What Mark Did God Put on Cain?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 ก.ย. 2024
  • It was nearly the end of the day when Eve was preparing dinner in the tent they built after being expelled from the Garden of Eden.
    The aroma of the stew filled the air as the sun slowly set on the horizon.
    Suddenly, one of her sons appeared running scared and shouting something she couldn't understand.
    The commotion quickly caught everyone's attention.
    Everyone came out of their tents. It's worth noting that Adam and Eve already had children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren by then. T
    he news their son brought was terrible: Cain had killed Abel. Adam and Eve wept bitterly. Some of their children left in anger, armed with stones and sticks, saying they would go after Cain to avenge Abel's death.
    Only one of the daughters seemed concerned about Cain.
    Far away, we see God conversing with Cain.
    After learning what Cain had done to Abel, God said the following: 'Now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand.
    When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield to you its strength; you shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.'
    Cain, who at that moment was more concerned with his safety than repentant for his sin, replied:
    'My punishment is greater than I can bear. Surely you have driven me out this day from the face of the ground; I shall be hidden from Your face; I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and it will happen that anyone who finds me will kill me.'
    And the Lord said to him: 'Therefore, whoever kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.' And the Lord set a mark on Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill him.
    Here arises a question that we have sought an answer to for millennia: What was the mark that Cain carried?
    Over the centuries, theologians, rabbis, philosophers, and scholars have proposed various theories about the nature of this enigmatic mark.
    Tattoo, change in skin color, physical deformity, and much more have been suggested as the possible mark of Cain, but today you will learn about many of these theories, and maybe by the end of the video we will reach a conclusion.
    #cainmark #bible #genesis #bookofgenesis #black

ความคิดเห็น • 61

  • @reyanicole94
    @reyanicole94 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I thought Cain’s lineage was destroyed during the flood.

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yes, you are correct. Cain’s lineage was indeed destroyed during the flood. According to the Bible, the flood wiped out all of humanity except for Noah and his family, who are descendants of Seth, not Cain. This is an important point that helps clarify the genealogical history in the Bible.
      I’m creating my videos in chronological order, and I will be addressing this topic more thoroughly in a future video. Thank you for your comment, and stay tuned for more in-depth discussions as we explore the fascinating stories and genealogies in the Bible!

  • @roxzanabotes2155
    @roxzanabotes2155 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My view is that the sign God gave Cain on his body, was a cross.

  • @anthony6935
    @anthony6935 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    what about a heat branding on the cheek

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your comment. The idea of a heat branding on Cain's cheek is an intriguing interpretation. While this specific theory isn't one of the more commonly discussed in historical or theological circles, it does raise interesting points about how the mark could have been a visible and permanent sign.
      In my video, I explore various theories about the mark of Cain, including tattoos, physical deformities, and changes in skin color. These interpretations have been proposed by scholars over the centuries, each providing a unique perspective on this ancient narrative.
      I appreciate your insight and the creativity of your suggestion. If you have more thoughts or theories, feel free to share them. I'm always open to exploring different viewpoints.

  • @stanley1554
    @stanley1554 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    excellent presentation. I consider my self a Christian, although I am mired in sin, I try to make it a point to believe in Christ and his sacrifice for us. That aside, I find understanding the bible extremely difficult. I find it's verbiage and sentence structure deeply confusing and unfamiliar. Resources like this that help to distill the lessons within the bible, and present several interpretations for those lessons are extremely helpful to wanting Christians like my self. Thank you for taking the time to produce this excellent video.
    -subscribed, bell (on)

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you so much for your comment. This is exactly the intention of the channel. There are many channels telling illustrated Bible stories, but the ones I've seen focus a lot on sensationalism without delving into the themes. I decided to create a channel to tell all the Bible stories in chronological order and try to answer questions that have always intrigued me by researching different perspectives. I believe this is the best way for you to understand the Bible a bit better.
      We often forget that the Bible was written millennia ago in a culture entirely different from our own. If we don't understand this, we will always draw incorrect conclusions. The truth is, this channel is a commitment I made with God. It doesn't matter if I get only one view per video; if one person learns even a little from the video, I will be very happy. That's why your comment made me so happy; it truly aligns with what I'm trying to achieve with this series of videos.
      I don't even know how long it will take to reach the last verse of Revelation. It might take years, especially since I have my work and cannot dedicate 100% of my time to the channel. I am learning more and more with these videos and sharing what I learn so that we can all learn together.
      Thank you again for your support!

  • @Stuff_And_Things
    @Stuff_And_Things 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Nope. Biblically Cain's mark has nothing to do with darker skin tones.
    The Noah's ark story arc eliminates all of Cain's descendants.
    The only reference to the source of darker skin pigments is that the descendants of Noah's son, Ham, had darker skin.
    And its important to note here, it wasn't due to a curse from God or any curse.
    Noah cursed at Ham when he discovered Ham had seen him laying drunk and naked in his tent after the flood.
    Noah was so upset with Ham for this "impropriety" that he made Ham a servant of his brothers.

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your comment! You are correct that, biblically, Cain's mark has nothing to do with darker skin tones. The story of Noah’s Ark indeed eliminates all of Cain’s descendants, as only Noah and his family survived the flood.
      Regarding the source of darker skin pigments, it is mentioned that the descendants of Noah’s son, Ham, had darker skin. However, this was not due to a curse from God. Noah cursed Ham’s son, Canaan, after Ham saw Noah drunk and naked in his tent. Noah was very upset with Ham for this impropriety and made Canaan a servant to his brothers (Genesis 9:20-27).
      It's important to distinguish that the curse was placed on Canaan, not Ham, and it was more about servitude rather than skin color. There is no biblical basis for associating the curse with the origin of darker skin tones.

    • @Stuff_And_Things
      @Stuff_And_Things 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@tipuricaChnnelUS Someone who knows his Bible. ;)

  • @DBRYAH17
    @DBRYAH17 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    God likes to write in dirt. He made Adam from the Dirt so writing on him, Cain, Adams dirt son as in a tattoo is actually changing his skin color and altering him at the same time. Some Tattoos are scars, scarification. Tatoos scar a persons skin. Its actually a form of blood letting, which is the sin which Cain committed. Blood letting is murder. God wrote the 10 Commandments in dirt on a dirt rock for Moses. And Jesus wrote in the dirt - earth with his finger when the woman was brought to him in the supposed act of Adultery. The mark as a tattoo is very appropriate.

  • @FrankMumford-v6f
    @FrankMumford-v6f 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What type of GOD would let His Brother kill his brother

  • @roland-xi8go
    @roland-xi8go 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The lord branded a tattoo on his face , in such a way only God could do such a thing so perfect on a man's face

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your comment. The idea that God branded a tattoo on Cain's face in such a perfect way is certainly a fascinating interpretation. In the video, I also discuss the possibility that the mark could have been a tattoo, as some scholars and traditions suggest.
      The Bible does not specify the exact nature of the mark, only that it was a sign placed by God to protect Cain. This leaves room for various interpretations, including the idea of a divinely perfect mark.

  • @fayebeckstead1622
    @fayebeckstead1622 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Why can't you people learn to spell, Cain is not spelled Kane!

  • @antonhy-to5we
    @antonhy-to5we 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    TA falando ingles pra caraca americano mesmo

  • @mr.anglin2826
    @mr.anglin2826 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not to step on any toes but consider this, people of African descent are one of the few races to have the blood disease known as sickle cell anemia, a genetic trait or mark unique to them and their forefathers. The hair is the other distinct difference (a mark upon the head), the darker skin would coincide with Cain being cursed to walk into the land of wandering NOD, for the remainder of his life, passing this genetic trait to his offspring. Now lets take a look at who Noah's wife was, was she a descendent of Cain? I do believe she was. Did she pass on the genetic traits of her ancestors to at least one of her children? While he was ultimately cursed for his actions GOD took mercy upon him sparing him from the revenge of his fellow man as well as the beast of the field all of creation knew of his evil deeds, and was yet ultimately slayed by his own descendent's late in his life. He was by all intents and purpose's under the protection of GOD as well as his offspring! God's promises, covenants, and curses are eternal..

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hello! Thank you for your comment and for sharing your perspective. The connection between genetic traits like sickle cell anemia and hair type with the mark of Cain is an interesting interpretation, but it is important to note a few points.
      Historically, the Bible does not specify the nature of Cain's mark, and many interpretations have emerged over the centuries. The idea that Cain's mark is linked to specific physical characteristics, such as skin color or other genetic traits, is a relatively recent speculation and does not have a basis in the original biblical texts. This interpretation was promoted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) in the 19th century, often with racist intentions to justify discrimination. This idea was particularly propagated by Brigham Young and other early LDS leaders.
      From Moses to the last biblical prophets, there is no record of Cain's mark being associated with any specific physical or genetic trait. The traditionally accepted interpretation is that the mark was a sign of protection given by God to prevent Cain from being killed, but the exact nature of the mark is not detailed.
      Thank you for raising this issue, and I hope this response helps to clarify the historical and biblical context.

    • @IceManLikeGervin
      @IceManLikeGervin 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Rashi (1:4) comments on Genesis 4:15 by saying that the mark was one of the Hebrew letters of the Tetragrammaton: "He engraved a letter of His [God's] Name onto his [Cain's] forehead". One of The Most High's curses and signs in the bible is Leprosy as in Exodus 4-6: Then the LORD said, “Put your hand inside your cloak”. So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, the skin was leprous -it had become as white as snow.

    • @CurtisThomas-l9p
      @CurtisThomas-l9p 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sounds like something from a white supremacist chat room

  • @darrelpennington3489
    @darrelpennington3489 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I am 65 years young and White , What gives anyone the right to judge anyone based on skin color. I grew to love Martin Luther King as a child. I don’t believe that anyone could know or believe that he knows what the almighty Lord thinks ? If you can find scripture that says skin color is any different than the color of hair ,please share it in the comments. I would appreciate it very much.

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hello! Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I completely agree with you-no one has the right to judge others based on skin color.
      In the Bible, there is no scripture that justifies discrimination based on skin color. In fact, Galatians 3:28 says, 'There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.' This passage emphasizes that all believers are equal in the eyes of God, regardless of race or ethnicity.

  • @ezekielmy545
    @ezekielmy545 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The bible said (a mark) so d first thing that comes to mind is a tattoo our a scare.

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The original Hebrew word used in Genesis 4:15 for the "mark" placed on Cain is 'ôwṯ (אוֹת), which means "sign" or "token." This term is used throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and is often translated as "sign" rather than specifying the exact nature of the mark
      Thank you for your comment. Indeed, Genesis 4:15 mentions that the mark on Cain was meant to protect him, ensuring that anyone who found him would not kill him. In my video, I discuss this interpretation and explain how it signifies God's mercy despite Cain's actions.
      However, the video also explores various other theories that have been proposed by scholars over the centuries. These include ideas such as a physical mark like a tattoo or scar, a change in skin color, and other symbolic interpretations. My goal is to present a comprehensive look at the different perspectives on this intriguing topic.
      As I create these videos in chronological order, I plan to delve deeper into these themes in future videos. Stay tuned for more detailed explorations!

  • @JpMan-d4q
    @JpMan-d4q 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The mark of cain was that God made him a Giant. That is why no man could kill him. The giants come from lineage of cain. Not fallen angels mating with women.

    • @JpMan-d4q
      @JpMan-d4q 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Fallen angels lost their angelic bodies and became formless spirits. They can enter a humans mind and influence or even possess them if the human doesn't resist by God's word. The idea of giants coming from fallen angels mating with women is mythology like Tues n the other gods mating with women and producing demi gods like Achilles, pursues, Hercules etc. It is nit scriptural. The giants come from cain.

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      According to traditional sources such as the Talmud and the Book of Jubilees, this hypothesis has never been considered. The idea that Cain was made a giant is a modern interpretation without any traditional basis. This hypothesis is a variation of the Nephilim tradition, which refers to giants mentioned in the Bible.
      As I am creating videos in chronological order, a video about the Nephilim will be one of the next topics I will cover. Thank you very much for your comment.
      Feel free to share more of your thoughts!

    • @Stuff_And_Things
      @Stuff_And_Things 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Goliath could not have come from Cain since all of Cain's descendants were destroyed in the flood.

  • @bickabraham2397
    @bickabraham2397 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Why does it matter.
    Has nothing to do with what goes on now!

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your comment. I understand your perspective. While the story of Cain and his mark may seem distant from our current issues, exploring these ancient narratives can provide valuable insights into human nature, morality, and the development of cultural and religious beliefs over time. Additionally, discussing these topics can help us understand how historical interpretations have influenced contemporary thought and societal norms.

    • @bongcastaneda
      @bongcastaneda 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Shows both God and man's character. Even today men are killing their brothers. Even today God is showing mercy to both bad and good people

  • @jaywhitt8905
    @jaywhitt8905 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don't believe that

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It's perfectly okay to have different beliefs and interpretations regarding these ancient narratives. The story of Cain and the various theories about his mark have been subjects of debate and discussion for centuries.
      The goal of my videos is to explore these different perspectives, present the historical and cultural context, and engage with diverse viewpoints.

  • @anthony6935
    @anthony6935 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    even if he grew a beard you still see it an no one would kiss him

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your comment. The idea that the mark on Cain would still be visible even if he grew a beard is an interesting point and adds to the debate about the nature and visibility of the mark.
      In my video, I discuss various theories about what the mark of Cain might have been, including the possibility of it being a highly visible and permanent sign, such as a tattoo or a physical deformity. This aligns with your observation that the mark would be noticeable regardless of facial hair and would affect his social interactions, such as people not wanting to kiss him.
      The mark of Cain has been interpreted in many ways throughout history, and each theory brings unique insights into how this biblical story has been understood. Your input adds another layer to consider, and I appreciate your perspective.

  • @paulrodgers252
    @paulrodgers252 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the double negative (=) : the mark of human;

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your intriguing comment. The idea of a "double negative" and relating it to "the mark of human" can be interpreted in several ways. If we consider the mark of Cain as a symbol, it might represent a broader human condition or a universal trait, perhaps highlighting our shared flaws or the consequences of our actions.
      Exploring ancient narratives like the story of Cain and Abel allows us to reflect on these deeper themes and understand how they might still resonate with us today.

    • @paulrodgers252
      @paulrodgers252 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      one must look at the possibility of Abel Death Cain; for Abel can be come Bael very easy especially with interruption being flawed by people civil or military intelligence in that Time period;

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@paulrodgers252 Your theory is interesting, but honestly, I don't think it has much foundation, with all due respect. Since the Bible doesn't provide many details and sums up the entire story in just a few verses, we try to fill in the gaps. However, remember that the Book of Genesis was written for the people of that time, and they had a very different way of dealing with stories than we do today. Moses used the language of the time for a people who had just come out of captivity in Egypt and were not highly educated. The more concise the story, the easier it was for these people to remember it.
      As for the similarity between the names Abel and Bael, if you are referring to Baal, it doesn't make much sense and they don't look similar in the original language.
      In Hebrew, Abel is written as הֶבֶל (Hevel or Habel), which means "breath" or "vapor." On the other hand, Baal is written as בַּעַל, which means "lord" or "master" and is often used to refer to various Canaanite deities. Despite some phonetic similarity, Abel and Baal have different meanings and origins in Hebrew and biblical traditions.

    • @paulrodgers252
      @paulrodgers252 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@tipuricaChnnelUSI am a 9109 Commission Military Officer; and the Bible and theory are Military (A-Z) things; civil or military were establish thousands of years ago; the civil person in the Ancient Times could not read nor write; it was the military that was trained since the Chief, King or Pharaoh is or were military; the civil are, is and were the vassals; the military are, is and were the vessels;
      I will leave this though: civil follow doctrine (law) by manipulating scripture where as military will manipulate doctrine (law) to obey God Law Scripture Words; I have a copy of the TORAH, Vulgata, 1611 KJB and an excellent 150 language translator I use regularly;

  • @TrevorWhite-ep6lg
    @TrevorWhite-ep6lg 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks for the interesting information,, my 5 year full-time truth search says FREEMASONS switched this story and is also like everything else a replay further down the lines of history as I JACOB AND ESAU.. the world today shows us what can happen in evolution etc, black people have given birth to white babies etc.. CAIN is if the DAN line ,, CAINNANITES" CANNIBAL all coming into the etymology of the origin of the words we use today... If the KJV is being referenced then for sure, it's a FREEMASONS version and unless the MIRROR MIRROR of illusion is applied you don't get the truth... For example genesis I is all references to "god" only ... In genesis 2 18 AFTER god had finished creation and sanctified the Sabbath day EVE appears although for mainstream teaching EVE is the first woman.
    Genesis I 27 says,, so god made man in his OWN image MALE AND FEMALE he created them both.. LILITH was the female created and the last time any reference to her, pastors will skip genesis purposely to avoid confronting this seriously weaved deception.. LILITH appears as the SERPENT then that tempted Eve...LORD GOD created EVE not god ... Big difference between them, complete adversaries throughout scripture but Many do not realise this..
    SINGULAR TAUGHT GOD is completely false,
    Genesis I 26, the verse before Lilith was created SAYS...
    And god said, let US make man in OUR image in OUR likeness... god is certainly in discussion with the OTHER GODS referred to many times in scripture even god himself says DO YOU NOT KNOW SATAN IS GOD OF THIS WORLD AND GOD OF THIS AGE AND CAN APPEAR AS AN ANGEL OF LIGHT... SATAN is referenced as god...
    The MIRROR MIRROR is LORD GOD created genesis I and god created EVE...
    This can be viewed also how Mary Magdalene was portrayed for many decades by the Vatican as a prostitute to have to declare defeat and clear her name in the 1960's and was it then the "VIRGIN MARY" WORSHIPPED at the various churches the real prostitute... Micheal and LUCIFER also,, LUCIFER being referenced only once gets tagged SATAN and the devil,, netflix are currently portraying a version of "LUCIFER" where LUCIFER is the "good guy".... it's typical of modern teaching how KEY PLAYERS are silenced and used as the scary SCAPEGOAT.... it's worth acknowledging BAPHOMET BAAL are both "HERBIVORE HOOFED ANIMALS X and under veils SOBEK the CROCODILE HEADED GOD of Egyptian mythology gets fair RITUALS... GOATS HAVE KIDS, THEY DO NOT EAT THEM... IT SEEMS DRACONIAN RACES DO THAT ...
    LUCY in Latin means LIGHT... FIR is FIRE, LUCIFER as a name was created around 200 years ago Means FIRE AND LIGHT... That's greek PROMETHEUS.... Egyptian HORUS and Krishna.... And many more.. eternal flame energy...
    Language is the tools used to hide truth and deceive,, sages martyrs Romans all taught anagrams to their students...
    a vile discovery that will certainly be SATANS PROMISED great ENDTIME DELUSION and everyone forgot to LOOK IN THE MIRROR.... FREEMASONS CULTS and secret societies have dominated mankind for EONS .... they moulded the vast majority of modern teaching...
    TIGHT NAIL PINS HURT... A difinitive spiritual warning to be VIGILANT....
    THE TORAH anagram HATE THOR...
    4444 GOD OF PROTECTION....
    I hope this information resonates with some...

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your detailed comment and for sharing your insights. In my videos, I aim to explore different interpretations and theories, including those that challenge traditional views. The influence of various groups on biblical translations and the complexities surrounding figures like Cain, Lilith, and Lucifer are indeed fascinating topics.
      I plan to cover these subjects in more detail in future videos, as I continue to present the stories in a chronological and comprehensive manner. Stay tuned for more in-depth discussions, and thank you for engaging with the content!

    • @TrevorWhite-ep6lg
      @TrevorWhite-ep6lg 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@tipuricaChnnelUS you are very welcome and I receive your openness to TRUTH... I'm a very long way into a unique understanding and diverted from any real influences now.. I ran 8 Facebook groups for 4 years but recently deleted my account as the censorship, constant bans became unbearable.. I did release around 30 free online poster books containing around 35 hours of material, these played along to music but have somehow become corrupted but the information is still available... I wonder if you are aware that the translation of the sumarian cunieform tablets reveal ALL religion and Messiah figures are intact reincarantiion ok f a god that dies.. all gods have "counterparts" and play similar roles in a different timeline.. the original story is s of a child that is sent up the Euphrates river in a Mises basket to be found and protected to later euserp the father,, this story rings through most mythology,, this is later replayed in the river NILE and JORDAN river.. the best thing I did was study the interpretations of the sumarian annunaki,, you soon see the characters reappear..
      Language trickery prevails in absolutely everything, 26 Sumarian letter system with full correspondence between them, this is based on the 13 MOONS 13 SUNS STARTED life, 13 uniform segments on every turtles back and 28 Notches around the fringe represents the first 13 month year, ENOCH has a hidden 26000 calendar round followed secretly by many countries and it's half way now.. the 13 TH HOUR SOON comes and clocks return to 26 hrs a day ... The 13 TH missing zodiac sign OPHIUCHUS removed by the Vatican,, Russia trying to essentially reinstate the ancient calendar and 13 TH sign.. age of Aquarius will no arrive, the age of TRUTH AND JUSTICE IS here,, planet 10 the destroyer SHIVA and planet X XMEN AND JUSTICE LEAGUE.. ancient FENRIR is going to settle the score again... Revelation story is 100 percent the story of ancient RAGNAROK REVAMPED... shakespeare said we live 7 stages of life, we have our entrance and exits....
      DIANA FRANCES SPENCER was her registered biirthname...
      DANCE FRANCE PARIS SEN.. her death location written in her destiny path to the backdoor and exit the STAGE ... TRUMAN SHOW us THE HUMAN SHOW... it's a RIDDLE my friend,, keep up the quest for truth and justice and most importantly sharing,, can't go wrong SELLING OUT TO JUSTICE... guarantee "salvation" that way... be fruitful.. ⚒️⚒️⚒️⚒️ Hammers are out,, JUDGES WEAR BLACK not white... hope U find this helpful in some ways,, feel free to chat, I'm always ready for helping others..
      around 3 years ago I discovered an anagrammed bible exists 3 whole chapters of old testament rearranged verse for verse,, 95000 letters , a decade of painstaking decoding for 2 MEN TO reveal the most interesting comparison.. Nostradamus and alike wrote in poetic nature designed to be DECODED...
      BIG RAT TRAIN...
      bearing in mind THOR represents the sacred OX spirit....
      A disgusting uncovering but TRUTH comes and after a visit to cuckoo clock land the mind settles...
      METAVERSE...... SERVE ATEM ... META IS ATEM .. 3rd dynasty Egyptian... 😊

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you very much for your detailed comments and the time you've taken to respond. I appreciate your perspective and the unique connections you've drawn between various mythologies and religious narratives.
      I believe it is normal for many stories to be similar, as I see all these stories stemming from a single source, which, in my view, is the Adamic tradition. It's understandable that these stories share similarities because they were transmitted orally for generations before being eventually recorded on cuneiform tablets.
      While I agree that there are many enigmatic questions and fascinating parallels, I do not believe in a global conspiracy. The Bible was written over millennia by different people, many of whom were interconnected. Achieving such a feat without divine inspiration seems impossible to me.
      I am open to debates and appreciate diverse viewpoints. Your insights are very welcome, and I look forward to further discussions

    • @Stuff_And_Things
      @Stuff_And_Things 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The rewriting of history to fit the desired narrative is certainly nothing new.
      Even the books that finally made it into the Bible were selected based on the need to keep balance between the Arians and other Christian sects, to prevent war.
      There was a controversy over whether Jesus was a prophet or a god. Arians said he was a god and they were willing to fight to defend their position. Everyone else accepted his words that he was the son of man.
      Just a note, he could not be the son of man if the conception was "immaculate".
      And his whole message was that anyone could do the things he did if they just believed strongly enough.

  • @mikethompson7436
    @mikethompson7436 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Cursed is cain Cursed is the line of cannan ham was black so the whole black thing makes a lot of sense

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you for your comment. The interpretation that the curse of Cain or the curse of Canaan is related to skin color has been debated throughout history. However, many modern scholars agree that these associations are not supported by clear biblical evidence and were used in the past to justify racial discrimination.
      To clarify, Ham is not a descendant of Cain. Cain’s lineage perished in the flood. Ham is actually a descendant of Seth. Noah, Ham’s father, is from the lineage of Seth, who was the third son of Adam and Eve, given to them after the death of Abel and the banishment of Cain. The genealogy from Seth to Noah is detailed in Genesis 5.
      Given this, the idea that skin color is related to these curses does not hold up to biblical scrutiny. My aim is to explore different theories and interpretations in an informative and respectful manner.
      As I’m creating these videos in chronological order, I plan to address this topic more thoroughly in a future video. Stay tuned for more in-depth discussions!

    • @purepower600
      @purepower600 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The mark is a mark of protection, in Gen 4:15 And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold, And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. " Who wants to be counted 7 fold more guilty than Cain over vengeance. That was Cain's mark of protection. Stil holds true today. Vengeance is mne sayeth the Lord.

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@purepower600 Thank you for your comment and for referencing Genesis 4:15. Indeed, the verse suggests that the mark placed on Cain was a form of protection to prevent others from killing him. In the video, I also discuss this interpretation, highlighting how it signifies God’s mercy despite Cain’s grave sin.
      However, the video also explores various other theories that scholars have proposed over the centuries. These include interpretations from the Talmud, early Christian theologians, and even controversial modern theories. My aim is to provide a comprehensive look at the different perspectives on this intriguing topic.
      Thank you for watching, and I hope you find the exploration of these theories as fascinating as I do!

    • @jeffblume2596
      @jeffblume2596 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Noah's son Ham was married to a cannanite. The mark was carried thru the flood. Ham's posterity settled Africa.

    • @tipuricaChnnelUS
      @tipuricaChnnelUS  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your comment. According to the Bible, God never said that the mark of Cain would be carried by his descendants. I respect your opinion and understand that there are various theories about this topic. In my view, if the mark of Cain was something physical, it would have ended with Cain's death.
      Regarding the lineage of Cain and its connection to Ham, I will be discussing these topics in upcoming videos. Unlike other channels, my goal is to tell the stories of the Bible in chronological order. I hope you continue to follow along as we explore these themes in greater depth.
      Thank you again for sharing your thoughts, and I look forward to continuing this dialogue in future videos.