"losing a cymbal is no reason to reach for cymbalta" *depression hurts, cymbalta can help* HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH THAT'S THE FUNNIEST THING IVE EVER HEARD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Yep, there have been three main types of bad covid viruses, this would have been the one in the middle east at the time, I think they just called it sars at the time but they're all similar in that they are rna viruses.
Great job young man,Hope you are getting your pay as same as the person who sold the video and who also keeps reporting others who have tried to share the news video. Looks like theirs some lawsuits coming to that person for false copyright claims.
His salute, while done with good intentions, was done incorrectly. His hand is in the wrong place, and way too curved. Salutes done during the Star Spangled Banner are also reserved for veterans and those serving in uniform.
Give the kid a break. Plus they mentioned he comes from a family of veterans so saluting to the national anthem was probably done by everyone he looks up to.
This kid is in his 20s by now, and I hope he is still as awesome as he was back then.
Imagine messing up one time in band and then you get put on the local news
He didn't mess up
This is CNN, so a nationwide news channel.
Just smile and wave boys... smile and wave!
shit someone said it literally 6 year ago
That One Guy ikr 💀💀
The penguins of Madagascar reference?
I like how the cymbal hit the ground in time lol
he just graduated from my school. the band teacher (damore) recently got fired.
Martin I don't think you're gonna get a response
Nah, now he’s at our school 😎
(I believe he got switched? Not sure)
Hes my teacher now. At EAHS.
Martin Lawrence she said this 6 years ago
"losing a cymbal is no reason to reach for cymbalta"
*depression hurts, cymbalta can help*
This kid is more patriotic than anyone at CNN.
This is sooo awesome! Very well done Andrew!
Losing a cymbal is no reason to reach for Cymbalta. (Depression hurts.) What was that?
I have no idea, shit was cracking me up though
That’s hilarious
@@Nickname10344 jimothy?
an ad
Was gon' say it's a pun but this comment is 7 years old buuttt I still said it so...
At 1:23 the ticker at the bottom mentions coronavirus. This was nine years ago.
Holy shit O_o
Yep, there have been three main types of bad covid viruses, this would have been the one in the middle east at the time, I think they just called it sars at the time but they're all similar in that they are rna viruses.
Pawelczyk for President! :-D
I love how they sneak in a Cymbalta ad lomao
Hold the other cymbal in front of drummer and he can crash with a stick, salute with the other hand
These are the type of the news I love
This is wholesome :)
I love the "Patriotic Percussionist" title 😂
The fucking Cymbalta joke. 😂 💀
The cnn lady is honestly the most annoying person ever
I know, right?
"He's only played the cymbals 3 times in his life"
Dude's cymbal-failure ratio is 1/3
Great job young man,Hope you are getting your pay as same as the person who sold the video and who also keeps reporting others who have tried to share the news video. Looks like theirs some lawsuits coming to that person for false copyright claims.
This has actually happened to me, but not during the anthem. I ended up switching to the snare drum while thinking
I went to the same school as him and I dropped a cymble in a parade
Ok I usually hate CNN but god that Cymbalta bit was comedic genius.
He looks so happy here
He just looked hella awkward on the performance
hi from pewdiepie!
Same here though I saw this video long ago just returned to it
Wuts the vid?
I know this kid :D
Andrew Pawelczyk
Patriotic Percussionist
Lmao that’s awesome
Nah my school was on the news
Can't believe they actually covered this on Communist News Network!
what is the name of original video
I know I'm 6 years late but here you go
@@Skittles1987 Lmao
Very Symbolic
The most patriotic kid in America on an American hating network
dis woman is literally trynna be a youtuber but for cnn i swear bro
i think im the only one from 2021-
I have a concert tomorrow and last year this video happened to me and tomorrow I have to do the same crash symbols I'm scared 😅
CNN Made All Things dumb. Ty to destroy this joke
A true American hero. George Washington would be proud 🇺🇸
The hero we deserve, but not the one we need.... :p
I'm pretty sure it's the other way around but alr
True American hero
Good luck in downers grove south andrew.
Why is CNN acting like MTV?
toma majo Star Spangled Banner Cymbal Fail -- 2013.05.18 EJH Red & White Concert
Polish dude.
That poor boy
peppa pig full episodes
His salute, while done with good intentions, was done incorrectly. His hand is in the wrong place, and way too curved. Salutes done during the Star Spangled Banner are also reserved for veterans and those serving in uniform.
Give the kid a break. Plus they mentioned he comes from a family of veterans so saluting to the national anthem was probably done by everyone he looks up to.
i've never watched something so cringe