in high school, we had something called the "senior project" where we were supposed to write a report, presentation, and do interviews with people in the industry we want to enter. i will NEVER forget this kid was OBSESSED with becoming a police officer SOLELY because of the arsenal of weapons he'd have access to. the whole 15minute presentation was about weapons and NOTHING else. it was terrifying. and before anyone asks, yes, yes he is.
Had a close fam member ask a chief one time in the 90's, "do you guys make up suspicion?" his answer "if they want into your car they're gonna do it whatever way possible." He ran a big precinct. He also described how they had hit lists of locals that stir the pot/aka don't bow down to them, not criminals but annoying to them, of which were memorized to ruin them however possible.
That last story was so sad. A deeply mentally ill woman who fell through the cracks lashes out and tries to run over random people with her car so she'll catch an attempted murder charge so she won't wake up one day and realize she's killed her niece. I guess 200 IQ move getting forcibly institutionalized when you know you need help and society has gutted any community level mental health resource or social safety net that would otherwise be there for you, but I doubt she's really receiving the help she needs in a place like this. Access to a therapist and drugs could've avoided the whole thing, she'd still be at home with her niece.
the youtuber fcking horribly explained this but you did well thank you. I guess in that regard it is a very smart move as you said but it's disgusting to refer to it as only that and not properly explain why she even felt the need to do so
8:00 Laws against loitering are one of the most dystopian things I have ever encounter, and they seem to be America's exclusive. Until I came to the US, I had no idea what loitering meant. Not just the word, but even the concept. What do you mean I cannot be here "without a reason" for as long as I want? The land of the free and all of that.
It's to stop people from setting up camp on private property without having to call the cops out to formally trespass them all the time, it's more of a social contract thing. You can loiter all you want on public land.
@OrbObserver sadly that's not true, people get abused by cops for standing around on public land all the time. See any homeless sweep, any public gathering without a permit, or the Venezuelans that dearrested themselves in Times Square last year (they were hanging around bothering no one and the cops tried to yoke one of them out of nowhere)
@@OrbObserverNo, they were created as part of the South’s damage control measures. Slavery is permissible if it’s as a punishment for a crime, so lawmakers made up loitering and other laws to use to give a pretext for re-enslaving freedmen (and any poor white people unlucky enough to be imprisoned as collateral damage). What you mentioned might be how loitering is used now around you, but it’s definitely not why they became law in the first place. Plus some people will absolutely use loitering as an excuse to call the cops and intimidate/hurt the poor, homeless and minorities to this day. It’s just not anywhere near the levels of “Oh, you hung around this white owned business for half an hour? 5 years of hard labor.” that it used to.
yeah i always hate that cause it's the same logic as "neo nazi probably love breathing air so... If you're doing that..." No asshole being a nazi makes you a nazi not something else entirely
14:11 "I'll follow him out of town until I get one [traffic violation]" Crazy to think how comfortable he is saying that out loud to an attorney on body camera.
You could give them all the training in the world and they would still be garbage. Police exist to protect property. In a society when almost all the property is owned by a small group of people, it means the police represent the interests of that rich ruling class.
There are documented instances of coyotes being chill little guys with people hanging out around them. Some coyotes are friendly. You should, nonetheless, never try to pat a coyote unless you are familiar with them. If there is a decent likelyhood that a wild animal may hurt you, you should not try to pet it. Cops in America are animals that are statistically likely to hurt you, do not try to pet them. you should not treat them like they are more likely than not to be chill little guys. People who dislike cops are simply treating them like the wild animals they are statistically likely to be.
It's really unfortunate that that's the state of policing in America. I'm not even necessarily against the concept of law enforcement, I'm just not okay with how it plays out in reality. I knew a guy in college who was going to be a police officer and he was getting his degree in psychology. Dude was actually seriously one of the sweetest people ever. He became an officer and we hadn't kept in touch or anything, but he ended up running into me when I had to call in that someone who I had a restraining order against was repeatedly around my house. He ended up being the officer to respond both times and he was very very kind. He wanted to arrest the person on the first time but unfortunately the cop lawyers told him not to, and they told him not to the second time as well. He was really frustrated, I could tell. He gave me a ton of resources and advice on how to keep myself safe since restraining orders unfortunately are basically useless because the fucking district attorney doesn't give a shit what happens to you. Anyway, two years pass and I run into him as an officer at my local gas station. We chat for a bit, and I can tell that bro is defeated. Like just totally defeated. I asked him if his job sucks and he goes, "dude I'm quitting soon, this department is fucked". I asked him what he means by that and he says, "well, the upside is I don't think anyone in our department is racist or anything but... The average IQ has to be lukewarm at best, man. I'm telling you, I've never seen so many incompetent people in one room before. The upside is there unlikely to arrest you, the downside is they're unlikely to arrest you even when they really really should. You know how that is, you had the restraining order. The district attorney doesn't make it any better. There's not a lot of power hungry people in our department but there's definitely a lot of morons who are corrupt due to their sheer laziness." From what I know he ended up quitting the department shortly after. Actually ran into each other at the same gas station again and that time he did divulge that yeah, there was starting to be an influx of scary racist MAGAtards and it was freaking him out. He wants to become a park ranger LEO now, which I can get behind myself. He has to go back to school for it but hey, at least you're required to care about something as a park ranger. (I personally never had any issues with Park ranger LEOs, they're usually insanely friendly at least where I live. Very professional and respectful too.)
@ glad your friend was able to get out. I had a good friend want to join the police in Australia, didn’t even make it through recruitment the culture was so bad (this dude is incredibly smart and fit, so not a problem getting through the training) and thats ultimately the point. A few bad apples spoil the bunch, and the system shows no interest in fixing the problems, just bandaid solutions. Massive props to all the people who went in wanting to help and realised what was wrong, they are some of the best advocates for change.
It doesn’t matter if a cop is a good person, the system of policing under which they have to operate will lead to them either doing or enabling bad things. The system they currently have makes it impossible for policing to work the way it truly should, even if some individual cops are good people
reminds me of a family member asking me during the height of blm protests “oh so you think *childhood church leader who was personally a very kind person but also a cop* is some evil racist??” and i had to be like “no probably not but would he risk his entire career and his family’s main income to stop a fellow cop who *is* an evil racist?” the system does not reward goodness. anyone who works within said system is complicit even if they don’t want to be
It really sucks honestly because pretty much the only place you can find mostly consistently good LEO is in park ranger departments. And that's because it's literally built into the job for you to give a fuck about at least nature, which means you have to have at least some sort of empathy. Also you usually have to have a degree of sort. It sucks too because the officers in my town actually don't seem to be that bad, I've only ran into two outwardly dick headish cops, and that's out of like 20 so it's not that bad of a ratio. Some of them are super sweet and chill too, like I had to call a welfare check for my mom and I told the cops straight up that she was probably going to answer the door with a gun in her hand because she was going through a divorce with a violent man. I was so terrified that he was just going to shoot her but thank fucking God He actually believed me when I said that she was not going to shoot him and he was perfectly safe, he ended up calling me back and was like "yup, she definitely had a gun in her hand hahaha It's all good though I just waved and said hi and she panicked and ran back into her bedroom to put the gun away. She's good she's all right thank you for the warning by the way. I wish you would have warned me she was naked though" 😂 no seriously he actually said that lol. But anyway my point is, it's a sad state of affairs when I know that I lucked out on having a chill and quite young officer respond to that call because it could have very quickly ended horrifically if it was another officer. And I hate to say that, especially if someone who wanted to be an officer myself. If someone told me that, I would never just shoot their mom for showing up with a gun in their hand. I probably would have reacted pretty much the same way, just be like...heyyyyy, I'm not your ex-husband! I'm meeee.
1:39 In Germany there was guy called "Dagobert" (real name: Arno Funke) which between 1988-1994 was blackmailing big department stores KaDeWe and Karstadt, making the police look incompetent and slow. The funny thing is the German public actually openly cheered for him. Later he became an actual celebrity in Germany and even appeared in the german version of "I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!" in 2013. The guy was just your regular Joe, a chill guy, being bored and needing money. What a legend.
If you're a cop and somebody asks you to investigate a guy for sitting in his car, legally parked, the cop's number one job should be to identify and fine the guy who called in a fake emergency.
23:20 I was having an argument with some dude in ig comments about this lmao. He was a landscaper saying that he would rather his job than 40k for police bc they’re more dangerous. I told him dude your job is so much more lethal than police fatalities
13:12 the fact this guy doesn’t know the law is nuts. His job is to arrest people, but he literally does not know whether or not it’s legal for him to do it.
I think that is so crazy. How are cops supposed to enforce laws and they do not know them 😂 there is no reason why a lawyer should have like 20x the knowledge of laws that cops do
SCOTUS ruled that ignorance of laws is a legitimate excuse for violating the law but only for cops, you know, the group of people who are meant to _enforce the laws_
Just not true. The entire system is rigged to where corruption, if present, crushes the good cops, forcing them to either move departments, quit, or get fired for some bs excuse. Calling all cops bad is like calling all alcoholics drunk drivers.
"I have no reason to believe you are the owner of this vehicle. I have no reason to believe you are a passenger in this vehicle. I have no reason to believe you are on your way to Grandma's house. I've never seen you before. I don't know you." 1312
Only one of these people are lawyers. The last one. One guy was a contractor I've been watching these types of videos for years and I've seen all these original videos
When I was training for EMT, cops were also being trained in the same building. One of the students was constantly causing issues, saying he'd just shoot pets, and any "psychos" Insisted that he didn't have any reason to assist EMTs bc they're not his responsibility, and that people who OD on drugs deserve to die. He was aggressive towards fellow students and professors (both in and out of his class) He still passed the class and was eligible to become a cop.
You are so right Has an! The people who think its abusing a cop to speak up, have never been caught in the web of being powerless and poor!! All power to the people!✊
25:20 This is a very similar anecdote to the one that really snapped me into understanding police violence against Black folks (as a white person). I remember watching a documentary that was actually about a police dept. that had a special unit for responding to calls related to mental health. A woman who was interviewed had a brother (iirc) that was shot by cops while experiencing a mental health crisis. There was a scene where she was talking with her teenage son about being safe if he ever got pulled over. One thing she mentioned was to try and get to a lit area - like under a streetlamp - if it’s dark out, so that the cop has full visibility of his hands & inside the car. Something clicked in my brain at that moment: I’d really never felt particularly safe around cops, but I realized that that was something that’d never even crossed my mind. I still consider that as a key moment of radicalization for me. Documentary is called “A Different Kind of Force - Policing Mental Illness” from NBC (available on YT).
can confirm: I live in my home town and one of my peers from high school just became a cop. he used to have a nudes folder where all his friends sent him the nudes they got from girls. he also went to rehab at 13. cops are not the best people
Just wanted to get into here and point out that landscaping is not the most dangerous profession in the US. That title belongs to truckers. To put it in perspective, cops have a death rate of approx. 17 per year (as you stated), loggers are around 54 per year (which is the second or third most dangerous), and truckers are around 450 per year. This is why, when a cop trys to bellyache about how dangerous it is, my response is two-fold. 1) you shouldn't have been dressed like that in that neighborhood & 2) doing my job (long haul, or OTR truck driver) is literally 26.47 times more likely to kill me PER YEAR than being a cop. For perspective, as a long haul trucker vs cop mortality rate, cops across the US die at a rate of 1.42 per month. Truckers across the US die at a rate of roughly 37.5 per month
"Lawyers destroy cops" 1 - Dude was harassed by that pig and at the end shook his hand like a good bith 2 - Girl was charged as insane, will be locked in a mental institution which is almost like a prison, but sometimes worse 3 - Lawyer was a Karen and got rekt.
Bumped into an old middle school acquaintance at the gym the other day. This guy was a class clown, always getting into trouble, just a very bro-like guy. I will say though, he's short but he's built now. Went to get a degree in criminal justice and he's a cop now. On one hand, he seemed to have a sort of better head on his shoulders. On the other hand, when I opened up about transitioning and why I chose my name he was like, "that is a horrible reason to pick that name!" so like, who knows.
No like you can't have a light pointed at the eyes of the people driving behind you. His plate lights were bent out and just shining in the faces of people behind him.
@@Deminese2 if the lights point down like how they're supposed to they will never be in the face of other drivers. If the lights are bent so that they're horizontal from a car accident though, then it's a problem for obvious reasons.
it’s important to remember a big reason why cops don’t get fired for bad conduct, why cops with red flags are hired, and why cops get paid so much is because the city wants to have a certain amount of police but recruitment has been plummeting so they feel like they have to cover for cops so they don’t lose numbers and increase pay so people stay and it attracts more people to join, sadly this incentivizes cops who are there for money and are unempathic and cops to not be fired after showing red flags
Brown v. Texas a 911 call alone without more only provides reasonable suspicion, that's all. It's the Leo's job to determine independent probable cause or not
Thank you to Dr Insanity for this reaction, you can see more of them here:
I hope you enjoy the video :)
Oklahoma is all prison wardens and cops almost all the prisons i been to in cali all the wardens were from Oklahoma
shes a sith 10rd
in high school, we had something called the "senior project" where we were supposed to write a report, presentation, and do interviews with people in the industry we want to enter. i will NEVER forget this kid was OBSESSED with becoming a police officer SOLELY because of the arsenal of weapons he'd have access to. the whole 15minute presentation was about weapons and NOTHING else. it was terrifying. and before anyone asks, yes, yes he is.
Unenlightened people want power
Of course he is lmao
he is what? is he now a police officer? or is he a-worded?
@@trongnhan4618 White, I'm guessing.
only good thing about election year being over is that our favorite true crime reactlord has returned
"The anti-bank robbery nerd is back" fucking sent me lmao.
"Ill follow him out of town until i get one"
Enough said.
Had a close fam member ask a chief one time in the 90's, "do you guys make up suspicion?" his answer "if they want into your car they're gonna do it whatever way possible." He ran a big precinct. He also described how they had hit lists of locals that stir the pot/aka don't bow down to them, not criminals but annoying to them, of which were memorized to ruin them however possible.
In America not being respectful to a cop is punishable by jail
So much for home of the free
sadly true.
Yes, also punishable by brutality, even murder.
@@sentientnataliethat'd be homicide lol Murder applies to non state sanctioned homicides
@@arronbeta598 Cops are perfectly capable of murder...
@@arronbeta598 I'm not using the bourgeois state's definitions...
That last story was so sad. A deeply mentally ill woman who fell through the cracks lashes out and tries to run over random people with her car so she'll catch an attempted murder charge so she won't wake up one day and realize she's killed her niece. I guess 200 IQ move getting forcibly institutionalized when you know you need help and society has gutted any community level mental health resource or social safety net that would otherwise be there for you, but I doubt she's really receiving the help she needs in a place like this. Access to a therapist and drugs could've avoided the whole thing, she'd still be at home with her niece.
the youtuber fcking horribly explained this but you did well thank you. I guess in that regard it is a very smart move as you said but it's disgusting to refer to it as only that and not properly explain why she even felt the need to do so
Fuck :( that’s one of the saddest things I’ve heard (outside of global politics) in a while
oh my god the cop literally saying he's gonna stalk the guy until he finds a traffic violation is crazy
It's crazy, but not surprising.
I’ve had this happen to me on more than one occasion and I’m Canadian
These mfs asked a lawyer for advice and still managed to violate someone's rights by ignoring the lawyer's advice.
8:00 Laws against loitering are one of the most dystopian things I have ever encounter, and they seem to be America's exclusive.
Until I came to the US, I had no idea what loitering meant. Not just the word, but even the concept.
What do you mean I cannot be here "without a reason" for as long as I want?
The land of the free and all of that.
It's to stop people from setting up camp on private property without having to call the cops out to formally trespass them all the time, it's more of a social contract thing. You can loiter all you want on public land.
@OrbObserver sadly that's not true, people get abused by cops for standing around on public land all the time. See any homeless sweep, any public gathering without a permit, or the Venezuelans that dearrested themselves in Times Square last year (they were hanging around bothering no one and the cops tried to yoke one of them out of nowhere)
@@OrbObserverNo, they were created as part of the South’s damage control measures. Slavery is permissible if it’s as a punishment for a crime, so lawmakers made up loitering and other laws to use to give a pretext for re-enslaving freedmen (and any poor white people unlucky enough to be imprisoned as collateral damage).
What you mentioned might be how loitering is used now around you, but it’s definitely not why they became law in the first place. Plus some people will absolutely use loitering as an excuse to call the cops and intimidate/hurt the poor, homeless and minorities to this day. It’s just not anywhere near the levels of “Oh, you hung around this white owned business for half an hour? 5 years of hard labor.” that it used to.
@@OrbObserver and why would they need to set up a camp? Because all the places to live were bought up by someone else and that is the reason.
They exist in the UK as well as part of the ‘ASBO’ laws
Chat is so lame at every oppurtunity. Like bank robbery is not neo nazi coded.
Prolly a plant from some hater
If anything, bank robbery is anarchist coded
yeah i always hate that cause it's the same logic as "neo nazi probably love breathing air so... If you're doing that..." No asshole being a nazi makes you a nazi not something else entirely
Hell no, it is Red Army Faction coded!
people who watch Turk Hassan don’t have a very high IQ
14:11 "I'll follow him out of town until I get one [traffic violation]"
Crazy to think how comfortable he is saying that out loud to an attorney on body camera.
Crime Reacts are BACK on the menu!
I missed JCS reacts so much dude
@@HowdyOaksthis one is explore with us i think
Ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for 3 stinking days!!!
about fkn time
i hate these AI narrations. “sitting next to his parched truck” etc. it’s often just these little things but still
That truck was incredibly thirsty, it'd been sitting there all day
Honestly. Just use your real voice... at least try.
But that would take effort 😢
I'm scared that I didn't realize it was AI. The inflection is too good.
@@La-PetitMort worse than effort- time. the more time you spend on a video the less slop you can pump out and the less revenue.
"We're doing an investigation" The whole department standing there lol.
Slow day in bumfukk nowhere Arkansas.
It's not easy to be a good cop. The fact that they give the village idiot two weeks of training and a gun, produces this outcome.
That's the purpose of them. That's how it's supposed to work. It's not an unfortunate result of some error. It's internationally consistent
You could give them all the training in the world and they would still be garbage.
Police exist to protect property. In a society when almost all the property is owned by a small group of people, it means the police represent the interests of that rich ruling class.
where i am they say the cop exam is slamming nails with your forehead, to underline their great brains lmao
It's been so long since we had a crime react!
There are documented instances of coyotes being chill little guys with people hanging out around them. Some coyotes are friendly. You should, nonetheless, never try to pat a coyote unless you are familiar with them. If there is a decent likelyhood that a wild animal may hurt you, you should not try to pet it. Cops in America are animals that are statistically likely to hurt you, do not try to pet them. you should not treat them like they are more likely than not to be chill little guys. People who dislike cops are simply treating them like the wild animals they are statistically likely to be.
Weave the coyote proves you right. He hangs out with his human and a pittie and a cat and plays with them.
Hah. Fantastic way of describing cops.
They're even trained to constantly be paranoid and expecting danger 24/7, just like a wild animal.
It's really unfortunate that that's the state of policing in America. I'm not even necessarily against the concept of law enforcement, I'm just not okay with how it plays out in reality. I knew a guy in college who was going to be a police officer and he was getting his degree in psychology. Dude was actually seriously one of the sweetest people ever. He became an officer and we hadn't kept in touch or anything, but he ended up running into me when I had to call in that someone who I had a restraining order against was repeatedly around my house. He ended up being the officer to respond both times and he was very very kind. He wanted to arrest the person on the first time but unfortunately the cop lawyers told him not to, and they told him not to the second time as well. He was really frustrated, I could tell. He gave me a ton of resources and advice on how to keep myself safe since restraining orders unfortunately are basically useless because the fucking district attorney doesn't give a shit what happens to you. Anyway, two years pass and I run into him as an officer at my local gas station. We chat for a bit, and I can tell that bro is defeated. Like just totally defeated. I asked him if his job sucks and he goes, "dude I'm quitting soon, this department is fucked". I asked him what he means by that and he says, "well, the upside is I don't think anyone in our department is racist or anything but... The average IQ has to be lukewarm at best, man. I'm telling you, I've never seen so many incompetent people in one room before. The upside is there unlikely to arrest you, the downside is they're unlikely to arrest you even when they really really should. You know how that is, you had the restraining order. The district attorney doesn't make it any better. There's not a lot of power hungry people in our department but there's definitely a lot of morons who are corrupt due to their sheer laziness." From what I know he ended up quitting the department shortly after. Actually ran into each other at the same gas station again and that time he did divulge that yeah, there was starting to be an influx of scary racist MAGAtards and it was freaking him out. He wants to become a park ranger LEO now, which I can get behind myself. He has to go back to school for it but hey, at least you're required to care about something as a park ranger. (I personally never had any issues with Park ranger LEOs, they're usually insanely friendly at least where I live. Very professional and respectful too.)
@ glad your friend was able to get out. I had a good friend want to join the police in Australia, didn’t even make it through recruitment the culture was so bad (this dude is incredibly smart and fit, so not a problem getting through the training) and thats ultimately the point. A few bad apples spoil the bunch, and the system shows no interest in fixing the problems, just bandaid solutions. Massive props to all the people who went in wanting to help and realised what was wrong, they are some of the best advocates for change.
It doesn’t matter if a cop is a good person, the system of policing under which they have to operate will lead to them either doing or enabling bad things. The system they currently have makes it impossible for policing to work the way it truly should, even if some individual cops are good people
reminds me of a family member asking me during the height of blm protests “oh so you think *childhood church leader who was personally a very kind person but also a cop* is some evil racist??”
and i had to be like “no probably not but would he risk his entire career and his family’s main income to stop a fellow cop who *is* an evil racist?”
the system does not reward goodness. anyone who works within said system is complicit even if they don’t want to be
It really sucks honestly because pretty much the only place you can find mostly consistently good LEO is in park ranger departments. And that's because it's literally built into the job for you to give a fuck about at least nature, which means you have to have at least some sort of empathy. Also you usually have to have a degree of sort. It sucks too because the officers in my town actually don't seem to be that bad, I've only ran into two outwardly dick headish cops, and that's out of like 20 so it's not that bad of a ratio. Some of them are super sweet and chill too, like I had to call a welfare check for my mom and I told the cops straight up that she was probably going to answer the door with a gun in her hand because she was going through a divorce with a violent man. I was so terrified that he was just going to shoot her but thank fucking God He actually believed me when I said that she was not going to shoot him and he was perfectly safe, he ended up calling me back and was like "yup, she definitely had a gun in her hand hahaha It's all good though I just waved and said hi and she panicked and ran back into her bedroom to put the gun away. She's good she's all right thank you for the warning by the way. I wish you would have warned me she was naked though" 😂 no seriously he actually said that lol. But anyway my point is, it's a sad state of affairs when I know that I lucked out on having a chill and quite young officer respond to that call because it could have very quickly ended horrifically if it was another officer. And I hate to say that, especially if someone who wanted to be an officer myself. If someone told me that, I would never just shoot their mom for showing up with a gun in their hand. I probably would have reacted pretty much the same way, just be like...heyyyyy, I'm not your ex-husband! I'm meeee.
In Germany there was guy called "Dagobert" (real name: Arno Funke) which between 1988-1994 was blackmailing big department stores KaDeWe and Karstadt, making the police look incompetent and slow. The funny thing is the German public actually openly cheered for him. Later he became an actual celebrity in Germany and even appeared in the german version of "I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!" in 2013. The guy was just your regular Joe, a chill guy, being bored and needing money. What a legend.
Never talk to cops. Never answer questions. Never call the cops.
I appreciate your reframing of the chair segment as a Kaya react!
I like how the DA didn't immediately identify his job title as a way to avoid the cop. Instead ran the cop around to waste his time.
I live in Taiwan and the police are extremely hands-off. They actually do protect and serve.
shame we dont have them training American cops
Yeah but that's what they say in Oklahoma also
Cops in the us have less training time than barbers (no offense to barbers), they get qualified immunity, and investigate themselves
19:10 every time, the dumbest and weirdest kid from your high school becomes an officer.
God please. I miss this arc
wait a minute, im a landscaper and i had bo idea i had the most dangerous job in the country
This why we do large meta studies to give us a better understandin beyond what we may immediately think
Statistically you would have probably found out eventually...
@@Spyderinagourd i am aware
@@TheDonCheadle i almost died twice this season lol
Get that pay raise
If you're a cop and somebody asks you to investigate a guy for sitting in his car, legally parked, the cop's number one job should be to identify and fine the guy who called in a fake emergency.
Bullies with badges. The guy refuses to cower in their presence so they harass and look for any way to instigate an arrest. "Land of the free" lol
23:20 I was having an argument with some dude in ig comments about this lmao. He was a landscaper saying that he would rather his job than 40k for police bc they’re more dangerous. I told him dude your job is so much more lethal than police fatalities
13:12 the fact this guy doesn’t know the law is nuts. His job is to arrest people, but he literally does not know whether or not it’s legal for him to do it.
I think that is so crazy. How are cops supposed to enforce laws and they do not know them 😂 there is no reason why a lawyer should have like 20x the knowledge of laws that cops do
and then even after they are aware of how the law works, they play dumb to try and gaslight the guy into identifying himself.
SCOTUS ruled that ignorance of laws is a legitimate excuse for violating the law but only for cops, you know, the group of people who are meant to _enforce the laws_
"If you're fat enough, they make you the police chief" 😂
It’s 100% broken because there is basically no accountability.
200 IQ lawyer upgrades their charge from a level 1 crook (battery) to a level 100 mafia boss (attempted murder)
This is my fav genre of Hasan videos ngl
Hasan 2028 qualified immunity for landscapers and pizza delivery men.
Decriminalize bank robbery
17:15 ALL cops are bastards, not some, not most, not many; ALL.
Just not true. The entire system is rigged to where corruption, if present, crushes the good cops, forcing them to either move departments, quit, or get fired for some bs excuse. Calling all cops bad is like calling all alcoholics drunk drivers.
"I have no reason to believe you are the owner of this vehicle. I have no reason to believe you are a passenger in this vehicle. I have no reason to believe you are on your way to Grandma's house. I've never seen you before. I don't know you." 1312
Only one of these people are lawyers. The last one. One guy was a contractor I've been watching these types of videos for years and I've seen all these original videos
She moved to texas and tried to end her life. Sounds about right.
Needed crime watch after the day I had.
Hope you're feeling better friend
I thought the cameras were going to be making things better but they just ignore them and keep doing what they're doing.
Police unions made it so they don't get in trouble. The judge is on their side, the da, and the media.
i was a bank teller that got robbed. a coworker was so traumatized by me getting robbed she had to go home early. 🙄
Crime reacts got me to the content. Didn't even realize it was political until election season.
JCS was the first Hasan series to flood my algo
Chatter being too excited to type, same LOLLL
This is like timeshare strategy. They’ve got another guy to come to the table and do a take-away. 😂😂😂
When I was training for EMT, cops were also being trained in the same building.
One of the students was constantly causing issues, saying he'd just shoot pets, and any "psychos"
Insisted that he didn't have any reason to assist EMTs bc they're not his responsibility, and that people who OD on drugs deserve to die. He was aggressive towards fellow students and professors (both in and out of his class)
He still passed the class and was eligible to become a cop.
Last lady had to make sure her sentence was right 😭😭
Anyone who thinks body cams are for the protection of citizens and not cops are delusional.
You are so right Has an! The people who think its abusing a cop to speak up, have never been caught in the web of being powerless and poor!! All power to the people!✊
Hasan throwin it back like one of them ladies in a rap music video
Soooo, zero 200 iq lawyers.
12:14 “in the state of Oklahoma” OFC lmaoo
25:20 This is a very similar anecdote to the one that really snapped me into understanding police violence against Black folks (as a white person).
I remember watching a documentary that was actually about a police dept. that had a special unit for responding to calls related to mental health. A woman who was interviewed had a brother (iirc) that was shot by cops while experiencing a mental health crisis. There was a scene where she was talking with her teenage son about being safe if he ever got pulled over. One thing she mentioned was to try and get to a lit area - like under a streetlamp - if it’s dark out, so that the cop has full visibility of his hands & inside the car. Something clicked in my brain at that moment: I’d really never felt particularly safe around cops, but I realized that that was something that’d never even crossed my mind.
I still consider that as a key moment of radicalization for me.
Documentary is called “A Different Kind of Force - Policing Mental Illness” from NBC (available on YT).
Head hog = big toe
HASAN TRUE CRIME IS BACK LFG 🗣️‼️🗣️‼️🗣️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
26:52 dude got too excited 😂
In AI, Lawyer = Average citizen
The 'lawyers' in this video may have a combined 200 IQ.
I’m so glad true crime is back!!!
can confirm: I live in my home town and one of my peers from high school just became a cop. he used to have a nudes folder where all his friends sent him the nudes they got from girls. he also went to rehab at 13. cops are not the best people
Gotta love the Chief offering this cop reasons to charge
Just wanted to get into here and point out that landscaping is not the most dangerous profession in the US. That title belongs to truckers. To put it in perspective, cops have a death rate of approx. 17 per year (as you stated), loggers are around 54 per year (which is the second or third most dangerous), and truckers are around 450 per year.
This is why, when a cop trys to bellyache about how dangerous it is, my response is two-fold.
1) you shouldn't have been dressed like that in that neighborhood
2) doing my job (long haul, or OTR truck driver) is literally 26.47 times more likely to kill me PER YEAR than being a cop.
For perspective, as a long haul trucker vs cop mortality rate, cops across the US die at a rate of 1.42 per month. Truckers across the US die at a rate of roughly 37.5 per month
6:24 I had to deal with this when I worked for the cable company and my decal fell off! 👀👀👀
16:01 ok, they didn't bring the entire precinct, but they were still extremely annoying!
my grandpa was a cop, and one of the first thing he told me about his profession is to never trust a cop unless you have no other choice
11:19 americans should not be subject to guilty until proven innocent style investigation and terrorization by police officers
"Lawyers destroy cops"
1 - Dude was harassed by that pig and at the end shook his hand like a good bith
2 - Girl was charged as insane, will be locked in a mental institution which is almost like a prison, but sometimes worse
3 - Lawyer was a Karen and got rekt.
Brit-land 🇬🇧
I've missed Hasan True Crime videos.
PLEASE, STAY HERE AND WATCH FOR 40 mins for Hasan to end up saying, “damn, this video sucked” LMFAO
I loved this react but the OG video is so hard to deal with sometimes 💀
We need more Hasan true crime
Out of context andys frothing at the mouth lmao
Kaya in the background saved this crime react ❤
classic hasan. love it
Crime react? We are so back
"well, so did Stalin" ❤
one two three four, he declared a thumb war
Too fresh!
Bumped into an old middle school acquaintance at the gym the other day. This guy was a class clown, always getting into trouble, just a very bro-like guy. I will say though, he's short but he's built now. Went to get a degree in criminal justice and he's a cop now.
On one hand, he seemed to have a sort of better head on his shoulders. On the other hand, when I opened up about transitioning and why I chose my name he was like, "that is a horrible reason to pick that name!" so like, who knows.
the noise was the mic's picking up "the voices"
He isn't a DA. He is an insurance adjuster
that florida law is INSANE in the 1st vid. the light has to illuminate your plate, but cant be seen from behind the car? what in the fuck?!?!?
No like you can't have a light pointed at the eyes of the people driving behind you. His plate lights were bent out and just shining in the faces of people behind him.
@@ILoveCapybaras2023 That sounds incredibly subjective based on the height of the car and driver.
@@Deminese2 if the lights point down like how they're supposed to they will never be in the face of other drivers. If the lights are bent so that they're horizontal from a car accident though, then it's a problem for obvious reasons.
true crime we're so back
Bank heists arent a victimless crime, the tellers almost always get some form of mental issues even if theyre not directly threatened
it’s important to remember a big reason why cops don’t get fired for bad conduct, why cops with red flags are hired, and why cops get paid so much is because the city wants to have a certain amount of police but recruitment has been plummeting so they feel like they have to cover for cops so they don’t lose numbers and increase pay so people stay and it attracts more people to join, sadly this incentivizes cops who are there for money and are unempathic and cops to not be fired after showing red flags
ahh the hasan content i miss. LMFAO
Crime reacts are back!
I'm the only one wishing that Hasan would change the outro music?
Insanity plea is worse then doing time
34:01 " second"
"It's insane the cops are being so unprofessional" 🤨
I love when cops just blatantly violate our rights and nothing happens
They don’t understand the cool factor. They are lame.
I swear hasan the reason why most cops are far right followers with the amount of weird trash talk he does
we are so back
Brown v. Texas a 911 call alone without more only provides reasonable suspicion, that's all. It's the Leo's job to determine independent probable cause or not
Yo what? Cops delete 10k pet dogs a year? That's 27 dogs a day!