Run around the Manglegrove Whale Station fighting the hands. They not only give a ton of experience on their own but often come with metal hands that give around 30K exp a piece. I went from lvl 60 to 95 in about 6 hours.
Here's my trick. Same as this but a couple additions. Make sure Rab is pepped and accelerated. Once you do get the metal slimes use Rabs pep Dirge of Dundrasil to put the metal slimes to sleep. Increases your chances to kill more than one metal slime. I'm really surprised nobody has mentioned this yet.
@@markbailey8086 i can't believe you're forcing me to reply to a week old comment, but c'mon... Of course it's everywhere... you just called out a comment over a year old...
Chuck the meteorite bracer onto Erik, (It's in the dark lords castle for opening the red switch) Boosts your agility by 100, and you can always just use accelerate twice before using the pep skills.
I usually have Sylvando get up 2 Acceleratles right after I get the other 3 to use Hallelujah. Then I just cast it every 3 turns or so to keep it up by the time I can cast Electro Light. Everyone always starts the fight with the slimes maxed out on speed
Best way to do this is instead of always defending, just go about the game story until hero, jade, eric, sylvando, rab are pepped up (switching out party line up 1 by 1 so the pep doesn’t go away). Then save the game. That way if you get the metal mechs, you can just reload game instead of wasting more time. It’s not worth doing untill these characters have the ability to increase pep rate
The metal slimes summoned by Electro Light are fixed, not based on luck - if you're in the postgame and are over level 70, you have a 100% chance of encountering a Metal King Slime.
@@spacious3544 If the metal slimes are escaping for you, make sure to have Rab pepped up and use his "Dirge of Dundrasil" pep power to put the slimes to sleep. Should make things easier.
Honestly I this was the most helpful guide I found, most of the other places I went didn't show skill tree locations for the abilities so I was confused until now, thank you SO much
I found fighting those blue things at the end of First Forest a good way, as they tend to do little damage and heal your party while you're trying to get pepped up. I also found Viscous Metal King Slimes here often in late game. This method gets you a lot of exp(400k - 700k) and roughly takes me 10-15 mins per run. Although If you have pep pips, once you've used Haulellujah, Jade should be the only member you need to pep twice(The Hero can pep himself), so use a pep pip. This'll reduce your time to about 10 mins :)
Just go in the mordegor 's castle you can find a lot of King Metal Slime and one shot them with erik you won 70000 k xp and you dont waste time doing pep up boost ( post game its good but not before )
Wow this works like a charm. First time I tried this (just now) I got a king metal slime and 2 liquids. Unfortunately I was 5 skill points away from Erik's crit. He got 2 rounds in and then the king and 1 liquid fled.... Jade also had a opportunity with Thunder Thrust but she missed 3 times in a row. Still got 87k exp though so well worth it. Edit: I've done this 4 times now. Once I got killerbots, the other 3 times I had King Metal Slimes so not sure if they're really that rare or I'm just getting extremely lucky. only managed to kill 1 so far since Erik's turn is also depended on if he just had his turn before casting the pep power to summon the slimes. But the one I did kill together with a liquid gave me 300k exp and leveled all my people from 54 to 57.
2 things, at lvl 70+ metal slime kings are more common, so are liquid metal slimes, and your more common to get metal slimes using electro light in the outdoors rather than in a dungeon or inside
Metal slimes appear in certain areas in the game after specific story checkpoints, they just won't appear on the overworld map, you'll have to keep getting into random encounters until you find them. I recommend not worrying about your level too much until your into the post game (you'll be around Lv50 by the time you get to it), if you can beat the area boss then your fine. For post game grind spots, there are melty hands (hand metal slimes) in the side path of the volcano, regular metal slime kings in the battlefield and vicious metal slime kings in the third luminary trial. Hope this helps
Rab has a pep power dirge of dundrasil that can sleep metal slimes. It doesn't always work but it can help you get some more turns in before they escape. With metal slime swords and other metal slime weapons, even regular attacks can hit metal slimes. So, sword dance can do alot of damage to things while you're waiting for Erik's critical claim skill.
Yeah I'm awaiting to unlock his Critical claim skill. I'll need another 80 no no medals to get the metal weapons book yo craft those metal weapons. This does take awhile to pep everyone.
I also recommend equipping elevating vest for additional xp and equipping the main hero with 2 falcon blades and giving sylvando a falcon knife to increase attack rates and chance to kill more before they escape
I recently replayed this game after 2 ish years, and I'm at a point in the game where I'm able to do this farming XP trick. One thing I've only just thought of doing is if you have the Hero's Pep up ability, immediately use it and then Bench him. Then, in order, Jade, Erik, Sylvando, and Serena. Jade and Erik will need to get pepped up first but it's good to also have Sylvando out to help increase his pep gauge so that when it comes to pepping up Jade and Hero again, Sylvando is already pepped up and ready to go. Then just use Hero's pep up ability and switch him out to whoever (preferrably Erik if he's not already out) and then just pep up Jade again. I just thought I'd share this little bit of help with anyone who's new to the game even now and needs help with this XP Trick.
A good tip is to have Rab pepped up before you use electro light and then you can use his Pep power which puts metal enemies to sleep. Makes it a lot easier
well the MC in DQ games is a lifeless puppet who nods his head during extreme emotional scenes making any immersion far as im concerned the MC is the worst part of the entire game, not only is he one of the WORST silent protagonist in the history of gaming, he screams i got beat up as a kid with his my mom dresses me and cuts my hair appearance. If you are going to voice act a game for a very limited North American audience you should probably just go the extra mile and add some lines for the hero so every voice acted scene isnt so awkward.
Well, just want to point out the Luminary's official name is "Eleven." Not many people know that. So... I guess in this instance anything is better, lol.
asher otter I very much agree with this, the MC is the worst part of the game and I really hate how sometimes he shows little to no emotion in a scene that begs for it. Lol
@asher otter: That is the series my dude. FF is what you are looking for if you want a storied main character. That's why differences exist other wise every rpg would be the damn same. The only thing I can agree with is that the MC looks like a twat. That haircut is fucking ridiculous and I don't who designed him but his appearance is my least favorite aspect of the game which otherwise has been spectacular to play imo.
Stfu it's suppose to be portraying your ass that's why they ask u questions and you answer with a yes or no while staring at your whinyass on the screen, it's a video game stop link is way more silent so stop just stfu stop whining go sit in your whiny corner and come back to me when your whinyass grows up
My ideal way to guarantee a successful kill on the metal slimes is to use Hendrick, give him a metal greatsword and use the 6 hit attack. For some reason not only do these metal weapons have a hit guarantee, but also a nice damage bonus. Hendricks 6-hit slash usually takes out most slime kings.
Spoiler-heavy post, but you really shouldn't need to use a video like this to get past anything I mention below. I've heard about the ability that replaces enemies with Metal Slimes, but surely grinding in the "post game" forest trial is better than this. Waiting for characters to pep up is awfully slow, and Electro Light looks to be a very luck-heavy skill; the weaker enemies it calls aren't worth that much. Instead of this, I grinded from level 50-55 to 99 on the blue bear enemies that show up in the First Forest trial at night, ~8k EXP per fight, but they sometimes (Maybe a 5-10% chance?) show up with Malicious Hardy Hands, worth 90k EXP each, which translates to 150k-270k each if you use Hallelujah (Hallelujah seems to have a lot of variance). The skydragon and Noble Dragon can show up with hands, too, but they're slow fights. Never saw them show up with stumps, so I stopped fighting them (Plus, the stumps start fleeing at high levels, so you can't wait to pep up for Hallelujah like you can vs bears). This is obviously only doable in the "post game", but in my playthrough the only things I needed to grind for were the final Wheel of Harma gauntlet, the final trial fight, and something I won't spoil. Note that I do not know where to find Malicious King Metals. I'm told they're in the castle trial, but I couldn't find them, and the enemies in there have a lot of HP/resistances compared to the forest trial for about the same EXP. Depending on how common they are and how much EXP the kings give, though, it might be better to grind on Malicious King Metals than Malicious Hardy Hands, but I really doubt it.
Hi, super late reply but yeah you can find king malicious metal slimes in the luminary’s trial. I was fighting one on those things that you can mount to fly around, and two malicious king metals appeared with it! Unfortunately they both flees though haha
Great guide! Couple other things. First, do this grind in 2D mode. It is SO much faster in 2D mode. Pep Powers take priority in 2D mode and the other attacks you take carry through too. It's super fast to get pepped too because pepping up happens before the turn starts
@@rajgus7638 I was looking for the game on Amazon. This appeared my the recommended. I just don't understand this bs. It's like you are cheating yourself out of experiencing the game. People are dumb. Are you one of those people?
@@garysimmons3166 Yes because I want to become an untouchable god! One of tge appeals of games like these is seeking more amd more power (unlocking more abilities on the skill tree) Besides this method is quite late into the game so most of the bosses are beaten. I haven't used this exact method yet but I've used similar and those said bosses have given me good fight with a couple party members dying each fight so the game is by no means ruined
So how do you recommend getting Jade pepped up twice in one battle? Since I have to use her for Electro Light and then Hallelujah. That's seems like the hardest part and you didn't say anything about it.
It’s easy all you have to do is stall out the enemy and wait until jade and Sylvando is pepped up it will be 10x easier if you have the pep up ability for MC make sure you use hallelujah first to increase the exp you get from the battle
Del nivel 10 al 30 en galópolis, subes muy fácil con los limos metálicos q salen enfrente de la puerta, ó matando cactus q salen entre 1 y 3. Sólo tienes q tener, Estocada metálica y con erik, en bumerang, la habilidad, metalización y ya. Del 30 al 60 o hasta donde quieras, te dedicas a matar manos de lodo, antes de llegar a Gondolia, y dejas 1 viva, te defiendes y comenzará a llamar a más, vuelves a matar a todas menos 1 y así hasta q quieras, e incluso manos metálicas, yo he subido del nivel 24 al 70 así, en 2 horas.
I'm kind of lost, so after I use hallelujah, stay in that same battle till jade, luminary, and silvando are pepped up again? Then cast the second pep power?
doing this before the end of the game is just stupid, Eight will join at level 36 while everyone else is 99.....just wait until you have a full team which *spoiler* is very very late in the game. At the halfway point you lose everyone and have to get them all again and they rejoin at the level they left, unless you wana do this twice just wait til endgame when its actually needed.
Inside the mural use electro Light pep u get them slimes 10 thousand xp each usually spawns 3 save when u have dem pep up u can’t go wrong dere I gain 7 levels easy your a in an hr if your at a lower level do it at near the camp if the mini medals Skool always do it nexts to save points jst Incase u fuck up and wanna reload
I think the higher the level enemy the higher chance of king slimes because I was in mordegans castle post game during one of the memory things and they were constantly spawning
so get MC, jade, and erik pepped up and use their halellujah pep power to get the bonuses after the battle, pep up MC, jade, and sylvando in the same battle then use electro light pep power to hopefully summon metal slimes then use a pepped up erik (pep him before the summon) to do critical claim/normal attacks the slimes and get exp? seems like a lot of work
Another trick is to have MC and Sylvando switch to dual wielding Falcon Blades which add an attack combined with the metal slash. Been a while since fought metal slimes but should hit them 3-4 times so the two might be able to take out a slime together before it can run. Alternative for Alternative to Jade's Thunder Thrust (other than Lightning Thrust) if really unlucky with hit/miss ratio is a spear skill Multithrust (4 attacks) or martial art skill Multifeet (7 attacks) Granted both are random but that's 4-7 points of damage adding up on the slimes hit. Especially if combine with Liquid Metal Slime spear +3 for extra damage to Metal and a slim chance of charming the slime. After all, if can't switch charmed characters out than a charmed slime shouldn't run away either. Anyone know if spear's charm effect and additional damage still work when use multifeet or only when use spear skills like multithrust?
Save you 5 minutes: Be in postgame & have 1 pep pop, 1 pep pip Hero, Erik, Jade, Sylvando in party Erik uses pep pop Jade uses Hallelujah Syl uses pep pip on Jade Hero peps himself Erik uses Divide Jade uses Electrolight From there you can kill them all with Critical Claim & Lightning Thrust.
There is no reason for Erick to use Divide in this scenario... Critical claim hits 1 enemy only. Better off having them focus on Critical Claim/Lightning Thrust MKS, and then use both (whichever you didnt just use on MKS) and then Sylvando and Hero both with Dual Wield and 2 Liquid Metal Swords. Sylvando uses Metal Slash (1-3dmg a hit) and Hero uses Sword Dance (1-2dmg per hit).
However UNTIL critical claim IS useable Thunder Thrust is NOT good enough you also need the Hatchet Man Critical hit or miss skill its a AXE weapon type skill in this game to kill the metal slime types.
@@ziegfeld4131 You are right. Its so many people out here that have not played this game. Many people out here treat games like school. They copy seeing other videos and plagiarize them so they can get likes subscribers etc.
I dont get it. I did the trick at the hotto steppe, defeated a metal king slime and metal slime and got no exp. I am at lvl 55. Can somebody please tell me what I am doing wrong / ahh its working now. I need to attack enemies that give exp.
no you dont lol, thats not the ending, i mean you can stop there if you want but if you have ever played a DQ game before you should know that the implied final boss is never the real enemy. you literally have 30-40 hours left if you want to see the real ending.
@@coolguy48457 I already know he's not the end boss, but is not what I ask. I played quite a few DQ games & it has nothing to do if I played them before it would make me think Mordegon is not the end boss.
you need to unlock specific tiles for the pep powers to be learned, you would need to look at a guide to see which ones are required for thoes specific pep powers
The King Metal Slimes show up all the time if you fight the tougher monsters in the game. I've been fighting those griffin things in the dark castle (forget the name of it) and they appear everytime. Granted, this was post game (2nd part of the story) and I started at about level 60 i think.
So i don't understand... why in the world are you recommending Thunder Thrust instead of Lightning Thrust? Obviously Lightning Thrust is even better, and you will absolutely have it by this point in the game if you're this far leveled.
This is way late for you but for anyone else reading this: the levels when retrieving party members in Act II are fixed - for example, Erik is level 39
One year later: for the sake of clarifying for anyone reading through the comments because they're playing the DE: you get those levels back, about an hour into Act III. Don't worry about it. But honestly, you really don't need to grind UNTIL Act III, *after* you get those levels back
idk if anyones gonna see this, but i’m in the bosses castle where there’s a lot of silver king slimes Anyone know how to make them stop running away since i’m only able to get a few hits on them and then they just leave
@Ichiban Hentai Otaku thanks, just got to final boss of post game and needed to metal slimes to stop running away. Levelled up to 65 now so i’ll keep doing this till max level
technically this isn't a glitch so I don't have to feel guilty about using it. I just beat Gyldygga, so I'm close to the end of the game. Jinxed jade and Booga were really annoying tho
quite good, but by the time you farm up the skill seeds and gear and finish all the are like lv 90 ish...not much point in making elaborate plans to get 1 or 2 levels....also you can just go the easy way and fight in Hoto labirints....a lot of hardi hands pop up usually and they give a tonn of exp as well.
Don't do this unless you beat the game. Game is easy enough , even without single grind... What's the point of just roller coaster through entire boss...
Because I want all the skills the game keeps hoarding from me under absurd SP requirements. Not enough multi hit single target type skills for the luminary.... best I got so far is sword dance. Except it's literally 5 hits on a group of enemies with dual blades and the attacks are fairly weak. Only slightly stronger then falcon slash. Feels sad, it does look kind of cool though. Jades quad slash does more damage however. Hell, even Eric's 12 hit basic attack strike does more damage. THEN again Eric is hitting 12 times with like 3 crits.
@@justarandomlol I acrually went back and forth with the damage, it's actually roughly the same damage. The only difference is, two swords does it in smaller numbers while greatsword does it in one big number. The other difference is that sword skill hits all enemies while gs skills only hit groups of enemies. So.... two swords is actually better for groups and slime farming. Great sword is.... good for looking really cool while pretending your sword is Excalibur and you're using a noble phantasm.
@@Zwei22 great sword got extreme damage to single target as well as group target. 1hand gets shield which allow you to take more hits, which you never need..
@@paullee3476 That's why you dual wield. It hits 1 extra hit on all attacks regardless of the attack. Not spells, but attacks and abilities all hit again for half the damage. So if by some chance you hit for 200 damage normally in a single hit on a sword, the follow up hit will be 100. That's just a general rule and guide line.
Yeah been trying this for almost 2 hours and have yet to get my people pepped up all at once, literally went over 100 turns without Jade getting pepped. Like I got 392093 million gold to buy any pep pops.
just tried it at level 23 i didnt have the hallelujah cuz i dont got pep pip but i did kill a liquid metal getting me to level 25 so it was amazing still
All want is to lvl up to beat the octopus IM LITERALLY STUCK at it for 4 days he literally kills members of my team in one turn like wtf im supposed to do Im lvl 20 19 hrs gameplay
@@icecoldduff2176 too late i beat him 40 minutes later when i finished watching this video 2 days ago I went from lvl 20-25 this video was EXTREMELY Useful i was literally Underpowered i don't know why i was so low lvl compared to the boss I wanna kill those metal slimes ALL DAY! --Wait im wrong this video didn't HELP SHIT i mean the other more REAL USEFUL video that i watched
Metal Slimes do not have "insane high defense". They have a hidden status that simply makes them take no damage from magical attacks, and 1 damage from all physical attacks. If you crit, this is ignored, hence why you always one shot them with crits. But it is possible to kill Metal Slimes with 3 separate hits (that each deal 1 HP) if they don't flee before that happens. Don't know how much Vicious Metal Slimes and King Metal Slimes have in terms of HP, but crits are safer anyway.
Is there a way to get to level 99 with the draconian quest for reduced exp on? When I defeat the vicious metal slimes they don't give exp at all. Should I turn it off at post-game?
try vicious slimes at the emerald coast. none so far have ran away from me and I don't think they will since I've done this farming method for a couple of hours. also the slimes don't even do anything most of the time which saves a couple of frames and makes the farming process faster.
Today was way better got none of them dang robots and did it 4-6 times in 3 hours or less and almost each time i killed vicious king metal slime. went from lvl 72-86...oonce I hit max lvl that will get most of the trophies out of the way
just a personal thought here, this game does not have a new game plus, so power leveling using this method will make the game a lot shorter and less challenging very quickly therefore shortening your experience with the game, just level up regularly and the game will last you more.
Something to be had is something wanted, that's just our nature. The SNES version of FF4(FF2) is a really easy RPG, but that doesn't stop me from using the Wallstreat trick to get infinite money, and the Mist skip to buy dancing daggers early.
Check out our written guides over at
how do you get those two Pep up abilities
Run around the Manglegrove Whale Station fighting the hands. They not only give a ton of experience on their own but often come with metal hands that give around 30K exp a piece. I went from lvl 60 to 95 in about 6 hours.
holy fuck
Where do I find that?
@@funkyboi3987 late reply but use the calamus flute, go to the manglegrove way station and there u go
@@SleepySkittles I've been fighting and no metal hands yet..I get hella bloody hands though maybe 6 at a time.
Here's my trick. Same as this but a couple additions. Make sure Rab is pepped and accelerated. Once you do get the metal slimes use Rabs pep Dirge of Dundrasil to put the metal slimes to sleep. Increases your chances to kill more than one metal slime. I'm really surprised nobody has mentioned this yet.
Im doing the same thing and his dirge of dundrasil is very effective
That isn't your truck. That strat is alllllllll over lol...
Mark Bailey truck
@@markbailey8086 i can't believe you're forcing me to reply to a week old comment, but c'mon...
Of course it's everywhere... you just called out a comment over a year old...
You genius 🧠 💯
Chuck the meteorite bracer onto Erik, (It's in the dark lords castle for opening the red switch)
Boosts your agility by 100,
and you can always just use accelerate twice before using the pep skills.
You can also get those by farming some weird horse creatures in "the trial of the sage"
I usually have Sylvando get up 2 Acceleratles right after I get the other 3 to use Hallelujah. Then I just cast it every 3 turns or so to keep it up by the time I can cast Electro Light.
Everyone always starts the fight with the slimes maxed out on speed
I've been using the hardy hands to level when needed.
Lightning Thrust for Jade is way better. Same ability, but with a way higher chance to crit.
@@justarandomlol yeah, Erik has Critical Claim at the top of his Guile tree.
Best way to do this is instead of always defending, just go about the game story until hero, jade, eric, sylvando, rab are pepped up (switching out party line up 1 by 1 so the pep doesn’t go away). Then save the game. That way if you get the metal mechs, you can just reload game instead of wasting more time. It’s not worth doing untill these characters have the ability to increase pep rate
The metal slimes summoned by Electro Light are fixed, not based on luck - if you're in the postgame and are over level 70, you have a 100% chance of encountering a Metal King Slime.
He said that in the video but if you are not in the Endgame and are not over level 70 it is luck or a percentage game.
I started right after getting to Battleground. After lvl 70 you always get 2 LMS and 1 MKS. Doesn't need to be postgame
@@mistahkrazy805 really? I'm only around level 50 and that's been my result
So I just tried this method out
*I got 400,000+ EXP on my first attempt*
Lucky, I've been trying for about 20 hours over the past week and never killed a single metal slime.
@@spacious3544 If the metal slimes are escaping for you, make sure to have Rab pepped up and use his "Dirge of Dundrasil" pep power to put the slimes to sleep. Should make things easier.
I got over 1.000.000 exp by my first try. But I did it at a different place
@Ph0uad with his imagination
Good for you
Honestly I this was the most helpful guide I found, most of the other places I went didn't show skill tree locations for the abilities so I was confused until now, thank you SO much
You need LIGHTNING thrust not thunder thrust. Thunder has a like 60% chance of missing while lightning only has like a 30% chance of missing.😉
Thunder thrust is 50% chance and light ing thrust is 75%
I found fighting those blue things at the end of First Forest a good way, as they tend to do little damage and heal your party while you're trying to get pepped up. I also found Viscous Metal King Slimes here often in late game. This method gets you a lot of exp(400k - 700k) and roughly takes me 10-15 mins per run. Although If you have pep pips, once you've used Haulellujah, Jade should be the only member you need to pep twice(The Hero can pep himself), so use a pep pip. This'll reduce your time to about 10 mins :)
This really helped. I’m training for the final boss so it will speed things up
M or C?
Just go in the mordegor 's castle you can find a lot of King Metal Slime and one shot them with erik you won 70000 k xp and you dont waste time doing pep up boost ( post game its good but not before )
SHUPS the luminary’s trial, or the vanilla version?
Yeah this sounds more tedious than just grinding
Wow this works like a charm. First time I tried this (just now) I got a king metal slime and 2 liquids. Unfortunately I was 5 skill points away from Erik's crit. He got 2 rounds in and then the king and 1 liquid fled.... Jade also had a opportunity with Thunder Thrust but she missed 3 times in a row. Still got 87k exp though so well worth it.
Edit: I've done this 4 times now. Once I got killerbots, the other 3 times I had King Metal Slimes so not sure if they're really that rare or I'm just getting extremely lucky. only managed to kill 1 so far since Erik's turn is also depended on if he just had his turn before casting the pep power to summon the slimes. But the one I did kill together with a liquid gave me 300k exp and leveled all my people from 54 to 57.
2 things, at lvl 70+ metal slime kings are more common, so are liquid metal slimes, and your more common to get metal slimes using electro light in the outdoors rather than in a dungeon or inside
Metal slimes appear in certain areas in the game after specific story checkpoints, they just won't appear on the overworld map, you'll have to keep getting into random encounters until you find them. I recommend not worrying about your level too much until your into the post game (you'll be around Lv50 by the time you get to it), if you can beat the area boss then your fine. For post game grind spots, there are melty hands (hand metal slimes) in the side path of the volcano, regular metal slime kings in the battlefield and vicious metal slime kings in the third luminary trial. Hope this helps
Joshua Freyman you what thank you i'm gonna try that today than slime island
Or just use the Electro Light pep power with Hallelujah for bonus exp
What enemy are the Metal King Slimes paired with in the battlefield?
Just use electro light
I already do but would rather run into the kings
Rab has a pep power dirge of dundrasil that can sleep metal slimes. It doesn't always work but it can help you get some more turns in before they escape. With metal slime swords and other metal slime weapons, even regular attacks can hit metal slimes. So, sword dance can do alot of damage to things while you're waiting for Erik's critical claim skill.
Yeah, dirge of dundrasil is pretty nice to have on hand
Yeah I'm awaiting to unlock his Critical claim skill. I'll need another 80 no no medals to get the metal weapons book yo craft those metal weapons.
This does take awhile to pep everyone.
I also recommend equipping elevating vest for additional xp and equipping the main hero with 2 falcon blades and giving sylvando a falcon knife to increase attack rates and chance to kill more before they escape
Just for those wondering the king slimes won't show up in the cinematic they will just be there if they are once you go into the battle mode.
I recently replayed this game after 2 ish years, and I'm at a point in the game where I'm able to do this farming XP trick. One thing I've only just thought of doing is if you have the Hero's Pep up ability, immediately use it and then Bench him. Then, in order, Jade, Erik, Sylvando, and Serena.
Jade and Erik will need to get pepped up first but it's good to also have Sylvando out to help increase his pep gauge so that when it comes to pepping up Jade and Hero again, Sylvando is already pepped up and ready to go. Then just use Hero's pep up ability and switch him out to whoever (preferrably Erik if he's not already out) and then just pep up Jade again.
I just thought I'd share this little bit of help with anyone who's new to the game even now and needs help with this XP Trick.
A good tip is to have Rab pepped up before you use electro light and then you can use his Pep power which puts metal enemies to sleep. Makes it a lot easier
Method works great, spent the last 2 hours ish getting it down and grinding a bit... but my game crashed and I lost about 10 levels. Fml
People love story immersion but names their MC a stupid ass name. Lol I’ll never understand.
well the MC in DQ games is a lifeless puppet who nods his head during extreme emotional scenes making any immersion far as im concerned the MC is the worst part of the entire game, not only is he one of the WORST silent protagonist in the history of gaming, he screams i got beat up as a kid with his my mom dresses me and cuts my hair appearance. If you are going to voice act a game for a very limited North American audience you should probably just go the extra mile and add some lines for the hero so every voice acted scene isnt so awkward.
Well, just want to point out the Luminary's official name is "Eleven." Not many people know that. So... I guess in this instance anything is better, lol.
asher otter I very much agree with this, the MC is the worst part of the game and I really hate how sometimes he shows little to no emotion in a scene that begs for it. Lol
@asher otter: That is the series my dude. FF is what you are looking for if you want a storied main character. That's why differences exist other wise every rpg would be the damn same. The only thing I can agree with is that the MC looks like a twat. That haircut is fucking ridiculous and I don't who designed him but his appearance is my least favorite aspect of the game which otherwise has been spectacular to play imo.
Stfu it's suppose to be portraying your ass that's why they ask u questions and you answer with a yes or no while staring at your whinyass on the screen, it's a video game stop link is way more silent so stop just stfu stop whining go sit in your whiny corner and come back to me when your whinyass grows up
Tried it 8 times, 3 times metal slimes and after that 5 times the robots :-( they are really rare ;-)
Chrimbear exactly why it is rare 🤦♂️
@Ph0uad You're the reason tranquilizers exist.
super best LMFAOO
@@chispsahoy 😂😂😂
@Ph0uad Stop being a toxic piece of shit.
Great video thanks! Nice and simple and isn’t 25 minutes long.. cheers!
My ideal way to guarantee a successful kill on the metal slimes is to use Hendrick, give him a metal greatsword and use the 6 hit attack. For some reason not only do these metal weapons have a hit guarantee, but also a nice damage bonus. Hendricks 6-hit slash usually takes out most slime kings.
I always use re-vamp with Jade before using Thunderthrust. This way it's always a hit
Not for me man
I tried this and it gave me 300,000 exp with a king slime first try, thanks so much
Getting Erik, the luminary and jade into pep takes SO DAMN LONG
i know I hate it, make sure you save when you have all of them pepped up so that if the thing fails you can just reload the game
Spoiler-heavy post, but you really shouldn't need to use a video like this to get past anything I mention below.
I've heard about the ability that replaces enemies with Metal Slimes, but surely grinding in the "post game" forest trial is better than this. Waiting for characters to pep up is awfully slow, and Electro Light looks to be a very luck-heavy skill; the weaker enemies it calls aren't worth that much. Instead of this, I grinded from level 50-55 to 99 on the blue bear enemies that show up in the First Forest trial at night, ~8k EXP per fight, but they sometimes (Maybe a 5-10% chance?) show up with Malicious Hardy Hands, worth 90k EXP each, which translates to 150k-270k each if you use Hallelujah (Hallelujah seems to have a lot of variance). The skydragon and Noble Dragon can show up with hands, too, but they're slow fights. Never saw them show up with stumps, so I stopped fighting them (Plus, the stumps start fleeing at high levels, so you can't wait to pep up for Hallelujah like you can vs bears). This is obviously only doable in the "post game", but in my playthrough the only things I needed to grind for were the final Wheel of Harma gauntlet, the final trial fight, and something I won't spoil.
Note that I do not know where to find Malicious King Metals. I'm told they're in the castle trial, but I couldn't find them, and the enemies in there have a lot of HP/resistances compared to the forest trial for about the same EXP. Depending on how common they are and how much EXP the kings give, though, it might be better to grind on Malicious King Metals than Malicious Hardy Hands, but I really doubt it.
Hi, super late reply but yeah you can find king malicious metal slimes in the luminary’s trial. I was fighting one on those things that you can mount to fly around, and two malicious king metals appeared with it! Unfortunately they both flees though haha
Great guide! Couple other things.
First, do this grind in 2D mode. It is SO much faster in 2D mode.
Pep Powers take priority in 2D mode and the other attacks you take carry through too. It's super fast to get pepped too because pepping up happens before the turn starts
Honestly thank you soooooo much! I don't know why no one has mentioned this. It is so much faster in 2D mode! Lifesaver! :D
@@narutofanere I learned it from watching a Speedrun where this grinding method is routed in 👀
Amazing. Got to 99 from mid 60s in a couple hours.
Wow.. so fun
Does this increase the fun you can have with the game? Why not just watch a video on the ending if you are suck a cheater/loser?
@@garysimmons3166 why tf are you on this video!?
@@rajgus7638 I was looking for the game on Amazon. This appeared my the recommended. I just don't understand this bs. It's like you are cheating yourself out of experiencing the game. People are dumb. Are you one of those people?
@@garysimmons3166 Yes because I want to become an untouchable god! One of tge appeals of games like these is seeking more amd more power (unlocking more abilities on the skill tree) Besides this method is quite late into the game so most of the bosses are beaten. I haven't used this exact method yet but I've used similar and those said bosses have given me good fight with a couple party members dying each fight so the game is by no means ruined
If you fight the blues slimes at the last bastion you get a King metal every time unless you get the dumb robots
I can confirm that isnt true. Quit spreading disinformation.
I thought I didn’t have either, but I do… I have both. Although I don’t have enough pep pops, so…
Just go to the top of fortress of fear and battle the loss legion guarding doors, they have a metal king with them
Anyone else see that those metal slimes dropped seeds of life though *wink*
i found shades that you can steal mini medals from. the red ones in that dungeon by warriors rest
Re-build cobblestone post-game and you can by pep pops or at least that's what I've heard.
Saving this for later!
So how do you recommend getting Jade pepped up twice in one battle? Since I have to use her for Electro Light and then Hallelujah. That's seems like the hardest part and you didn't say anything about it.
It’s easy all you have to do is stall out the enemy and wait until jade and Sylvando is pepped up it will be 10x easier if you have the pep up ability for MC make sure you use hallelujah first to increase the exp you get from the battle
@@erockgoblue6295 it still takes me over an hour to get the three pepped up
@@spacious3544 No way.
Wheres a good location to find 4 enemies? I'm near the final boss. Got the special sword thing
Is it possible to accumulate the haleluia effect ? Like doing it 5 times ? :p
I wish lol. Singular boost
I really need to try this. I'm trying to reach a high level to battle the Lord of Shadows
he was very underwhelming.
Del nivel 10 al 30 en galópolis, subes muy fácil con los limos metálicos q salen enfrente de la puerta, ó matando cactus q salen entre 1 y 3.
Sólo tienes q tener, Estocada metálica y con erik, en bumerang, la habilidad, metalización y ya.
Del 30 al 60 o hasta donde quieras, te dedicas a matar manos de lodo, antes de llegar a Gondolia, y dejas 1 viva, te defiendes y comenzará a llamar a más, vuelves a matar a todas menos 1 y así hasta q quieras, e incluso manos metálicas, yo he subido del nivel 24 al 70 así, en 2 horas.
Jade's Lightening Thrust is 100x better, more damage and more accuracy then anything else.
wow just did it and the first time everything that could've gone wrong did, but upon second try it worked as advertised
I love this game!
This is freaking nuts you didn’t get a king slime your whole time recording this and I got king slimes in 3/4 so far 😆😆 I’m swimming in XP thanks man.
I'm kind of lost, so after I use hallelujah, stay in that same battle till jade, luminary, and silvando are pepped up again? Then cast the second pep power?
I think so yes
Use pep up with the luminary
That's why the strategy is really only good post game after you rebuild Cobblestone and can buy pep pops as Jade takes very long to pep up
doing this before the end of the game is just stupid, Eight will join at level 36 while everyone else is 99.....just wait until you have a full team which *spoiler* is very very late in the game. At the halfway point you lose everyone and have to get them all again and they rejoin at the level they left, unless you wana do this twice just wait til endgame when its actually needed.
I mean... you can't really do this method all the effectively until after Eight joins your party and Erik unlocks his expanded skill tree
Inside the mural use electro Light pep u get them slimes 10 thousand xp each usually spawns 3 save when u have dem pep up u can’t go wrong dere I gain 7 levels easy your a in an hr if your at a lower level do it at near the camp if the mini medals Skool always do it nexts to save points jst Incase u fuck up and wanna reload
Guys this is IT. 45 hrs at level 55 and beat Mordegon. Found this. In 2 hours I'm lvl 99 across the board.
I think the higher the level enemy the higher chance of king slimes because I was in mordegans castle post game during one of the memory things and they were constantly spawning
so get MC, jade, and erik pepped up and use their halellujah pep power to get the bonuses after the battle, pep up MC, jade, and sylvando in the same battle then use electro light pep power to hopefully summon metal slimes then use a pepped up erik (pep him before the summon) to do critical claim/normal attacks the slimes and get exp? seems like a lot of work
Another trick is to have MC and Sylvando switch to dual wielding Falcon Blades which add an attack combined with the metal slash. Been a while since fought metal slimes but should hit them 3-4 times so the two might be able to take out a slime together before it can run. Alternative for Alternative to Jade's Thunder Thrust (other than Lightning Thrust) if really unlucky with hit/miss ratio is a spear skill Multithrust (4 attacks) or martial art skill Multifeet (7 attacks) Granted both are random but that's 4-7 points of damage adding up on the slimes hit. Especially if combine with Liquid Metal Slime spear +3 for extra damage to Metal and a slim chance of charming the slime. After all, if can't switch charmed characters out than a charmed slime shouldn't run away either. Anyone know if spear's charm effect and additional damage still work when use multifeet or only when use spear skills like multithrust?
Save you 5 minutes:
Be in postgame & have 1 pep pop, 1 pep pip
Hero, Erik, Jade, Sylvando in party
Erik uses pep pop
Jade uses Hallelujah
Syl uses pep pip on Jade
Hero peps himself
Erik uses Divide
Jade uses Electrolight
From there you can kill them all with Critical Claim & Lightning Thrust.
There is no reason for Erick to use Divide in this scenario... Critical claim hits 1 enemy only.
Better off having them focus on Critical Claim/Lightning Thrust MKS, and then use both (whichever you didnt just use on MKS) and then Sylvando and Hero both with Dual Wield and 2 Liquid Metal Swords. Sylvando uses Metal Slash (1-3dmg a hit) and Hero uses Sword Dance (1-2dmg per hit).
Sillv can wield two weapons and can combo for up to 4 hits.
Idtelos Well Falcon blade & Falcon strike don't work together sadly.
@@AllenTax he ment 2 falcon blades
lucario kkidd No. Just 1. The move and 1 sword doesn't work together.
Where are you went for farming dude? Where’s your map?
Since Jade is required for both pep up abilities, this method takes a bit of time. Any advice as to how to get Jade to pep up faster? Thanks
Did you ever find out?
However UNTIL critical claim IS useable Thunder Thrust is NOT good enough you also need the Hatchet Man Critical hit or miss skill its a AXE weapon type skill in this game to kill the metal slime types.
is there any way i could make other party members get into pepped up state faster? Jade takes forever
Get a pep pip or pep pop
Jun Kurosu Where do you find these
Pep pip can bought in octagonia casino pep pop can be bought in cobblestone after you rebuild it in post game
You can unlock nodes that raise your chance to go into pep state
@@ziegfeld4131 You are right. Its so many people out here that have not played this game. Many people out here treat games like school. They copy seeing other videos and plagiarize them so they can get likes subscribers etc.
I dont get it. I did the trick at the hotto steppe, defeated a metal king slime and metal slime and got no exp. I am at lvl 55. Can somebody please tell me what I am doing wrong / ahh its working now. I need to attack enemies that give exp.
How do you unlock Electro Light & Hallelujah? Im lvl 52 and all I got is Mordegon in Tower of Fear to kill
no you dont lol, thats not the ending, i mean you can stop there if you want but if you have ever played a DQ game before you should know that the implied final boss is never the real enemy. you literally have 30-40 hours left if you want to see the real ending.
@@coolguy48457 I already know he's not the end boss, but is not what I ask. I played quite a few DQ games & it has nothing to do if I played them before it would make me think Mordegon is not the end boss.
you need to unlock specific tiles for the pep powers to be learned, you would need to look at a guide to see which ones are required for thoes specific pep powers
Me at level 65, I don’t have those.
Nvm, I do have them. Just never had all of them pepped up. Had to look at attributes
The King Metal Slimes show up all the time if you fight the tougher monsters in the game. I've been fighting those griffin things in the dark castle (forget the name of it) and they appear everytime. Granted, this was post game (2nd part of the story) and I started at about level 60 i think.
you can't learn critical claim until a WHILE into the game lol
who else is stuck on mordegon
I summoned a liquid and king without xp boost and got over 250k DP. 👍 wish I did the boost
So i don't understand... why in the world are you recommending Thunder Thrust instead of Lightning Thrust? Obviously Lightning Thrust is even better, and you will absolutely have it by this point in the game if you're this far leveled.
i went up two levels each time thats good now i can use magic burst with veronica
how long did it take you?
Did characters who are absent for a while auto level up to the party new levels when they return ? (like Erik)
This is way late for you but for anyone else reading this: the levels when retrieving party members in Act II are fixed - for example, Erik is level 39
@@nedrynthecheeto66 another year later, yeah this put the luminary 5 levels above some of the others for me by the time I’d got them back
Best place to do it is the first forest by the way, because the enemies there will heal you
if you haven't beaten the game yet, don't do this method guys. Trust me, you'll regret it later .......
Maurice Lepenat why?
One year later: for the sake of clarifying for anyone reading through the comments because they're playing the DE: you get those levels back, about an hour into Act III. Don't worry about it.
But honestly, you really don't need to grind UNTIL Act III, *after* you get those levels back
idk if anyones gonna see this, but i’m in the bosses castle where there’s a lot of silver king slimes
Anyone know how to make them stop running away since i’m only able to get a few hits on them and then they just leave
@Ichiban Hentai Otaku thanks, just got to final boss of post game and needed to metal slimes to stop running away. Levelled up to 65 now so i’ll keep doing this till max level
Btw pep only doubles XP. It's faster only use 1 pep power
So this doesn't work with draconian quest
thanks very useful
I miss the King liquid metal slime from DQ:MJ2's japanese version :(
technically this isn't a glitch so I don't have to feel guilty about using it. I just beat Gyldygga, so I'm close to the end of the game. Jinxed jade and Booga were really annoying tho
yak playz theres still the whole post game story
quite good, but by the time you farm up the skill seeds and gear and finish all the are like lv 90 ish...not much point in making elaborate plans to get 1 or 2 levels....also you can just go the easy way and fight in Hoto labirints....a lot of hardi hands pop up usually and they give a tonn of exp as well.
Don't do this unless you beat the game.
Game is easy enough , even without single grind...
What's the point of just roller coaster through entire boss...
Paul Lee fr I didn’t think I was over leveled till I fought the final boss 😪
Because I want all the skills the game keeps hoarding from me under absurd SP requirements. Not enough multi hit single target type skills for the luminary.... best I got so far is sword dance. Except it's literally 5 hits on a group of enemies with dual blades and the attacks are fairly weak. Only slightly stronger then falcon slash. Feels sad, it does look kind of cool though. Jades quad slash does more damage however. Hell, even Eric's 12 hit basic attack strike does more damage. THEN again Eric is hitting 12 times with like 3 crits.
@@justarandomlol I acrually went back and forth with the damage, it's actually roughly the same damage. The only difference is, two swords does it in smaller numbers while greatsword does it in one big number. The other difference is that sword skill hits all enemies while gs skills only hit groups of enemies. So.... two swords is actually better for groups and slime farming. Great sword is.... good for looking really cool while pretending your sword is Excalibur and you're using a noble phantasm.
@@Zwei22 great sword got extreme damage to single target as well as group target.
1hand gets shield which allow you to take more hits, which you never need..
@@paullee3476 That's why you dual wield. It hits 1 extra hit on all attacks regardless of the attack. Not spells, but attacks and abilities all hit again for half the damage. So if by some chance you hit for 200 damage normally in a single hit on a sword, the follow up hit will be 100. That's just a general rule and guide line.
Lvl 58+, i was always got a king mtl slime...
Yeah been trying this for almost 2 hours and have yet to get my people pepped up all at once, literally went over 100 turns without Jade getting pepped. Like I got 392093 million gold to buy any pep pops.
do the jackpot roulette casino trick. youll have more money than youll ever need
Hello u know i hope in the next dq ik there is another after this but not sure what system i hope they bring back classes and bows
just tried it at level 23 i didnt have the hallelujah cuz i dont got pep pip but i did kill a liquid metal getting me to level 25 so it was amazing still
All want is to lvl up to beat the octopus IM LITERALLY STUCK at it for 4 days he literally kills members of my team in one turn like wtf im supposed to do
Im lvl 20
19 hrs gameplay
Grind. I beat him on my first attempt, im lvl 28 at the time.
@@icecoldduff2176 too late i beat him 40 minutes later when i finished watching this video 2 days ago
I went from lvl 20-25 this video was EXTREMELY Useful i was literally Underpowered i don't know why i was so low lvl compared to the boss
I wanna kill those metal slimes ALL DAY!
--Wait im wrong this video didn't HELP SHIT i mean the other more REAL USEFUL video that i watched
I don't recommend hallelujah because you're standing around doing nothing for only double the exp.
Are you joking? You use it BEFORE electro light. So you are literally doubling exp for Metal slimes. How is that "nothing"?
@@SewrRat You require to charge up Jade twice
How did u get everyone to be pepped up twice in one battle???
Metal Slimes do not have "insane high defense".
They have a hidden status that simply makes them take no damage from magical attacks, and 1 damage from all physical attacks.
If you crit, this is ignored, hence why you always one shot them with crits.
But it is possible to kill Metal Slimes with 3 separate hits (that each deal 1 HP) if they don't flee before that happens.
Don't know how much Vicious Metal Slimes and King Metal Slimes have in terms of HP, but crits are safer anyway.
is it normal to get robots 7 times in a row?
It happened to me too. Waste of my time tbh
Is there a way to get to level 99 with the draconian quest for reduced exp on? When I defeat the vicious metal slimes they don't give exp at all.
Should I turn it off at post-game?
I have this issue. Did you manage to get to 99 with Draconian Mode, or did you have to turn it off?
You'll have to turn it off, or do the hardest trials and fight the bosses
whats a good level to go into the final dungeon at?
Level. 60 so use this method just in case you’re under leveled
ummm i think you should use hatchet man with hendrik insted of normal atack because it still does a decent amount of damage if you have him of corse
So I did hallelujah but the enemy's ran away before I could get my team pepped up again to use the other move, any advice?
try vicious slimes at the emerald coast. none so far have ran away from me and I don't think they will since I've done this farming method for a couple of hours. also the slimes don't even do anything most of the time which saves a couple of frames and makes the farming process faster.
Wouldn't lightning thrust be better than thunder thrust?
Try don't this at the fortress of fear I hit kings liquids and regulars at level 50
Why not just use ultra spee- oh wait this is 2018
Today was way better got none of them dang robots and did it 4-6 times in 3 hours or less and almost each time i killed vicious king metal slime. went from lvl 72-86...oonce I hit max lvl that will get most of the trophies out of the way
just a personal thought here, this game does not have a new game plus, so power leveling using this method will make the game a lot shorter and less challenging very quickly therefore shortening your experience with the game, just level up regularly and the game will last you more.
Something to be had is something wanted, that's just our nature. The SNES version of FF4(FF2) is a really easy RPG, but that doesn't stop me from using the Wallstreat trick to get infinite money, and the Mist skip to buy dancing daggers early.
Why no new game plus tho?