakes to get better. Still my favorite and most reliable news source 🤗❤️
Phil, I’m confused. You r always asking for our comments and thoughts about a specific story or stories. In the old Friday show format, you would actually show viewers thoughts and opinions on the stories and the idea of a “conversation” would be reached.
Now you ask for our thoughts and opinions on a story, but you never bring them up to be discussed or debated on the new Friday format. Is there a new area(i.e. the website) or different platform where the conversation is being discussed? Please let me know, I miss the idea of a conversation.
Heather Gochin Agreed. I didn't even realize when it changed to the new Friday format. Was it gradually phased out?
Answer, Phil. I too would like to know why it's changed.
Got lazy? Didn't want to put the extra effort in to read the comments anymore? Didn't want to share our opinions anymore so you could make the friday shows shorter?
You "love" hearing our opinions in the comments down below but we all know that's bullshit. You aren't reading them anymore.
Scarlett lol yes
Scarlett got lazy? He is running a company. And there is around 10000 comments. If it only took 3 seconds for each comment, which usually are sentences, it would be 8 hours and 20 minutes of reading comments. Would you want to sit and read all that?
Scarlett The original comment was a fair question, but passive aggressive demands to be acknowledged and claims that he is too “lazy” to do so might be a reason why he doesn’t give you the attention you think you deserve
Oh shit, Brians getting fired again.
My Highness Brian is not getting fired. No one is getting fired.
I respect your leadership in acknowledging a mistake, your plans for improvement, and not throwing your team under the bus. You show your team that you have there backs and show your audience you respect them and your pursuit in getting the story out truthfully. Kudos.
I've been here for almost 10 years and I always respect you and your transparency. Also, the bucket list thing was very sweet of you.
yes,if this was a man kissing a young teen girl it would be all over the news, lawsuits would be filed, the man would be publicity shamed.. etc..double standards for female celebs at it's best..
Yup. Males have less rights and protections than females do. That KP situation is just further proof of that. Its disgusting.
Seneca Sounds yes I agree I've seen it first hand at a place I used to work with lesbians.when I first started at a brand new built restaurant from a world wide chain, there were men,women and a lesbian Mgr.now there were also a couple of other lesbians. after a couple months there are only females and 75% are lesbians. I visited last week.disgusting
Viper's Venom That's why attention is being brought to it, and why people are protesting against it. I hope she does get punished. Poor guy :(
WickedlyDefiant only by some- some women are saying “he shouldn’t have felt uncomfortable he’s lucky” and other things- we must acknowledge that IF it was a male there would be immediate firing from positions, probable legal punishment, and ostracizing front the community
Not to mention she is famous.
If she wasn't it'd have a bigger uproar.
Or like Phil said, she could've been ugly, she could've been fat, etc.
It's sad really, that different people cause different reactions.
Don’t go to hard on the employees, humans aren’t perfect😆
Phil, you are an incredible and responsible host with an amazing team. Please don't be to hard on yourself or them. Taking responsibility for your mistakes is something admirable and inspiring, it is also something that few others do. That you meet every setback or failure with with the desire to constantly strive for perfection, is an example of your passion and professionalism. Thanks to you and your team for everything you guys do for us.
I don't think what Katy perry did was harassment but I do think it was wrong and creepy. If the roles were reversed there would be mass outrage.
clearly there is mass outrage, needless mass outrage. people are acting like she pulled his shorts down on national tv, pointed at his penis and laughed at it.
Jedda Yeah but if the roles were changed the male artist of the hypothetical situation would be in court right now. It wouldn't be a mass outrage it would be nation wide outrage.
but the roles aren't changed, she's a woman, not a man.
men and women are different.
every one knows anytime a man meets a pretty girl, on some level his instincts are telling him she's potential mating material, even if he's happily married with adorable children, even then in the back of his mind he's thinking about the possibility of fucking her.
women are wired differently, all Katy Perry was doing was trying to be cute and funny. her motivation was different. there was no hint of it being sexually aggressive
so, is there a double standard? yes. because their should be! you have to be simple to think that double standards are automatically hypocritical .
you see this in those teacher sexual misconduct with a student stories. 'WELL IF IT WAS A MALE TEACHER HE'D BE IN JAIL'
that's because a 30 year old male teacher could easily rape a 15 year old girl.
a 30 year old female could not rape a 15 year old boy, if he resisted he's easily over power her.
all she can do is let him fuck her.
it IS different.
jedaaa 👏👍
jedaaa yeah I’m definitely calling BS on that just because men and women are wired differently this gives a woman an automatic pass? Sexual harassment doesn’t apply to just the other gender her motives don’t matter, and labeling every man as an aggressive male who just wants to have animalistic sex is a disgusting generalization. If Katy Parry is going to cry rape and sexual her assignment for every woman out there than she needs to hold her self and her actions to the same standards that she is enforcing on her male counterparts.
So.... He kissed a girl and he (didn't) liked it?
The young, male contestant was pressured into kissing KP. Then was pressured again to do another, where on the second attack, KP stole a kiss at him. Basically unofficially stealing his first kiss.
If a male judge did this to a young female, the public would crucify that judge and said judge would be fired.
Alphazone the song its a joke
_the taste of her cherry chapstick_
REdd Zarazua Hehehehehe😝👍🇺🇸
OHH haha i was about to give a smartass reply but realized it was the song
If it had been Luke Bryan and a female, people would be freaking out no matter what the kissed person said after the fact.
Pretty sure the only reason Brochu got the ‘special kind of probation’ is because she’s a pretty, white girl.
Also, I think I’m the one person on the planet who is subscribed, sees all your videos in my subscriptions and always gets notified.
Yes, no, and probably.
Slippery Sea Goose more like some, no and maybe
Keri C I thought that too!
Also, spot on with those assessments.
lol she ain't even that pretty. That bitch will never learn if she doesn't bear the full weight of the consequences
I personally do not say the word “retarded” out of respect for mentally disabled people. However, I do not crucify those who might.
Zachary Booth same
I don't know Bodd. Would it offend you if I used the word stupid?
Hey Zachary. Happy to hear that you don't use that word. The preferred way is called "person first" language, where you refer to the person and then the disability. So, you would say/write "persons with mental disabilities." There are some exceptions like the Deaf, Blind, and sometimes Autistics, but when in doubt, I'd go person first. I did know this until I entered the field, so I'm not trying criticize, just inform. :)
I hope you don't fire anyone for this mistake :(
Anyone can have a bad day or miss a detail.
It's repeated offenses that count.
Oddball_E8 If you watched the whole video, you would know that he took all of the blame for that mistake.
Ryan Nayr he said something about his researcher and the script editor too.
Having the wrong photo up there is more than a small error. If the person wanted to, they could really cause a stink or possibly sue. I'm thinking it probably won't come to that but it opened them up to that kind of issue. And mostly for causing people to have to question the show's general integrity, it is absolutely a fireable offence in my opinion. I HOPE the researcher isn't fired but I wouldn't blame Phil if that happened.
Honestly, I kinda hate how there's so many people in the comments saying that Katy Perry's actions were "just a joke." This is the time of the #MeToo Movement, people...and if the same event happened with the roles switched (older man steals a kiss from a 19 year old girl and then immediately high-fives his fellow judges while the female literally stumbles and falls to the ground in shock), people would be tearing his ass apart online.
MisterB #MeToo movement is a joke.
Exactly. This isn't really sexual assault I wouldn't say so entirely- but I do think its gross and pathetic. Leave the dude alone, he didn't want that and they all knew it. Its sad.
"the time of MeToo Movement" I think my eyes rolled into the back of my head with that sentence. I highly doubt that a reversal would be much more of an escalation. It is dumb this is even an issue. there ARE real issues. this is petty and dumb.
Do you want to live in an equal and just society? If so, then everyone MUST be treated equally no matter how rich or poor, how ""priviledged"" or powerless, no matter the sex, no matter the gender. Once you open pandora's box and claim to fight for progressivism, you have to walk the walk instead of use it as a means to have power.
"... and I'll see you to-m-Monday. To-Monday. Nailed it."
The newest day of the week! lol
You are a great example of a true leader and manager. Taking responsibility for your team’s and show’s actions is the proper way to handle these scenarios. In the past, you have criticized those who have not. You followed through on what you believe. I know what that feels like. It is a hard to do and not everyone can do it. I don’t always agree with you but I respect you more than ever before.
🎵 "I kissed a contestant and he didn't like it... the taste of upcoming angry tweets..." 🎵
Dalek Bricks to many syllables
Dalek Bricks Damn. Thanks for reminding me of that trash fire of a song.
And everybody did mind it would of been better
I really couldn't care less who kisses who aslong as they don't force a kiss after they pull away and it's not an adult stranger kissing a child on the lips like that then who cares. Shit happens we make our choices and as long as you aren't hurting people and can take no as an answer then there is no issue in my book lol.
P.S. I really wouldn't care who was older, who was male or female, or who was ugly or attractive although you can't be mad if someone calls you a disgusting moldy cunt if you kiss a stranger like that because shit happens lol.
don't be too harsh on your researcher
When asked on Joe's Nation everyone wanted to avoid doing Jason's job so there must be reason for that!!!! hummmm???
Pepperoni10010 I thought that was James?
I’m not trying to be *that* person, but really.. switch the roles on the Katy Perry story. If it was a man in his mid-thirties and he kissed a teenage girl against her will after she SPECIFICALLY said that she was waiting on that moment... everyone would outrage. I don’t have anything against Ms. Perry but that was sexual assault, plain and simple.
Instagram + Snapchat: laurensabino182
I live in a world where touching lips is considered assault.
Lauren Sabino completely agree. Some people are saying it is nothing serious just because she is a woman and famous. Being a woman or famous doesn't change the fact that it happened without consent.
Mayara Miquidade yup!
Bobby Bush well yeah when someone is pressured into it.
Lauren S. Exactly! Some people are saying “man! He’s lucky he got kissed by Katy Perry” but the boy didn’t look to feel lucky at all.
Philip! Can you talk about Samcrac and his lawsuit with Domino's over his Domino's Pizza car? I think it's kinda unfair they're trying to sue him when he bought it fairly.
What Katy Perry did is a form of sexual assault. It's not as bad as full-on rape, obviously, but if a man had done this to a woman, I think more people would easily be outraged. The fact that there are people not angry about this, who would be furious if the genders had been reversed, boils my blood almost as much as the act itself. SHAME ON KATY PERRY!
He kissed her first
But a man did not do it... There is no "if a man did this" No matter how hard you want it, the public will view the gender of the people differently
This is where we are at becouse extreme delicate people wow this is a slippery slop...
Sapphire people are angry about this. That’s why it’s getting big.
That's the point. It's sexism against men and it needs to stop. If the genders were reversed people would be outraged. Thus they should be equally outraged now. Or they should never be outraged. The genders of the parties involved should not matter. The act should.
I love these videos. They keep me from
Having to watch major news channels. Keep it up Phil
I think a lot of people miss the point with the Katy Perry story. It's not about whether or not the young man feels like he was sexually assaulted or he's okay with it now, it's about the fact that he might not have been. Ultimately he consented to giving her a kiss on the cheek, he made it very clear that he didn't want to do it, and he protested when Katy asked for a kiss. She then tricked him into a kiss on the lips that he had explicitly said he did not want. I'm glad that he's apparently okay with it and he's not scarred for life or anything, that's a good thing, but it's not the point. The fact that he's okay with being sexually assaulted doesn't negate the fact that he was, just like if she had stolen $5 from him and he was okay with it, she wouldn't be less of a thief.
Annie Lucy
I agree with you on your points, and to add, this shows the difference between how sexual assault is handled differently depending on the sex of those involved. He is under social pressure as a male to "just let it go", where a female in the same situation is under social pressure to press charges!
love the fact that old videos are coming up on my recommended 😅
The Kary Perry incident falls into the shift of power, and how hypocrite this system is. If it was the other way around (guy steals a kiss from a much younger girl) oh! The outrage by everyone, but in this case it is beautiful powerful famous singer, who happens to be a woman kissing a guy.
Gawd dammit Katy Perry. There cant be a double standard for this me too movement. Sexualy harrassemnt is still sexual harrassment no matter who its affecting
The old double standard back in the news again.
I said this last time, just give up on it.
The mindset will not change.
So much female privilege in this episode must be nice.
Some double standards exist for a reason. It's not the same as a guy stealing a kiss from a woman. It wasn't right for her to do, because she knew he didn't want a kiss. But it's not as bad as a guy doing that.
Dangerz Own what?
NeoFryBoy how on Earth is that not as bad as if a guy did it? It's the has
Same act with the same intention. And you're saying it's ok because it's from a famous woman?
NeoFryBoy ...Why is it not the same as a guy stealing a kiss from a girl? Feminists say they want men and women to be treated equally, they claim men and women are the same, so if you want equality you have to be prepared to have the same standards of scrutiny and face the same punishment that a man would get. Personally I don't think there's much wrong with what Katy Perry did, a bit rude but nothing that would have gotten attention a few years ago, but if the metoo movement wants to create a toxic atmosphere around anything a man does, it should be the same for women.
You're a good guy, PhillyD and you face your mistakes and shortcomings and work on them to better yourself and your show. I like that since it's a very rare trait these days. People tend to turn to fighting for their mistakes rather than owning up to them and learning from them. You're a gentleman and a scholar, sir. Respect!
This video isn’t showing up on my subscriptions feed... on in my notifications
Mark Wilson same
Mark Wilson same
Mark Wilson it did for me.
Mine either, I git here from Phil's tweet
16:36 My name is Philip DeFranco, you've just been filled in, I love yo faces, and I'll see you Too.. Monday, Tomonday, nailed it
Jasmine Flores you doing the Philip DeFranco challenge?
Nah, I'd have to know what that is first to be able to do the challenge.....
Yep, would have destroyed either one of the dude's careers! (I personally dont give a shit about what Katy did) But, the fact is they would call the man a rapist
Your Guitar Inspiration Guy pretty much .. Katy should be jailed it’s all about equality and if she wants to be treated like a man she needs jail time .
That's the entire point. Women rightly are upset when that happens to them, and it should have the same seriousness when it happens to men. Ultimately we all get to decide how we feel if it happens to us but it should still feel the same regardless of gender
Bb Ff ummm...nobody needs to be jailed over a peck, dude. Katy didn't rape the guy. If the guy really cares then he can sue her, but he clearly doesn't. Nothing to see here.
Your Guitar Inspiration Guy oh they would of destroyed his career.
I don't think this is to the level that would require jail time (mostly because the guy who was kissed wasn't too upset about it and because of the intention behind the kiss). He definitely could have sued though and she should have known better. People need to know that that is not acceptable behavior no matter how famous you are.
I go to FIU and I’m not surprised that I got more straightforward information about the bridge collapse from you than from any local news source and the university combined.
Some use the internet to not feel lonely and some the internet made lonely.
Hager Marzouk Very true...
Hager Marzouk In my experience they can compound each other.
This comment is depressing
K N most truths are.
How is that depressing? Sounds like a caption a 14 year old girl on Instagram would make.
That bridge collapse is pretty damn scary.
Something you realize early on in life, there are double standards for the genders. Just take a look at that female teacher sleeping with that 14yr old boy, explain how she isn't rotting in jail like ANY man would be for the same thing.
Pretty much
Mystic Phoenix I agree but if you look at the comments under videos about that teacher the majority are from men justifying why it’s ok for teenage boys to sleep with grown women.
I feel like its more you need to change a males opinion on that, i feel like females disagree with it more than males do.
elemeno82002 Even though most of the ones arguing for boys to sleep with older women were men, most men do *not* support that broken statement. So that arguement is invalid
The fact is, most 14 year old guys would love to sleep with a "sexy older woman" type (I know I wanted to, and many I knew would given the chance). That doesn't necessarily make it right, and I can't speak for everyone, but it's not like I was incapable of understanding what consent was when I was 14. Most guys I've met have a similar past experience.
Philip defranco is FINALLY recommended to me on my front page.... and it’s from 2 years ago I’ve already watched this 😂 TH-cam 2020...
I hope the person with the injured arm and hand is doing okay
Hey Philip I think the “R Word” is a stupid concept. I am disabled and I have worked not only with Special olympics but I also run my own organization called Trident and it’s a non-profit for disabled students. The word is something that everyone demonizes but the thing of it is no one in the disabled community has a problem with it. Disabled is now a word that everyone thinks is bad because some people don’t see themselves as disabled. I personally think people should call me matt and we should stop caring about the use of silly words and actually focus on the real topics like the fact that our countries congress actually justified cutting funding to the ADA. Disabled people more care that in almost all aspects of life we are bullied, and discriminated against the “r word” campaign is a distraction to make it look like the world supports us.
ArchCraftGaming personally I believe it's the meaning put behind the word, not necessarily the word itself.
For example while camping out back I found a sign with said "trees planted by the spastic Centre 1980" after doing some research I found in that time period it was used as the correct term for people with a mental disability but others had taken the word and created something mean used to hurt people.
This doesn't mean I run around using words with mean connotations, but mostly I find the meaning for words changes with each passing decade and it's the meaning you put behind the word not necessarily the word itself.
Hopefully that made sense.
Jenna Gibson I understand your point and liked the comment for that reason.
However you should realise that things change with time and we must evolve with it. If the meaning of a word does change over time and it starts being seen as derogatory then it should not be a part of anyone’s lexicon.
Also, I’m not going to stand here and say I haven’t used the word, I have used it and sometimes it comes out, but I’m trying not to.
"If the meaning of a word does change over time and it starts being seen as derogatory then it should not be a part of anyone’s lexicon."
I hope you realise you're on a slippery slope here.
kipzonderkop1994 definitely agree with you, we must evolve and move forwards with the times.
ArchCraftGaming you said you wanted to be called Matt then called yourself disabled. When you say disabled people get bullied then say we. Your bullying your self
Katty perry is something else, full stop
Michael Gregory
T H O T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B E G O N E!!!!!!!!!!
Is math related to science?
if the KID HIMSELF didn't care about the kiss....WHY should anyone else?
And If it were nicki minaj? Or JLo? Or Beyonce? What if one of them had kissed him how would people react?
People are going to overreact and stick their nose into shit no matter what. If it WERE a guy and a young girl then that's creepy. This...No not SO much. ESPECIALLY SINCE THE KID WAS COOL WITH IT AFTERWARDS.
While I do agree it's nothing much considering the context, I guess the outrage is mostly being like that to "balance" the outrage when the situation is gender-flipped.
I’m scared for that employee! You’re like that awesome boss who gives you the benefit of the doubt, then you screw up and you just fell all the disappointment at once
Man I'm not safe in high school or college, it's scary living in the middle of every incident in Florida
Mister Biggs ah yes I'll shoot the bridge coming down on me
Being afraid of something doesn’t increase or decrease its chance of hurting you. It just stops you from thinking clearly about it.
The key part of the mindfuck here is that you are never really safe, you are simply playing the odds each and every time you get out of bed, walk out your door or start your car. Shit can and will happen, but look between you and I your odds aren't that bad.
These incidences are actually not highly likely. You're more likely to die from a heart attack or a car accident.
Government giving you safety is an illusion is my largest point, they sell it to you like they will but in reality all you do is trade some form of already held freedom for basically nothing.
This isn't even the first time Katy has done something like this. She's groped Shawn Mendes too. So many more people would be upset if the genders were reversed
It's different when it's a woman... that's the truth.
Buttered Lumps it's just way less threatening
Buttered Lumps it's kinda fucked up that women get away with it....but most of the time it's the men who don't seem to bother or care, Statistically adult men really don't have to worry about being violated by women. The uneven backlash is understandable if it was a 19 year old girl and a 32 year old man kissed her, because in reality women do have to be constantly on alert around other men.
that's completely true there are men who are violated and victimized by women and are not taken seriously...I wont however put this Katy Perry incident in the same category. People are comparing it to the surge of backlash during the me too movement, it's not the same thing. Those allegations described a horrific scenario completely different from being quick kissed on television.
Exactly. How would you feel if this was your son? But honestly it doesn’t matter how we feel it matters how he feels and felt and he told us and she needs to apologize and at the very least cut the creepy bullshit
I feel the "r-word," as any other "no-word," has a time and place to be used, either in familiar settings were you could probably use certain words without being too careful, or in professional or communal company where you might offend someone whom may be going through or has been through certain situations where the words might carry more weight.
I like to see my company and surroundings before comfortably using certain words.
Thank you for talking about the tragedy that happened at my school Phil. Really appreciate the research and knowledge you are sharing with everyone around the world. You are one of my favorite TH-camrs and it really means a lot :)