kind of a failure at calling that shit talking. in order to seize the fear out of the boy - he speaks confidence. this is the key part of achilles. his military confidence. it comes from rebellion, not just athleticism and smarts. why continue to allow any person at all to allow fear to dwell within them? make that person become emboldened
@@aaroncapricorn5867THANK YOU. I could not have worded that better myself. You echoed PERFECTLY the very thing I was thinking 👍🫡. Strength comes from within and the willingness to face down your fears whatever they may be, with firm resolve and a determination to not be a slave to those fears. If you do then you’re merely just existing. Again well said Sir👍
Odysseus, Sean Bean's character, was the main hero of The Odyssey, sequel to this story. Odysseus's ten year struggle of misadventures trying to return home from the Trojan War. Sea Monsters, Cyclops, Sirens, witches, the God of the seas, and a voyage to the land of the dead, they all had a hand in trying to stop Odysseus, but he made it home alive. Come to think of it, if Sean Bean had done Odyssey, it might have broke reality.
@@happyfatherof5164 you should probably go and read Spartan history. Not the movie 300. I think the term historians used for Sparta is "Institutionalized PDF" and PDF is for the other word that would make you not be able to see this post.
@I_HateMyself_soMuch me too, I also hate ppl who bring up religion and how just praying can make things better when it has nothing to do with the conversation or topic that's being talked about
Yeah. That was well played by the big guy. So realistic. That is how big, massive dudes react, when they realize that their size and agressive behavior doesn't effect on you at all and you are even ready to fight back. That is when you see the fear takes back on them.
@@knightsof3hree643😂 and also the odds of marsbalaba and all of us being a peon who's about to be mowed down by achilles or Hector are pretty high lol. Times are much better now despite us being softer than these generations ww2 times. If you want to change your life Marcel get rid of your phone, car, internet, computer get tougher inside or as close as possible . It's probably not smart for any young guy to have zero internet or zero computer in our life otherwise we get left behind the majority too
He was probably skilled. It's just that Achilles was basically Superman. He was literally invincible at the time. The only place he could be hurt was his one heel.
@@Sid_2007 It's a pretty good movie and definetely better than 70% of modern movies. Sure it is not a masterpiece like the Lord of the Rings trilogy which came out in 2001, 2002 and 2003, but it's still a fun, action packed film.Hell, the Star Wars Prequels which also came in this time frame are also flawed films but they were still filled with inovation and when you watch the new movies you start appreciating how good the old stuff was. Problem is,even the older movies which were meh are better than most modern crap. Sure, from time to time we get something really good like Dune, but those moments are few and far in between.
He went up to an entire army and asked who else wanted the smoke. An entire army backed down. That's some crazy shit to go down, and im sure it has in the past.
Nathan Jones Jones was born in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Before his career as a wrestler, Jones was sentenced to 16 years in 1987 at the age of 18 to Boggo Road Gaol for eight armed robberies between 1985 and 1987, two of which occurred in Tasmania. During the robberies, he became one of Australia's most wanted and ended up serving seven years in a maximum-security prison. In 1994, Jones was given one-year work release before being discharged at the age of 25.[4] While in prison, he was introduced to the sport of powerlifting. He is also alleged to have begun taking steroids during this time.[5] Within a short space of time, he became the National Powerlifting Champion of Australia.
Alexander the Great visited the site of Ancient Troy in 334 B.C., as he embarked on his campaign against the Persian Empire, leading a unified Greek Army (Hellenic League). The visit to Troy held both personal and strategic significance for Alexander. On one hand, it fulfilled his long-held desire to pay tribute to his hero Achilles and connect with the glorious past of Greek mythology. On the other hand, the visit served as a powerful symbolic gesture that showcased his intention to unite the Greek world under his rule and carry on the legacy of the legendary heroes. Upon reaching the Tomb of Achilles, Alexander took a moment to pay his respects and acknowledge the greatness of the legendary warrior. Then, Alexander poured oil over the tomb, a customary practice in ancient Greek funerary rituals, symbolizing purification and sanctification. He also placed garlands of flowers and foliage on the tomb, signifying honor and respect for the deceased. Next, Alexander and Hephaestion sacrificed animals, likely horses, to honor the spirits of Achilles and Patroclus. This ritual was meant to appease the souls of the dead and seek their favor. Finally, Alexander is believed to have organized athletic games at the site, following the ancient Greek tradition of hosting such competitions in memory of deceased heroes. By paying homage to Achilles, Alexander was reinforcing his connection to the heroic past and legitimizing his claim to lead the Greek world. After Troy and his first victory at the battle of the Granicus, while leading a unified Greek Army (Hellenic League) to avenge the Persian invasions in Greece 150 years prior, Alexander the Great sent 300 suits of full Persian armour (to honor the legendary last stand of the 300 Spartans in Thermopylae) to Athens, as a votive offering to Goddess Athena, to be hung on the Acropolis. He ordered an inscription to be fixed over them; “Alexander, son of Philip and all the Greeks, present this offering from the spoils taken from the barbarians inhabiting Asia". A statue group, known as the Granicus Monument, was erected by Alexander in the sanctuary of Zeus at Dion. This consisted of bronze statues by Lysippus, of Alexander with twenty-five of his companions who had died in the initial cavalry charge, all on horseback. Alexander the Great is a sacred, immortal, legendary figure for us Greeks. Mostly for uniting all Greek City States and Kingdoms and spreading the unique Hellenic culture to the edges of the world. The rightful descendant of legendary Achilles. Eternal Hellas 🔥🇬🇷
That line Achilles: "that's why no one will remember your name." That line made me realize something. Humanity seeks the answer of what our purpose in life is. I think I finally figured it out. Look around and you see great people be it very good deeds or very bad ones. It seems humanity wants to be remembered no matter what. Wars, leaders, warriors, headstones, inventors, philosophers, writers, authors, actors, artist, and crafters. All have markings or leave evidence of their existence or has information of it. Even serial killers, war lords, and dictators. Even having children seemingly drives us to live on in others or make sure after our passing we are remember after death. Also nearly every culture has a ritual of some kind to remember those that have passed on. Even our money can carry on the likeness or names of those that wanted to be remembered. This line made me realize the reason we are all alike in some way. It seems humans can fear that so much they might even do something drastic to be remembered if they can't make life meaningful enough to be remembered some how in the way they want the most.
@@SlothFetus that makes me feel accomplished in one of my goals in life. Thank you for that. This movie at that point made me feel something. The lesson was "if you want to be something you got to make it happen. Can't expect it to happen with nothing put in to it."
@@MildarValsikIt's true, it's what drives us to be better, and how progress happened and will keep happening we will always want more and be better at something, look at technology and everything we have now that 1000 years ago they didn't have, or even 100 years ago
@@cautarepvp2079 we would be so much farther along if we didn't get too much interference. However I think the largest problem the world is facing today is depression or a feeling of importance. Perhaps it can be purpose and living situation. If we solve these issues in mental health we can get back on track to progression. I hope my insight in my guess can help out others.
Men. It’s men that have the sentiment of remembrance after death, or Hysterophimia in Greek, your reputation after death. A big reason for this is because we were never 100% certain that our progeny is ours. So that drives male inventiveness, whereas women are less prone to this because they know their child is theirs.
Legendary movie! I still remember when my Highschool Teacher back in 2009 introduced this movie! I thought-oh a random movie-Now i still cannot forget this movie to this day!
Achilles punctured right through the trap behind the clavicle and into the torso straight to pop the heart, he knew his anatomy. Looks like a really plausible kill.
Well, Sparta per se doesn't have a port. One might say that the seaport of Sparta was and still is Gytheion, located about 25 miles to the south, which does definitely not look like what we see on the video. Actually, in a little island called Cranae, a couple of hundred yards off the coast of Gytheion (I imagine the distance was bigger 3 thousand years ago) Paris and Helen spent their first night together before departing for Troy.
Yo creo q es por q es un cobarde realmente su apstiencia fisica es despreciable y su personalidad aborrecible recuerda q dice quisiera ver a un Rey pelear sus propias batallas etc
It's implied a bit that it's because he considers Agamemnon a coward, hence why he mentions "imagine a king who fights his own battles, wouldn't THAT be a sight".
This scene could also be an adaptation for the big screen. I don’t remember very well but I don’t think there ever was a battle like this including Achilles before the Greeks set sail for Troy. I could be wrong From my memory: Achilles was a young man, probably younger than 19 when Odysseus was tasked with the mission of finding the fabled warrior. In the movie Odysseus and Achilles appear to be old friends but in the Iliad the pair had never met prior to the Trojan war. I might be mixing stories here but I’m pretty sure Achilles was hiding (under orders of his mother) amongst a court of young daughters to a Greek king. Odysseus had to come up with a clever trick to get Achilles to reveal his true identity! As the war progressed the whole Agamemnon claiming Achilles’ prized Breseis and the young warrior becoming irate is pretty accurate from what I remember. I can’t think of any other reason why Achilles was fired up at the king so this scene might just be for Hollywood (not making claims)
Old king: "BOAGRIUS!!!" Army of the old king: "Les't make noise for our champion, boys" Agamemnon: "ACHILLES!!!" Army of Agamemnon: "shall we tell him that Achille is in hangover?" Seriously, how is possible that every soldier knew that Achilles wasn't with the Army but the king of said army didn't know?
Achilles takes down their biggest strongest guy in one hit.. walked away without looking back.. walks up to the rest of them and askes if they have anyone substantial in that crowd lol
Nothing in this movie was like in the Iliad. And it would be impossible to do that anyway. If lord of the rings needed 3 movies the Iliad needs at least 5. So, they just make up stuff.
@@jmpalacios There was no Achilles in real life. Lately "we" descovered a guy who most likely is the man who inspired Homer to create Achilles. His name is Piyamaradu. The only guy who wasnt a king but he had his own army but for some reason he was acting for the King of Mycenae, the Greeks. Whose name was Eteoklis and not Agamemnon. Anyway, Homer used to create and characters just to kill them. So the story has a flow. One of them was Hector. The real king of Troy was Paris, whose second name is Alexander. He was not Greek but for some reason he had a greek name.
@@serebbi thanks for the very interesting info. But I wasn’t saying that Achilles existed in real life, I was saying that Achilles entering Troy runs roughshod of Homer’s poems, as not managing to was his great tragedy.
Sparta was in it's late early stage of development at the time, still a very local kingdom. Even in 300 they still weren't at their peak. They were hegemons of almost all Greece only after defeating Athens in the aftermath of the Peloponnesian wars.
Honestly, of all the iconic lines in this scene, "He is not my King," is my favorite. Because in that moment Achilles knew it would have been easy for him to simply take the scepter and rule Thessalonica right then and there. But he simply walked away. Refusing the authority for himself while also refusing the honor the man who called upon him.
First they search the entire camp. Then they send a boy to scour the general landscape for random clues about the whereabouts of a single individual who then has to get dressed for battle and ride all the way to camp. Meanwhile the army and the kings stand in the sun for what would take at least a full day, and the sun never moves in the sky. Such a stupid scene.
@@whynottalklikeapiratthe camp was where the boy found him, they said they fought yesterday so it means that both sides have camps close to each other, on horseback you are a lot more faster than on foot, and Achilles is an legend for them so probably everybody knows where his tent is so I would not say a day but only a few hours max
@@alexandrualx8222 And there they stand for hours and hours on end, not speaking, just dusty and dehydrating under the merciless sun never moving in the sky, just sweating and looking at each other, Boagrius face all cramped up by smirking as his lips dry and crack, nobody knowing how long this shit is going to take or if Achilles is even going to turn up or if he simply up and left seeing as he couldnt be fucked to show for battle to begin with like everyone else. There is no particular reason Achilles would be in his tent, he is not a generic NPC character stuck on the map and waiting for the player to cue sequence. If he'd just gone off to take a heroic dump in the bushes when the kid arrived that kid would have had a choice of sitting around with two armies waiting in the nooday sun, in the hope Achilles was nearby or would eventually show up - or he would have had to move on to look randomly around camp for what could be a moving target for all he knew. It's just a very finicky plan, with moderate chances of success. Boagrius probably lost because he was dehydrated and suffering from severe heat stroke from the extended wait. What do you suppose the kings talked about to spend all that time? Homes and Gardens? The prices and quality of olive oil these days? Unexpected stuff found in overlooked body crevices?
@@whynottalklikeapirat yea and if Your gonna conquer a country you shouldn’t be treating it like a game but throughout history war has been a chess board.
They should have all charged him at once when he asked if there was no one else could have just saved them time of having to deal with him again and the movie ends lol
Yea but the reason they didn't do it was because they knew they would be going against Achilles and whoever are among the first to charge at him, even if at the same time, would be killed by Achilles. Nobody wanted to be among the first. If others didn't go first, that means they would have to be the ones to go at him first, and that is a nono in their view. So nobody charged at him.
@@Jubileus216 he can’t block 10 swords at the same time, one of them will strike him before he has a chance to defend. Personally they were a bunch of cowards for allowing one man to bitch them out
@@kevinreilly7924the whole point of the scene is to let their best fighters settle their differences for both the armies to avoid bloodshed. Why would they provoke Achilles if the battle is already done.
01:10 The worst terrain a commander in ancient times could choose for battle. The war will end in a short time with the archers placed on the adjacent hill :)
I swear by Allah..I can never reach the passionate eloquence of the speech. In this film. It gives me life every time. I see it again ❤ much love n respect to the beautiful pagan culture ❤❤
I always thought the guy who played Boagrius was the same guy who played Meaney in "The Waterboy." They kinda look alike but they're not the same person. Wouldn't surprise me if they were though
Alguien se fijo como el escudo de boagrius es tan pesado q su defensa esta floja debia levantarlo y no pudo eh ahi su falla Aquiles deja su lanza y deja su escudo con la primera lanza del enemigo luego a una velocidad fantastica mata a boagrius q no tiene posibilidad de reaccionar recuerda q esta destreza como lo mata lo repite con un soldado Troyano en la entrada de Templo de Apolo en la playa
Achilles shit talking a kid to his face will always make me laugh
kind of a failure at calling that shit talking. in order to seize the fear out of the boy - he speaks confidence. this is the key part of achilles. his military confidence. it comes from rebellion, not just athleticism and smarts. why continue to allow any person at all to allow fear to dwell within them? make that person become emboldened
Чи үгээр идэх, гичий нохой шиг зан гаргаж. Би бол чимээгүй ус балгасан дуугүй байгаа шүү! Чи хэн ч байсан хамаагүй! Халз шудрага тулаан боломжтой! Түүнээс битгий манифляци хий! Би ганцаараа, та нар олуулаа. Гэхдээ хүний олон хүнээ барьдаггүй юм!
@@aaroncapricorn5867THANK YOU. I could not have worded that better myself. You echoed PERFECTLY the very thing I was thinking 👍🫡. Strength comes from within and the willingness to face down your fears whatever they may be, with firm resolve and a determination to not be a slave to those fears. If you do then you’re merely just existing. Again well said Sir👍
@@aaroncapricorn5867 No, he was shit talking that kid.
But Achilles was right. Unless you prove your worthiness in life in war and have a victorious legacy? No one will remember you. Ever.
I named my cat Boagrius. So, when I call him home in the evenings, I shout "BOAAAAAAAAAAGRIUUUSSSSSSSSSSS?!"
That is pretty damn awesome!
*Meow*? 🐈
I talk to my cat using Tyson fury quotes, sh*t house dosser is my favourite
mines named ajax😂
"is there no one else"
Army: "let's get him "
Crazy that not one single person moved an inch😂😂😂😂😉😉
Haha he was definitely counting on them being honorable with 1 on 1 fighting! 😂
Everyone in the army: "I'm not fucking going first. Someone else get him."
That would be *everyone* else.
Probably the only film where Sean Bean played a character who lived until the end.
Odysseus, Sean Bean's character, was the main hero of The Odyssey, sequel to this story. Odysseus's ten year struggle of misadventures trying to return home from the Trojan War. Sea Monsters, Cyclops, Sirens, witches, the God of the seas, and a voyage to the land of the dead, they all had a hand in trying to stop Odysseus, but he made it home alive.
Come to think of it, if Sean Bean had done Odyssey, it might have broke reality.
@@DathanielTDK Yes. I loved the Odyssey when I read it years ago. Such a great adventure, and a wonderful read.😊
He lived through National Treasure and The Martian.
@@thewestfire9729 those were accidents, not the rule 😁
A soldier named Noah Nelse nervously hiding his nametag...
Bro! 😂
Jesus I laughed so hard 😅
Bro, I will remember your comment 😂
May this comment echo across the centuries
Boy: "i wouldn't want to fight him
Achilles: "thats why no one will remember your name"
Savage 😂
Boy: Not so. In over 2000 years a person on TH-cam will mention me...
Why did they delete the scene of the boy entering the camp to Achilles??? Did it allude to Pederasty@@Chebab-Chebab
In fairness, everyone remembers Marathon for the guy who ran it to deliver a message, but no one remembers his bloody name 😂.
@@The_Greedy_Orphan Pheidippides. (And that's without Googling)
Achilles: the greatest warrior, and skilled at making 12 year olds cry …
Achilles: Imagine a king who fights his own battles.
Leonidas: Yo, I was just with you last month!
Achilles: "I meant a king that didn't diddle kids"
@@the-dark-side. When did Leonidas did that?
@@happyfatherof5164 you should probably go and read Spartan history. Not the movie 300. I think the term historians used for Sparta is "Institutionalized PDF" and PDF is for the other word that would make you not be able to see this post.
This is not a fight scene. This is an execution scene.😂😂😂
No. He’s correct. He’s very correct.
Imagine being a soldier having to use the bathroom thinking the fight would last 8 rounds but the big guy is already dead when you came back
That’s what happened when I tried to watch mcgregor vs aldo
@@roryennis96943 I really wished they gave Aldo a chance for a rematch, he was obviously not his usual self that night
Construction 🏗️
He's not my king is such a badass line
Nah b
@@NahBNah KnobbyBKnees?
@I_HateMyself_soMuch me too, I also hate ppl who bring up religion and how just praying can make things better when it has nothing to do with the conversation or topic that's being talked about
He’s not my king I just call him daddy
That is the only thing I like in this film...
the look on Boagrias face when he realized Achilles actually didn't fear him says it all...
Yeah. That was well played by the big guy. So realistic. That is how big, massive dudes react, when they realize that their size and agressive behavior doesn't effect on you at all and you are even ready to fight back. That is when you see the fear takes back on them.
@@BethJehovah r/iamverybadass
The Good ol days
No one is busy with their phones.
Just people living the moment.
Types from a phone
everyone is in there nokia phones though .
@@knightsof3hree643😂 and also the odds of marsbalaba and all of us being a peon who's about to be mowed down by achilles or Hector are pretty high lol. Times are much better now despite us being softer than these generations ww2 times. If you want to change your life Marcel get rid of your phone, car, internet, computer get tougher inside or as close as possible . It's probably not smart for any young guy to have zero internet or zero computer in our life otherwise we get left behind the majority too
@@frankc3080was a joke
Exactly. People didn't need to be constantly distracted
“Is there no one else?” Some dude should have pushed his friend out
If they were US Marines they ALL would have stepped forward.
@@Cicero642 brainwashed much?
@@Cicero642Yeah, guns make it pretty easy to fight soldiers armed with just a sword and shield.
@@Cicero642Nah, he wasn't offering a free crayon buffet
Dude will be like “Achilles he pushed me.”
“That’s why nobody will remember your name” end credits: nobody, unnamed.
“A king who eats his own vegetables. Wouldn’t that be a sight.”
Sound like my ex wife mom tryna get me eat broccoli she loves Chinese food now cus I eat all my broccoli
Achilles: Is there Noah Nelse!?!?
Noah Nelse: *sweating profusely*
Imagine all the soldiers just decided to rush Achilles
The equivalent of the “lift weights only guy who thinks he’s fit and does no cardio” vs an all round fit person
We’ll never know if he had cardio or was agile at all, it only lasted 6 seconds😂. Definitely not as skilled though!
He was probably skilled. It's just that Achilles was basically Superman. He was literally invincible at the time. The only place he could be hurt was his one heel.
@@Elthenarthe original story isn't consistent with the myth of invincibility, in fact, the illiad itself directly contradicts this
@@Kitchdmn3 yep😂
ofc Achilles was the representation of athletic prowess and muscle conditioning
Achilles arrives: Sweet no armor, I can go back to sleep in no time!
The entirety of Troy is Achilles saying: I'm him".
Agamemnon son of Filet Mignon 😂
Good one 💀😭
Dude, LMAO.
I always watch this clips for that legendary 1shot moment.
Movies were still good in this time frame!
This was actually a shit movie
@@Sid_2007 It's a pretty good movie and definetely better than 70% of modern movies. Sure it is not a masterpiece like the Lord of the Rings trilogy which came out in 2001, 2002 and 2003, but it's still a fun, action packed film.Hell, the Star Wars Prequels which also came in this time frame are also flawed films but they were still filled with inovation and when you watch the new movies you start appreciating how good the old stuff was. Problem is,even the older movies which were meh are better than most modern crap. Sure, from time to time we get something really good like Dune, but those moments are few and far in between.
@@Sid_2007 This movie, especially the directors cut is certainly one of the better films of the historical epic genre in the last 30 years.
Not this one, it's a total misrepresentation of Homer's *Illiad,* embarrassingly inaccurate. Here's a ten-year siege reduced to 2-3 days.
@@Sid_2007😂you are
"I wouldn't be bothering with a shield then would I." little flex
He went up to an entire army and asked who else wanted the smoke. An entire army backed down. That's some crazy shit to go down, and im sure it has in the past.
it sure did. Apart from being honourful enough to not jump a single man, fear can transform armies into sheep.
The guy who played boagrius is 7 feet tall!!! An absolute monster 💪
Nathan Jones i think hes a cage fighter
@@edyoung44he also was a wrestler in the wwe
He is Wwe ex wrestler Nathan Jones
Nathan Jones Jones was born in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Before his career as a wrestler, Jones was sentenced to 16 years in 1987 at the age of 18 to Boggo Road Gaol for eight armed robberies between 1985 and 1987, two of which occurred in Tasmania. During the robberies, he became one of Australia's most wanted and ended up serving seven years in a maximum-security prison. In 1994, Jones was given one-year work release before being discharged at the age of 25.[4] While in prison, he was introduced to the sport of powerlifting. He is also alleged to have begun taking steroids during this time.[5] Within a short space of time, he became the National Powerlifting Champion of Australia.
And he died in the weakest way possible. I hated this part of the film. All that buildup just so he can quickly be dispatched. Weak.
The dialogue between Agamemnon and Achilles is one of the best things about this movie lmao
Achilles just said that kid aint shit 😂😂😂
The importance of actually wearing armor in a sword fight.
Still won't make difference against Achilles.
“What A LOVELY Singing Voice You Must Have!
Alexander the Great visited the site of Ancient Troy in 334 B.C., as he embarked on his campaign against the Persian Empire, leading a unified Greek Army (Hellenic League).
The visit to Troy held both personal and strategic significance for Alexander. On one hand, it fulfilled his long-held desire to pay tribute to his hero Achilles and connect with the glorious past of Greek mythology.
On the other hand, the visit served as a powerful symbolic gesture that showcased his intention to unite the Greek world under his rule and carry on the legacy of the legendary heroes.
Upon reaching the Tomb of Achilles, Alexander took a moment to pay his respects and acknowledge the greatness of the legendary warrior.
Then, Alexander poured oil over the tomb, a customary practice in ancient Greek funerary rituals, symbolizing purification and sanctification.
He also placed garlands of flowers and foliage on the tomb, signifying honor and respect for the deceased.
Next, Alexander and Hephaestion sacrificed animals, likely horses, to honor the spirits of Achilles and Patroclus. This ritual was meant to appease the souls of the dead and seek their favor.
Finally, Alexander is believed to have organized athletic games at the site, following the ancient Greek tradition of hosting such competitions in memory of deceased heroes.
By paying homage to Achilles, Alexander was reinforcing his connection to the heroic past and legitimizing his claim to lead the Greek world.
After Troy and his first victory at the battle of the Granicus, while leading a unified Greek Army (Hellenic League) to avenge the Persian invasions in Greece 150 years prior, Alexander the Great sent 300 suits of full Persian armour (to honor the legendary last stand of the 300 Spartans in Thermopylae) to Athens, as a votive offering to Goddess Athena, to be hung on the Acropolis.
He ordered an inscription to be fixed over them; “Alexander, son of Philip and all the Greeks, present this offering from the spoils taken from the barbarians inhabiting Asia".
A statue group, known as the Granicus Monument, was erected by Alexander in the sanctuary of Zeus at Dion. This consisted of bronze statues by Lysippus, of Alexander with twenty-five of his companions who had died in the initial cavalry charge, all on horseback.
Alexander the Great is a sacred, immortal, legendary figure for us Greeks. Mostly for uniting all Greek City States and Kingdoms and spreading the unique Hellenic culture to the edges of the world. The rightful descendant of legendary Achilles.
Eternal Hellas 🔥🇬🇷
This comment was fire❤😊
That line Achilles: "that's why no one will remember your name."
That line made me realize something. Humanity seeks the answer of what our purpose in life is. I think I finally figured it out. Look around and you see great people be it very good deeds or very bad ones. It seems humanity wants to be remembered no matter what. Wars, leaders, warriors, headstones, inventors, philosophers, writers, authors, actors, artist, and crafters. All have markings or leave evidence of their existence or has information of it. Even serial killers, war lords, and dictators. Even having children seemingly drives us to live on in others or make sure after our passing we are remember after death. Also nearly every culture has a ritual of some kind to remember those that have passed on. Even our money can carry on the likeness or names of those that wanted to be remembered.
This line made me realize the reason we are all alike in some way. It seems humans can fear that so much they might even do something drastic to be remembered if they can't make life meaningful enough to be remembered some how in the way they want the most.
I will remember this comment
@@SlothFetus that makes me feel accomplished in one of my goals in life. Thank you for that. This movie at that point made me feel something. The lesson was "if you want to be something you got to make it happen. Can't expect it to happen with nothing put in to it."
@@MildarValsikIt's true, it's what drives us to be better, and how progress happened and will keep happening we will always want more and be better at something, look at technology and everything we have now that 1000 years ago they didn't have, or even 100 years ago
@@cautarepvp2079 we would be so much farther along if we didn't get too much interference. However I think the largest problem the world is facing today is depression or a feeling of importance. Perhaps it can be purpose and living situation.
If we solve these issues in mental health we can get back on track to progression. I hope my insight in my guess can help out others.
Men. It’s men that have the sentiment of remembrance after death, or Hysterophimia in Greek, your reputation after death.
A big reason for this is because we were never 100% certain that our progeny is ours. So that drives male inventiveness, whereas women are less prone to this because they know their child is theirs.
Legendary movie! I still remember when my Highschool Teacher back in 2009 introduced this movie! I thought-oh a random movie-Now i still cannot forget this movie to this day!
"Is there no one else?"
imagine everybody taking a step back and one guy is left standing in front. 😂😂
2:31 That is probably the most merciful and civil way to settle a war...
Much better dialogue in this version.
Alot of pillaging in the end of this version.
@@thisguy4397 is this the directors cut?
@joebond545 yes it is. This version has more gore to it.
And a much worse soundtrack
Achilles punctured right through the trap behind the clavicle and into the torso straight to pop the heart, he knew his anatomy. Looks like a really plausible kill.
Doesn't look deep enough.
@@Euro.PatriotI use to think that until I’m slowed the video down and paused it and man he definitely punctured his heart.
Brad Pitt is réel Achilles, the best ever ✌️
I agree
“He is not my king”
“Oh, ok then I guess your winning this fight doesn’t count.”😂😂😂
Kinda bullshit that we never got a 'Odyssey' with Sean Bean as Odysseus.
Who dropped the ball there?
That would be hard to do. This Troy movie is a realistic, historical take on the myth. Odyssey definitely leans hard into the fantasy genre.
@@kevinthunder3375 He was just sailing around and cheating his wife for 20 years. It would be a great movie.
@@Sydra.While his biggest fear is for his wife to cheat on him. Yeah, Ulyses was a smart man, but a double standard one 🤭
Achilles hungover af with two hoowahs and still won. Absolute stud. 💪
You know you’re in trouble when your opponent expends all their energy on a 200 yard dash straight at you to start the fight.
Well, Sparta per se doesn't have a port. One might say that the seaport of Sparta was and still is Gytheion, located about 25 miles to the south, which does definitely not look like what we see on the video. Actually, in a little island called Cranae, a couple of hundred yards off the coast of Gytheion (I imagine the distance was bigger 3 thousand years ago) Paris and Helen spent their first night together before departing for Troy.
In seeing this the first time round you had to do a double take - sheer brilliance.
Achilles: Is there Noah Else? Is there Noah Else?
Noah Else: You called me? Who are you?
Achilles: Achilles.
Noah Else: You kill ass?
😂😂😂😂😂😂 how come no one has seen this comment😂😂😂😂😂 here's my like on a platter of gold my good sir
@@venttelevision “Noah Else” is a long circulated meme …
Never explained why Achilles has such contempt for Agamemnon.
You should read the illiad and the play agamenon it explains everything. This movie leaves so much out
Yo creo q es por q es un cobarde realmente su apstiencia fisica es despreciable y su personalidad aborrecible recuerda q dice quisiera ver a un Rey pelear sus propias batallas etc
Achilles could be such a heel.
It's implied a bit that it's because he considers Agamemnon a coward, hence why he mentions "imagine a king who fights his own battles, wouldn't THAT be a sight".
This scene could also be an adaptation for the big screen.
I don’t remember very well but I don’t think there ever was a battle like this including Achilles before the Greeks set sail for Troy. I could be wrong
From my memory:
Achilles was a young man, probably younger than 19 when Odysseus was tasked with the mission of finding the fabled warrior.
In the movie Odysseus and Achilles appear to be old friends but in the Iliad the pair had never met prior to the Trojan war.
I might be mixing stories here but I’m pretty sure Achilles was hiding (under orders of his mother) amongst a court of young daughters to a Greek king. Odysseus had to come up with a clever trick to get Achilles to reveal his true identity!
As the war progressed the whole Agamemnon claiming Achilles’ prized Breseis and the young warrior becoming irate is pretty accurate from what I remember. I can’t think of any other reason why Achilles was fired up at the king so this scene might just be for Hollywood (not making claims)
A legendary movie❤❤❤❤
Everything about the character of Achilles is just aura. From having the confidence to leave his spear KNOWING he would not need it. Amazing detail.
Old king: "BOAGRIUS!!!"
Army of the old king: "Les't make noise for our champion, boys"
Agamemnon: "ACHILLES!!!"
Army of Agamemnon: "shall we tell him that Achille is in hangover?"
Seriously, how is possible that every soldier knew that Achilles wasn't with the Army but the king of said army didn't know?
Because hate him
3:45 you won't fool me, this is not an army camp, these are settlers!
One of the quickest kills in any one on one battles in any movies lol
The most UNDERRATED film ever!
Allow me to introduce you to the (original) Planet Of The Apes.
Achilles takes down their biggest strongest guy in one hit.. walked away without looking back.. walks up to the rest of them and askes if they have anyone substantial in that crowd lol
Agamenon and Menelao are nothing like they were described in Homer's Iliad.
That's the part that really bothers me of this movie.
What about Achilles being killed *INSIDE* Troy, when his great tragedy was that he actually never managed to conquer the city?! :P
Nothing in this movie was like in the Iliad. And it would be impossible to do that anyway. If lord of the rings needed 3 movies the Iliad needs at least 5. So, they just make up stuff.
@@jmpalacios There was no Achilles in real life. Lately "we" descovered a guy who most likely is the man who inspired Homer to create Achilles. His name is Piyamaradu. The only guy who wasnt a king but he had his own army but for some reason he was acting for the King of Mycenae, the Greeks. Whose name was Eteoklis and not Agamemnon.
Anyway, Homer used to create and characters just to kill them. So the story has a flow. One of them was Hector.
The real king of Troy was Paris, whose second name is Alexander. He was not Greek but for some reason he had a greek name.
@@serebbi thanks for the very interesting info. But I wasn’t saying that Achilles existed in real life, I was saying that Achilles entering Troy runs roughshod of Homer’s poems, as not managing to was his great tragedy.
The lip gloss "is there no-one else?" 😂
sparta in 300 🗿 sparta in Troy 🤡
Sparta was in it's late early stage of development at the time, still a very local kingdom. Even in 300 they still weren't at their peak. They were hegemons of almost all Greece only after defeating Athens in the aftermath of the Peloponnesian wars.
"He's not your king? Well f***. Deals off!"
damn, Boagrius got slow ass reflexes
No, Achilles got superhuman movements.
Honestly, of all the iconic lines in this scene, "He is not my King," is my favorite. Because in that moment Achilles knew it would have been easy for him to simply take the scepter and rule Thessalonica right then and there. But he simply walked away. Refusing the authority for himself while also refusing the honor the man who called upon him.
with that beginning quote its kind of sad that we only remember the leaders and not the millions of soldiers lost in all the battles throughout time
Whenever the back of my foot hurts and I walk with a limp, I'll remember your name.
I didn’t know Billy Beane was a warrior before he managed the Oakland A’s.
This is still one of my favorite movies.
What was that little boy's name i can't remember
Imagine a Boagrius who fights his own Ajax. Wouldn't that be a sight.
"I sent a boy to look for him"
I wish I'd never learned why the Greeks kept boys around smh.
Not just the Greeks.
First they search the entire camp. Then they send a boy to scour the general landscape for random clues about the whereabouts of a single individual who then has to get dressed for battle and ride all the way to camp. Meanwhile the army and the kings stand in the sun for what would take at least a full day, and the sun never moves in the sky. Such a stupid scene.
@@whynottalklikeapiratthe camp was where the boy found him, they said they fought yesterday so it means that both sides have camps close to each other, on horseback you are a lot more faster than on foot, and Achilles is an legend for them so probably everybody knows where his tent is so I would not say a day but only a few hours max
@@alexandrualx8222 And there they stand for hours and hours on end, not speaking, just dusty and dehydrating under the merciless sun never moving in the sky, just sweating and looking at each other, Boagrius face all cramped up by smirking as his lips dry and crack, nobody knowing how long this shit is going to take or if Achilles is even going to turn up or if he simply up and left seeing as he couldnt be fucked to show for battle to begin with like everyone else. There is no particular reason Achilles would be in his tent, he is not a generic NPC character stuck on the map and waiting for the player to cue sequence. If he'd just gone off to take a heroic dump in the bushes when the kid arrived that kid would have had a choice of sitting around with two armies waiting in the nooday sun, in the hope Achilles was nearby or would eventually show up - or he would have had to move on to look randomly around camp for what could be a moving target for all he knew. It's just a very finicky plan, with moderate chances of success.
Boagrius probably lost because he was dehydrated and suffering from severe heat stroke from the extended wait.
What do you suppose the kings talked about to spend all that time? Homes and Gardens? The prices and quality of olive oil these days? Unexpected stuff found in overlooked body crevices?
The best part about this is Achilles showed up late and hungover!
Notice how he stabbed him below his trap muscles for better penetration. Good attention to detail.
9 min scene for a 9 second fight 😂
The two kings act like there friends instead of enemies YOUR BEST FIGHTER VS MINE theres no hate no emotion in this sence for them to be enemies
Wars between states are not about individual emotion. Its not a schoolyard squabble, its about conquest.
@@whynottalklikeapirat yea and if Your gonna conquer a country you shouldn’t be treating it like a game but throughout history war has been a chess board.
two kings
This movie was incredible. A very underrated gem.
5:32 - 5:36
I can agree with that since I’ve seen a 2 and more kings literally fight there own battles
Just realized Achilles stabs the heart with that move 😮
Yup, right through the trap and to the heart
The big guy, "Boagrius," is Nathan Jones. He's been in MANY movies. He's 6' 11" and I'm with the kid ... I wouldn't want to fight him either.
Since your name is "Cicero," I guess we can safely say that the part about nobody remembering your name because of that was incorrect, too. ;)
I love the story, it's a great masterpiece 😍
❤❤ bello actor
Had watched lots of Time..this scene.... But still watching watching🎉🎉❤❤❤
They should have all charged him at once when he asked if there was no one else could have just saved them time of having to deal with him again and the movie ends lol
Yea but the reason they didn't do it was because they knew they would be going against Achilles and whoever are among the first to charge at him, even if at the same time, would be killed by Achilles. Nobody wanted to be among the first. If others didn't go first, that means they would have to be the ones to go at him first, and that is a nono in their view. So nobody charged at him.
@@Jubileus216 he can’t block 10 swords at the same time, one of them will strike him before he has a chance to defend. Personally they were a bunch of cowards for allowing one man to bitch them out
@@kevinreilly7924the whole point of the scene is to let their best fighters settle their differences for both the armies to avoid bloodshed. Why would they provoke Achilles if the battle is already done.
That goes against the rules of the challenge and would have just ended up with both armies going at it
@@akkayeps7867 Yes, exactly, this is the point. It's to prevent a massacre, as they say at the start.
Ti nisi moj kralj ...🖐👊
Then I won't force you to be.
Moj kralj je moj Bog ...
A svi ostali ako ih ne budemo slušali če nas ns kraju satrati kao pijune u šahu ...
“Achilles, you KNEW it was Boagrius’ turn to carve the Thanksgiving turkey this year…”-Agamemnon
I’d be laughing my ass off everytime if i was your neighbor
01:10 The worst terrain a commander in ancient times could choose for battle. The war will end in a short time with the archers placed on the adjacent hill :)
Achilles: Is there noone else? … IS THERE NOONE ELSE?!!!
Crowd: * Parts *
Indiana Jones: * Looks tired, draws revolver and pulls trigger … *
I swear by Allah..I can never reach the passionate eloquence of the speech. In this film. It gives me life every time. I see it again ❤ much love n respect to the beautiful pagan culture ❤❤
I always thought the guy who played Boagrius was the same guy who played Meaney in "The Waterboy." They kinda look alike but they're not the same person. Wouldn't surprise me if they were though
Who cares what you think
@@sidneyshaw9205 well, I do. So there's THAT 👍
@@sidneyshaw9205 if you don’t care why did you bother answering?
@@alienlife7754 Cause I could b
Someone aught to edit the part where achilles is running toward Boagrius like that scene from MP and the holy grail 😂
Alguien se fijo como el escudo de boagrius es tan pesado q su defensa esta floja debia levantarlo y no pudo eh ahi su falla Aquiles deja su lanza y deja su escudo con la primera lanza del enemigo luego a una velocidad fantastica mata a boagrius q no tiene posibilidad de reaccionar recuerda q esta destreza como lo mata lo repite con un soldado Troyano en la entrada de Templo de Apolo en la playa
Achilles en la iliada siempre se caracterizo por su rapidez para cuando un levantara el escudo achilles ya lo habria atravesado
"Is there no one else?"
" mother in law thinks you're very stupid, Achilles!"
Уважение, к , противнику, придает, ему честь!
Ah yes, the Ancient Greek Euro Step.
This is a extended edition, sweeeeet!
It's called the subclavian artery and down towards the heart . Instant death and whoever choreographed the fight scene , knew what they were doing.
Not instant death, close but not. (3+seconds of consciousnes). Pay attention in your lectures. Details will keep you alive.
6:22 Stab.
8:39 an orthodox priest on the left LOL
Achilles flexing after his mommy hardened his infant body into Styx 😅
Achilles walking away like it's the biggest waste of time he's ever had