@@IMBlakeleyIsrael….the ONLY government in the world people aren’t allowed to criticize!!! Doesn’t matter that my tax dollars go to support the occupation bombing and killing of Palestinians I’ve no right to criticize or I’m labeled antisemitic!!
There are so many Jewish people who don’t want violence in their name. To classify them as extremists is bizarre. Imagine being called an extremist because you don’t want people to die.
@@muhammadnizamuddin2084well it does considering the countries that surround it and the amount of anti Semitism in the Islamic world … you probably would have no issue of Israel was a moderate Islamic state and the Palestinians were largely Christian as they once were 😂
"The people calling for the killing to end are the angry ones, and you calling for the killing to continue are the compassionate one. Do you see where you've ended up?" Lol!
Poor ignorant woman...they were a lot of Jewish people at the march I was there!!! Bearing in mind that I personally debated a woman supporting Israel at the rally...
@yington Why are you asking random other people to do all the work? If you find an injustice then plan a march for it. You don't need any speciall education or job title to do so.
She wanted absolute validation of her support for justifying the eventual deaths of 2 million people, while also being seen as a victim herself, and was completely outraged that she wasn't getting what she wanted. Some people are just too spoiled in their own lives to see any viewpoint other than their own narrow perspectives.
And that is the whole point isn’t it. Humans push a narrative that suits them, that’s why we have an issue. 99.9 % of the world’s population just want to live in peace. Religion has a lot to answer for it helps cloud basic understanding and judgement to do the right human thing.
Because western media has allowed them to be able to lie and say whatever they want with zero pushback for DECADES so long as they are talking positively about Israel and negatively about Palestinians. They are losing their minds at this movement that is telling these people... wait a minute, you actually CAN'T just make up whatever lies you want to about the "other side".
James was very patient with her for 8 min, he has a big heart. The caller thinks that James is her employee or her student. He ended it perfectly. Thank you James.
Can't believe this allowed to be Aired, I've never seen these people be challenged at all, presenters always bow down and ask softball questions. Hope he keeps his job.
@@berkamp9832 James O'B is one who stands his ground on such issues and I'm not even slightly surprised that he's taken this stance. You're essentially correct about the MSM though, saying that it does seem to be slowly changing as the media that there is not a public consensus on giving Isreal a free pass on their behaviour.
Unfortunately, I think that's what many people are inferring. It has almost become the mainstream accepted position. These same people backtrack when it's put to them but it's very clear from their words that innocent Israeli deaths are tragic but innocent Palestinian deaths are collateral.
@@alanberka4226 this is the Israeli government, a member of the UN. The attack on them was carried by a military freedom movement. Of course everyone condemned the attack launched by Hamas.
@@DaChunkil8or Welcome to democracy where people have a right to march about any injustice they feel like marching for and to march as often as they want. The rest of what you wrote is a bit silly given the government’s support for isreal at the UN as well as militarily.
Confused I guess. I think she was either compassionate about being angry for being afraid or devastated about being angry for compassionate reasons. Dunno!
This guy is fantastic! Thank you James! Thank you for being open and aware to these double standards! Self defence against millions of innocent civilians does not equal compassion!
Absolutely well done! You put her to court and she struggled to support her position. This is why we need broadcasters like this, reporting on truth for all. No life is inferior or unworthy of our compassion regardless of whether they are Israeli children or Palestinian children, they all deserve our sympathy and compassion.
@@jayreynolds4900No ,he said things you disagree with. You don't have the spine to rebuke him ,so like all the others ,you throw tantrums like detached teenagers.
@@Dee78584I don't think anyone has brushed over what Hamas did. Holding Israel to account (or even being slightly critical of their actions) in Isreal's retaliation isn't brushing anything under the carpet.
@@inglese2996 'they are talking about Hamas' yet have killed 10k+ civilians with no remorse and only a few Hamas people? If Hamas are terrorists for killing civilians what does that make Israel for killing 10 times as many civilians?
He didn't "shut her down", he made her speak her mind, so we could hear what was going on in her head. Maybe she will not change her mind, but listeners might discover they disagree with her.
He did exactly the opposite, honestly. He walked her through everything that her claims would have to entail -- the observable facts that would have to be true, but aren't... and the consequences that would arise from taking such a stance, but are blatantly antithetical to any peace-loving philosophy. He didn't shut her down. He gave her everything she needed to ruin her own self-conception. But she was too caught up in the moment (as we would all be) to metabolize it at the time. Hopefully she'll be able to later on, but it may take months or years.
@@captainohcaptain9588 Nearly half of Palestinians are 14 and under, many more are 37 and under… meaning they had literally nothing to do with Hamas coming into power and if you honestly believe they get a choice even in 2003 I have a bridge to sell you not that it matters because Hamas doesn’t hold power in the West Bank, remind me again how the Palestinians are treated their by the IDF?
@@nicholassmith6687 No one is defending Hamas. That’s the point zionests seem to miss, when we say “Israel is committing war crimes” and you go “but Hamas” We agree that Hamas committed war crimes so maybe stop deflecting?
Show me a picture of the Israeli flags at these marches in sympathy for the mass terrorism then? Because if you cant then its not about caring about peoples lives, its about caring about only one sides lives. The side which not only isnt even a democracy but which at least in part supports being controlled by terrorists.
“So the people calling for the killing to end, are the angry ones, who are causing fear; and you, calling for it to continue, are the compassionate one. Do you see where you’ve ended up Anna?” James brilliantly summarizing the caller’s delusion.
@boofriedmann2980 it means they shall not be occupied no matter where they live. They shall have basic human rights and their lives shouldn't be at risk all the time
I joined the march on Saturday and two of my friends are Jewish. This woman is so ignorant and her comments are absurd. What Hama's did was terrible and now what is happening in Palestine is truly horrific. Over 8000 death's including the loss of 3000 children's lives.
@@davenarey6475 lets not act like this conflict started on october 7th, hamas is a symptom and a result of israeli foreign policy regarding Palestine and their right to self determinism, ownership of their land (where the israeli gov is building walls to cut off the population from land in the borders of Palestine) , end to the illegal settlements and blockades
I sympathize with your caller, a British Jew feeling fear. What does she think a Gazan feels? Nowhere to go. Nothing to eat or drink. Waiting for the bombs. Humanity includes all of us. Empathy is not one-sided.
I would like to challenge her source of fear. Yes October 7th was horrible but has a series a war crimes made her feel more safe? I sincerely think by this point it's the unconscionable actions which would always create a backlash creating more fear. If Israel wasn't cheerfully and unrepentantly bombing a refugee camp in a densely populated civilian area full of children there would be fewer protests with fewer people. Ergo she'd be less scared since apparently it's the people advocating for peace she's saying are making her afraid.
No wellmeaning person would feel anything but horror at the death of innocent people, but you seem to forget that if Hamas didn't have bases underground in such areas, Israel wouldn't be bombing these locations. So if you truly want to help Palestinians, wouldn't you also want to get rid of Hamas. Does anyone really care about the Palestinians? You can't just ignore the actions of Hamas, but then demonize Israel. Doing that may make you feel better, but it won't do anything to help the Palestinians. How is it that Hamas have received all of this funding from the UN, and yet the Palestinians are in absolute poverty whilst Hamas leadership are somewhere in Qatar. Hamas seem quite happy for as many Palestinians to die as is necessary for them to achieve their objectives. But no, it's all Israel's fault. Is it not fair to say there is something seriously wrong with this rationale.
“So the people calling for the killing to end are the angry ones who are causing fear, and you, who are calling for it to continue are the compassionate one.” Do you see where you’ve ended up, Anna? No, you probably don’t, do you?”
@@alanberka4226I think you would find one side is a military army and it's response has always been disproportionate , or rather what we mean by response is only a response based on provocations in the first instance , but I think you already knew that didn't you !
Yeah because these protests also have israeli flags in sympathy for the terrorist attack and no one is ripping down posters of hostages that would demonstrate their hatered, oh wait... you just got exposed.
It doesn’t matter which flag someone was born under, human life is human life and when innocent people (especially children) are killed it's both a tragedy and a cause for outrage.
spot on... this is why I struggle with trying to understand why people put so much emphasis on 40 beheaded israeli babies that are proven to be fake vs 1000 real murdered palestinian babies
Mind Begs the Question: If Anti-Semitic is a term used Even against Semitic People If they speak against a Govt,Policies Anti-Semitic is term used for Suppression,no?
@@simonmaskell365 Israel won’t allow any reporters to enter Gaza fearing they’ll be reporting the grim reality of the IOF brutality! They already killed 3 British Nationals! Where have you been?
She's wrong because Israel, in its anger towards Hamas, is randomly killing Palestinians en masse. 30k in 5 months is horrific. She completely ignores Israel's part in this horror.
In less than 6 months time in a very localized area on planet Earth there have been over 41 some thousand homicides. I am sorry I cannot hear anything or consider any viewpoints either for or against. All claims to antisemitism all political views and opinions fall on deaf ears. What has this world come to that the fact that this many human beings have lost their lives in such a short period of time and all We can do is bicker back and forth and cheer on our side all the while the world burns in the background. Is it even worth salvaging at this point? Where and when does it end? Who cares as long as our team is winning......right?!
@@bennyheavygold7524 surely, in the 21st Century, humans should have learned to live together in peace by now. I believe Israel's actions are grossly wrong and has become the new perpetrator to the horrors experienced by Jews during WWII. I'll never understand such hatred. I speak as an atheist.
I’ve supported Palestine for around ten years, I’ve also joined marches a couple of times and I’ve seen violence once, this was from a person not involved in the march. Ive never met a fellow supporter who wants Israeli people to die, all we want is peace
I'm an ex-Muslim and I collected money for Palestine in the past. I have seen the antisemitism...Calling from the river to the sea and khaybar, khaybar ya yahud is not hateful?
Wow, James brought out the true colours of the caller with absolute fact checking and class. The hypocrisy brought out in clear display. The dismantement of the fake compassionate. The osmosis of the truth 😂
@@DorothyHolden-fo5ek This history you speak of. Are you suggesting the Bible as a history source? I bet you are not suggesting real historians like Ilan Pappe, Head Of Palestinian Studies at Exeter University or Shlomo Sand, Head of History at Tel Aviv University. Maybe Norman Finkelstein? I doubt it.
Blackwavenoise, hopefully what you say is correct, this whole scenario has been boiling for generations, if you need an example , Hamas are dedicated to the destruction of Israel and indeed all Jews, hate is something that is ingrained in them as youngsters, the fact is that if Israel disarmed they would be totally wiped out . People forget , in their rush to condemn , that Hamas attacked and killed over one thousand people, men , woman and children with absolutely no pity or remorse, Israel , naturally reacted , the dreadful consequences of their response is there for all to see , with more innocent people , this time Palestinians, killed or injured , to hold Israel completely to blame is to ignore the appalling attack by Hamas , who , by the way continue to hide in Gaza , knowing that it is the ordinary people who will take the brunt of any retaliation from Israel , neither action can possibly be condoned but if Israel did not defend itself then it would give a green light to Hamas and other terrorist groups to reek havoc upon the state of Israel.
Of course, this could cost him his career. It’s very easy to labelled anti-Semitic just for uttering a word of truth against Israel. And that label can destroy careers.
@ BabaYaga. People of HER sort ? It was way too easy - like shooting fish in a barrel. Comes in the category of “why-do-it-at-all?” We need intelligent minds on this one.
@@belindamay8063 yes HER sort, hard to believe but there are those who want to be on the wrong side of the history. Clear example Jacob Reece Mogg V Barnaby latest…..when many (powerful) in the West are seen to aid the oppressors, when few (yes, few) from within oridinary speak against the trust due to their bias,stereotypes,deep hate against the weak, just because they are not giving up for their basic rights, People like James are loved and Jacob thuggish Reece Mug are despised.
@@yamiscape let’s go with your thought process… conducting any act in a hateful manner is hateful, hence Israel killing Palestinians, which I don’t see how you can describe it as being in any other way than a hateful manner, is hateful. Do you see the further implications
@@joeblack8915by your logic, it’s ironic you said what you said about OP’s comment because you’re mind controlled by social conditioning and hate preachers
She's not an idiot, she's just fallen for the lies. All she's had to do is attend and see there's no hate behind it, but naturally because of what she believes, it's not as simple as just going
Actually she’s not fallen for the lies. She’s actually married to a j3wish man and has stated that she will always support Isra3l and clearly has links and other benefits we don’t know about it. This is strategy not idiocy we are seeing. As Sun4k never sent her because she’s not a foreign representative of the UK and went off her own bat. Just like Pr33ty P4tel who also visited without the foreign office knowing and still to this day it has never been made clear about her s3cret meeting she had in isra3l. Both women are supporters of M0di’s Faci5t government in Indi4. No coincidences there.
Brilliant. All reporters need to be like you! This is how it used to be back before the 80s. Truth and unbiased reporting mattered. Thanks for bringing impartial reporting to this very heart breaking travesty
Imagine having being a “victim” central to your personal and national identity? This caller is exhausting. Lies, denies, manipulates, gaslights. Perfectly on brand.
Does the Free Palestine movement have any other identity other than playing victim of the pooor oppressed Palestininans while completely ignoring the the root cause of their plight being the Palestinian Hamas?
Victimhood is central to the national identity of the Serbs too. And look what they did during the 90s. You literally take the right to do whatever you want to do, against whomever you choose under the guise of self-defence.
I extremely dislike the way she was unwilling to see another perspective. I was not aware of the history of the Palestinians and I have familiarized myself with both sides very recently. I can see the obvious injustice and imbalance of power. Her unwillingness to see the obvious facts and basically say they are hateful is infuriating. It's a simplistic mindset that is not far removed to Islamophobia. She is assuming everyone who is protesting for a ceasefire is anti-semestic. Which is not factual.
James O'Brien is "SIMPLY THE BEST" Whats right is right whats wrong is wrong and he calls it out on every side, unbiased sticks to the facts! I salute you Sir!!!!
Thank you, thank you thank you James. Some individuals pretend to be sympathetic, peaceful and victimized, while speaking and doing the most evil things. Thank you for not falling for that
@@Security848. Then enlighten us o wise one what do they march for ? or maybe the bulb in your head might be dim and needs to be brighter to give you more light so you can see and think clearly.
@mohammedsulemanpatel3849 they are marching to support hamas terrorists who caused what is going on,if people marching had hamas out banners I would respect that,they preferred to spend millions on weapons and tunnels instead of on the people,but that's ok with the marchers.
I've been going to Palestine support demos for years and they have never been hateful or violent. On the last on I went on (just a week ago), I was with a Jewish friend who supports calls for a Ceasefire and an end to Israeli occupation. This lady is way off the mark.
It's scary how some people can't see the contradictions and hypocrisy in what they say and believe. This lady might be bringing up children, or have a job making decisions about people. 😢
@@georgka74I wouldn’t assume what’s going in your mind as James said in this clip, so go on, enlighten us why none of the Palestinians who have been killed were innocent
@@123Andersonev you mean dropping bombs where Hamas terrorist organization are hiding in buildings and tunnels under the street surrounded by supporters? Palestinian kids are the only innocents.
Thankyou for calling her out. I attended pro Palestine protest with my children, it was full of families/children and very peaceful. They included peoples from all walks of life including thousands of Jews who openly were saying not in our name and Israel does not represent majority of Jewish people around the world. My heart breaks for ALL those killed. Palestinians have been living in horrendous conditions for 75 years and been stripped from their basic human rights and some what forgotten by the world. I have personally witnessed this and it’s heartbreaking. They are people just like me and you, and deserve a free life just like us.. but they are kept in an open concentration camp and daily dehumanised. It needs to stop and a fair 2 state solution is the only way.
People like me and you??? Don’t think so…. 75 years of hate. Someone tell them to educate themselves and their poor children. I’m not buying this nonsense
James is really brave. Everyone fears every single second that they might end up being called anti-Semitic for uttering a word against Israel’s atrocities over decades and that label can destroy careers and lives. He is really brave.
The fact that the caller is saying "who can I punish" and directing this at the protestors, whilst Israel is cascading bombs down on innocent civilians, just shows you how dehumanised the Palestinians have become. Utterly shameful!!
The caller very angrily complains about Palestinian sympathisers being angry over the killing of their friends and seems completely unable to see the dichotomy in her statements.
@@ltmund I will accept your argument on the condition that you accept that the anger on TH-cam displayed by Netenyahu and the Israelis is equally not equal to humanity then we can agree. But if only anger by Palestenians is not in your opinion then they that is hypocrisy and racism where only one side in a conflict is allowed to be angry. So I will give you benefit of the doubt and say I agree with you for both Israelis and Palestenians.
James missed a trick here. She started going on about peaceful vigils being okay just after she had called the NY station protesters extremist and they were doing exactly what she said - a peaceful sit down protest, but James didn't call her out on that obvious contradiction and glaring hole in her logic
I can assure you it didn't go unmissed. She sealed her fate, and he kept her talking digging a hole for herself. I've learnt you don't need to refute every claim!!!!
Thank you calling this out James. People’s ability to critically think is lacking. It’s scary how she creates up lies to fit her emotions and fear when they aren’t backed by facts.
Not as scary as O'Brien and his colleagues lying through their back teeth fo 6-9 months about a supposed killer pathogen sweeping the planet. And then there was the vaccines!
Yeah we can see she's wrong, because the protests are full of Israel flags in sympathy for the terrorist attack, and no one is ripping down posters of hostages are they, oh wait wrong and wrong, so yeah you and James the snake are clearly lying.
So no one is ripping down posters of hostages then, and these protests for peace also have just as many Israeli flags in sympathy for the terror attacks and for peace? Oh wait they dont do they? I just pulled O'Biren's argument apart.
Over the last two weeks I've seen two protests go past me in central London.Both had huge numbers and took literally hours to pass me.There were all nationality s involved and all were extremely peaceful.
Her argument about compassion fell apart when she could not bring herself to call for a ceasefire and call for a stop to the killing of innocent children. Her hate showed itself in the end.
@Alexander-js8zz how about they give people their land and stop the apartheid system? maybe? you can't colonize people and expect peace this never worked out in history
@@redredlulu1 israelis broke the „ceasefire“ march 14th 1948 by entering a land that is not theirs, called palestine, not israel. Where you wanna start history, at the point where it all began or somewhere in between because it fits your anti palestine narrative ?
@@PpPp-ku4syforeign? You think because they are foreign it automatically negates them of intelligence? Really…🤔 also, its ‘his’ not “he’s” in the context you are trying to use, just saying
@@PpPp-ku4sy Yup, grift is the perfect description, he is well practiced at twisting peoples words and confusing them enough to make one small error in wording which he then picks on the rest of the interview
Did she just call Non-Zionist Jews extremists?
Yup 🙄
Exactly that's what they want they want, any criticism of Israel to be automatically anti-semitic.
Yep!! Another one of their favorite things to call them is “self hating Jews!” Imagine that!!!
@@IMBlakeleyIsrael….the ONLY government in the world people aren’t allowed to criticize!!! Doesn’t matter that my tax dollars go to support the occupation bombing and killing of Palestinians I’ve no right to criticize or I’m labeled antisemitic!!
Yeh - Ms ignoramus
There are so many Jewish people who don’t want violence in their name. To classify them as extremists is bizarre. Imagine being called an extremist because you don’t want people to die.
ah, but if you arent a zionist you arent a true jew apparently.
The same happens in Russia. Many people were jailed because they were againstUkrainian war
Accuse your opponent of doing that of which you are guilty.
- Goebbels
And Israel does not represent all Jews.
‘War is peace'
'Freedom is slavery' .
'Ignorance is strength'
“You can march in protest, but not against Israel”.. What planet does she lives on?
The planet 'unbound propaganda' apparently.
need to ask her why.. probably her answer will be "israel has a right to defend itself, it's antisemitism, Israel right to exist "
@@muhammadnizamuddin2084 I play that Bingo game on a daily basis. I always win.
@@muhammadnizamuddin2084well it does considering the countries that surround it and the amount of anti Semitism in the Islamic world … you probably would have no issue of Israel was a moderate Islamic state and the Palestinians were largely Christian as they once were 😂
@@PoldarkGodzillaarabs and Palestinians are also semites.
"The people calling for the killing to end are the angry ones, and you calling for the killing to continue are the compassionate one. Do you see where you've ended up?" Lol!
Poor ignorant woman...they were a lot of Jewish people at the march I was there!!! Bearing in mind that I personally debated a woman supporting Israel at the rally...
Where’s the march for what Azerbaijan have just done?
@yington Why are you asking random other people to do all the work? If you find an injustice then plan a march for it. You don't need any speciall education or job title to do so.
Interesting that there are no marches , or even knowledge about it, isn’t it?
Interesting that you know nothing about Whats happening for the last 70+ years,@@yington
How so? How’s your knowledge of Azerbaijan, and your care for there?
She wants compassion for her people and none for the Palestinian!
The ju are offended by everything and ashamed of nothing.
And rightfully so!
That’s a brilliant comment.
She wanted absolute validation of her support for justifying the eventual deaths of 2 million people, while also being seen as a victim herself, and was completely outraged that she wasn't getting what she wanted. Some people are just too spoiled in their own lives to see any viewpoint other than their own narrow perspectives.
So a British Karen 😂
And that is the whole point isn’t it. Humans push a narrative that suits them, that’s why we have an issue. 99.9 % of the world’s population just want to live in peace. Religion has a lot to answer for it helps cloud basic understanding and judgement to do the right human thing.
That is the Zionist way, watch out, there is is trouble around the corner...
Exactly 💯, spot on they wa t to be seen as eternal victims 😅😅😂.
Because western media has allowed them to be able to lie and say whatever they want with zero pushback for DECADES so long as they are talking positively about Israel and negatively about Palestinians. They are losing their minds at this movement that is telling these people... wait a minute, you actually CAN'T just make up whatever lies you want to about the "other side".
James was very patient with her for 8 min, he has a big heart. The caller thinks that James is her employee or her student. He ended it perfectly. Thank you James.
I applaud you for debating her contradictions and being fair to your audience. Well done!
Can't believe this allowed to be Aired, I've never seen these people be challenged at all, presenters always bow down and ask softball questions. Hope he keeps his job.
@@berkamp9832 James O'B is one who stands his ground on such issues and I'm not even slightly surprised that he's taken this stance. You're essentially correct about the MSM though, saying that it does seem to be slowly changing as the media that there is not a public consensus on giving Isreal a free pass on their behaviour.
People are trying to blur the lines between anti Zionism and antisemitism.....
They love to ignore a huge portion of Judaism is anti-Zionist
They like to use that “antisemitism card” even though the Palestinians themselves, are Semites and a Semitic people.
Or just between simple human compassion and antisemitism.
Or Extremists Jews.
She’s basically saying Israeli lives are more important than Palestinians.
Unfortunately, I think that's what many people are inferring. It has almost become the mainstream accepted position. These same people backtrack when it's put to them but it's very clear from their words that innocent Israeli deaths are tragic but innocent Palestinian deaths are collateral.
It goes both ways. Were there protests against Palestine?
@@alanberka4226 this is the Israeli government, a member of the UN. The attack on them was carried by a military freedom movement. Of course everyone condemned the attack launched by Hamas.
@@alanberka4226 What did Palestine do?
@@OvidianIdeals Hamas?!
Whats her point? She's angry about others getting angry 😂😂😂
They have NO RIGHT to march every week when it isn’t even our problem, they should all go & help if they are so angry, they don’t exactly work
@@DaChunkil8or Welcome to democracy where people have a right to march about any injustice they feel like marching for and to march as often as they want. The rest of what you wrote is a bit silly given the government’s support for isreal at the UN as well as militarily.
Confused I guess. I think she was either compassionate about being angry for being afraid or devastated about being angry for compassionate reasons. Dunno!
@@DaChunkil8oryou should be living in Iran or Saudi. They believe this too 👍🏼
This guy is fantastic! Thank you James! Thank you for being open and aware to these double standards! Self defence against millions of innocent civilians does not equal compassion!
Fantastically biased is what he is.
Absolutely well done! You put her to court and she struggled to support her position. This is why we need broadcasters like this, reporting on truth for all. No life is inferior or unworthy of our compassion regardless of whether they are Israeli children or Palestinian children, they all deserve our sympathy and compassion.
She wants exclusivity on anger and compassion. What a horrible woman!😷
@reyyanaslh. Why was she even chosen as a guest on the programme.? What was thinking behind that ? She’s a pantomime.
@@belindamay8063 probably to show the lengths they will go to to keep saying bs and spouting their propaganda x
He literally crushed her argument with basic common sense.
no he didnt he just overtalked, her
@@jayreynolds4900No ,he said things you disagree with.
You don't have the spine to rebuke him ,so like all the others ,you throw tantrums like detached teenagers.
@@colloquialsoliloquy6391 true, never any facts, logic or arguments..
Imagine the level of brainwashing/conditioning she's had to think the way she does. It's actually scary.
Zionism is a plague on true Judaism, much love for the awakend and true Jewish people ❤
It all did sound like she was parroting things she'd read or heard from the usual sources
It's projection isn't it?
Sounds like she's looking for validation and got rejected brilliantly
7:58 that's Freudian slip, she said terrific....
These people want any criticism of Israel, no matter what they've done, to be labelled as anti Semitism. It's ridiculous.
The UN allowed Isreal to define anti-semitism. They included in anti-Zionism in the list.
Meant devout Jews are anti-Zionist.
That has long been the Israeli narrative. They have openly admitted it.
It is weird to see the U.N reluctant to call Hamas terrorists. Claim Israel has done war crimes but seem to brush over what Hamas did.
@@Dee78584I don't think anyone has brushed over what Hamas did.
Holding Israel to account (or even being slightly critical of their actions) in Isreal's retaliation isn't brushing anything under the carpet.
The arrogance is just astounding!
How some people think that they are the only ones that deserve empathy
And the arrogance of wanting to police rhe emotions of others -- this ish is mind-blowing.
She is upset. As are Palestinians.
Yeah, that's just sickening
Surely, you mean the arrogance of James O' Brien. When this does, inevitably, descend into violence, he is going to have egg on his face.
@@alexanderspear9464it already has, with more than 4000 children killed. That’s why people are protesting 😅
For someone wanting to forbid anger (I get it - let's ban all the emotions) she is exceptionally angry.
Israelis can say "flatten Gaza" and,,, "finish them off" but Palestinians can't say from river to the sea.. Outrageous
Yeah, they’re talking about Hamas. Obviously. Does this even need to be pointed out?
@@inglese2996By that logic, the Palestinians are referring to Zionists.. does that need to be pointed out 😊
@@inglese2996 'they are talking about Hamas' yet have killed 10k+ civilians with no remorse and only a few Hamas people? If Hamas are terrorists for killing civilians what does that make Israel for killing 10 times as many civilians?
@@Beybleyder101if you have no state you are called a terrorist, if you have one you are called a soldier it seems
Mr James O’Brien thank you for being righteous. Hard to find these days
If this goes bad next Saturday o'brains show will be finished
He thinks that calling for the eradication of a race isn't hateful. And you call him righteous! You've set the bar very low indeed.
@@drhfuhruhurr4253 This may well be his Bannana skin moment.
@@drhfuhruhurr4253because unlike you he can see who is actually eradicating a race
Laughs at the wicked.
It’s disgusting to even think people hold this sort of mentality! Well done James you shut her down perfectly 👍🏽
Lefty alert
James is a human
Yes: he did! 😄
He didn't "shut her down", he made her speak her mind, so we could hear what was going on in her head. Maybe she will not change her mind, but listeners might discover they disagree with her.
He did exactly the opposite, honestly. He walked her through everything that her claims would have to entail -- the observable facts that would have to be true, but aren't... and the consequences that would arise from taking such a stance, but are blatantly antithetical to any peace-loving philosophy. He didn't shut her down. He gave her everything she needed to ruin her own self-conception. But she was too caught up in the moment (as we would all be) to metabolize it at the time. Hopefully she'll be able to later on, but it may take months or years.
“you see where you’ve ended up, Anna?” 😂
She was hired to shed crocodile tears but got busted while lying 😂😂😂
There is a marketing pdf that was published in 2009 that has an ant for everything and how to reply with it was Hamas
Worse money spend ever 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Can I be disgusted about what’s happening to innocent people in Palestine without being called antisemitic ?
No. The answer should be yes, but because of people like that woman, the answer will always be no.
You can know who rules you when you find out what you're not allowed to say.
Do you think Hamas is Anti Semitic Jake? just wondering. and possibly anti-Palestinian after all they are using them as human shields.
Absolutely, quick question though to clarify though, what is your feeling about the 7th October attack?
Israel must be held accountable for these crimes against innocent human lives.
Palestine must be held accountable for these crimes against innocent human lives Hamas voted into power 2006
@@captainohcaptain9588 Nearly half of Palestinians are 14 and under, many more are 37 and under… meaning they had literally nothing to do with Hamas coming into power and if you honestly believe they get a choice even in 2003 I have a bridge to sell you not that it matters because Hamas doesn’t hold power in the West Bank, remind me again how the Palestinians are treated their by the IDF?
@@nicholassmith6687 No one is defending Hamas. That’s the point zionests seem to miss, when we say “Israel is committing war crimes” and you go “but Hamas”
We agree that Hamas committed war crimes so maybe stop deflecting?
@@captainohcaptain9588 Israel must be held accountable for apartheid and occupation
It is neither anti-Jewish nor hateful to be anti-Israel. Israel is a system, not a people.
Just as Russia is a system, not a people. So you can't be anti-Putin or anti-Russians for invading Ukraine.
@@rodolfojericho4433 a better example is the USSR: you could oppose the communist system without opposing the Russian people.
@@petercohen5563that’s what he meant mr pedantic🤫
@@DaChunkil8or so we all agree.
@@petercohen5563 Fallacious.
Another caller who thinks that their feelings outweigh facts, truth or balance.
Show me a picture of the Israeli flags at these marches in sympathy for the mass terrorism then?
Because if you cant then its not about caring about peoples lives, its about caring about only one sides lives.
The side which not only isnt even a democracy but which at least in part supports being controlled by terrorists.
This is how you handle a liar.
Wrong, support for Palestine is based on hate against Isreal.
I wouldn't worry though, soon there will be no Pallestine.
Talking of truth and lies, when will the British public realise they're government was complicit in helping to put Israeli regime where it is today?
"would you call for it to end?" he absolutely slayed this. I'm a new fan.
“So the people calling for the killing to end, are the angry ones, who are causing fear; and you, calling for it to continue, are the compassionate one. Do you see where you’ve ended up Anna?”
James brilliantly summarizing the caller’s delusion.
Just because people want Palestinians to live doesn't mean they want israelis to die. Thankyou for your compassion towards humanity James 🙏
Israeli lives matters more than the Palestinians
You're right they actually want Jews to die in general. Fascists
What do you think "from the river to the sea means?"
@boofriedmann2980 it means they shall not be occupied no matter where they live. They shall have basic human rights and their lives shouldn't be at risk all the time
@boofriedmann2980 why are you so adamant on taking this out of context? Asking for peace and ceasefire isn't wishing death upon anyone
Omg how he dismantled her arguments with facts
I joined the march on Saturday and two of my friends are Jewish. This woman is so ignorant and her comments are absurd. What Hama's did was terrible and now what is happening in Palestine is truly horrific. Over 8000 death's including the loss of 3000 children's lives.
Ask yourself why and what caused this and what would you do about it you were in charge
I was there too. It was so peaceful.
@@davenarey6475 lets not act like this conflict started on october 7th, hamas is a symptom and a result of israeli foreign policy regarding Palestine and their right to self determinism, ownership of their land (where the israeli gov is building walls to cut off the population from land in the borders of Palestine) , end to the illegal settlements and blockades
@@davenarey6475Israel helped strengthen hamas for political gain. There's israeli as well as palastinian blood on the Israeli government's hands
@@davenarey6475 I know what I wouldn't do. I wouldn't drop bombs on children and then blame the enemy for using them as human shields.
Checkmate!! How embarrassing.
I sympathize with your caller, a British Jew feeling fear. What does she think a Gazan feels? Nowhere to go. Nothing to eat or drink. Waiting for the bombs. Humanity includes all of us. Empathy is not one-sided.
Couldn’t have said it better sir.
I would like to challenge her source of fear. Yes October 7th was horrible but has a series a war crimes made her feel more safe? I sincerely think by this point it's the unconscionable actions which would always create a backlash creating more fear. If Israel wasn't cheerfully and unrepentantly bombing a refugee camp in a densely populated civilian area full of children there would be fewer protests with fewer people. Ergo she'd be less scared since apparently it's the people advocating for peace she's saying are making her afraid.
No wellmeaning person would feel anything but horror at the death of innocent people, but you seem to forget that if Hamas didn't have bases underground in such areas, Israel wouldn't be bombing these locations.
So if you truly want to help Palestinians, wouldn't you also want to get rid of Hamas.
Does anyone really care about the Palestinians? You can't just ignore the actions of Hamas, but then demonize Israel. Doing that may make you feel better, but it won't do anything to help the Palestinians. How is it that Hamas have received all of this funding from the UN, and yet the Palestinians are in absolute poverty whilst Hamas leadership are somewhere in Qatar.
Hamas seem quite happy for as many Palestinians to die as is necessary for them to achieve their objectives.
But no, it's all Israel's fault. Is it not fair to say there is something seriously wrong with this rationale.
Spot on
She calls killing thousands of children self-defence ... For cowards, maybe.
"It's called self-defense." My jaw DROPPED. This woman has 0 self-awareness.
"When I hit you it's self-defence. When you hit me back, it's t*rrorism." That's genuinely how these people think, it's deranged.
To say it diminished her previous claim of having compassion for Palestinian civilians killed by the IDF would be an understatement.
The mask didn't fall off. It threw itself down into the abyss of non-existence, lol
“So the people calling for the killing to end are the angry ones who are causing fear, and you, who are calling for it to continue are the compassionate one.”
Do you see where you’ve ended up, Anna? No, you probably don’t, do you?”
At the moment sadly the answer is no
The perfect ending !!
James is great at showing off the real hypocrisy of those people !!
I wonder do the people who go on the free Palestine protest do the same for Syria etc ?
She’s talking about feelings when Palestinians have been being massacred for over eight decades.
Both sides
Eight decades is nothing compared to the persecution of Jews for centuries.
@@alanberka4226I think you would find one side is a military army and it's response has always been disproportionate , or rather what we mean by response is only a response based on provocations in the first instance , but I think you already knew that didn't you !
@animimeclips Provocations killing too many people? No excuse for any of that on both sides.
@@alanberka4226I agree. Both sides, Hamas and the Israeli military, are visiting horror upon civilians.
Ah yes the woman who is too scared to attend the protest but has also spoken to people at the protest
I actually am thinking she was a paid troll. But it backfired quickly once her lies began spewing from her war mongering mouth.
When will people realise that lies are often oh so clearly transparent?
She probably means on twitter lol
@777jimothy either way she's a liar
She got exposed at the end ..thanks James ..
Hate is in her heart
Yeah because these protests also have israeli flags in sympathy for the terrorist attack and no one is ripping down posters of hostages that would demonstrate their hatered, oh wait... you just got exposed.
Fear leads to hatred though. Not deliberately quoting Yoda; it is just true. She probably is scared.
@@markpostgate2551this is pure hate. She hates that we have compassion for the Palestinian children have died and are considered “collateral damage”.
James O’Brien is fantastic 👍👍👍
Crazy how her evilness is spewing over the phone.
Pick the log out of your own eye
It doesn’t matter which flag someone was born under, human life is human life and when innocent people (especially children) are killed it's both a tragedy and a cause for outrage.
Spot on
spot on...
this is why I struggle with trying to understand why people put so much emphasis on 40 beheaded israeli babies that are proven to be fake vs 1000 real murdered palestinian babies
Very well done, James. Silencing this individual with facts.
Mind Begs the Question:
If Anti-Semitic is a term used
Even against Semitic People
If they speak against a Govt,Policies
Anti-Semitic is term used for Suppression,no?
What facts .daft pratt
How many times has James been to Gaza
Israel won’t allow any reporters to enter Gaza fearing they’ll be reporting the grim reality of the IOF brutality! They already killed 3 British Nationals! Where have you been?
She's wrong because Israel, in its anger towards Hamas, is randomly killing Palestinians en masse. 30k in 5 months is horrific.
She completely ignores Israel's part in this horror.
In less than 6 months time in a very localized area on planet Earth there have been over 41 some thousand homicides. I am sorry I cannot hear anything or consider any viewpoints either for or against. All claims to antisemitism all political views and opinions fall on deaf ears. What has this world come to that the fact that this many human beings have lost their lives in such a short period of time and all We can do is bicker back and forth and cheer on our side all the while the world burns in the background. Is it even worth salvaging at this point? Where and when does it end? Who cares as long as our team is winning......right?!
@@bennyheavygold7524 surely, in the 21st Century, humans should have learned to live together in peace by now.
I believe Israel's actions are grossly wrong and has become the new perpetrator to the horrors experienced by Jews during WWII.
I'll never understand such hatred. I speak as an atheist.
She’s acting like tension in the Middle East only started on Oct 7th.
@nonya3436 I had to stop watching as it was too upsetting. Can't imagine the horror of those living through it.
I’ve supported Palestine for around ten years, I’ve also joined marches a couple of times and I’ve seen violence once, this was from a person not involved in the march. Ive never met a fellow supporter who wants Israeli people to die, all we want is peace
I'm an ex-Muslim and I collected money for Palestine in the past. I have seen the antisemitism...Calling from the river to the sea and khaybar, khaybar ya yahud is not hateful?
Stop listening to propaganda from either side. However most of all stop supporting terrorisim full stop.
Not seen London recently then?
@@dagg65I hear that, London is overrated
@@dagg65 Father's from Fulham. Moved to Kent a few years back.
Wow, James brought out the true colours of the caller with absolute fact checking and class. The hypocrisy brought out in clear display. The dismantement of the fake compassionate. The osmosis of the truth 😂
Well done James. Another person shows her true colours. Hate and terror will never win.
@@Ultra250Another paid troll.
@@Ultra250She clearly hated every person who attended any of the recent marches for justice in Palestine-Israel.
Do research on Palestinian history back to pre Roman times to the present day. You will find your answers
@@DorothyHolden-fo5ek This history you speak of. Are you suggesting the Bible as a history source? I bet you are not suggesting real historians like Ilan Pappe, Head Of Palestinian Studies at Exeter University or Shlomo Sand, Head of History at Tel Aviv University. Maybe Norman Finkelstein? I doubt it.
Blackwavenoise, hopefully what you say is correct, this whole scenario has been boiling for generations, if you need an example , Hamas are dedicated to the destruction of Israel and indeed all Jews, hate is something that is ingrained in them as youngsters, the fact is that if Israel disarmed they would be totally wiped out . People forget , in their rush to condemn , that Hamas attacked and killed over one thousand people, men , woman and children with absolutely no pity or remorse, Israel , naturally reacted , the dreadful consequences of their response is there for all to see , with more innocent people , this time Palestinians, killed or injured , to hold Israel completely to blame is to ignore the appalling attack by Hamas , who , by the way continue to hide in Gaza , knowing that it is the ordinary people who will take the brunt of any retaliation from Israel , neither action can possibly be condoned but if Israel did not defend itself then it would give a green light to Hamas and other terrorist groups to reek havoc upon the state of Israel.
The level of self centred of these people is now so clear to anyone.
You must rate bravery of James to put such people in their place! Bare respect! ❤
Of course, this could cost him his career. It’s very easy to labelled anti-Semitic just for uttering a word of truth against Israel. And that label can destroy careers.
@ BabaYaga. People of HER sort ? It was way too easy - like shooting fish in a barrel. Comes in the category of “why-do-it-at-all?” We need intelligent minds on this one.
@@belindamay8063 yes HER sort, hard to believe but there are those who want to be on the wrong side of the history. Clear example Jacob Reece Mogg V Barnaby latest…..when many (powerful) in the West are seen to aid the oppressors, when few (yes, few) from within oridinary speak against the trust due to their bias,stereotypes,deep hate against the weak, just because they are not giving up for their basic rights, People like James are loved and Jacob thuggish Reece Mug are despised.
Yes, calling for peace and an end to killing is hateful.
People are mental!
They conduct themselves in a hateful manner, so yes. It is hateful.
@@yamiscape let’s go with your thought process… conducting any act in a hateful manner is hateful, hence Israel killing Palestinians, which I don’t see how you can describe it as being in any other way than a hateful manner, is hateful. Do you see the further implications
@@yamiscape yes, you are hateful. It spills over in your post.
A number of the protesters don't want peace. They want an Hamas victory.
The only LBC presenter that has his own mind. Full credit to you. Maybe one or two others also tbf
Ironic statement about having his own mind, when yours in controlled by the worship of a paedophilic warlord.
@@joeblack8915by your logic, it’s ironic you said what you said about OP’s comment because you’re mind controlled by social conditioning and hate preachers
I can't see this @joeblack's comment, but by the looks of it, why are you snapping at the person who seems to be defending you?@@AH8801
And Sangita
@@joeblack8915 Funny that, how you know so much about me? Is this you talking or your puppet master?
Respect and kudos to James for standing up for humanity and compassion. 👍🙇👏
Well done James putting hate mongers in their place she’s full of it.
You've missed the S and H off the last letter.
Thanks James for exposing this hypocrite.
He absolutely destroyed her. Called her out on every single thing... lol he didnt let her breathe a lie 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👏👏👏👏👏
The cops don't report what really happens at these protests...that's the big lie!
She's not an idiot, she's just fallen for the lies. All she's had to do is attend and see there's no hate behind it, but naturally because of what she believes, it's not as simple as just going
It’s called being brainwashed.
I think. Those kind of people fear to recognize they‘ve fooled themselves.
Basically being afraid of the mirror.
Actually she’s not fallen for the lies. She’s actually married to a j3wish man and has stated that she will always support Isra3l and clearly has links and other benefits we don’t know about it. This is strategy not idiocy we are seeing. As Sun4k never sent her because she’s not a foreign representative of the UK and went off her own bat. Just like Pr33ty P4tel who also visited without the foreign office knowing and still to this day it has never been made clear about her s3cret meeting she had in isra3l. Both women are supporters of M0di’s Faci5t government in Indi4. No coincidences there.
One has to be deaf and blind to believe what you say.
Brilliant. All reporters need to be like you! This is how it used to be back before the 80s. Truth and unbiased reporting mattered. Thanks for bringing impartial reporting to this very heart breaking travesty
James O’Brains impartial? Lol
Unbiased? O'brien?
@@callummcintyre713 quite worrying that she things he is, these people are beyond brianwashed
@@hattmancock6396 the result of years of neo-liberal propoganda being pushed by the establishment.
You need to look up the definition of the word unbiased
I don't understand why we are denying Israel could ever do anything wrong...
They have right to defend, were as Palestinians dont
@@shinx2k6 it seems that way. The majority of voices I hear seem to think Palestinians are not quite human or something.
@@shinx2k6Oh! That's such a Jewish response.
@@shinx2k6Palestinians have every right to defend.
They are "chosen" people. Allegedly.🤦🏻♀️
Imagine having being a “victim” central to your personal and national identity? This caller is exhausting. Lies, denies, manipulates, gaslights. Perfectly on brand.
Does the Free Palestine movement have any other identity other than playing victim of the pooor oppressed Palestininans while completely ignoring the the root cause of their plight being the Palestinian Hamas?
Victimhood is central to the national identity of the Serbs too. And look what they did during the 90s. You literally take the right to do whatever you want to do, against whomever you choose under the guise of self-defence.
I extremely dislike the way she was unwilling to see another perspective.
I was not aware of the history of the Palestinians and I have familiarized myself with both sides very recently. I can see the obvious injustice and imbalance of power. Her unwillingness to see the obvious facts and basically say they are hateful is infuriating. It's a simplistic mindset that is not far removed to Islamophobia. She is assuming everyone who is protesting for a ceasefire is anti-semestic. Which is not factual.
@@am1156And look how many Christians are being killed year by year.
These people speaking about violence, for me, it's so ironic.
James O'Brien is "SIMPLY THE BEST" Whats right is right whats wrong is wrong and he calls it out on every side, unbiased sticks to the facts! I salute you Sir!!!!
James totally dismantled her arguments to show them for what they are. Genius.
Thank you, thank you thank you James. Some individuals pretend to be sympathetic, peaceful and victimized, while speaking and doing the most evil things. Thank you for not falling for that
You have to get up early to get one over on James, his brain is electric.
he is a bit dim if he thinks people march for the people of gaza.
@@Security848. Then enlighten us o wise one what do they march for ? or maybe the bulb in your head might be dim and needs to be brighter to give you more light so you can see and think clearly.
@mohammedsulemanpatel3849 they are marching to support hamas terrorists who caused what is going on,if people marching had hamas out banners I would respect that,they preferred to spend millions on weapons and tunnels instead of on the people,but that's ok with the marchers.
My respect for this presenter grows by the day!
thank you, humanity and truth still prevail because of you James Obrien
I've been going to Palestine support demos for years and they have never been hateful or violent. On the last on I went on (just a week ago), I was with a Jewish friend who supports calls for a Ceasefire and an end to Israeli occupation. This lady is way off the mark.
It's scary how some people can't see the contradictions and hypocrisy in what they say and believe.
This lady might be bringing up children, or have a job making decisions about people. 😢
Not everyone had a moral upbringing
That’s a scary concept
@@TM-ud8mg Clearly terrorists have no moral upbringing.
Just goes to show you how important it is to critically think for yourself and not believe everything as gospel.
She is very one minded. Well done to the host 'James' on being objective and fair, excellent reporting.
Very well done, James.
Totally and utterly destroyed her on every single point. She has zero compassion for innocent Palestinian deaths. She wants it to continue.
innocent is a fantasy
@@georgka74so dying civilian kids are not innocent?
Hamas attacked Israel on 7th October, if that didn’t happen this wouldn’t be happening now
@@georgka74I wouldn’t assume what’s going in your mind as James said in this clip, so go on, enlighten us why none of the Palestinians who have been killed were innocent
Typical ignorance
She’s embarrassed herself. Full of hate, spite and cliched rhetoric.
she's confused - the dinner table at home is a huge influencer
She’s confused and trying hard to justify herself. I hope she finds the light.
And I take it you're not okay with the hatred towards Jews also.
@@clairewright332hate towards anyone is not acceptable.
This woman is embarrassing . He's debunked everything she's claimed . Clearly a Suella follower . Full of hatred .
This woman just got schooled!😂😂
They just dont understand how you can have compassion for both Israeli and Palestinian civilian deaths.
This woman is everything wrong with the current 'logic'....
Wonder if youre allowed to be angry about bombs being dropped on refugee camps? 🤔
Not loudly
Funny how nobody is mad that Hamas is using refugee camps as operations bases?
@@rcchan7618funny how you guys harp on this boogeyman to justify war crimes and victim blame babies and old people.
@@rcchan7618 by dropping bombs in the middle of the street?, gtfoh.
@@123Andersonev you mean dropping bombs where Hamas terrorist organization are hiding in buildings and tunnels under the street surrounded by supporters? Palestinian kids are the only innocents.
Thankyou for calling her out. I attended pro Palestine protest with my children, it was full of families/children and very peaceful. They included peoples from all walks of life including thousands of Jews who openly were saying not in our name and Israel does not represent majority of Jewish people around the world.
My heart breaks for ALL those killed. Palestinians have been living in horrendous conditions for 75 years and been stripped from their basic human rights and some what forgotten by the world. I have personally witnessed this and it’s heartbreaking. They are people just like me and you, and deserve a free life just like us.. but they are kept in an open concentration camp and daily dehumanised. It needs to stop and a fair 2 state solution is the only way.
How come all the Hamas leaders are billionaires. They take the money that is for their own people's welfare. They care not a jot for their own people
People like me and you??? Don’t think so…. 75 years of hate. Someone tell them to educate themselves and their poor children. I’m not buying this nonsense
so you were too frightened to confront the ISIS-Hamas rabble shouting aloud for Crusaders to be killed
If you think it's nonsense you probably need to get educated yourself or at least a basic knowledge of history.
Who is the victim in this war? You cannot argue with this lady..
James is really brave. Everyone fears every single second that they might end up being called anti-Semitic for uttering a word against Israel’s atrocities over decades and that label can destroy careers and lives. He is really brave.
Be brave too. So what if you get called names ? 🤷♀️
He is very brave..
@@jenster29Being branded antisemitic, even falsely, can ruin a career.
@@AndrewWilsonStooshie if we all call it out it will lose ots power.
Look up when that label was created and by who and why. It needs to lose its grip
The fact that the caller is saying "who can I punish" and directing this at the protestors, whilst Israel is cascading bombs down on innocent civilians, just shows you how dehumanised the Palestinians have become. Utterly shameful!!
She's a pseudo-pacifist who talks like a hippie but her true colours came out at the end. She doesn't want peace
Thank you @James for displaying humanity and opening peoples eyes on the hypocracy of one sided condemnation many are displaying. Humanity has no race
The political indoctrinated fools who take sides on this, I call them cheerleaders.
Humanity? Anger and hate is humanity now?
@@puraLusaAgree. There's no side to support here. Just those on each side that want peace (and they are getting harder to find)
The caller very angrily complains about Palestinian sympathisers being angry over the killing of their friends and seems completely unable to see the dichotomy in her statements.
@@ltmund I will accept your argument on the condition that you accept that the anger on TH-cam displayed by Netenyahu and the Israelis is equally not equal to humanity then we can agree. But if only anger by Palestenians is not in your opinion then they that is hypocrisy and racism where only one side in a conflict is allowed to be angry. So I will give you benefit of the doubt and say I agree with you for both Israelis and Palestenians.
It’s all in her head. She is fearful
She unfortunately is frightful.
Indeed. All psychological projection.
James missed a trick here. She started going on about peaceful vigils being okay just after she had called the NY station protesters extremist and they were doing exactly what she said - a peaceful sit down protest, but James didn't call her out on that obvious contradiction and glaring hole in her logic
It's hard to dunk every set up these people throw at you lol
He doesn't need to. She literally does the work for him..
I think he may have just given up on logic as a language she couldn't grasp.
I can assure you it didn't go unmissed. She sealed her fate, and he kept her talking digging a hole for herself. I've learnt you don't need to refute every claim!!!!
To be fair, she was spouting too much nonsense to reign in.
Omg so ridiculous. My teenage niece went to the protests in Australia and it’s was a beautiful march full of love.
The Israeli perspective can essentially be described as “Rules for thee, not for me.”
"Land for me, not for thee"
Exactly the same as the leftist liberal
@@charliekenwright6324What are you talking about?
I guess I'm antisemitic because I don't care.
Well said James 👏
7:45 That pause when James asked the caller to express her compassion for the people being killed in Gaza spoke volumes.
Thank you calling this out James. People’s ability to critically think is lacking. It’s scary how she creates up lies to fit her emotions and fear when they aren’t backed by facts.
So many dunces on earth these days, especially in the so called educated West.
Wow, exactly what we see repeatedly again and again. Such scary stuff 😬 We live amongst these people.
Not as scary as O'Brien and his colleagues lying through their back teeth fo 6-9 months about a supposed killer pathogen sweeping the planet. And then there was the vaccines!
like a settler colony zombie
The caller is absolutely wrong, well done James.
Yeah we can see she's wrong, because the protests are full of Israel flags in sympathy for the terrorist attack, and no one is ripping down posters of hostages are they, oh wait wrong and wrong, so yeah you and James the snake are clearly lying.
'Absolutely'......there-in lies the problem
Only sith deal in absolutes
Thank u brother jam ❤frm Africa
She's the one with anger who flip-flopped from one thing to another when her argument was being pulled apart.
So no one is ripping down posters of hostages then, and these protests for peace also have just as many Israeli flags in sympathy for the terror attacks and for peace?
Oh wait they dont do they? I just pulled O'Biren's argument apart.
You can tell when she immediately lies about speaking to pro-Palestinians
Pro humanity, you mean?
Like she's talking about trash 😂
sorry but you can't just say she's a liar, because she's not on the leftist side of the debate
@@5uper5kill3rz What! When ever where you ever able to reveal any lie coming from a "leftist"? You are living in a bubble of right wing lies, friend.
you mean pro hamas.
Over the last two weeks I've seen two protests go past me in central London.Both had huge numbers and took literally hours to pass me.There were all nationality s involved and all were extremely peaceful.
Jewish people attending the marches said they were given hugs and a lot of encouragement for their courage to stand up for what is right.
The Jews not on the March are scared to go anywhere near the Marches. Watch TH-cam Footage is mass Hate
Nasty dishonest woman. Well done James 👍
Explain how she is 'nasty'
Her argument about compassion fell apart when she could not bring herself to call for a ceasefire and call for a stop to the killing of innocent children. Her hate showed itself in the end.
@Alexander-js8zz how about they give people their land and stop the apartheid system? maybe? you can't colonize people and expect peace this never worked out in history
That's not all btw
7:58 that's Freudian slip, she said terrific....
Hamas broke the cease fire on the 7th October.
@@gkagara the original meaning of "terrific" meant "caused terror". Now, it no longer means that.
@@redredlulu1 israelis broke the „ceasefire“ march 14th 1948 by entering a land that is not theirs, called palestine, not israel. Where you wanna start history, at the point where it all began or somewhere in between because it fits your anti palestine narrative ?
Thank you James for bringing out and exposing the upside down logic in people that suit their own view
Oh the irony, you just described what O'Brien makes a living on being.
He's core audience are not very smart people and usually foreign. He knows exactly where to grift
@@PpPp-ku4syforeign? You think because they are foreign it automatically negates them of intelligence?
also, its ‘his’ not “he’s” in the context you are trying to use, just saying
@@PpPp-ku4sy Yup, grift is the perfect description, he is well practiced at twisting peoples words and confusing them enough to make one small error in wording which he then picks on the rest of the interview
Anna was playing the ✡️victim card but she failed miserably!!