I'm so terribly sorry that the Pharisees veered away from the Prophetic Tradition and, in so doing not only led generations of Jews astray but also engendered Christianity, which took Pharisaic errors in interpretation even more far afield. My sincerest suggestion to Westerners is to look deeply into Stoicism.
Please read what I am about to write carefully because it is not something that you've heard before and it is best that it is not colored in your mind by that which you've heard previously. God does not appear anywhere in Torah. I'll say that again. God does not appear anywhere in Torah. God is so beyond anything that we can comprehend or talk about that referencing about God is impossible. God has no name, no designation, no characteristics. God does not exist. Existence is one of God's creations. We cannot talk about that which does not exist. Even now, I am referring to your ideas about God, not God. The Tetragrammaton is not God and not God's name. I'll say that again. The Tetragrammaton is not God. The Tetragrammaton is the highest, holiest version of the Creation. The Rabbis, when they were exiled from the Place that is called HaShem because they rejected the Prophetic tradition and started making Torah into a law book, made HaShem into a god because HaShem was no longer their ambient reality. So, they worship what they cannot experience as a god.
Most people think that the Torah is a finished product. It's not. It's the seeds. To try to read Torah as though it is telling narratives and giving instructions about how to conduct ceremonies is like thinking that DNA is the finished organism. I'll prove what I'm saying in the Hebrew response to this comment. If you don't read Hebrew, put it into a translation function.
The Christians misunderstood the concept of 'immaculate conception'. The correct immaculate conception is the understanding of those who consciousness knows how to build worlds out of the Torah. Just as a egg cell has to know how to deconstruct and reconstruct the genetic information in a sperm cell, so the consciousness needs to know how to unpack the information in Torah and use it to build worlds. The Prophets know how to do this. The Rabbis haven't a clue.
For those folks like me, here's a helpful hint: SBL stands for Society of Biblical Literature. SBL describes itself as "SBL, a membership organization with over 7,000 scholars, is the oldest and largest learned society devoted to the critical investigation of the Bible from a variety of academic disciplines. Through its work, SBL supports scholarly research and fosters the public understanding of the Bible and its influence."
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved. MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
@@ChristianSoldier71 it’s okay, there is no such thing as sin, and none of us will be tortured after death because we will be dead. You don’t have to be afraid of end times, you will die at some point, hopefully a long time from now without a lot of pain, but no demons are coming for you.
I’m not going to lie, I can sit in front of Dr. Miller all day as he talks about this and soak it all up. Got dam, I love when Professors can be 100% honest about the Bible and it’s history. Intellectually honesty matter for me. Thanks Derek for this gem.
@@2fast2block Are you saying that it’s clear creation had to be done supernaturally at some point, so it is Yahweh/Jesus as this creator of the universe?
@@2fast2block sorry but that just doesn't follow. "Some magic happens here, therefore God" isn't a valid line of reasoning. Acting like some ancient book can answer modern questions of science through magic is completely dishonest.
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved. MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
My problem is the fact that, while I have an intellectual agreement with most, if not all of this, I cannot deny the fact that I have experienced God on a supernatural level.
@@lynnbaker2336 Not to take away anything from you, these other groups like Hindu, Shintu, Mormons, Islam, Gnostics, Kemetism etc have experienced God on a supernatural level also.What do you think of that? Could it be everyone is just experiencing a human experience?
"Biblical studies is a circus show". Couldn't agree more. By and large these characters are not interested in history, they're only interested in what backs up their faith. In the same way as the "vulgar economists" are not interested in how capitalism actually works, but only in justifying its existence.
Bibliolatry? Which canon and why? Why Jesus/Joshua quote book of Enoch but it not included? Which version of said canon? Which edition of said version? why? Why would a true god/gaut/gott/goth fail in both Islam and Christianity?
@@tomrudolsen6235 Seems a lot of fun having imaginary friends. There could be smth on the other side buts not an old fart sending lightening in your as* cause your were disobedient. Most of us are to dumb to understand NDE's or OBE's that's the only phenomena regarding afterlife. But the stupidity of us ants leads to the fact that we see smth may even an entity and smack it must be God. If I would be that entity I would be embarrassed if an ant declares me as the ant God and the ant declares itself the crown of creation on the base of a brief look on me 😂
This is interesting to hear. I did Masters and Ph D studies at a confessional institution where you did have to sign a statement of faith when enrolling in classes each semester. I left with an almost finished PhD because I could not in good conscience sign the statement another time. I was a member and attended both SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) and ETS (Evangelical Theological Society) gatherings. In fact, those two events are normally scheduled at the same time and place each year- SBL occurring after ETS. There was a big discussion when I was in seminary about how SBL lacked the faith commitments of ETS. There was big hullabaloo because some ETS scholars were "witnessing" at SBL and SBL put out a statement that prohibited it. So to hear now, that SBL's scholarship is shackled by faith commitments is interesting to say the least. My own serious study of the Bible and other early Christian writings convinced me to disavow a 4- decades long faith. In my experience. most "Christian scholarship" is very earnest, bright young students desperate to keep answering the question "IT HAS TO BE REAL DOESN'T IT?". If they can do that with, what can only be described as a a "scholarly veneer" over it, it soothes increasingly troubled minds plagued with cognitive dissonance.
@@2fast2block "The 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally." The First Law states it cannot happen, not that it can't happen unless a God pulls a miracle out of his ass. "It is clear creation had to be done supernaturally at some point yet it is still denied because people are just too proud to accept that, among other things." Have you ever heard of psychological projection?
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved. MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
@@mrwolley1741 Good question. First, I had the luxury of serious bible study at the PhD level and reading other ancient material especially the vast collection of pseudepigrapha, apocrypha, classic Greek and Roman writers (Livy, Cicero, Lucretius, Seneca, Diodorus Siculus, Hesiod, Epicurus and others) made it clear that the biblical writings are not unique and certainly not divinely inspired. First, I should add that the reading of the biblical material itself showed me their historically contingent nature- the readings of other writings around the time of the Old and New Testament material put in into context. I discovered at the highest scholarly levels, the argument that the biblical writings are unique is farcical. But that is material of a more academic nature and few people have the time , luxury and/or skill set to study such material- though Christian apologists use bits and pieces with which to prop up their claims. But I think you mean more accessible books from others who have made the same journey. There are far more of those than I dreamed (when I had the courage to admit biblical Christianity was not true, I thought I was largely alone as a decades-long believer). "Why I Believed" by Kenneth W. Daniels- a former missionary and Wycliffe bible translator. His journey was so genuinely related (he even prints his prayers to God as he fights to retain his faith- I prayed almost identical words - it was striking!) *"Childish Things" -Dave Warnock *Empty the Pews" a collection of former believers' stories *"Four Disturbing Questions" Tim Sledge- another former pastor of many years The above are all former believers like me so I found their writings more relevant than the atheists who have never been believers though I have the highest respect for Sam Harris" work. The never-believed atheists can be quickly dismissed by believers ("They have never felt what I felt- they don't understand") I used the same dismissal when I was an active Christian apologist. *Bart Ehrman is a former believer and top-notch Greek scholar-so you get some of both. His book "God's Problem" was one I found particularly prescient. One of the main questions I have tried to answer since discarding Christian belief was "What keeps so many choosing to believe dogma even though it is demonstrably untrue?" and "How did religious belief emerge and shift through history?" "Two books titled "The Origins of Christianity" are excellent- one by Archibald Robertson and the other by Thomas Whittaker *The Evolution of God" by Robert Wright is wide in scope and contains enlightening observations Here's a good one: "The Ark Before Noah"- showing how closely the flood account in Genesis follows an indisputably earlier Mesopotamian story- one that just came to light in the last 20 years and is older than even Gilgamesh. *The best theological work I've read on contemporary Christian belief is by a former believer/scholar titled "Theology After the Death of God" by L. Ron Schultz. It is a little academic- not an easy read, but excellent. *The Denial of Death" - Pulitzer Prize psychological/sociological work by Ernst Becker. That should get you started at least.
I am a British member of SBL and I understand your view. I am very skeptical but I know loads of sincere people across the views!! I have been in this mad world since 1987 in bookselling and publishing.
Really great interview Derek and Richard...I have less and less interest in the SBL for the reasons you mention. Do you remember when Jonathan Z. Smith, my teacher, agreed to serve as President--his reasons are most interesting, see his Presidential address. It was classic, in a word: we history of religion folk want to STUDY you guys! As in the famous quip variously attributed to Scholem and others with various phrasing: Magic is nonsense, but the study of magic, ah, that is scholarship.
Great conversation. It was one of the most surprising things when I first started getting into this stuff that so much of what was considered foundational in Biblical studies was based on junk arguments and that much of the field was wholly divorced from empiricism, sound epistemology and basic logic. Hector Avalos was talking about this a more than a decade ago in a real serious way and we've got guys going back to at least the 70's talking about how the field needs to reorient itself towards teaching true, verifiable things and working against dogmatism. It's no wonder the US has such a massive problem with fundamentalism. The people whose job should at a minimum be to moderate between theology and fact have let theology run rough shod over fact for decades.
@@vocesanticae the discipline is so compromised is a scandal, I’m of the opinion that there’s no place for it at secular universities and it their Departments if they have one should be abolished, rolled into classics & other related fields, and relegated to only the seminaries.
@@annascott3542 It seems that Tony Cook was responding not to you, but to someone (whom I've had previous encounters with and who is a fundamentalist Christian) with the pseudonym '2fast2block', which the latter either changed his mind about and removed himself, or was so embarrassed by Tony's response that he removed it himself, or just possibly, was so hateful that it was removed by the YT censors. (My money would probably be on either of my first two suggestions.) Evidently it was removed before you saw either comment. Have a nice day! 🙂
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved. MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
For many of us who have left the faith, we can look back upon how we kept pockets of hidden deference that likely took years to leave behind. We continue to have moments of realization that there is yet one more bit of dogma that remains unobtrusively embedded in our perception of reality. I identified as an agnostic for decades before I finally admitted to myself that I was actually an atheist
@@2fast2block Doesn’t matter how many times you comment this on different posts, it’s not gonna make any more sense. It’s not clear it had to be supernatural lol
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved. MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
I would say that most SBL members aren’t at prestigious nondenominational schools. Probably 2/3 are at theological schools. Literally 70% of the book vendors at SBL are Christian presses. Almost everything about SBL is faith based.
The idea of a faith commitment is diametrically opposed to the whole idea of scholarship. Requiring a scholar to say they'll never change their mind is essentially forbidding them to do scholarship. I have much appreciation for scholars like Dr. Miller who are willing to pursue honesty and truth even to the extinction of their own faith, and for not being willing to bend the knee to cultic (yes cultic) control. No other field of study requires anything like that. It's bizarre and anti-intellectual. It's scary. It's literal brainwashing.
@@2fast2block what is always was and will be. The only creation in biblical mythology is the fables. The winding down you mentioned could easily be part of a cycle like everything else in nature. You do not have to believe in these things, but they are just as valid an explanation.
Derek, you always have all of the best guests on your podcast. Binge-watching these videos with Dr. Miller on this Memorial Day weekend. Thank you and take care, brother.
Derek, I've got to hand it to you. Over the years your interviewing skills have improved, and the guests you get on to speak are top notch. I hope this doesn't come off wrong, but the early stuff you seemed a little goofy and some of the guests I had to wonder about. These are all good, high quality professional talks, conversations and interviews you have on your show, You seem more knowledgeable, and at ease. It's like you've been trying to grow into this role, this field. This is some guy to be taken serious. Some day it'll be the young buck trying to break into the field who'll be interviewing you. Then the student will have become the master. You will have taken the pebble from my hand. It will be time for you to leave.
I had no idea that about 50% of mainstream biblical scholars were intellectually compromised in that way. I don't believe this will change any time soon, because the majority of people who are interested and motivated enough in intensive study of the Bible are bound to be believers.
I have more respect for shamans. At least with their first appearance in the Old Stone Age, they did serve a useful function...religious leaders today, uh, not so much.
I can't believe I was ever dense enough to pay $300 per month to Calvary Chapel back in the early 1990's so I could earn a "certificate" in "bible studies" by listening to endless tapes of Chuck Smith's sermons...a certificate that meant precisely nothing outside the specific Calvary chapel I was attending.
Richard's book arrived in the post today so looking forward to a deep, focused read at some stage soon. Yes this competing 'secular/academic against theological interests' divide affects me at times on my B A Theol course too. Our lecturer recently brought up a piece of outdated data surrounding gay sexuality research in class; 20 years out of date. I felt totally misrepresented and misunderstood and so wanted to point this out. Except for this incident of misrepresentation, I have no idea where this lecturer lies along the progressive to conservative theological spectrum but my cautious radar of survival skills was/is up. I will remember this incident and when this course is complete I will politely email to point out this error and say why I was compelled to remain silent.
Would love to see a conversation between Richard Miller and Richard Carrier. They share so much that they would have the opportunity of exploring issues that don't typically get discussed.
I met Richard Carrier. Not impressed. He seems to like stirring controversy rather than getting at truth. Richard Miller, by contrast, seems motivated to know, not speculate for dramatic effect.
Interesting. I find it sad, that in our supposed 'age of rationality' this needs to be mentioned at all. Supernatural constructs have no place in rigorous academic scholarship regardless of the topic. I found the 'heart surgery' analogy very illuminating. Keep up the good work fellas. Just purchased a copy of Dr Miller's book and looking forward to reading about his thesis. May Lord Woden protect you. 😉 Flaxen Saxon.
My spouse was having a colonoscopy done at a small local hospital in a small rural southern county. The doctor comes in once a month from a large city nearby to perform the procedures. After all the paperwork was done, the doctor asked if my spouse wanted to pray with him. We both were kind of startled and said "No, thanks" to which I added "I prefer to put my faith in you skills as a doctor, not in your ability to pray." But it is kind of scary to put yourself under the knife of a doctor whom you may have offended by rebuffing his "sincere Christian offer of God's protection".
The theologians do not see what they are doing as "heart surgery" they see it as culturally important "painting" and thus they want to stick to certain saleable/popular/"official" styles like Egyptian wall scribes did.
It would be useful if you started this by telling us what exactly SBL is. I know many people watching probably know already, but not all of us. I can deduce it is some kind of Biblical studies network, but a full definition would be good. Otherwise, at 8 mins in it’s very interesting. Thanks
Friends, this is the third discussion of yours I've watched and I still don't have a clear understanding of what Dr Miller's groundbreaking contribution is because you haven't provided a basic synopsis of it. Can you point me to a video where he discusses that specific content, please?
Sounded like he described Mormon studies. They also have the answers before they even begin the research, and then only use info that gives them the answer they want.
But is it supposed to be a midpoint or a conversation? I completely sympathize with Dr. Miller's critiques and take them to heart, and I've heard similar ones over the years about SBL. But this interview seems to be a call for withdrawing from the large conversations (e.g. at SBL) and getting more and more into siloed echo chambers. This is not only an issue for religious studies & biblical studies, but has become a societal phenomenon in the US where people have stopped having serious conversations with those who disagree with them - and look where that has gotten the country over the past few years.
Hi Monica. There is a place for conversation with those not playing by the common principles of the secular academy. There MUST however be a place for true academics to discourse. Right now, the latter discussion does not exist… anywhere for Biblical Studies. Instead, we have religionists running and dominating a discussion that can never qualify as secular discourse.. Just as in Iran, they have no space for secular discourse into the origins of the Qu’ran. So, Qu’ranic Study in that part of the world is defunct and never advancing toward authentic understanding. Same applies to Biblical Studies in North America.
Biblical studies in the UK don't require people to sign confessions of faith. Academics at most universities are not shackled. At Oxford and Cambridge many theology academics are college chaplains and so have to be Anglican clergy and, for example, at Christ Church college, Oxford theology academics are canons of the cathedral (which is part of the college). Many of those clergy are what might be termed "radical" in their views with no sanction. But at the other universities you could be an atheist professor of theology. No university requires students to sign up to any faith statement.
There are walls in Classics that are surprisingly similar to these debates. Without signing declarations of faith, there are still gates of admission around religion in the ancient world. Even garden-variety anachronism plays a role. The Academy as a human institution allows careerism to outweigh evidence.
Had to look this up, too. "The Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), founded in 1880 as the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, is an American-based learned society dedicated to the academic study of the Bible and related ancient literature."
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved. MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
@@johnnehrich9601 Jesus loves you and He can wash away your sins and save you from the sentence of damnation. Repent, believe in your heart that Jesus is real and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you will be saved. John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Too many universities are dependent on donations from wealthy alumni, etc. who are going to push their biblical studies in a direction which might be contrary to what the administration themselves feel is good (assuming they even see this need).
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved. MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
@@ChristianSoldier71 There are 783,137 words in the bible. Do you really think your couple of paragraphs are going to convert me and any non-believer who reads your comment when all those words that supposedly god wrote didn't? What hubris!
@@johnnehrich9601 I planted a seed in your heart that will never go away. The great thing is that you came back for another and now I have the opportunity to tell you once more that Jesus loves you and He died for your sins. Once you die, it will be too late to repent. Jesus Christ is the only one who can save you from the fires of Hell. Repent and put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today, we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Have a great day!
Imagine Chemistry classes in Alchemist seminaries that obstruct real Chemists, seeing them as eccentric for challenging unevidenced dogma. Or Astronomy classes full of Astrologers. Or Math classes full of Numerologists. Or Psychology classes full of Demonologists and Exorcists. Or Paleontology classes full of Creationists. Or Medicine classes full of Faith Healers and Homeopaths. Or Dead Sea Scrolls classes full of Catholic priests anxious to censor anything contradicting their dogma. Or Anaesthesiology classes full of fanatics who think it sinful not to suffer pain. Or Microscopy classes full of fanatics who think it blasphemy to see the minute handiwork of their Creator. We can all understand how such horrific circumstances would have held us back (or indeed did). I appreciate the despair-inducing frustration of being an open-minded researcher into religious texts.
I appreciate and respect what uou said about valuing people more than being right. Unfortunately, i had made that mistake by stating my opinion on a friend's blog.
Simply Fantastic. I cannot say enough about Derrick bringing this courageous man to TH-cam for all to hear. I’m excited that a new golf league has started and can’t wait to eventually get to the putting green of historical truth. But we cannot take our approach shots to the pin until the apologists clear off on the green. Or do we just hit the ball toward the green anyway and yell “Four!!!” ??
At least one verse in the Bible is absolutely true. Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.
You don't have to be a scholar to come to the conclusion that Biblical Studies is a circus. You just have to know how to read, and actually do it. That also goes for Biblical Archaeology (and pretty much everything that has Biblical in the title).
@@alstewart6870 I fully agree. Biblical archaeology does NOT require any "statement of doctrinal faith" at all. It is "cultural archaeology" in the context of the precious ancient texts we have that have been preserved. I studied as an undergraduate student under Dr. James B. Pritchard at the University of Pennsylvania regarding the Epic of Gilgamesh back in the 1960's. He could both work the spade in the grid lined dirt of the Middle East on his digs, and then try to interpret what he found. Besides all that, I believe the study of the Bible itself is also very important on the Jungian level for the modern reader. I recommend the books of Edward F. Edinger to everyone. The great contribution of the Jewish people, if nothing else, is the preservation of the history of ideas.
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved. MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
In the abstract philosophical and/or spiritual realm of rational reason-based intellectual discussion, any system of thinking or believing that requires an a priori expression of faith or conviction other than that which is firmly grounded in the precepts of the rationally objective and rigorously empirically based Scientific Method is tantamount to putting your thumb on the scales from the outset of any further intellectual inquiry. Something that is not only irrational, but ANTI-rational.
Ma'Sha'Allah Alhumdullilah. This accademic evidence based approach is the right one. Quran 17:36 tells us the same. Unfortunately lots of Madrassa sects also hate accademic evidence based approach.
Wow...I just know Jesus walked off the pages of those old religious stories and transformed my life from addictions and pain...Jesus didn't come to establish theological schools but save the lost...I guess that message is to simple and beneath inflated humanistic academics...have a great day!
The fact that convincing yourself of a supernatural helper aided you in kicking your addictions says nothing whatever about whether the supernatural helper actually exists. Ever hear of the placebo effect?
About the only way we could know the methods used by Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John to write their gospels would to be to have lived during the time the gospels were compiled and to sit with the authors while they were researching these early 'Jesus' stories, incorporating Greco-Roman myths and legends into an obscure new religion, having people find resource material regarding the history and geography of Israel, etc. Then, and only then, could we know their methods and motives for writing these semi-historical religious docudramas. I've heard it said that people like Luke and Mark, and others, would have had access to libraries for source material, staff or helpers to fetch documents for them to read to garner some historical and geographical information, a patron who funded their writing endeavors and who funded the people who made copies of their works, etc. This evokes images of scrolls in libraries, staff scurrying to and fro, candles on tables, discussions with other educated people who knew the classics, etc. What Dr. Miller is saying is that his work is an attempt to peer into the methods used to compile the gospels stories without necessarily agreeing with the theology contained within. This is purely a historical literary secular exercise whose goal is to find out, from a neutral perspective, how these documents were put together and where did the literary elements originate.
Searching for the truth and Psychological Balance requires honor. History of Compared Religions / Psychology of Religions is the way to go. Carl Jung (Answer to Job) and Reza Aslan (Zealot) touched on this subject.
It's nice for me to hear someone as credentialed and articulate as Dr Miller, verbalize many ideas and opinions that I've had bouncing around in my head for years.
So people of faith are biased and less than academic when they engage sacred texts but secular humanism is unbiased and intellectually superior. Priests and pastors are "shamen" and theological commitment are a "spell." What an unbiased view! This could have been stated far less offensively by distinguishing the study of biblical literature and history from theology.
You seem to misunderstand something. Richard Miller gives the example of witchdoctors and shamans, because you can't use the thing you're talking about as a metaphor for the thing you're talking about, you have to use a different thing. Imagine explaining 'penguin' to someone by saying 'a penguin is a bird which looks like a penguin'! If he simply said "lots of people in Biblical Studies are also super religious, and Biblical Studies often have an extremely religious nature", lots of people would miss the point and go 'so?'. And in essence theology IS shamanism, just with more books and more people and less anthropologists making notes. Scholars like Robert Sapolsky have talked about how anthropologists and sociologists took a while to realise that and be less biased in the study of religion. Do you even know anything about shamanism, or do you just know it's something everyone 'knows' is 'ridiculous' and therefore any comparison is insulting? But I digress. It's not that Christians can't be logical and smart and fair, Miller didn't say that, it's just that we've found lots and lots of evidence that people have a much harder time making good arguments, break through taboos and process counter-arguments when they're really invested in a thing being true or false. Smokers downplay evidence of smoking being bad, most adults don't like evidence of caffeine related health problems because almost every adult drinks coffee or tea, and a lot of adults like to share articles about how a bit of dark chocolate or wine is healthy. And that's just stuff we consume. We don't expect a group of coffee lovers to do an unbiased study about the effect of caffeine on the kidneys. Not when everyone related to the study is in the 'We Love Coffee Alliance' and comes together weekly to drink coffee and talk about how much they love coffee. Also secular doesn't mean humanism, and a secular approach doesn't mean 'non-religious peeps only' either. Anybody who can distance themselves from the theological, emotional and cultural meaning of the text can work secularly. This is NOT about superiority, but about how scholars need to fight against their AND each others biases all the time, and how difficult it is when nobody is taking care to separate the theology from the academic pursuit. Again, we don't trust the We Love Coffee Alliance to do reliable research on caffeine, not when the teams comprises (almost) entirely of their members all the time, even though every individual could be completely unbiased in their research on the effects of broccoli on liver function. For crying out loud, the text is HOLY to Christians, that's on a completely different level than caffeine addiction. Nobody is insulting Christians by pointing out they have big feelings about the Bible. And historians are perfectly capable of being respectful AND honest about historical works, this isn't leaving the Bible to haters, if that's what you're worried about.
Islamic studies has a similar problem. But it’s even wider. You have big name scholars claiming that the Quran is incontrovertible unlike the Bible, ignoring the relevance of pre-Islamic tribes and Judeo-Christian literary traditions to the development of Islam as a faith. The only likely difference perhaps due to tribal influence is that Islam has its own lexicon and though the Quran had many changes along its development, ergo no one final idea or vocabulary, it is plurivocal. It is immensely funny that the same problem, though perhaps different in gravity and much less impenetrable (the overall academic social structure not being governed by purely theological interests), is seen any other monotheistic religious studies tradition outside of traditional religious studies departments.
@@T_K_R_G yeah, I see it. Much of it is thanks to a style that starts from al-Ghazali onwards. But it is weird that many big names from van Ess to scholars today diminish the idea that there are lines of descent from Gnosticism and Manichaeism. All without giving counterevidence. That said, the academics of an ummah is a lot closer to the SBL than you might think. Which is my main point. They just don’t have the same institutional structure backing them in Western universities, except maybe Cambridge Muslim College.
And Cambridge Muslim College is a lot less sectarian in attitude than a divinity college, but they still reject lines of descent from previous cultural traditions. Which as a former student of anthropology, I found disappointing. And mind you, the same is true for a bit of Jewish studies, a lot of whom reject the idea that Moses is myth, at least publicly. Hence you have hoax archeological finds made by legitimate antiquities scholars in Israel every now and then.
Christianity is dying one mouse click at a time. The Internet is having a colossal impact and is moving at breathtaking speed throughout societies all around the world. The process is very similar to the invention of the Gutenberg Press.
The internet enables easy access to... ...profane and vain babblings (1 Timothy 6:20) ...oppositions of science falsely so called (1 Timothy 6:20) ...the wresting of the scriptures by the unstable and unlearned (2 Peter 3:16-17) Lies of the above type oppose God's word and seek to supplant the truth from men's hearts. As men are susceptible to believing lies, God warns us away from them.
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved. MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
This is very interesting to hear but not surprising at all. Religious studies are a lot like gender studies. They're usually conducted by people who are motivated by an agenda.
Honestly there wasn’t a lot of useful info in this interview, sorry to say as I’m deconverted and a big fan of the channel. Further “Bible Greek” is koine or common Greek, or am I missing the point (koine vs classical)
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I'm like him. I need raw data. Understanding the origin can not also lead to visibility, but can calso bring us together in a modern context. Those were people. They were trying to understand their world, or not. We lost the Library of Alexandria to fanatics, today we would lose our freedoms, the true God given right to exist and thrive.
I guess I am wondering what makes his scholarship so unique? There has been a lot written and said about the gospels as myth and story. Do you highlight it because of his background and training? That being said, I believe he should show "witch doctors" more respect. There is more wisdom there that science has yet to comprehend. With such practices, it is always important to separate the real practitioners from the charlatans, which is true of medicine, science, and other practices as well.
A faith-based field of study is biased toward the faith of which it is based. Can't say I'm at all surprised, but I appreciate the fact that you said what has to actually be said for some.
As a still living religion, it is strange if adaoting the message to todays time is something not accepted. That should be plainly obvious thing to happen at divinity schools. It is not like other religions dont get to tailor the understanding of these texts to their religions growth and survivial. If you want to be factually honest, go to a history department or classics department, let divinity schools help in people grow in faith, as they were intended to be.
Although I can understand the value in taking an objective look at the Old and New Testament narratives, I have some reservations about the possible negative effects on the people in the churches who need to be ministered to if this is openly expressed. People expect in their church a sense of security or a "warm fuzzy feeling". What Dr. Miller is expressing are ideas which would only lead to confusion for the people in the churches. People want security in their faith, not confusion. I think that the ideas expressed by Dr. Miller should be considered with caution and the conclusions which are reached should be presented with extreme care.
Negative effects- like being a Russian citizen in 2023, breaking the mold of nationalistic propaganda is a very sensitive subject to deal with in our consciousness.
I don't know why we should worry about people whose lives aren't based on a primary respect for knowing the truth about things. Lack of a fundamental valuation for truth above all is one of the most fundamental moral failings. Tip-toeing around to maintain the comfort of such people is counter-productive for society.
@@donnievance1942 I think what you're saying is good, but seemingly, and I'm not saying you specifically, most people would not give grace to Christians but would give grace and understanding to say transgenderism? Aren't they both based on the same premise of truth? What makes the person feel good is right? It just seems people have much more understanding, tolerance, and patience for anyone except a Christian. And if we're to go out and show people 'truths' for their own good, wouldn't gender confusion be a part of that?
I had no idea SBL was like this- I went to a private university affiliated with the Disciples of Christ. My religion professors did not teach or research from a theological perspective. They discouraged her intro students from injecting their theological beliefs into their work. My Greek professor never referred to koine Greek as “biblical” or “ancient” Greek. And she was even an ordained minister! I’m wondering if your critiques really apply to academics from theologically conservative institutions? And I’m also wondering if you think that *truly* intellectually honest research and being a person of (Christian) faith are mutually exclusive? By the way, I’m really really enjoying this channel. I thought I had everything figured out after I deconstructed out of fundamentalism. No one ever told me what to do when THAT faith fell apart. I love the Bible (mostly the Hebrew Bible tho). I think Jesus had some great ideas. But I do not believe in his divinity. And seemed like every biblical content creator was 1.) A Christian and 2.) didn’t know wtf they were talking about. These interviews are exactly what I’ve been looking for!!!
Could be there’s a lot of BS mixed in with what he said. The fact he calls himself and Carrier mainstream scholarship is about all I need to know in that regard. That’s total nonsense. This isn’t a trustworthy person unfortunately.
I think that being a "person of faith" does introduce a large amount of bias. It may be possible for someone to check their faith at the door and do serious scholarship in this area, but it's far, far easier to let the bias creep in. Almost no believers are going to admit that Jesus' passion narrative is patterned after Romulus. If you think that, what is left of your faith?
@@travis1240 the passion narrative isn’t patterned after Romulus….Miller thinks the ascension narrative is patterned after Romulus but again, this reinforces my point. The idea that a scholar would care whether Luke patterned the ascension on Romulus or Moses because of their faith doesn’t actually make any sense. Either way it’s a mythical trope. Scholars like Allison look to Jewish stories for influence not because they are Christian but because there is overwhelming evidence the gospel authors patterned their stories about Jesus on Jewish mythology. It’s the obvious place to look, not a faith bias. And the only reason a person of faith would prioritize Jewish influence over Greco-Roman influence is because their faith is informed by Jewish beliefs. And what is informing that faith, are the same texts they’re emphasizing Jewish influence on. In other words the argument only works if you assume what Miller is concluding from the get-go. The simpler conclusion is that scholars emphasize Jewish influence not because of faith but because that was the primary influence on the texts.
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved. MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
@@travis1240 tl;dr I think it’s a mistake to assert that having faith in the Truth of the Bible/NT and intellectually honest engagement with the text are mutually exclusive. You make a good point, and I had considered that the only natural conclusion to a purely academic analysis of the NT is to lose faith. BUT. The reason I take issue with that stance (and most analyses of the Bible from atheists) is that it seems to be predicated on the same fundamental belief that evangelicals have- that if the Bible is not factual, it therefore cannot be true™️. Many fundamentalists/conservatives who deconstruct and then become atheists, in my experience, continue to conflate fact and truth. So if they discover that factually, Jesus didn’t literally heal people or literally come back to physical life, there’s nothing meaningful to be found within the text. For example- I myself am not a Christian (and I was raised half Jewish anyway) because I believe Paul and the other early church leaders had it all wrong. I could def go into that more ofc, but it’s beside the point lol. But just because I don’t believe Jesus was God or that he literally healed people or rose from the dead doesn’t mean I don’t think he had valuable teachings to offer. I believe there are a lot of universal truths to be found within the NT, and esp in the Hebrew Bible. The fact that there are so many similar stories in other ancient religions and cultures doesn’t discount the universal truths of love and justice- in fact, it tells me just how enduring and true those tenets of human existence are. I recognize that these interpretations of the biblical text are inherently theological. But I think to assume that 1.) these scholars are Christians because they believe the NT is Fact™️ and 2.) that truth = fact and 3.) to then discredit the work of the SBL as a whole because many (if not most) academics are Christians and therefore can’t engage with the material in an intellectually honest way is fallacious.
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved. MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
The fact that institutions like SBL and the like require people to sign a statement of faith shows they're not interested in truth, merely reinforcing their beliefs and presuppositions.
I think it should be part of classics. But I also think that Greek Philosophy is taught wrong and if it were taught correctly it would provide a window into the Bible. Greek Philosophy was really religious philosophy and people think it wasn’t. Socrates was a religious martyr and was regarded as such. Parmenides and Heraclitus were prophets. Empedocles was considered a God-man who said a goddess taught him his philosophy. And he sung his philosophy. And had religious practices which were popular and in fact they appear in Irenaeus‘s heresies. The fact that we teach Greek philosophy without understanding it was religion and art as well. And the fact that we teach religion as if it were not philosophy is precisely the problem. And the fact that we don’t take atheist refutations as part of the the corpus is also an issue, as the Christian writers refuted all the time.
Have to disagree with Dr. Price on the Biblical Greek point. My understanding is it's just the common Greek spoken around Jesus' time. So, the New Testament was written in that.
Jesus nor his disciples spoke Greek, they spoke Aramaic and Hebrew... Don't you find it strange that Paul wrote the book of act prior to any of the gospels written, and it was all written in Greek 🤔
@mickeydecurious Not at all. Greek was the lingua franca, the language everyone spoke, whether Jew, Roman or other. It was spread all over that part of the world by Alexander the Great when he conquered it. A little reading about the history of that area from around 400 BCE to 200 CE will clarify this.
There's a huge difference between churchianity and genuine New Testament Christianity. Most people have never seen real Christianity, and that includes most professing Christians. One night in Sept. of 2017 I was sitting on the side of my bed praying right before getting in bed, and as I was finishing up praying I asked the Lord to please send the end-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As soon as I said it he spoke to me in my spirit and he said: "Many of my people are praying and asking me to send renewal, but when the outpouring comes they aren't going to like it." That was all he said. I waited to hear if he would say more, but there was nothing else. But right then he gave me a brief anointing by the Holy Spirit to understand why they aren't going to like it, and what I got was that the reason they aren't going to like it is because it is going to be so radically different (and infinitely more powerful) from anything they've ever seen that is associated with Christianity, that they won't be able to relate to it and will be afraid of it and will reject it. That's what always happens during an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. And too, whenever the Lord sends an outpouring of the Holy Spirit he purposely leaves the system church leadership out of it, which outrages them and makes them exceedingly jealous of those who he does include in it, so in order to save face they declare that the outpouring is demonic. It happens every time. Also during that brief encounter with the Holy Spirit he revealed to me that another reason (a big reason) they aren't going to like it is because it will reveal where everyone is at spiritually, and most Christians want nothing to do with that.
Trying to digust the Bible and it's history is entertaining. I do have some faith in God. I hear people plus my own child asking me about the end of the world. I found Myth- visions by chance. There is the scientific studies about thw solar system like the big bang " The beginning of the universe". There is more to learn.
5:42 "Having the answers before they know the questions; that's not a scientific approach." BINGO! Anyone engaged in free inquiry must be prepared to abandon their opinions, no matter how long-held or cherished they may be.
Grab his book Resurrection and Reception in Early Christianity
👉 amzn.to/35FqNYf
I'm so terribly sorry that the Pharisees veered away from the Prophetic Tradition and, in so doing not only led generations of Jews astray but also engendered Christianity, which took Pharisaic errors in interpretation even more far afield.
My sincerest suggestion to Westerners is to look deeply into Stoicism.
Please read what I am about to write carefully because it is not something that you've heard before and it is best that it is not colored in your mind by that which you've heard previously.
God does not appear anywhere in Torah. I'll say that again. God does not appear anywhere in Torah. God is so beyond anything that we can comprehend or talk about that referencing about God is impossible. God has no name, no designation, no characteristics. God does not exist. Existence is one of God's creations. We cannot talk about that which does not exist. Even now, I am referring to your ideas about God, not God.
The Tetragrammaton is not God and not God's name. I'll say that again. The Tetragrammaton is not God. The Tetragrammaton is the highest, holiest version of the Creation.
The Rabbis, when they were exiled from the Place that is called HaShem because they rejected the Prophetic tradition and started making Torah into a law book, made HaShem into a god because HaShem was no longer their ambient reality. So, they worship what they cannot experience as a god.
Most people think that the Torah is a finished product. It's not. It's the seeds. To try to read Torah as though it is telling narratives and giving instructions about how to conduct ceremonies is like thinking that DNA is the finished organism. I'll prove what I'm saying in the Hebrew response to this comment. If you don't read Hebrew, put it into a translation function.
עברית = 682 = התעברה
ספר = 340 = זרע מחיה
תורה = 611 = את הרה
ספר תורה = 951 = את הרה זרע מחיה
The Christians misunderstood the concept of 'immaculate conception'. The correct immaculate conception is the understanding of those who consciousness knows how to build worlds out of the Torah.
Just as a egg cell has to know how to deconstruct and reconstruct the genetic information in a sperm cell, so the consciousness needs to know how to unpack the information in Torah and use it to build worlds.
The Prophets know how to do this. The Rabbis haven't a clue.
For those folks like me, here's a helpful hint: SBL stands for Society of Biblical Literature. SBL describes itself as "SBL, a membership organization with over 7,000 scholars, is the oldest and largest learned society devoted to the critical investigation of the Bible from a variety of academic disciplines. Through its work, SBL supports scholarly research and fosters the public understanding of the Bible and its influence."
Oh my goodness, thank you!
Alf here leading us out of the desert. Thank you! I went through about thirty definitions, all wrong.
This should be pinned at the top. So helpful.
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.
MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
@@ChristianSoldier71 it’s okay, there is no such thing as sin, and none of us will be tortured after death because we will be dead. You don’t have to be afraid of end times, you will die at some point, hopefully a long time from now without a lot of pain, but no demons are coming for you.
I’m not going to lie, I can sit in front of Dr. Miller all day as he talks about this and soak it all up.
Got dam, I love when Professors can be 100% honest about the Bible and it’s history. Intellectually honesty matter for me. Thanks Derek for this gem.
@@2fast2block Are you saying that it’s clear creation had to be done supernaturally at some point, so it is Yahweh/Jesus as this creator of the universe?
@@2fast2block sorry but that just doesn't follow. "Some magic happens here, therefore God" isn't a valid line of reasoning. Acting like some ancient book can answer modern questions of science through magic is completely dishonest.
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.
MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
My problem is the fact that, while I have an intellectual agreement with most, if not all of this, I cannot deny the fact that I have experienced God on a supernatural level.
@@lynnbaker2336 Not to take away anything from you, these other groups like Hindu, Shintu, Mormons, Islam, Gnostics, Kemetism etc have experienced God on a supernatural level also.What do you think of that?
Could it be everyone is just experiencing a human experience?
"Biblical studies is a circus show". Couldn't agree more. By and large these characters are not interested in history, they're only interested in what backs up their faith. In the same way as the "vulgar economists" are not interested in how capitalism actually works, but only in justifying its existence.
Which canon and why? Why Jesus/Joshua quote book of Enoch but it not included?
Which version of said canon? Which edition of said version? why? Why would a true god/gaut/gott/goth fail in both Islam and Christianity?
@@tomrudolsen6235 Seems a lot of fun having imaginary friends.
There could be smth on the other side buts not an old fart sending lightening in your as* cause your were disobedient.
Most of us are to dumb to understand NDE's or OBE's that's the only phenomena regarding afterlife. But the stupidity of us ants leads to the fact that we see smth may even an entity and smack it must be God. If I would be that entity I would be embarrassed if an ant declares me as the ant God and the ant declares itself the crown of creation on the base of a brief look on me 😂
This is interesting to hear. I did Masters and Ph D studies at a confessional institution where you did have to sign a statement of faith when enrolling in classes each semester. I left with an almost finished PhD because I could not in good conscience sign the statement another time.
I was a member and attended both SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) and ETS (Evangelical Theological Society) gatherings. In fact, those two events are normally scheduled at the same time and place each year- SBL occurring after ETS.
There was a big discussion when I was in seminary about how SBL lacked the faith commitments of ETS. There was big hullabaloo because some ETS scholars were "witnessing" at SBL and SBL put out a statement that prohibited it.
So to hear now, that SBL's scholarship is shackled by faith commitments is interesting to say the least.
My own serious study of the Bible and other early Christian writings convinced me to disavow a 4- decades long faith. In my experience. most "Christian scholarship" is very earnest, bright young students desperate to keep answering the question "IT HAS TO BE REAL DOESN'T IT?". If they can do that with, what can only be described as a a "scholarly veneer" over it, it soothes increasingly troubled minds plagued with cognitive dissonance.
@@2fast2block Have you read Genesis? I think someone read it for you.
@@2fast2block "The 1LofT states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can't happen naturally."
The First Law states it cannot happen, not that it can't happen unless a God pulls a miracle out of his ass.
"It is clear creation had to be done supernaturally at some point yet it is still denied because people are just too proud to accept that, among other things."
Have you ever heard of psychological projection?
What book recommendations would you make of works that helped you in your journey?
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.
MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
@@mrwolley1741 Good question. First, I had the luxury of serious bible study at the PhD level and reading other ancient material especially the vast collection of pseudepigrapha, apocrypha, classic Greek and Roman writers (Livy, Cicero, Lucretius, Seneca, Diodorus Siculus, Hesiod, Epicurus and others) made it clear that the biblical writings are not unique and certainly not divinely inspired.
First, I should add that the reading of the biblical material itself showed me their historically contingent nature- the readings of other writings around the time of the Old and New Testament material put in into context. I discovered at the highest scholarly levels, the argument that the biblical writings are unique is farcical.
But that is material of a more academic nature and few people have the time , luxury and/or skill set to study such material- though Christian apologists use bits and pieces with which to prop up their claims.
But I think you mean more accessible books from others who have made the same journey. There are far more of those than I dreamed (when I had the courage to admit biblical Christianity was not true, I thought I was largely alone as a decades-long believer).
"Why I Believed" by Kenneth W. Daniels- a former missionary and Wycliffe bible translator. His journey was so genuinely related (he even prints his prayers to God as he fights to retain his faith- I prayed almost identical words - it was striking!)
*"Childish Things" -Dave Warnock
*Empty the Pews" a collection of former believers' stories
*"Four Disturbing Questions" Tim Sledge- another former pastor of many years
The above are all former believers like me so I found their writings more relevant than the atheists who have never been believers though I have the highest respect for Sam Harris" work. The never-believed atheists can be quickly dismissed by believers ("They have never felt what I felt- they don't understand") I used the same dismissal when I was an active Christian apologist.
*Bart Ehrman is a former believer and top-notch Greek scholar-so you get some of both. His book "God's Problem" was one I found particularly prescient.
One of the main questions I have tried to answer since discarding Christian belief was "What keeps so many choosing to believe dogma even though it is demonstrably untrue?" and "How did religious belief emerge and shift through history?"
"Two books titled "The Origins of Christianity" are excellent- one by Archibald Robertson and the other by Thomas Whittaker
*The Evolution of God" by Robert Wright is wide in scope and contains enlightening observations
Here's a good one: "The Ark Before Noah"- showing how closely the flood account in Genesis follows an indisputably earlier Mesopotamian story- one that just came to light in the last 20 years and is older than even Gilgamesh.
*The best theological work I've read on contemporary Christian belief is by a former believer/scholar titled "Theology After the Death of God" by L. Ron Schultz. It is a little academic- not an easy read, but excellent.
*The Denial of Death" - Pulitzer Prize psychological/sociological work by Ernst Becker.
That should get you started at least.
I am a British member of SBL and I understand your view. I am very skeptical but I know loads of sincere people across the views!! I have been in this mad world since 1987 in bookselling and publishing.
Really great interview Derek and Richard...I have less and less interest in the SBL for the reasons you mention. Do you remember when Jonathan Z. Smith, my teacher, agreed to serve as President--his reasons are most interesting, see his Presidential address. It was classic, in a word: we history of religion folk want to STUDY you guys! As in the famous quip variously attributed to Scholem and others with various phrasing: Magic is nonsense, but the study of magic, ah, that is scholarship.
Great conversation.
It was one of the most surprising things when I first started getting into this stuff that so much of what was considered foundational in Biblical studies was based on junk arguments and that much of the field was wholly divorced from empiricism, sound epistemology and basic logic.
Hector Avalos was talking about this a more than a decade ago in a real serious way and we've got guys going back to at least the 70's talking about how the field needs to reorient itself towards teaching true, verifiable things and working against dogmatism.
It's no wonder the US has such a massive problem with fundamentalism. The people whose job should at a minimum be to moderate between theology and fact have let theology run rough shod over fact for decades.
@@vocesanticae Couldn't have said it better myself.
@@vocesanticae the discipline is so compromised is a scandal, I’m of the opinion that there’s no place for it at secular universities and it their Departments if they have one should be abolished, rolled into classics & other related fields, and relegated to only the seminaries.
Refreshingly genuine and sincere. I like his style 💯
100% on board with everything Dr. Miller said here.
@@2fast2block this is a complete non-sequitur. You can't connect these two ideas like this, it's nonsense.
me too
@@annascott3542 good question
@@annascott3542 It seems that Tony Cook was responding not to you, but to someone (whom I've had previous encounters with and who is a fundamentalist Christian) with the pseudonym '2fast2block', which the latter either changed his mind about and removed himself, or was so embarrassed by Tony's response that he removed it himself, or just possibly, was so hateful that it was removed by the YT censors. (My money would probably be on either of my first two suggestions.) Evidently it was removed before you saw either comment. Have a nice day! 🙂
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.
MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
Good to see Dr. Miller. Haven't seen him since we worked together on Sacred History Magazine 20 years ago.
One of the best explanations for the poor reasoning from within apologetics and it's defenders. Great. Great video. This is saved on my playlist.
For many of us who have left the faith, we can look back upon how we kept pockets of hidden deference that likely took years to leave behind. We continue to have moments of realization that there is yet one more bit of dogma that remains unobtrusively embedded in our perception of reality.
I identified as an agnostic for decades before I finally admitted to myself that I was actually an atheist
THANK YOU. I feel heard... SO refreshing to hear Dr. Miller's take on the state of biblical studies and to call it out for what it is!
@@2fast2block Doesn’t matter how many times you comment this on different posts, it’s not gonna make any more sense. It’s not clear it had to be supernatural lol
@@2fast2block There’s nothing to tackle. I’ll listen to scientists thank you very much. That’s where progress is made.
@@2fast2block And notice who resorted to attacking character first. That’s pretty telling in itself.
@@2fast2block it's ok, I understand, it's difficult being part of a cult.
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.
MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
Great respect for all these scholars that are standing up for the truth.
Ending this very serious discussion with Dr. Miller’s son is brilliant (and very cute)!
I am of the opinion that religion being 'investigated' by religious people is as 'honest' as police departments investigating their own.
Thank you for that superthanks
I would say that most SBL members aren’t at prestigious nondenominational schools. Probably 2/3 are at theological schools. Literally 70% of the book vendors at SBL are Christian presses. Almost everything about SBL is faith based.
The idea of a faith commitment is diametrically opposed to the whole idea of scholarship. Requiring a scholar to say they'll never change their mind is essentially forbidding them to do scholarship. I have much appreciation for scholars like Dr. Miller who are willing to pursue honesty and truth even to the extinction of their own faith, and for not being willing to bend the knee to cultic (yes cultic) control. No other field of study requires anything like that. It's bizarre and anti-intellectual. It's scary. It's literal brainwashing.
Absolutely right.
It’s outlandish & desperate.
Really loving these videos!
@@2fast2block what is always was and will be. The only creation in biblical mythology is the fables. The winding down you mentioned could easily be part of a cycle like everything else in nature. You do not have to believe in these things, but they are just as valid an explanation.
Derek, you always have all of the best guests on your podcast. Binge-watching these videos with Dr. Miller on this Memorial Day weekend. Thank you and take care, brother.
Derek, I've got to hand it to you. Over the years your interviewing skills have improved, and the guests you get on to speak are top notch. I hope this doesn't come off wrong, but the early stuff you seemed a little goofy and some of the guests I had to wonder about. These are all good, high quality professional talks, conversations and interviews you have on your show, You seem more knowledgeable, and at ease. It's like you've been trying to grow into this role, this field. This is some guy to be taken serious. Some day it'll be the young buck trying to break into the field who'll be interviewing you. Then the student will have become the master. You will have taken the pebble from my hand. It will be time for you to leave.
I had no idea that about 50% of mainstream biblical scholars were intellectually compromised in that way. I don't believe this will change any time soon, because the majority of people who are interested and motivated enough in intensive study of the Bible are bound to be believers.
Thank you. Thank you.
Religion. If it's not about a sense of "belonging," then it's about "wealth" or "power" or both.
I’ve never heard anyone us the word “Shaman” to refer to Christian pastors, BUT I feel it's appropriate and fits them so well.
I have more respect for shamans. At least with their first appearance in the Old Stone Age, they did serve a useful function...religious leaders today, uh, not so much.
Didn’t u watch the video???
I can't believe I was ever dense enough to pay $300 per month to Calvary Chapel back in the early 1990's so I could earn a "certificate" in "bible studies" by listening to endless tapes of Chuck Smith's sermons...a certificate that meant precisely nothing outside the specific Calvary chapel I was attending.
You weren’t the only one. We used to quote CHUCK in hushed tones!
Richard's book arrived in the post today so looking forward to a deep, focused read at some stage soon.
Yes this competing 'secular/academic against theological interests' divide affects me at times on my B A Theol course too.
Our lecturer recently brought up a piece of outdated data surrounding gay sexuality research in class; 20 years out of date. I felt totally misrepresented and misunderstood and so wanted to point this out. Except for this incident of misrepresentation, I have no idea where this lecturer lies along the progressive to conservative theological spectrum but my cautious radar of survival skills was/is up.
I will remember this incident and when this course is complete I will politely email to point out this error and say why I was compelled to remain silent.
Money and power these are the truly goals behind. Apologetics is all about power and money as it has been ever.
4:20 what’s the witch doctors past record? Who isn’t praying before a heart surgery ?
Would love to see a conversation between Richard Miller and Richard Carrier. They share so much that they would have the opportunity of exploring issues that don't typically get discussed.
would be great yes
I met Richard Carrier. Not impressed. He seems to like stirring controversy rather than getting at truth. Richard Miller, by contrast, seems motivated to know, not speculate for dramatic effect.
Excellent discussion raising important issues within biblical scholarship. Cute little guy there at the end, too! ☮️❤️🐾
Interesting. I find it sad, that in our supposed 'age of rationality' this needs to be mentioned at all. Supernatural constructs have no place in rigorous academic scholarship regardless of the topic. I found the 'heart surgery' analogy very illuminating. Keep up the good work fellas. Just purchased a copy of Dr Miller's book and looking forward to reading about his thesis. May Lord Woden protect you. 😉 Flaxen Saxon.
My spouse was having a colonoscopy done at a small local hospital in a small rural southern county. The doctor comes in once a month from a large city nearby to perform the procedures. After all the paperwork was done, the doctor asked if my spouse wanted to pray with him. We both were kind of startled and said "No, thanks" to which I added "I prefer to put my faith in you skills as a doctor, not in your ability to pray."
But it is kind of scary to put yourself under the knife of a doctor whom you may have offended by rebuffing his "sincere Christian offer of God's protection".
The theologians do not see what they are doing as "heart surgery" they see it as culturally important "painting" and thus they want to stick to certain saleable/popular/"official" styles like Egyptian wall scribes did.
Good conversation, much needed.
It would be useful if you started this by telling us what exactly SBL is. I know many people watching probably know already, but not all of us. I can deduce it is some kind of Biblical studies network, but a full definition would be good. Otherwise, at 8 mins in it’s very interesting. Thanks
Tell the truth, the facts with all their warts and bitter tastes instead of sweet lies.
Friends, this is the third discussion of yours I've watched and I still don't have a clear understanding of what Dr
Miller's groundbreaking contribution is because you haven't provided a basic synopsis of it. Can you point me to a video where he discusses that specific content, please?
Sounded like he described Mormon studies. They also have the answers before they even begin the research, and then only use info that gives them the answer they want.
But is it supposed to be a midpoint or a conversation? I completely sympathize with Dr. Miller's critiques and take them to heart, and I've heard similar ones over the years about SBL. But this interview seems to be a call for withdrawing from the large conversations (e.g. at SBL) and getting more and more into siloed echo chambers. This is not only an issue for religious studies & biblical studies, but has become a societal phenomenon in the US where people have stopped having serious conversations with those who disagree with them - and look where that has gotten the country over the past few years.
Hi Monica. There is a place for conversation with those not playing by the common principles of the secular academy. There MUST however be a place for true academics to discourse. Right now, the latter discussion does not exist… anywhere for Biblical Studies. Instead, we have religionists running and dominating a discussion that can never qualify as secular discourse.. Just as in Iran, they have no space for secular discourse into the origins of the Qu’ran. So, Qu’ranic Study in that part of the world is defunct and never advancing toward authentic understanding. Same applies to Biblical Studies in North America.
I agree. It's more than remembering the truth, its another to go out and become the truth.
Loved seeing your son at the end!!
It's a good thing that scholars don't have to profess belief in Jane Austen to study "Pride and Prejudice."
They have to believe in Jane Austen, but they don't have to believe in Mr. Darcy.
Biblical studies in the UK don't require people to sign confessions of faith. Academics at most universities are not shackled. At Oxford and Cambridge many theology academics are college chaplains and so have to be Anglican clergy and, for example, at Christ Church college, Oxford theology academics are canons of the cathedral (which is part of the college). Many of those clergy are what might be termed "radical" in their views with no sanction. But at the other universities you could be an atheist professor of theology. No university requires students to sign up to any faith statement.
There are walls in Classics that are surprisingly similar to these debates. Without signing declarations of faith, there are still gates of admission around religion in the ancient world. Even garden-variety anachronism plays a role. The Academy as a human institution allows careerism to outweigh evidence.
Respect! 😎
What is SBL?
Society for Biblical Literature.
Had to look this up, too. "The Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), founded in 1880 as the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, is an American-based learned society dedicated to the academic study of the Bible and related ancient literature."
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.
MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
@@ChristianSoldier71 ATTENTION!!!!! Do you know what the definition of insanity is? But go ahead repeating yourself.
@@johnnehrich9601 Jesus loves you and He can wash away your sins and save you from the sentence of damnation. Repent, believe in your heart that Jesus is real and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you will be saved.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Can a person be a "free thinking Christian "?
Sure. Depends on how one defines the terms. Some would argue no one can really be a free thinker…it depends on definitions.
Love it!! Haha I love that he called them shamans, lol
Too many universities are dependent on donations from wealthy alumni, etc. who are going to push their biblical studies in a direction which might be contrary to what the administration themselves feel is good (assuming they even see this need).
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.
MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
@@ChristianSoldier71 There are 783,137 words in the bible. Do you really think your couple of paragraphs are going to convert me and any non-believer who reads your comment when all those words that supposedly god wrote didn't? What hubris!
@@johnnehrich9601 I planted a seed in your heart that will never go away. The great thing is that you came back for another and now I have the opportunity to tell you once more that Jesus loves you and He died for your sins. Once you die, it will be too late to repent. Jesus Christ is the only one who can save you from the fires of Hell. Repent and put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today, we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Have a great day!
I think we need to start using the concept of "academic Overton window."
Imagine Chemistry classes in Alchemist seminaries that obstruct real Chemists, seeing them as eccentric for challenging unevidenced dogma.
Or Astronomy classes full of Astrologers.
Or Math classes full of Numerologists.
Or Psychology classes full of Demonologists and Exorcists.
Or Paleontology classes full of Creationists.
Or Medicine classes full of Faith Healers and Homeopaths.
Or Dead Sea Scrolls classes full of Catholic priests anxious to censor anything contradicting their dogma.
Or Anaesthesiology classes full of fanatics who think it sinful not to suffer pain.
Or Microscopy classes full of fanatics who think it blasphemy to see the minute handiwork of their Creator.
We can all understand how such horrific circumstances would have held us back (or indeed did).
I appreciate the despair-inducing frustration of being an open-minded researcher into religious texts.
I appreciate and respect what uou said about valuing people more than being right. Unfortunately, i had made that mistake by stating my opinion on a friend's blog.
Simply Fantastic. I cannot say enough about Derrick bringing this courageous man to TH-cam for all to hear. I’m excited that a new golf league has started and can’t wait to eventually get to the putting green of historical truth. But we cannot take our approach shots to the pin until the apologists clear off on the green. Or do we just hit the ball toward the green anyway and yell “Four!!!” ??
Hahaha... as an avid golfer myself that is a great analogy, even if you got the idea from Dr. Miller lol
The young man at the end really wrapped the conversation perfectly!!! Well done 👏 ❤
At least one verse in the Bible is absolutely true.
Ecclesiastes 9:5
For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.
Master debater Christopher Hitchens made meat of religious college religion professors.
As an amateur interested in biblical studies who can i trust?
15:30 "in classics, I could write freely" - no, you cannot write about myth as depiction of psychedelc experiencing.
You don't have to be a scholar to come to the conclusion that Biblical Studies is a circus. You just have to know how to read, and actually do it. That also goes for Biblical Archaeology (and pretty much everything that has Biblical in the title).
Pat, how familiar are you with biblical archaeology? Your statement leads me to believe you know little, otherwise you would never say such a thing!
@@alstewart6870 I fully agree. Biblical archaeology does NOT require any "statement of doctrinal faith" at all. It is "cultural archaeology" in the context of the precious ancient texts we have that have been preserved. I studied as an undergraduate student under Dr. James B. Pritchard at the University of Pennsylvania regarding the Epic of Gilgamesh back in the 1960's. He could both work the spade in the grid lined dirt of the Middle East on his digs, and then try to interpret what he found. Besides all that, I believe the study of the Bible itself is also very important on the Jungian level for the modern reader. I recommend the books of Edward F. Edinger to everyone. The great contribution of the Jewish people, if nothing else, is the preservation of the history of ideas.
@@dialecticobserver Rather then give your thoughts, why not show facts that prove Christ or Christianity a fraud, unless of course u can’t?
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.
MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
@@dialecticobserver oh ok, because u say so then???
In the abstract philosophical and/or spiritual realm of rational reason-based intellectual discussion, any system of thinking or believing that requires an a priori expression of faith or conviction other than that which is firmly grounded in the precepts of the rationally objective and rigorously empirically based Scientific Method is tantamount to putting your thumb on the scales from the outset of any further intellectual inquiry. Something that is not only irrational, but ANTI-rational.
Ma'Sha'Allah Alhumdullilah. This accademic evidence based approach is the right one. Quran 17:36 tells us the same. Unfortunately lots of Madrassa sects also hate accademic evidence based approach.
Thanks 👍
Wow...I just know Jesus walked off the pages of those old religious stories and transformed my life from addictions and pain...Jesus didn't come to establish theological schools but save the lost...I guess that message is to simple and beneath inflated humanistic academics...have a great day!
Jesus didn't save you from addiction!
You are a idolatrous because you're giving your glory to a man and not to God! Only God himself saves 🤔💭
The fact that convincing yourself of a supernatural helper aided you in kicking your addictions says nothing whatever about whether the supernatural helper actually exists. Ever hear of the placebo effect?
@@donnievance1942 you are wasting your time buddy...have a great day though :)
good video, great talk!
Some of the current MV content and interviews I've watched is absolute fire. WOW!
This will improve around the same time when it will be okay for a politician or candidate to say he or she is an atheist.
So good to have the insider's view of what Carrier, Price and Fitzgerald have been telling us about for years.
About the only way we could know the methods used by Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John to write their gospels would to be to have lived during the time the gospels were compiled and to sit with the authors while they were researching these early 'Jesus' stories, incorporating Greco-Roman myths and legends into an obscure new religion, having people find resource material regarding the history and geography of Israel, etc. Then, and only then, could we know their methods and motives for writing these semi-historical religious docudramas.
I've heard it said that people like Luke and Mark, and others, would have had access to libraries for source material, staff or helpers to fetch documents for them to read to garner some historical and geographical information, a patron who funded their writing endeavors and who funded the people who made copies of their works, etc. This evokes images of scrolls in libraries, staff scurrying to and fro, candles on tables, discussions with other educated people who knew the classics, etc.
What Dr. Miller is saying is that his work is an attempt to peer into the methods used to compile the gospels stories without necessarily agreeing with the theology contained within. This is purely a historical literary secular exercise whose goal is to find out, from a neutral perspective, how these documents were put together and where did the literary elements originate.
Searching for the truth and Psychological Balance requires honor.
History of Compared Religions / Psychology of Religions is the way to go. Carl Jung (Answer to Job) and Reza Aslan (Zealot) touched on this subject.
People are deserving of respect. Ideas should not have the same privilege.
It's nice for me to hear someone as credentialed and articulate as Dr Miller, verbalize many ideas and opinions that I've had bouncing around in my head for years.
So people of faith are biased and less than academic when they engage sacred texts but secular humanism is unbiased and intellectually superior. Priests and pastors are "shamen" and theological commitment are a "spell." What an unbiased view! This could have been stated far less offensively by distinguishing the study of biblical literature and history from theology.
You seem to misunderstand something. Richard Miller gives the example of witchdoctors and shamans, because you can't use the thing you're talking about as a metaphor for the thing you're talking about, you have to use a different thing. Imagine explaining 'penguin' to someone by saying 'a penguin is a bird which looks like a penguin'! If he simply said "lots of people in Biblical Studies are also super religious, and Biblical Studies often have an extremely religious nature", lots of people would miss the point and go 'so?'.
And in essence theology IS shamanism, just with more books and more people and less anthropologists making notes. Scholars like Robert Sapolsky have talked about how anthropologists and sociologists took a while to realise that and be less biased in the study of religion. Do you even know anything about shamanism, or do you just know it's something everyone 'knows' is 'ridiculous' and therefore any comparison is insulting? But I digress.
It's not that Christians can't be logical and smart and fair, Miller didn't say that, it's just that we've found lots and lots of evidence that people have a much harder time making good arguments, break through taboos and process counter-arguments when they're really invested in a thing being true or false. Smokers downplay evidence of smoking being bad, most adults don't like evidence of caffeine related health problems because almost every adult drinks coffee or tea, and a lot of adults like to share articles about how a bit of dark chocolate or wine is healthy. And that's just stuff we consume. We don't expect a group of coffee lovers to do an unbiased study about the effect of caffeine on the kidneys. Not when everyone related to the study is in the 'We Love Coffee Alliance' and comes together weekly to drink coffee and talk about how much they love coffee.
Also secular doesn't mean humanism, and a secular approach doesn't mean 'non-religious peeps only' either. Anybody who can distance themselves from the theological, emotional and cultural meaning of the text can work secularly. This is NOT about superiority, but about how scholars need to fight against their AND each others biases all the time, and how difficult it is when nobody is taking care to separate the theology from the academic pursuit. Again, we don't trust the We Love Coffee Alliance to do reliable research on caffeine, not when the teams comprises (almost) entirely of their members all the time, even though every individual could be completely unbiased in their research on the effects of broccoli on liver function. For crying out loud, the text is HOLY to Christians, that's on a completely different level than caffeine addiction. Nobody is insulting Christians by pointing out they have big feelings about the Bible. And historians are perfectly capable of being respectful AND honest about historical works, this isn't leaving the Bible to haters, if that's what you're worried about.
Incredible interview!! Thank you!!
Islamic studies has a similar problem. But it’s even wider. You have big name scholars claiming that the Quran is incontrovertible unlike the Bible, ignoring the relevance of pre-Islamic tribes and Judeo-Christian literary traditions to the development of Islam as a faith. The only likely difference perhaps due to tribal influence is that Islam has its own lexicon and though the Quran had many changes along its development, ergo no one final idea or vocabulary, it is plurivocal. It is immensely funny that the same problem, though perhaps different in gravity and much less impenetrable (the overall academic social structure not being governed by purely theological interests), is seen any other monotheistic religious studies tradition outside of traditional religious studies departments.
@@T_K_R_G yeah, I see it. Much of it is thanks to a style that starts from al-Ghazali onwards. But it is weird that many big names from van Ess to scholars today diminish the idea that there are lines of descent from Gnosticism and Manichaeism. All without giving counterevidence. That said, the academics of an ummah is a lot closer to the SBL than you might think. Which is my main point. They just don’t have the same institutional structure backing them in Western universities, except maybe Cambridge Muslim College.
And Cambridge Muslim College is a lot less sectarian in attitude than a divinity college, but they still reject lines of descent from previous cultural traditions. Which as a former student of anthropology, I found disappointing. And mind you, the same is true for a bit of Jewish studies, a lot of whom reject the idea that Moses is myth, at least publicly. Hence you have hoax archeological finds made by legitimate antiquities scholars in Israel every now and then.
Christianity is dying one mouse click at a time.
The Internet is having a colossal impact and is moving at breathtaking speed throughout societies all around the world. The process is very similar to the invention of the Gutenberg Press.
The internet enables easy access to...
...profane and vain babblings (1 Timothy 6:20)
...oppositions of science falsely so called (1 Timothy 6:20)
...the wresting of the scriptures by the unstable and unlearned (2 Peter 3:16-17)
Lies of the above type oppose God's word and seek to supplant the truth from men's hearts. As men are susceptible to believing lies, God warns us away from them.
@@sdlorah6450 Yeah, no religious institutions ever tell lies huh?
Ha ha, in the book in acts over 2,000 years ago a guy said the same thing! Not gonna go to well for u…..
@@chadtyrone And how is he 2K years late? Can u give evidence please since we are wanting facts…..
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.
MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
This is very interesting to hear but not surprising at all. Religious studies are a lot like gender studies. They're usually conducted by people who are motivated by an agenda.
❤❤❤ love the boy doing the outro
Honestly there wasn’t a lot of useful info in this interview, sorry to say as I’m deconverted and a big fan of the channel. Further “Bible Greek” is koine or common Greek, or am I missing the point (koine vs classical)
Seems like the Sociology of Religion is a field he would be comfortable in. We study religion as a human phenomenon, but not as truth in any way!
I just finished G.A. Wells book ‘Did Jesus Exist?’ And it has helped me regain some sanity.
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All For PROFITS NO CURES!!!!!!!!
God Bless You
"I don't want to believe, I want to know." Powerful. Thanks Dr. You are a badsss.
I'm like him. I need raw data. Understanding the origin can not also lead to visibility, but can calso bring us together in a modern context. Those were people. They were trying to understand their world, or not. We lost the Library of Alexandria to fanatics, today we would lose our freedoms, the true God given right to exist and thrive.
I guess I am wondering what makes his scholarship so unique? There has been a lot written and said about the gospels as myth and story. Do you highlight it because of his background and training? That being said, I believe he should show "witch doctors" more respect. There is more wisdom there that science has yet to comprehend. With such practices, it is always important to separate the real practitioners from the charlatans, which is true of medicine, science, and other practices as well.
You better move to the Amazon jungle quick.. before you need you next surgery.. they have witch doctors standing by, ready to assist. 😂
A faith-based field of study is biased toward the faith of which it is based. Can't say I'm at all surprised, but I appreciate the fact that you said what has to actually be said for some.
As a still living religion, it is strange if adaoting the message to todays time is something not accepted. That should be plainly obvious thing to happen at divinity schools. It is not like other religions dont get to tailor the understanding of these texts to their religions growth and survivial.
If you want to be factually honest, go to a history department or classics department, let divinity schools help in people grow in faith, as they were intended to be.
Although I can understand the value in taking an objective look at the Old and New Testament narratives, I have some reservations about the possible negative effects on the people in the churches who need to be ministered to if this is openly expressed. People expect in their church a sense of security or a "warm fuzzy feeling". What Dr. Miller is expressing are ideas which would only lead to confusion for the people in the churches. People want security in their faith, not confusion. I think that the ideas expressed by Dr. Miller should be considered with caution and the conclusions which are reached should be presented with extreme care.
Negative effects- like being a Russian citizen in 2023, breaking the mold of nationalistic propaganda is a very sensitive subject to deal with in our consciousness.
I don't know why we should worry about people whose lives aren't based on a primary respect for knowing the truth about things. Lack of a fundamental valuation for truth above all is one of the most fundamental moral failings. Tip-toeing around to maintain the comfort of such people is counter-productive for society.
@@donnievance1942 I think what you're saying is good, but seemingly, and I'm not saying you specifically, most people would not give grace to Christians but would give grace and understanding to say transgenderism? Aren't they both based on the same premise of truth? What makes the person feel good is right?
It just seems people have much more understanding, tolerance, and patience for anyone except a Christian.
And if we're to go out and show people 'truths' for their own good, wouldn't gender confusion be a part of that?
I had no idea SBL was like this- I went to a private university affiliated with the Disciples of Christ. My religion professors did not teach or research from a theological perspective. They discouraged her intro students from injecting their theological beliefs into their work. My Greek professor never referred to koine Greek as “biblical” or “ancient” Greek. And she was even an ordained minister! I’m wondering if your critiques really apply to academics from theologically conservative institutions? And I’m also wondering if you think that *truly* intellectually honest research and being a person of (Christian) faith are mutually exclusive?
By the way, I’m really really enjoying this channel. I thought I had everything figured out after I deconstructed out of fundamentalism. No one ever told me what to do when THAT faith fell apart. I love the Bible (mostly the Hebrew Bible tho). I think Jesus had some great ideas. But I do not believe in his divinity. And seemed like every biblical content creator was 1.) A Christian and 2.) didn’t know wtf they were talking about. These interviews are exactly what I’ve been looking for!!!
Could be there’s a lot of BS mixed in with what he said. The fact he calls himself and Carrier mainstream scholarship is about all I need to know in that regard. That’s total nonsense. This isn’t a trustworthy person unfortunately.
I think that being a "person of faith" does introduce a large amount of bias. It may be possible for someone to check their faith at the door and do serious scholarship in this area, but it's far, far easier to let the bias creep in. Almost no believers are going to admit that Jesus' passion narrative is patterned after Romulus. If you think that, what is left of your faith?
@@travis1240 the passion narrative isn’t patterned after Romulus….Miller thinks the ascension narrative is patterned after Romulus but again, this reinforces my point. The idea that a scholar would care whether Luke patterned the ascension on Romulus or Moses because of their faith doesn’t actually make any sense. Either way it’s a mythical trope. Scholars like Allison look to Jewish stories for influence not because they are Christian but because there is overwhelming evidence the gospel authors patterned their stories about Jesus on Jewish mythology. It’s the obvious place to look, not a faith bias.
And the only reason a person of faith would prioritize Jewish influence over Greco-Roman influence is because their faith is informed by Jewish beliefs. And what is informing that faith, are the same texts they’re emphasizing Jewish influence on. In other words the argument only works if you assume what Miller is concluding from the get-go. The simpler conclusion is that scholars emphasize Jewish influence not because of faith but because that was the primary influence on the texts.
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.
MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
@@travis1240 tl;dr I think it’s a mistake to assert that having faith in the Truth of the Bible/NT and intellectually honest engagement with the text are mutually exclusive.
You make a good point, and I had considered that the only natural conclusion to a purely academic analysis of the NT is to lose faith. BUT. The reason I take issue with that stance (and most analyses of the Bible from atheists) is that it seems to be predicated on the same fundamental belief that evangelicals have- that if the Bible is not factual, it therefore cannot be true™️. Many fundamentalists/conservatives who deconstruct and then become atheists, in my experience, continue to conflate fact and truth. So if they discover that factually, Jesus didn’t literally heal people or literally come back to physical life, there’s nothing meaningful to be found within the text. For example- I myself am not a Christian (and I was raised half Jewish anyway) because I believe Paul and the other early church leaders had it all wrong. I could def go into that more ofc, but it’s beside the point lol. But just because I don’t believe Jesus was God or that he literally healed people or rose from the dead doesn’t mean I don’t think he had valuable teachings to offer. I believe there are a lot of universal truths to be found within the NT, and esp in the Hebrew Bible. The fact that there are so many similar stories in other ancient religions and cultures doesn’t discount the universal truths of love and justice- in fact, it tells me just how enduring and true those tenets of human existence are. I recognize that these interpretations of the biblical text are inherently theological. But I think to assume that 1.) these scholars are Christians because they believe the NT is Fact™️ and 2.) that truth = fact and 3.) to then discredit the work of the SBL as a whole because many (if not most) academics are Christians and therefore can’t engage with the material in an intellectually honest way is fallacious.
It takes a lot of courage to take certain positions. One can lose their whole $$$ by telling the truth.
In your own words, define “TRUTH”. ☝️🤔☝️
@@ReverendDr.Thomas Events, or prepostions that can be demonstrated to be true empirically or rationally.
@@ReverendDr.Thomas you wanted a definition, there is. Thats not tautology
ATTENTION!!! I am here to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the only true savior for the world. If you deny Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will not see the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus loves you and He died for your sins and on the third day, He arose from the grave. Jesus Christ is alive!! REPENT, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and you will be saved.
MARK 1:15 For the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the gospel.
The fact that institutions like SBL and the like require people to sign a statement of faith shows they're not interested in truth, merely reinforcing their beliefs and presuppositions.
Love it! No tiptoeing around.
All I see is tiptoeing.
I think it should be part of classics. But I also think that Greek Philosophy is taught wrong and if it were taught correctly it would provide a window into the Bible.
Greek Philosophy was really religious philosophy and people think it wasn’t. Socrates was a religious martyr and was regarded as such. Parmenides and Heraclitus were prophets. Empedocles was considered a God-man who said a goddess taught him his philosophy. And he sung his philosophy. And had religious practices which were popular and in fact they appear in Irenaeus‘s heresies.
The fact that we teach Greek philosophy without understanding it was religion and art as well. And the fact that we teach religion as if it were not philosophy is precisely the problem.
And the fact that we don’t take atheist refutations as part of the the corpus is also an issue, as the Christian writers refuted all the time.
Have to disagree with Dr. Price on the Biblical Greek point. My understanding is it's just the common Greek spoken around Jesus' time. So, the New Testament was written in that.
Jesus nor his disciples spoke Greek, they spoke Aramaic and Hebrew... Don't you find it strange that Paul wrote the book of act prior to any of the gospels written, and it was all written in Greek 🤔
@mickeydecurious Not at all. Greek was the lingua franca, the language everyone spoke, whether Jew, Roman or other. It was spread all over that part of the world by Alexander the Great when he conquered it. A little reading about the history of that area from around 400 BCE to 200 CE will clarify this.
The same is true for egyptology and other branches of archaeology - toe the line or accept that you cannot have a career in the field.
There's a huge difference between churchianity and genuine New Testament Christianity. Most people have never seen real Christianity, and that includes most professing Christians.
One night in Sept. of 2017 I was sitting on the side of my bed praying right before getting in bed, and as I was finishing up praying I asked the Lord to please send the end-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As soon as I said it he spoke to me in my spirit and he said:
"Many of my people are praying and asking me to send renewal, but when the outpouring comes they aren't going to like it."
That was all he said. I waited to hear if he would say more, but there was nothing else. But right then he gave me a brief anointing by the Holy Spirit to understand why they aren't going to like it, and what I got was that the reason they aren't going to like it is because it is going to be so radically different (and infinitely more powerful) from anything they've ever seen that is associated with Christianity, that they won't be able to relate to it and will be afraid of it and will reject it. That's what always happens during an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. And too, whenever the Lord sends an outpouring of the Holy Spirit he purposely leaves the system church leadership out of it, which outrages them and makes them exceedingly jealous of those who he does include in it, so in order to save face they declare that the outpouring is demonic. It happens every time.
Also during that brief encounter with the Holy Spirit he revealed to me that another reason (a big reason) they aren't going to like it is because it will reveal where everyone is at spiritually, and most Christians want nothing to do with that.
Trying to digust the Bible and it's history is entertaining.
I do have some faith in God.
I hear people plus my own child asking me about the end of the world.
I found Myth- visions by chance.
There is the scientific studies about thw solar system like the big bang
" The beginning of the universe".
There is more to learn.
5:42 "Having the answers before they know the questions; that's not a scientific approach." BINGO! Anyone engaged in free inquiry must be prepared to abandon their opinions, no matter how long-held or cherished they may be.
If I could get my money back for your book, that would be great….
Could we hear your specific complaint/issue, if you have one?