My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the kislux high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
I was doubtful at first but it's usable. I have a flat freezer icepack that I slide in first and then I can put two standard 16oz water bottles in there no problem.
I didn't really flag anything unusual with the strap. My first impression was it was a bit thin but it is plenty wide (to distribute load) and seems perfectly comfortable for the short carry from the parking lot to the pro shop. This is not a carry bag by any stretch. The fact that it has a stand is mostly to keep it off the ground right before you put it on a golf cart or in your trunk. I did adjust the strap on mine - best to do it when it's fully loaded so you can get the hang and balance right.
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the kislux high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
You do know that you are commenting on a video about a golf bag, right? You may want to check where you are posting your comments in the future.
How did u find the cooler pocket/bag? Usable or more of a gimmick?
I was doubtful at first but it's usable. I have a flat freezer icepack that I slide in first and then I can put two standard 16oz water bottles in there no problem.
I run additional snaps for the rain cover under the D-rings for the carry strap
I’ve got this same bag. The strap on mine seems weird. Is it me or did you think the same? Did you have to adjust yours?
I didn't really flag anything unusual with the strap. My first impression was it was a bit thin but it is plenty wide (to distribute load) and seems perfectly comfortable for the short carry from the parking lot to the pro shop. This is not a carry bag by any stretch. The fact that it has a stand is mostly to keep it off the ground right before you put it on a golf cart or in your trunk. I did adjust the strap on mine - best to do it when it's fully loaded so you can get the hang and balance right.
@@BombGolfLife I figured it out, the strap was installed incorrectly lol