I think this game is going to have a long, successful lifespan, but I'm not sure if now is the time for me to jump on in. What are yall thinking so far about OHD?
It seems obvious enough that demanding the community puts in features that should be in the base game is illogical. If you want people to mod your game they should have some fun playing it without any mods at all.
The guy making it I am not a fan of and I have not been a fan of how he's handled criticism of the release. He seems like a very passive aggressive dude who expected to be worshipped at launch. He's made a game where they have given you a body but expect the community to make the arms, legs, head, brain, lungs, organs and fingers. This is all in regular UE4 where they haven't made any mod tools, so people will need to learn the engine which is a big ask
Idk man I think it's pretty neat, it's free and runs. I think bluedrake has a tendency to overhype the projects he covers and generally gets super excited about really basic stuff. I'd prefer they cooked it a little longer tbh. I'm rooting for this project though and if the halo stuff comes along my community will support it
I’ve played about 7-8 hours of this and in the current state of it. it’s just not gonna keep me longer then that. But I am here all for it and honestly I put a few bucks for support and see where it goes. I really do want this explode and beat my expectations but everything pointed out is just hurting the game.
Bud come back, I played when you commented and I thought the same thing. Got tired of constant black screen. I was bad but still the game felt so weird. I got back on 2 days ago…. Just learn the controls, mainly prone. Don’t go running in like it’s cod. Go on the outside and once ur close go prone and crawl in even closer. Find good cover up high and lay em down. I’m getting 40+ kills. Just got to get the right position and don’t rage when black screened
Hey Moi, I agree with (almost) everything in this video and I believe the team does too. However, the only thing I feel we need to clarify is the narrative that the mod community will develop this game by themselves from this point on. This is very much not true. Not only will our development team be developing this game at the same pace that we have been for the previous two years... but development pace will likely drastically increase now that we have a huge influx of supporters and assistance. So just wanted to explain that. All of the issues you've mentioned are not going to be developed by the community by themselves. They're going to be developed by the official development team. If the community wishes to create mods and help with development by testing, prototyping, and generally experimenting... we embrace and participate in that process with them. However, our development team is still making this game ourselves... even if no one in the mod community wants to help out. The only thing (as I understand it) that differentiates us from other tactical projects concerning mod support is that we just give people who are already creating a mods a voice in the project. The intel game mode in Ground Branch started as a mod. The first version of helicopters in Squad was created by an unpaid mod creator (which Squad absolutely used as a prototype to build out the official helicopter system) and those are paid games. So I just want to make sure that that is explained. We aren't just dumping this project and expecting the mod community to work on every bug, issue, and feature in the game from this point on. We'll be working on the game ourselves and implementing all of the things you listed in this video, the only difference is we give the mod community the option to help us if they choose to. We've always believed in allowing the mod community to help with the official game, and I believe we'll continue to have that stance for the duration of the project. Thanks for the coverage man
It's worth for anyone who likes the experience of playing games in early access for the experience of seeing it grow over time, as Squad did between 2016-2020. If someone doesn't fit that type of player, I recommend at least joining the game's community to stay on top of news both about the game and about the mods that are in development.
@@MathianSC2 I played Squad before release and infantry only Squad with strictly Project Reality guys was where its soul shined brightest. The foundation of the gameplay was enjoyable from the jump.
Infantry-only days of Squad... Those were my best times in the game. Tbh, I don't enjoy the game as much now for some reason. Maybe it just felt simpler before, I dunno. But I'm willing to accept that it's purely a me-issue hah. I'm getting old.
For a free game thats in a VERY early release, it has SO SO much potential. I see this game as a platform for modders to really take to the next level. I will support it and see where it goes.
This is a good review of the game, it's not mindless hate, and actually goes into the pros and cons of the game. As a hardcore fan of the game, I appreciate it, even though you don't like it right now
Id like to say that bluedrake has a really great vision for the game, something not entirely unique (think gmod) but certainly something that, given enough time, money, and love, could be a future framework that could eat into literally every single part of the FPS space, from lower level arcadey shooters, to squad or arma, to potentially even an RTS if you really wanted. This idea of a fully modular, open source FPS framework is incredibly important to the future of PC gaming entirely. However, Its bare bones, frankly the game kinda sucks ass, youre very correct in that. I think with the early access launch, bluedrakes strategy is "the community will decide what they want the game to be, and we will provide the tools necessary for them to take it that way". Keep in mind that entire games like arma and gmod are primarily centered around creating your own experience, and thats what bluedrake wants, but I think he should focus on making that experience as accessible as possible. There is a massive amount of work that needs to be done, and the dev team knows that. I dont think its currently intended to be a fully fleshed out experience yet, and neither was any early access indie game when it launched. Regardless, as enthusiastic as I am, my fear is that people will see this as a "do the game for me", and not as a "this is meant to be whatever you want".
@@bjack1547 it's kinda sad that people don't remember that this is how it used to be, and it was kinda better. Just pay for a complete experience and host it yourself.
All of the dev responses are along the lines of "squad had barely any content when it launched and we might even have more than squad did" but i don't think that's a good answer if you are trying to make a game to compete with squad, they should have given it more time for development before early access
What Bluedrake is doing is basically wait for a modder to show up with an idea. Implement them. And then recruit them. Which is honestly genius. Like for now, Bluedrake is looking forward to recruit a guy who make a mod for bullet penetration. And it all happened under a week. So yeah, this game will be a good game IF it had the necessary funding and IF Bluedrake don't mess up their game. And if Bluedrake gets hyper excited for his game like he did now and expect the community alone to make the game almost completely. I don't think it will be a game that would be as huge as squad currently is. Getting your community to make some of the stuff of your game and then improve it is honestly a genius idea. But to be fair, he needs to at least give a foundation for the mechanics. For the example is the Medic. I think that Bluedrake needs to make at least the basics of being a medic. Like Healing and Reviving. And then let the community to improve it and give it more details. That way, it would end up better for Bluedrake and the community.
About the bullet penetration, seen bluedrake in one video told that already someone it's working on that...and so many more things...many many more...this game it's going to be huge
Genius? That's what AAA studios do quite a bit, and gamers often call them lazy or unimaginative for buying up modders. Can't have your cake and eat it to.
I really think that people referring to OHD as a "game" is what's causing backlash. Its not really a game, its a modding utility really. Like taking UE4 and giving a community a base set of tools to build their own games. IF that's what you want.. here you are.
My issue with this project is BlueDrake's criticism of other devs for not allowing modding. He made a comment that devs don't provide mod support because they don't want modder content to compete with potential DLC. He then proceeded to make the most bare bones FPS imaginable, so it feels like even *he* isn't willing to invest in a legit, full fledged game and then give modders access to that. Instead modders are tasked with, essentially, making this project into a game.
This criticism doesn’t make any sense because OHD is at the same place games like Squad and Hell Let Loose were at when they released. They were really barebones too. Even more so tbh because they didn’t have modding support at all.
@@kingcole55 Was BlueDrake asking them to open up their game to modding at release? Or did he only start AFTER they had a bunch more features and became popular? My criticism stands. He made this mini-rant about how he had to make his own game because other companies refused to work with him because they were protective of their IP (or in his words didn't want competition for their DLC) and in the end he hasn't really developed a game to the extent those other companies had them developed when HE approached them to open up their games to extensive modding.
@@Athasin What? He didn't ask anyone to open up their games for modding. Other people started modding, he started covering those mods, and then those companies hit him with copyright strikes and tried to get his material taken down over it. I dunno if this is the exact story with Squad but it was something similar. It's happened with every game he's covered. That's why he made this game. He released a game that is at the same level of development of Squad except it's further along development because it also has full mod support with Steam Workshop integration. So if your criticism is that his game isn't at the same level of development as Squad, then your criticism does not stand.
@@kingcole55 Go watch his video "A statement before we launch..." he literally says it was easier for him as a content creator to make his own game than to "convince those devs to change what they were doing" in regards to them not providing mod support for their games. And you are out of your mind if you think this game is further along in development than Squad just because it has mod support. Like, do you even know what modding is?
@@Athasin I don't think you're fully reading my comments. Squad was at this level of development when it released. That's a fact. You can go back and watch day 1 Squad footage. It's barebones as fuck. The only difference between Squad at early access release and OHD at early access release is that OHD has mod support. >he literally says it was easier for him as a content creator to make his own game than to "convince those devs to change what they were doing" in regards to them not providing mod support for their games. What are you arguing here? I'm so confused as to how this is relevant at all. The point here is that Bluedrake didn't criticize other games. He made his own game instead of criticizing them. I made a comment pointing out that Bluedrake did not initiate any issue over modding with other game devs. That comment is still correct.
It would be cool if the devs could make some "example" mods for basic things, like the medic gameplay loop and upload them as a collection in the worskhop, maybe call it "Original dev mods" or whatever, it would let these features still be optional, so if a server thinks a communitymade mod is the better alternative, they just don't use the devmod, it would showcase how OHD is centred around modding, and also would give examples what kind of mods, from basic to complex, the game can get. I hope this makes sense? Overall I do agree with your video 100%
Everything around this game has a very "I'm a teenager, and this is real deep" element to it that I can't truck with. From the way the developers communicate to the community, to the people who have some kind of bone to pick with "monetization". I hope the game is successful and I hope we seem some cool mods come out of it, but the cheerleaders for this game definitely give off a kool aid drinker vibe.
Man you hit the head of the nail wih that comment. Somehow it seems that the supporters dont understand that "potential" and "community" require a something to build on and thats actual players. And getting players is by having a good core experience. Somehow I see in these koolaid comments that you have to like it even though the game is not yet mature enough and doesnt have a good gaming experience.
I've enjoyed the nostalgia hit of it being BF2 with a bit of modern graphics and a shorter ttk. The controls are the same, the menus are the same idea, the gunplay and sound design are the same (not very good lol) and the bots suck in exactly the same way that they used to. Whether or not I keep playing it depends on what mods do with the gunplay and sound design for me personally
I mean dude. I can't even play a match without hackers bombarding one faction or two hackers bombarding each other faction. Until that's fixed no one will want to touch it. That's just plain facts. I got 2 matches without hackers on day 1. To be fair I had a pretty fun match where one guy (I think unknowingly) quoted Black Hawk Down to me. But everything else has been hackers or bot filled lobbies. As in one team is 60% human's with remainder NPC and the other faction just pure NPC. Those matches are very boring as you can imagine. Fun for a moment as I spray with a tommy or M2 but the ai isn't very smart.
Been playing the game for a while around 2 days, its good and of course there are few bugs and more, after all its an Early Access game which still in its development and i hope most things get fixed and adding cool stuff like car and all, since the Drakeling Labs DevTeam mostly focusing on details, animation overhaul and mapping(from what i can tell since i always check the DevBlogs) and hope after this they'll focus on some important stuff. I recommend playing this game in later time to see how well the game gonna be or if you wanna try it out, go play it now.
I've been playing on playtests, I participated in Warfare 1944, I've been there on the kind of announcement of playtests, when iron armada was left behind. I can say that. Because I was there, and the things I can say is that they're passionated about this project. It's like a life worth project (time wise). It's dear to me. And I will keep supplying my hopes, debugging sharing feedback, because I've seen it grow and I want to see it grow even more.
I played a few hours this evening... It's great but it does feel a little clunky in places. There definitely needs to be base mechanics for medics and anti cheat etc with the option to mod your own replacements for servers if you want a more in depth/safer experience, like ARMA has simple medical gameplay but most servers have mods to have a richer feel.
I tried it out and it didn't feel good enough for me yet, but I do like how getting shot in this actually throws off your sights for a bit and prevents you from instantly returning fire, unlike Squad
It's all right, the game really needs a rally system or something similar to that. Most of the rounds I played the attacking team couldn't even take the first objective and it seemed really easy when you're on the defensive team.
I really hope bluedrake checks this out cuz the game has alot of potential. The base stuff really needs to be fixed.. id love to see something implemented to actually control the AI and stuff in game. Keep it up man.
I will get into Harsh Doorstop when they develop the game for another year or two, honestly hard to call it a game at the moment. Nothing but a decrepit shell of a product.....
the game has Pretentious written all over it, "oh if you want an anti cheat just make one yourself" how about instead of that you oh idk use a basic anti cheat AT LAUNCH. that is unacceptable to me and the devs are being pretentious pricks about it. this game has nothing, nothing but promises and i don't support games on promises i support games on content.
Not even a week without anticheat and youre acting like theres been a year adding anticheat a week or two (even a month) after launch is perfectly acceptable for an early beta free game
Seriously tho yall are acting like this is "marketed" (theyre not trying to sell anything to you, nothing to sell) like a completed game this is a very early version that they made available for transparency and the modders
@stuart2642 this game is out without basic features. I don't care if it's early access you don't release a multi-player shooter without an anti cheat and the fact that the devs are being pricks about it saying make your own is unacceptable.
@@boomerpatrol2838 Ironic you talk about the devs being pretentious but then are just projecting your attitude of being pretentious thinking the devs need to listen to your every non constructive criticism word and INSTANTLY put it into the game on a donation funded game. You really help the community by insulting the devs huge brain move
The Anti-Cheat thing is honestly correct lol I mean Anti Cheats programs are not necessarly the best, and having a local authority handling it is much better, they are going to give the basic protection soon, but what if that is irrelevant since Cheats are just becoming more and more advanced? Yes I get the idea of "but no basic" but this is the thing, the Basic should be on the Server mods, which will be able to see what is happening. EDIT- Yeah On the Basic stuff, I know BlueDrake did that way, but I'm not sure on that, for me I think the basis should be there, revive should be there. should be basic but allowing to play how its needed.
Community led content basically means: We don’t have the ability to produce it so you guys do it. They should have done a kickstarter for this game and contracted some devs to work on it. The game currently feels like Amateur devs first game
And it has no anti-cheat on launch, and when asked about it they said it will be coming in a few months.... if it makes it that far with all of the complaints about hackers I've been seeing i will be surprised
I am skeptical of the game but enthusiastic for the concept. I am a avid RavenField player and unless you dont know the base game sucks but the experience you create through the workshop is amazing. What idea blue drake has is more along the lines of a pentrest of gaming or a Gmod type deal except with a powerful engine and initial FPS framework. He didnt kick start it because he will not be the main creator and most kickstarters are scams and fall into the toxic trends of the current industry. He didnt want that and will not be monitising the "game" at all.
Even garrysmod has stuff for you to use in the base game to do things, well before you start installing addons. Half life 2 is a solid game in of itself, and from that a modding community sprouted. Almost any game that has a dedicated modding community has had a solid base game present. Mods alone cannot be the driver for a game, not this early. It needs a base to be viable for modding.
Let's face it. Its not a game to play. Its a platform for modders and new game devs to try and test out. I only played it for 2 minutes to test as someone with experience with UE dev. I'll stick with Squad only for actual gameplay. We are 2-4 years out if we were to compare Squad development. Most likely, it will just be full with modders and very few actual gamers playing this game in a week until all of the base game elements that squad has are in the game. Its an interesting concept .. I love it. Decentralized games that we as a community build vs waiting for some AAA game studio to decide what we want. I would recommend getting into the discord, learning how to mod and develop in UE, even just for fun. My favorite video games of all time are Homeworld (1999) and Squad (2015) and I decided to experiment and mod in both games for fun. However, that being said, for the modding community to build on this, we NEED a better base game. Even if its barebones. We need: - Bug fixes - Anti Cheat - Medic system - Amazing base gun play - Amazing sound design - All the player functionality of Squad + animations - Crash reporting and lots of QA - Patches update / install very quickly - Integrated mods in the game - Single player tutorial mode like Squad has w/ voice acting - Networking Multiplayer must be able to work with 100 players better than squad (no rubberbanding helis..) - Better performance for low end machines. (60 fps+ for 10x series cards) Some things just can't be asked from modders and from server admins. What we don't need: - Bots - Vehicles - Maps (Just 2-4 amazing maps is fine.) - Built in building systems - 4k textures, photo realism - Arty , Mortars, Helis, any bloated assets What the DREAM base game would have: - Building destruction system - 120 fps for low end machines like CS Go - Amazing map design for 4 base maps like CS Go (Dust, Office, Italy..) - Better sound design than Squad - Better gun play than CS - Better voice chat than Squad or just copy it THEN I WILL MOD! In the current state, modders can't be expected to create an amazing experience and no one can expect us to mod when the player base wont play the game for more than one minute because its just not good enough yet.
I heavily dislike this game because its being funded by youtubers like BlueDrake,which him and some of his friends regularly shit on games that are exactly like this made by smaller developers
100% the moment someone releases a stable and crazy mod everyone will jump to it, Squad was already big with a stable player base but when the starwars mod release everyone was jumping in or at least there was a lot of people around that mod
Interesting concept, but purely community developed would've worked better with a solid foundation to build from. If anyone is willing to put in the time and work to mod this into something that's more modern and recognizable amongst current gen tactical and squad based shooters, it just makes more sense to start modding from something more defined and has a larger community, like Squad, Battlefield, or just start from the unreal engine. A reskin of Squad or Project Reality with Halo content would be way less effort and have way more functionality. Base Unreal Engine 5 with the Advanced Locomotion System plugin already has more polish than OHD (improved AI, incredible animation states, various weapon systems, defined navigation conditions, etc.) and can be started from in a matter of minutes. I guess on that point, this doesn't feel so much as a community modding environment but more like a starter kit for game dev-level effort to make into something fun and interesting. Maybe offer it as an UE Marketplace asset, plugin, or starter project?
Forgive my ignorance as I know nothing about development. But what has the dev really done here for the community to leverage? The way I see it, they created a student project level game on UE and are advertising it as some sort of platform. Why would a capable enough modder build upon such barebones rather than make their own game? Is the hope to entice the community to build upon a common game rather than fracture the efforts on various shooters? If so, this "game" doesn't seem to be that. You have to give mod community a strong base to improve upon, not just tell them to make their own game.
OHD is at this time is pretty similar to what squad was in their early access. On top of that they make sure to improve the mod support. OHD modding started similar to how squad modding was. But up until this build they have improved and broken down modding support for Factions, Maps and Game modes. And they are planning to improve that. It's not a barebones UE. Game already support 64 players and server files for it. Without requiring any server license like in squad. There are people who learn unreal from scratch and making mods for it as well. They can prototype in the SDK and then move to their own game engine as well.
Ppl talk shit about this game a lot and wanna compare it to squad, I remember I messed up squad was back in the day. Squad didn’t come out great. It took update after updates after updates
There are some people just misunderstood the point of the dev team, and had bad exp when they played the game. I mean look at Arma reforger, which player had to spend $30 to play the game and the game wasnt unplayable (im talking about crashes). The problems werent fixed since it launched. No new contents... Frankly, OHD is much better than that. Ofc OHD needs more and more updates because the current state is kinda meh.
I've been watching what turned into this project for... over 10 years, since I started watching bluedrake videos during my project reality era. While I have only really half paid attention to bludrake and his whole account and rotating projects too much since, its wild to me that all these years have gone by and the end result of rambling videos where drake goes through like unreal engine marketplace stores to talking ambitiously about a potential project that is now OHD is an honest to god released tactical sandbox that... already has a modding life of its own? I barely consider it released yet its already being put to us being given life at a rapid pace. Thus I do have some weird hope and curiosity for where this might project might go, despite putting in maybe 45 minutes of my time and going "nah for now." But its already begun transforming and I feel that every season that goes by I can check in and go "huh, thats neat" and eventually it will be at a state where I'm playing it a bunch because it's bringing to life a type of user-driven development scene that I haven't seen be this alive since the golden era of Battlefield 2 mods. It's kinda cool. It feels genuinely rooted in a 2000s modding demographic that's finally got all the tools and controls its disparate contributors and teams always dreamed of. I wish it success and its great to see. I'm certain the day will come where it's on my rotation of stuff I play with friends.
*sigh* it is just too little But, it is free, and i do like the foundation. It has things in it i want expanded. It isn't BAD to me, in fact. It's borderline good. I haven't dipped into the modding yet. Just as is. But, i hopw it grows. Because that would be cool. In fact it would be amazing. I'm hopeful, but there are glaring issues. I get what you mean by not fun. It's a foundation, no walls roof or furniture. But i do hope this works out
Fucking yes, it is. It's literally in early access and is not released right now. It's literally been made for modding as well so it'd have a very long term lifespan.
you are wrong in saying "Its unfortunate for you with OHD, that its free but I don't need to enjoy playing it" The game is on a really simple state, the fact that its free just means that vs Squad in its earliest version, you didn't wasted money on a Unfinished Project, but you are wasting time, and why not playing it is not unfortunate. I said this in other places but I gonna say here, if you want to Enjoy OHD, don't play now, if you find the gameplay boring, instead get the SDK, get Blender, get into a Forum with your friends, and start organizing, lets say you like the Iran-Iraq war aesthetics, make a Model of the Cascavel, one of the F-14, one of the T-55, and other stuff widely used in that conflict, and when the game is worth playing, boom drop a giant mod for that. Don't act like this is a good game right now, but prepare for when it is going to be, and I will say this, if you have the basics, lets say: Vehicle interaction, Medical system, Logistics and Ammo system, and Spawn based on player structures or something else, drop a well fleshed out mod for the game. Make a BF-2042 like mod (something I want to make), make a Italian forces mod, and then drop the content when its ready.
I really like the idea behind the game and the vision but the fact that EVERYTHING is community created also leaves a lot of holes in the foundation of this game. Yes, I love the thought of creative freedom the devs are giving to modders and community design but I also like simple and fundamental features that the game is missing. I understand this is VERY early stages of a game however, and am going to be keeping an eye on progress and will be joining the fun once the game picks up. One of my biggest worries for this game is while this idea of it being community run is very cool it may be used as a facade for laziness on the actual developers part to skimp out on key features such as the EAC and others...
OHD it self is really boring to me 😅 but I see it as a template and just wait in like 6 months or so some really interesting Modded servers most likely will start to show up. Love the concept and will definitely change the standard of community made games forever
Downloaded it and played it for a bit and i kinda got this sense of dread seeing this game is gonna end up like Ravenfield except this has a proper multiplayer mode, but just like Ravenfield the only time the game can redeem itself is through mods.... a shit ton of mods. Hopefully the devs realise that the base product should be a better place to be than just let the community do all the work
I have spent time playing this game and I love it only with single player. Im waiting for the anti cheat to play multiplayer. This is a early game and can't wait for modded vehicles and possibly arma type gameplay. When squad first came out it was not the greatest. I think we should just give it time and support this project.
The game is definitely not ready to be played properly in the current state, but I will say I do agree a bit with bludrakes views, like anticheat, yes it might be a little more tedious for server owners, but anticheat software is very invasive and can actually pose a risk to users computers with how they are implemented at the moment, as they are given permission to the most inner circles of control for the computer at times, and so having server side protection rather than client side is a good thing I think
If it was such a good idea I’m quite sure that it wouldve been already proposed and tested. It’s not for a reason, it’s a terrible idea - burdening your community with what is the most basic and expected thing in the industry, only for them to be able to host this shallow crap gameplay? Drake is delusional at times, seeing himself as a messiah of gaming but in fact he’s closer to Chris Robert’s - detached from reality.
@@IAtarenI it's not a good idea for business no, most security concerns aren't, as consumers tend to not like it, because who would have guessed often they cause annoyance, like for instance having to relog every 30 min with 3 factor authentication is very tedious and annoying, but it's much better than just a password to log in once which is very nice for the consumer. Consumers are the biggest problem with security, I'm educating myself within computer security and I can tell you that anti cheat software is a gigantic security problem, to the point where if it gets compromised by the wrong person that software is a direct gateway to full access over your machine to a state where they can quite literally make it destroy itself. This isn't something that happens much, but it's a problem that can come from how it's made. This is why I'm saying bludrakes idea is better in a security point of view, and hence a good idea
@@oracuda that's not necessarily true if serverside systems are well made, as the server overlooks everything and can set rules for what is possible and not, and can ban from doing impossible things, though yes it is weaker against detecting cheats in general because it's not intrusive to the user
@@galdorofnihelm6798 okay, CS:GO iss also server authoratative, imagine CS:GO without VAC, there's already enough cheaters without it. we need "intrusive" anticheats.
For me the problem I see is this. The foundation materials are there to build. But that foundation is ment to be built by the community. A community that is not there, or at least doesn’t have the numbers to make it viable. This is the same sentiment I have with CVR (weird tangent but stick with me) see vrchat is the main vr platform cause it has the basic foundations to build games and things on top of. HOWEVR it’s not the only one. Cvr has great devs and this sort of come break our game with mods mentality but it lacks the community to make the mods. See what I’m getting at. The tldr don’t just say, “it’s the communities job to figure out this process” NO! It’s your job to make the foundations work and stable to build off of. There are exceptions that need to be met to get people in The door. It’s no different from the cvr or better yet rolblox. They have YEARS on this game but they started with a basic and stiff infrastructure that while small and simple can make A TON of different games and things. Can ohds do that. I’d like to think so. But it’s best to do it quick before the audience looses faith in the project and the community dwindles to nothing. Attract the casuals and the community follows.
everything the devs have said seems like an excuse for laziness honestly, and that they want the community to build the game for them. Basic animations and simple such things should already be implemented in a game to give players a basis of what the devs envision the games future to be like... BUT instead what it seems like they have done and are doing is bringing a bare bones "game engine" and having a community work for free to create the game for them. So many devs have offered for modders to be able to make money from mods within a game and but nothing ever really comes of it. I really doubt the lifespan will be a long one if the devs do not implement simple such mechanics in a supposedly free tactical shooter. Why would a community waste their time releasing FREE content to a game where the devs do not care for the game they created and have no vision of what the game could become? I think i'd rather just create my own similar game in UE5 and flesh things out properly without having the restrictions of a bare bones SDK which is already based off UE anyway. The game in it's current state is pretty bad, even for a free game created by a small dev team. I've seen smaller dev teams and modders create even better experiences in other similar games, with more fleshed out mechanics. This is just a form of laziness from the devs IMO and until they sort out the VERY BASIC core mechanics of the game, I don't even see a point of playing or even modding it. I would rather use my unpaid free time elsewhere in other games where they have a much more fleshed out game so that I (as a modder) don't have to waste my own time creating the VERY BASIC mechanics for the game. Its a waste of time and resources for both the devs and the modding community IMO.
this is lituraly what minecraft multiplayer will be. some one will start making a bukkit like server for this game that give you plugins. its early i see the potentional. but they pushed the game out in alpha to early it might killed it self by that.
This "game" is DOA. All hype no substance. Its laughable to call the modding tools modding tools at all, OHD is outsourcing their development to the community while providing a glorified server browser. There will be no consistency between modes. When you have no base experience and rely on "mods" to do anything, thats not a mod, its just a new game in your portal. GMOD is an example of this idea done well, OHD won't be.
Youre acting like the very early build of a game released for free cannot be updated. These type of games always take years to reach their full potential (usually even the paid ones) and also you are tryna shit on the people who are giving you their hard work for free?
Would say this is more of a platform than a game if that makes sense, what we have in front of us is a bare bones FPS and nothing more, and the person who owns it is just saying hey you guys can do whatever the hell you want with it. It’s great for people who enjoy modding/developing as a hobby and not for $$ cause they won’t have to invest nothing but time into it. And maybe because of that we’ll see people put some real passion into it. IMO just gotta let it cook and see where it goes
9:00 "I have this stuff you guys want in the game, just not unlocked. Because I'm waiting to see what you want." - Basically what Bluedrake42 says. I have been following this game the ENTIRE time. I have friends that were patreons. I was smart enough not to buy into this. I'm not saying it's a scam...BUT... it's not like almost no real work was put into this. You can get a lot of the features its missing right on the unreal engine store. Sometimes for free. And Bluedrake KNEW that us hardcore Squad players were coming here. Well... there's barely any communication because there's no reason to. It just rush the objective over and over till you capture it. There's no rallies or FOBs. There's no medic features. There's no bipoding your MG. There's no adjusting the distance for your Grenade Launcher. It's just not fun. And using the excuse of "we want to see what you guys want/make" is a cop out for the half assed job they've done. I'll be watching till this gets better, because I sincerely hope it does get better. But I'll be watching, not playing this mess.
This game is going to be Arma, with standard mods that everyone uses Also I can't wait for the 2b2t-esc shenanigans that are going to come from needing mods from random very-trustworthy-community-members(tm) for ANTI-CHEAT and other CORE MECHANICS
I think it's a bit disingenuous of Bluedrake to make it out to be that he's this grand architect who "intentionally designed" every aspect of the game such that if you feel it's lacking something, it was only because he wanted to see what modders could do rather than outright admit "hey, for a free game we had a limited budget of time and money, and for such an ambitious project as this, this is the best we could do before being forced to hit the greenlight and having you all to carry the torch forward". Because that's essentially what it feels like, an extremely ambitious project resulted in a final product that's VERY wide but VERY shallow. If this game somehow retains it's community long enough for innovative and fun mods, and the community quickly landing on standardized mods for things like anti cheat and basic fixes/optimizations that every server needs, then yeah I can easily see this becoming The Next Big Thing.
But other studios move on to different games and recycle the same stuff. Bluedrake is chillin baby! He’s here to stay! He will continue to improve on everything that the game needs. It just takes time.
I'm like you: Seems like it's going to be the greatest tactical shooter in history...in a year from now. Personally waiting for a Foxhole-type server to show up.
Everyone's forgotten how squad started life. Now look at it. The leader in tactical fps games? If the mods go like arma this will fail. They need to sort out direct download of mods. I never got into arma due to all the extras making it an issue.
Any comparison to PR is a bit unfair, PR does have the mind boggling amount of content and its amazing what the modders have been doing for the past decade, but that's the point; they've had a decade to do My hopes are that when this game blows up, PR modders might jump the boat and develop for OHD It's like a natural upgrade to PR thanks to the new graphics and a better engine to work with
Seriously I hate this lol.. if people didn’t know who Drake was and this randomly released without the press people would be tearing this apart. It’s hot garbage.. free or not idc it’s a crappy game, cool if it’s amazing in 3 years ok but rn it’s awful lmao
finally a take from someone who isnt fucking delusional. so many people have spent the year riding bluedrakes phalic member they just say this garbage is good. or if its bad we cant complain because its free.
U missed alot of stuff prolly since u dont follow the game as much but what u said at the end of the video is the best summary of ohd is a platform not really a game more like a factory with tools.
I keep getting insta killed out of nowhere, also it's horribly optimized. I get the same choppy fps on low and epic settings. They should add better LODs if they even have any
its funny watching all this go down. Bluedrake had all his youtube buddies share the word about his game and its now kinda flopping a bit and these "youtube friends" are kinda now turning their backs and siding with the community and its a bit brutal to watch. This is how youtube Dramas start. Making the popcorn now.
I think this game is going to have a long, successful lifespan, but I'm not sure if now is the time for me to jump on in. What are yall thinking so far about OHD?
It seems obvious enough that demanding the community puts in features that should be in the base game is illogical.
If you want people to mod your game they should have some fun playing it without any mods at all.
The guy making it I am not a fan of and I have not been a fan of how he's handled criticism of the release. He seems like a very passive aggressive dude who expected to be worshipped at launch. He's made a game where they have given you a body but expect the community to make the arms, legs, head, brain, lungs, organs and fingers. This is all in regular UE4 where they haven't made any mod tools, so people will need to learn the engine which is a big ask
Idk man I think it's pretty neat, it's free and runs. I think bluedrake has a tendency to overhype the projects he covers and generally gets super excited about really basic stuff. I'd prefer they cooked it a little longer tbh. I'm rooting for this project though and if the halo stuff comes along my community will support it
at the moment there isn't much to do, but mods are coming out everyday so maybe just check the game from time to time
Why are people calling this a game. It is not a game, its a moddable platform like you said. As a game its a big steaming pile of dog shit
I’ve played about 7-8 hours of this and in the current state of it. it’s just not gonna keep me longer then that. But I am here all for it and honestly I put a few bucks for support and see where it goes. I really do want this explode and beat my expectations but everything pointed out is just hurting the game.
it's really just the bare bones as of right now you can still think of it as a prototype
the time they advance the development , HL3 will be already out
Bud come back, I played when you commented and I thought the same thing. Got tired of constant black screen. I was bad but still the game felt so weird. I got back on 2 days ago…. Just learn the controls, mainly prone. Don’t go running in like it’s cod. Go on the outside and once ur close go prone and crawl in even closer. Find good cover up high and lay em down. I’m getting 40+ kills. Just got to get the right position and don’t rage when black screened
Hey Moi, I agree with (almost) everything in this video and I believe the team does too.
However, the only thing I feel we need to clarify is the narrative that the mod community will develop this game by themselves from this point on.
This is very much not true. Not only will our development team be developing this game at the same pace that we have been for the previous two years... but development pace will likely drastically increase now that we have a huge influx of supporters and assistance.
So just wanted to explain that. All of the issues you've mentioned are not going to be developed by the community by themselves. They're going to be developed by the official development team. If the community wishes to create mods and help with development by testing, prototyping, and generally experimenting... we embrace and participate in that process with them. However, our development team is still making this game ourselves... even if no one in the mod community wants to help out.
The only thing (as I understand it) that differentiates us from other tactical projects concerning mod support is that we just give people who are already creating a mods a voice in the project. The intel game mode in Ground Branch started as a mod. The first version of helicopters in Squad was created by an unpaid mod creator (which Squad absolutely used as a prototype to build out the official helicopter system) and those are paid games.
So I just want to make sure that that is explained.
We aren't just dumping this project and expecting the mod community to work on every bug, issue, and feature in the game from this point on. We'll be working on the game ourselves and implementing all of the things you listed in this video, the only difference is we give the mod community the option to help us if they choose to. We've always believed in allowing the mod community to help with the official game, and I believe we'll continue to have that stance for the duration of the project.
Thanks for the coverage man
I see the vision and am excited to follow the progress. Thanks for making something yall are so passionate about!
It's worth for anyone who likes the experience of playing games in early access for the experience of seeing it grow over time, as Squad did between 2016-2020. If someone doesn't fit that type of player, I recommend at least joining the game's community to stay on top of news both about the game and about the mods that are in development.
The difference is Squad was endlessly enjoyable in 2016, maybe even more so than it is now lol
@@pats3071 You didn't play Squad in 2016 on day one of early access, to be saying that. Squad had less content than OHD at that time.
@@MathianSC2 I played Squad before release and infantry only Squad with strictly Project Reality guys was where its soul shined brightest. The foundation of the gameplay was enjoyable from the jump.
Infantry-only days of Squad... Those were my best times in the game.
Tbh, I don't enjoy the game as much now for some reason. Maybe it just felt simpler before, I dunno. But I'm willing to accept that it's purely a me-issue hah. I'm getting old.
I miss earlyish squad tbh.
the game is raw but i appreciate how real and transparent bluedrake is being about the game its refreshing to see he trying build a game for gamers
Yeah. He make this game only for gamers and not only money like other companies did
For a free game thats in a VERY early release, it has SO SO much potential. I see this game as a platform for modders to really take to the next level. I will support it and see where it goes.
This is a good review of the game, it's not mindless hate, and actually goes into the pros and cons of the game. As a hardcore fan of the game, I appreciate it, even though you don't like it right now
Id like to say that bluedrake has a really great vision for the game, something not entirely unique (think gmod) but certainly something that, given enough time, money, and love, could be a future framework that could eat into literally every single part of the FPS space, from lower level arcadey shooters, to squad or arma, to potentially even an RTS if you really wanted. This idea of a fully modular, open source FPS framework is incredibly important to the future of PC gaming entirely. However,
Its bare bones, frankly the game kinda sucks ass, youre very correct in that. I think with the early access launch, bluedrakes strategy is "the community will decide what they want the game to be, and we will provide the tools necessary for them to take it that way". Keep in mind that entire games like arma and gmod are primarily centered around creating your own experience, and thats what bluedrake wants, but I think he should focus on making that experience as accessible as possible.
There is a massive amount of work that needs to be done, and the dev team knows that. I dont think its currently intended to be a fully fleshed out experience yet, and neither was any early access indie game when it launched. Regardless, as enthusiastic as I am, my fear is that people will see this as a "do the game for me", and not as a "this is meant to be whatever you want".
That's exactly the reaction we are seeing already. "Do a free game for me" and "do server admin for me"
@@bjack1547 it's kinda sad that people don't remember that this is how it used to be, and it was kinda better. Just pay for a complete experience and host it yourself.
i was expecting OHD to closer to squad V10 but its so early its like squad V1
All of the dev responses are along the lines of "squad had barely any content when it launched and we might even have more than squad did" but i don't think that's a good answer if you are trying to make a game to compete with squad, they should have given it more time for development before early access
People said this would kill Squad on launch
no shit lmao it had like 1/16th the budget of squad
Yea no shit bro, how dumb can you all be?
Compare to squad lmfao
The stare at the grenade bounce back into "You Have Died" was fantastic. Yes, thank you game, I know.
What Bluedrake is doing is basically wait for a modder to show up with an idea. Implement them. And then recruit them. Which is honestly genius. Like for now, Bluedrake is looking forward to recruit a guy who make a mod for bullet penetration. And it all happened under a week. So yeah, this game will be a good game IF it had the necessary funding and IF Bluedrake don't mess up their game.
And if Bluedrake gets hyper excited for his game like he did now and expect the community alone to make the game almost completely. I don't think it will be a game that would be as huge as squad currently is.
Getting your community to make some of the stuff of your game and then improve it is honestly a genius idea. But to be fair, he needs to at least give a foundation for the mechanics. For the example is the Medic. I think that Bluedrake needs to make at least the basics of being a medic. Like Healing and Reviving. And then let the community to improve it and give it more details. That way, it would end up better for Bluedrake and the community.
About the bullet penetration, seen bluedrake in one video told that already someone it's working on that...and so many more things...many many more...this game it's going to be huge
Genius? That's what AAA studios do quite a bit, and gamers often call them lazy or unimaginative for buying up modders. Can't have your cake and eat it to.
I really think that people referring to OHD as a "game" is what's causing backlash. Its not really a game, its a modding utility really. Like taking UE4 and giving a community a base set of tools to build their own games. IF that's what you want.. here you are.
i agree, in a year or so it will probably be great to play and will rival some tacital shooters on market today
My issue with this project is BlueDrake's criticism of other devs for not allowing modding. He made a comment that devs don't provide mod support because they don't want modder content to compete with potential DLC. He then proceeded to make the most bare bones FPS imaginable, so it feels like even *he* isn't willing to invest in a legit, full fledged game and then give modders access to that. Instead modders are tasked with, essentially, making this project into a game.
This criticism doesn’t make any sense because OHD is at the same place games like Squad and Hell Let Loose were at when they released. They were really barebones too. Even more so tbh because they didn’t have modding support at all.
@@kingcole55 Was BlueDrake asking them to open up their game to modding at release? Or did he only start AFTER they had a bunch more features and became popular?
My criticism stands. He made this mini-rant about how he had to make his own game because other companies refused to work with him because they were protective of their IP (or in his words didn't want competition for their DLC) and in the end he hasn't really developed a game to the extent those other companies had them developed when HE approached them to open up their games to extensive modding.
@@Athasin What? He didn't ask anyone to open up their games for modding. Other people started modding, he started covering those mods, and then those companies hit him with copyright strikes and tried to get his material taken down over it. I dunno if this is the exact story with Squad but it was something similar. It's happened with every game he's covered. That's why he made this game.
He released a game that is at the same level of development of Squad except it's further along development because it also has full mod support with Steam Workshop integration. So if your criticism is that his game isn't at the same level of development as Squad, then your criticism does not stand.
@@kingcole55 Go watch his video "A statement before we launch..." he literally says it was easier for him as a content creator to make his own game than to "convince those devs to change what they were doing" in regards to them not providing mod support for their games.
And you are out of your mind if you think this game is further along in development than Squad just because it has mod support. Like, do you even know what modding is?
@@Athasin I don't think you're fully reading my comments. Squad was at this level of development when it released. That's a fact. You can go back and watch day 1 Squad footage. It's barebones as fuck. The only difference between Squad at early access release and OHD at early access release is that OHD has mod support.
>he literally says it was easier for him as a content creator to make his own game than to "convince those devs to change what they were doing" in regards to them not providing mod support for their games.
What are you arguing here? I'm so confused as to how this is relevant at all. The point here is that Bluedrake didn't criticize other games. He made his own game instead of criticizing them. I made a comment pointing out that Bluedrake did not initiate any issue over modding with other game devs. That comment is still correct.
Did they fix the bug where left clicks only register half of the time
It would be cool if the devs could make some "example" mods for basic things, like the medic gameplay loop and upload them as a collection in the worskhop, maybe call it "Original dev mods" or whatever, it would let these features still be optional, so if a server thinks a communitymade mod is the better alternative, they just don't use the devmod, it would showcase how OHD is centred around modding, and also would give examples what kind of mods, from basic to complex, the game can get.
I hope this makes sense?
Overall I do agree with your video 100%
Its the other way around the good modders become devs theres multiple devs who are just modders that got added to the team
I hope bluedrake doesn't abandon it after 6-8 months like his other games!
I love that this project exists. It's unique. The potential is definitely there. 💯
I think this is the most unbiased, fair analysis of this game so far
Everything around this game has a very "I'm a teenager, and this is real deep" element to it that I can't truck with. From the way the developers communicate to the community, to the people who have some kind of bone to pick with "monetization". I hope the game is successful and I hope we seem some cool mods come out of it, but the cheerleaders for this game definitely give off a kool aid drinker vibe.
it is bluedrake, all his videos are clickbait THIS GAME IS AMAZING OH MY GOD. but i do hope this game succeeds and grows well.
Man you hit the head of the nail wih that comment. Somehow it seems that the supporters dont understand that "potential" and "community" require a something to build on and thats actual players. And getting players is by having a good core experience. Somehow I see in these koolaid comments that you have to like it even though the game is not yet mature enough and doesnt have a good gaming experience.
I've enjoyed the nostalgia hit of it being BF2 with a bit of modern graphics and a shorter ttk. The controls are the same, the menus are the same idea, the gunplay and sound design are the same (not very good lol) and the bots suck in exactly the same way that they used to. Whether or not I keep playing it depends on what mods do with the gunplay and sound design for me personally
Yeah mod auto download is a must otherwise modding will be dead
I hope all these new TH-cam vids dont kill OHD, a lot of people are gonna see these vids, think its terrible, and never play it. Period.
I mean dude. I can't even play a match without hackers bombarding one faction or two hackers bombarding each other faction. Until that's fixed no one will want to touch it. That's just plain facts. I got 2 matches without hackers on day 1. To be fair I had a pretty fun match where one guy (I think unknowingly) quoted Black Hawk Down to me. But everything else has been hackers or bot filled lobbies. As in one team is 60% human's with remainder NPC and the other faction just pure NPC.
Those matches are very boring as you can imagine. Fun for a moment as I spray with a tommy or M2 but the ai isn't very smart.
@@Darek_B52 Oh ok, I've never played multiplayer, so this is news to me. Lets hope that anti cheat comes soon then
Been playing the game for a while around 2 days, its good and of course there are few bugs and more, after all its an Early Access game which still in its development and i hope most things get fixed and adding cool stuff like car and all, since the Drakeling Labs DevTeam mostly focusing on details, animation overhaul and mapping(from what i can tell since i always check the DevBlogs) and hope after this they'll focus on some important stuff. I recommend playing this game in later time to see how well the game gonna be or if you wanna try it out, go play it now.
I've been playing on playtests, I participated in Warfare 1944, I've been there on the kind of announcement of playtests, when iron armada was left behind.
I can say that. Because I was there, and the things I can say is that they're passionated about this project. It's like a life worth project (time wise). It's dear to me. And I will keep supplying my hopes, debugging sharing feedback, because I've seen it grow and I want to see it grow even more.
I played a few hours this evening... It's great but it does feel a little clunky in places. There definitely needs to be base mechanics for medics and anti cheat etc with the option to mod your own replacements for servers if you want a more in depth/safer experience, like ARMA has simple medical gameplay but most servers have mods to have a richer feel.
I tried it out and it didn't feel good enough for me yet, but I do like how getting shot in this actually throws off your sights for a bit and prevents you from instantly returning fire, unlike Squad
It's all right, the game really needs a rally system or something similar to that. Most of the rounds I played the attacking team couldn't even take the first objective and it seemed really easy when you're on the defensive team.
I really hope bluedrake checks this out cuz the game has alot of potential. The base stuff really needs to be fixed.. id love to see something implemented to actually control the AI and stuff in game. Keep it up man.
the swimming mimics Project Reality. When you get in the water you dont have access to weapons and you can swim infinitely
I will get into Harsh Doorstop when they develop the game for another year or two, honestly hard to call it a game at the moment. Nothing but a decrepit shell of a product.....
the game has Pretentious written all over it, "oh if you want an anti cheat just make one yourself" how about instead of that you oh idk use a basic anti cheat AT LAUNCH. that is unacceptable to me and the devs are being pretentious pricks about it. this game has nothing, nothing but promises and i don't support games on promises i support games on content.
Not even a week without anticheat and youre acting like theres been a year adding anticheat a week or two (even a month) after launch is perfectly acceptable for an early beta free game
Seriously tho yall are acting like this is "marketed" (theyre not trying to sell anything to you, nothing to sell) like a completed game this is a very early version that they made available for transparency and the modders
@stuart2642 this game is out without basic features. I don't care if it's early access you don't release a multi-player shooter without an anti cheat and the fact that the devs are being pricks about it saying make your own is unacceptable.
@@boomerpatrol2838 Ironic you talk about the devs being pretentious but then are just projecting your attitude of being pretentious thinking the devs need to listen to your every non constructive criticism word and INSTANTLY put it into the game on a donation funded game. You really help the community by insulting the devs huge brain move
Arma 8 will be enjoyed by my great great grandchildren
The Anti-Cheat thing is honestly correct lol
I mean Anti Cheats programs are not necessarly the best, and having a local authority handling it is much better, they are going to give the basic protection soon, but what if that is irrelevant since Cheats are just becoming more and more advanced?
Yes I get the idea of "but no basic" but this is the thing, the Basic should be on the Server mods, which will be able to see what is happening.
EDIT- Yeah On the Basic stuff, I know BlueDrake did that way, but I'm not sure on that, for me I think the basis should be there, revive should be there. should be basic but allowing to play how its needed.
The best way I have been able to rate it is you get what you pay for
Community led content basically means:
We don’t have the ability to produce it so you guys do it. They should have done a kickstarter for this game and contracted some devs to work on it.
The game currently feels like Amateur devs first game
And it has no anti-cheat on launch, and when asked about it they said it will be coming in a few months.... if it makes it that far with all of the complaints about hackers I've been seeing i will be surprised
I am skeptical of the game but enthusiastic for the concept. I am a avid RavenField player and unless you dont know the base game sucks but the experience you create through the workshop is amazing. What idea blue drake has is more along the lines of a pentrest of gaming or a Gmod type deal except with a powerful engine and initial FPS framework. He didnt kick start it because he will not be the main creator and most kickstarters are scams and fall into the toxic trends of the current industry. He didnt want that and will not be monitising the "game" at all.
Lmao you made it up. Great misleading.
Even garrysmod has stuff for you to use in the base game to do things, well before you start installing addons.
Half life 2 is a solid game in of itself, and from that a modding community sprouted.
Almost any game that has a dedicated modding community has had a solid base game present. Mods alone cannot be the driver for a game, not this early. It needs a base to be viable for modding.
Let's face it. Its not a game to play. Its a platform for modders and new game devs to try and test out. I only played it for 2 minutes to test as someone with experience with UE dev. I'll stick with Squad only for actual gameplay. We are 2-4 years out if we were to compare Squad development. Most likely, it will just be full with modders and very few actual gamers playing this game in a week until all of the base game elements that squad has are in the game. Its an interesting concept .. I love it. Decentralized games that we as a community build vs waiting for some AAA game studio to decide what we want.
I would recommend getting into the discord, learning how to mod and develop in UE, even just for fun. My favorite video games of all time are Homeworld (1999) and Squad (2015) and I decided to experiment and mod in both games for fun.
However, that being said, for the modding community to build on this, we NEED a better base game. Even if its barebones.
We need:
- Bug fixes
- Anti Cheat
- Medic system
- Amazing base gun play
- Amazing sound design
- All the player functionality of Squad + animations
- Crash reporting and lots of QA
- Patches update / install very quickly
- Integrated mods in the game
- Single player tutorial mode like Squad has w/ voice acting
- Networking Multiplayer must be able to work with 100 players better than squad (no rubberbanding helis..)
- Better performance for low end machines. (60 fps+ for 10x series cards)
Some things just can't be asked from modders and from server admins.
What we don't need:
- Bots
- Vehicles
- Maps (Just 2-4 amazing maps is fine.)
- Built in building systems
- 4k textures, photo realism
- Arty , Mortars, Helis, any bloated assets
What the DREAM base game would have:
- Building destruction system
- 120 fps for low end machines like CS Go
- Amazing map design for 4 base maps like CS Go (Dust, Office, Italy..)
- Better sound design than Squad
- Better gun play than CS
- Better voice chat than Squad or just copy it
In the current state, modders can't be expected to create an amazing experience and no one can expect us to mod when the player base wont play the game for more than one minute because its just not good enough yet.
As God once said, "Just play Arma".
I heavily dislike this game because its being funded by youtubers like BlueDrake,which him and some of his friends regularly shit on games that are exactly like this made by smaller developers
100% the moment someone releases a stable and crazy mod everyone will jump to it, Squad was already big with a stable player base but when the starwars mod release everyone was jumping in or at least there was a lot of people around that mod
Should have probably been released with "preview" in its name.
Interesting concept, but purely community developed would've worked better with a solid foundation to build from. If anyone is willing to put in the time and work to mod this into something that's more modern and recognizable amongst current gen tactical and squad based shooters, it just makes more sense to start modding from something more defined and has a larger community, like Squad, Battlefield, or just start from the unreal engine. A reskin of Squad or Project Reality with Halo content would be way less effort and have way more functionality. Base Unreal Engine 5 with the Advanced Locomotion System plugin already has more polish than OHD (improved AI, incredible animation states, various weapon systems, defined navigation conditions, etc.) and can be started from in a matter of minutes. I guess on that point, this doesn't feel so much as a community modding environment but more like a starter kit for game dev-level effort to make into something fun and interesting. Maybe offer it as an UE Marketplace asset, plugin, or starter project?
Forgive my ignorance as I know nothing about development. But what has the dev really done here for the community to leverage?
The way I see it, they created a student project level game on UE and are advertising it as some sort of platform. Why would a capable enough modder build upon such barebones rather than make their own game?
Is the hope to entice the community to build upon a common game rather than fracture the efforts on various shooters? If so, this "game" doesn't seem to be that. You have to give mod community a strong base to improve upon, not just tell them to make their own game.
OHD is at this time is pretty similar to what squad was in their early access. On top of that they make sure to improve the mod support.
OHD modding started similar to how squad modding was. But up until this build they have improved and broken down modding support for Factions, Maps and Game modes. And they are planning to improve that.
It's not a barebones UE. Game already support 64 players and server files for it. Without requiring any server license like in squad. There are people who learn unreal from scratch and making mods for it as well. They can prototype in the SDK and then move to their own game engine as well.
Ppl talk shit about this game a lot and wanna compare it to squad, I remember I messed up squad was back in the day. Squad didn’t come out great. It took update after updates after updates
There are some people just misunderstood the point of the dev team, and had bad exp when they played the game. I mean look at Arma reforger, which player had to spend $30 to play the game and the game wasnt unplayable (im talking about crashes). The problems werent fixed since it launched. No new contents... Frankly, OHD is much better than that. Ofc OHD needs more and more updates because the current state is kinda meh.
If I wanted to play a tactical shooter with (functionally) no anti-cheat; I'd just play Tarkov.
Hahahaha so true 💀
Pretty much nailed it. Exactly how I feel. I really do hope it takes off.
This looks interesting to me but does it fill a hole in the market? Meaning why not just mod arma or a diff game? Is it easier here or something?
DUDE squad also dint have anticheat for the first years when launch
It originally launched with VAC and changed to EAC shortly after the early access release in Dec 2015, no clue what you are talking about.
Let the game cook, we can wait and see.
Not everything is created for instant gratification.
I've been watching what turned into this project for... over 10 years, since I started watching bluedrake videos during my project reality era. While I have only really half paid attention to bludrake and his whole account and rotating projects too much since, its wild to me that all these years have gone by and the end result of rambling videos where drake goes through like unreal engine marketplace stores to talking ambitiously about a potential project that is now OHD is an honest to god released tactical sandbox that... already has a modding life of its own? I barely consider it released yet its already being put to us being given life at a rapid pace.
Thus I do have some weird hope and curiosity for where this might project might go, despite putting in maybe 45 minutes of my time and going "nah for now." But its already begun transforming and I feel that every season that goes by I can check in and go "huh, thats neat" and eventually it will be at a state where I'm playing it a bunch because it's bringing to life a type of user-driven development scene that I haven't seen be this alive since the golden era of Battlefield 2 mods.
It's kinda cool. It feels genuinely rooted in a 2000s modding demographic that's finally got all the tools and controls its disparate contributors and teams always dreamed of.
I wish it success and its great to see. I'm certain the day will come where it's on my rotation of stuff I play with friends.
*sigh* it is just too little
But, it is free, and i do like the foundation. It has things in it i want expanded. It isn't BAD to me, in fact. It's borderline good. I haven't dipped into the modding yet. Just as is. But, i hopw it grows. Because that would be cool. In fact it would be amazing. I'm hopeful, but there are glaring issues.
I get what you mean by not fun. It's a foundation, no walls roof or furniture. But i do hope this works out
I got really drunk once and floated around Lam Dong bay...I woke up in the gutter with no pants! Don't do it sir! Don't do drugs kids, stay in school.
Can someone make a survival type of game with this? Like dead matter lo
Fucking yes, it is. It's literally in early access and is not released right now. It's literally been made for modding as well so it'd have a very long term lifespan.
What really matters is the fact Project Reality is still a thing.
Just because its free doesn't mean it can't take criticism. Great video my mans I completely agree with you.
I have about 10-14mbs downloads right now. Guess I'll be waiting until this game gets fleshed out before I commit to days if downloading
you are wrong in saying "Its unfortunate for you with OHD, that its free but I don't need to enjoy playing it"
The game is on a really simple state, the fact that its free just means that vs Squad in its earliest version, you didn't wasted money on a Unfinished Project, but you are wasting time, and why not playing it is not unfortunate.
I said this in other places but I gonna say here, if you want to Enjoy OHD, don't play now, if you find the gameplay boring, instead get the SDK, get Blender, get into a Forum with your friends, and start organizing, lets say you like the Iran-Iraq war aesthetics, make a Model of the Cascavel, one of the F-14, one of the T-55, and other stuff widely used in that conflict, and when the game is worth playing, boom drop a giant mod for that.
Don't act like this is a good game right now, but prepare for when it is going to be, and I will say this, if you have the basics, lets say: Vehicle interaction, Medical system, Logistics and Ammo system, and Spawn based on player structures or something else, drop a well fleshed out mod for the game. Make a BF-2042 like mod (something I want to make), make a Italian forces mod, and then drop the content when its ready.
I really like the idea behind the game and the vision but the fact that EVERYTHING is community created also leaves a lot of holes in the foundation of this game. Yes, I love the thought of creative freedom the devs are giving to modders and community design but I also like simple and fundamental features that the game is missing. I understand this is VERY early stages of a game however, and am going to be keeping an eye on progress and will be joining the fun once the game picks up. One of my biggest worries for this game is while this idea of it being community run is very cool it may be used as a facade for laziness on the actual developers part to skimp out on key features such as the EAC and others...
Your review was more fair honestly
Oh shit moment☠️
OHD it self is really boring to me 😅 but I see it as a template and just wait in like 6 months or so some really interesting Modded servers most likely will start to show up. Love the concept and will definitely change the standard of community made games forever
Downloaded it and played it for a bit and i kinda got this sense of dread seeing this game is gonna end up like Ravenfield except this has a proper multiplayer mode, but just like Ravenfield the only time the game can redeem itself is through mods.... a shit ton of mods. Hopefully the devs realise that the base product should be a better place to be than just let the community do all the work
It’s missing basic features you would expect from the release of a game like squad not even a basic rally system
I have spent time playing this game and I love it only with single player. Im waiting for the anti cheat to play multiplayer. This is a early game and can't wait for modded vehicles and possibly arma type gameplay. When squad first came out it was not the greatest. I think we should just give it time and support this project.
The game is definitely not ready to be played properly in the current state, but I will say I do agree a bit with bludrakes views, like anticheat, yes it might be a little more tedious for server owners, but anticheat software is very invasive and can actually pose a risk to users computers with how they are implemented at the moment, as they are given permission to the most inner circles of control for the computer at times, and so having server side protection rather than client side is a good thing I think
theres just gonna be undetectable aimbotters and ESPers in every server if there's no clientside AC lmao
If it was such a good idea I’m quite sure that it wouldve been already proposed and tested. It’s not for a reason, it’s a terrible idea - burdening your community with what is the most basic and expected thing in the industry, only for them to be able to host this shallow crap gameplay? Drake is delusional at times, seeing himself as a messiah of gaming but in fact he’s closer to Chris Robert’s - detached from reality.
@@IAtarenI it's not a good idea for business no, most security concerns aren't, as consumers tend to not like it, because who would have guessed often they cause annoyance, like for instance having to relog every 30 min with 3 factor authentication is very tedious and annoying, but it's much better than just a password to log in once which is very nice for the consumer.
Consumers are the biggest problem with security, I'm educating myself within computer security and I can tell you that anti cheat software is a gigantic security problem, to the point where if it gets compromised by the wrong person that software is a direct gateway to full access over your machine to a state where they can quite literally make it destroy itself. This isn't something that happens much, but it's a problem that can come from how it's made.
This is why I'm saying bludrakes idea is better in a security point of view, and hence a good idea
@@oracuda that's not necessarily true if serverside systems are well made, as the server overlooks everything and can set rules for what is possible and not, and can ban from doing impossible things, though yes it is weaker against detecting cheats in general because it's not intrusive to the user
@@galdorofnihelm6798 okay, CS:GO iss also server authoratative, imagine CS:GO without VAC, there's already enough cheaters without it.
we need "intrusive" anticheats.
For me the problem I see is this. The foundation materials are there to build. But that foundation is ment to be built by the community. A community that is not there, or at least doesn’t have the numbers to make it viable. This is the same sentiment I have with CVR (weird tangent but stick with me) see vrchat is the main vr platform cause it has the basic foundations to build games and things on top of. HOWEVR it’s not the only one. Cvr has great devs and this sort of come break our game with mods mentality but it lacks the community to make the mods. See what I’m getting at. The tldr don’t just say, “it’s the communities job to figure out this process” NO! It’s your job to make the foundations work and stable to build off of. There are exceptions that need to be met to get people in The door. It’s no different from the cvr or better yet rolblox. They have YEARS on this game but they started with a basic and stiff infrastructure that while small and simple can make A TON of different games and things. Can ohds do that. I’d like to think so. But it’s best to do it quick before the audience looses faith in the project and the community dwindles to nothing. Attract the casuals and the community follows.
Refreshing critique.
So once again, I shall ask, please make another eye in the sky episode with French faction and without the UN camo
Played it and right now it’s pretty arcadey, I singly cleared an entire house filled with 10 players
everything the devs have said seems like an excuse for laziness honestly, and that they want the community to build the game for them. Basic animations and simple such things should already be implemented in a game to give players a basis of what the devs envision the games future to be like... BUT instead what it seems like they have done and are doing is bringing a bare bones "game engine" and having a community work for free to create the game for them. So many devs have offered for modders to be able to make money from mods within a game and but nothing ever really comes of it. I really doubt the lifespan will be a long one if the devs do not implement simple such mechanics in a supposedly free tactical shooter. Why would a community waste their time releasing FREE content to a game where the devs do not care for the game they created and have no vision of what the game could become? I think i'd rather just create my own similar game in UE5 and flesh things out properly without having the restrictions of a bare bones SDK which is already based off UE anyway. The game in it's current state is pretty bad, even for a free game created by a small dev team. I've seen smaller dev teams and modders create even better experiences in other similar games, with more fleshed out mechanics. This is just a form of laziness from the devs IMO and until they sort out the VERY BASIC core mechanics of the game, I don't even see a point of playing or even modding it. I would rather use my unpaid free time elsewhere in other games where they have a much more fleshed out game so that I (as a modder) don't have to waste my own time creating the VERY BASIC mechanics for the game. Its a waste of time and resources for both the devs and the modding community IMO.
This takes me back to BF1942 and it's mods.
this is lituraly what minecraft multiplayer will be. some one will start making a bukkit like server for this game that give you plugins. its early i see the potentional. but they pushed the game out in alpha to early it might killed it self by that.
I hope to see dog fight mod like bf4 but with actual hotas support, it was my favorite thing
Welp might as well say the door was harsh
This "game" is DOA. All hype no substance. Its laughable to call the modding tools modding tools at all, OHD is outsourcing their development to the community while providing a glorified server browser. There will be no consistency between modes. When you have no base experience and rely on "mods" to do anything, thats not a mod, its just a new game in your portal.
GMOD is an example of this idea done well, OHD won't be.
Youre acting like the very early build of a game released for free cannot be updated. These type of games always take years to reach their full potential (usually even the paid ones) and also you are tryna shit on the people who are giving you their hard work for free?
Would say this is more of a platform than a game if that makes sense, what we have in front of us is a bare bones FPS and nothing more, and the person who owns it is just saying hey you guys can do whatever the hell you want with it. It’s great for people who enjoy modding/developing as a hobby and not for $$ cause they won’t have to invest nothing but time into it. And maybe because of that we’ll see people put some real passion into it. IMO just gotta let it cook and see where it goes
9:00 "I have this stuff you guys want in the game, just not unlocked. Because I'm waiting to see what you want." - Basically what Bluedrake42 says. I have been following this game the ENTIRE time. I have friends that were patreons. I was smart enough not to buy into this. I'm not saying it's a scam...BUT... it's not like almost no real work was put into this. You can get a lot of the features its missing right on the unreal engine store. Sometimes for free. And Bluedrake KNEW that us hardcore Squad players were coming here. Well... there's barely any communication because there's no reason to. It just rush the objective over and over till you capture it. There's no rallies or FOBs. There's no medic features. There's no bipoding your MG. There's no adjusting the distance for your Grenade Launcher. It's just not fun. And using the excuse of "we want to see what you guys want/make" is a cop out for the half assed job they've done. I'll be watching till this gets better, because I sincerely hope it does get better. But I'll be watching, not playing this mess.
played the game afew times and it feel like it need 1 to 2 years baking
This game is going to be Arma, with standard mods that everyone uses
Also I can't wait for the 2b2t-esc shenanigans that are going to come from needing mods from random very-trustworthy-community-members(tm) for ANTI-CHEAT and other CORE MECHANICS
I think it's a bit disingenuous of Bluedrake to make it out to be that he's this grand architect who "intentionally designed" every aspect of the game such that if you feel it's lacking something, it was only because he wanted to see what modders could do rather than outright admit "hey, for a free game we had a limited budget of time and money, and for such an ambitious project as this, this is the best we could do before being forced to hit the greenlight and having you all to carry the torch forward". Because that's essentially what it feels like, an extremely ambitious project resulted in a final product that's VERY wide but VERY shallow. If this game somehow retains it's community long enough for innovative and fun mods, and the community quickly landing on standardized mods for things like anti cheat and basic fixes/optimizations that every server needs, then yeah I can easily see this becoming The Next Big Thing.
One thing that should be kept in mind is that the game is new. Literally still in early release.
It lacks a lot of core gameplay stuff for a such game
But other studios move on to different games and recycle the same stuff. Bluedrake is chillin baby! He’s here to stay! He will continue to improve on everything that the game needs. It just takes time.
In 10 tears we'll have arma 4 rumors sayin "Arma 4 is just around the corner, tears I'll release in Q3" (Nobody can find the source)
I'm like you: Seems like it's going to be the greatest tactical shooter in history...in a year from now. Personally waiting for a Foxhole-type server to show up.
Is the bodycam mod worth yours . ?
OHD looks like if Roblox and Squad had a baby
Loads of potential
Everyone's forgotten how squad started life. Now look at it. The leader in tactical fps games?
If the mods go like arma this will fail. They need to sort out direct download of mods. I never got into arma due to all the extras making it an issue.
Any comparison to PR is a bit unfair, PR does have the mind boggling amount of content and its amazing what the modders have been doing for the past decade, but that's the point; they've had a decade to do
My hopes are that when this game blows up, PR modders might jump the boat and develop for OHD
It's like a natural upgrade to PR thanks to the new graphics and a better engine to work with
Seriously I hate this lol.. if people didn’t know who Drake was and this randomly released without the press people would be tearing this apart. It’s hot garbage.. free or not idc it’s a crappy game, cool if it’s amazing in 3 years ok but rn it’s awful lmao
finally a take from someone who isnt fucking delusional. so many people have spent the year riding bluedrakes phalic member they just say this garbage is good. or if its bad we cant complain because its free.
U missed alot of stuff prolly since u dont follow the game as much but what u said at the end of the video is the best summary of ohd is a platform not really a game more like a factory with tools.
OHD has incredible potential to dethrone many fps games but devs will have to work their asses off to achieve it
Sounds like they basically want the community to create their game for them...I won't be playing this.
You're just wrong. Join their discord to really see what's going on instead of assuming they're not working on the game anymore
@@jacobcorcho2518 Lol how about they communicate their ideas and plans clearly and honestly instead of "join discord".
I keep getting insta killed out of nowhere, also it's horribly optimized. I get the same choppy fps on low and epic settings. They should add better LODs if they even have any
its funny watching all this go down. Bluedrake had all his youtube buddies share the word about his game and its now kinda flopping a bit and these "youtube friends" are kinda now turning their backs and siding with the community and its a bit brutal to watch. This is how youtube Dramas start. Making the popcorn now.
Unnecessary time creates diamonds.
I’m excited for a Star Wars mod!
same and 40K will follow