You asked for it❗ I'm ranking the five highest dividend stocks by total return and how to pick high yield stocks 😲 Must-Watch for dividend investors -->
I have an important question regarding taxes on capital gains. So since I reinvest those dividends every month I have to claim that as income each year? In which I pay lower taxes, for the capital gains tax.
If you already own stock prior to them announcing the dividend dates, do you automatically get the dividend payments or is it only for shares purchased within that window of after announcement and ex dividend date?
I see you have a few "other ex-dividend strategies" mentioned. But I don't see one that matches my idea for a possible ex-dividend strategy. My ideas combines the idea of a "weekly dividend payment" strategy with the "dividend waterfall" strategy of buying one stock or fund and using the dividends from that ticker to fund buying other stocks [possibly better stocks, so why not just buy those instead, but that's neither here nor there]. Essentially the idea is to buy ~12-24 stocks that pay out [1-2 tickers] each week of the quarter, and then repeat the next quarter an the next and the next on those same weeks of the quarter. Now, my twist on the idea is that rather than simply DRIP-reinvesting dividends back into the original security and then waiting an entire calendar quarter to get money back out of the additional shares, you could instead look for the next ticker that goes ex-dividend roughly 3-4+ business days after the current payment, and put your dividends into additional [whole/fractional] shares of that next stock so that you shares settle before it goes ex-dividend, and the extra shares **somewhat immediately** net additional dividends for that next stock to pay out. [Even better if that ticker happens to also raise its dividend that quarter, so you'd get "bonus" additional dividends from both the extra shares **and** the dividend increase.] The idea here is to perhaps "compound" your dividend gains more quickly than the simpler "DRIP-reinvestment" method, by putting your extra dividends to work more quickly by buying additional shares of the next thing that would be going ex-dividend and paying out, thus netting additional dividends there, and then in the next such ticker, and so on. I haven't run any numbers to see whether that would in fact produce any non-trivial gains over time, or if it would all kind of wash due to either the additional amounts being so small or due to cost increase of the ticker you're trying to buy right before the ex-dividend date as others are also trying to buy in for the dividend, thus driving the price up, and the amount of shares your "extra" dividend money can buy down, thus possibly minimizing gains? Would be interesting to see someone do some kind of historical deep-dive analysis on historical data to see whether such a "round robin" faster-compounding ex-dividend strategy would work or provide any tangible benefits sufficient to justify the fairly active management one would potentially need to do in such a scenario.
Well, I feel investors should be focusing on under-the-radar stocks, and considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, Because 35% of my $270k portfolio comprises plummeting stocks that were once revered and I don't know where to go here out of devastation.
The safest approach I feel to tackle it is to diversify investments. By spreading investments across different asset classes, like bonds, real estate, and international stocks, they can reduce the impact of a market meltdown.
@@ShellyHuerta I totally agree. A financial advisor can provide valuable insights and help ensure that our investment portfolios are aligned with our long-term financial goals. They have the expertise to navigate through market fluctuations and make informed decisions.
@@FolarinSodiq Her name is “Victoria Carmen Santaella” can't divulge much. Most likely, the internet should have her basic info, you can research if you like.
Thanks for the information for the last 3 to 4 months I have figured what’s best for me is to simply buy and sale dividend stocks 4 different ones a month. To my surprise I did not know the strategy I’m buying before the E X date it is really shocking that you can buy before the EX date hold back to the end of the market day and sell and still get the dividend and as you suggested the very next day I’ll pour another $25,000 into an upcoming EX pre-date and do that four times a month honestly I average between seven $40-$930 a month in dividend tax of course taking 20% of that and putting it into my stable dividend REITS and let letting them compound it works for me👌🏾✌🏾
I am a buy and hold forever investor. My portfolio is small but a sleep well one: AAPL, ADM, IRM, MO, Berk Hath B. JNJ, BABA, WTR. Thanks for the Great videos Joseph!!!
I've been trading for about 25 years now. I trade both, long term (high dividend yield stocks) and short term (speculative investing). Always sitting on a substantial amount of cash to stock up during a correction or bear markets.
I am relatively new, and I am currently holding until I have learnt more about how it all works. I guess it may differ from country to country, but this is still helpful. Thank you 😊
You can do this in an IRA where you are not taxed until withdrawal. The problem is that brokerage settle T+2. So you can't sell and buy another stock same day.
New to investing, I work a full time job and can comfortably put 75 to 100 into my portfolio per week. I'd like to start with short term higher gains to jump start a long hold dividend plan.
Always glad to help with questions. Did you see Monday's video on high-dividend funds? Might be a good place to start Also this video, a 12-month investing plan would help
@@josephhogue thank you, I've really been enjoying your channel the most out of all the ones I've come across on YT. Also THANK YOU for your military service. It is a great thing that you continue to "serve" the populace with your financial experience after you served for our freedoms.
0:54 that should be a graph for why not to invest for dividends. Dividends as a whole have not kept up with capital appreciation and based on the graph are way way down. The graph would not show the dividend graphs for 2000. I wonder why? It was definitely less than 14% based off of the basic math and trending statistic curve. At that rate it is probably like 10%or less
Investor for life ...only one rule...cut or slash dividend I look hard at selling and usually give you an example, I have been in Pepsi since they were 18 a share...
As a novice trader, I made the mistake of trading, but not settling before the record date. In this case I unknowingly bought the dip and saved about $350 on the transaction due to a large sell off. The dividend would have only paid me out $150 on those shares. Since I was taking a long term position on this stock, all you can do is shrug it off as a lesson learned.
I'm at this video to learn how to swing trade. I'm the same way with my account sortof. 1/3 msft 1/3 shipping companies I bought in 2020 roughly 30% growth per share and 25% dividend on investment per share. Edit: I'm trading within a Roth and I want to start swing trading with the odd stocks in that last third. I'm also thinking about making a dividend capture/swing bot that's roth compatible amd letting it loose in my portfolio.
Ty for another fine, easy to understand video. My strategies have evolved to be completely around dividends. I do use the dividend capture strategy to buy stocks 1 - 4 days prior to the ex-div date and hold them for 1-? days after ex-div date. I have a list of about 48 stocks which historically not only regained there dividend amounts but an extra $1-$5 within days to boot. I have been doing this now for about 6 months and have a return of a little over 11%. That return I reinvest in long term high yield dividend paying stocks (+3.75%) such as ATT , F, MO, IP etc. These will be used as long term investments whereby I just DRIP any returns back into the stock. I have had stocks that I have had to hold for several months because they did not recover within the predicted time frame, but since I primarily invest in high cap stocks, this is not to worrisome. The biggest risk I have encountered so far using this strategy is being Trumpified by some off the wall tweet.
'Trumpified'...LOL. Yep, seems its a new risk we investors have to get used to dealing with (or at least hoping it doesn't blow up our portfolio for a day or two.
Mike Greb can I buy that list from you? (new to dividend capturing and not sure how to find out which stocks regained historically). Joseph, thanks for the informative video! I didn't think to use this strategy in a Roth account
Hey brother Do people often sell on ex date? I’m in NAT and in a good position. I was just wondering if it goes up the day before the ex date if I should take my profit, and sell on the ex date if I see it dumping from everyone else.. I want to get back into it, but just curious if a stock becomes a pump and dump right before the ex dividend date
Short term dividends investor, long term value investor but only in qualified accounts...I move a bulk of cash, chasing a dividend, selling that cash after value of the account has recovered
I don't have a style of investing. Sure I prefer to buy and hold, but if something ever happens then BOOM I'm a short term holder. The day QCOM stock went up $20....they were sold the next day. Any and all information is relevant to me. If I had to pick a style I'm the style of investor that will go with the best option available.
I keep winners for as long as possible; I see myself as an owner. I only sell in 3 criteria: 1) I get gains of 100% (I've been needing to increase this threshold past 180% lately) or more then sell half my shares 2) If I need cash, I sell stocks in my portfolio who have less potential than the others and have gained. I tend to keep my stocks for at least a year; at the year mark, I can think of selling.
Another great video - I'm currently working my way through the oldies lol. Joseph deserves a kick-back from his efforts, so I would recommend that we all allow at least one ad to play until the end - it costs us nothing and Joseph makes a few cents here and there.
I would buy on the ex-dividend day if you can. Price will usually fall at the open since it doesn't include the dividend so you can get the shares cheaper.
in order to be eligible for payment of stock dividends, you must buy the stock (or already own it) at least two days before the date of record and still own the shares at the close of trading one business day before the ex-date. That's one day before the ex-dividend date
I actually am doing all types of investing recently. I have my retirement account(Roth IRA w/ match) which is a long term position in a fund. Then off of that I have a pcra that I am trying a monthly dividened portfolio and some small swing trading if the opportunity presents it self. Then I have a webull account and Robin hood account I have long term dividened stocks as well as swing trading and dividened capture strategies. I have my m1 account that I have made a personal dividened fund that is all long term holding but it is in a taxable account. Lastly I do an employee stock purchase plan through the company i work for at a 15 percent discount which also has a dividened and has seen some decent growth lately.
I’m a new stock buyer. I’m learning with many TH-cam videos and websites. I feel that I’m a swing trader. Mainly because I’m in the PDT restriction zone. Small account. But with hopes of gaining a good amount to eventually be a long term investor
If I do the dividend capture....where is the best place to find "ex day" that happens each day or week through out the year? PS I am writing book and it's all because of you! Thank you for your service jar head! Love dog face LOL
Hi joseph I've just watched one your older videos.The video was the one exdividend dates, i wanted some advice/information as I've watched the video 2/3 times and can't get the information that I'm after. What happens when the exdividend lands on the Monday does this mean that you have to hold the shares until the Friday before the Monday morning. Regards Paul Tucker ps love the show keep it up
I’m a little confused about the Roth or IRA strategy. Do you put your dividend earnings into a Roth to avoid tax? For example, I get $200 from Apple dividends and put that into a Roth, it doesn’t get taxed?
Thanks for introducing different strategies related to dividend investing. I haven’t tried dividend capture in my taxable accounts, but will experiment with it in the IRA. Is the time difference between ex-div & record dates to allow trades to settle? Long-term dividend growth investor. I hold indefinitely until 1) investing thesis breaks, 2) div cut is announced, or 3) significant overvaluation of a position.
@@josephhogue For example: SPY the ex-dividend date is currently 6-18-21. I'm not sure if I should do SPY put credit spreads next week due to the fact the quarterly dividend date is up and coming. Is my interpretation correct?
So when do you sell? Do you have to sell after the payout date? Can you sell after the record date? I thought that you cannot sell before the payout date.
Hi Joseph, what's your take on shorting the stock on the day before the ex-dividend date and covering the short position at the open of the ex-dividend date? This will eliminate the loss a long position will take, as shown on your example.
Hi, is there a web site where to find these company that pay more than 3% dividend? Plus is there also a web site where they show the dividend date? Thank you for your explanation
Long term, right now I'm getting 567 for my psec dividend every month. I'm way long time for my retirement so im.just compounding my money until I reach 4 digits or more monthly dividend so I can live my life comfortably when I get retired
complete newby, Ive saved up 30k and Im planning to buy good dividend stocks and etfs in 5k chunks every month, Im an Aussie so im more into the Australian market. Awesome information though mate, thanks for making videos
how do you find website that let you know who is paying a special dividends? I have tail to td , fidelity, charles, and non of them have this feature. I was told google special dividend announcements? can you let me know what website have or does them?
You're not most young, inexperienced people. Look at your hallowed charts that you worship every day. See the dip on the ex-div day? Often it dips even a few days before. If it was this easy everyone would do it. Usually the dip is about the same as the dividend payout. If you get 6% yield annually then it will usually be 1.5% quarterly of course which is pretty good if the stock isn't on a downward slide. Some pay monthly but this doesn't work as well generally as it doesn't dip enough. Look at a dividend calendar and also check news and earnings date. Beware the earnings date. That can really mess things up. Recovery period is usually about 2 weeks. 1.5% in 2 weeks with a high probability is rather spectacular. Be careful of chasing high dividends as its usually more risky. If you buy you have to watch the stock like a hawk and be super quick to sell when it slides. Look at the long term history of the stock price to see what will probably happen next.
What kind of account would someone want if they are trying to invest in stocks for additional income, not necessarily retirement because they have a separate retirement account? Great video. Very informative.
Hello I am a new investor for about a month now. So I invested because of the stock market crash has everything on discount I got most my money in in business they are essential to the oil field and about 50 shares in a reit. Now im on ameritrade and I see the income estimator and I got so excited seeing the dividends paid out quarterly or monthly. So I started in March and a payment should come out in May for a dividend but I don't believe I will get it because of the Ex dividend date. Now my question is the ex dividend date once a year which means I will have to wait another year to start getting paid dividends or does it start at a lower rate months later?
To answer your question... I'm a new investor but my overall plan is to be a long and short investor. I don't know the exact term, but I started in Bitcoin and all coins and with that. I would buy and sell all coins short term so I can buy more Bitcoin for the long term. I plan on doing the same here if possible, I want to buy and sell small amount short-term so I can invest more in long-term Investments
Hey Marine Question about dividends Do people usually buy into a stock right before the ex divided date? Ie is it common to see the stocks price go up a few days before its ex date? Thanks Go BT nation!
You’re telling me if I bought a stock the day before the ex dividend date, and then sold it 2 days after- I’m stilling going to be paid the dividend even if I don’t still own the stock through the pay date?
You asked for it❗ I'm ranking the five highest dividend stocks by total return and how to pick high yield stocks 😲 Must-Watch for dividend investors -->
I have an important question regarding taxes on capital gains. So since I reinvest those dividends every month I have to claim that as income each year? In which I pay lower taxes, for the capital gains tax.
Stupid intro
If you already own stock prior to them announcing the dividend dates, do you automatically get the dividend payments or is it only for shares purchased within that window of after announcement and ex dividend date?
@@simonphoenix2307 If you own the stock the day before, no matter how short or long of a time you have owned it, you will get the dividend.
I see you have a few "other ex-dividend strategies" mentioned.
But I don't see one that matches my idea for a possible ex-dividend strategy.
My ideas combines the idea of a "weekly dividend payment" strategy with the "dividend waterfall" strategy of buying one stock or fund and using the dividends from that ticker to fund buying other stocks [possibly better stocks, so why not just buy those instead, but that's neither here nor there].
Essentially the idea is to buy ~12-24 stocks that pay out [1-2 tickers] each week of the quarter, and then repeat the next quarter an the next and the next on those same weeks of the quarter. Now, my twist on the idea is that rather than simply DRIP-reinvesting dividends back into the original security and then waiting an entire calendar quarter to get money back out of the additional shares, you could instead look for the next ticker that goes ex-dividend roughly 3-4+ business days after the current payment, and put your dividends into additional [whole/fractional] shares of that next stock so that you shares settle before it goes ex-dividend, and the extra shares **somewhat immediately** net additional dividends for that next stock to pay out. [Even better if that ticker happens to also raise its dividend that quarter, so you'd get "bonus" additional dividends from both the extra shares **and** the dividend increase.]
The idea here is to perhaps "compound" your dividend gains more quickly than the simpler "DRIP-reinvestment" method, by putting your extra dividends to work more quickly by buying additional shares of the next thing that would be going ex-dividend and paying out, thus netting additional dividends there, and then in the next such ticker, and so on.
I haven't run any numbers to see whether that would in fact produce any non-trivial gains over time, or if it would all kind of wash due to either the additional amounts being so small or due to cost increase of the ticker you're trying to buy right before the ex-dividend date as others are also trying to buy in for the dividend, thus driving the price up, and the amount of shares your "extra" dividend money can buy down, thus possibly minimizing gains?
Would be interesting to see someone do some kind of historical deep-dive analysis on historical data to see whether such a "round robin" faster-compounding ex-dividend strategy would work or provide any tangible benefits sufficient to justify the fairly active management one would potentially need to do in such a scenario.
Well, I feel investors should be focusing on under-the-radar stocks, and considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, Because 35% of my $270k portfolio comprises plummeting stocks that were once revered and I don't know where to go here out of devastation.
The safest approach I feel to tackle it is to diversify investments. By spreading investments across different asset classes, like bonds, real estate, and international stocks, they can reduce the impact of a market meltdown.
@@ShellyHuerta I totally agree. A financial advisor can provide valuable insights and help ensure that our investment portfolios are aligned with our long-term financial goals. They have the expertise to navigate through market fluctuations and make informed decisions.
@@BarbaraLouise-i3r I’ve been down a ton, I’m only holding on so I can recoup, I need help, who is this investment adviser that guides you?
@@FolarinSodiq Her name is “Victoria Carmen Santaella” can't divulge much. Most likely, the internet should have her basic info, you can research if you like.
@@BarbaraLouise-i3r Thank you for this amazing tip. I just looked the name up and wrote her explaining my financial market goals.
The most honest guy on youtube
Thanks for the information for the last 3 to 4 months I have figured what’s best for me is to simply buy and sale dividend stocks 4 different ones a month. To my surprise I did not know the strategy I’m buying before the E X date it is really shocking that you can buy before the EX date hold back to the end of the market day and sell and still get the dividend and as you suggested the very next day I’ll pour another $25,000 into an upcoming EX pre-date and do that four times a month honestly I average between seven $40-$930 a month in dividend tax of course taking 20% of that and putting it into my stable dividend REITS and let letting them compound it works for me👌🏾✌🏾
Thank you for this. How has the strategy been working? Any 20:20 hind sights you can share? and which 4 stocks you currently look at. Txs in advance.
I'm a long term dividend growth investor. Plan to hold for 15 more years until I start living off the dividends.
I am a buy and hold forever investor. My portfolio is small but a sleep well one: AAPL, ADM, IRM, MO, Berk Hath B. JNJ, BABA, WTR. Thanks for the Great videos Joseph!!!
Solid portfolio you have going and I love that you have a China name in the mix. Thank you for being part of the community.
I've been trading for about 25 years now. I trade both, long term (high dividend yield stocks) and short term (speculative investing). Always sitting on a substantial amount of cash to stock up during a correction or bear markets.
Carlo Nuccio I think that's the type of trader I want to become
I am relatively new, and I am currently holding until I have learnt more about how it all works. I guess it may differ from country to country, but this is still helpful. Thank you 😊
You can do this in an IRA where you are not taxed until withdrawal. The problem is that brokerage settle T+2. So you can't sell and buy another stock same day.
Exactly, that is my issue, so I plan accordingly with my dividend calendar. 😏
Buy and hold for life unless they cut dividend.
I am longterm investor. This video came very handy, seeing how my portfolio is 60% divided stocks. TY!
Always glad to help Miguel. Thank you for being part of the community.
New to investing, I work a full time job and can comfortably put 75 to 100 into my portfolio per week. I'd like to start with short term higher gains to jump start a long hold dividend plan.
Always glad to help with questions. Did you see Monday's video on high-dividend funds? Might be a good place to start
Also this video, a 12-month investing plan would help
@@josephhogue thank you, I've really been enjoying your channel the most out of all the ones I've come across on YT. Also THANK YOU for your military service. It is a great thing that you continue to "serve" the populace with your financial experience after you served for our freedoms.
Thank you. Wanted to say thanks in a personal video, here it is
0:54 that should be a graph for why not to invest for dividends. Dividends as a whole have not kept up with capital appreciation and based on the graph are way way down. The graph would not show the dividend graphs for 2000. I wonder why? It was definitely less than 14% based off of the basic math and trending statistic curve. At that rate it is probably like 10%or less
Investor for life ...only one rule...cut or slash dividend I look hard at selling and usually give you an example, I have been in Pepsi since they were 18 a share...
I'm in it for the long haul, 10+ years. Have a bit of index funds, but mostly dividend growth investing, so that's why I'm here.
As a novice trader, I made the mistake of trading, but not settling before the record date. In this case I unknowingly bought the dip and saved about $350 on the transaction due to a large sell off. The dividend would have only paid me out $150 on those shares. Since I was taking a long term position on this stock, all you can do is shrug it off as a lesson learned.
Half of my portfolio is long term investing, the other half I use for swing trading.
I'm at this video to learn how to swing trade. I'm the same way with my account sortof. 1/3 msft 1/3 shipping companies I bought in 2020 roughly 30% growth per share and 25% dividend on investment per share.
Edit: I'm trading within a Roth and I want to start swing trading with the odd stocks in that last third. I'm also thinking about making a dividend capture/swing bot that's roth compatible amd letting it loose in my portfolio.
Ty for another fine, easy to understand video. My strategies have evolved to be completely around dividends. I do use the dividend capture strategy to buy stocks 1 - 4 days prior to the ex-div date and hold them for 1-? days after ex-div date. I have a list of about 48 stocks which historically not only regained there dividend amounts but an extra $1-$5 within days to boot. I have been doing this now for about 6 months and have a return of a little over 11%. That return I reinvest in long term high yield dividend paying stocks (+3.75%) such as ATT , F, MO, IP etc. These will be used as long term investments whereby I just DRIP any returns back into the stock. I have had stocks that I have had to hold for several months because they did not recover within the predicted time frame, but since I primarily invest in high cap stocks, this is not to worrisome. The biggest risk I have encountered so far using this strategy is being Trumpified by some off the wall tweet.
'Trumpified'...LOL. Yep, seems its a new risk we investors have to get used to dealing with (or at least hoping it doesn't blow up our portfolio for a day or two.
Mike Greb can I buy that list from you? (new to dividend capturing and not sure how to find out which stocks regained historically). Joseph, thanks for the informative video! I didn't think to use this strategy in a Roth account
Long term.. buy, hold, reinvest repeat !!
Hey brother
Do people often sell on ex date? I’m in NAT and in a good position. I was
just wondering if it goes up the day before the ex date if I should take my profit, and sell on the ex date if I see it dumping from everyone else..
I want to get back into it, but just curious if a stock becomes a pump and dump right before the ex dividend date
I'd like to see a video that covers the dividend capture strategy paired with covered call options!
I've been working in both side of investment espectrum, which are, in this case, long-term and short-term.
Short term dividends investor, long term value investor but only in qualified accounts...I move a bulk of cash, chasing a dividend, selling that cash after value of the account has recovered
Short term - > 18months. Great vids btw! Thx Joseph!
Peter Santos same here!
I use premium from selling options to pick long term investment most of my cash is held as collateral for short puts right now.
Thanks for this video. You are very good at explaining things clearly!
Holy Moly, Corporal! A Jarhead with a CFA - that's something you don't see every day!
Buy and hold till fold! Never give up never surrender! 💪 💎
finally a video that clears the confusion around the ex dividend date and the record date. thank you
I don't have a style of investing. Sure I prefer to buy and hold, but if something ever happens then BOOM I'm a short term holder. The day QCOM stock went up $20....they were sold the next day. Any and all information is relevant to me. If I had to pick a style I'm the style of investor that will go with the best option available.
Always smart to be flexible and take the opportunities as they come. Thank you for being part of the community.
I keep winners for as long as possible; I see myself as an owner. I only sell in 3 criteria: 1) I get gains of 100% (I've been needing to increase this threshold past 180% lately) or more then sell half my shares 2) If I need cash, I sell stocks in my portfolio who have less potential than the others and have gained. I tend to keep my stocks for at least a year; at the year mark, I can think of selling.
Another great video - I'm currently working my way through the oldies lol.
Joseph deserves a kick-back from his efforts, so I would recommend that we all allow at least one ad to play until the end - it costs us nothing and Joseph makes a few cents here and there.
I am a long term investor but switched from mutual funds to stocks last summer.
So 10 years +.
Does that mean you need to change your TH-cam username? =P
What if i buy stock during premarket hours on ex-div date? Do i qualify for dividends or not?
Both. IRA is buy and hold for life unless they cut dividends. Also, have in individual brokerage for a shorter term, but hopefully at least a year.
Dividend growth, doing it for my Roth IRA
Can I sell in after hours on the ex-dividend day?
If you buy a share after the dividend ex date, do you get dividends the next year or do you not ever get them?
You would get the next cycle as long as you hold past the next ex div date
Let’s say I messed up and bought after the ex dividend day, will those shares I bought still pay me dividends next time??
Also how long do I wait AFTER the ex-dividend date to buy a stock? Do I wait after investors are paid?
Yep, you'll get any future dividends declared and paid.
I would buy on the ex-dividend day if you can. Price will usually fall at the open since it doesn't include the dividend so you can get the shares cheaper.
in order to be eligible for payment of stock dividends, you must buy the stock (or already own it) at least two days before the date of record and still own the shares at the close of trading one business day before the ex-date. That's one day before the ex-dividend date
Do I still get paid dividends if I do not buy on dividend x day?
I actually am doing all types of investing recently. I have my retirement account(Roth IRA w/ match) which is a long term position in a fund. Then off of that I have a pcra that I am trying a monthly dividened portfolio and some small swing trading if the opportunity presents it self. Then I have a webull account and Robin hood account I have long term dividened stocks as well as swing trading and dividened capture strategies. I have my m1 account that I have made a personal dividened fund that is all long term holding but it is in a taxable account. Lastly I do an employee stock purchase plan through the company i work for at a 15 percent discount which also has a dividened and has seen some decent growth lately.
Can I ask where you got those AAPL numbers from? Those are different to what occurred.
Short-term 30-80minutes. And no one pays brokerage fees anymore lol
i love this video. thank you so much for such a useful information.
So informative 😳 I didn’t know taxes got charged at different rates depending on length of time held, wow.
Thank you.
Terrific video as always.
Sir if i buy on Friday and ex div date is Monday are Sat and Sunday included in the processing?
Great Video thank you
I’m a new stock buyer. I’m learning with many TH-cam videos and websites. I feel that I’m a swing trader. Mainly because I’m in the PDT restriction zone. Small account. But with hopes of gaining a good amount to eventually be a long term investor
Buy and hold forever. Leave my portfolio to my kids.
Will you adopt me? 😂
I'm definitely going long term on my portfolio. Would love to see more videos revolving around that.
Why would you use a growth stock with a small dividend for a dividend capture strategy and not a higher dividend stock ?
If I do the dividend capture....where is the best place to find "ex day" that happens each day or week through out the year? PS I am writing book and it's all because of you! Thank you for your service jar head! Love dog face LOL
Might check some of the financial websites or platforms. I get mine through ETrade but I know its also available on the Webull app.
Well explained, thank you
i've started to invest in jan 2017, and ill only sell if the company the changes. so far i've never sold anything, buy, hold and check :)
Great content!
Hi joseph I've just watched one your older videos.The video was the one exdividend dates, i wanted some advice/information as I've watched the video 2/3 times and can't get the information that I'm after. What happens when the exdividend lands on the Monday does this mean that you have to hold the shares until the Friday before the Monday morning. Regards Paul Tucker ps love the show keep it up
awesome video! can you show us your iron condors?
Are you talking about the option strategy?
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA yes curious to see how they perform in this market and how you make decisions.
Will put an options strategy video together. Thank you for being part of the community.
I’m a little confused about the Roth or IRA strategy. Do you put your dividend earnings into a Roth to avoid tax? For example, I get $200 from Apple dividends and put that into a Roth, it doesn’t get taxed?
You invest in stocks in your Roth or IRA and the dividends stay in that account without taxes.
Thanks for introducing different strategies related to dividend investing. I haven’t tried dividend capture in my taxable accounts, but will experiment with it in the IRA. Is the time difference between ex-div & record dates to allow trades to settle?
Long-term dividend growth investor. I hold indefinitely until 1) investing thesis breaks, 2) div cut is announced, or 3) significant overvaluation of a position.
I like both the VIG and the VIGI and have them both in my portfolio. I hold Dividend Stocks long and trade Growth Stocks.
When trading options. What date do I need to be wary of? ex dividend date? record date? or dividend pay date? I don't want to be excerised
More important is the strike price, if it's much in the money you'll get the shares called away before the ex-div date
@@josephhogue For example: SPY the ex-dividend date is currently 6-18-21. I'm not sure if I should do SPY put credit spreads next week due to the fact the quarterly dividend date is up and coming. Is my interpretation correct?
So when do you sell? Do you have to sell after the payout date? Can you sell after the record date? I thought that you cannot sell before the payout date.
Short Term & Long Term!
Hi Joseph, what's your take on shorting the stock on the day before the ex-dividend date and covering the short position at the open of the ex-dividend date? This will eliminate the loss a long position will take, as shown on your example.
Generally long-term but also some day trading.
what about selling the ITM put while long?
Hi, is there a web site where to find these company that pay more than 3% dividend? Plus is there also a web site where they show the dividend date? Thank you for your explanation
Long term, right now I'm getting 567 for my psec dividend every month. I'm way long time for my retirement so im.just compounding my money until I reach 4 digits or more monthly dividend so I can live my life comfortably when I get retired
You are the best
Thanks for sharing your knowledge
complete newby, Ive saved up 30k and Im planning to buy good dividend stocks and etfs in 5k chunks every month, Im an Aussie so im more into the Australian market. Awesome information though mate, thanks for making videos
Thank you very much sir
Thank you for your time and effort.
Very helpful thank you brother! 🤘📈🤝
I'm trying to do Algo trading and I'm trying to understand dividends better because I wanna back test.
An algo based on dividend dates would be interesting
What is a good site that will guide you through the dates of when to buy and sell for capture?
Dividend investing I'm in it for at 5 years or more.
how do you find website that let you know who is paying a special dividends? I have tail to td , fidelity, charles, and non of them have this feature. I was told google special dividend announcements? can you let me know what website have or does them?
Could i use this strategy with covered call etfs like jepi, jepq, tsly etc ?
So I can buy the stock the day before the ex date and sell it the day of the ex date and still get paid my dividend when it's paid correct?
Swing Trading and investing both
I am a very short terms holding
So If I buy my shares one day before ex dividend date and sell it on EX-Dividend date I get my dividend.
You're not most young, inexperienced people. Look at your hallowed charts that you worship every day. See the dip on the ex-div day? Often it dips even a few days before. If it was this easy everyone would do it. Usually the dip is about the same as the dividend payout. If you get 6% yield annually then it will usually be 1.5% quarterly of course which is pretty good if the stock isn't on a downward slide. Some pay monthly but this doesn't work as well generally as it doesn't dip enough. Look at a dividend calendar and also check news and earnings date. Beware the earnings date. That can really mess things up. Recovery period is usually about 2 weeks. 1.5% in 2 weeks with a high probability is rather spectacular. Be careful of chasing high dividends as its usually more risky. If you buy you have to watch the stock like a hawk and be super quick to sell when it slides. Look at the long term history of the stock price to see what will probably happen next.
What happens if I sell the day before ex dividen date does that still count ?
I buy and hold. I am long term.
I was doing short term when I first started, but then I was told I would get charged a huge amount in taxes. Could you explain more about taxes?
What kind of account would someone want if they are trying to invest in stocks for additional income, not necessarily retirement because they have a separate retirement account?
Great video. Very informative.
Hello I am a new investor for about a month now. So I invested because of the stock market crash has everything on discount I got most my money in in business they are essential to the oil field and about 50 shares in a reit. Now im on ameritrade and I see the income estimator and I got so excited seeing the dividends paid out quarterly or monthly. So I started in March and a payment should come out in May for a dividend but I don't believe I will get it because of the Ex dividend date. Now my question is the ex dividend date once a year which means I will have to wait another year to start getting paid dividends or does it start at a lower rate months later?
To answer your question...
I'm a new investor but my overall plan is to be a long and short investor. I don't know the exact term, but I started in Bitcoin and all coins and with that. I would buy and sell all coins short term so I can buy more Bitcoin for the long term. I plan on doing the same here if possible, I want to buy and sell small amount short-term so I can invest more in long-term Investments
Does q1 earnings come before the ex dividend date
New to investing your helping a lot I’m going to be a long term investor 10 years plus hopefully
3:55 > than a year
Hey Marine
Question about dividends
Do people usually buy into a stock right before the ex divided date?
Ie is it common to see the stocks price go up a few days before its ex date?
Go BT nation!
Starting long term.... do you have anything on ETF? eg VTO VOO, cant find this info on dividend ex-date .. Thanks
Sure thing. Check out this video showing how I set up a five-ETF portfolio with Vanguard.
How many shares should you have when purchasing the ex dividend
Good video. Lt is a little to "rocky" for me.
Thanks for the great video. Thanks for helping other people including me how to grow money
Do you have videos about BDC etfs? If so, can you please comment links TIA
Don't have one on ETFs but I talk about monthly payers and BDCs here
Happy to answer any questions.
You’re telling me if I bought a stock the day before the ex dividend date, and then sold it 2 days after- I’m stilling going to be paid the dividend even if I don’t still own the stock through the pay date?