Trying to Get Back to Work After a Baby - Postpartum Struggles

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 58

  • @67LMcC
    @67LMcC 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Hang in there! When you are in the middle of it, it seems like things will never get better. But they do. You're doing great! I struggled with breastfeeding. I gave it six weeks of pure misery for both of us and then gave up. Once I let go of the guilt and accepted that in our case, formula was the way we needed to go, we were both much happier.

  • @CelineDamsgaard
    @CelineDamsgaard 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    You're doing great! 🥰 Everything you get done apart from being a parent is a huge victory, because parenting is a fulltime job in itself. ❤

  • @Katlyn_Duncan
    @Katlyn_Duncan 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Hi Mandi! I went through all of this when kiddo was an infant: the depression, issues with latching, being alone 90% of the time, and lack of writing. My only advice would be to literally take it a day at a time, rest if you’re able, and don’t worry about writing. I watched a lot of TV for the first 3 months, and after that I started to feel like myself. That’s when I started ghostwriting and that really helped me feel like I had purpose. You’re doing great momma!! ❤

    • @Katlyn_Duncan
      @Katlyn_Duncan 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Oh ! Also my hospital had a new moms group that I met some friends with kids the same age and it was super helpful for me to have adult conversations with those who were in my current situation. Libraries also have some good programs as well for moms with young kids. Might help break up the day for you. ❤

  • @marygracewriting
    @marygracewriting 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    We really struggled with feeding for all my little ones too. Just remember that a fed baby is best. I am so proud of you for persevering. There is NO SHAME in needing to stop breast feeding and only pumping and giving a bottle. You listen to your body and heart. You have already given her so much good stuff. The most important for immunity and stuff is the first few weeks. There is NO SHAME in using formula if you need to, especially since you are struggling. (I struggled to.) We used Gripe Water for gass and for my first two babies it helped a lot. You got this Mama. Lean on those people in your life who love you.

  • @donutlover9222
    @donutlover9222 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I lasted about a week with my first child trying to breast feed and ended up at Walmart at 1 am teary eyed and exhausted and bought supplies. My kids are older now, taller than me, and make fun of me all the time, so... they're okay. Keep breast feeding if that's what you want but it's completely okay to bottle feed too.

  • @moonykmi
    @moonykmi 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Hi Mandi, you’re doing great. The first few months of motherhood are no joke, specially with post partum d. Sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves as new moms, and it makes that time in our lives so much more difficult. I struggled with similar stuff, extreme low supply, tongue tied, baby that refused to latch, or drink. Pills, crying times where I felt I was failing . Ugh. It gets better❤.
    It’s easy to let the wonder moms in social media let us feel guilty, with the: “your body will provide for your baby, you are just not trying hard enough” or other moms saying: “you must breast feed or you aren’t trying”.
    Trying to do the best for our children can make us spiral.
    In the end, I chose to stop my marathon which made me feel terrible day and night, and transitioned to formula. My baby was healthy, grew up great. So did my second son, even though I put myself through the whole milk/breastfeeding nightmare again. In the end, do what you must to keep yourself happy. You are rocking it, and it will get better 😊

  • @staceycoates1418
    @staceycoates1418 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Oh this remindse of my youngest (eight now). She was a grazer and mostly would eat for five minutes. And then found out that my milk with her had extremely high lipase and she never took a bottle because of it. And the post partum depression, which was triggered because she was a grazer..... I feel so much for you.

  • @lizhenderson9804
    @lizhenderson9804 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hang in there. Being a new parent is tough! I hope you get the feeding issues figured out soon.

  • @d.c.contor
    @d.c.contor 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    So everyone always says "You we're made for this" and while, yes you were, and yes it is natural, but it doesn't all come naturally.
    Also some unsolicited advice (absolutely totally ignore if you want to), my first baby was like this (I've had 4). Total snacker. My only regret from my first kid was not offering formula more, just to fill in the cracks. I did that with my other kids, and it made things go smoother. (My theory is the formula helped them be not so freaking out over being hungry that we could figure out the nursing thing...and I had more experience with each kid). Take it or leave it. It's just something I wish someone would have told me with my first kiddo. Sending lots of love and naps your way (also, take LOTS of naps)

  • @rbar4413
    @rbar4413 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

  • @heathermattern
    @heathermattern 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Motherhood is hard. The hardest thing and we don’t talk about it because we fear people will misunderstand our stress and exhaustion. But woman- you are doing amazingly! An amazing mama!! Your little one is here and requires so much from you in this season. It’s okay to feel these feelings.
    Know that it does get better though- I promise!! One day you will be watching HER two babies and all the feels will come back because SHE WILL NEED to hear the real stuff from you cause she too is feeling the same thing and the same guilt. The same exhaustion feeling like a “bad mom” and you will be able to speak truth to her that - she is doing better than she thinks!!

  • @campaaronapollo
    @campaaronapollo 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Congratulations on becoming a mother, Mandi! Less than a month after I was born, the mobile home where I grew up in lost power for five days because of an ice storm (thankfully, I have no memory of that time), so my mom can relate to not having electricity for an extended period of time with a young infant, and it wasn't easy.

  • @nathanielturnerfilm
    @nathanielturnerfilm 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I was just thinking about how everything was going and so happy to see this video posted! Congrats on becoming a parent! 🙌

  • @janalewis3030
    @janalewis3030 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    When I had my kids (20 years ago) there was a liquid OTC medicine that worked for gas. I don't remember the name of it but her doctor should know. I also discovered that beef roast caused the issue with my kids. Hamburger didn't, but beef roast did - so trying to eliminate certain things is a good idea. But you are right - prioritize your mental health. It sounds like you have a good support group. You will get through it - it gets easier as they get older. It will help when the weather is warmer - you can take her out for walks and that will help you both! I also had the same nursing issue with my son - he kept falling asleep, but it got better later. I just stored the milk so he'd have it later. They also said to nurse with the baby only in his diaper - being cold keeps them awake, apparently. Don't know, but it was worth a try! Good luck!!!

  • @adrabloodstone6388
    @adrabloodstone6388 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Your doing awesome! Congrats on the little one. If this is helping you by connecting with us so you dont feel so alone than go for it!

  • @cristincarter1
    @cristincarter1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Congrats! I had a water birth with 3 of my kids and LOVED it! It's been almost 2 decades since my youngest was born, but hearing you talk about postpartum makes it feel like yesterday. It was so hard. I too, struggled with breastfeeding, low supply, and two who were grazers. I wish I had words of wisdom but what worked for me might not work for you. I ended up switching to formula for my mental health but that adds mommy guilt and expense. And for what it's worth, crying is a stress reliever. There should never be any guilt or worry unless you can't stop. So I say cry. But also talk to your doctor. And as for writing, there is a time and place for everything. Give yourself a break. Being creative takes a lot of mental energy, that's probably getting used up with the tiny human that isn't sleeping through the night. Eventually, your baby will be more consistent with naps then will take fewer naps but for longer stretches. The first few months are the hardest.

  • @mallorywanless3959
    @mallorywanless3959 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm glad your birth went so well!! I'm sorry everything after has been so hard, but I promise it does get easier. You're doing a GREAT job

  • @silviavanciniuniverse
    @silviavanciniuniverse 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi, Mandi! I'm not used to comment a lot (mainly because I'm Italian and I'm afraid of writing gibberish), but I wanted to send you a big hug. I hope everything will be alright very soon.

  • @RoseyReadsAndWrites
    @RoseyReadsAndWrites 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Good idea to cut dairy! I did that and it made a world of difference! Be sure to find all the ways dairy sneaks into foods like Casein or Lactalbumin. I needed to treat it like a milk allergy, not just lactose intolerance. I hope that helps out ❤ Stay strong mama!

  • @OuispersASMR
    @OuispersASMR 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Congrats on the new baby!! Lifestyle content videos like this are great, and if they help you in the process, even better!! We´re not here just for the writing content (which is invaluable, btw, so thank you for that!!), we're also here for you as a person. So if making these videos is good for you right now (mentally and financially), then do it!! We'll tag along for the ride and support you as much as we can!!

  • @fitnessbyvanessa2547
    @fitnessbyvanessa2547 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is a time where you must be gentle with yourself. I can see your personality of being a perfection is coming through. I have given birth five times and each time had it own challenges. I encourage you to just breathe and let it flow. Don't put pressure on yourself or extra financial strain trying to get her to nurse. If she is getting your milk in a bottle you have succeeded. I know you want her to latch on so you can experience that and the benefits that come with it but don't overlook the good all around you. The reason why grandparents are so amazing is because we focus more on the child than the work of having a child. Really Really be in the moment time really flies with these little ones when you are so caught up in the work of taking care of them. I pray you stay strong and a positive voice is always following you as you enjoy motherhood. Welcome to the club mine are all grown now and I am enjoying this new life. God Bless you and your family.

  • @harrisonschwartz565
    @harrisonschwartz565 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    We had a similar feeding issue with are little guy, born in Dec 22. Turned out he had a tongue tie. He was bottle only until that was fixed. We got much better sleep after.
    He was also born a month early and all the lactation consultants (probably 8) my wife saw overlooked the tongue tie until we brought him to a specialist.
    The laser procedure just took a few minutes and he was hardly upset for only about 45 seconds… he gets much more upset from virtually anything else… only grievance was the $1K out of pocket charge, but it was worth it for us
    Obviously I’m not the one breastfeeding, but I can say my wife’s mental health was much better after the tie was fixed as he ate well. He also put on a quick 8 lbs so I think it was a good decision, but we also weren’t sure going in

  • @mebavalentine8230
    @mebavalentine8230 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You’re doing such an amazing job. Your authenticity is endearing. It’s easy to be hard on yourself when you’re so deep in the trenches. Hard to see the forest for the trees…. Keep vlogging best you can because I’m sure you’re helping so many new mom’s feel validated and seasoned mom’s like me with adult kids feel bittersweet…memories of the joy and pains you’re going through now. You will survive. You have the strength…one tiny victory at a time. And this video was a big step for you. It’s a lot of work putting these videos together!

  • @Exayevie
    @Exayevie 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Good to hear from you Mandi! My sister had a similar breastfeeding struggle with her first. She held out against formula for so long, but when she finally gave in, it completely boosted her whole quality of life overnight. It’s such a difficult decision to make, but IF you have to at some point don’t feel guilty ❤ These things are not the defining moments of motherhood, however much they may feel like it.
    Cute kid btw! 🥰

  • @garnellwallace5594
    @garnellwallace5594 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My sister has a five-week old who struggles with gas. I don't know if this is common knowledge but it wasn't to us. I think a lot of people shake powdered formula to mix it well. Turns out that adds more air to the bottle and those little gas bubbles. It's better to stir the milk to combine everything.

  • @wrestlingwithdisney
    @wrestlingwithdisney 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You have a lot to be proud of! I hope recording and editing this video felt great for you! Keep em coming if so

  • @joannaholden943
    @joannaholden943 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This whole video hit home. Thank you for your honesty. I'm seven weeks post partum, and it has been a struggle off and on. Some days are a breeze...some days I just wish I could give up. Being lonely isn't easy. I have other kids, and I still feel lonely. And like a new mom! 😫 You've got this, though, Mama! It can be so hard - sometimes it feels impossible - but the difficult season will pass. ❤ Hang in there.

  • @Pittsburghwriter
    @Pittsburghwriter 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Congrats on your beautiful blessing! You are doing an incredible job! I am so glad that you have help from your mom and your in-laws. Hang in there and stay strong! One day you just might write a book about what you endured and all the ways you stayed strong for your daughter, and that book will become motivational material for another mom with her new baby.

  • @RachelPeterson_racheledits
    @RachelPeterson_racheledits 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You're amazing! Being alone, yes, is difficult. You're already doing all the right things and finding your balance. Expectations have changed, work and family, so go easy on yourself. Nap when baby naps. Yes, see your friends! You're on mat leave, essentially, so it's okay to not to be at the same level of work, exercise, social things. Thank you for sharing. And you look wonderful!! Really, perfectly healthy! Your skin is perfect! Cheers to motherhood!

  • @laurenharris9510
    @laurenharris9510 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wow Mandi, I'm so proud of you! I'm also one of those people who loves giving birth, and I have generally easy pregnancies, and postpartum has been the hardest part for me, for all 3 of my kids. You are doing amazing. Things will settle in, I promise. Also, someone told me that every 3 months hormones tend to settle back to normal a little more, and I've found that to be true for myself at least. It's a season! Take each day as it comes, get in the sunshine every day even if it's just walking out to get the mail for 5 minutes, and figure out your new routine, that is my best advice. You're doing great! You absolutely can do this and were made for this, even if it doesn't feel that way every day. ❤❤❤

  • @daphnefaff
    @daphnefaff 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I think it helps people to hear a diverse range of experiences of what pregnancy, delivery and postpartum can be like. I think you’re doing an awesome job as a new mum! I’m a mum to four, and the newborn months were tough every time! Wishing you all the very best. ❤

  • @ollydee
    @ollydee 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I went through the exact same thing in every way. Newborns SUCK, it's ok, we can say it. Give it a few months and it'll be better, I promise. At some point you can sleep train too, which is something I HIGHly reccomend, both for you two and for her. My baby just turned five and I gotta say: it's a distant terrible dream, now. Your life sounds like hell rn. It's ok, and you're still a good mom even if that's true. You're an amazing mom. Don't worry if you do formula, too: I ended up having to go that route and it almost killed me. Until she started sleeping through the night and shit. Then I was like; oh wow, this is great. It'll be ok is the main lesson I'm saying though: that's it. Mine is five and she's a joy. When she was a newborn? Hell on wheels.

    • @ollydee
      @ollydee 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      also I'm also a writer and I didn't work the first year at all and that's fine. I wrote three books in the last year. It's fine.

  • @KHWriting
    @KHWriting 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I loved the vlog. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. Also, maybe this is the season to fill your creative well by watching shows and reading books. Especially as you're still settling into motherhood. I'm not sure about where you live, but maybe daily walks with your daughter can help with your mood. I know it's not hiking, but it'll get you outside. Best to you. PS: Your daughter's profile seems to show a perfectly round baby cheek. I would not be able to resist blowing a raspberry on it to get her to laugh. So you doing anything but that all day long is really a testament to your strength of character. 😂

    • @MandiLynnWrites
      @MandiLynnWrites  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      She has very chubby cheeks that I squeeze probably too often 😂 no giggles yet, but lots of smiles!

  • @storiesbydesirae
    @storiesbydesirae 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you for sharing your journey so far! I'm glad you're putting your mental health first and pushing past some of your self-talk that puts you down. Yes, keep going in a way that is best for you right now. Exercise and time with others seem like a main priority rather than doing too much work related things. I do know income still needs to come in, but I hope you can find that balance where you're building yourself up first. I did enjoy seeing this video. I'm glad making this video was nice for you a little too. Wishing you strength as you take on this new layer as a mom.

  • @evelynbegay2495
    @evelynbegay2495 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you for your honest portrait. I recall my first two births being super easy, but I didn’t go through that sadness you’re experiencing. Coukd getting out and getting sun help? I lived in Phx when I was a young mom, and I actually used a baby carrier to carry my babies around the park. I walked in our neighborhood. I love movements and I wore out my baby enough to do other things.
    We all have different baby experiences. So I’m giving probably unwanted and unsolicited advice.
    Mandi, you are doing great. I love your honesty.

  • @mlp4apc
    @mlp4apc 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Congratulations on your new birth to the world! Being a writer now your work will increase, because the writing does not stop because of other issues. This is the beauty of writing. We do not control our creativity. It comes when it comes, but we do get to pick which channel we want to use, that is all. Congratulations to your beautiful baby!

  • @cassie_hart
    @cassie_hart 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for being real about things - I can see that you're doing a great job even if it doesn't always feel like it. Well done for getting a video made and up, let alone social media and ads stuff for your books!

  • @madlife3770
    @madlife3770 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hang in there, mama. These days will pass, I promise. I was a teen mother, alone, doing it all myself. Baby was great at breastfeeding but I was doing it wrong and was in horrific pain until I figured it out (and then I got mastitis, yay!) Seriously though, this part of mommy hood will be behind you before you know it. It really is so hard; that shock your body and brain go through when you begin to realize Just How Exhausting and constant baby care is. I went on to marry years later and have 3 more children eventually...that first baby is 32 now and a mama herself. You'll be OK soon ❤ Congratulations!

  • @ClaireKinmil
    @ClaireKinmil 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    People even trying to work while the child is less than a year old is mindboggling to me. It was only when both of my 2 kids were in school that I could get things done without burning out. I, too, cried a lot while being alone at home with my baby, feeling like everything I did was wrong and even the things I did right weren't enough. I had that feeling with both kids for the first 8 months of their lives.
    It gets better. Both in the sense that you get more sleep and that the problems change. It's also great when they can talk because then, when you realize something you do is suboptimal, you can tell them, apologize and they simply tell you what a great mother you are. See, you don't have to believe yourself that you're doing a good job - believe your child.

  • @s.h.writingjournal
    @s.h.writingjournal 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Congratulations Mandi. Been following you since past few days, and I just like your energy. Though your delivery process talk gave me anxiety because I just fear that. idk why but i just fear going through this phase of being a woman, a wife. But am soooo happy for you. And i love your content. Wish you more good days. Postpartum depression is real nuisance but more mama power to you❤

  • @S-T-A-R-
    @S-T-A-R- 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    So happy to see you around again, Mandi! Wishing you wellness and happiness during this wonderful time of your life with your little one

  • @authorlaineydavis
    @authorlaineydavis 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    you are amazing! everything you mentioned just rang so true to my early mom experiences. I just want to let you know subsequent babies ---breastfeeding was better each time! That first one, though.

  • @luvsnursing9946
    @luvsnursing9946 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You look amazing. Being a brand new mom is scary. But I’m sure you are doing fine. Love is what they need besides the basics. I’m sure you are doing that. This is one of the best parts of being a mom. Enjoy the cuddles because they do. Every stage is a learning experience and fun. Essentially you are doing great. Your hair looks great it’s super shiny and you are just glowing. Blessings to you and your family.

  • @thepurpleufo
    @thepurpleufo 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Mandi...thank you for making this video. You have given me a new appreciation and understanding of what women go through as new mothers. I don't know how anyone can do it...totally amazing.
    I think it's great that you are pushing through all the problems as they come up...and it sounds (to me) like a good thing that you are able to occasionally let go and just lay on the bed and cry for a while. I think that helps a lot.
    You have always been a person who does a lot of different things, and I know that once things settle down, you will have time and energy to get back to those other things.
    You are fantastic...and even with all you're going through, you still manage to be happy and to *look* really great. Keep it going.

  • @destresswithyoga
    @destresswithyoga 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You are doing a great job! Soon the weather will warm up and being outside every day will uplift your spirits. Being a mom is the hardest job ever. ❤

  • @Danielle2Cats
    @Danielle2Cats 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I liked the vlog.

  • @tracy-marie
    @tracy-marie 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Welcome back your doing a great job 👏.

  • @englishclubromania
    @englishclubromania 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Well done Mandy 🤗 great video. ❤

  • @alexwholey3391
    @alexwholey3391 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Lovely video ❤ you’re doing your best, and you’re doing great. Being a new mum is incredibly hard. I have two daughters and found it hard first time around. Sending hugs to you from the UK😊

  • @_ela08
    @_ela08 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Lovely video

  • @deborahminter6231
    @deborahminter6231 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You have a beautiful baby girl 💞

  • @woodlandlady7011
    @woodlandlady7011 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I don't know if this will help with her being windy, but when my eldest was new born and suffered a lot as I mixed feed from breast and bottle, I would lay her down, take her thighs in hand and slowly press her knees towards her belly, she would fart loud and several times but it seemed to help. Best of luck. ❤

  • @alexmonroe4706
    @alexmonroe4706 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    An amazing summary of what is going on in your life, it's also great to see a real perspective on being a mum. Well done Mandi :) P.S.😊 Please check your email (work offer for 2nd Book cover)

  • @JadeJuniiper
    @JadeJuniiper 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @shailladotcom
    @shailladotcom 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    God bless you and your little one ❤❤