Erik N. I remember someone said Ubi couldn’t done that because the current game engine make it too hard to do it, so Ubi choose the easy way, just give those holo default skin and forget Alibi
@@Bim2403 halo reach 9 years old and the holograms changed depending on how your character looked. If an old game on an old engine could do it, there's really no excuse. Ubi makes a huge buck on this game, alibi NEEDS this quality of life change.
Wow, that last question has to be one of the stupidest ones in the history of Mailbox lmao. Yeah, lets just have a single button called "free smurf" without having to reverse boost first. I'm, sure that would make the copper and silver players *love* the game even more.
@@JaeGroove people that want to change up the monotony of the game and choose a new gun. Which is why you still see Dodecahedrons with the BOSG... Dodecahedron = Dokk.
conor macleod that would actually be Cool, Do you risk the faster plant but if smoke gases you whilst planting you’ll die super quick? Interesting idea
@Matim0 What if Warden was buffed so that his gadget had a cooldown like Vigil’s? Because when you turn them off they have to recharge the full way before you can turn them on again
Watermelon wolf as someone who is (for the most part) heavily against Warden getting a buff, this is one of the few things I could accept because it would make sense that he’d be just like any other “gauge meter” operator.
"If they did this it could make echo obsolete" I'd argue he's already obsolete being banned as much as he is just think about it when's the last time you actually went up against a competent echo? Probably it was due to another defender being more powerful in certain maps ie: pulse on coastline
what I hate about people is that Echo is really easily countered, people just cant stand being bursted without scanning for the Yokai. hes gonna get nerfed because people don't like echo and ban him as a comfort pick
There is no need to nerf echo if ubi finally figures out how to fix IQ gadget. She's 3 speed, has great guns, and the idea of her gadget is amazing but as it is makes it useless. Make it like a scanner from dragonball attached to one eye or like the cardiac sensor in COD
#Sundaymailbox What do you think of an operator that has a screen attached to the side of their primary weapon. The last drone you viewed can be seen on the screen, but you cannot move or spot with it. You could also flip away the screen. It would be a great way to watch flanks while still playing the game.
I think a better way of doing it would be, after an echo drone stuns someone, the echo drone needs 5 seconds or so to recharge, meaning the drone cannot move. This allows the attacker planting to find the echo and destroy it. This means that echo can still deny plants, but make it less frustrating as the attacker can take out the echo drone easily and plant again. This delays the planting time without being OP
@@darioschottlender for example Monti and blitz shouldn't have the same time to go from shield to ads ,Monti deserved the nerf but blitz became kinda weak in my opinion.
I like playing either of those 2 but I’m the only person who is ever willing to bring a hard breacher. I love IQ but I’m going to bring a thermite over her anytime
if that echo redesign goes through then they need to double the effect that is given and if the player gets hit a second and double the plant time if they get hit while planting, including every single hit beforehand (empl 6->12, 12->24, 24->48, 48->96[1:36])
#MondayMailbox What do you think about a defensive operator who can place down a device which automatically spots anyone who walks within a 1 or 2 metre radius every second?
What do you think about an operator that has a flip site like glaz on a full auto weapon but without a the ability to highlight enemies or see through smoke
I think that in the new call of duty the guns need some work, they feel too easy to control and in some cases you can even counter snipe snipers with AR's from across the map. I just feel they need some adjustments. Shotguns also feel underwhelming in comparison to everything else.
SOMEONE needs to fix this issue, the amount of times ive played matches and gotten killed only to watch the killcam with the person whom killed me spinning and twitching at a speed that just makes you stop and go "wow, really? for real my dude?"
Do think that ubisoft should make ela’s smg recoil in line with the other smgs on console because no one on xbox plays her anymore. It is also easy to control on pc but on console
Someone whos a legit plat or diamond who wants to go from copper to diamond for the bragging rights but whats there to brag about or accomplish? Theyre beating people who are still learning the game and I don't see the point except to boost ego when they win 30 games in a row cause everyone was in copper bronze and silver
Z unfortunately, that would get abused too easily by people unhappy with where they were placed. Also, what’s to say you won’t get DDoSed in your redo placement matches? It would be a bandaid on a bullet wound. But I agree, DDoSing is the absolute worst.
Do you think it was a good idea with the new update on Siege, removing you from being able to switch severs by yourself a good idea? You can still switch severs through a friend.
Here’s my submission for the upcoming episode: What do you think about operator on defense that can throw reinforcements similar to how Kaid throws his electroclaws that can be used on any reinforceable surface?
What do you think about adding a scope somewhere in between acog and reflex to counter the issues. Also what about an operator that can patch thermite walls or hibana charges. It would be like a foam that can be deployed to a wall that has been breached either hard or soft?
That “place lowest possible rank” option was so dumb I solo queued placements and had awful teammates so lost a fair few games and got placed silver. I literally ruined games up until I got back to plat and it just wasn’t fun for anybody. They shouldn’t have had to fight somebody way above their rank imagine this constantly happening. You’d just ruin the game for low ranked players
#SundayMailbox What do you think of a defensive operator in siege that can put up an indestructible wall somewhere? They would be allowed to place them over soft walls or set it in a hallway to create a new blocked route
Do you think there should be a patch to allow mvp players to play elite animations if they own the elite skin but don't have it equipped?Sometimes I think the default skin would just look better with it.
#sundaymailbox what do you think about a defense operator with bouncing bettys kind of like a kapkan and frost mix but they arent a one shot but do like 60 damage?
Do you think there should be a health indicator in kill cams? Whenever I die I always have asked myself “How much health do they have?!” And I think having the bar visible during the replay would be useful for figuring out issues and seeing what happened more specifically.
#Sundaymailbox Hi Matt, what's your option on a new weapon attachment option to choose from other than the laser sight? I was thinking of a " lightened stock " option that provides a small reduction to ADS time ( -10% ? ) but increases the vertical recoil and spread increase ( +15% ? ) of the weapon. Thank you for your time.
@Monday/Sunday Mailbox I like Nokk but she's too weak in my opinion right now, what do you think about making her a 3 speed or buffing the FMG-9, so it makes more damage?
What do you think of an operator (defender) that shoots a projectile onto a site camera which would make it bullet proof? As a result attackers would be unable to destroy chosen site cameras excluding of course, ash, Zofia or some sort of explosion.
What are your thoughts on an operator that can deploy ballistic cover as an obstacle? Obstacle like vertical man size walls or horizontal walls spanning wall to wall with he height normal as the in game defense shields, can be destroyed by explosives and can be moveable
For Monday Mailbox What do you think about an option in siege, to defuse while prone, but to balance it out, while doing so, you'd make more/louder defusing noise?
What about a Capital buff that allows his incendiary bolts to slowly burn a impact grenade/breach charge sized hole in wooden walls. It would be a situational buff and it would require using a powerful gadget as equipment. And since he doesn't have any breaching capabilities it would be a good buff
Capitao's LMG used to be able to be utilized as a breaching tool for walls and hatches, yes you could put a very decent peek hole in a wall or drop a hatch in 3 shots max but it let everyone know where you are and that you're probably reloading, and Ubi was like "nah, we're just going to yoink that cuz reasons"
Since the last update, I’m unable to switch servers on console. “Selecting custom game, then select online, choose a playlist, and selecting dedicated server, etc” doesn’t work anymore. I’m stuck in wja ghost town!😣
What do you think about an attacker with a tear gas launcher that will cover a large area in thin, translucent smoke which also obscures defender vision and maybe deals a small amount of damage over time?
What do you think of an attacking operator that could throw a device and when the device has landed if anything is thrown into the vicinity of the device for example echo drone, nitro cell, smokes toxic babes it would destroy them or stop them from working
For the guy who asked about “the grind” They could implement something like Apex legends did with their ranked setup. You simply start at the bottom, no mmr and just grind upwards. Kills, wins, etc would boost you higher and faster towards champion, while losses and deaths would slow progress.
What if they had a skin trading kind of thing that uses renown you can sell and buy skins on a special kind of market place I’m imagining it will be like the foza games. it would just give you something to do with you extra renown?
I’ve discovered on the console version of Battlefield 4 there is an option in the controller settings to allow leaning without aiming down sights by tilting the controller one way or the other. Do you think Ubisoft could implement this into the console version of their game to allow players to lean without aiming down sights?
What do you think about a defence operator called blackout that could darken certain parts of the map by firing a probe like nomad . This would deter operators from rushing and could be countered by shooting the probe or using a thatcher emp . It wouldn’t be pitch black but still enough to impair visibility, could be well paired with Valk cams or trap operators .
What do you think would be a good idea for the most balanced operator in every sense(guns, recoil, gadget, speed, armor, secondary, second gadget, attachments) ever?
What I would recommend for the echo change is that they push back the animation of the plant to the beginning and it takes double the time to plant that way 1v5s aren’t won in 2 seconds
what do you think of adding a timed event that would have playlist where there is no one shot head-shot mechanic, I think it would be a fun casual experience and I'm also really interested to see how much would the game meta change without it.
#sundaymailbox what do you think about being able to pick up the detonators of already deployed gadgets, for example thermite charges, breaching charges? Is this a good idea or do you think it somewhat eliminates the feeling that you have to play safer with those ops
#sundaymailbox do you think secure area that when there's one the defender and then two attackers in the room the attackers should be securing the objective. So people want to be holding angles and just sitting in a corner?
#SundayMailbox : What do you think of an operator that's like jackal except once it tracks your footprint it make a hologram of the operator that only this operator can see and it shows what the operator did or were they went.
What do you think about them re-buffing the smg 12, but taking it away from Vigil? I feel like it was a really useful tool for Dokkaebi and it was nerfed mainly due to how powerful it was in Vigil's hands
What do you think of an operator that places a gadget next to a hole that has been blown into the wall and depending upon the size of the hole, this gadget can display a hologram in the hole, making it appear as though the wall is solid, but also allowing players to still move through it if they are aware the hole is there?
Hey Matt. On the topic of echo. Do you think they would ever give his drone a set amount of charges kind of like how someone like twitch works. Maybe give echo 3 to 5 charges per drone or maybe have a slight charge up time to for the drone to stun the enemy
@sundaymailbox how does an operator sound that he/she drops an ammo pack similar to Rook except that they are on Attack, defenders can pick the packs up.
Currently I think nothing affects the planting process. I mean, yeah you can stop the animation using Echo, or prevent it by placing another process over it ( pull out Gu mine ). But you can’t never truly affects the planting process by making it longer or prevent the plant using Mute jammer like many suggest, so this nerf gonna add new field for Ubi to handle.
Echo slowing down animations would be a great change to his gadget. Instead of Thermite being canceled straight out of planting his charges, he just becomes lethargic. It leaves the player the option to either cancel the animation so they don’t get picked off or push through to make the hole. It’s a concept that would switch up the flow real well.
What do you think about Warden so far? I really like him as an operator but his gadget is too situational and his weapons are underwhelming. Don’t you think he desperately needs an acog?
I think the echo drone defo should still stop the plant, remember this only effects the bomb game mode, however it they defo need to reduce the drunk effect or atleast make it so the screen doesn’t tilt but still get the same blurry effect
What would you think about a grenade that works like Yings candela. You can cook it like a normal grenade, and It explodes like a normal grenade, but it can be easily thrown and will roll. It would be easier to get through drone holes or underneath barricades. Pretty much a candela that explodes
what about if echo's normal stun slowed down the defuser, but there was a way to charge the stun (with a loud noise and maybe even disabling the invisibility) to fully cancel the animation?
Has anyone else been having crashing problems on siege console? Every game someone in my squad crashes.
I crashed in about 6 out of the 10 ranked matches and 2 times in the same match
Everyone has
I’m having crash problems on pc
do you think alibi should have different hologramms depending on her skin, because otherwise the skin are useless af for her.
Erik N. I remember someone said Ubi couldn’t done that because the current game engine make it too hard to do it, so Ubi choose the easy way, just give those holo default skin and forget Alibi
They can't do that due to engine problems
@@baldrthebrave1812 ok that whack
@@Bim2403 halo reach 9 years old and the holograms changed depending on how your character looked. If an old game on an old engine could do it, there's really no excuse. Ubi makes a huge buck on this game, alibi NEEDS this quality of life change.
@@Leviathan17G It doesn't matter how much she needs it if they can't do it lmao.
"What if they let you go back to copper when you're really a diamond?"
... That's called smurfing, and everyone who doesn't smurf hates it.
That's pretty unfair, isn't it?
That was honestly a fucking retarded idea.... And I mean that offensively. The person who offered it is probably a kid that doesn't know better.
@@Zarko. it is but usually(comming from an honest no ill intent person who has smurfed) they rank fast and get out of low elo fast
That was a terrible idea and the person who suggested it should feel bad
@@Draedos yeah, they get out fast by carrying players that don't deserve that kind of boost; and destroying players that don't deserve that loss...
Wow, that last question has to be one of the stupidest ones in the history of Mailbox lmao. Yeah, lets just have a single button called "free smurf" without having to reverse boost first. I'm, sure that would make the copper and silver players *love* the game even more.
I’m sure the question about the BOSG Acog was from BikiniBodhi
I still expect him to say:
"Where you can submit a gaming or *battlefield* related question"
Tommy I miss when he specifically said Battlefield related questions
Blame ea
Thé BOSG with acog would be really nice!
Ayy Lmao who would pick the BOSG on attack over the DMR? Lol
Level Cleared anyone that can aim consistently.
@@JaeGroove people that want to change up the monotony of the game and choose a new gun. Which is why you still see Dodecahedrons with the BOSG...
Dodecahedron = Dokk.
@@Luster... that logic makes no sense since you can get headshots with the dmr
I think that's called a defence glaz
People out here acting like the yokai only stops a plant. It stuns you out of any action. (Breach charge, thermite, cluster charge, etc.)
weren't they going to drop a pre battlepass this season?
Mid season reinforcements
There dropping it in the mid season reinforcement
If ubi made that echo change they should make finkas boost let you plant faster
conor macleod that would actually be Cool, Do you risk the faster plant but if smoke gases you whilst planting you’ll die super quick? Interesting idea
Hell no. Finka rushing in with spetsnaz shotgun, killing everyone and letting her plant faster?
#sundaymailbox should ubisoft make a disabled setting for colorblind and hearing impaired players like me?
Curious, what would you do for a setting for the hearing impaired?
@@bandarsalh1338 Yes What?
@@tomp.2403 i believe some games have sound dynamics that make one side or both sides of headsets sound louder.
Yes they should
I think it's a welcoming thing to do
What if Warden was buffed so that his gadget had a cooldown like Vigil’s?
Because when you turn them off they have to recharge the full way before you can turn them on again
Watermelon wolf as someone who is (for the most part) heavily against Warden getting a buff, this is one of the few things I could accept because it would make sense that he’d be just like any other “gauge meter” operator.
At least give us something other than the MPX
@@TaconIStenen Why are you against Warden getting a buff, hes currently pretty useless.
Nahh if anything make him a 2 or 3 speed he only carries come on ubi glasses carries no weight
"If they did this it could make echo obsolete"
I'd argue he's already obsolete being banned as much as he is just think about it when's the last time you actually went up against a competent echo? Probably it was due to another defender being more powerful in certain maps ie: pulse on coastline
My friends played against me yesterday 😉
Echo is balanced the way he is
what I hate about people is that Echo is really easily countered, people just cant stand being bursted without scanning for the Yokai. hes gonna get nerfed because people don't like echo and ban him as a comfort pick
Make a montage of Matt saying, "That is just my two cents"
There is no need to nerf echo if ubi finally figures out how to fix IQ gadget. She's 3 speed, has great guns, and the idea of her gadget is amazing but as it is makes it useless. Make it like a scanner from dragonball attached to one eye or like the cardiac sensor in COD
If only she had her frag grenades back..
@@articcenturion8387 that won't help to counter echo better.
#Sundaymailbox What do you think of an operator that has a screen attached to the side of their primary weapon. The last drone you viewed can be seen on the screen, but you cannot move or spot with it. You could also flip away the screen. It would be a great way to watch flanks while still playing the game.
I feel like you should be able to move, but it would be jammed by mute.
@@chaoticneutral7528 What do you mean by move? Do you mean the screen will be jammed if your in the radius of a mute jammer?
@@isaiahjudkins8895 - and the operator mute, when you get in the proximity of a mute jammer, would disable that camera gadget.
Woah, yea! What’s with B, C, and D being three steps away from each other in a 64 player game😂
I think a better way of doing it would be, after an echo drone stuns someone, the echo drone needs 5 seconds or so to recharge, meaning the drone cannot move. This allows the attacker planting to find the echo and destroy it. This means that echo can still deny plants, but make it less frustrating as the attacker can take out the echo drone easily and plant again. This delays the planting time without being OP
No dice if you pay attention you can already see the drone and where the blast came from
Wheres My Pizza it's a good idea but if they go for a rush plant, you basically lose your gadget for no reason
If you stop someone planting you can still stop them again it takes 7 seconds to plant
That makes echo so underpowered, he gets one stun and loses his gadget
hey mat do u think shield operators should be balanced separately and do u think ubi should add new optics? #sundaymailbox
Tbh there aren’t a lot of optics in the real world and most of them are the same maybe different color but that’s about it
What do you mean by "balanced separately"?
@@darioschottlender for example Monti and blitz shouldn't have the same time to go from shield to ads ,Monti deserved the nerf but blitz became kinda weak in my opinion.
better allow us to change the colour of the optic. green dots or red reflexes etc.
@@theregretman4868 totally agree
Echo is fine now just play Thatcher and IQ if your so worried
I’m in the high-low plat range and Thatcher and IQ get banned a lot along with Ela and Cavvy
@@Chantria- ok
I like playing either of those 2 but I’m the only person who is ever willing to bring a hard breacher. I love IQ but I’m going to bring a thermite over her anytime
“Goes against there design philosophy” yes this isn’t the first time they have done this idk why this is a surprise
Sunday/Monday mailbox: Do you think the next Battlefield has a chance to revive the series?
Do you think Mute should be able to stop the defuser from being planted as long as it is in the radius of the jammer?
Dumb Cookie no he is strong enough
if that echo redesign goes through then they need to double the effect that is given and if the player gets hit a second and double the plant time if they get hit while planting, including every single hit beforehand (empl 6->12, 12->24, 24->48, 48->96[1:36])
#MondayMailbox What do you think about a defensive operator who can place down a device which automatically spots anyone who walks within a 1 or 2 metre radius every second?
That’s was supposed to be a secondary gadget
SyKiK _R6 So kinda like the bulletproof camera?
No the proximity alarm
airforce gamer I know I said “KINDA like”
Tym the Slav 1 to 2 is pretty close. I would say 3 or 4.
What do you think about an operator that has a flip site like glaz on a full auto weapon but without a the ability to highlight enemies or see through smoke
I think that in the new call of duty the guns need some work, they feel too easy to control and in some cases you can even counter snipe snipers with AR's from across the map. I just feel they need some adjustments. Shotguns also feel underwhelming in comparison to everything else.
They need to fix the damn kids sweating with a damn keyboard on console
-Decimate- unfortunately ubi can’t do much about that, We have to hope Microsoft and Sony do something
SOMEONE needs to fix this issue, the amount of times ive played matches and gotten killed only to watch the killcam with the person whom killed me spinning and twitching at a speed that just makes you stop and go "wow, really? for real my dude?"
MZA Method Man Facts bro.
What if you could shoot lights to make corridors and rooms dark. This could bring way to a new gadget such as a night vision goggles.
What operator do u think is the best first pick?
I don’t know why but whenever I see a Matt video after school it completely bumps up my mood
What do you think of a operater that has invisibly drones when the drone sits steal so the defenders can't see the Intel gathering device?
Do think that ubisoft should make ela’s smg recoil in line with the other smgs on console because no one on xbox plays her anymore. It is also easy to control on pc but on console
What do you think about adding the resupply box into pvp?
because it fucks with the balancing of the game, operators have certain amounts of an item for a reason.
Someone whos a legit plat or diamond who wants to go from copper to diamond for the bragging rights but whats there to brag about or accomplish? Theyre beating people who are still learning the game and I don't see the point except to boost ego when they win 30 games in a row cause everyone was in copper bronze and silver
Literally the only thing it does is ruin the experience of the people at low mmr
Do you think Ubisoft should allow optional ranked MMR resets so you can redo your placements because of the DDOSing?
Z unfortunately, that would get abused too easily by people unhappy with where they were placed. Also, what’s to say you won’t get DDoSed in your redo placement matches? It would be a bandaid on a bullet wound. But I agree, DDoSing is the absolute worst.
2:40 Flat castle
That's why you didn't see him earlier
Nice ubi... again
Гоженков Егор
Bruh, this is a fixed game
OH fuck im dying of laughter good catch man
@@lemmonboy6459 polished I would say
Castle is the new Ant man confirmed.
Do you think it was a good idea with the new update on Siege, removing you from being able to switch severs by yourself a good idea?
You can still switch severs through a friend.
Here’s my submission for the upcoming episode:
What do you think about operator on defense that can throw reinforcements similar to how Kaid throws his electroclaws that can be used on any reinforceable surface?
Ghosthunter053 sl his gadget is something that everyone has. this is useless nothing would make him special
What do you think about adding a scope somewhere in between acog and reflex to counter the issues. Also what about an operator that can patch thermite walls or hibana charges. It would be like a foam that can be deployed to a wall that has been breached either hard or soft?
That “place lowest possible rank” option was so dumb I solo queued placements and had awful teammates so lost a fair few games and got placed silver. I literally ruined games up until I got back to plat and it just wasn’t fun for anybody. They shouldn’t have had to fight somebody way above their rank imagine this constantly happening. You’d just ruin the game for low ranked players
#SundayMailbox What do you think of a defensive operator in siege that can put up an indestructible wall somewhere? They would be allowed to place them over soft walls or set it in a hallway to create a new blocked route
#sundaymailbox I wish that you couldn’t plant in an area that is muted
AJ Twitchel that used to be a feature, but got removed
@Ninja TypesTooFast how
@Ninja TypesTooFast Nah it used to be so op
@@chaosinjune you can place jammers vertically
You could just play time wait for the defuse and mute it through a wall pretty op
#sundaymailbox do you remember your first friend on Minecraft? I remember, he was last seen online 8 years ago
Do you think there should be a patch to allow mvp players to play elite animations if they own the elite skin but don't have it equipped?Sometimes I think the default skin would just look better with it.
Underrated comment.
#sundaymailbox what do you think about a defense operator with bouncing bettys kind of like a kapkan and frost mix but they arent a one shot but do like 60 damage?
Do you think there should be a health indicator in kill cams? Whenever I die I always have asked myself “How much health do they have?!” And I think having the bar visible during the replay would be useful for figuring out issues and seeing what happened more specifically.
What do you think of an operator that has recon drone from modern warfare game?
#Sundaymailbox Hi Matt, what's your option on a new weapon attachment option to choose from other than the laser sight? I was thinking of a " lightened stock " option that provides a small reduction to ADS time ( -10% ? ) but increases the vertical recoil and spread increase ( +15% ? ) of the weapon.
Thank you for your time.
you just described the angled grip my guy.
@Monday/Sunday Mailbox I like Nokk but she's too weak in my opinion right now, what do you think about making her a 3 speed or buffing the FMG-9, so it makes more damage?
What do you think of an operator (defender) that shoots a projectile onto a site camera which would make it bullet proof? As a result attackers would be unable to destroy chosen site cameras excluding of course, ash, Zofia or some sort of explosion.
to address the acog on bosg, why dont they add a new sight that is inbetween the magnification of a normal sight and acog
What are your thoughts on an operator that can deploy ballistic cover as an obstacle? Obstacle like vertical man size walls or horizontal walls spanning wall to wall with he height normal as the in game defense shields, can be destroyed by explosives and can be moveable
For Monday Mailbox
What do you think about an option in siege, to defuse while prone, but to balance it out, while doing so, you'd make more/louder defusing noise?
do you think that pick and ban is used more for comfort picks than actually making a tactical decision?
What about a Capital buff that allows his incendiary bolts to slowly burn a impact grenade/breach charge sized hole in wooden walls. It would be a situational buff and it would require using a powerful gadget as equipment. And since he doesn't have any breaching capabilities it would be a good buff
Capitao's LMG used to be able to be utilized as a breaching tool for walls and hatches, yes you could put a very decent peek hole in a wall or drop a hatch in 3 shots max but it let everyone know where you are and that you're probably reloading, and Ubi was like "nah, we're just going to yoink that cuz reasons"
What do you think about a defender that puts up sound traps they beep like the metal detectors
Do you think that their could be a defender that can sumon a uav similar to lion but slitly diferent
What you think about the mounting system from COD MW in seige
Since the last update, I’m unable to switch servers on console. “Selecting custom game, then select online, choose a playlist, and selecting dedicated server, etc” doesn’t work anymore. I’m stuck in wja ghost town!😣
What do you think about an attacker with a tear gas launcher that will cover a large area in thin, translucent smoke which also obscures defender vision and maybe deals a small amount of damage over time?
Have you ever tried capitao?
@@HappyGecko-ql3yw no, who's that?
What do you think of an attacking operator that could throw a device and when the device has landed if anything is thrown into the vicinity of the device for example echo drone, nitro cell, smokes toxic babes it would destroy them or stop them from working
So what Thatcher used to be....
For the guy who asked about “the grind” They could implement something like Apex legends did with their ranked setup. You simply start at the bottom, no mmr and just grind upwards. Kills, wins, etc would boost you higher and faster towards champion, while losses and deaths would slow progress.
What if they had a skin trading kind of thing that uses renown you can sell and buy skins on a special kind of market place I’m imagining it will be like the foza games. it would just give you something to do with you extra renown?
What are your thoughts about offense getting a doc operator?
What do you think of a buff to tachanka where his turret can shoot through shields?
I have a question. What are your thoughts on an Attacking Operator with the same ability as Doc?
I’ve discovered on the console version of Battlefield 4 there is an option in the controller settings to allow leaning without aiming down sights by tilting the controller one way or the other. Do you think Ubisoft could implement this into the console version of their game to allow players to lean without aiming down sights?
Do you ever think they will add another thermal scope like glaz but for the defensive side
What do you think about a defence operator called blackout that could darken certain parts of the map by firing a probe like nomad . This would deter operators from rushing and could be countered by shooting the probe or using a thatcher emp . It wouldn’t be pitch black but still enough to impair visibility, could be well paired with Valk cams or trap operators .
What do you think would be a good idea for the most balanced operator in every sense(guns, recoil, gadget, speed, armor, secondary, second gadget, attachments) ever?
Sunday Mailbox
What do you think about an defensive operator who could pick up the attackers gadget.
How would that be useful?
Oh boy, im so glad i finally have Exothermic Charges on defense! I can think of 0 things i can do with them
what do you think about the shield nerf( increas ads time), i find it really bad, can t even make a kill (monty main)
What I would recommend for the echo change is that they push back the animation of the plant to the beginning and it takes double the time to plant that way 1v5s aren’t won in 2 seconds
Killeening bruh is that supposed to be a nerf? That’s even worse than making him start the animation again
what do you think of adding a timed event that would have playlist where there is no one shot head-shot mechanic, I think it would be a fun casual experience and I'm also really interested to see how much would the game meta change without it.
Yeah defensive wise on a total situational perspective echo and lession are pretty solid to go against a whole squad or less
Do you want Ubisoft to add secure area and hostage back into ranked/unranked?
Beau Flury no
I'd like secure area back. Always enjoyed the change of pace from bomb. Leave the troll of hostage in casual.
#sundaymailbox what do you think about being able to pick up the detonators of already deployed gadgets, for example thermite charges, breaching charges?
Is this a good idea or do you think it somewhat eliminates the feeling that you have to play safer with those ops
#sundaymailbox do you think secure area that when there's one the defender and then two attackers in the room the attackers should be securing the objective. So people want to be holding angles and just sitting in a corner?
#SundayMailbox : What do you think of an operator that's like jackal except once it tracks your footprint it make a hologram of the operator that only this operator can see and it shows what the operator did or were they went.
kind of useless tbh
What do you think about them re-buffing the smg 12, but taking it away from Vigil? I feel like it was a really useful tool for Dokkaebi and it was nerfed mainly due to how powerful it was in Vigil's hands
Lucius Hemingway buff the smg 12 but vigil is keeping it
Hey what do you think about an Attacker who can take dead operators clothes and weapons. He could be a 2 speed and they should give him a new kit
What if it resets the timer to the start but you are still planting so you can’t win by sitting in a random corner of the map
What if you drone out echo and hunt his ass down or keep your IQ alive?
What do you think of an operator that places a gadget next to a hole that has been blown into the wall and depending upon the size of the hole, this gadget can display a hologram in the hole, making it appear as though the wall is solid, but also allowing players to still move through it if they are aware the hole is there?
Hey Matt. On the topic of echo. Do you think they would ever give his drone a set amount of charges kind of like how someone like twitch works. Maybe give echo 3 to 5 charges per drone or maybe have a slight charge up time to for the drone to stun the enemy
8:30 that is such a bad question why is it in this video
@sundaymailbox how does an operator sound that he/she drops an ammo pack similar to Rook except that they are on Attack, defenders can pick the packs up.
Currently I think nothing affects the planting process. I mean, yeah you can stop the animation using Echo, or prevent it by placing another process over it ( pull out Gu mine ). But you can’t never truly affects the planting process by making it longer or prevent the plant using Mute jammer like many suggest, so this nerf gonna add new field for Ubi to handle.
What do you think about caveria being able to hear the enemies voice chat while interrogating.
"interrogation interrogation!!"
@@254zero would be pretty funny.
I would guess there’s three things people would say
“Yoooo Help me dumb@ss”
“I facken hate this game”
“Honestly FACK cav OMG”
Echo slowing down animations would be a great change to his gadget. Instead of Thermite being canceled straight out of planting his charges, he just becomes lethargic. It leaves the player the option to either cancel the animation so they don’t get picked off or push through to make the hole.
It’s a concept that would switch up the flow real well.
#MondayMailbox Do you think there should be a trading feature in R6. In which you can trade gun skins, head gears or outfits with each other.
What do you think about Warden so far? I really like him as an operator but his gadget is too situational and his weapons are underwhelming. Don’t you think he desperately needs an acog?
I think the echo drone defo should still stop the plant, remember this only effects the bomb game mode, however it they defo need to reduce the drunk effect or atleast make it so the screen doesn’t tilt but still get the same blurry effect
What would you think about a grenade that works like Yings candela. You can cook it like a normal grenade, and It explodes like a normal grenade, but it can be easily thrown and will roll. It would be easier to get through drone holes or underneath barricades. Pretty much a candela that explodes
What are your thoughts on ubi adding a trading system of some sort
What do u think of an operator who can reinforce one big door and it can be treated like a reinforced wall.?
Best part of the week
What do you think about a silent breacher
Sledge and Maverick, your welcome.
what about if echo's normal stun slowed down the defuser, but there was a way to charge the stun (with a loud noise and maybe even disabling the invisibility) to fully cancel the animation?