TransLink transit security try to ticket people $173

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • Many/most police & security are afr@id of acc0untability & tr@nsparency & will try 2 use int1midation tactics in attempts 2 discourage filming.
    Vancouver police, transit police, the RCMP and security for the most part don't have body cameras & have a history of mild to severe m1sconduct as well as trying 2 cover up m1sconduct.
    TransLink is a publicly funded public service, public employees are supposed 2 identify when requested however many of them in attempts 2 ev@de @ccountability & tr@nsparency will try 2 conc3al badge numbers, employee ID's, etc & refuse 2 identify themselves.
    TransLink has a history of being very h0stile 2wards unh0used/vuln3rable ppl, transit police & security routinely ticket them $173 even though most r struggling 2 surv1ve & many don't have enough money 4 a proper meal.
    There are studies further confirming that unh0used/vuln3rable ppl are disproportionately h@ssled by transit police & security not just in BC but other places as well.
    The ceo of TransLink gets nearly $500,000 & around 20 or more executives get $250,000 yet they try 2 ticket ppl $173 during an affordability crisis where many ppl r struggling financially.
    Transit being a publicly funded public service should be accessible 2 every1 regardless of income, trying 2 exclude ppl from a public service based on income is a form of d1scrimination. Many places have free transit & it is shown 2 be a model that has many benefits & should be implemented in Vancouver.
    The millions of dollars that is wasted on transit police, transit security, exc3ssive ceo & executive pay, etc could be used 2 subs1dize transit.
    Though TransLink & the cops would deny it, it is very likely that transit security/police are incentivized to give as many tickets as possible with qu0tas tied to monetary gain, perks, promotions, etc which is why they are so eager to ticket people.
    Transit security routinely flees when they see a camera as they are afr@id of their prof1teering practice being exp0sed.
    The female transit security claimed that they weren't ticketing ppl yet if they weren't being filmed they would have stuck around at that SkyTrain station likely 4 an hour or 2 & ticketed as many ppl as possible $173 2 meet qu0tas.
    Female transit security appeared 2 recognize me & seemed 2 be showing the SkyTrain attendant guy my picture or a video.

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