The ability make change derives from a sense of numbers. Having number sense allows people to do mental math (no paper / no calculator). Number sense is still important.
Math is sometimes a way to describe the indescribable, isn’t it? To me, math is a way of making beautiful patterns that are larger and larger or smaller and smaller than small. It’s a way of moving those beautiful patterns around quickly.
They ARE Places of Surprised and wonder. Students are always surprised by the topic and wonder what the teacher means.
The ability make change derives from a sense of numbers. Having number sense allows people to do mental math (no paper / no calculator). Number sense is still important.
Math is sometimes a way to describe the indescribable, isn’t it? To me, math is a way of making beautiful patterns that are larger and larger or smaller and smaller than small. It’s a way of moving those beautiful patterns around quickly.
thank you very much
"pythagorean shortcut" is a very rarely used term for what is more often called the triangle inequality :|
The Mathematicians will never allow this to happen.
Mr. Oldridge!
Oh my! How are thinks, my Haseebly friend?
The penny example confused me lol and I'm 22 :(