Timeline: 0:00 - Fraekni the Zealous 1:46 - Hardrefill the Callous 3:14 - Beigadr the Feared 5:31 - Hjalti the Stolid 7:15 - Haklangr the Bearded 9:01 - Skjothendi the Unerring 11:01 - Hvitserkr the Bold 12:30 - Bodvar the Fierce and Starolfr the Troublesome 14:29 - Svipdagr the Cold and the Sisters of Illska 17:02 - King Hrolf Kraki
0:00 - Fraekni the Zealous
1:46 - Hardrefill the Callous
3:14 - Beigadr the Feared
5:31 - Hjalti the Stolid
7:15 - Haklangr the Bearded
9:01 - Skjothendi the Unerring
11:01 - Hvitserkr the Bold
12:30 - Bodvar the Fierce and Starolfr the Troublesome
14:29 - Svipdagr the Cold and the Sisters of Illska
17:02 - King Hrolf Kraki
Loved the background music.
God of War II Soundtrack ♥