I had to come back to this video to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I have always wondered why someone didn't do something more with the raspberry pi hotspots. So much potential yet nothing really changed and updates to pistar just stopped. Nothing new from them in a long time now. This WPSD is great. Just what we needed. Some very nice quality of life improvements and more. Its just great. I had no clue that any other options were out there other than Pi Star. This video should be on every hams recommend lol
Bought a pi-zero W dual antenna hotspot 2 years ago for my anytone. Nothing but fun once I got it setup. Pain after I anted to update flash drive or code plug. And I did flash the pi-star with WPSD last month. I do like the new look.
I set up a Raspberry Pi a few months ago to use DMR and YSF which ran well. A few weeks ago I bought a Dvmega from the UK. I used it for YSF and the regular Pi for DMR. Separate systems worked really well until the Dvmega failed a couple of days ago. I tried to log into the dashboard and got a 505 error, then attempted to reboot by removing power and of course - nothing. I’m going to try and reflash the SD card when my card reader shows up in the mail. Hopefully that will do it. I’ll return to this tutorial when my reader and new cards arrive. Thanks for the video.
Great video. New HAM here got Tech in May and General in September last year. Like one of the other commenters I live in a rural area and just got true broadband. I will have to check out the other videos and learn more about this. Sounds like something interesting to experiment with. Thanks for great content.
Thank you Steve for this one, was discussing this with another ham last night, and I will be getting it for sure. My radio for that will also be enroot soon. 73 de ZS3LB Leon.
Great Video Steve!! I configured a Pi-3 Hotspot recently for DMR on the TGIF network and it indicated that it was connected to the "DMR Network" and indicated that the afore mentioned network was TGIF but it would not pass traffic. I configured it to Brandmeister DMR and it worked flawlessly. So in good experimental Amateur Radio Operator fashion, I re-imaged the SD card for Pi-Star OS and configured for DMR TGIF and it worked Great! So In conclusion I either configured the WPSD incorrectly or something may be up. I did update the WPSD and still not joy on TGIF. I will keep you posted as I check my work. 73 DE KD5FMU
@@temporarilyoffline It is easier to get a talkgroup "Im being told" on TGIF and seems to a little less hassle. A friend on mine (AA5PD) and I bridge our AllStar nodes to our TGIF talkgroups (like mine is 3143399) through the DVSwitch server installed on our AllStar nodes respectively. If you talk on one the audio passes through to the other and vice versa and versa vicie 😕Here is the link to my TGIF Profile tgif.network/tgprofile.php?id=3143399
I'm able to hit TGIF talk groups by prefacing then with 500+# I need to prefix the TGIF talk group number with a a '5', and some '0's for a total of 7 digits. This does assume WPSD is properly hitting TGIF servers
Thanks for the great video Steve. The software looks good and has many improvements over the standard Pi-Star software. I look forward to giving it a try.
QUESTION: Did you have to remove "R1" or cut pin headers on your Pi-4 to get that mmdvm to work? I almost got that MMDVM, but noted the blurb about it *not* being intended for Raspberry Pi 4. There are instructions in the product listing that instruct: "...if you do want to connect it with your Pi 4, you could try below methods. PICK ONE. Method 1: Remove the R1 resistance of the hotspot board(single/dual) ; Method 2: Cut off the 2 Raspberry Pi pin headers on the corners of the board..."
Great instructional video, may have to sell off my OpenSpot and build my own. Just curios how the WPSD dash board looks like on other devices like your phone?
oh man just found this one EVEN BETTER! My Pi Hat and FT5DR are on the way for delivery tomorrow. This is gonna be a fun weekend. Thanks so much for spelling this all out so well for us.
You mentioned the yaesu radio, check out this video for YSF/C4FM (yaesu's digital mode) it's just a little different, but same hardware and software on the pi)
yep found that one as well just for some reason missed the DMR in this one and thought it was just a newer version of the software. Appreciate the assist! @@temporarilyoffline
Hey, thaks a lot for your help. Apreciate it. Im from Brazil and im having some issues with MMDVM modem. Not found. I follow your instructions, with the wpsd detect modem, and it flashes, but no sceen , no modem detect. Any ideas? At the Dashboard, it show conected to the wifi, running well.
It is possible to get a bad MMDVM modem, there is very low quality control on them, esp if you get them from aliexpress direct. I've had a few that were bad. If you run the command line tool to findmodem and it comes up empty, try resoldering the header pins and test again... if not, its microscope time!
@@temporarilyoffline just before you answer, i resoldeed everything , reeintalled with a new Sd card the WSPD and Voilá !! it worked... Now, dont ask me witch one has solved the problem kkkk. Thanks for your reply and time
@@temporarilyoffline Hey Steve ... Everything working fin now... I just have one issue, that i dont know if it is a issue or not.. . At the Current / Last Caller, my name apears, all my data is correct. At the Live Caller too. But, at the Gateway Activevity , where all activities are listed, when i tx anything, apears all data, except my name. My call sign, fla, tg everything appears correct. But not my name.. Is this correct??? Thanks againg. 73 PU2UJ
@@gcmarini are you making contacts? I think when you key up, you'd see your name in the caller window and when someone answers, you'd see their name in the window.
Sir, this video has been a tremendous help to me so thank you for that. I was able to re flash the SD card for my Sky Bridge and get it up and running. However, i cannot figure our how to get to the WPS Digital Voice config screen to add my DMR number etc. I have tried to get on with pi-star local and cannot get on to pi-star and my computer indicates the site cannot be found. Any advice here. Thanks
2 quick things: 1. most modern browsers default to pi-star.local and the dashboard doesn't support SSL, so it doesn't even listen/respond - you have to specifically type 'pi-star.local' in your browser to get there. Don't know if you know that. 2. You can also type in 'ip address' if you can find the address. If the OLED screen has data on it, you can find the dashboard IP address there... if not, you can plug in an HDMI screen and watch the machine boot up and it will tell you the IP address. Lots of tools for finding the IP on your network (like nmap or angry IP scanner or your router's control panel) Let me know if that worked
Its the default for WPSD. I seem to remember that Pi-Star didn't have a default and they left it up to you. Some radios (like the FT-70) have an auto-offset for repeaters and even if the frequency is clear, your radio becomes a pain having to switch it out of repeater mode to work your own hotspot. @@dan_in_sd
Can't seem to set up the GD-77 to communicate with the hot spot. Also, can't get the IC-7100 to communicate too. Pretty much just use Droidstar to do it now. Much easier
Well Steve, the cats out of the bag now lol. Great video. I've been using WPSD since i started my digital journey into M17 that branched into ysf and dmr. All have a node at my qth. Anyway, next video should be on updating the MMDVM hats. It's super easy using WPSD. (sudo wpsd-modemupgrade hs_hat) thats for ur hat the dual hat is hs_dual_hat
@@temporarilyoffline have you seen the new update method without all the jumpers? Even if so, do a follow up to update the hat with the new ssh code? CHIP LIKES THIS VIDEO! LOL he reposted in WPSD discord announcements lol
@@temporarilyoffline no. TBH I never really bothered with hotspots or anything because it's just failure points in my eyes, but DMR is almost always hopping with activity to compared the 2 analog repeaters out here. In your shopping list the prices are so danged low it's wild, a couple hours I see of bumbling around programming it and I can actually radio at home! Lol. I have to drive over an hour to get in range of anything digital repeater wise.
Great video. I'm a big fan of WPSD and have been using it for quite some time. I do recommend using a Pi4 as it is a little resource intensive, especially with all the bells and whistles turned on.
Great Information.. I'm still confused about the BM Hotspot Security password. Is it the password set in the Bandmeister self help section or the Brandmeister passweord? Appreciate any comment regarding this as I cannot get the Trx box to listening. Thanks, N5TIM
Hey - fabulous video if I must say so myself =) I take it that if I already got a prebuilt raspberry setup that came with an SD card loaded with pi-star I can go ahead and flash this new software you demoed and use that instead on that hardware? Interface looks so much better and the dark mode is a much needed improvement
I'm about 90% certain that you can. If your hotspot looks like the one in the thumbnail or the video. I'm 200% certain. I'd recommend just grabbing a second SD card from Walmart and having at it. That way you can revert back easily if there is an issue.
Thanks for the video. I noticed that your firmware for the hat card reported 1.6.0 but the link to Amazon is for the card with version (V1.5.2). I did purchase that card and try it with wpsd but it does not find any modem. If I load an older version of pi-star the modem is found and works fine. Did you have to flash your modem to get it to version 1.6.0 so that wpsd would recognize it?
I have heard that you can, but I would make sure I had a duplex hat and a very powerful Pi as my host. I use one pi each... but I think the blinkenlights are pretty cool.
This might be a dumb question, can you program talkgroups from TGIF as well as Brandmeister into your radio without needing to change anything in your hotspot? I see that you can enable both but does it require changing anything else after that?
How much data do these consume if you're using a cellular hotspot? Any idea? I have a Verizon 5G UW MiFi that I could re-connect and use as a dedicated connection, but I'm wondering what data chunk I'd have to buy.
The voice traffic isn't big, it really just depends on how much yammerin you do on it. I bet you couldn't come close to the bottom tier plan even if you tried.
That case/kit is for the raspberry pi zero 2w. I didn't know if a case for a pi 4 hotspot, and for $20 (zero2w), it's better to put the $50 pi 4 to better use.
Not sure what happened but after one of the recent updates WPSD has been unstable. Tried with different cards, Pi's, etc. Just can't keep one going after previously having great luck. Presently looking at Pi-Star. Kind of sad because WPSD was great for a while. I should have not updated it.
I consider the Pi to be sacrificial machine, so I would have a problem putting it directly on the internet side open. Your call though. I don't know what the ports are that need to be open, good idea for a video!
Great vodep, I have watched it a couple of times but has not resolved the problem with the DMR NETWORK being RED and never turning GREEN as shown in this and other videos. How do you figure out what is not allowing the WPSD to received / transmit DMR signals. I have been using pi-star for about 3 or 4 years maybe longer have had complete success. But when I configure WPSD software I am about to configure not only the same way as pi-star , by the way works flawlessly, I input the same information in WPSD and NETWORK STATUS in RED. I have tried 3 or 4 different version of the software for a raspberry Pi 3 with a Zumspot Top hat, as well as a PI4 with the zum spot elite with same results. It works fine with FUSION and DSTAR but refuses to function with DMR . Yes I have configured the Zumspot Correctly and even tried to select different top hat configurations. I guess the question what setting is not being addressed to allow the DMR NETWORK status to connect or rather turn GREEN in the Dashboard ?? In these videos everyone talks about the Same settings but that is aa far as it goes and i have searched the internet for solutions. Please respond if you are privy to some configuration setting that is not being relayed in your video. Don't get me wrong the video is great for beginners and have set up and assisted people in getting their pi-star software and radios working on DMR but i just can not seem to make WPSD function.. IS it not supposed to work on DMR and am I just spinning my wheels., Thanks again for the video and all the time you put into making . ray.jackson909@gmail.com / ND9W
Hey Ray! You're not lost, its just not that easy of a thing to get working in the first place. Join up on the discord (its free) and we'll see if we can figure out what's going on. My first guess is that its probably a brandmeister password setting. The Discord is a group chat where all the greatest minds are. We'll get to the bottom of it!
So I can buy a handheld radio that will connect to this DMR Hotspot which will then in turn allow me to communicate across the world with just my handset, and because it’s simply a hotspot, I’m assuming that it needs to be connected to an Internet connection at all times for it to work?
Awesome Steve! Following this tutorial, I was able to configure my DStar hotspot in 30m. When I saw this video I was happy since I had pi4 already... I just had to purchase MMDVM simplex. Questions: 1) Any issues with pi4 in medium/long run? AURSINC MMDVM notes still says no pi4... :( 2) Any concern with nano-SD lifetime? Number of writes... 73, CS7BGW
Thanks for watching and the kind words. I do need to make up a D-Star video still. 1.) I haven't had any problems with the Pi4 and MMDVM - watch the heat as the Pi4 runs hotter. 2.) The Pi-Star family makes the SD card Read Only after it boots and then only opens it up to Writes as needed. the SD card should last until you forget about D-Star
Comjot/RFinder do this I believe. Radio companies are all well behind the times. We should have iphone/android based high quality radios with all the bells and whistles.
For the wifi, I live in an apartment and it's a captive portal, which means there's just an SSID and no password, and I have to login on a browser to get the wifi to connect. I understand on early versions of pistar it wasn't possible to connect like this but now it is. Do I just put the SSID in, and leave the password portion blank and it'll automatically connect? I can't find much information on this.Thanks!
Josh, Option 1) You need to figure out the WiFi Mac Address of your pi hotspot's WiFi interface (Admin/ssh, use the command 'ip link' or 'ifconfig' to get the Mac address of tbe interface. Use another computer, "spoof" the WiFi Mac to pretend to be your hotspot, log in like you usually would. Remove the Mac from your other computer, boot up your hotspot and it should be online. --------- Option 2) You could install another Linux desktop OS on the SD card, connect a mini-HDMI cable to the pi, log in using a web browser, sign into the Wi-Fi network and captive portal. Swap or reflash the SD card with this hotspot software, and you should be online.
@@Joey_Knucks you can use the website to generate the wpa_supplicant.conf file at anytime and place that file on the boot partition of the SD card. No harm in trying again. It's not a Windows thing other than from web browser to file save.
I have a pi4b and zero2w and both never connect to the wifi. Everything else is done, just cant get the wifi to connect. They both say interface is inactive in red. Can you do a video just on connecting the hotspot to the wifi?
Did the part at 3:42 help? I can do a video on the auto-hotspot and re-configure... its "useful", but hard for the devs to implement something cleaner because of "the nature of the beast" here. DMR isn't an easy thing to begin with...
I finally got the wifi connected. I had to add them to the wifi section and reboot. I figured the wifi settings on the SD card would have worked without adding them on the software. I also noticed if I changed the name of pi-star at the top it would cause issues so I stopped changing it and everything went smooth.
@@temporarilyofflineHow do I setup the rx & tx on a dual hat in the software? I tried a couple different ways and parrot won't work. I got my single hats working fine though.
Most hot spots are TS1, I don't have mine online at the moment, but I bet if you go into the config section (where you set your call sign) and scroll down there is a spot to enable that. Play around, worst case you have to reload it.
I am having problems flashing with balena to the SD card. This is the message I am getting. "Something went wrong. If it is a compressed image, please check that the archive is not corrupted. Error spawning the child process Any Ideas?
@temporarilyoffline Well it looks like it's working on the Hotspot, I uploaded a video on my page. Now I have to install open gd77 on the DM 1701 and test it out. Well still uploading the video as I type.
the first time you tried to key up to the parrot it did not work you edited it to the part it replied what was wrong the first time you tried? i cant get my radio to connect to the hotspot.
It worked for me, I just did a Jump Cut to remove the "dead air" in the video to respect your time while watching. For your situation, there are a few things (that I purposefully didn't go over in this video) that could be going on. #1 Parrot is actually a private call (or a group call, I can't remember), so set it the other way and try again. Its one of those things that makes logical sense to do it the wrong way... and then doesn't work. #2 Are your boxes down the left side of the dashboard all green, or is one of them red or yellow? If its a different color than green, you likely don't have your brandmeister passwords setup correctly and its unable to connect from the hotspot to the network. #3 if all that is green, when you PTT on the radio, you should see your name on the table of users and it should count down the seconds that you are PTTing. It will take a second for the QSO to start. If all of that is good, there are a few more things it could be, but too much for a youtube comment volley. Join us on the TOADs discord (link in description) where we have a #digital-radio room with lots of smart/friendly people. Let me know!
Everything you said is correct I still cant connect If i go to brand mister and manually add a static group i can hear i just am not able to transmit the local rf box never shows anything i am not able to transmit to the hotspot
The radio in the hotspot is probably a tad off frequency and there is a tool to move the hats RX up or down. My hot spot isn't on right now, but it's buried in the advanced tab where I showed SSH access.
Hey Steve - are you available for me to e-mail you regarding some of this? I *think* the hotspot is set up right (Meaning I set it up according to this instruction) but my codeplug might be the problem. Thx, 73, Mike KC3AIL
Have you seen my codeplug video? th-cam.com/video/EBlDJF75Ams/w-d-xo.html Feel free to email me or to join the TOADs discord where we have a room dedicated to helping people with this stuff: discord.gg/97tkMEc
@@temporarilyoffline Actually, I think I figured it out - a bad Brandmeister password. I put the right one in and all of a sudden parrot worked. I went to dinner and I saw entries of people calling on the one talkgroup I had active on the radio, so I think I did everything right. But having the discord is helpful. I watched both yours and Jim's videos and they were helpful with the concepts and that was quite useful.
I have tears...Flash always fails even after using three different SD Cards. Always fails in the Validation and writes random ASCII codes for the file names. Darn. Will have to go backwards to the old system. PS Thanks for all of your great videos.
Naa, won't be joining into a ham radio wireless internet base simulation. Sadly, many forgotten the meaning of the word wireless, to those I say enjoy your internet antenna.
@@n2yqt Experimentation of what? a computer based wired communications ? Internet antenna? Having an ID number beside you call-sign? is this what we become? Many forgot the meaning of the word WIRELESS HOBBY or what we are here for, don't cry when the bands are taken from us, we give the officials all the reasons to do so.
Yep, this is the "how to hotspot" video, I have others on getting a radio, setting up a code plug, getting a RadioID, etc. This video was long enough, could you imagine a "DMR Masterclass" video how long and boring that would be?
855 likes, 318 new subscribers, 22,000+ views as of your comment. DMR is an extremely complex ham topic. I have other videos on the channel that break it down even further. You can do it!
So disappointing that this process is so complex. I find that if I slow down your speech by 1/2, it really helps. This is way too complex and I’m an engineer.
I had to come back to this video to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I have always wondered why someone didn't do something more with the raspberry pi hotspots. So much potential yet nothing really changed and updates to pistar just stopped. Nothing new from them in a long time now. This WPSD is great. Just what we needed. Some very nice quality of life improvements and more. Its just great. I had no clue that any other options were out there other than Pi Star. This video should be on every hams recommend lol
Glad I could help!
Bought a pi-zero W dual antenna hotspot 2 years ago for my anytone. Nothing but fun once I got it setup. Pain after I anted to update flash drive or code plug. And I did flash the pi-star with WPSD last month. I do like the new look.
It's a winner!
Great as usual! I like the new dashboard. A jump above the old one. Stay safe! 73
Thanks, You too!
I set up a Raspberry Pi a few months ago to use DMR and YSF which ran well. A few weeks ago I bought a Dvmega from the UK. I used it for YSF and the regular Pi for DMR. Separate systems worked really well until the Dvmega failed a couple of days ago.
I tried to log into the dashboard and got a 505 error, then attempted to reboot by removing power and of course - nothing. I’m going to try and reflash the SD card when my card reader shows up in the mail.
Hopefully that will do it. I’ll return to this tutorial when my reader and new cards arrive. Thanks for the video.
Good Luck on your adventure! I'm pretty sure that WPSD now supports the DVMega.
Wonderful. Reminds me of when you changed my life with your DRAWS Series many moons ago.
Wow, that was a long time ago! Thanks for sticking around. I hope I've gotten better since then!
Great video. New HAM here got Tech in May and General in September last year. Like one of the other commenters I live in a rural area and just got true broadband. I will have to check out the other videos and learn more about this. Sounds like something interesting to experiment with. Thanks for great content.
Ther is always something to play with in ham radio. Welcome to the hobby. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks Steve, looks like it is worth having another squizz at the WPSD skin. I think the next one may be for an FT70DR as I have not tried C4FM yet.
I have a video for that one as well!
I need that inspiration for C4FM as well. Now searching for the video.
@@jameski5oeb668 th-cam.com/video/AOdb4A6tjI4/w-d-xo.htmlsi=BN260skAQvZIunHD
Beats the heck out of the bone stock pi-star install! I just upgraded thanks to this video! Keep up the amazing work! 73, K1CAM
I agree, it was time for a facelift!
Thank you Steve for this one, was discussing this with another ham last night, and I will be getting it for sure. My radio for that will also be enroot soon. 73 de ZS3LB Leon.
You're welcome! Good luck!
Thanks buddy. Installed it. Works fine and very well tweaked. Pass my thanks to Chip Cuccio
Glad it helped. Will do!
Great Video Steve!! I configured a Pi-3 Hotspot recently for DMR on the TGIF network and it indicated that it was connected to the "DMR Network" and indicated that the afore mentioned network was TGIF but it would not pass traffic. I configured it to Brandmeister DMR and it worked flawlessly. So in good experimental Amateur Radio Operator fashion, I re-imaged the SD card for Pi-Star OS and configured for DMR TGIF and it worked Great! So In conclusion I either configured the WPSD incorrectly or something may be up. I did update the WPSD and still not joy on TGIF.
I will keep you posted as I check my work. 73 DE KD5FMU
Excellent work. I have never played with TGIF. Anything useful/special about it?
@@temporarilyoffline It is easier to get a talkgroup "Im being told" on TGIF and seems to a little less hassle. A friend on mine (AA5PD) and I bridge our AllStar nodes to our TGIF talkgroups (like mine is 3143399) through the DVSwitch server installed on our AllStar nodes respectively. If you talk on one the audio passes through to the other and vice versa and versa vicie 😕Here is the link to my TGIF Profile tgif.network/tgprofile.php?id=3143399
@@HamRadioCrusader awesome, thanks. I wish DMR was easier to use.
I'm able to hit TGIF talk groups by prefacing then with 500+#
I need to prefix the TGIF talk group number with a a '5', and some '0's for a total of 7 digits. This does assume WPSD is properly hitting TGIF servers
Thanks for the great video Steve. The software looks good and has many improvements over the standard Pi-Star software. I look forward to giving it a try.
Glad to help
Awsome! You know what? If the oled would display the "Live caller" on the fly it would be even awesomer
Mine does, but it doesn't last as long as I'd like.
QUESTION: Did you have to remove "R1" or cut pin headers on your Pi-4 to get that mmdvm to work?
I almost got that MMDVM, but noted the blurb about it *not* being intended for Raspberry Pi 4. There are instructions in the product listing that instruct: "...if you do want to connect it with your Pi 4, you could try below methods. PICK ONE. Method 1: Remove the R1 resistance of the hotspot board(single/dual) ; Method 2: Cut off the 2 Raspberry Pi pin headers on the corners of the board..."
I didn't have to change a thing with the pi or the hat. I didn't even look. Just plugged it in and went.
@@temporarilyoffline Awesome! That was my only hesitation!
I got my Zero up and running, thanks Steve.
You bet!
Great instructional video, may have to sell off my OpenSpot and build my own. Just curios how the WPSD dash board looks like on other devices like your phone?
I'm working on a future vid, going to show mobile hotspot and cell phone usage.
oh man just found this one EVEN BETTER! My Pi Hat and FT5DR are on the way for delivery tomorrow. This is gonna be a fun weekend. Thanks so much for spelling this all out so well for us.
Glad it helps! Join us over on the discord if you have any questions.(link in description)
You mentioned the yaesu radio, check out this video for YSF/C4FM (yaesu's digital mode) it's just a little different, but same hardware and software on the pi)
will do thank you!
yep found that one as well just for some reason missed the DMR in this one and thought it was just a newer version of the software. Appreciate the assist! @@temporarilyoffline
1:37 Unfortunately, it will not run on the Orange Pi Zero 2W shown in the graphic. The Orange Pi Zero is a different form factor.
Interesting, wonder why it won't run on the OPZ2W. Thanks
I just configured my Dual Hat JumboSpot with WPSD thanks to your video. Awesome stuff in your channel, btw, you have a new follower!
Awesome, thank you!
Hey, thaks a lot for your help. Apreciate it. Im from Brazil and im having some issues with MMDVM modem. Not found. I follow your instructions, with the wpsd detect modem, and it flashes, but no sceen , no modem detect. Any ideas? At the Dashboard, it show conected to the wifi, running well.
It is possible to get a bad MMDVM modem, there is very low quality control on them, esp if you get them from aliexpress direct. I've had a few that were bad. If you run the command line tool to findmodem and it comes up empty, try resoldering the header pins and test again... if not, its microscope time!
@@temporarilyoffline just before you answer, i resoldeed everything , reeintalled with a new Sd card the WSPD and Voilá !! it worked... Now, dont ask me witch one has solved the problem kkkk. Thanks for your reply and time
@@gcmariniAwesome, strong work! Glad you were able to get it fixed!
@@temporarilyoffline Hey Steve ... Everything working fin now... I just have one issue, that i dont know if it is a issue or not.. . At the Current / Last Caller, my name apears, all my data is correct. At the Live Caller too. But, at the Gateway Activevity , where all activities are listed, when i tx anything, apears all data, except my name. My call sign, fla, tg everything appears correct. But not my name.. Is this correct??? Thanks againg. 73 PU2UJ
@@gcmarini are you making contacts? I think when you key up, you'd see your name in the caller window and when someone answers, you'd see their name in the window.
I need to update mine. I also have a spare dual mmdvm and a few pi's... so much to do and so much time! Just need motivation. Lol
I have lots to do, lots of motivation and no time. We should trade!
@@temporarilyoffline haha, that would be nice for a change. ;)
Sir, this video has been a tremendous help to me so thank you for that. I was able to re flash the SD card for my Sky Bridge and get it up and running. However, i cannot figure our how to get to the WPS Digital Voice config screen to add my DMR number etc. I have tried to get on with pi-star local and cannot get on to pi-star and my computer indicates the site cannot be found. Any advice here. Thanks
2 quick things:
1. most modern browsers default to pi-star.local and the dashboard doesn't support SSL, so it doesn't even listen/respond - you have to specifically type 'pi-star.local' in your browser to get there. Don't know if you know that.
2. You can also type in 'ip address' if you can find the address. If the OLED screen has data on it, you can find the dashboard IP address there... if not, you can plug in an HDMI screen and watch the machine boot up and it will tell you the IP address. Lots of tools for finding the IP on your network (like nmap or angry IP scanner or your router's control panel)
Let me know if that worked
@TO, love it.. You know your glasses appeared and disappeared in this video at least twice. LOL! 😀
SHUT UP! I'm still young!!! 😂
@@temporarilyoffline we all are young at heart. ;)
@@dan_in_sd always will be
@@temporarilyoffline is 438.800 like a default for hotspots. ive seen that frequency in other videos
Its the default for WPSD. I seem to remember that Pi-Star didn't have a default and they left it up to you. Some radios (like the FT-70) have an auto-offset for repeaters and even if the frequency is clear, your radio becomes a pain having to switch it out of repeater mode to work your own hotspot. @@dan_in_sd
Thanks Steve Always wanted to go DMR. This will help.
Glad it will help out. Its a big sea to swim in. Join us on the TOADs discord if you want to chat more 1:1. (Link in description)
Uhhh, only the pi zero, zero w and zero w 2 do not have the header pins. I've never seen a pi 2, 3 or 4 without the header (and now the 5).
I would have put headers on it right away... its been a long time since I bought a new Pi3 or 4. I'm still waiting for the Pi5.
great video - thanks matey - have you made a video or could you to do the calibration of the MMDMR modem.
You're welcome! -- I haven't, its on the list!
Can't seem to set up the GD-77 to communicate with the hot spot. Also, can't get the IC-7100 to communicate too. Pretty much just use Droidstar to do it now. Much easier
Droidstar is a great option. I've never worked D-star with a hotspot.
Excellent video, sir. Had me running in about 2 hours. Thank you!
Glad it helped!
Well Steve, the cats out of the bag now lol. Great video. I've been using WPSD since i started my digital journey into M17 that branched into ysf and dmr. All have a node at my qth. Anyway, next video should be on updating the MMDVM hats. It's super easy using WPSD. (sudo wpsd-modemupgrade hs_hat) thats for ur hat the dual hat is hs_dual_hat
Ps you only need to do that if you want to be running the latest and greatest. Also m17 won't work without FW @ 1.6+
Yep. the cat's out of the bag. We started playing with this on HamNuggets last year and we even did the MMDVM upgrade then as well to get us on M17.
@@temporarilyoffline have you seen the new update method without all the jumpers? Even if so, do a follow up to update the hat with the new ssh code? CHIP LIKES THIS VIDEO! LOL he reposted in WPSD discord announcements lol
@@the_mad_swimbaiter455 I don't remember using jumpers last time? Maybe that's bad memory. Yeah, I can make a vid on firmware updates.
I live rural and just finally got decent wifi. This looks doable! I may finally be able to use dmr and YSF at home! I've never touched a PI before.
Did you see my YSF video on how to get that setup yet?
@@temporarilyoffline no. TBH I never really bothered with hotspots or anything because it's just failure points in my eyes, but DMR is almost always hopping with activity to compared the 2 analog repeaters out here.
In your shopping list the prices are so danged low it's wild, a couple hours I see of bumbling around programming it and I can actually radio at home! Lol. I have to drive over an hour to get in range of anything digital repeater wise.
@@Sparkfly88 great, join us on the TOADs discord if you have any questions (link in description)
@@temporarilyoffline I'm already in there. I just don't socialnetwork often at all 🤣
@Sparkfly88 I understand that!
Great video. I'm a big fan of WPSD and have been using it for quite some time. I do recommend using a Pi4 as it is a little resource intensive, especially with all the bells and whistles turned on.
Its pretty Thicc!
Great tutorial, thanks!
Glad it was helpful!
Great Information.. I'm still confused about the BM Hotspot Security password. Is it the password set in the Bandmeister self help section or the Brandmeister passweord? Appreciate any comment regarding this as I cannot get the Trx box to listening. Thanks, N5TIM
Its the one that is buried in BM Selfcare, not the one that you use to login to the BM website.
New to digital modes/hotspots so this is very helpful. Will the system you show do cross-mode tx/rx?
The software will with some more configuration, yep. YSF2DMR and DMR2YSF at least.
Hey - fabulous video if I must say so myself =) I take it that if I already got a prebuilt raspberry setup that came with an SD card loaded with pi-star I can go ahead and flash this new software you demoed and use that instead on that hardware? Interface looks so much better and the dark mode is a much needed improvement
I'm about 90% certain that you can. If your hotspot looks like the one in the thumbnail or the video. I'm 200% certain. I'd recommend just grabbing a second SD card from Walmart and having at it. That way you can revert back easily if there is an issue.
Nice upgrade. Thanks for putting that in front of me.
Hey Andy! How are ya now? Hope it helps!
Great information, tnx man!
You're welcome! Thanks for watching!
Thanks for the video. I noticed that your firmware for the hat card reported 1.6.0 but the link to Amazon is for the card with version (V1.5.2). I did purchase that card and try it with wpsd but it does not find any modem. If I load an older version of pi-star the modem is found and works fine. Did you have to flash your modem to get it to version 1.6.0 so that wpsd would recognize it?
I didn't have to flash the firmware for WPSD, I did that for M17. Very easy to do if you need it and everything is already on the WPSD image
Can i run multiple modes at the same time. For instance, if i have my yeasu(system fusion)and anytone dmr radios side by side?
I have heard that you can, but I would make sure I had a duplex hat and a very powerful Pi as my host. I use one pi each... but I think the blinkenlights are pretty cool.
This might be a dumb question, can you program talkgroups from TGIF as well as Brandmeister into your radio without needing to change anything in your hotspot? I see that you can enable both but does it require changing anything else after that?
That's a good question that I haven't explored - go for it and let me know. I need to try TGIF and a few others.
How much data do these consume if you're using a cellular hotspot? Any idea? I have a Verizon 5G UW MiFi that I could re-connect and use as a dedicated connection, but I'm wondering what data chunk I'd have to buy.
The voice traffic isn't big, it really just depends on how much yammerin you do on it. I bet you couldn't come close to the bottom tier plan even if you tried.
Will the case that you linked from Aursinc fit the PI 4?
That case/kit is for the raspberry pi zero 2w. I didn't know if a case for a pi 4 hotspot, and for $20 (zero2w), it's better to put the $50 pi 4 to better use.
Thanks for sharing this video and information
Thanks for watching!
Not sure what happened but after one of the recent updates WPSD has been unstable. Tried with different cards, Pi's, etc. Just can't keep one going after previously having great luck. Presently looking at Pi-Star. Kind of sad because WPSD was great for a while. I should have not updated it.
Can you backdate it? I just did a fresh install 2 months ago and it worked great, even on a Zero (not 2)
Dude, great information. I'm behind a firewall and can't even connect to Parrot or echo server. Any advice?
I consider the Pi to be sacrificial machine, so I would have a problem putting it directly on the internet side open. Your call though. I don't know what the ports are that need to be open, good idea for a video!
@@temporarilyoffline Yes, it would be a good idea for a video. In the advanced section there are several ports mentioned. Thanks man.
Awesome tutorial!
Got me where I needed to be.
But no tutorial on setting up the WiFi? Or did I miss that...?
WiFi is all I have left to configure.
Here you go: th-cam.com/video/gyLbqUdk-rE/w-d-xo.html (time stamped) 3:40
@@temporarilyoffline Thank you so much! I don't know how I missed it, but I did, LOL!
Free'd up a patch cable I needed for another connection.
do you have by any chance any detailed video about programming Radioddity GD-88 DMR using CPS
Funny you should ask: th-cam.com/video/EBlDJF75Ams/w-d-xo.htmlsi=UhGdE8lYi-Kv931g
@@temporarilyoffline i have saw other one longer from you but now cant find, was nice detailed
@@pancerny565 we did a long live stream hang out version as well
@@temporarilyoffline thats the one i cant find anymore :/
@pancerny565 here you go: th-cam.com/users/livePdJP6npHN4Y?si=Rorv6JD9ZIsXX_-E
Great vodep, I have watched it a couple of times but has not resolved the problem with the DMR NETWORK being RED and never turning GREEN as shown in this and other videos. How do you figure out what is not allowing the WPSD to received / transmit DMR signals. I have been using pi-star for about 3 or 4 years maybe longer have had complete success. But when I configure WPSD software I am about to configure not only the same way as pi-star , by the way works flawlessly, I input the same information in WPSD and NETWORK STATUS in RED. I have tried 3 or 4 different version of the software for a raspberry Pi 3 with a Zumspot Top hat, as well as a PI4 with the zum spot elite with same results. It works fine with FUSION and DSTAR but refuses to function with DMR . Yes I have configured the Zumspot Correctly and even tried to select different top hat configurations. I guess the question what setting is not being addressed to allow the DMR NETWORK status to connect or rather turn GREEN in the Dashboard ?? In these videos everyone talks about the Same settings but that is aa far as it goes and i have searched the internet for solutions. Please respond if you are privy to some configuration setting that is not being relayed in your video. Don't get me wrong the video is great for beginners and have set up and assisted people in getting their pi-star software and radios working on DMR but i just can not seem to make WPSD function.. IS it not supposed to work on DMR and am I just spinning my wheels., Thanks again for the video and all the time you put into making .
ray.jackson909@gmail.com / ND9W
Hey Ray! You're not lost, its just not that easy of a thing to get working in the first place. Join up on the discord (its free) and we'll see if we can figure out what's going on. My first guess is that its probably a brandmeister password setting. The Discord is a group chat where all the greatest minds are. We'll get to the bottom of it!
Just put mine together. Thanks for the help... now to figure out d-star de ki7cia 73
Glad it helped! I still need to figure out D-Star too
So I can buy a handheld radio that will connect to this DMR Hotspot which will then in turn allow me to communicate across the world with just my handset, and because it’s simply a hotspot, I’m assuming that it needs to be connected to an Internet connection at all times for it to work?
Yes, in order to extend the capabilities of your DMR radio from local to worldwide, you can use this Internet connected hotspot.
Thank you for the instructional video. I just ordered a raspberry pi Wii set up from this video. Thanks again 73. W4DEC
Awesome, good luck!
Awesome Steve! Following this tutorial, I was able to configure my DStar hotspot in 30m. When I saw this video I was happy since I had pi4 already... I just had to purchase MMDVM simplex.
1) Any issues with pi4 in medium/long run? AURSINC MMDVM notes still says no pi4... :(
2) Any concern with nano-SD lifetime? Number of writes...
73, CS7BGW
Thanks for watching and the kind words. I do need to make up a D-Star video still.
1.) I haven't had any problems with the Pi4 and MMDVM - watch the heat as the Pi4 runs hotter.
2.) The Pi-Star family makes the SD card Read Only after it boots and then only opens it up to Writes as needed. the SD card should last until you forget about D-Star
@@temporarilyoffline Grateful!
Why don’t the radio companies just put hot spot tech inside the radio so all you need is the internet.
Comjot/RFinder do this I believe. Radio companies are all well behind the times. We should have iphone/android based high quality radios with all the bells and whistles.
Does WPSD allow you to hook two modems up and use 1 pi for both dmr and all-star(not at the same time)
Not at this time.
Hello, which motherboard should I buy for the best access point? mmdvm hotspot
"best" would be a pi 4. I haven't tried a pi 5 yet, so I can't speak from authority on that.
For the wifi, I live in an apartment and it's a captive portal, which means there's just an SSID and no password, and I have to login on a browser to get the wifi to connect. I understand on early versions of pistar it wasn't possible to connect like this but now it is. Do I just put the SSID in, and leave the password portion blank and it'll automatically connect? I can't find much information on this.Thanks!
That's a good question and I don't know the answer. Perhaps the folks over on the WPSD discord server know?
Option 1)
You need to figure out the WiFi Mac Address of your pi hotspot's WiFi interface (Admin/ssh, use the command 'ip link' or 'ifconfig' to get the Mac address of tbe interface.
Use another computer, "spoof" the WiFi Mac to pretend to be your hotspot, log in like you usually would. Remove the Mac from your other computer, boot up your hotspot and it should be online.
Option 2)
You could install another Linux desktop OS on the SD card, connect a mini-HDMI cable to the pi, log in using a web browser, sign into the Wi-Fi network and captive portal.
Swap or reflash the SD card with this hotspot software, and you should be online.
Hi eveything else worked except for the wifi config. What you showed did not come up on my computer. (Windows)
Sounds like you got it working in the end though!
@@temporarilyoffline negative. It won't connect to my wifi.
@@Joey_Knucks you can use the website to generate the wpa_supplicant.conf file at anytime and place that file on the boot partition of the SD card. No harm in trying again. It's not a Windows thing other than from web browser to file save.
If i add another hotspot, do i create a new api key for the new one or use the same key?
Either way works. If you can't remember the old one, just add a new one. They are free.
Thanks, I got all 3 hotspots up and running now. This software is much better than the pi-star software
Can this work with a yaesu system fusion radio? I'm interested in building a hotspot for digital modes but don't like dmr.
Sure can, check out my video on YSF here: th-cam.com/video/AOdb4A6tjI4/w-d-xo.html
I have a pi4b and zero2w and both never connect to the wifi. Everything else is done, just cant get the wifi to connect. They both say interface is inactive in red. Can you do a video just on connecting the hotspot to the wifi?
Did the part at 3:42 help? I can do a video on the auto-hotspot and re-configure... its "useful", but hard for the devs to implement something cleaner because of "the nature of the beast" here. DMR isn't an easy thing to begin with...
I finally got the wifi connected. I had to add them to the wifi section and reboot. I figured the wifi settings on the SD card would have worked without adding them on the software. I also noticed if I changed the name of pi-star at the top it would cause issues so I stopped changing it and everything went smooth.
@@temporarilyofflineHow do I setup the rx & tx on a dual hat in the software? I tried a couple different ways and parrot won't work. I got my single hats working fine though.
@@jeffgallaway1557 I've actually never done that. Ask on the Discord in the #digital-voice room, somebody over there has!
Great video. Do you need a DMR radio to use a DMR Hotspot?
Yes you do.
@temporarilyoffline Thanks!
Why is TS1 greyed out in Talkgroup Management?
Most hot spots are TS1, I don't have mine online at the moment, but I bet if you go into the config section (where you set your call sign) and scroll down there is a spot to enable that. Play around, worst case you have to reload it.
I am having problems flashing with balena to the SD card. This is the message I am getting. "Something went wrong. If it is a compressed image, please check that the archive is not corrupted.
Error spawning the child process
Any Ideas?
Sounds like a bad download or bad SD card. I'd try to download again.
Looks like it's working on another old trusty laptop. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the quick response 👍
@temporarilyoffline Well it looks like it's working on the Hotspot, I uploaded a video on my page. Now I have to install open gd77 on the DM 1701 and test it out. Well still uploading the video as I type.
@@N_Andrews sweet. I'll take a look
the first time you tried to key up to the parrot it did not work you edited it to the part it replied what was wrong the first time you tried? i cant get my radio to connect to the hotspot.
It worked for me, I just did a Jump Cut to remove the "dead air" in the video to respect your time while watching. For your situation, there are a few things (that I purposefully didn't go over in this video) that could be going on. #1 Parrot is actually a private call (or a group call, I can't remember), so set it the other way and try again. Its one of those things that makes logical sense to do it the wrong way... and then doesn't work. #2 Are your boxes down the left side of the dashboard all green, or is one of them red or yellow? If its a different color than green, you likely don't have your brandmeister passwords setup correctly and its unable to connect from the hotspot to the network. #3 if all that is green, when you PTT on the radio, you should see your name on the table of users and it should count down the seconds that you are PTTing. It will take a second for the QSO to start.
If all of that is good, there are a few more things it could be, but too much for a youtube comment volley. Join us on the TOADs discord (link in description) where we have a #digital-radio room with lots of smart/friendly people.
Let me know!
Everything you said is correct
I still cant connect
If i go to brand mister and manually add a static group i can hear i just am not able to transmit the local rf box never shows anything i am not able to transmit to the hotspot
The radio in the hotspot is probably a tad off frequency and there is a tool to move the hats RX up or down. My hot spot isn't on right now, but it's buried in the advanced tab where I showed SSH access.
Unfortunately my W11 machine tells that this site can’t be reached
Chip will probably have the site fixed soon. He's on top of things pretty well!
Excellent video! 🎙️W1FYG
Thanks Don! Hope you're doing well!
Hey Steve - are you available for me to e-mail you regarding some of this? I *think* the hotspot is set up right (Meaning I set it up according to this instruction) but my codeplug might be the problem. Thx, 73, Mike KC3AIL
Have you seen my codeplug video? th-cam.com/video/EBlDJF75Ams/w-d-xo.html Feel free to email me or to join the TOADs discord where we have a room dedicated to helping people with this stuff: discord.gg/97tkMEc
@@temporarilyoffline Actually, I think I figured it out - a bad Brandmeister password. I put the right one in and all of a sudden parrot worked. I went to dinner and I saw entries of people calling on the one talkgroup I had active on the radio, so I think I did everything right. But having the discord is helpful. I watched both yours and Jim's videos and they were helpful with the concepts and that was quite useful.
@@michaelmeyer2725 awesome! You're not the first person this week that had the same problem and commented here. Glad you got it fixed.
Are you related to the guy that does all the good Baofeng youtube videos ? Your voice is very similar and you do look a little alike.
Yeah, I'm the better looking, younger brother.
LOL TX. That explains the feels toward chicago. I concur. Not in TX though. Good vid.
I'm full time RV now! I try to stay in safe places!
hi! are you kipkay? :)
No, but I know him.
@@temporarilyofflineoh okay. Because you sound like him. 🤗 73!
Actually, the Parrot function is local. Swear up a storm if you like...
Thanks for the tip.
I have tears...Flash always fails even after using three different SD Cards. Always fails in the Validation and writes random ASCII codes for the file names. Darn. Will have to go backwards to the old system. PS Thanks for all of your great videos.
That is very strange! 3 SD cards failing makes me wonder if its a bad download, bad reader or just bad luck - I hope its just a bad download!
Naa, won't be joining into a ham radio wireless internet base simulation. Sadly, many forgotten the meaning of the word wireless, to those I say enjoy your internet antenna.
Exactly! I much prefer HF.
Sadly, most people have forgotten that this hobby is about experimentation.
@@n2yqt Experimentation of what? a computer based wired communications ? Internet antenna? Having an ID number beside you call-sign? is this what we become? Many forgot the meaning of the word WIRELESS HOBBY or what we are here for, don't cry when the bands are taken from us, we give the officials all the reasons to do so.
502 Bad Gateway
Looks like Chip got it fixed. Try again!
Chicago hurts😂
Just a little tiny bit! 😂😂
will it work in Russia ?
Sure thing.
wouldn't the first step be .... get a radio that can do this ...
Yep, this is the "how to hotspot" video, I have others on getting a radio, setting up a code plug, getting a RadioID, etc. This video was long enough, could you imagine a "DMR Masterclass" video how long and boring that would be?
in only 10 months they changed their website to look nothing like the video ..
Guess I need to make DMR HOTSPOT 2025!
No improvement. Still requires the digital radio.
Thanks for watching
Talks too fast for most of us.
855 likes, 318 new subscribers, 22,000+ views as of your comment. DMR is an extremely complex ham topic. I have other videos on the channel that break it down even further. You can do it!
Set playback for 0.75x
So disappointing that this process is so complex. I find that if I slow down your speech by 1/2, it really helps. This is way too complex and I’m an engineer.
DMR is way more complex than it needs to be for Ham Radio.
Where are you getting stuck?
Not stuck yet, but the complexity to follow along means some will give up. It shouldn’t be this complicated..
Dmr was not made for amateur use this is why it is more complex
DMR is more suitable for a software engineer than a hardware one 😂
Thanks for sharing this video and information. I just got a DMR earlier today. Yes I am just getting started obviously. De AA4SH
DMR is one of the harder things to do in ham radio. Join us on the discord chat server (link in description) and we can help you get online!
Excellent and 73s VK3EAN de Erwin
Thanks for watching!