@@jacobsampson1903 Exactly and that is what people forget. To bring an update onto the consoles Sony/Microsoft has to verify it first which can take up some time especially in current times
I feel like Ubisoft needs to step up and solve the problems that console players have. The fact that every player above gold two is using mause and keyboard is dumb.
Thats a sony / Microsoft problem . Out of ubisofts hands . People go out there way to but hardware to trick the system into thinking they are using controller
HunnidBands Huncho mostly yes and in the list that ubisoft releases of the problems mouse and keyboard was one of the main issues, they’re asking the player base for help because they do consider it cheating and when you’re got there will be a lot of permabans and the main idea right now is to build an algorithm that can detect mnk users insanely high sensitivity/dpi and their W,A,S,D movement only being able to go in eight directions instead of the the regular 360 rotation for players
"Defenders have too much utility" Ubisoft: youre right, community. We have lisgened to your concerns and have decided to add 2 proximity alarms to each defender and make it so you cant get in site without the entire enemy team knowing your exact location
Joseluis Salas Dang didn’t know that barbed wire, gu mines, grzmot mines, kapkan traps, goyo shields, valk cams, yokai drones, bulletproof cams, maestro cams, deployable shields, bandit batteries, mute jammers, kaid claws and melusi’s banshee were soft breach. Guess the proximity mine just isn’t like any of those things, huh?
@@manlamp7531 ouuu im sorry i dont got a big boy brain with many folds like you king obviously you're intellectually superior to everyone who doesn't like the current state of siege
Pertaining to the “they dont listen” question Matt forgets that console exists too...a problem the devs also have. If you arent on pc youre shit outta luck and better hope pc players complain about the same thing you do and still there are 200+ more issues that are console exclusive but will never be fixed🤷🏽♂️
@@justinmellem8964 No, PC players actually got involved with that saying it was ridiculous on console. A bunch of PC TH-camrs for example were even addressing it, that was just how bad it was
With the upcoming release of the next gen consoles do you think siege should add a system to transfer your items if you decide to swift to a different console (Xbox to ps) or to a pc, it’ll make it much easier to switch. #sundaymailbox
I think they said if you change into the next gen but same type ie PlayStation to PlayStation or Xbox to Xbox then it will transfer but I don’t think they will do cross platform account transfer
Goatracer 17 ye it ruins it as well because b4 we got a trailer and like a week b4 the pros got to play the final few matches with them and that was it now we have to sit there playing the same opps while pc get them early and already have strats made the first day we get to play w them
@generic generic and his own sense of importance. and the general sense that he is better than average. and the overwhelming amount of effort he does to keep his voice low. christ, he really developed a god complex on his channel
"Doesnt listen to the community." Ya they nerfed Ela's gun recoil because she got better... When literally everybody said to nerf the mines as they were the issue. Now they nerfed the mines, but they havent unnerfed the latest nerf. Like bruh.
So you want them to go back to when Ela had 0 recoil so plebs who can't control guns can pick up kills ONLY because she fires laser straight? No thanks.
@@jabbahut755 Bruh I call bullshit, so what if it cost money? They only take statistics from literally I'd probably say a 20% of community (people who are diamonds on PC) and they implement changes that affect the whole game
I'm a PC player and I agree that consoles need this feature. I can't live without it and I'm sure it would add some quality of life improvements for console players.
Goyo was and still is a really strong operator and new kanal is decent. Warden is decent but jager is better and nokk is only good on bank basement. amaru is just memes
“Ubisoft does listen to us” Hahahahaha yeah right, later on you say they only listen when we make a big fuss about it. That’s the problem, we shouldn’t have to make big fusses about issues.
@@markusevanger I used to have similar mindset as you did, but after recent directions that ubisoft headed, along with problem and balancing issue they don't fix about, I think they are actually stop caring at this point
Sang Min Kim, Personally i dont think theyre throwing the game, and they probably arent but no one knows at this point the future, but i definitely see the recent downspiral and how it might affect the game down the line
Hey Matimi0, do you think that the progress should be saved when defenders are disabling the defuser? If one teammate dies, another can continue without having to do the whole 7 seconds. This would at least give defenders an advantage on the flip side where as attackers can still plant with no time left on the clock.
The question is though, should you be able to change it on the fly, or in the settings. Because which way you’re peeking or holding your gun could give you an advantage or disadvantage
What do you think about if Ubisoft added a new attachment slot for magazines where you could choose between a magazine with a faster reload time but less ammo count, or a magazine with more ammo count but slower reload time? How drastically could this change things?
I’m glad they are adding a color blind filter. One of my friends is color blind and can’t see red, The pre-buff kapkan was a problem back then because of this. I remember me and my other friends had to scream into our microphones every time he went up to a doorway if we saw the red laser just because he was unable to see it. This is ridiculous how long it took them to add this especially since this guy has been playing since the launch of the game and even played the beta and was at a disadvantage to other players the entire time
Hey matt i wanted you to talk about the server issues , on console i had massive lag spikes and matches lost anf got penalty because of server problems
If ubi didn't listen most of the things we've gotten over the past 5 years wouldn't be in the game. The community needs to figure out what they want first before they start criticizing something, or someone.
#Sundaymailbox as a casual player of Siege, do you think that maybe they add back maps and night variations that were taken from casual? The truth is that as a casual player, I feel that the lack of content hurts the experience more than "unbalanced" maps(Which are still in rotation regardless). As a casual player, the goal is to have fun and I did have fun, as unbalanced as it was. We have unranked for those who want a competitive experience anyway.
Totally agree, they really screwed over casual cuz they keep trying to make it like ranked, but a solid chunk of players (maybe the majority) don't want a super "competitive" game but a fun one
What do you think of a defibrillator operator? They would be a 2 speed 2 armor attacker that has one charge, and can only revive someone if they haven’t been headshotted or killed by an explosive. It takes 5 seconds and the person revived gets spawned at 50 health.
The fact that they still let the ying buff go through the tts even when everyone said it was op just shows they dont listen. Cause the tts was implemented to test out changes and make modifications but they clearly dont do the modifications
Do you think they should add a 45-sec timeout feature to r6 ranked and unranked like the one in csgo there have been times where I needed to go to the bathroom or do something for a few seconds and the round started and I've already died or I get kicked for afk, this would also help for planning out a strat with your teammates
What do you think about R6 having challenges to earn rewards like weapon variants, or do u think they would even add that into the game.Just like in Modern Warfare?
@@MrComputerCoder right now understandable but back then they had time to do better and yet look what happened to operation health we were supposed to get a polish season but no we had to wait for 3-4 months of barely any content/new things just to come through and also look what happened at operation phantom sight that explains ubisoft stupidity and lack of common sense to do better but they make it worse. Ubisoft knows what they are doing they just don't care because money is king.
Question for Sunday Mailbox- If your could bring back one thing that used to be in Siege what would it be? For me it would be the rematching option after a Ranked game.
What do you think about reworking jackal so that his drones can see “hot” meaning the enemy is closer and “colder” meaning the enemy is further footprints? after a certain amount of time maybe the footprints disappear when too cold.
That's.... literally what his gadget do right now... The footprint range from Red to Blue, with red being the most recent and give 6 pings, and Blue giving 2
Do you think there should be a new operator that has a shield that you can press into the ground and it throws out a emp effect like thatcher but it has a bigger range and can only be used twice but he gets the smg 11
Question-> do you thing they should make it so if u down an Enemy and a teammate takes your kill it should count as you kill as you have done the hardwork for someone else to get the k/d? It works well in worzone so I feel it would be a small improvement?
Sunday Mailbox: #sundaymailbox Aside from rainbow, what has been your favorite (or top 3) favorite multiplayer games that have come out in the last 5 or so years?
Do you think Blackbeard needs a rework on the level of the tachanka one. I remember when announced rework for tachanka but we haven’t heard anything since. From what they showed it seems like it might be a good idea to do the same to Blackbeard, what do you think?
Hi, do any of you guys have any tips to stop caring about Kills, recently I have been finishing bottom of the team a lot However I haven’t really died a lot yet I keep on getting frustrated at the fact I can’t play aswell as my friends, are there any tips you have to stop caring
What do you think of making it so that when cameras spot you, you get a directional cue similar to being shot? Well-placed cameras can be impossible for anyone except IQ to find, never mind hidden drones. Would this be too big a nerf to the intel game, or would it be a good way to encourage selective spotting?
Hey Matimio, what do you think about this: having an operation with no new operators but having a full fixing on sound and hitboxes (ash specially) and introducing new map and during that time think in new ideas for upcoming operators with new guns and cool abilities
Sunday/Monday Mailbox Question~ what do you think about a nerf to echo where he gets 5 stuns with each drone instead on 2 that are infinitely recharging. Could this be a viable way to decrease his ban rate?
Do you think that rainbow six siege should have a map selection screen before going into matchmaking similar to what counter strike has, you would be able to select a variety of maps that you liked to play and you would only be able to play in games that have the maps you selected, i would really like it in ranked but what do you think of implementing at least in casual? (sorry for my english i’m italian)
Do you think that after we have 70bor so ops in the game uni could implement opponent bans? Each team would ban on op for the other that would still be available for themselves.
Do you think that some body parts shouldn’t take as much damage impact as the chest and the head ex. The chest takes full damage of the firearm being used but the limbs take less damage
A delay of five-or-so seconds would probably fix some of the problems with giving too much information in a Valorant-style death screen. I'd like to see that feature implemented for sure!
Why do you think that they got rid of Echos shield and replaced it with impact grenades? To me, it just doesn’t make sense with his gadget and doesn’t fit this operator.
There are still a lot of bugs I still encounter since the game came out. When i look at the objective and it doesnt get marked in the planning phase. Why has that never been fixed?
So what would u think of a buff of jackal that meant that he could see feet through smoke and that when he activated his Visors he could see through the smoke slightly for the first second and has a 10 second cool down so it can’t be spammed and a buff for warden were he could have his glasses on at anytime for no cool down
Tower was and is still underappreciated as a map. It forced you and your teammates to communicate in some way to ensure success. It made picking operators more important as there were more surfaces to destroy etc.
What do you think about a permanent mode with only the original maps and operators? I've been out of the game for over a year now, and the thing holding me back is learning new maps and operators while also trying to relearn the game.
What do you think of having the ability to change the knife command to pressing the bumpers at the same time. This would stop console players from accidentally knifing when trying to lean right
I've played siege for about 200 hours and I still have a KD of 0.65, and I ranked Bronze 4 last season. Do you have any tips on how I could improve? - Otis K
What about a setting in rainbow six siege where for you toggle your lean to the side for console where it is the same buttons where you have to ads and push down a stick but it stays leaned until you sprint or lean the other way
Matt you’ve never done one of my questions but maybe this time :D How would you feel if Blackbeard instead of having a shield was given 1x magazine (for his automatic) or 2x magazines (for his dmr) of incendiary ammo that would allow him to shoot through (at a lowered damage) reinforced walls allowing him to stop bandit tricks and mute jammers as well as being a secondary counter to Merria?
#Sundaymailbox Hey matt do you think instead of a eilte skin that is only based in the past what do you think of skins that based on the future? For example mute will get the outfit from KZSF with a different animation and skins?
What do you think about a balancing mechanism to ash, maybe converting her to a 2 speed and returning her acog making her more tactical but at the same time lowering her mobility.
What are your thoughts on a timeout system in ranked? Each team would get one and it would be a unanimous vote. This would be great for if someone disconnects or just to talk strategy
Says that Ubisoft recently outlined them working on the games problems but fails to mention the stuff they mentioned, we're things that we had already been complaining about for years. The only reason they just now acknowledged it is because everyone finally complained about it out loud.
With the damage outputs being displayed just make it to where it shows how much the person who killed you did then you have to do the quick maths with how much health you had. It would help newer players keep track of their health when they see they're dying quickly
Do you think that the silencer should be improved? Maybe in the way that when you kill someone, when using a silencer, the killcam wont be shown. Sorry for my bad English
What do you think of giving each armor type a tempory/permanent buff when they revive someone like for example 3 armors giving a down player 25 more health when revived or 1 armors giving a 10 sec speed boost to the revived player and 2 armors giving both health and speed but the boost and health are reduced Tldr: each armor types when revived give either more health, speed or both
Do you think that flashbangs should be more like csgo? Because in r6 the flashbangs are very broken. Like sometimes you see the flashbang and turn your face to dont stay blind, however in r6 you are going to be blind anyway
We console players got really fucked with ying because just now she got the nerf so instead of her being OP for a week she was OP for 5 weeks
i hardly saw her being played and i play plat 2/1 on ps4
Part of the issues with this is sony/Microsoft policy with updates
@@jacobsampson1903 Exactly and that is what people forget. To bring an update onto the consoles Sony/Microsoft has to verify it first which can take up some time especially in current times
No one even uses ying so whatever
Just play warden bro!!!
I feel like Ubisoft needs to step up and solve the problems that console players have. The fact that every player above gold two is using mause and keyboard is dumb.
Please like this comment so he could address it in his next video
Will do.
Thats a sony / Microsoft problem . Out of ubisofts hands . People go out there way to but hardware to trick the system into thinking they are using controller
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Give in to the dark side... >:)
HunnidBands Huncho mostly yes and in the list that ubisoft releases of the problems mouse and keyboard was one of the main issues, they’re asking the player base for help because they do consider it cheating and when you’re got there will be a lot of permabans and the main idea right now is to build an algorithm that can detect mnk users insanely high sensitivity/dpi and their W,A,S,D movement only being able to go in eight directions instead of the the regular 360 rotation for players
"Defenders have too much utility" Ubisoft: youre right, community. We have lisgened to your concerns and have decided to add 2 proximity alarms to each defender and make it so you cant get in site without the entire enemy team knowing your exact location
The utility issue is specifically about soft breach. A proximity alarm doesn't add to it.
Joseluis Salas Dang didn’t know that barbed wire, gu mines, grzmot mines, kapkan traps, goyo shields, valk cams, yokai drones, bulletproof cams, maestro cams, deployable shields, bandit batteries, mute jammers, kaid claws and melusi’s banshee were soft breach. Guess the proximity mine just isn’t like any of those things, huh?
Go play COD if you cant shoot gadgets
@@manlamp7531 ouuu im sorry i dont got a big boy brain with many folds like you king obviously you're intellectually superior to everyone who doesn't like the current state of siege
When you are afraid of adapting to the new meta so you complain
Pertaining to the “they dont listen” question Matt forgets that console exists too...a problem the devs also have. If you arent on pc youre shit outta luck and better hope pc players complain about the same thing you do and still there are 200+ more issues that are console exclusive but will never be fixed🤷🏽♂️
I honestly think you are just playing the victim (I'm on console). For example they nerfed ela shotgun even tho it was only ever a issue on console.
@@justinmellem8964 No, PC players actually got involved with that saying it was ridiculous on console. A bunch of PC TH-camrs for example were even addressing it, that was just how bad it was
Easy fix get a PC
@@Ikirumix shut👌
And some!
Matimi0 should make a series thats once a month called Tilted Tuesday
Hire this man affective immediately
Rt see you touching,
@@brentonfranco9044 what do you think it means to be tilted?
This sounds more like a project for BikiniBodhi lmfao
With the upcoming release of the next gen consoles do you think siege should add a system to transfer your items if you decide to swift to a different console (Xbox to ps) or to a pc, it’ll make it much easier to switch. #sundaymailbox
I think they said if you change into the next gen but same type ie PlayStation to PlayStation or Xbox to Xbox then it will transfer but I don’t think they will do cross platform account transfer
Aaron Van Dender yeah I heard that to like you can just put the disk in the same next gen console and it’ll work
Sam Dunn thats Dunn of them, they have to stuff to do it with the Ubisoft club account
They have said that they’re looking into cross-save
If you’re on PS4 and you move to ps5 you will keep the skins and everything but if you move from PS4 to Xbox you won’t keep skins
PC player here to say the console community gets shafted hard on updates.
Ye it sucks
They should rework and balance separately TBH, some games like overwatch do it slightly with certain heroes
We dont even have anything to do when people play the tts and we have to wait 4 weeks longer now for new content
Goatracer 17 ye it ruins it as well because b4 we got a trailer and like a week b4 the pros got to play the final few matches with them and that was it now we have to sit there playing the same opps while pc get them early and already have strats made the first day we get to play w them
Mainly because sony/Microsoft have to check it first
They don’t care about console that’s for sure.
I dont care about console too
Completely agree. Console needs more love. Way to many bugs and issues on console
They never cared about console
The new season goes firstly on consoles..
*Laughs in PC Master Race*
Ubi doesn’t listen to console players they only cater to pros and youtubers/streamers
That’s why he always defends Ubi when everyone knows what he’s saying is low key the opposite
How bout console playing youtubers?
Ima a youtuber and they don’t listen to me 😐
Like we haven’t gotten the update that pc got a month ago
It definitely feels that way sometimes
*players at higher levels only hit headshots” (unless you’re varsity gaming)
Sad but true ):
@generic generic and his own sense of importance.
and the general sense that he is better than average.
and the overwhelming amount of effort he does to keep his voice low.
christ, he really developed a god complex on his channel
@@sauloaugustomartino803 do you need some milk bro?
Yes please.
to stir with my tea
Saulo Augusto Martino nah. Varsity is a cool guy imo.
“A lot of changes are being made based off of community feedback” yes, such as the house rework
house rework is good
"Doesnt listen to the community."
Ya they nerfed Ela's gun recoil because she got better... When literally everybody said to nerf the mines as they were the issue. Now they nerfed the mines, but they havent unnerfed the latest nerf. Like bruh.
So you want them to go back to when Ela had 0 recoil so plebs who can't control guns can pick up kills ONLY because she fires laser straight? No thanks.
Grim TheFangKing he never said that
They don’t listen to CONSOLE
That's because people like Wings aka Richard play on console, lmao.
Can't bro. They have limited opportunities for changes due to the cost of pushing updates.
@@jabbahut755 Bruh I call bullshit, so what if it cost money? They only take statistics from literally I'd probably say a 20% of community (people who are diamonds on PC) and they implement changes that affect the whole game
Ur bald
Phantom Sight was my least favorite season because
-Hacker pandemic
-Jäger shield glitch
-IQ claymore glitch
-Trash operators
Thank god i was gone for like 4 weeks of it
-introduction of Casual map rotation
What was the claymore glitch I’ve never seen it and never found out
Can we please make a big fuss about an fov slider for console then please
Please. Please. Please
I'm a PC player and I agree that consoles need this feature. I can't live without it and I'm sure it would add some quality of life improvements for console players.
Fov is useless in siege dw
The issue is a larger fov is harder for the console to render so it may effect the smoothness of the game
People who think the valorant death stats system is new makes me feel old as a counter strike 1.6 player back in the day
*The ammount of damage by shot made to your body was present in the first year of the game IIRC, but it was removed for no reason*
It was removed because hot reg was shit
"I didn't like white noise and phantom sight"
ember rise: exists
Uwoof phantom sight was by far the worst
Laughs in blood orchid... ela release
@@martin4005 Chimera enters the discussion
Goyo was and still is a really strong operator and new kanal is decent. Warden is decent but jager is better and nokk is only good on bank basement. amaru is just memes
Futuristic Gaming they changes in grim sky were great though
A way to eliminate the dead body issue is for after someone dies 5 seconds or so to have the bodies despawn or something along those lines
“Ubisoft does listen to us”
Hahahahaha yeah right, later on you say they only listen when we make a big fuss about it. That’s the problem, we shouldn’t have to make big fusses about issues.
Yup and obviously they’re gonna change stuff when everyone making a big fuss they don’t wanna lose players (money) 😂😂
They Do listen, they just don’t care
Didn’t they try to fix the ddos problem?
Aidan Animations they tried, this has been a fucking issue since year 1
What a horribly ignorant thing to say, the people who make the game are the ones who cares the most
@@markusevanger I used to have similar mindset as you did, but after recent directions that ubisoft headed, along with problem and balancing issue they don't fix about, I think they are actually stop caring at this point
Sang Min Kim, Personally i dont think theyre throwing the game, and they probably arent but no one knows at this point the future, but i definitely see the recent downspiral and how it might affect the game down the line
Hey Matimi0, do you think that the progress should be saved when defenders are disabling the defuser? If one teammate dies, another can continue without having to do the whole 7 seconds. This would at least give defenders an advantage on the flip side where as attackers can still plant with no time left on the clock.
I really, really want a left-hand view model like cs go has.
The question is though, should you be able to change it on the fly, or in the settings. Because which way you’re peeking or holding your gun could give you an advantage or disadvantage
Gamepocalypse Gaming The models already do this when you lean. When you lean left they shift the gun to their left hand
@@deejaythedj313 no they don't
DeeJay the DJ do they? I’ve never noticed this. I’ll check.
DeeJay the DJ literally just checked looking at Matimi0s thumbnails. They don’t.
I'm pretty sure these was a system that tells us who did the damage in the kill cam but they removed it .
Yeah, damage log
Yeah I remember seeing this in kill cams before but it doesn't exist now for some reason
@@lordeddy05 yes exactly .
@@janjon they removed it in parrabellum
You still alive ???
What if warden's glasses automatically activate when a stun or a smoke is near them? Ti good or just right?
I think that it should be that you shouldn’t have to sit still and that it just slowly clears your screen
i think it’d be tough for them to detect that
Give him p90 dammit
They should make him 3 speed and do this and give his MPX ACOG
Give him a duffel bag of smart spectacles to pass around to hia teammates like Rook.
"Listens to the Community"
Still no goddamn Ranked SoloQ or SoloQ protections for some reason though...
What do you think about if Ubisoft added a new attachment slot for magazines where you could choose between a magazine with a faster reload time but less ammo count, or a magazine with more ammo count but slower reload time? How drastically could this change things?
I’m glad they are adding a color blind filter. One of my friends is color blind and can’t see red, The pre-buff kapkan was a problem back then because of this. I remember me and my other friends had to scream into our microphones every time he went up to a doorway if we saw the red laser just because he was unable to see it. This is ridiculous how long it took them to add this especially since this guy has been playing since the launch of the game and even played the beta and was at a disadvantage to other players the entire time
Hey matt i wanted you to talk about the server issues , on console i had massive lag spikes and matches lost anf got penalty because of server problems
Same dude
The servers, at least on console, have been atrocious as of late - just another problem added on top of multiple others.
and uplay!
I thought it was just me, ubisoft just gave me a ban for leaving when I was in the middle of a match.
I get disconnected from Siege servers while in a match and when I finish the match I don't get any renown, xp, or % for packs
If ubi didn't listen most of the things we've gotten over the past 5 years wouldn't be in the game. The community needs to figure out what they want first before they start criticizing something, or someone.
This ☝️
#Sundaymailbox as a casual player of Siege, do you think that maybe they add back maps and night variations that were taken from casual? The truth is that as a casual player, I feel that the lack of content hurts the experience more than "unbalanced" maps(Which are still in rotation regardless). As a casual player, the goal is to have fun and I did have fun, as unbalanced as it was. We have unranked for those who want a competitive experience anyway.
Totally agree, they really screwed over casual cuz they keep trying to make it like ranked, but a solid chunk of players (maybe the majority) don't want a super "competitive" game but a fun one
Money over anything when it comes to ubisoft especially during Covid 19
@@Michael4600 A majority - yes. But a silent one. We comment and forum people are a minority in the majority.
What do you think of a defibrillator operator? They would be a 2 speed 2 armor attacker that has one charge, and can only revive someone if they haven’t been headshotted or killed by an explosive. It takes 5 seconds and the person revived gets spawned at 50 health.
What do you think about bots joining the team when someone leaves the game, like the bots in CS:GO, which can be controlled by dead players?
I feel like in a game like siege where you can get shot from ridiculous angles and quick reflexes i feel like it wont do much but be fodder
That would be op imo. Someone can die and switch to the bot and prefire where the died from
@@dylan3303 I mean, you can do the same thing with comms.
@@darkangel5134 Maybe only 20 points for bot kill or smth will make it fine
Oh ubi listens to their community. Only if they're on PC tho.
They don’t listen to pc, they listen to pros and big streamers.. which tend to be more on pc
Wardens' good looks and his running animation(s) was literally the most whelming thing to people about him
The fact that they still let the ying buff go through the tts even when everyone said it was op just shows they dont listen. Cause the tts was implemented to test out changes and make modifications but they clearly dont do the modifications
Do you think they should add a 45-sec timeout feature to r6 ranked and unranked like the one in csgo there have been times where I needed to go to the bathroom or do something for a few seconds and the round started and I've already died or I get kicked for afk, this would also help for planning out a strat with your teammates
Ubisoft: adds ops with frags and annoying throwables
Siege players: uses jager to counter them.
Ubisoft: gotcha nerf jager. Too overpowered
at 2:04 there was a change to the boards in bank so that they are now horizontal on the ceiling instead of verticle and on the walls
What do you think about R6 having challenges to earn rewards like weapon variants, or do u think they would even add that into the game.Just like in Modern Warfare?
😂😂😂😂 do u even play siege
This has been in the game since
Year 1
Réveil toi mon gas. T
Un nouveau
Those days are long gone ever since some corporate skeez realized how much money it would make to just sell them.
Shmink bro they regularly give out skin with challenges for operator birthday or Christmas or any event
Such a damage graph system already was in the game since the beginning (year 1 and some of year 2 i think) idk why they removed it
"they address it" ya like a year later.
2 years later*
Software development takes a long time. It is normal with the traditional development model.
@@MrComputerCoder right now understandable but back then they had time to do better and yet look what happened to operation health we were supposed to get a polish season but no we had to wait for 3-4 months of barely any content/new things just to come through and also look what happened at operation phantom sight that explains ubisoft stupidity and lack of common sense to do better but they make it worse. Ubisoft knows what they are doing they just don't care because money is king.
Point Breakit takes a year to add colourblind mode?
Question for Sunday Mailbox- If your could bring back one thing that used to be in Siege what would it be? For me it would be the rematching option after a Ranked game.
Iv been playing since release and I can’t even remember that mine would defo be bandits acog
Barlett U
The old SMG 11 with ACOG and less recoil 😂 that was a funtime
What do you think about reworking jackal so that his drones can see “hot” meaning the enemy is closer and “colder” meaning the enemy is further footprints? after a certain amount of time maybe the footprints disappear when too cold.
That's.... literally what his gadget do right now...
The footprint range from Red to Blue, with red being the most recent and give 6 pings, and Blue giving 2
Didn't there used to be a damage recap in the killcam? Now that I think about it, I haven't seen it in a long time but I never looked at it anyway.
They got rid of it in Para Bellum I think
DillyDilly. Was it that long ago I used to live that cuz I could always see what one of my friends shot me and cap them next round
I didn’t even notice that they got rid of that but yeah I do remember that. That’s crazy that they took it out and I didn’t notice
Do you think there should be a new operator that has a shield that you can press into the ground and it throws out a emp effect like thatcher but it has a bigger range and can only be used twice but he gets the smg 11
Great idea but no on the shield everyone hates shields.
Ubisoft nerfed Ying after a week. Yeah, on pc they did. We’ve still had to deal with it for almost two months on console.
Question-> do you thing they should make it so if u down an Enemy and a teammate takes your kill it should count as you kill as you have done the hardwork for someone else to get the k/d? It works well in worzone so I feel it would be a small improvement?
Sunday Mailbox: #sundaymailbox
Aside from rainbow, what has been your favorite (or top 3) favorite multiplayer games that have come out in the last 5 or so years?
Do you think Blackbeard needs a rework on the level of the tachanka one. I remember when announced rework for tachanka but we haven’t heard anything since. From what they showed it seems like it might be a good idea to do the same to Blackbeard, what do you think?
That would be nice, blackboard is a joke to me, until I have to play against him lol
Hi, do any of you guys have any tips to stop caring about Kills, recently I have been finishing bottom of the team a lot However I haven’t really died a lot yet I keep on getting frustrated at the fact I can’t play aswell as my friends, are there any tips you have to stop caring
What do you think of making it so that when cameras spot you, you get a directional cue similar to being shot? Well-placed cameras can be impossible for anyone except IQ to find, never mind hidden drones. Would this be too big a nerf to the intel game, or would it be a good way to encourage selective spotting?
There's literally red flashing light that says: "You're being spotted"
As I quit Rainbow, I say goodbye to you my friend, keep up the good work 😔🤧
Hey Matimio, what do you think about this: having an operation with no new operators but having a full fixing on sound and hitboxes (ash specially) and introducing new map and during that time think in new ideas for upcoming operators with new guns and cool abilities
You mean Operation Health?
Elysiumm over here , was great fun playing with you on Bank !!! 💪 Cheers
Sunday/Monday Mailbox Question~ what do you think about a nerf to echo where he gets 5 stuns with each drone instead on 2 that are infinitely recharging. Could this be a viable way to decrease his ban rate?
Do you think that rainbow six siege should have a map selection screen before going into matchmaking similar to what counter strike has, you would be able to select a variety of maps that you liked to play and you would only be able to play in games that have the maps you selected, i would really like it in ranked but what do you think of implementing at least in casual?
(sorry for my english i’m italian)
Do you think that after we have 70bor so ops in the game uni could implement opponent bans? Each team would ban on op for the other that would still be available for themselves.
How would you feel about a Nomad buff? Where when an operator is thrown through a wall they take damage like Oryx does running through a wall.
The r6tab ingame overlay already logs the damage you take during a match so it doesn’t seem far fetched for ubi to add it
Do you think that some body parts shouldn’t take as much damage impact as the chest and the head ex. The chest takes full damage of the firearm being used but the limbs take less damage
Is the new season actually dropping tmrw?
"Good things comes to those who wait."
Louis Ebbli yes
Ksg in rainbow your thoughts on that
A delay of five-or-so seconds would probably fix some of the problems with giving too much information in a Valorant-style death screen. I'd like to see that feature implemented for sure!
The increase in questions being answered per episode is fantastic to see
Nag give him another gun that scar is complexly was mabey give him the 416 w acog
Why do you think that they got rid of Echos shield and replaced it with impact grenades?
To me, it just doesn’t make sense with his gadget and doesn’t fit this operator.
There are still a lot of bugs I still encounter since the game came out. When i look at the objective and it doesnt get marked in the planning phase. Why has that never been fixed?
Me: **See’s title**
*Yes, we’ve known this.*
So what would u think of a buff of jackal that meant that he could see feet through smoke and that when he activated his Visors he could see through the smoke slightly for the first second and has a 10 second cool down so it can’t be spammed and a buff for warden were he could have his glasses on at anytime for no cool down
Tower was and is still underappreciated as a map. It forced you and your teammates to communicate in some way to ensure success. It made picking operators more important as there were more surfaces to destroy etc.
Should rook get a buff by adding two mags of ammo for each armor plate pick up ?
What do you think about a permanent mode with only the original maps and operators? I've been out of the game for over a year now, and the thing holding me back is learning new maps and operators while also trying to relearn the game.
Mattimo is slowly moving more and more to Monday mailbox instead of Sunday mailbox because he finally realized that mail doesn’t come on Sunday
What do you think of having the ability to change the knife command to pressing the bumpers at the same time. This would stop console players from accidentally knifing when trying to lean right
How do you feel about theme park map do you think that it should be taken out of ranked because of how defensive heavy?
I've played siege for about 200 hours and I still have a KD of 0.65, and I ranked Bronze 4 last season. Do you have any tips on how I could improve?
- Otis K
What about a setting in rainbow six siege where for you toggle your lean to the side for console where it is the same buttons where you have to ads and push down a stick but it stays leaned until you sprint or lean the other way
Matt you’ve never done one of my questions but maybe this time :D How would you feel if Blackbeard instead of having a shield was given 1x magazine (for his automatic) or 2x magazines (for his dmr) of incendiary ammo that would allow him to shoot through (at a lowered damage) reinforced walls allowing him to stop bandit tricks and mute jammers as well as being a secondary counter to Merria?
Thatcher already does that quite well and you are forgetting that maid is a thing and Mira would fuck him up
Velvet shell was my first season when I started playing the game. Agree about the map and operators
Hey matt do you think instead of a eilte skin that is only based in the past what do you think of skins that based on the future? For example mute will get the outfit from KZSF with a different animation and skins?
Honorable mention for parabellum as favorite season. Villa with maestro and alibi. Great map. One strong op. One fun op.
Is there. A battle pass coming out tomorrow ? Can someone answer because I haven’t been sure if one was coming out !
What attackers and defenders do you have fun playing the most right now?
What do you think about a balancing mechanism to ash, maybe converting her to a 2 speed and returning her acog making her more tactical but at the same time lowering her mobility.
What are your thoughts on a timeout system in ranked? Each team would get one and it would be a unanimous vote. This would be great for if someone disconnects or just to talk strategy
True but that could be really annoying for some people and some situations if you really need to go
Says that Ubisoft recently outlined them working on the games problems but fails to mention the stuff they mentioned, we're things that we had already been complaining about for years. The only reason they just now acknowledged it is because everyone finally complained about it out loud.
If you were to design a character what would it be? And if you were to create an ‘event’ what would it be?
What is your opinion on the Oregon map rework do u think it was necessary or was Ubisoft out of ideas
With the damage outputs being displayed just make it to where it shows how much the person who killed you did then you have to do the quick maths with how much health you had. It would help newer players keep track of their health when they see they're dying quickly
Do you think that the silencer should be improved? Maybe in the way that when you kill someone, when using a silencer, the killcam wont be shown. Sorry for my bad English
on the new house, there are metal bars on one of the windows. what do you think about that?
About the valorant after death sequence ist that the old why seige did it?
What maps should Ubisoft add or get rid of in ranked as maps like outback are very defender favored?
Theme park is still shit
Outback is shit as well
Do you think original house should be left in custom games and t hunt?
[ Just Drizzy] ye
What would you think about ubisoft creating a weekly article to talk to the community similar to Bungies "This week at bungie"? #sundaymailbox
What do you think of giving each armor type a tempory/permanent buff when they revive someone like for example 3 armors giving a down player 25 more health when revived or 1 armors giving a 10 sec speed boost to the revived player and 2 armors giving both health and speed but the boost and health are reduced
Tldr: each armor types when revived give either more health, speed or both
Do you think that flashbangs should be more like csgo? Because in r6 the flashbangs are very broken. Like sometimes you see the flashbang and turn your face to dont stay blind, however in r6 you are going to be blind anyway
Warden buff:he works like finka if a team mate is getting flashbanged he does his special which makes every op unblinded
Do you think that Ubisoft should provide the Stats and W/L for operators in console Plat/Diamond/Champion ranks?
Question:Should Ubisoft add the kick button only if a teammate tks? So player's won't be kicked for no reason