That location of the lambda sensor is true nightmare stuff. I have been having an issue with my 225 TT that I just can't figure out. It startet with knocking coming from the front at around 75 kph and very light throttle. Now it's the speed range has increased so I already can hear it starting at 40 up to 100 and only under minimal acceleration. Does anyone have an idea? Car is LHD from 2001 and has done around 206k km (~123k miles).
Hello, can someone explain to me how n75 valve works on TT? Recently i bought new one, and i was surprised that i can blow air through every 3 hoses on this valve, no electricity connected. My old n75 blows through only on 2 hoses.
I recognise that view of the lambda sensor all too well, thank you for helping me when mine was properly stuck mate ❤
Really interesting watch mate great work. I bet many garages would have given up on that car
Very technical stuff mate, great learning new talents no doubt! Bet it felt good solving that lambda one!
love the cut spanner have a few myself :D
That location of the lambda sensor is true nightmare stuff.
I have been having an issue with my 225 TT that I just can't figure out. It startet with knocking coming from the front at around 75 kph and very light throttle. Now it's the speed range has increased so I already can hear it starting at 40 up to 100 and only under minimal acceleration. Does anyone have an idea?
Car is LHD from 2001 and has done around 206k km (~123k miles).
Hello, can someone explain to me how n75 valve works on TT? Recently i bought new one, and i was surprised that i can blow air through every 3 hoses on this valve, no electricity connected. My old n75 blows through only on 2 hoses.
Is your 180 vvt? Ive got the 180 ATC and need an ECU i think but its pre vvt. Wondering if that will be a trouble.
whats the paint code, i have a rear valence that might be correct.
Sorted now thanks
So basically yes a 180hp car will run with a 225 ecu if you Match the immobiliser codes
And change the map