little oversight: people keep thinking heavy armor decreases speed but its the acceleration that it decreases when moving, your top speed is always going to remain the same
Correct. Ceramic has a -5% acceleration penalty per plate and -23% for steel, which stacks. So even ceramic on all sides gives you slightly better acceleration than having a single steel plate equipped, however steel plates NEVER break. They will offer you a 70% damage reduction forever, 75% with armorer. Ceramic on the other hand can break, they have a base durability rating of 4, armorer increased durability by 50% so max 6 durability rating. Weapons in ready or not do different durability damages, but the max any gun can do is -1 no matter what, just like the maximum damage a suspect can do is 70, except for headshots which will always be a one shot kill on anyone including yourself if you have no protection. Ceramic absorbs 100% of damage until it is broken, once it is broken it absorbs 40% or 45% with armorer. The side armor slots share the same durability as well, so both have a durability of 6, but if the right side gets hit by a -1, the left side and right side will both be at 5. Any side not equipped with a ceramic or steel plate is automatically equipped with kevlar. Kevlar can absorb 50% of damage, up to 55% with armorer. It likewise to steel, cannot break. HOWEVER, it only has an armor rating of 3. Anything more than a buckshot, 9mm, 357., 45 ACP or 10mm WILL zip right through the armor dealing full damage.
the devs got it in their head that reaction and action time are the same thing. Reacting to the fastest ai in the game would probebly be a world record
There is a mod for more realistic 0.2 s reaction time as most of the population reacts has around 210 ms reaction time on click. The top 0.1% is around 120 ms I believe, still far from 100 ms. I mean even then it's okay, but the AI flicks are cracked. You almost always can't outpeek them
@@thenarrator1921 with a average reaction time of 255ms and a standerdivation of 35 having a 120ms reaction time would land you in the top 0.0006%. which is so rare it can be considered a statistical fluke. 120ms is likely impossible. Still with the current ai reacting at 200ms they would always shoot first since you have to act after reacting and with the game having civies and hostages deciding a good shot from a bad shot can still take up to 300ms got the numbers from human benchmark accounted for input lag
14:45 Just a heads up, that they can still get up after dropping their second weapon. Not sure if they’ll be hostile, but some NPCs can definitely throw hands
Yeah those things are really good I always use them to cover my back as if there're enemies (like outside where I never cleared out) I can just use those wedges and lock them outside until I'm ready to take them out It's just really good I don't think they're quite top tier but they're definitely useful also on the subject of C2 charges I really like the breaching shotgun especially for wooden doors because if a door has a trap on it I can just stand back and shoot the door (usually the door opens and detonates The trap) but since the shotgun shoots slugs I can stand farther away from the door and thus take 0 damage from them which is really useful especially for a lot of traps
The swat AI aren't affected by gas or flashes even if they don't have gas masks or flash goggles. just equip them with ballistic masks so they (hopefully) don't get one tapped in the face.
@@AlucardsBlood69 true. I, personally, have experienced that the swat AI tend to die less frequently when I equip them with the ballistic mask. Probably doesn't matter either way tho.
ive lost a bunch of runs from my ai getting shot in the face and dying instantly and they have never reacted to gas for me, so ballistic mask is a must have for them imo@@lmaoyeethaha387
Never really saw or felt the speed decrease when using heavy armor, its mostly the plates that slows you down. Even then plates only affects acceleration, you'll still be as fast as everyone else the only difference you'll take a while to reach max speeds. Other that the only downsides I have with it for is less slots for utility. Also another bonus tip SWAT AI doesn't require Gas masks they are immune to their effects same goes for flashes and stingers, but they can still be damaged by the flash explosion tho so becareful when throwing those near AI. Gas masks from suspects don't do anything either and are still affected by CS and Pepperballs. Other than that these tips were great good luck on those S ranks my dudes.
Another bonus tip for vanilla players. Don't expect the morale system to do anything its currently bugged the only way to fix it is through mods, most of the things that you can do to lower their morale only increases it (Ie flashing, killing suspects, kicking down doors etc ).
Heavy armor is so annoyin, you are very slow when you start moving and if you need to duck you are screwed. Also they one shot you anyways even with the heavy so it's just useless
@@BigBossXCV Like I said before I never really saw or felt the in difference of speed in both armors nor it even affects crouch? If that's a problem free lean can also make you crouch even lower if that's the case. If you're steel plates then yeah that's where I see the difference.
@@BigBossXCV I think its the opposite for me AI cant seem to distinguish your presence with free lean if you use it properly. But in the end I stopped trying to get Vanilla S ranks after I brisa cove so idk.
Free lean is such a big tip. It is crazy how useful it is, enemies have a really hard time hitting you when you do that. Combined with the armored mask you have a lot of protection when free leaning behind a good wall
The ballistic mask only has a durability rating of 2, armorer can increase this to 3 as armorer increases durability by 50%, this includes ceramic which go from 4 to 6. Guns in ready or not do a maximum of -1 durability, so the ballistic mask can only save for 3 shots, the 4th one will one shot you if it hits you in the face. The helmet has a durability rating of 1, this goes to 1.5 which can save you for a maximum of 2 with armorer before you will be one tapped on the next headshot.
Watched this, cleared Rust Belt in two attempts after countless hours of struggle bussing it and brute forcing S ranks (I am at 7/18 now). Didn't usually like the VKS but knowing about splash damage really helped, as did pretty much every other tip! Good show chap.
Another tidbit of wisdom that I found out, especially for those enemies that don't surrender: They don't have to be on the floor with their hands up for you to arrest them. As long as they're doing their stunned animation, you can walk behind them and arrest them. Also, I found out the hard way, but enemy apparel is actually functional. I tried to use the VKS and shoot at the ground near enemies with gas mask in the Lethal Obsession map, and ended up getting shot to death by them who were completely unfazed. You have to shoot those enemies directly with it.
I also suggest to activate subtitles/captions because it allows you understand if there is a contact nearby or when you flash/gas a room to identify how many people got stunned
Damn, this is actually quite useful. Was hesitant to watch, so many 'advanced tips' videos are useless shit or things that are already super obvious, but even after 30hrs this is solid info. I'm struggling with the campaign since 1.0, and lazy to do extensive testing, as you said too something you only just learned, am so keen to try these out.
My biggest issue is that it's at least a full minute or 2 of loading between attempts so testing very small things just feels like a waste of my time and takes ages
Great video! Although there is one trick that I use that wasn't shown in this video. This trick could be handy at times, but is also risky, so be careful when using it. If you use the mirrorgun under a door, and see that a suspect is standing directly on the other side of it, you can stun them by kicking and hitting them with the door itself, without having to use any ammo or grenades. This is equivalent to bashing them and they will surrender most of the time. Keep in mind: not all doors open with one kick, so make sure to peek the door first so its open before kicking it. You still have the option to kick a door after you peek it open. The reason this can sometimes be risky is because any other suspects in the room will hear you kick the door, become alerted to your presence, and will either hold an angle at the door, rush you, or even sometimes start shooting at the doorway. As long as they are close enough to the door, this trick works almost 100% of the time and is an easy arrest. Hope this helps. 👍
As for what you said about armor: Any side that is not equipped with a plate is automatically equipped with kevlar. So if you have front steal plate only on a heavy vest, the sides are back are kevlar. Absolutely use heavy armor. It covers your entire torso giving you much better protection over light armor. It's well and truly worth the less slots. For experienced players: Steel plates offer the best overall protection as they will NEVER break, but they are very heavy so only run your steal plate as your front plate. This offers the best protection while still having decent movement speed. As an experienced player, you should have the skill and map knowledge to position yourself in a way so that you are onoy ever getting shot at by what you are facing. Whilst steal plates never break, they don't resist all the damage and you will still take 30% of the damage if you had no armor (it blocks 70% of damage, armorer swat trait increases this by +5%, so up to 75% damage reduction). Steal also has spalling, which whilst it won't damage you it can damage your teammates. It has a -23% speed debuff, and this stacks per plate. For new players or on maps where you won't be getting shot too much: Ceramic is absolutely insanely good, but I would absolutely implore anyone who chooses this to run an armorer officer as well. What does an armorer do? Well, apart from giving you a +5% damage reduction for any armor, including kevlar, it also increases how many shots it takes for armor to break. Broken armor either offers no protection or reduced protection. It increases the rating of any armor piece that can break by 50%. So for ceramic, it has a base durability rating of 4, this goes to 6. What makes ceramic so good is because it can stop ALL damage, so if you are shot in the front plate by even the strongest gun in the game, you will take no damage so long as the plate isn't broken. Once the plate is broken, it reduces damage by 40% or 45% with armorer. Ceramic is also far lighter, allowing you to run on all sides. Matter of fact, there is only a -5% speed debuff per plate and sides share plates, so a max of a -15% speed debuff if you run on all sides.. As for the durability of ceramic, the strongest suspect weapons in the game can only do a maximum of -1 durability per shot. So your front and back can take 4x -1 durability shots before breaking, or 6x with the armorer trait equipped. All damage from any of those shots is 0. The max damage any suspect can do in a single shot is 70, and you have 160 health. Nutritionist increases this by 25%, so up to 200 hp (although you can stack nutrionists for even more health, but you cannot stack armorers). However this only applies for everything but headshots, headshots will always one shot you, however your helmet has a durability rating of 1 (1.5 with armor) meaning it can take 1 to 2 (with armorer) rounds before you will be one shotted on the next headshot. The ballistic mask has a rating of 2, this goes to 3. So it can take a max of 3 shots before you will be one shot on the next face shot. Lastly to sum this up, kevlar also will not break and will always absorb 50% of all damage with a max absorption of 55% with armorer.
14:00 I never seen a target get killed by a C2. After you blow it up they will apear dead, and you can even call to TOC that the suspect is dead, but they aren't really, if you just restrain them they will get up or if you wait long enough the same will happen. You do not lose S rank by doing this. If anyone has seen a suspect actually die in the C2 blast please correct me, but I use them all the time against suspects that are hugging the door and never seen one die
@@aureole420 Oh I didn't know that. I never C2'd a civie because I thought that I would get ROE violation, didn't know they actually died. Guess the suspects are more sturdy haha
@@Rodiza Yeah for some reason, feels like civvies have around 1/3 of the HP everyone else has. Hence why a bad shoot on a civvie only takes one to down them, but suspects take 3 or 4.
They should add multiple potential spawns and rng to spawning of soft objectives. Would make it more important to be thorough in search instead of just going in and going through the motions
I've always used the AI companions and their perks since I knew from the get-go they're just as cracked as the enemy AI with their aim and utilizing their nades is pretty useful too. One drawback is that they really can't gauge their nades and rarely they completely miss. I found it extremely hilarious when I asked the team to flash and it bounced directly towards us, one of my teammates threw their weapons up, both primary and secondary plus went knees down and hands up. I was totally confused like "dude are you okay? 😂" when the rest of the team cleared it's like he realized oh shit I'm SWAT and stood up
Yeah I always use those nades they have mostly because it feels like my nades do nothing like I downloaded a mod that made a flashbang that flashes the room 9 times I threw it in a room and not a single guy got flashed which was pretty annoying
Was agreeing with everything until you got to the tazer part. In my opinion the tazer is the best LTL weapon for CQB by far. The fact that it is short makes it insanely OP through doors, super easy to manuver. The only downside is that it doesnt have an "infinite" range like the LTL shotgun but Ive actually underestimated how far it can actually reach.
A few weeks ago I ran out of artillery and all my swat members was killed and the only way I could beat the map was with my taser gun it’s conveniental on rare occasions
I dunno, you’re right about that but if you miss that shot you’re dead. I’ve had shootouts with the beanbag but never with a taser… But maybe it’s just a skill issue lol
It's a godsend when going in to cuff, if you're too close they just push the shotty aside and shoot you with a pistol but the taser doesn't protrude as far and instantly stops them in their tracks. Plus I've often reacted to them pulling out a gun with the shotgun but because I'm standing literally over them I end up getting a headshot and killing them.
@@TheJubiter Yup exactly, also if there are two suspects surrendering, its way easier to take them down if they try to get up and shoot you at the same time. Same kinda thing when clearing a room with two suspects. Ive managed to pull off quite some crazy stuff thanks to the tazer.
One thing I noticed when doing S rank runs is that on occasion, the Swat AI members will try to switch to their sidearm thinking that it has ammo when it has none in it, thus resulting in them standing around like complete buffoons while they get lit up like a christmas tree. Not sure if this is an issue with them and the beanbag shotgun, or if it's just giving them no secondary ammo.
it happens with the vks too unfortunately, just have to babysit them while they clear rooms and avoid letting them into open areas when not absolutely neccecary
I would also say as it has saved my ass many time but Utilize wedges. Each one you equip actually gives you 2 and the ability to lock a suspect in a room is great as you can clear other places first. This is very useful on the apartment map where you got a loop hallway and rooms on all sides
I got a perfect run on Rust Belt today finally but got -2 for friendly fire (which I’m pretty sure was done by an AI squadmate) and only got A+. It’s so frustrating getting a perfect score in this game, and I’m still trying really hard to get it on House of Dolls and Relapse. I’ll try Rust Belt again later but I’m tired of playing that map. I really hope the AI suspects get nerfed because although the lethality of the weapons is great, they shouldn’t react so quickly and have such great aim.
i'm using the mod (No Crack A.I is way to easy) it's a mod that came from the mod No Crack A.I.... it's a little bit more playable, but still got some OP enemy A.I....
Yeah you can just download mods to make the ai worse but that will result in an "unofficial" rating which really doesn't mean anything as you can just download another mod that unlocks everything for free
My thoughts exactly. Most of the suspects in the game aren’t supposed to be elite warriors, they’re thugs, weekend soldiers, security guards and crackheads, they shouldn’t be as strong as your team, and they shouldn’t be on superhuman level. I go to the gun range once a week, and I can’t fire full auto and hit every shot at the dead center like the AI can. It’s simply too accurate. I can see why a SWAT team would be really good shots, but not crackheads and street punks.
I get my AI teammates switching to their empty sidearms and dying mid-breach in a lot of my nonlethal runs. Void left some huge gaps in the friendly AI when they rushed 1.0 and it really shows.
I have had this happen too lmao they magdump their vks into a wall trying to wallbang the perps, then switch to the empty pistol and run in to get shot to death
one of the biggest tips i have to make ready or not way easier but also way less realistic, is the npc action/command list, i dont mean the commands you tell the suspects/civs or your allies, i mean the dot that is shown in the middle of your screen to tell you what you're pointing at, something i found is that for some reason you can still shoot and interact with the list opened, this means you dont even have to aim down sight or attach a laser in close to medium ranges (i highly discourage using this in situations where the suspect is holding a hostage with a gun to their head, you have a crosshair but not aiming does mean way worse accuracy)
Did all On S and even the Hermit Its not toooo Bad actually Its important to give you team a Less lethal and 0 mackup magazines .. otherwise they switch to pistol.
11:58 crouching is not useless! If you combine it with free lean you can go even lower. So it's still good to have it be accessible. Additionally, since you'll be using non lethal stuff that cant penetrate windows, on some levels it helps to be able to move past windows while minimizing your exposure.
I don't think the armor types (light vs heavy) affect movement speed. Only the plates do (as far as I can tell when I test it out in game and from what I've read online and from the in game descriptions).
Good video! Not sure if there was an update but on my S rank runs I swap between the pepper ball and shotgun for tm8s, I haven’t noticed them kill anyone (yet). Also door wedges are huge for my play style, it is nice to be able to lock off a side of the map and then work from another angel. Love all the updates that have come out since I played in early access, can’t wait to see how many more they have
So many great tips, thank you ! Question about door opening sound - so basically if the door is unlocked and I just open it I am alerting AI's around ? Should I always peek and physically push in for minimum sound alert ?
As somebody else mentioned, NPCs can get up at least three times, I've had them go down with a rifle, get back up with a pistol, and then get up a third time with a knife.
I completed my S rank run with the stab vest. I really tried my best to utilize my squad so I was rarely ever the lead into direct fire. Plus it allowed me to bring 10 CS grenades which I would abuse the hell out of
I think SWAT AIs are immune to pepperballs, stun and gas grenades, and stingers regardless of whether you equip with a gas mask/anti-flash goggles. You just have to worry about yourself.
One more thing about gas grenades. You can throw it near a closed door and an enemy on the other side of the door will start coughing. Helped me few times while mirrorgun showed someone holding a hostage behind the door I was about to enter
The search and secure thing is available before the map is clear now, idk when this go changed but I send my team out and then heard shooting and a ¨suspect dead¨ from the corner of the map, so be careful. I honestly am not the biggest fan that it tells you when you arrested everyone, kinda takes away the tension.
Beanbag shotty definitely gets suspects to surrender faster, but you've got to be careful not to land a headshot when going for S rank, otherwise you might kill the suspect and have to start over again. Happened to me more than once, which is why I'll usually run with the VKS
You can also pre fire by shooting at a corner you think an enemy might come from so they walk into the pepper cloud Personally I still prefer the shotty tho
Took me two days of grinding to S-rank neon tomb. I had some suicide bombers take 20 mags of pepperballs, dozens of beanbags, flashbangs, tasers and muzzle strikes for 2 minutes straight until they just fall over dead. And if I stop shooting to break the stunlock they just blow up and kill everybody. I only have carriers on the vine, hospital and port left
Old vid and I’m not sure if it was always like this, or even it’s even actually implemented, but the description mentions steel armor is susceptible to spalling which will cause you to suffer damage when hit by high power ammunition, even if it doesn’t penetrate. In my experience I felt like steel was very ineffective, but that was before the ai was reigned in.
Grenade launchers should not be too slept on. Gas GL is pretty mid, but the other two make for decent player weapons. They guarantee an arrest on suicide bombers, cannot kill even with direct hits, have no minimum arming distance, and otherwise can be used like a super generous beanbag shotty. Pretty good for dealing with problem areas like larger rooms, and they completely trivialize Elephant, since you have as many rounds as there are shooters.
Lol @ the guy calling this exploit "cheating" when the optiwand lets you do literally the exact same thing (that is, see what's behind a door without alerting the suspects)
nice video, how can i make surrendered people come toward me in multiplayer? i mostly play with my friends and most incidents happen during cuffing in open areas...
I highly recommend making all your AI specialised in S. For example, have a breacher, 'door wedger', grenader, rifleman/arrester. If not aiming for S, I don't recommend this, as you will continue when one AI dies. But for S rank, nobody can die anyway
If you have 2 criminals, order the far criminal to come to you 1st then secure the close one. While they shuffle towards you on their knees they can NOT draw a pistol or knife until they get close as part of the game mechanics.
When it comes to s ranking i usually just go with ai give all of us non lethal weapons take away pistol ammo and go with cs gas and occasionally c2 cause c2 can kill but if its not someone already in handcuffs itll likely just knock them to the floor and thats it they get back up and c2 is perfect for those doors where someone is right behind it and you dont wanna open it in fear of them shooting you and i have that issue where an ai is in alert mode staring down a door a simple c2 on that door will fix it even tho the c2 is loud its better to have some in case of a situation like that
Don't use stinger grenades at all. Many have reported they are ineffective as a game issue prevents them from hitting targets. Even if they DO PATCH, gas can travel around walls and are always best. Flashbangs are a close 2nd as the effects travel around obstacles and corners.
Love this game so much, the aim bot ai is fun to fight, because with holding left alt, you can pew them very quick. Use mirror to locate, everywhere, then hold left alt to position and slowly leak out and you are 100% faster. I put the mod on to remove that ai bot but its not fun, too easy
Hey, is it just me or has the performance dropped huge after the full release? My friends and I played in early access a long qwhile ago and it worked perfect. Now we are frequently getting 25-30 fps with great computers. This is not great news in a game where enemies have 0.1 second reaction time
It did, I had to set all my settings to low and cap it at 40 fps or it stutters to the point of unplayability, like an enemy will spot me and fire one shot, the game will freeze, and then I'll be dead
Equip beanbag shotgun and steel plates witg full coverage Make ai use the same armor but ballistic mask and pepperball AR Don't do traditional breaches And flash bang a lot
Looking forward to trying this. I knew the gas grenades were strong, but they take a while to trigger, which has made me go more with bangs lately. Good tip on removing the sidearm ammo. What happens if you give an officer a shield, no sidearm ammo and a taser? Will he use the taser?
hey takibo, thanks for the tips! Quick question - does gas/pepperball and stingers affect civilians in the room too? (worried about unauthorized/excessive use)
Why equip them with battering rams when most of the time you peek/mirror/slowly open doors. Wouldn't m32a1 launcher be a better option? That's like 6*4=24 extra gas/stinger grenades. Wedges are also important for S rank, especially on Brisa Cove
S-rank is basically easy mode. You can play this game super aggressively with moments of pause to flash almost every room and you’ll get the rank. Not saying you won’t get an edge in some special cases using some of the tips you brought up but flashing every room and being aggressive is basically all it takes to do it. The rank as it’s designed does not reflect a team or individual’s capability to conduct CQB.
Are you sure they are actually shooting with the pistols. I have noticed that the SWAT AI will still pull out their empty pistols when having to reload their primary.
I don’t think rank S is the hardest thing to do. I’m about to finish it. I’m about to start my iron man run/iron man without losing any officer run. That seems harder to me but I don’t know the general consensus.
I’ve tried to do valley of the dolls like 15 times and that open two story area as well as the outside party is what kills me every single time, that reaction speed is BS
little oversight: people keep thinking heavy armor decreases speed but its the acceleration that it decreases when moving, your top speed is always going to remain the same
Except Steel plates, those are slow
@@zmiy_gorinich5385 nope, even those dont affect your top speed, just affects acceleration
Correct. Ceramic has a -5% acceleration penalty per plate and -23% for steel, which stacks. So even ceramic on all sides gives you slightly better acceleration than having a single steel plate equipped, however steel plates NEVER break. They will offer you a 70% damage reduction forever, 75% with armorer.
Ceramic on the other hand can break, they have a base durability rating of 4, armorer increased durability by 50% so max 6 durability rating. Weapons in ready or not do different durability damages, but the max any gun can do is -1 no matter what, just like the maximum damage a suspect can do is 70, except for headshots which will always be a one shot kill on anyone including yourself if you have no protection. Ceramic absorbs 100% of damage until it is broken, once it is broken it absorbs 40% or 45% with armorer. The side armor slots share the same durability as well, so both have a durability of 6, but if the right side gets hit by a -1, the left side and right side will both be at 5.
Any side not equipped with a ceramic or steel plate is automatically equipped with kevlar. Kevlar can absorb 50% of damage, up to 55% with armorer. It likewise to steel, cannot break. HOWEVER, it only has an armor rating of 3. Anything more than a buckshot, 9mm, 357., 45 ACP or 10mm WILL zip right through the armor dealing full damage.
Now knowing that the alert, gun ready AI reacts in 0.1s, it's absurd.
I have the feeling that there are even more NPCs who have this reaction time.
the devs got it in their head that reaction and action time are the same thing. Reacting to the fastest ai in the game would probebly be a world record
There is a mod for more realistic 0.2 s reaction time as most of the population reacts has around 210 ms reaction time on click.
The top 0.1% is around 120 ms I believe, still far from 100 ms. I mean even then it's okay, but the AI flicks are cracked. You almost always can't outpeek them
@@thenarrator1921 with a average reaction time of 255ms and a standerdivation of 35 having a 120ms reaction time would land you in the top 0.0006%. which is so rare it can be considered a statistical fluke. 120ms is likely impossible. Still with the current ai reacting at 200ms they would always shoot first since you have to act after reacting and with the game having civies and hostages deciding a good shot from a bad shot can still take up to 300ms
got the numbers from human benchmark accounted for input lag
Eh, hold left alt is your friend
14:45 Just a heads up, that they can still get up after dropping their second weapon. Not sure if they’ll be hostile, but some NPCs can definitely throw hands
I've had NPCs surrender, pull a gun, surrender again, and then pull a knife.
happend to me once @@Lwislol
Yup, if you wait long enough some will pull a knife, and some will try to pick up a gun from the ground
Suspects who are out of weapons can attempt to punch you like civilians occasionally do if you get in their face.
I have had suspects that just spawn extra guns.
If the enemy is standing right on the other side of a door, kicking or ramming it will stun them. It can help with enemies that are alert.
Hotline miami pov
I can personally confirm that! Did that by accident to be honest, but surely works. 👍
Kicking can make them shoot through the door
@Adam-rf3gr yea came here to say that, dont risk it haha
Some goods tips here, I'd swap c2 charges for a bunch of wedges though, because map control is very important for S rank imo
especially on maps like Ides of March
Yeah those things are really good I always use them to cover my back as if there're enemies (like outside where I never cleared out) I can just use those wedges and lock them outside until I'm ready to take them out It's just really good I don't think they're quite top tier but they're definitely useful also on the subject of C2 charges I really like the breaching shotgun especially for wooden doors because if a door has a trap on it I can just stand back and shoot the door (usually the door opens and detonates The trap) but since the shotgun shoots slugs I can stand farther away from the door and thus take 0 damage from them which is really useful especially for a lot of traps
Wedges are a lifesaver especially in maps like Relapse and Ides Of March
0:35 Search and Secure
1:10 Various Settings
2:39 Commanding Suspects
3:25 Armor (Light/Ceramic/Armor Perk)
5:58 Taser (never)
6:48 Mirror Gun (always)
7:28 Grenades (Use Gas)
8:28 Weapons - VKS/TPL/Beanbag
11:00 Free-lean
12:07 Peaking doors
12:51 Suspect States
15:30 Use your Team
17:08 Team Loadout
Tbh this guide improved my game experience by a LARGE amount. Props to you my man, you earned a subscribe
The swat AI aren't affected by gas or flashes even if they don't have gas masks or flash goggles. just equip them with ballistic masks so they (hopefully) don't get one tapped in the face.
Gas mask has the same exact defensive stats as the ballistic mask in the code.
@@AlucardsBlood69 true. I, personally, have experienced that the swat AI tend to die less frequently when I equip them with the ballistic mask. Probably doesn't matter either way tho.
ive lost a bunch of runs from my ai getting shot in the face and dying instantly and they have never reacted to gas for me, so ballistic mask is a must have for them imo@@lmaoyeethaha387
I heard they fixed gas mask being bulletproof in 1.0 @@AlucardsBlood69
What about enemies AI? Are they affected by flashlight 🔦? I don't think so.
Never really saw or felt the speed decrease when using heavy armor, its mostly the plates that slows you down. Even then plates only affects acceleration, you'll still be as fast as everyone else the only difference you'll take a while to reach max speeds. Other that the only downsides I have with it for is less slots for utility.
Also another bonus tip SWAT AI doesn't require Gas masks they are immune to their effects same goes for flashes and stingers, but they can still be damaged by the flash explosion tho so becareful when throwing those near AI. Gas masks from suspects don't do anything either and are still affected by CS and Pepperballs. Other than that these tips were great good luck on those S ranks my dudes.
Another bonus tip for vanilla players. Don't expect the morale system to do anything its currently bugged the only way to fix it is through mods, most of the things that you can do to lower their morale only increases it (Ie flashing, killing suspects, kicking down doors etc ).
Heavy armor is so annoyin, you are very slow when you start moving and if you need to duck you are screwed. Also they one shot you anyways even with the heavy so it's just useless
@@BigBossXCV Like I said before I never really saw or felt the in difference of speed in both armors nor it even affects crouch? If that's a problem free lean can also make you crouch even lower if that's the case. If you're steel plates then yeah that's where I see the difference.
@@laupatual7137 free lean also is another BS at the moment. Even if you peek all crouched behind cover they immediately see you and can onetap you
@@BigBossXCV I think its the opposite for me AI cant seem to distinguish your presence with free lean if you use it properly. But in the end I stopped trying to get Vanilla S ranks after I brisa cove so idk.
Super useful tips, I'm going to try out getting S rank in Valley of Dolls. That mission giving me aneurysm for keeping suspects under controls.
Free lean is such a big tip. It is crazy how useful it is, enemies have a really hard time hitting you when you do that. Combined with the armored mask you have a lot of protection when free leaning behind a good wall
The ballistic mask only has a durability rating of 2, armorer can increase this to 3 as armorer increases durability by 50%, this includes ceramic which go from 4 to 6. Guns in ready or not do a maximum of -1 durability, so the ballistic mask can only save for 3 shots, the 4th one will one shot you if it hits you in the face. The helmet has a durability rating of 1, this goes to 1.5 which can save you for a maximum of 2 with armorer before you will be one tapped on the next headshot.
Watched this, cleared Rust Belt in two attempts after countless hours of struggle bussing it and brute forcing S ranks (I am at 7/18 now). Didn't usually like the VKS but knowing about splash damage really helped, as did pretty much every other tip! Good show chap.
Another tidbit of wisdom that I found out, especially for those enemies that don't surrender: They don't have to be on the floor with their hands up for you to arrest them. As long as they're doing their stunned animation, you can walk behind them and arrest them.
Also, I found out the hard way, but enemy apparel is actually functional. I tried to use the VKS and shoot at the ground near enemies with gas mask in the Lethal Obsession map, and ended up getting shot to death by them who were completely unfazed. You have to shoot those enemies directly with it.
I also suggest to activate subtitles/captions because it allows you understand if there is a contact nearby or when you flash/gas a room to identify how many people got stunned
This video really did help.
Damn, this is actually quite useful. Was hesitant to watch, so many 'advanced tips' videos are useless shit or things that are already super obvious, but even after 30hrs this is solid info. I'm struggling with the campaign since 1.0, and lazy to do extensive testing, as you said too something you only just learned, am so keen to try these out.
My biggest issue is that it's at least a full minute or 2 of loading between attempts so testing very small things just feels like a waste of my time and takes ages
Now this is what I was looking for, a video made by someone who really masters the game, ty very much, very helpful :)
This is the best S rank tips video I've seen. Thanks for uploading!
Just completed all the missions and didn't know any of these tips! Super helpful and looking forward to future playthroughs now!
goood tips! about steel, it can richocet rounds at short range, which can intercapitate suspects, had that many times during s runs
when real life action is way cooler than in the movies, assuming this could happen IRL
keep in mind your ping is accounted AFTER AI's 100ms reaction time. a player with 70 ping has 0.03 seconds to react.
What if i play locally with bots.
@@ukkomies100 0 ping but potentially lower fps, usually how this stuff works.
You are not meant to out-react the enemy AI. You are supposed to outsmart them. Learn to play the game correctly.
@@VormavNJD nah but if you peek a corner and an enemy is able to turn around and line a headshot before you register anything is a bit dumb
@@VormavNJD playing incorrect is how I got S on all levels just like this channel since the game is rigged. yallah preach next door
I can tell from your gameplay that you absolutely know what you're doing and what you're talking about. Thank you for actually being good at the game
4:42 that classic RoN AI
Great video! Although there is one trick that I use that wasn't shown in this video. This trick could be handy at times, but is also risky, so be careful when using it. If you use the mirrorgun under a door, and see that a suspect is standing directly on the other side of it, you can stun them by kicking and hitting them with the door itself, without having to use any ammo or grenades. This is equivalent to bashing them and they will surrender most of the time. Keep in mind: not all doors open with one kick, so make sure to peek the door first so its open before kicking it. You still have the option to kick a door after you peek it open. The reason this can sometimes be risky is because any other suspects in the room will hear you kick the door, become alerted to your presence, and will either hold an angle at the door, rush you, or even sometimes start shooting at the doorway. As long as they are close enough to the door, this trick works almost 100% of the time and is an easy arrest. Hope this helps. 👍
As for what you said about armor:
Any side that is not equipped with a plate is automatically equipped with kevlar. So if you have front steal plate only on a heavy vest, the sides are back are kevlar.
Absolutely use heavy armor. It covers your entire torso giving you much better protection over light armor. It's well and truly worth the less slots.
For experienced players:
Steel plates offer the best overall protection as they will NEVER break, but they are very heavy so only run your steal plate as your front plate. This offers the best protection while still having decent movement speed. As an experienced player, you should have the skill and map knowledge to position yourself in a way so that you are onoy ever getting shot at by what you are facing. Whilst steal plates never break, they don't resist all the damage and you will still take 30% of the damage if you had no armor (it blocks 70% of damage, armorer swat trait increases this by +5%, so up to 75% damage reduction). Steal also has spalling, which whilst it won't damage you it can damage your teammates. It has a -23% speed debuff, and this stacks per plate.
For new players or on maps where you won't be getting shot too much:
Ceramic is absolutely insanely good, but I would absolutely implore anyone who chooses this to run an armorer officer as well. What does an armorer do? Well, apart from giving you a +5% damage reduction for any armor, including kevlar, it also increases how many shots it takes for armor to break. Broken armor either offers no protection or reduced protection. It increases the rating of any armor piece that can break by 50%. So for ceramic, it has a base durability rating of 4, this goes to 6. What makes ceramic so good is because it can stop ALL damage, so if you are shot in the front plate by even the strongest gun in the game, you will take no damage so long as the plate isn't broken. Once the plate is broken, it reduces damage by 40% or 45% with armorer. Ceramic is also far lighter, allowing you to run on all sides. Matter of fact, there is only a -5% speed debuff per plate and sides share plates, so a max of a -15% speed debuff if you run on all sides.. As for the durability of ceramic, the strongest suspect weapons in the game can only do a maximum of -1 durability per shot. So your front and back can take 4x -1 durability shots before breaking, or 6x with the armorer trait equipped. All damage from any of those shots is 0. The max damage any suspect can do in a single shot is 70, and you have 160 health. Nutritionist increases this by 25%, so up to 200 hp (although you can stack nutrionists for even more health, but you cannot stack armorers). However this only applies for everything but headshots, headshots will always one shot you, however your helmet has a durability rating of 1 (1.5 with armor) meaning it can take 1 to 2 (with armorer) rounds before you will be one shotted on the next headshot. The ballistic mask has a rating of 2, this goes to 3. So it can take a max of 3 shots before you will be one shot on the next face shot.
Lastly to sum this up, kevlar also will not break and will always absorb 50% of all damage with a max absorption of 55% with armorer.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge! All help is welcome!
14:00 I never seen a target get killed by a C2. After you blow it up they will apear dead, and you can even call to TOC that the suspect is dead, but they aren't really, if you just restrain them they will get up or if you wait long enough the same will happen. You do not lose S rank by doing this. If anyone has seen a suspect actually die in the C2 blast please correct me, but I use them all the time against suspects that are hugging the door and never seen one die
I don't think suspects will die, but unarmed civs can die to c2 explosions.
@@aureole420 Oh I didn't know that. I never C2'd a civie because I thought that I would get ROE violation, didn't know they actually died. Guess the suspects are more sturdy haha
@@Rodiza Yeah for some reason, feels like civvies have around 1/3 of the HP everyone else has. Hence why a bad shoot on a civvie only takes one to down them, but suspects take 3 or 4.
They should add multiple potential spawns and rng to spawning of soft objectives. Would make it more important to be thorough in search instead of just going in and going through the motions
I've always used the AI companions and their perks since I knew from the get-go they're just as cracked as the enemy AI with their aim and utilizing their nades is pretty useful too.
One drawback is that they really can't gauge their nades and rarely they completely miss. I found it extremely hilarious when I asked the team to flash and it bounced directly towards us, one of my teammates threw their weapons up, both primary and secondary plus went knees down and hands up.
I was totally confused like "dude are you okay? 😂" when the rest of the team cleared it's like he realized oh shit I'm SWAT and stood up
Yeah I always use those nades they have mostly because it feels like my nades do nothing like I downloaded a mod that made a flashbang that flashes the room 9 times I threw it in a room and not a single guy got flashed which was pretty annoying
That's why teammates should carry the CS.
Glowing weapons has saved me so much time. Also, the shotguns and the beanbag shotgun in particular have a lot more range than most people assume.
Was agreeing with everything until you got to the tazer part. In my opinion the tazer is the best LTL weapon for CQB by far. The fact that it is short makes it insanely OP through doors, super easy to manuver. The only downside is that it doesnt have an "infinite" range like the LTL shotgun but Ive actually underestimated how far it can actually reach.
A few weeks ago I ran out of artillery and all my swat members was killed and the only way I could beat the map was with my taser gun it’s conveniental on rare occasions
I dunno, you’re right about that but if you miss that shot you’re dead. I’ve had shootouts with the beanbag but never with a taser… But maybe it’s just a skill issue lol
@@antwanowens4013 Man's breaching and clearing with an M777 jfc
It's a godsend when going in to cuff, if you're too close they just push the shotty aside and shoot you with a pistol but the taser doesn't protrude as far and instantly stops them in their tracks.
Plus I've often reacted to them pulling out a gun with the shotgun but because I'm standing literally over them I end up getting a headshot and killing them.
@@TheJubiter Yup exactly, also if there are two suspects surrendering, its way easier to take them down if they try to get up and shoot you at the same time. Same kinda thing when clearing a room with two suspects. Ive managed to pull off quite some crazy stuff thanks to the tazer.
Great tips! This is the real sequel to Rainbow Six, Raven Shield, SWAT, etc.
As an experienced player, this was a great guide. Awesome job
One thing I noticed when doing S rank runs is that on occasion, the Swat AI members will try to switch to their sidearm thinking that it has ammo when it has none in it, thus resulting in them standing around like complete buffoons while they get lit up like a christmas tree. Not sure if this is an issue with them and the beanbag shotgun, or if it's just giving them no secondary ammo.
it happens with the vks too unfortunately, just have to babysit them while they clear rooms and avoid letting them into open areas when not absolutely neccecary
I would also say as it has saved my ass many time but Utilize wedges. Each one you equip actually gives you 2 and the ability to lock a suspect in a room is great as you can clear other places first. This is very useful on the apartment map where you got a loop hallway and rooms on all sides
I got a perfect run on Rust Belt today finally but got -2 for friendly fire (which I’m pretty sure was done by an AI squadmate) and only got A+. It’s so frustrating getting a perfect score in this game, and I’m still trying really hard to get it on House of Dolls and Relapse. I’ll try Rust Belt again later but I’m tired of playing that map. I really hope the AI suspects get nerfed because although the lethality of the weapons is great, they shouldn’t react so quickly and have such great aim.
i'm using the mod (No Crack A.I is way to easy) it's a mod that came from the mod No Crack A.I.... it's a little bit more playable, but still got some OP enemy A.I....
Yeah you can just download mods to make the ai worse but that will result in an "unofficial" rating which really doesn't mean anything as you can just download another mod that unlocks everything for free
@@WinterGameplays mods disqualify ranking so the devs should seriously reduce the ai aggression
My thoughts exactly. Most of the suspects in the game aren’t supposed to be elite warriors, they’re thugs, weekend soldiers, security guards and crackheads, they shouldn’t be as strong as your team, and they shouldn’t be on superhuman level.
I go to the gun range once a week, and I can’t fire full auto and hit every shot at the dead center like the AI can. It’s simply too accurate. I can see why a SWAT team would be really good shots, but not crackheads and street punks.
I get my AI teammates switching to their empty sidearms and dying mid-breach in a lot of my nonlethal runs. Void left some huge gaps in the friendly AI when they rushed 1.0 and it really shows.
How much ammo are you giving them? Could be running short. I give them VKSes with 4 mags and no sidearm ammo, never had an issue.
I have had this happen too lmao they magdump their vks into a wall trying to wallbang the perps, then switch to the empty pistol and run in to get shot to death
one of the biggest tips i have to make ready or not way easier but also way less realistic, is the npc action/command list, i dont mean the commands you tell the suspects/civs or your allies, i mean the dot that is shown in the middle of your screen to tell you what you're pointing at, something i found is that for some reason you can still shoot and interact with the list opened, this means you dont even have to aim down sight or attach a laser in close to medium ranges (i highly discourage using this in situations where the suspect is holding a hostage with a gun to their head, you have a crosshair but not aiming does mean way worse accuracy)
3:24 AFAIK max speed is the same for Light and Heavy armor. Acceleration is slower though.
14:40 I literally had a suspect on rust belt with uzi and two sidearms. Happens once for me tho
5:05 that’s interesting because IRL a knife can go through kevlar unlike ceramic or steel
Did all On S
and even the Hermit
Its not toooo Bad actually
Its important to give you team a Less lethal and 0 mackup magazines .. otherwise they switch to pistol.
11:58 crouching is not useless! If you combine it with free lean you can go even lower. So it's still good to have it be accessible. Additionally, since you'll be using non lethal stuff that cant penetrate windows, on some levels it helps to be able to move past windows while minimizing your exposure.
That flick at the beginning was dirty ngl
I don't think the armor types (light vs heavy) affect movement speed. Only the plates do (as far as I can tell when I test it out in game and from what I've read online and from the in game descriptions).
I knew as soon as you started to speak that you were portuguese. Great vid man
Good video! Not sure if there was an update but on my S rank runs I swap between the pepper ball and shotgun for tm8s, I haven’t noticed them kill anyone (yet). Also door wedges are huge for my play style, it is nice to be able to lock off a side of the map and then work from another angel. Love all the updates that have come out since I played in early access, can’t wait to see how many more they have
So many great tips, thank you !
Question about door opening sound - so basically if the door is unlocked and I just open it I am alerting AI's around ? Should I always peek and physically push in for minimum sound alert ?
Basically opening the door is loud; Always peek then walk into it to open.
As somebody else mentioned, NPCs can get up at least three times, I've had them go down with a rifle, get back up with a pistol, and then get up a third time with a knife.
I completed my S rank run with the stab vest. I really tried my best to utilize my squad so I was rarely ever the lead into direct fire. Plus it allowed me to bring 10 CS grenades which I would abuse the hell out of
I think SWAT AIs are immune to pepperballs, stun and gas grenades, and stingers regardless of whether you equip with a gas mask/anti-flash goggles. You just have to worry about yourself.
This. I just give them ballistic masks and then give myself a gas mask
One more thing about gas grenades. You can throw it near a closed door and an enemy on the other side of the door will start coughing. Helped me few times while mirrorgun showed someone holding a hostage behind the door I was about to enter
13:50 To deal with the target. Ram the door or peek and kick it.
I already knew that using your squad- but I didn't know that once u complete the map - u can order them to arrest and secure everything.
The search and secure thing is available before the map is clear now, idk when this go changed but I send my team out and then heard shooting and a ¨suspect dead¨ from the corner of the map, so be careful. I honestly am not the biggest fan that it tells you when you arrested everyone, kinda takes away the tension.
Beanbag shotty definitely gets suspects to surrender faster, but you've got to be careful not to land a headshot when going for S rank, otherwise you might kill the suspect and have to start over again. Happened to me more than once, which is why I'll usually run with the VKS
You can also pre fire by shooting at a corner you think an enemy might come from so they walk into the pepper cloud
Personally I still prefer the shotty tho
Had this happen several times when I was playing multiplayer and one of my friends was running the shotgun
i like how a game about cops have more strict rules then actual cops do in real life lmao
Took me two days of grinding to S-rank neon tomb. I had some suicide bombers take 20 mags of pepperballs, dozens of beanbags, flashbangs, tasers and muzzle strikes for 2 minutes straight until they just fall over dead. And if I stop shooting to break the stunlock they just blow up and kill everybody.
I only have carriers on the vine, hospital and port left
Old vid and I’m not sure if it was always like this, or even it’s even actually implemented, but the description mentions steel armor is susceptible to spalling which will cause you to suffer damage when hit by high power ammunition, even if it doesn’t penetrate. In my experience I felt like steel was very ineffective, but that was before the ai was reigned in.
It’s a slightly higher chance to cause a bleed
try the following. if the enemy is right next to the door, Peek the door and then kick it open, its gonna stun enemy for a short time.
0:28 is nobody going to mention this shot???
Grenade launchers should not be too slept on. Gas GL is pretty mid, but the other two make for decent player weapons.
They guarantee an arrest on suicide bombers, cannot kill even with direct hits, have no minimum arming distance, and otherwise can be used like a super generous beanbag shotty. Pretty good for dealing with problem areas like larger rooms, and they completely trivialize Elephant, since you have as many rounds as there are shooters.
FYI, if you crouch and then use free lean down you can get even lower
One more thing about free lean, you can free lean through the door to see what is going on behind that door and the suspect can’t see you
that’s cheating though…?
it’s a single player game…why cheat on a single player game you’re just ruining it for yourself?
No? I just using the in game feature lol
Lol @ the guy calling this exploit "cheating" when the optiwand lets you do literally the exact same thing (that is, see what's behind a door without alerting the suspects)
@@yellowsaurus4895can’t argue that one
nice video, how can i make surrendered people come toward me in multiplayer? i mostly play with my friends and most incidents happen during cuffing in open areas...
You could try the same comand controls from single player which is middle mouse button but idk
I highly recommend making all your AI specialised in S. For example, have a breacher, 'door wedger', grenader, rifleman/arrester.
If not aiming for S, I don't recommend this, as you will continue when one AI dies. But for S rank, nobody can die anyway
I once had a civ that didnt surrendered even after a couple of tasers and outright fisted me to death after i run out of taser ammo ...
If you have 2 criminals, order the far criminal to come to you 1st then secure the close one.
While they shuffle towards you on their knees they can NOT draw a pistol or knife until they get close as part of the game mechanics.
Great video, but one thing about ceramic armor. It still blocks 40% of damage taken after being broken, so it doesn't become completely useless.
When it comes to s ranking i usually just go with ai give all of us non lethal weapons take away pistol ammo and go with cs gas and occasionally c2 cause c2 can kill but if its not someone already in handcuffs itll likely just knock them to the floor and thats it they get back up and c2 is perfect for those doors where someone is right behind it and you dont wanna open it in fear of them shooting you and i have that issue where an ai is in alert mode staring down a door a simple c2 on that door will fix it even tho the c2 is loud its better to have some in case of a situation like that
Didn't know officer perks stacked, or how effective Armorer was. Thanks!
Don't use stinger grenades at all. Many have reported they are ineffective as a game issue prevents them from hitting targets.
Even if they DO PATCH, gas can travel around walls and are always best.
Flashbangs are a close 2nd as the effects travel around obstacles and corners.
This is a good vid, but confusing @16:10, when what you're suggesting, isn't the team shown that your using
Thanks you for the tips!
Im always sneaking (hold shift) and using free lean (alt+directions). Getting better results.
Very helpful, thanks so much!
Although i dont do S rank runs. My favourite is giving all AI teammates 6 flashes and we bang and clear everything 😂 its really fun
Thanks for the video! Tips are valid
For beginners i recommend AI mods and health mods to get a feeling for the game
bruh 😂😂 "For players who are new to the game i recommend ruining your experience with mods so you dont experience the actual feel of the real game"
Thank you for this!
Love this game so much, the aim bot ai is fun to fight, because with holding left alt, you can pew them very quick. Use mirror to locate, everywhere, then hold left alt to position and slowly leak out and you are 100% faster. I put the mod on to remove that ai bot but its not fun, too easy
11:19 what would you advise for PS5 Controller?
If you take too much damage to your arms use heavy armor, if it's mostly headshot or legs, then keep light armor
Hey, is it just me or has the performance dropped huge after the full release? My friends and I played in early access a long qwhile ago and it worked perfect. Now we are frequently getting 25-30 fps with great computers. This is not great news in a game where enemies have 0.1 second reaction time
It did, I had to set all my settings to low and cap it at 40 fps or it stutters to the point of unplayability, like an enemy will spot me and fire one shot, the game will freeze, and then I'll be dead
Equip beanbag shotgun and steel plates witg full coverage
Make ai use the same armor but ballistic mask and pepperball AR
Don't do traditional breaches
And flash bang a lot
Looking forward to trying this. I knew the gas grenades were strong, but they take a while to trigger, which has made me go more with bangs lately.
Good tip on removing the sidearm ammo. What happens if you give an officer a shield, no sidearm ammo and a taser? Will he use the taser?
Pretty sure you can only use a sidearm with a shield (at least AI can)
I'd bind free lean to one of my extra buttons on the mouse so its easier for me to press
Bro at 3:00 thought he was slick but he FAFO'ed
hey takibo, thanks for the tips! Quick question - does gas/pepperball and stingers affect civilians in the room too? (worried about unauthorized/excessive use)
Yes but it doesn't counts as excessive use of force
Why equip them with battering rams when most of the time you peek/mirror/slowly open doors. Wouldn't m32a1 launcher be a better option? That's like 6*4=24 extra gas/stinger grenades. Wedges are also important for S rank, especially on Brisa Cove
You need wedges on Brisa Cove. Close every door, wedge, clear the hallway and central room, search both rooms
S-rank is basically easy mode. You can play this game super aggressively with moments of pause to flash almost every room and you’ll get the rank. Not saying you won’t get an edge in some special cases using some of the tips you brought up but flashing every room and being aggressive is basically all it takes to do it.
The rank as it’s designed does not reflect a team or individual’s capability to conduct CQB.
The flash bang is supremely useful in my experience
17:55 even though you remove all of their mags, they still have one in the pistol so they can still kill enemies
Dude I thought I was the only one. So infuriating
Are you sure they are actually shooting with the pistols. I have noticed that the SWAT AI will still pull out their empty pistols when having to reload their primary.
I don’t think rank S is the hardest thing to do. I’m about to finish it. I’m about to start my iron man run/iron man without losing any officer run. That seems harder to me but I don’t know the general consensus.
Doing S rank in iron mode run ahahahah started save scumming after dying multiple times in mindjot
I didn't know the search feature, I have been searching the maps four times to find a dumb guy hiding in the toilet
I’ve tried to do valley of the dolls like 15 times and that open two story area as well as the outside party is what kills me every single time, that reaction speed is BS
The mirror gun isn't a real tool that SWAT uses, I only use real-world loadouts.
that fucking flick at 0:26 is fucking crazy
Hearing never using tazers and heavy armor being bad is some heretic stuff man.