Because of you, I was able to fix the tire on my riding lawnmower. I had hired one guy and asked another to fix my tire. Neither succeeded. They used some kind of green goop, which didn't work. Anyway, I watched your video and accomplished it myself. Single mom here and I surprised myself! Thanks so much! :)
@@axtra92 I care! Why do you care that she mentions it. Saying she's a single mom lets everyone know that she is doing this on her own without a man's help. Men generally have more upper body strength and typically this type of job falls in their area of expertise and not a woman's. Bravo to Sherry Lusk!
Yes, you have my approval, not that U need it. But I get so frustrated anymore that many repair people either want to charge people an arm and a leg, don't know what they they are doing, or think that repairs come in a can. I mean what was so hard about this right? You take the friggin' tire off part way and put a tube in, blow it up. HELLO! Back in my time, the 60's and 70's, we did this stuff all the time. I worked at a filling station and we repaired tires with patches, bicycle tires, and ACTUALLY fixed stuff on your car. We didn't replace the alternator we rebuilt it. Now it's a lost art and it will take until next week to fix. We did it that day, in an hour.
You just proved to me that the 20 bucks I spent to have my new fronts installed was well worth it. I just dont have the patience anymore. You did a great job.
I had to patch the tube in my garden tractor. After patching the tube the tire was fighting me going back on the rim. I came inside and a search brought me to your video for help. I learned two things... I needed to use better lube around the rim (used a little Fluid Film) and learned I was not holding my tongue right (needed to use your technique). I went back out and within 5 minutes had the tire back on the tractor. THANKS for posting. Nice job making the video :)
Tire irons, especially long ones will pinch the inner tube about every time. AutoZone sells these stubby ones for around $12. On the back tires, the spoons are further away from catching the tube, this the long ones will work on those. Wheel barrow tires are so narrow, you also can only use screwdrivers.
Well from years of tearing apart my bikes as a kid has taught me to put the cap on the inner tube before trying to put the tire back on the rim. It helps keep the tube in place.
Yep, that’s the only mistake I saw on this video myself. The other peace of mind tip I do (from the bicycle tire days) is fully inflate tire with valve core removed to set inner tube, let the air all flood out and then check the bead to make sure tube is not pinched between rim and tire bead on both sides. Once I know tube is fully set, then I air up to set bead followed by proper tire pressure :-)
Thanks so much for this video! It was exactly what I needed. I was able to change my tube in less than 20 minutes because of your help. I'm especially grateful that you prepared me for it being a crappy task, so I didn't get discouraged when it was a little frustrating.
I have changed four or five motorcycle tires by hand 20 yes ago. I even have the proper tire tools but my goodness the rear tire of my lawn mower has been very freaking difficult. I finally got it. I watch this video just to make sure I remembered how to do it lol Thank you for the video
Local tire shops refused to help me, then I watched your simple, just be patient and it worked! Back up and mowing again, great video, thanks!
I am sorry that they would not even help you, I am gad that you were able to do it yourself. That is one of the reasons that I make these videos- Most people can do this kind of stuff with the right guidance.
Your video made me feel better. Doing this task myself only to find at the end I must have punctured the tube if fairly frustrating. Glad it’s not easy and I’m just doing it wrong.
Erik, great commentary on the small tire service. I feel your pain. I have found the small tire service tool kit useful and worth the price of frustration. Well done. Carry on.
Just installed inner tubes on both rear wheels on my MTD Lawn-Boy riding mower. Wheels are press-fit onto the axle and do NOT come off unless using an oxy-acetylene torch, various clamps and pullers, and a whole lot of cuss words! I removed both tires from the wheels, wire-wheeled the rust off of the rims, spray painted them to help prevent more rust, (Fix-a-flat and Slime will both cause rust to form!) re-installed tires using the three screwdriver method; back-side first. Inserted and positioned tube, using needle-nose Vice-Grips, carefully, to hold valve stem in place. Pump-spray bottle with soapy water helps facilitate mounting the tire to the rim(wheel). All performed while each wheel remained on the axle! Easy-Peasy!
Once you got the fill valve through the hole, it helps a lot to then partially inflate the inner tube. That keeps the valve from falling back through so easily.
Once I get the valve through the rim, I screw a valve stem tool on to keep it from pulling back through. It's only a couple $$ and worth their weight in gold!!!
@@TerrapinCreations666 I just put the valve stem cap on. It will not fit thru the hole, so the nozzle stays in place. Remove it when done to fill tube, then replace. No extra tools required.
@@TerrapinCreations666 I just ran into that yesterday. Some rims have bigger holes than others. On those I use a flat washer under the cap (as long as you have the right size hole in a washer).
Once the tube is inside the tire clamp on your locking air hose chuck. Give it just a tiny bit of air to help take the wrinkles out and then leave the chuck clamped on. That will keep the tube from slipping back in without impeding on your work area. When tire is back on rim your set to air up.
Good video! Just finished replacing a 4.10/3.50-4 tire and tube. Took me about an hour wrestling with it trying to figure things out. I used a vice to clamp down on bearing hub to stabilize it. For tire irons I put cut off plastic tubing on tips of large screw drivers so not to pinch the pinch while installing. Also used an adjustable clamp to squeeze down on tire. Everything about repairing a 4” tire and tube seems like 10X harder than bigger tires.
If you can't see this, that's ok,i can't see it either!😁👍 This is the most honest do it yourself unscripted how to video i have ever seen.... Made me 😆also Thank you,and you covered every single bit of that procedure. Start to finish with all the problems in between 👍
Before re-seating the tire, put a washer on the valve stem and then the cap. It keeps the valve stem from dropping. I did this same repair just yesterday and it's a real pig of a job getting the bead re-seated. In your case, I would have replaced the tire too. Mine was more flexible and it was hot and humid in the garage. Bad for the body but great for making the rubber flex better. I still needed a boat load of soap and strength!
I have a 20 year old MTD Yardman Lawn Tractor. Was having problems with the front tires always being flat when I went to use the Lawn Tractor. Took the wheels off and filled them with air and put them in a dunk tank filled with water. I never could find the leak. I got tired of the problem so I thought why not try a bottle of Green "SLIME" Tire sealant. Well let me tell you the product was worth the try. I never have a problem with those Front Tires anymore and it has been years. Very seldom do I need to ever add air to them unlike before. My advice try the SLIME first before even thinking of putting tire tubes inside the wheels. Also let me add. Next time you do this type of job get yourself a used empty spray bottle and add some dish detergent and water to the bottle. Spray it around the rim and it will help you get that tire off. Let me also mention that Harbor Freight sells a inexpensive mini tire changer that may be worth having if you ever need one. I own one and it is well worth having for wheel barrow,lawn tractor and quad tires. There is always a HF 20% coupon available to use to lower the price. Beats trying to do it the way shown above. Trust me I have done them that way also. Its not for everyone. It could be a real struggle.
Farpoint Farms Yes I agree your tires were beyond Slime helping. I am guessing you must leave your tractor outdoors for your tires to have dry rotted so badly. Then I look at your video of your tractor and it looks to be in great shape like if left indoors. I don’t get it because as I mentioned my tractor is 20 years old with the original tires on it and I see no signs of dry rotting. My wheel barrow is always outside in the elements and that tire is dry rotted but believe it or not I have Slime inside of it and it is holding up. lol.
Thank you for the video! It was very helpful as to how to break the tire bead away from the tire rim. The rims I am working on are apparently made of soft metal. As I was using a hammer and large flat tip screw driver to loosen the tire, I gouged some of the inside of the rim, creating some sharp inner tube puncturing points. No huge problem, I smoothed them down with a Dremel tool. Just something to inspect for after you break down the tire. Thanks again.
Thanks for posting this man. Helped me out big time. One pointer is to put a small piece of duck tape around the value stem to prevent it from going down in the tire.
I always broke the bead by setting a 2x6 on the side and driving a truck up on it. Works well especially on the larger rear tires. This guy makes it all look easy with hand tools
Perhaps a pair of locking pliers could help hold the new stem in place while you get the tire back onto the rim. Great video my man! I'm sure this has helped a lot of people.
Thanks. One of my warm weather to-do items is to do this to the tires on my snow blower. I had to plug 1 of them a few years ago, due to a nail in the tread area. They don't leak, but I never liked the idea of tubeless tires on equipment like this, ever since I had a full load in a wheelbarrow, and needed to do a 180 degree turn, and the tire pressure was low, and broke the bead while turning. The snow blower and tires are 10 years old, but since it is almost never in the sun, they are not dry & cracked.
Just changed both rear tyres and tube’s on my Australian made Greenfield ride on with the assistance of my wife. Had to be careful not to swear too much as wife would have walked off. Anyway had been planning this job for the last year and did a lot of research. Tools used was some tyre levers from my inheritance (thanks Dad RIP) valve extractor, 8 inch G Clamp and soapy water, plus ratchet strap. All work done with wheel still on mower, much more difficult as wheel would not come off due to shaft being tapered and some electrolysis between Aluminium rims and Steel shaft. First deflate tyre, remove valve,then used G Clamp across old rubber tyre screw in to brake beed, slowly used levers to remove first side of tyre then remove tube. Next I removed tyre with great difficulty without damaging rim with levers. To install new tyre do the reverse but once tyre and tube is on I used ratchet strap around new tyre tightening slightly to help get the bead to seat, use soapy water on both side of the rim and slowly inflate tyre. This should make the tyre bead correctly but it might need you to gently hit tyre around the middle a number of times to assist it to pop into position. I then slightly deflate tube then remove ratchet strap, then I inflate to make sure tube was not twisted inside Tyre, not sure if this is necessary but just something I do. Graeme in OZ
Just bought two tubes. Instructions said add a little air before installing tube. Maybe that keeps it from rotating out of place. But I assume using a screwdriver you might want to keep the tube flat as possible and away from the edge of the rim where it may get punctured. I have put tubes on a number of times before and used a washer that fits tight on the valve stem and put the cap on so it does not slip back out when installing it or airing up. I know if you put the tube in backwards when you air it up it will pull the stem back inside the rim. Not sure but I think the blue ring that is on most of these tubes go to the backside so the stem is positioned right when you blow it up. Been a good while back so not 100% sure about the blue ring or blue dot going to the back. Looking at these tubes it looks like the blue ring goes to the front. Guess I need to check with my computer Co-pilot to find out before wasting time putting them in wrong.
Your video was awesome!! Thanks for the help. I used pry bars, but I had to keep going back to my screw drivers. Lol. I Also used a washer to keep the stem from falling in. Thanks again!
I broke down hundreds of tires working in my Dad's garage. They make a tool that screws on the end of the valve steam that keeps it from getting sucked back into the tire. It also has a thingie that will remove the valve stem to let the air out of the tube. Also some one called the screw drivers hole makers and they are so right. Nothing worse than fighting the tube back into the tire just to have to break everything down again to fix the hole you just punched in the tube.
Tip: after you have the stem valve through the hole, place a washer over the stem and screw on the cap to hold the washer on. The stem will now not be able to slip back out of the hole.
LMFAO 😂! I just call the mower repair guy, he picks up the mower, when it's returned, BOOM- fixed! No skinned knuckles, and I can stay home and kick back & have a beer while it's being repaired!
Man, I HATE THIS JOB!!! I was so pissed by the time I got all 4 tubes installed. My blood pressure was through the roof! Thank god its over for now anyway. I have seriously been putting that job off for almost the entire summer. The poor LT3000 has just been sitting there with a tire off its bead in the driveway since late April. The good news was that once I had it all back together I put a jump box on it and she fired right up. I took it on a short ride around the property and parked her back in the garage for a clean and lube. I think I'm going to sell this one in the spring as I use the GT52 for my cutting now.
Farpoint Farms oh man me too....I hate it lol. Its a shit storm to do a tire on a full sized farm tractor..btw what happend to the ag tires on the Craftsman?
I have decided to sell the Craftsman YT3000. I have had it for about 5 years now, and decided it was time to move on from it. So I put back on the old stock tires and took off the wheel weights as part of getting it ready to sell next spring. I've been thinking about selling it and my LT1000 "brush cutter" and maybe fixing up the deck that came with my GT6000 to use next year so I can used it for those duties. I have also been considering maybe taking the plunge next spring on a Kubota BX25 . Its a HUGE investment, and I'm more than a little worried about spending that kind of $$ on a tractor, but I sure could have used that backhoe a few times this year.
Farpoint Farms I completely understand becuse If I didnt also have my farm tractors I would need to get somthing lime that. What do you think you will sell them for if I may ask...
I'm not totally sure. I think the red 2013 YT3000 is still a good tractor, but Its got maybe 300 hours on it now and its showing some signs of age. I take good care of my stuff, but this property is pretty hard on equipment. I think I'll ask $450 or so, and see where it goes. The old "brush cutter" 2001 LT1000 is already spoken for. A co-worker of mine wants it for his small yard and I told him he could have it for $250.00 If I decide to get a BX, well.... I would probably have to sell my Husqvarna GT52xlsi and I would take a beating on that one. I have about $4000.00 in it with the sleeve hitch (+ upgraded hitch), the AG tires, chains and weights. I'd be lucky to get $2500.00 for it, but It may have to happen to help pay for the BX. That would still leave me the pretty cool GT6000 I picked up last spring. Its Stout and I'f I fix up the deck I could still cut with it. Decisions decisions....
Thank you very much I didn’t want to buy the tool... it took a bit longer due the inner tube coming with a hole. I used vice grips to hold the plug thing. I was hesitant on using 16 bigger inner tube on a 15 but it worked great. Thank you very much
I have no clue what I'm doing haha but you made this look do-able so I'm guna try to attempt this before the boyfriend gets home from work lol thanks for making time to make this video for us who don't know what they're doing! 🙌😂👍
This was a great aid to me when it came time to put the tire back on. I got my assistant (my wife) to stand on the tire to mash it down. Some work with the screw drivers and success!!! The key was having somebody mash down the rire while I worked the screw drivers.
Awesome video, gonna replace the tubes on a go kart tomorrow. I think I’m going to use vice grips to hold my stem though so it doesn’t slip back through the hole. Thanks!
After watching you wrestling that alligator I think I might take that guy at the tire place up on his offer to install it for $20. I gotta give it a go before I do just so when I'm done I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I beat it. Thanks for posting this
I fitted a set of tubes in my mower today and I found that you can remove and fit new tubes without taking the tyres off. Break the bead as normal from both sides push the tyre down to the centre if the rim feed in the tube and slip it under the tyre. Its a lot easier than taking the tyre off and a lot less chance of nipping it when refitting the tyre.
That's what I'm gonna try next. Tire irons are not really designed for tubed tires, tyres in jolly old England. The spoons on the end work great on tubeless, but pinch on ones with tubes.
I clamp a pair of vice grips to the valve stem as soon and I have it through the rim from the begining so it doesn't fall through. But this is a great video and is how I've been doing for years. Always a fight for me and a few names called to the tire!!
When I do this, I insert the valve stem first, then work the tube around the rim. Once that's done, I air up the inner tube just enough to hold it in place and that will keep the valve stem from slipping out of the hole. Just be careful working the tire back onto the rim.
Sometimes you need more slack to get the inner tube over the wheel and placing the stem in the hole reduces the slack. Try tying a constrictor knot over the stem with a piece of twine. Thread the loose end of the twine through the hole. Once the inner tube is on, use the twine to guide the stem through the hole.
Thanks for the video. I had the tire and tube off in about 10-15 minutes. I couldn’t get the front bead to release so I just broke the rear side and pulled the tube out that way. Also, there was a washer on the rear side of the tire. Thanks again for the video,
once the fill valve is thru the rim put the valve cap on it. Prevents dirt from getting in and also keeps the valve from falling back out of the rim because it is larger in diameter. I have always done this on bicycle tires and it saves lots of headaches. You can also by a tire changing tool (plastic) from any bike shop for a minimal price. Far less chance of puncturing an inner tube vs using a screw driver.
I have a REALLY nifty tool that I use when installing tubes in tire rims ; it's called a valve stem repair tool , available at Auto parts stores everywhere. All you gotta do is screw the threaded end over the valve stem , after you get it inserted trough the rim , and the stem will not pull back through .
just did this today with the rear 18'' tires. tubes at Harbor Freight for $10 bucks wasn't that bad of a job at all, only thing is have yourself some needle nose vice grips because the valve stem wants to fall back into the rim. Think I'm going to get an oversize cap so it doesn't fall completely into the rim needing to remove the tire again. helpful video, thumbs up
I spent the 40 dollars or so and bought a mini tire changer from Harbor Freight. I've already used it to replace Six tires. For me, that makes it more than worth it for the time saved.
I was quoted $25 each to install my own tubes in my lawn mower tires. Harbor Freight had a small tire changer for $54. After using it on my own mower, I started having people reach out to me to put tubes in theirs. The Harbor Freight tire tool has paid for its self already.
There is a valve fishing tool that helps with the valve stem. You feed the end thru the valve hole and a cable allows you to pull the end around to the outside of the rim. You can the screw that end onto the valve and pull the stem back thru the hole. You leave the cable attached in case the stem tries to retract while you are feeding the rest of the tube into the tire. Saves a lot of work and frustration. I got mine on Amazon for about $8. (Milton valve fishing tool S-447)
10:23 You try for a while to get it over, and then by magic you have grease all over the edge of the tire! Its a good tip because I know this can be a real pain. Easily the hardest bit IMO.I end up using straps and tightening it to hold one rim under and then use the screwdrivers until over half way. Take it off and then finish the job.
Another thing that can usually work on small tires is to take out the tube, drill a few 5/16 holes in the tire and fill with spray foam insulation….. It works!!
Add a washer over valve steam and a nut to threaded steam it will keep it from pulling back out as you replace tire.....My new old tractor has held air......for now. I am thinking of getting agg tires for the rear, hoped you would come over to install ?
Hey, thanks for the valve stem trick! thats a great idea and I've never heard of it before. Those Ag tires will make you SS-16 a BEAST! as for me putting them on. I think 3500 miles from coast to coast may be a bit far for a house call...
My FREE Frugal Homestead I just finished putting a tube in my small front tire. Tomorrow is the back big tire. I did the same thing by adding a washer to keep it from falling in. But your video helped me out a lot! Thank you!!
I liked and subscribed but to truthful I did not like this video because I have two new tubes coming tomorrow. In the natural order of the universe tires do not have air. That's why this is so difficult. I will try the the clamp method I saw in another video to assist in breaking the tires off the rim. I will rejoice getting the tube in and the tire on only to realize the stem disappeared somewhere just like yours. I trust the set of hands that didn't show up have had to answer. Thanks. Seriously it helped.
I just finished wrestling with putting an inner tube in my big mower's tire and thought I could use some advice. One thing I did was feed the tube stem through the wheel's hole first, capped it, and then packed the tube into the tire.
Good video on a aggravating job. if you have a hard time breaking the bead use PB blaster. Installing the inner tube I put the fill valve in first and lock just with the rubber cap it seems to stay put. Then I use vice grips to lock the rim to the tire so it don't roll on you. Be careful not to use screwdrivers - I use the end of a pair of pliers they're not a sharp-- It's still aggravating but with patience anyone can do a great job. Thanks for your video. BUT OHH MY THE 6 INCH TIRES -- GURRRR
I do not recommend using screwdrivers or pry bars for getting the tire over the bead of the rim on reinstallation, if you don't want a punctured inner tube. Start with a pair of vice grips clamped onto the rim bead at one location, working your away slowly and easily, making sure not to pinch the inner tube at any point. Clamp more pairs of vice grips in place at 90° intervals around the rim until you are completely finished. Axle grease or petroleum jelly around the rim bead and tire edge are your friends.
I feel your pain, I snap a pair of vice grips on the lip of the rim, it keeps the bead from walking while putting the screwdrivers to it. Pump it up then let all the air out again making sure the stem is straight.
Go get a 3/8 inch concrete anchor 5 inch long. Along with some washer and a nut. Clamp the anchor to a vise. Will hold rim while doing it. Also HF tire irons work well for this task... .
I know this is 6 years old, Good point to check the tire for objects ( nails etc) that could have caused the flat. Now here is another point, I 've discovered that the rims on most of these small tubeless tires: Lawn mower, wheel barrow, lawn cart etc. Is they are rough, has sharp bits like weld splatter. So really need to completely remove the tire and inspect the rim. File, sand, clean remove any rust and paint the inside with gloss spray paint.
If I remember right you have to have the valve stem which is off set to one side in position so when you blow up the tube it blows up in place and does not pop out of the valve stem hole. . So the tube has to be turned on the right side when you put the tube in the rim or or when you blow it up the valve stem will come out of the hole and you will have to take the tube out and turn it over to the opposite side so the valve stem will blow up in place. Been a while since I did one but I do remember having to take a tube out and flip it over because it was in backwards.
Yeah just remembered when I pulled this tube out that I am about to put on this 15x6.00x6 rim and saw a blue line. The tubes usually have a blue line around them on one side. The blue line has to face down toward the backside of the rim opposite the valve stem side (front).
Next time, buy tubes with threaded valve stems and nuts to hold stem in the hole. You're super lucky. My Wheel is frozen to the axle. Tried PB Blaster and WD 40 even heated with a small torch and used a small sledge hammer on rim. It ain't coming off. So I'll try using bar clamps to compress the tire and dish soap to stuff the tube in with the mower jacked up. Always something.
On another video the guy used a pair of vise grips to hold the valve stem...but he didn't show the tire being inflated (setting the bead)...Good Video.... Thank You
Good job and thx. I wasn't to sure this would work for a tractor tire, rather than replacing the whole "tubeless" tire. But you've shown that it does so kudos. I might wash the tire with a hose to make it a lit easier to remove and cleaner. Also, a little oil dropped on the rim area if the tire needs to be pried off might help. WD 40 works well to when stuff is "welded" on metal. One question - Do you have to unbead one side of the tire to put the tube in? We used to always just deflate the tire on bicycles to do this and then "work" the tube in.
Rub some vegetable oil on the tire that will make taking it off the rim and putting it back on so much easier. Also screw a valve stem puller onto the valve stem once you pull it through the rim that will keep the valve stem from falling back into the rim.
Any lubrication will help reduce swearing. BUT by far the best I use for decades. Hair spray! Yes the one to fix the hair. The cheapest I can find is the best to use. Always have a spray can in my workshop. Lubricate the bead & rim well enough to make the job easy. When dry, just a few minutes, helps hold it in place, no slippage. Excess will simply wash away in the next rain. Oh! Worth mention it won't attack or affect rubber in any way. ;-) Cheers
Using two hammers u can use the claw end on one to break the bead and use the other to hit it down on the bead of the tire better than a screw driver so u don’t have the chance to put a hole in the tire
Useful video. The cracked sidewalls (they get a lot of sun on them?) was a good call. If one needs to check for a reason, some water over the tread after filling with air or a dump in a pan will help. How about the use of warm soapy water around the rim to help with removal and installation. Thanks.
I partially screw a 1/2-13 nut on the rubber portion of the new valve stem, ( once I finally snag it tru the hole ). It holds the stem in place while wrestling with the tire carcass
I was watching this video for one piece of information; what style valve stem is needed on the inner tube to fit the hole position in the existing wheel? Anyone?
Put a 1/2" socket extension bar down the center axle hole of the hub first, then use two pry bars like scissors around the extension bar for easier removal of the tire from the rim. The tire will come off in one continuous smooth motion, much like the automatic tire machines at the dealers.
Because of you, I was able to fix the tire on my riding lawnmower. I had hired one guy and asked another to fix my tire. Neither succeeded. They used some kind of green goop, which didn't work. Anyway, I watched your video and accomplished it myself. Single mom here and I surprised myself! Thanks so much! :)
I'm so glad to hear I could help, and good for you! Too many people don't even bother to try.
Sherry Lusk who cares if you are a singel mom?
Who cares if you don't care that she's a single mom? Get a life. And then go back to school and learn how to spell.
@@axtra92 I care! Why do you care that she mentions it. Saying she's a single mom lets everyone know that she is doing this on her own without a man's help. Men generally have more upper body strength and typically this type of job falls in their area of expertise and not a woman's. Bravo to Sherry Lusk!
Yes, you have my approval, not that U need it. But I get so frustrated anymore that many repair people either want to charge people an arm and a leg, don't know what they they are doing, or think that repairs come in a can. I mean what was so hard about this right? You take the friggin' tire off part way and put a tube in, blow it up. HELLO! Back in my time, the 60's and 70's, we did this stuff all the time. I worked at a filling station and we repaired tires with patches, bicycle tires, and ACTUALLY fixed stuff on your car. We didn't replace the alternator we rebuilt it. Now it's a lost art and it will take until next week to fix. We did it that day, in an hour.
You just proved to me that the 20 bucks I spent to have my new fronts installed was well worth it. I just dont have the patience anymore. You did a great job.
Ha! Seriously it's a pain in the butt and not for everyone. If I had the money, I'd pay someone else too.
I had to patch the tube in my garden tractor. After patching the tube the tire was fighting me going back on the rim. I came inside and a search brought me to your video for help. I learned two things... I needed to use better lube around the rim (used a little Fluid Film) and learned I was not holding my tongue right (needed to use your technique). I went back out and within 5 minutes had the tire back on the tractor. THANKS for posting. Nice job making the video :)
Tire irons, especially long ones will pinch the inner tube about every time. AutoZone sells these stubby ones for around $12. On the back tires, the spoons are further away from catching the tube, this the long ones will work on those. Wheel barrow tires are so narrow, you also can only use screwdrivers.
Well from years of tearing apart my bikes as a kid has taught me to put the cap on the inner tube before trying to put the tire back on the rim. It helps keep the tube in place.
Yep, that’s the only mistake I saw on this video myself. The other peace of mind tip I do (from the bicycle tire days) is fully inflate tire with valve core removed to set inner tube, let the air all flood out and then check the bead to make sure tube is not pinched between rim and tire bead on both sides. Once I know tube is fully set, then I air up to set bead followed by proper tire pressure :-)
The hole one these wheels are bigger than the hole on bike rims. These have a bigger hole for the tubeless valve stem so it wouldn’t work
I learned that lesson from watching this video.
Already ruined the first tube, trying with the second one now.😮😢
Thanks so much for this video! It was exactly what I needed. I was able to change my tube in less than 20 minutes because of your help. I'm especially grateful that you prepared me for it being a crappy task, so I didn't get discouraged when it was a little frustrating.
I hope you watched more than one video, this guy got it done, but he wore me out watching him. LOL
I have changed four or five motorcycle tires by hand 20 yes ago. I even have the proper tire tools but my goodness the rear tire of my lawn mower has been very freaking difficult. I finally got it. I watch this video just to make sure I remembered how to do it lol
Thank you for the video
Local tire shops refused to help me, then I watched your simple, just be patient and it worked! Back up and mowing again, great video, thanks!
I am sorry that they would not even help you, I am gad that you were able to do it yourself. That is one of the reasons that I make these videos- Most people can do this kind of stuff with the right guidance.
Your video made me feel better. Doing this task myself only to find at the end I must have punctured the tube if fairly frustrating. Glad it’s not easy and I’m just doing it wrong.
Erik, great commentary on the small tire service. I feel your pain. I have found the small tire service tool kit useful and worth the price of frustration. Well done. Carry on.
Thanks- These things can be a pain- I am glad they don't go bad too often
Your video got me through the tough stuff. The big deal for me was getting that rim all the way on. Once I saw you do it, it was easy, thanks.
Just installed inner tubes on both rear wheels on my MTD Lawn-Boy riding mower. Wheels are press-fit onto the axle and do NOT come off unless using an oxy-acetylene torch, various clamps and pullers, and a whole lot of cuss words!
I removed both tires from the wheels, wire-wheeled the rust off of the rims, spray painted them to help prevent more rust, (Fix-a-flat and Slime will both cause rust to form!) re-installed tires using the three screwdriver method; back-side first. Inserted and positioned tube, using needle-nose Vice-Grips, carefully, to hold valve stem in place. Pump-spray bottle with soapy water helps facilitate mounting the tire to the rim(wheel). All performed while each wheel remained on the axle! Easy-Peasy!
Once you got the fill valve through the hole, it helps a lot to then partially inflate the inner tube. That keeps the valve from falling back through so easily.
Once I get the valve through the rim, I screw a valve stem tool on to keep it from pulling back through. It's only a couple $$ and worth their weight in gold!!!
I’m just saying if you don’t have one of those and don’t want to make another trip to the store, lol
@@TerrapinCreations666 I just put the valve stem cap on. It will not fit thru the hole, so the nozzle stays in place. Remove it when done to fill tube, then replace. No extra tools required.
Denis Gregg Oh ok. The caps I’ve had go right through the hole easily.
@@TerrapinCreations666 I just ran into that yesterday. Some rims have bigger holes than others. On those I use a flat washer under the cap (as long as you have the right size hole in a washer).
I really liked that you didn’t edit most of the video - that gave a realistic idea of what I was going to be up against. Thanks.
Any time!
Thank you for your sharing the video. I could not have my tire fixed without watching it.
God blessed 🙏
I popped a few tubes when I was young! We live and we learn.
Once the tube is inside the tire clamp on your locking air hose chuck. Give it just a tiny bit of air to help take the wrinkles out and then leave the chuck clamped on. That will keep the tube from slipping back in without impeding on your work area. When tire is back on rim your set to air up.
Good video! Just finished replacing a 4.10/3.50-4 tire and tube. Took me about an hour wrestling with it trying to figure things out. I used a vice to clamp down on bearing hub to stabilize it. For tire irons I put cut off plastic tubing on tips of large screw drivers so not to pinch the pinch while installing. Also used an adjustable clamp to squeeze down on tire. Everything about repairing a 4” tire and tube seems like 10X harder than bigger tires.
Yep !
If you can't see this, that's ok,i can't see it either!😁👍
This is the most honest do it yourself unscripted how to video i have ever seen....
Made me 😆also
Thank you,and you covered every single bit of that procedure.
Start to finish with all the problems in between 👍
Thanks for that, no surprises on this one.
Before re-seating the tire, put a washer on the valve stem and then the cap. It keeps the valve stem from dropping. I did this same repair just yesterday and it's a real pig of a job getting the bead re-seated. In your case, I would have replaced the tire too. Mine was more flexible and it was hot and humid in the garage. Bad for the body but great for making the rubber flex better. I still needed a boat load of soap and strength!
Good idea! Thanks.
I have a 20 year old MTD Yardman Lawn Tractor. Was having problems with the front tires always being flat when I went to use the Lawn Tractor. Took the wheels off and filled them with air and put them in a dunk tank filled with water. I never could find the leak. I got tired of the problem so I thought why not try a bottle of Green "SLIME" Tire sealant. Well let me tell you the product was worth the try. I never have a problem with those Front Tires anymore and it has been years. Very seldom do I need to ever add air to them unlike before. My advice try the SLIME first before even thinking of putting tire tubes inside the wheels. Also let me add. Next time you do this type of job get yourself a used empty spray bottle and add some dish detergent and water to the bottle. Spray it around the rim and it will help you get that tire off. Let me also mention that Harbor Freight sells a inexpensive mini tire changer that may be worth having if you ever need one. I own one and it is well worth having for wheel barrow,lawn tractor and quad tires. There is always a HF 20% coupon available to use to lower the price. Beats trying to do it the way shown above. Trust me I have done them that way also. Its not for everyone. It could be a real struggle.
Great advise! Yes!! Use slime first as it does cure a lot of these issues. When the tires finally develop cracks, it's time for tubes.
Farpoint Farms Yes I agree your tires were beyond Slime helping. I am guessing you must leave your tractor outdoors for your tires to have dry rotted so badly. Then I look at your video of your tractor and it looks to be in great shape like if left indoors. I don’t get it because as I mentioned my tractor is 20 years old with the original tires on it and I see no signs of dry rotting. My wheel barrow is always outside in the elements and that tire is dry rotted but believe it or not I have Slime inside of it and it is holding up. lol.
Thank you for the video! It was very helpful as to how to break the tire bead away from the tire rim. The rims I am working on are apparently made of soft metal. As I was using a hammer and large flat tip screw driver to loosen the tire, I gouged some of the inside of the rim, creating some sharp inner tube puncturing points. No huge problem, I smoothed them down with a Dremel tool. Just something to inspect for after you break down the tire. Thanks again.
Glad it helped and that you were able to fix the rims.
Thanks for posting this man. Helped me out big time. One pointer is to put a small piece of duck tape around the value stem to prevent it from going down in the tire.
Great idea!
I am so happy that you are as frustrated as I am and that this whole endeavor isnt sugar coated or unreasonably optimistic.
I always broke the bead by setting a 2x6 on the side and driving a truck up on it. Works well especially on the larger rear tires. This guy makes it all look easy with hand tools
I was scared he was gonna gouge his rims or cut slots in the tire beads. Not the tool of choice in my opinion.
Perhaps a pair of locking pliers could help hold the new stem in place while you get the tire back onto the rim. Great video my man! I'm sure this has helped a lot of people.
Good tip!
Thanks! A thousand times over. Best dyi vid I’ve seen. Now to go wrestle with my two front tires.
Thanks. One of my warm weather to-do items is to do this to the tires on my snow blower. I had to plug 1 of them a few years ago, due to a nail in the tread area. They don't leak, but I never liked the idea of tubeless tires on equipment like this, ever since I had a full load in a wheelbarrow, and needed to do a 180 degree turn, and the tire pressure was low, and broke the bead while turning.
The snow blower and tires are 10 years old, but since it is almost never in the sun, they are not dry & cracked.
Good luck! As you can see from this video, its just time, patience and some brute force.
Just changed both rear tyres and tube’s on my Australian made Greenfield ride on with the assistance of my wife. Had to be careful not to swear too much as wife would have walked off. Anyway had been planning this job for the last year and did a lot of research. Tools used was some tyre levers from my inheritance (thanks Dad RIP) valve extractor, 8 inch G Clamp and soapy water, plus ratchet strap. All work done with wheel still on mower, much more difficult as wheel would not come off due to shaft being tapered and some electrolysis between Aluminium rims and Steel shaft.
First deflate tyre, remove valve,then used G Clamp across old rubber tyre screw in to brake beed, slowly used levers to remove first side of tyre then remove tube. Next I removed tyre with great difficulty without damaging rim with levers. To install new tyre do the reverse but once tyre and tube is on I used ratchet strap around new tyre tightening slightly to help get the bead to seat, use soapy water on both side of the rim and slowly inflate tyre. This should make the tyre bead correctly but it might need you to gently hit tyre around the middle a number of times to assist it to pop into position. I then slightly deflate tube then remove ratchet strap, then
I inflate to make sure tube was not twisted inside Tyre, not sure if this is necessary but just something
I do.
Graeme in OZ
Just bought two tubes. Instructions said add a little air before installing tube. Maybe that keeps it from rotating out of place. But I assume using a screwdriver you might want to keep the tube flat as possible and away from the edge of the rim where it may get punctured. I have put tubes on a number of times before and used a washer that fits tight on the valve stem and put the cap on so it does not slip back out when installing it or airing up. I know if you put the tube in backwards when you air it up it will pull the stem back inside the rim. Not sure but I think the blue ring that is on most of these tubes go to the backside so the stem is positioned right when you blow it up. Been a good while back so not 100% sure about the blue ring or blue dot going to the back. Looking at these tubes it looks like the blue ring goes to the front. Guess I need to check with my computer Co-pilot to find out before wasting time putting them in wrong.
Just checked with co-pilot. The blue alignment ring on the tube goes to the front side of the rim. I think some have blue dots instead of rings.
Good tips- Thanks for sharing
Your video was awesome!! Thanks for the help. I used pry bars, but I had to keep going back to my screw drivers. Lol. I Also used a washer to keep the stem from falling in.
Thanks again!
Nice work. Just found your channel and so far so good! All of that squeaking from the rubber gloves though gave me flashbacks to prom night!
I broke down hundreds of tires working in my Dad's garage. They make a tool that screws on the end of the valve steam that keeps it from getting sucked back into the tire. It also has a thingie that will remove the valve stem to let the air out of the tube. Also some one called the screw drivers hole makers and they are so right. Nothing worse than fighting the tube back into the tire just to have to break everything down again to fix the hole you just punched in the tube.
Good to know about the tool. Half the "fun" is fighting the stupid valve stem
Tip: after you have the stem valve through the hole, place a washer over the stem and screw on the cap to hold the washer on. The stem will now not be able to slip back out of the hole.
That is a great tip, thanks for sharing
Thanks for showing howyou did this job. I am living in Central France - nearly the other side of the world - but the problems are the same.
Thanks for your patience and teaching abilities
It's my pleasure
LMFAO 😂! I just call the mower repair guy, he picks up the mower, when it's returned, BOOM- fixed! No skinned knuckles, and I can stay home and kick back & have a beer while it's being repaired!
You are a much more patient man than I. When I do this there is usually lots of vicious swearing lol
Man, I HATE THIS JOB!!! I was so pissed by the time I got all 4 tubes installed. My blood pressure was through the roof! Thank god its over for now anyway. I have seriously been putting that job off for almost the entire summer. The poor LT3000 has just been sitting there with a tire off its bead in the driveway since late April.
The good news was that once I had it all back together I put a jump box on it and she fired right up. I took it on a short ride around the property and parked her back in the garage for a clean and lube. I think I'm going to sell this one in the spring as I use the GT52 for my cutting now.
Farpoint Farms oh man me too....I hate it lol. Its a shit storm to do a tire on a full sized farm tractor..btw what happend to the ag tires on the Craftsman?
I have decided to sell the Craftsman YT3000. I have had it for about 5 years now, and decided it was time to move on from it. So I put back on the old stock tires and took off the wheel weights as part of getting it ready to sell next spring.
I've been thinking about selling it and my LT1000 "brush cutter" and maybe fixing up the deck that came with my GT6000 to use next year so I can used it for those duties.
I have also been considering maybe taking the plunge next spring on a Kubota BX25 . Its a HUGE investment, and I'm more than a little worried about spending that kind of $$ on a tractor, but I sure could have used that backhoe a few times this year.
Farpoint Farms I completely understand becuse If I didnt also have my farm tractors I would need to get somthing lime that. What do you think you will sell them for if I may ask...
I'm not totally sure.
I think the red 2013 YT3000 is still a good tractor, but Its got maybe 300 hours on it now and its showing some signs of age. I take good care of my stuff, but this property is pretty hard on equipment. I think I'll ask $450 or so, and see where it goes.
The old "brush cutter" 2001 LT1000 is already spoken for. A co-worker of mine wants it for his small yard and I told him he could have it for $250.00
If I decide to get a BX, well.... I would probably have to sell my Husqvarna GT52xlsi and I would take a beating on that one. I have about $4000.00 in it with the sleeve hitch (+ upgraded hitch), the AG tires, chains and weights. I'd be lucky to get $2500.00 for it, but It may have to happen to help pay for the BX.
That would still leave me the pretty cool GT6000 I picked up last spring. Its Stout and I'f I fix up the deck I could still cut with it.
Decisions decisions....
Thank you very much I didn’t want to buy the tool... it took a bit longer due the inner tube coming with a hole. I used vice grips to hold the plug thing. I was hesitant on using 16 bigger inner tube on a 15 but it worked great. Thank you very much
Glad it helped
I have no clue what I'm doing haha but you made this look do-able so I'm guna try to attempt this before the boyfriend gets home from work lol thanks for making time to make this video for us who don't know what they're doing! 🙌😂👍
You can do it!
This was a great aid to me when it came time to put the tire back on. I got my assistant (my wife) to stand on the tire to mash it down. Some work with the screw drivers and success!!! The key was having somebody mash down the rire while I worked the screw drivers.
A second set of hands always help!
Awesome video, gonna replace the tubes on a go kart tomorrow. I think I’m going to use vice grips to hold my stem though so it doesn’t slip back through the hole. Thanks!
a washer with the cap is a better and safer idea !!
Honestly I gave up for a second and then I found this video and I did it thank you man
Good realistic video, i like the fact that you had some issues with the process, awesome video.
It sure is a bear, but it can be done!
After watching you wrestling that alligator I think I might take that guy at the tire place up on his offer to install it for $20. I gotta give it a go before I do just so when I'm done I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I beat it. Thanks for posting this
I fitted a set of tubes in my mower today and I found that you can remove and fit new tubes without taking the tyres off. Break the bead as normal from both sides push the tyre down to the centre if the rim feed in the tube and slip it under the tyre. Its a lot easier than taking the tyre off and a lot less chance of nipping it when refitting the tyre.
That's what I'm gonna try next. Tire irons are not really designed for tubed tires, tyres in jolly old England. The spoons on the end work great on tubeless, but pinch on ones with tubes.
I clamp a pair of vice grips to the valve stem as soon and I have it through the rim from the begining so it doesn't fall through. But this is a great video and is how I've been doing for years. Always a fight for me and a few names called to the tire!!
I put a vicegrip on the rim like having an extra hand while working the tire on the rim.
Great tip
There is always one winning tip in the comments. This was it. Nice small pair of rounded Vicegrips replaced the need for a second tire iron.
The big ones need two vicegrips
you sir are correct!
I appreciate your effort - I've done it the same way for years - but I need to find a video that makes it easier☺
There really is not an easier way- they can be tricky
Thanks for leaving it in when you dropped the screwdriver, gave me a good laugh. I knew exactly how you felt.
Glad you enjoyed it! The job is hard, and I didn't want to lie to anyone about it.
When I do this, I insert the valve stem first, then work the tube around the rim. Once that's done, I air up the inner tube just enough to hold it in place and that will keep the valve stem from slipping out of the hole. Just be careful working the tire back onto the rim.
Great tip
I was thinking same thing why couldnt uyou insert the value stem first then work tube in
This was very helpful. Thanks. Superior to buying a cheezy imported replacement tire/wheel that will fail in a year.
Glad it helped!
Good vid, I have used a small pair of vice grips to hold that damn fill valve in place so it doesn't pop back inside.
I'll try it the next time i do one.
Appreciate your time to show us this. Was able to save $ by doing it myself.
Sometimes you need more slack to get the inner tube over the wheel and placing the stem in the hole reduces the slack. Try tying a constrictor knot over the stem with a piece of twine. Thread the loose end of the twine through the hole. Once the inner tube is on, use the twine to guide the stem through the hole.
Ya did it! Good job and patience.
Yep, definitely not a crowd pleaser but hey, a little elbow grease goes a long way!
Many thanks.
Just had to do one today. What A hassle!
A fishing tool will hold your valve stem in place so you can pull it up thru. The rim
Thanks for the video. I had the tire and tube off in about 10-15 minutes. I couldn’t get the front bead to release so I just broke the rear side and pulled the tube out that way. Also, there was a washer on the rear side of the tire. Thanks again for the video,
once the fill valve is thru the rim put the valve cap on it. Prevents dirt from getting in and also keeps the valve from falling back out of the rim because it is larger in diameter. I have always done this on bicycle tires and it saves lots of headaches. You can also by a tire changing tool (plastic) from any bike shop for a minimal price. Far less chance of puncturing an inner tube vs using a screw driver.
Great tips!
I have a REALLY nifty tool that I use when installing tubes in tire rims ; it's called a valve stem repair tool , available at Auto parts stores everywhere. All you gotta do is screw the threaded end over the valve stem , after you get it inserted trough the rim , and the stem will not pull back through .
wrap tape around it a few times and that will hold
I use a washer over the valve stem to keep it from falling back inside the rim. Good video thanks.
I was thinking to put the air compressor connector on, ...if you don't have a big washer handy
yes, i 1st saw this video, i thought to do the same thing, and then i saw you comment, so i said great.
Mi on
just did this today with the rear 18'' tires. tubes at Harbor Freight for $10 bucks wasn't that bad of a job at all, only thing is have yourself some needle nose vice grips because the valve stem wants to fall back into the rim. Think I'm going to get an oversize cap so it doesn't fall completely into the rim needing to remove the tire again. helpful video, thumbs up
I spent the 40 dollars or so and bought a mini tire changer from Harbor Freight. I've already used it to replace Six tires. For me, that makes it more than worth it for the time saved.
I found to save the chance of the valve slipping in i always screw the dust cap on the valve just till im sure all is ok. Cheers. John.
that is a good tip-
I was quoted $25 each to install my own tubes in my lawn mower tires. Harbor Freight had a small tire changer for $54. After using it on my own mower, I started having people reach out to me to put tubes in theirs. The Harbor Freight tire tool has paid for its self already.
that is a great way to get some extra cash-
Excellent video. I almost gave up on a 15x6x6 tube install. Thanks for the real.
Glad it helped
There is a valve fishing tool that helps with the valve stem. You feed the end thru the valve hole and a cable allows you to pull the end around to the outside of the rim. You can the screw that end onto the valve and pull the stem back thru the hole. You leave the cable attached in case the stem tries to retract while you are feeding the rest of the tube into the tire. Saves a lot of work and frustration. I got mine on Amazon for about $8. (Milton valve fishing tool S-447)
thanks for the tip on the tool, I am sure it will come in handy for some!
10:23 You try for a while to get it over, and then by magic you have grease all over the edge of the tire! Its a good tip because I know this can be a real pain. Easily the hardest bit IMO.I end up using straps and tightening it to hold one rim under and then use the screwdrivers until over half way. Take it off and then finish the job.
Another thing that can usually work on small tires is to take out the tube, drill a few 5/16 holes in the tire and fill with spray foam insulation….. It works!!
That is a good idea- might be an awful mess when needing to change the tire when it gets worn
Perfect. I did mine along with this video and it worked. Great Job!
I bought a HF mini tire changer, that helped a lot. Thanks for the video
I've been looking to get one of those myself.
Add a washer over valve steam and a nut to threaded steam it will keep it from pulling back out as you replace tire.....My new old tractor has held air......for now. I am thinking of getting agg tires for the rear, hoped you would come over to install ?
Hey, thanks for the valve stem trick! thats a great idea and I've never heard of it before. Those Ag tires will make you SS-16 a BEAST! as for me putting them on. I think 3500 miles from coast to coast may be a bit far for a house call...
I can FedEx them to you, I just need your account number to save me the shipping cost. Thanks
My FREE Frugal Homestead I just finished putting a tube in my small front tire. Tomorrow is the back big tire. I did the same thing by adding a washer to keep it from falling in. But your video helped me out a lot! Thank you!!
Love to take Credit but this video is Erik's video, he did all the hard work, I just said the washed and a nut may help hold the stem in the rim.
I liked and subscribed but to truthful I did not like this video because I have two new tubes coming tomorrow. In the natural order of the universe tires do not have air. That's why this is so difficult. I will try the the clamp method I saw in another video to assist in breaking the tires off the rim. I will rejoice getting the tube in and the tire on only to realize the stem disappeared somewhere just like yours. I trust the set of hands that didn't show up have had to answer. Thanks. Seriously it helped.
I hate doing inner tubes and wanted to share my struggles- Glad it helped
@@FarpointFarms Thanks again Sir
I just finished wrestling with putting an inner tube in my big mower's tire and thought I could use some advice. One thing I did was feed the tube stem through the wheel's hole first, capped it, and then packed the tube into the tire.
OMG great tips and instruction but now I'm looking to bring it all to a tractor repair place.
Without the tube sometimes you have to take it to get it to bead, I've only ever gotten one to bead
Sometimes it's worth it!
I always used a blunt pole to break my tire beads. Screwdrivers can gouge the rim causing it to leak if you ever go back tubeless.
Good video on a aggravating job.
if you have a hard time breaking the bead use PB blaster.
Installing the inner tube I put the fill valve in first and lock just with the rubber cap it seems to stay put. Then I use vice grips to lock the rim to the tire so it don't roll on you. Be careful not to use screwdrivers - I use the end of a pair of pliers they're not a sharp-- It's still aggravating but with patience anyone can do a great job. Thanks for your video.
Sure can be a chore!
I do not recommend using screwdrivers or pry bars for getting the tire over the bead of the rim on reinstallation, if you don't want a punctured inner tube. Start with a pair of vice grips clamped onto the rim bead at one location, working your away slowly and easily, making sure not to pinch the inner tube at any point. Clamp more pairs of vice grips in place at 90° intervals around the rim until you are completely finished. Axle grease or petroleum jelly around the rim bead and tire edge are your friends.
Good info. Maybe I'll try that next time.
Use a washer on the valve stem and put the cap to clamp the washer in place with the valve cap. That keeps ut from slipping back into the rim
Thanks for the tip!
Great video! I'm doing one today!👍👍😎
This was quite helpful and I was able to get the job done myself. Thank you!
I feel your pain, I snap a pair of vice grips on the lip of the rim, it keeps the bead from walking while putting the screwdrivers to it. Pump it up then let all the air out again making sure the stem is straight.
Great tip. Thanks!
Go get a 3/8 inch concrete anchor 5 inch long. Along with some washer and a nut. Clamp the anchor to a vise. Will hold rim while doing it. Also HF tire irons work well for this task...
Thank you . There was 2 or 3 tips to help the steps that I didn’t know.
glad I could help
I know this is 6 years old, Good point to check the tire for objects ( nails etc) that could have caused the flat. Now here is another point, I 've discovered that the rims on most of these small tubeless tires: Lawn mower, wheel barrow, lawn cart etc. Is they are rough, has sharp bits like weld splatter. So really need to completely remove the tire and inspect the rim. File, sand, clean remove any rust and paint the inside with gloss spray paint.
That is a good point- Thanks for sharing that one.
If I remember right you have to have the valve stem which is off set to one side in position so when you blow up the tube it blows up in place and does not pop out of the valve stem hole. . So the tube has to be turned on the right side when you put the tube in the rim or or when you blow it up the valve stem will come out of the hole and you will have to take the tube out and turn it over to the opposite side so the valve stem will blow up in place. Been a while since I did one but I do remember having to take a tube out and flip it over because it was in backwards.
Yeah just remembered when I pulled this tube out that I am about to put on this 15x6.00x6 rim and saw a blue line. The tubes usually have a blue line around them on one side. The blue line has to face down toward the backside of the rim opposite the valve stem side (front).
Thanks for the video. Real world "grab, tug and cus", gives a great overview of "how to"
Next time, buy tubes with threaded valve stems and nuts to hold stem in the hole. You're super lucky. My Wheel is frozen to the axle. Tried PB Blaster and WD 40 even heated with a small torch and used a small sledge hammer on rim. It ain't coming off. So I'll try using bar clamps to compress the tire and dish soap to stuff the tube in with the mower jacked up. Always something.
When you bring out the torch, that means you are no longer asking.
On another video the guy used a pair of vise grips to hold the valve stem...but he didn't show the tire being inflated (setting the bead)...Good Video.... Thank You
Good video. Comparing techniques. The only thing I do is screw a valve stem remover on to keep the stem in p!ace while I reseat the tire.
Good job and thx. I wasn't to sure this would work for a tractor tire, rather than replacing the whole "tubeless" tire. But you've shown that it does so kudos. I might wash the tire with a hose to make it a lit easier to remove and cleaner. Also, a little oil dropped on the rim area if the tire needs to be pried off might help. WD 40 works well to when stuff is "welded" on metal. One question - Do you have to unbead one side of the tire to put the tube in? We used to always just deflate the tire on bicycles to do this and then "work" the tube in.
Rub some vegetable oil on the tire that will make taking it off the rim and putting it back on so much easier. Also screw a valve stem puller onto the valve stem once you pull it through the rim that will keep the valve stem from falling back into the rim.
Thanks for the heads up!
Any lubrication will help reduce swearing. BUT by far the best I use for decades. Hair spray! Yes the one to fix the hair. The cheapest I can find is the best to use. Always have a spray can in my workshop.
Lubricate the bead & rim well enough to make the job easy. When dry, just a few minutes, helps hold it in place, no slippage. Excess will simply wash away in the next rain. Oh! Worth mention it won't attack or affect rubber in any way. ;-)
Dish soap is better, when it dries it lets the bead grip the rim... oils will let the tire slip.
THANK YOU for being honest on just how horrible a job this is. Smaller the tire the worse it is. 😱
Glad I could help- no creative editing on this one
Using two hammers u can use the claw end on one to break the bead and use the other to hit it down on the bead of the tire better than a screw driver so u don’t have the chance to put a hole in the tire
Thank you for the demonstration. Really helpful.
If you put the valve stem back on when getting the tire back on the rim .... less chance it falls back into the tire. Great video
I meant the valve stem cap.
Useful video. The cracked sidewalls (they get a lot of sun on them?) was a good call. If one needs to check for a reason, some water over the tread after filling with air or a dump in a pan will help. How about the use of warm soapy water around the rim to help with removal and installation. Thanks.
Congratulations on accomplishing this without swearing.
I partially screw a 1/2-13 nut on the rubber portion of the new valve stem, ( once I finally snag it tru the hole ). It holds the stem in place while wrestling with the tire carcass
I was watching this video for one piece of information; what style valve stem is needed on the inner tube to fit the hole position in the existing wheel? Anyone?
Any standard inner tube will come with the correct valve stem
A valve stem tool will hold the stem in place while getting the tire back. They are a few bucks at Wally World.
they do help, at the time I did not have one.
Put a 1/2" socket extension bar down the center axle hole of the hub first, then use two pry bars like scissors around the extension bar for easier removal of the tire from the rim. The tire will come off in one continuous smooth motion, much like the automatic tire machines at the dealers.
Good idea. I'll try that next time.