I think the vote to kick system should only be available when the person has the red triangle for tking. I've memed with it before in a toxic way but I think if the person is toxic and has the red triangle then they can get kicked for toxicity
Thats right, but sometimes the players trolls in other ways. Like a Jaeger who puts his ADS on a wooden barrricade ( wtf mate ? ) or a Rook who puts his plate, take one, and destroy it before anyone takes one.
@@Troll_vs. true but it will at least slow down how it happens. Rarely anyone tries to run in front and I think that type of tking happens more often by accident then on purpose
I agree , also I really want a change to the matchmaking system, my plat 1 game we won 5-4 and the enemy were really good and we wondered what rank they were and we played against 4 diamonds and a champion 208 against 3 plat 2’s and 2 plat 1’s
Facts yes but no excuse to kick anyway. If you don't want that then play ranked or unranked. You need to wait in this game for a long time anyway so that 20 seconds extra when someone joins in the middle of the match shouldn't be the problem
Making everyone 2 speed would be so pointless and remove variety from the operators. There’s a distinct difference playing doc and rook to some like jäger
Exactly. I think the armor/speed system is fine the way it is. If they tried changing that and just made pure 2 armor 2 speeds than there would be no variety like you say
Albie Menter yeah the distinct difference is that one had an ACOG and one doesn’t lol. Still die when shot in the face but Doc is just slower. I would like a rework of the armor system.
It can take up to 10 minutes for someone to load in to a game when they join late on console. If they take away vote to kick they need to make it so you can’t join a game in progress
Sunday Mailbox: Do you think it would be a good change if you got a red dot sight (like ela's or warden's) to your pistol when you equip any primary shotgun? -Nick V
Antonov A-40 He’s saying that the buff to pistol secondaries, when choosing a shotgun primary wouldn’t make a big enough difference to make the loadout more viable.
Great video Does anyone else think the alpha pack we get from season passes and battle passes should be non-duplicate packs since we are paying real money for them
People in Casual have the attention span of a gold fish. Who cares if you clutched a round? Or if you're carrying? Or if you revived/Doc'd everyone to help clutch the win? You accidentally steal a kill? You failed a clutch? Bam, VK'd out like you have COVID.
Although today, I got tk'd and we were able yo vote to kick him and win the match. Without vote to kick, we would've had a thrower on our team for the full match. That's my pushback.
I think V2K is only good for lowering loading times. Like when your loading into game and someone joins and you have to sit there an wait for 20 minutes for them to load in.
What do you think about an option to look around as you’re planting the defuser? That way you don’t have to rely solely on audio ques to know when someone is coming. Maybe to balance this it’ll take a little longer to type without having your head down at the defuser
I really like Nökk, but sometimes I feel like her gadget becomes pretty situation. What do you think about added an integrated suppressor to the FMG-9 without reducing as much damage as the suppressor usually does. I think this would be a cool way to further implement her as the "offensive stealth op".
I think if they added a throw back mode it would be cool if they used the operators before they got balanced, so like blackbeards sheild would have 500 hp and twitches drone would have 30 shots, her f2 would have like 0 recoil. Jäger and bandit would have their acogs back. Like if you would like to see this.
Sunday mailbox: I think they should add a system where, instead of giving an afk player a random operator, they should let the rest of the team vote for what operator should be picked for them, giving your team a better chance of winning
So! My armor idea has been a thing since last year. 1 armor gets a penalty to equipment usage, barricade, and reinforcement placement. 2 armor is the base level for that 3 armors are able to put up equipment and the like faster than previous two. My justification: 3 armor dudes are "stronger" and can put things up more easily than skinny 1 armors.
I’ve had this idea for a while. I think it’d be cool if Ubisoft added an arcade section that had game modes like the western game mode and golden gun and similar modes. But game modes like the doctors curse ones should stay limited since they are seasonal.
I know it’ll never happen, but PLEASE let them make an arcade mode where you can have multiple of an operator. 5 Montagnes for ex pushing in would be horrifying and hilarious
5 fuzes on each barricade ceiling, and wall on the objective. 5 Yings burning defender retinas. 5 gridlocks breaking the floor break That sounds really fun.
Imo 1 armors should get a significant increase to bleed out time and should always be guaranteed down like ppl currently are with rook armor. Increase resistance to flash bangs/grenades and maybe allow them to take less damage if shot through walls (although that last one may be pushing it)
I am fed up with the state of siege on console. I've been playing since the very beginning and I'm officially taking an indefinite break until they fix the game and make things less toxic.
What about on operator that uses "flash" grenades that only affects cameras blinding them or disabling them, which can help hen planting and block camera operators from using their utility during a plant(such as echo)?
As a certified Siege Scrub, I love 3 armors. At my level, Headshots are more luck than skill during a chaotic firefight, and the extra bullet or 2 they can take often means the difference between victory and defeat.
matimio, i just want you to know i love how much of a humble person you are, your channel is very uplifting and i love hearing your positive voice, keep it up man ❤️
Maybe it's a primarily console thing, but i really don't think the vote kick thing is that wide spread of an issue. I don't play casual often but i've been playing since launch and i don't think i've been kicked once in casual. maybe i'm just lucky.
Sunday Mailbox: What if armor was reworked in such a way that: - Three armor operators would always be put into downed state instead of being killed, no matter if their hp was reduced to 0 by a body shot or headshot - Two armor operators would be put into downed state if their hp was reduced to 0 by a bodyshot, but always killed on headshots - One armor operators would've been guaranteed to die no matter how their hp would've been reduced to 0
CyanPowder haha “realism”, I think the game will only become less real. As demand for new content appreciates, new ideas will need to be implemented which will retain consumer interest in the game. E.g rainbow are going to release a new game mode which allow the operators to turn into holographic drones and teleport across the map. Is this realistic? No. As more games enter the market, Ubisoft need to come up with fresh ideas and I think the border between realism and ideology is thinning.
Alot of the game has been balanced around teamkilling being a factor. For example without tking you would be able to fuze the objective and have everyone else run in. Your teammates could rush into your frags grenades or in front of you while your shooting with with no worries. It would be a completely different game
Should Ubisoft add in an assault rifle magazine option for having extra rounds in a mag but slower reload time, and a lighter mag with less rounds it can carry but super fast reload? Had been killed many time because of the unfortunate times I had to reload and then suddenly get pushed. The Type 89 and ARX shouldn't have the lighter mag option since they already have 20+1 rounds in the mag, but have the faster reload time already.
What do you think they could do to make warden better I thought they could make is so enemies lo yellow or blue like glaze so there more visible in gun fights
i got this idea from a operator from arknights called mayer. so what do you think about an operator that has robotic dogs instead of real ones and can explode on command, or is remote controlled like a drone and can lunge at enemies, pushing them back and stunning them much like how a airjab does?
The vanilla operator mode is something that's been seen on R6 already. There was a tournament on ESL before the left R6 called the Vanilla Cup where it was the original non-DLC maps and operators
What are your thoughts on the 3 round switch in ranked and unranked matches. I find if I get defence first we usually win because most maps are defender sided. Do you have any alternative round setup ideas, like in casual where there's a 2 round switch? Or even reverting back to alternating every round?
Sunday mailbox: Is there a way to separate players using keyboard and mouse on console from the controller players and if so should Ubisoft implement it in the game? Maybe putting them on separate servers?
Question: Do you think that Ubisoft should take the ranked maps out of causal and only put in the maps that aren’t in ranked? I really don’t like the sweaty feeling of most of the ranked maps when I’m just trying to screw around. And I get that some people would like to play the ranked maps without worrying about elo but they could just play unranked.
What do you think about siege having a preference tab to play prebuff/prerework maps online i know people that have played the for a while would probably love something like this
I think 3 armors should absorb more bullets like 1 armor: 4 bullets from a regular gun 2 armor: 5 bullets from a regular gun 3 armor: 6 bullets from a regular gun And rook armor adds a bullet resistance
Monday Mailbox question do you think that mavriks ar15 50 cal need a ammo cap buff ? because it is the only dmr (so far I have seen) that only has10 rounds + 1 in the chamber and do less damage compared to the other dmr´s
Random headshots are so powerful in this game. It would be even more unfair than it is now. I think they should remove armor tho. For consistency and for their crave of balance.
@Matimi0 do you think it would help armor if 3 armor had guaranteed down like rook armor and armor level dictated bleed out speed? A rook with armor would bleed out a long time while 3 speed ash would bleed out quickly? Makes the aggression vs defense a little more nuanced?
For the throwback mode idea, it could be on some maps before they were reworked recently like kafe, oregon house, kanal, theme park and with only original ops.
Hey Matimio, I haven’t played in 2 years and just got into this game again... and it is so different. We can ban operators now!?!? Some maps are totally different too. I have about 20k renown saved up that I never spent, and was wondering do you think I should go for 2 older operators costing 10k renown each or get one of the newer ones, either costing 15k or 25k? Which one(s) would you suggest? I don’t want to buy an operator to have it banned a majority of time the way Jackal and Clash seem to be.
Theres plenty of ways to change/fix the armor system such as reducing 3 armor noise, increasing 1 armor noise, both of the previous 2 as a full fledged noise level invert for the classes, you can make 3 armor a much bigger armor buff than it currently is, i personally like the idea of giving some characters immunity for 1 headshot as it is almost entirely the 1 speed 3 armor characters that have full coverage helmets and some like rook would just need his mask down instead of being a useless piece of headwear. It would also help tachanka as he is a 1 speed without acog access.
I have a question matimio I have a question for the next video and my question is when do u think ubi will make a console lean without aiming to console
I wish Ubisoft would have a throwback game mode but it is where they would bring stuff back like bandit and jager acog, old secondary smg recoil, and just revert old patch changes
how do you feel about a Nøkk buff where Nøkks FMG9 gets an integrated suppressor like her shotgun? The FMG9 damage would stay the same with the added buffs of the suppressor (no smoke trail and shot indicator)
What do you think about suggested operators to ban? During the ban phase, what if there were suggestions that appeared for what operators to ban based on how commonly they are picked on that map? That way, the pointless bans such as banning Jackal every match may be diminished. It would also help people solo queing, just a thought.
Do you think they should make black ice a chance to by the skin themselves but make it renown only and make them work for it? i think that would make people want to play and probably get better as well what are your thoights?
I’m thinking for a classic game mode, they’d give every launch game operators the loadout they had on launch. Then you’d play on the original maps (pre rework house, Hereford, kanal, etc.) I think it’d be a nice throwback for people who played during those times, and a new perspective for people who didn’t, Seeing how the game has changed since launch.
Do you think they should extend the forfeit match with no loss system in ranked a few more rounds I’ve had 3 out of my last 5 games where people got the sound glitch and had to reset multiple times or my teammates just get kicked or ddosed
Do you the infinite cycle of nerfing operators is a problem. Just for example say Jager and Ash are the most picked then they nerf them and now Lesion and Rook are the most picked, then they nerf them and the cycle just continues. Am I the only one that is thinking like this, if it is a problem what can be done about it.
Question here for mailbox: What would you think of an event in siege where every operator change was rolled back? For example ela would be in her prime, smg 11 acog bandit and jager acog or blackbeard with his 800 hp shield, etc.
What do you think about an arcade game mode ( Limited Time ) , called Jagers dream . Every gun would have an acog no matter if it is a pistol or an AR . And maybe increase the weapon damage too .This game mode wouldn't bring to much so maybe put it for just a week .
Do you think the match cancel should be removed or changed? I’ve had many matches where I was 3 stacking and my friend loses connection, prompting the 2 randoms to cancel, giving a ban to a player that was joining right back. -Andrew M
If a player disconnects that turns the first round into a 4v5. Therefore the game is already unfair to the team that had the dc. Fact is the issue is on your friends since he was the only one DC; therefore, the other players should have the option to cancel the match at your friends expense so they can look for a more fair game
Do you think that Ubisoft should zoom in the sights or enlarge the reticles of the red dot, reflex, and holographic? I find my self comparing the R6 sights to COD sights and feeling that COD sights are much better because of the zoom and reticle size. Is this just me or do you think so as well?
Vote to kick: “you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain”
Long enough to see yourself become the villain*
Comment of the year
I think the vote to kick system should only be available when the person has the red triangle for tking. I've memed with it before in a toxic way but I think if the person is toxic and has the red triangle then they can get kicked for toxicity
i was just about to comment this and then i saw your comment aha
I like it but saidly then people will jump infront of other just to do it
Thats right, but sometimes the players trolls in other ways. Like a Jaeger who puts his ADS on a wooden barrricade ( wtf mate ? ) or a Rook who puts his plate, take one, and destroy it before anyone takes one.
@@Troll_vs. true but it will at least slow down how it happens. Rarely anyone tries to run in front and I think that type of tking happens more often by accident then on purpose
SubOptimal Sage but the whole team will have to agree though
I think to "spice things up" it would be fun to have a 6v6 or 7v7 arcade mode.
Full on sieges
3v3 one plant site. Or 7v7 with 3 plant sites. Let’s get crazy!
Yah or try removing the game
Siegel Gaming h aha haha aha ah a, you so funny, ha ha ha aha haaha ha
350speedfreak every site at once 15v15 😈
Should Ubisoft try to seperate solo queuers and teams in ranked. Too many time where I am up against a 5 man squad while my team is a bunch of randos.
they already prioritize facing teams against each other, but obviously there aren't enough 5 stacks to match each other, so they can't do too much
I agree , also I really want a change to the matchmaking system, my plat 1 game we won 5-4 and the enemy were really good and we wondered what rank they were and we played against 4 diamonds and a champion 208 against 3 plat 2’s and 2 plat 1’s
@@ascendent_gaming5902 nani
Yes,in dota 2 if you're a 5man you will go against a 5 man and same thing for solo queue,2man party and more
Just do it like LoL honestly. Solo/Duo Queue and Flex queue
They should have a permanent playlist that just cycles through old limited time game modes every couple weeks.
Kinda like Overwatch, they have different game modes daily
Imagine outbreak back
They wouldn’t be limited time then would they
Ubisoft just doesn’t care enough to add simple things like this
The reason some people vote kick on console is because when somebody joins before a match starts it just takes forever to load.
Juan Bohorquez same for pc
Facts yes but no excuse to kick anyway. If you don't want that then play ranked or unranked. You need to wait in this game for a long time anyway so that 20 seconds extra when someone joins in the middle of the match shouldn't be the problem
Yeah and I left and messaged them if it was ok they said thanks for leaving so they could play their wasn't toxicity
PekoNanodesu Oh yeah of course, that’s why I never solo queue on casual and just play unranked
Making everyone 2 speed would be so pointless and remove variety from the operators. There’s a distinct difference playing doc and rook to some like jäger
Exactly. I think the armor/speed system is fine the way it is. If they tried changing that and just made pure 2 armor 2 speeds than there would be no variety like you say
Community is still gonna whine and complain for UBI to add it tho
Lol and when doc, rook, and echo lose their acog, EVERYONE is gonna be surprised smh
Albie Menter yeah the distinct difference is that one had an ACOG and one doesn’t lol. Still die when shot in the face but Doc is just slower. I would like a rework of the armor system.
I have never seen used V2K to kick out a toxic members, they've always been used by toxic people
I’ve seen that multiple times but ok
I have a few times, but usually when we have a toxic person im our team they usually have 1 other friend
Darkghostz it was obviously an exaggeration but ok
I’ve seen people try, but people aren’t usually toxic if they don’t have a friend to stop them from getting kicked of team killed.
Lol just don’t solo queue
It can take up to 10 minutes for someone to load in to a game when they join late on console. If they take away vote to kick they need to make it so you can’t join a game in progress
Or at round switch
they need to remove joining mid game in general and maybe add like a 5 minute ban so people will leave less from casual
Sunday Mailbox:
Do you think it would be a good change if you got a red dot sight (like ela's or warden's) to your pistol when you equip any primary shotgun?
-Nick V
that wouldn’t really change much, shotguns would still be obsolete
It wouldn’t matter really the only shottys that are going to be used are the good autos or the ones with full auto secondarys
Shotguns on console are pretty good but this would be usefull
TysonAU sights on shotguns aren’t the problem. Most of the time, rpm and range wins.
Antonov A-40
He’s saying that the buff to pistol secondaries, when choosing a shotgun primary wouldn’t make a big enough difference to make the loadout more viable.
Great video
Does anyone else think the alpha pack we get from season passes and battle passes should be non-duplicate packs since we are paying real money for them
Butter Fr tho
I knew it was going to be a great video by the title
I got the same 3 legendary duplicates back to back with the season pass of this year.
Ascending Chaos That doesn’t make sense lol.
worst idea ever imo it would be way too easy to get decals like black ice and it would ruin the value
I clutched a 1 v 5 and immediately gotten kicked in the next match
Same dude
I never even get a chance to clutch half the time
People in Casual have the attention span of a gold fish. Who cares if you clutched a round? Or if you're carrying? Or if you revived/Doc'd everyone to help clutch the win? You accidentally steal a kill? You failed a clutch? Bam, VK'd out like you have COVID.
@@ANameToGoBy Sad reality that we live in
Clutch n kick
The only way you should be able to vote kick someone is if they’ve already teamkilled during the match
*laughs in destroy gadgets and walls*
Destroying gadgets
@@Coszmoo what about if they have destroyed 3 gadgets and teamkilled or 5 gadgets without
Speaking of a throwback mode, I would like to see a mode on April fools where every operator is at their strongest, lion, ela, Blackbeard ect
That sounds so fun
An April Fools mode where the Attackers defends and the Defenders attack
i would cry if someone picked blackbeard
Ubisoft: *makes one shot headshot mechanic*
Also Ubisoft: *is confused why everyone is aiming at the head*
Although today, I got tk'd and we were able yo vote to kick him and win the match. Without vote to kick, we would've had a thrower on our team for the full match. That's my pushback.
maybe change it so you can only kick someone AFTER they've done something (like tk or something of that magnitude)
I think V2K is only good for lowering loading times. Like when your loading into game and someone joins and you have to sit there an wait for 20 minutes for them to load in.
@@smartlegoninja7589 im confuse about why does it take so much longer to load if you join an ongoing match
We need Middle East servers I am playing on 270ping 😢😢😢
That’s rough, we just got our servers here
Milan Sekulic yeah but unfortunately nobody cares or talks about us Middle East just about fixing small problems like vote to kick
Fuck that's normal for me in the middle of the US in Ohio
im just tired of having ME people in EU servers because of the language barrier
Vote Kick Matimi0: 1/4
Vote to kick was unanimous
AirierCub 99 i already canceled it
They need to bring back an event like chimera. I don’t know why tf they did it once & said nah we don’t do that no more
What do you think about an option to look around as you’re planting the defuser? That way you don’t have to rely solely on audio ques to know when someone is coming. Maybe to balance this it’ll take a little longer to type without having your head down at the defuser
I really like Nökk, but sometimes I feel like her gadget becomes pretty situation. What do you think about added an integrated suppressor to the FMG-9 without reducing as much damage as the suppressor usually does. I think this would be a cool way to further implement her as the "offensive stealth op".
I think if they added a throw back mode it would be cool if they used the operators before they got balanced, so like blackbeards sheild would have 500 hp and twitches drone would have 30 shots, her f2 would have like 0 recoil. Jäger and bandit would have their acogs back. Like if you would like to see this.
Yes!! i get kicked constantly on casual. And I play on the ps4.
That’s casual
I felt like I was forced to play ranked with how toxic casual matches are. Tk's everywhere
Sunday mailbox:
I think they should add a system where, instead of giving an afk player a random operator, they should let the rest of the team vote for what operator should be picked for them, giving your team a better chance of winning
So! My armor idea has been a thing since last year.
1 armor gets a penalty to equipment usage, barricade, and reinforcement placement.
2 armor is the base level for that
3 armors are able to put up equipment and the like faster than previous two.
My justification: 3 armor dudes are "stronger" and can put things up more easily than skinny 1 armors.
Yeah this does make sense.
@@trutwhut6550 In what world?
@@KARMA-hy4lo gameplay world
I think they should combine two speeds and three speeds so two speed operators are also three armors.
Honestly I just leave immediately when someone votekicks me. I just don’t want a toxic team 🤷♂️
Welcome to Siege.
I’ve had this idea for a while. I think it’d be cool if Ubisoft added an arcade section that had game modes like the western game mode and golden gun and similar modes. But game modes like the doctors curse ones should stay limited since they are seasonal.
When you are too late and he has already got the formalities out of the way.
This makes my Monday I get very happy when I see a Monday mailbox in my recommended please keep doing what you're doing
I know it’ll never happen, but PLEASE let them make an arcade mode where you can have multiple of an operator. 5 Montagnes for ex pushing in would be horrifying and hilarious
5 fuzes on each barricade ceiling, and wall on the objective.
5 Yings burning defender retinas.
5 gridlocks breaking the floor break
That sounds really fun.
Imo 1 armors should get a significant increase to bleed out time and should always be guaranteed down like ppl currently are with rook armor.
Increase resistance to flash bangs/grenades and maybe allow them to take less damage if shot through walls (although that last one may be pushing it)
Monday mail box:
What about a buff to Amaru where her teammates can climb on her back and send it to the window together.
wtf no
Great Idea bro
Bro honestly that idea is sick bro
I like this one!
I am fed up with the state of siege on console. I've been playing since the very beginning and I'm officially taking an indefinite break until they fix the game and make things less toxic.
Thank you Matimi0 very cool
What about on operator that uses "flash" grenades that only affects cameras blinding them or disabling them, which can help hen planting and block camera operators from using their utility during a plant(such as echo)?
sunday/monday mailbox: how would you feel about castle getting a third reinforcment like og bandit with barbed wire?
That’s a solid idea
As a certified Siege Scrub, I love 3 armors. At my level, Headshots are more luck than skill during a chaotic firefight, and the extra bullet or 2 they can take often means the difference between victory and defeat.
matimio, i just want you to know i love how much of a humble person you are, your channel is very uplifting and i love hearing your positive voice, keep it up man ❤️
Ejwu R6 ay u everywhere lmao
indigivent lmfao i support hella content creators
Maybe it's a primarily console thing, but i really don't think the vote kick thing is that wide spread of an issue. I don't play casual often but i've been playing since launch and i don't think i've been kicked once in casual. maybe i'm just lucky.
Sunday Mailbox:
What if armor was reworked in such a way that:
- Three armor operators would always be put into downed state instead of being killed, no matter if their hp was reduced to 0 by a body shot or headshot
- Two armor operators would be put into downed state if their hp was reduced to 0 by a bodyshot, but always killed on headshots
- One armor operators would've been guaranteed to die no matter how their hp would've been reduced to 0
Almost makes headshot obsolete...
Do you think there should be a C4 icon on your screen like grenades have already? I think it would stop unexpected c4 from bellow.
The sweaty try hard mentality killed the fun of the game. I was here for the memes then it had to get competitive :(
What’s your thoughts on giving players more options for custom matches and using old maps, giving people acogs, and so on so forth.
Ethan Hawkinson love that
How about every operator moves at the same speed but the armor levels affect how fast you accelerate?
This Monday mailbox was great! Great questions really enjoyed it!
No. Just completely remove the ability to TK on casual lmao
CyanPowder Realism lol
CyanPowder haha “realism”, I think the game will only become less real. As demand for new content appreciates, new ideas will need to be implemented which will retain consumer interest in the game.
E.g rainbow are going to release a new game mode which allow the operators to turn into holographic drones and teleport across the map. Is this realistic? No. As more games enter the market, Ubisoft need to come up with fresh ideas and I think the border between realism and ideology is thinning.
Alot of the game has been balanced around teamkilling being a factor.
For example without tking you would be able to fuze the objective and have everyone else run in.
Your teammates could rush into your frags grenades or in front of you while your shooting with with no worries.
It would be a completely different game
Demented Lemur simple remove fuze entirely as an operator haha
Should Ubisoft add in an assault rifle magazine option for having extra rounds in a mag but slower reload time, and a lighter mag with less rounds it can carry but super fast reload? Had been killed many time because of the unfortunate times I had to reload and then suddenly get pushed. The Type 89 and ARX shouldn't have the lighter mag option since they already have 20+1 rounds in the mag, but have the faster reload time already.
What u guys think about mirrors being put in the game in different various places so u can look at your characters cosmetic?
What do you think they could do to make warden better I thought they could make is so enemies lo yellow or blue like glaze so there more visible in gun fights
i got this idea from a operator from arknights called mayer. so what do you think about an operator that has robotic dogs instead of real ones and can explode on command, or is remote controlled like a drone and can lunge at enemies, pushing them back and stunning them much like how a airjab does?
Ubisoft wasn't expecting headshots to be that important.
Well that explains the hit reg.
The vanilla operator mode is something that's been seen on R6 already. There was a tournament on ESL before the left R6 called the Vanilla Cup where it was the original non-DLC maps and operators
Watching this at the time they started the tts and removed doc and rook acog
What are your thoughts on the 3 round switch in ranked and unranked matches. I find if I get defence first we usually win because most maps are defender sided. Do you have any alternative round setup ideas, like in casual where there's a 2 round switch? Or even reverting back to alternating every round?
Hold on, I’m confused, have the previous patch notes come through yet? I played fuse and he only had 3 cluster charges? Am I just dumb?
On test server
What do you think of a play list rotation like in Cod MW so for example we can get plane 24/7 with and arcade game mode which would rotate every week
Sunday mailbox: Is there a way to separate players using keyboard and mouse on console from the controller players and if so should Ubisoft implement it in the game? Maybe putting them on separate servers?
Question: Do you think that Ubisoft should take the ranked maps out of causal and only put in the maps that aren’t in ranked? I really don’t like the sweaty feeling of most of the ranked maps when I’m just trying to screw around. And I get that some people would like to play the ranked maps without worrying about elo but they could just play unranked.
What do you think about siege having a preference tab to play prebuff/prerework maps online i know people that have played the for a while would probably love something like this
I can already hear
“Remember when you could kick people in casual?”
“Remember when you could kick people in ranked?”
I think 3 armors should absorb more bullets like
1 armor: 4 bullets from a regular gun
2 armor: 5 bullets from a regular gun
3 armor: 6 bullets from a regular gun
And rook armor adds a bullet resistance
i mean that’s already how it works...
Monday Mailbox question do you think that mavriks ar15 50 cal need a ammo cap buff ? because it is the only dmr (so far I have seen) that only has10 rounds + 1 in the chamber and do less damage compared to the other dmr´s
thinking about the armor system and how headshots are so powerfull what about making 3 armors the only ones who can survive a headshot?
Random headshots are so powerful in this game. It would be even more unfair than it is now. I think they should remove armor tho. For consistency and for their crave of balance.
@Matimi0 do you think it would help armor if 3 armor had guaranteed down like rook armor and armor level dictated bleed out speed? A rook with armor would bleed out a long time while 3 speed ash would bleed out quickly? Makes the aggression vs defense a little more nuanced?
Any opinions on BOSG black ice or just a black ice attachment skin.
Question: What do you think of an operator on attack (or defense?) that can drill cameras through reinforced walls?
For the throwback mode idea, it could be on some maps before they were reworked recently like kafe, oregon house, kanal, theme park and with only original ops.
Hey Matimio, I haven’t played in 2 years and just got into this game again... and it is so different. We can ban operators now!?!? Some maps are totally different too. I have about 20k renown saved up that I never spent, and was wondering do you think I should go for 2 older operators costing 10k renown each or get one of the newer ones, either costing 15k or 25k? Which one(s) would you suggest? I don’t want to buy an operator to have it banned a majority of time the way Jackal and Clash seem to be.
Whats your playstyle like?
For the armor question. Do you think it would be a good idea if they made an arcade mode where everyone was 2 speed 2 armor to test it?
Theres plenty of ways to change/fix the armor system such as reducing 3 armor noise, increasing 1 armor noise, both of the previous 2 as a full fledged noise level invert for the classes, you can make 3 armor a much bigger armor buff than it currently is, i personally like the idea of giving some characters immunity for 1 headshot as it is almost entirely the 1 speed 3 armor characters that have full coverage helmets and some like rook would just need his mask down instead of being a useless piece of headwear. It would also help tachanka as he is a 1 speed without acog access.
I have a question matimio I have a question for the next video and my question is when do u think ubi will make a console lean without aiming to console
how would they even do that?
TysonAU they could make it where u have to press on the d pad or hold like x on ps4 or a on Xbox when u want to lean w out aiming and when switching
what do you think abt making lesions guu mines electronic somehow, so that he can be countered by other operaters like iq or thatcher etc
but they already do counter them iq detects them and thatcher destroys them
Aigar Gurjanov oh shit fr?😭😭😭
What do you think about making it to where you activate fuzes gadget the same way you activate hibannas
To buff 3 armors I'd say reduce the audio and increase the amount of damage they can soak up.
Reduce the audio? hell no
@@KARMA-hy4lo Hell yes, 3 armors is the weakest armor class in the game and them being ridiculously loud doesn't help them.
@@brothatscrazy3418 Well they have heavy ass armour bro, tf did you expect? for them to be as light as a feather and be as silent as cav?
@@KARMA-hy4lo Bringing realism to balance a competitive game is ignorant my guy, half of the shit in this game is blatant BS
@@brothatscrazy3418 And bringing something that cannot happen into a game that is SUPPOSED to be realistic is dumb
What do you think about the new Jager pick rate and how do we reduce it?
When will Ubisoft fix the blitz glitch, where you get killed through the shield
I wish Ubisoft would have a throwback game mode but it is where they would bring stuff back like bandit and jager acog, old secondary smg recoil, and just revert old patch changes
how do you feel about a Nøkk buff where Nøkks FMG9 gets an integrated suppressor like her shotgun? The FMG9 damage would stay the same with the added buffs of the suppressor (no smoke trail and shot indicator)
-Sunday Mailbox
Do you think Rainbow could get into nintendo switch?
Vote to kick is on of the main reasons why I stopped playing r6
Do you think that Ubi should stop adding operators for some time to focus on buffing/reworking ops?
What do you think about suggested operators to ban? During the ban phase, what if there were suggestions that appeared for what operators to ban based on how commonly they are picked on that map? That way, the pointless bans such as banning Jackal every match may be diminished. It would also help people solo queing, just a thought.
Do you think there should be a shield nerf to were if you shoot them the get kinda stunned or can’t ads as quick
What do you think about a buff for fuze in which he can attach a cluster charge on a hole maverick made on a wall or hatch
Do you think they should make black ice a chance to by the skin themselves but make it renown only and make them work for it? i think that would make people want to play and probably get better as well what are your thoights?
I’m thinking for a classic game mode, they’d give every launch game operators the loadout they had on launch. Then you’d play on the original maps (pre rework house, Hereford, kanal, etc.) I think it’d be a nice throwback for people who played during those times, and a new perspective for people who didn’t, Seeing how the game has changed since launch.
Do you think they should extend the forfeit match with no loss system in ranked a few more rounds I’ve had 3 out of my last 5 games where people got the sound glitch and had to reset multiple times or my teammates just get kicked or ddosed
Do you the infinite cycle of nerfing operators is a problem. Just for example say Jager and Ash are the most picked then they nerf them and now Lesion and Rook are the most picked, then they nerf them and the cycle just continues. Am I the only one that is thinking like this, if it is a problem what can be done about it.
8:18 being able to play jager 3 speed acog and ash r4c acog again would make me the happiest dude in the world
we need that right now!
Do you think when someone leaves in ranked it should be like cs go and get a bot you could control?
Getting kicked 10 times in a row is just a lie like cmon. Did he expect anyone to believe that???
Have you ever played console?
Question here for mailbox: What would you think of an event in siege where every operator change was rolled back? For example ela would be in her prime, smg 11 acog bandit and jager acog or blackbeard with his 800 hp shield, etc.
No one wants to deal with broken bb, broken bb, more defence acog
What do you think about an arcade game mode ( Limited Time ) , called Jagers dream . Every gun would have an acog no matter if it is a pistol or an AR . And maybe increase the weapon damage too .This game mode wouldn't bring to much so maybe put it for just a week .
Do you think it would be a great idea to give players alpha pack every like 5 level so it feels like level really means something except playtime?
Do you think they should change alpha packs? I bought 50 packs for 200,000 renown and I got 24 duplicates. I feel like I got cheated out of my renown.
Maybe three armors could make less noise as a start, but I think three armors are fine they either have a really good gadget or an acog.
Doc rook and echo are literally the only defenders with an acog so wtf u talking about.
@@clowningaround12 why are being so hostile
Monday Mailbox-
Do you think that echos primary would be a better fit for nokk, instead of the jackels PDW
Do you think the match cancel should be removed or changed? I’ve had many matches where I was 3 stacking and my friend loses connection, prompting the 2 randoms to cancel, giving a ban to a player that was joining right back. -Andrew M
If a player disconnects that turns the first round into a 4v5. Therefore the game is already unfair to the team that had the dc.
Fact is the issue is on your friends since he was the only one DC; therefore, the other players should have the option to cancel the match at your friends expense so they can look for a more fair game
Do you think that Ubisoft should zoom in the sights or enlarge the reticles of the red dot, reflex, and holographic? I find my self comparing the R6 sights to COD sights and feeling that COD sights are much better because of the zoom and reticle size. Is this just me or do you think so as well?