On my board, I can't overclock the ram memory higher than 2400 MHz, that seems to be the maximum for my motherboard. My board supports RAM overclocking up to 3100+ MHz. There is a 6-phase power supply on my motherboard. Motherboards with 8 or 12 phase power supply have even better potential for overclocking.
@@AlexanderWagner264 ASUS Z87-A has an 8-phase voltage section ASUS Z87-Pro has a 12 phase voltage section ASUS Z87-Plus has an 8-phase voltage section ASUS Z87 Maximus VI Hero has an 8-phase voltage section
@@AlexanderWagner264 You can try at 2600 MHz with latencies CL12-14-14-38 and a voltage of 1,700v. For ddr3 memory, it is not recommended to exceed the voltage of 1,650v because you reduce the lifespan of the memory or you will degrade it. But if you are only interested in stability testing, you can try it, although I would not exceed the voltage of 1,650v for 24/7 computer use.
Hi dude, i copied your Ram settings, is that the maximum what is stable? 2666mhz no?
On my board, I can't overclock the ram memory higher than 2400 MHz, that seems to be the maximum for my motherboard. My board supports RAM overclocking up to 3100+ MHz. There is a 6-phase power supply on my motherboard. Motherboards with 8 or 12 phase power supply have even better potential for overclocking.
@@kaurazmaj Alright, i got the corsiar vengeance too with a Asus Z87 i try it today
@@AlexanderWagner264 If you know the full name of the motherboard I can see what you can expect.
@@AlexanderWagner264 ASUS Z87-A has an 8-phase voltage section
ASUS Z87-Pro has a 12 phase voltage section
ASUS Z87-Plus has an 8-phase voltage section
ASUS Z87 Maximus VI Hero has an 8-phase voltage section
@@AlexanderWagner264 You can try at 2600 MHz with latencies CL12-14-14-38 and a voltage of 1,700v. For ddr3 memory, it is not recommended to exceed the voltage of 1,650v because you reduce the lifespan of the memory or you will degrade it. But if you are only interested in stability testing, you can try it, although I would not exceed the voltage of 1,650v for 24/7 computer use.