You Hate Johnny Robertson for controversial Stand! BUT You Love TRUMP?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2024
  • The Future of churches of Christ is being debated by "high profile" thinkers.
    Churches of Christ in North Georgia sit around watching me evangelize their area. Oak Hill church of Christ wants Keith Lancaster (founder of liberal acapella vocal band) to help them.
    This broadcast shows the corrupt leadership that is being promoted by the Gospel Broadcast Network. Further you will hear Don Blackwell oppose "in person out- door type events, expressing the need to stop relying on door knocking and tent campaigns ( 1:28:11 ) Rather Don unveils plans by Gospel Broadcast Network to supply the vision for the entire brotherhood. Blackwell further reveals that at the time of his video, Gospel Broadcast network does not have in person phone answering services. Gospel Broadcast network resembles majority of churches that don't have in person contact for people to trying to reach out to them.
    Persons interested in proven methods need not wait on Gospel broadcast Network to perfect their aging network. GBN has had years to make a difference, instead they complain about methods like going door to door as Christians representing the church.
    Come to an outdoor event in Virginia in June and see what you are missing and see what GBN wants to dismiss.
    Person to person involvement will change your life.
    My Critics say I am too controversial. My response to people who tell me about the critics? Ask them who they voted for? Tell them it is a bit hypocritical to love Trump and hate Johnny Robertson.
    Jesus said
    They hated me without a cause. John 15.25

ความคิดเห็น • 51

  • @johnmeadows5645
    @johnmeadows5645 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    If Johnny is controversial, i wish all gospel preachers would be just like him.

  • @adriancutler7450
    @adriancutler7450 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Good job brother Johnny you did a really good job

  • @Kurt2222
    @Kurt2222 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Brotherhood needs a reset.
    One generation changed the Brotherhood, we got lazy, we became unmotivated to stand up for the truth. So a lack of fulfilling the great commission of Jesus Christ has lead to this problem.
    Just a repeat of history, compare to the bad kings in Judah, they allowed idols, forgot the written Word of God, bad things happen. Then faithful men take a stand to change things back to God's will. And we have to be those faithful men or suffer the consequences on judgement day.

    • @joshkarr1832
      @joshkarr1832 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Individual cups and loaves, Sunday school and instrumental music changed the brotherhood. Praise be to God there are many of us who bear Christ's name, The Church of Christ that do not practice innovations, inventions and Lawlessness of man.

    • @Kurt2222
      @Kurt2222 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@joshkarr1832 what's wrong with having bible class and cups for distribution of the fruit of the vine?
      We're do you find scriptural authority for a church building?
      We're is that authority when all you need is someone's house and spend money on evangelism instead of a church building?

    • @joshkarr1832
      @joshkarr1832 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @Kurt2222 nothing is wrong with bible class as long as the congregation isn't separated during service and distribution of the lords supper.
      As far as an individual cups and loaves, that is not the example found of the early church. Jesus, Paul and others specifically specified one.
      And as long as each church follows the Bible pattern they can worship wherever they decide. Building, house, tent, woods.....where doesn't matter. What does. Man has 0 authority to change what the Lord has instituted.

    • @Kurt2222
      @Kurt2222 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@joshkarr1832 Luke 22:17 Jesus commanded the disciples to take and divide it among themselves (blood of the grape) so the Lord never specifically told them/us HOW TO divide it. So that leaves the logical implication to use reasonable means to accomplish that.
      Just image a congregation of 4000 people, the one cup would weigh more than most ordinary men could actually pick up and pass around. Do you not see how pathetic of an implication your doctrine leads to? Absurd at the very least. Insane, unreasonable, unproven and illogical.
      To separate children who learn at a slower level/rate from the advanced men and women is not explicitly nor is it implicitly taught in scriptures as being wrong. Why don't public schools just group all children together also?
      1st graders with the 12 graders, all trying to learning or failing to learn the same level and rate. Your position is absurd. You're dividing the Body of Christ over absurdities, and divisions are condemned to hell (Galatians 5:19-20)
      So you are in error.
      You need to follow the implications out carefully before making ridiculous claims which have never been substantiated from scriptures.

    • @joshkarr1832
      @joshkarr1832 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @Kurt2222 Sir.... One cup and one loaf is exactly the example used. And it is for good reason. I and my house will do exactly what we read and find. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not have the authority to change anything that has been delivered. No one does. There is no error to be found imitating the Lord. If so, you imply he is in error. If you can not see the importance and symbology of such, I can't help you. You are deceived.

  • @rdalbright1
    @rdalbright1 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The Immaculate Conception refers to Mary being born without original sin so that Jesus could be born without the stain of original sin on his soul. The Immaculate Conception refers to Mary, not Jesus. The Virgin Birth refers to Jesus. At any rate, from the point of view of churches of Christ, it is not a biblical term and should not be used.

    • @BibleSaysTV
      @BibleSaysTV  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      on the fly I was bound to mess up. I already apologized to the man who asked the question. Thanks for help

  • @jamesfitch4569
    @jamesfitch4569 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Gwendolyn catching the archive ❤

  • @jamesfitch4569
    @jamesfitch4569 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great information! The minister where I attend advertised and participated in a revival meeting with men who he knows has praise teams and encouraged the congregation to attend the week long revival meeting. I called him out on it and he claimed that he’s going to have a meeting with these erring brothers but my question is why would you even fellowship with them! I may have to find another congregation to attend! I’m very saddened by this 😢

  • @kevinhoneycutt238
    @kevinhoneycutt238 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank You. Amen, Rejoicing for Larry

  • @64warrior
    @64warrior 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    clovis new mexico....

  • @guyl1767
    @guyl1767 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    whats wrong with lift up hands?? the Bible say in 1 Timothy 2 : 8 : I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. Also a lot of exemple in the Bible of christians lift up hands in prayer and adoration to God. God look at the heart and the deeply love of he's childs.

    • @Jonathan_Guice
      @Jonathan_Guice 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      In the NT, lifting hands is a prayer posture only. It is not something that was done in the way that is typical of today.

    • @guyl1767
      @guyl1767 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Jonathan_Guice how do you know? the exemple in the bible seam to indicate people lifting hant to God . And what wrong to doing it? I think if someone doing it in worship and hes heart is in adoration with God, is more then good. I personally not doing it , but sometime i do in private. Its like the word christian, is not in the bible and was using by unbeliever and we still using because its discribe us perfectly .

    • @Jonathan_Guice
      @Jonathan_Guice 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@guyl1767 can you show a NT example of someone lifting their hands in worship, or being told to do so, that didn't have to do with prayer?

    • @Jonathan_Guice
      @Jonathan_Guice 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@guyl1767 also, the word Christian IS in the Bible. Acts 26:28, 1 Peter 4:16, and Acts 11:26.

    • @guyl1767
      @guyl1767 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I understand sometime we are not sure about something, but dont put a rule again it, meaning that wrong and a sin to do it... Christianity is about Christ and being born again and kill the old flesh..not about religion.

  • @irmabotello8540
    @irmabotello8540 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    God bless you

  • @joshkarr1832
    @joshkarr1832 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I am interested to know, what does the bible say about communion? And why is "ONE" not observed? Clearly ONE is the bible pattern with all things concerning God. One Lord, One faith, one baptism...etc.. So with the One bread signifying the one physical body of Christ and the One cup, signifying the One New testament holding the fruit of the vine, his blood shed for many, why do you use multiple cups and loaves?
    This is not ordained of God. All authority was given to Jesus Christ concerning his Church. Man has 0 authority to transgress what he has established. If the Lord desired many cups and loaves, he would have told the disciples to pick up their own, each man grab the bread and cup in front of them at the table. He did not. He took one! Jesus said many Christ's will come. On the communion table of many Churches of Christ sit Many Christ's! Multiple loaves and Multiple Cups representing Many Christ's and Many new testaments. Of a truth the violation committed in communion represents EXACTLY what is seen in the world. Many different Christ's and Many different Testaments! BUT I SAY TO YOU ALL, THERE IS ONE! ONLY ONE!

    • @brandonelder662
      @brandonelder662 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hope you guys do it upstairs. If not, you better build yourselves an upper room just to be scriptural. Jokes aside, there were 12 of them at that table. In a large congregation it would take all day. Would you have to have a table large enough to accommodate everyone? They didn’t sit at different tables! Look, I see your point in the symbolism of “one” loaf and “one” cup, but to be honest with you, one cup is just unsanitary. Especially for older folks with weak immune systems. I’m going to stick with an individual cup. As far as the bread, most congregations break a piece off one loaf (square) .

    • @joshkarr1832
      @joshkarr1832 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @brandonelder662 I've been in a congregation of 2000+ people. All used one cup. Took an hour maybe. Most of us don't worry about time because during the communion, everyone should be contemplating the sacrifice of our Lord. To say that takes too long just doesn't sound right. As far as unsanitary. No. It isn't. There are plenty of members in their late 90s. Some over 100. I guess the germs will get them one day. As far as your comment of the upper room..thats cute. Men know exactly what is important and what is symbolic. Reading the Bible, anyone seeking truth can see it. To do anything other than what the Bible says, specifically Jesus and the apostles, is all because of SELF. The God, SELF is the reigning God in this world. Especially with the belief only Christians. What they do is exactly what they want. To please self. Scripture is twisted every way to conform to them, the self centered Christian. What if, Just what if all this is about conforming to the image of Christ? What if it's all about taking instruction, following precisely and leaving everything else out of it? You see I am ridiculed, hated, looked down on, made fun of for teaching exactly what the Bible says. And I am glad. I am so thankful I can suffer just a little for truth. Jesus, the apostles and the early Christians were killed because of truth. The time is coming when Christians will die again for the truth. As for me and my house, we will do exactly what we read of in the inspired word. We will do our best not to add to, or take away. Man doesn't have that authority and if he assumes that authority he serves SELF, not God. You, me,all of us should be willing to do whatever God requires. There is one church. One faith. One Lord. One baptism. One God the father of all who is above us all, in us all and through us all.
      There is not a man alive who doesn't see the truth. There are many who refuse to act upon it.

    • @brandonelder662
      @brandonelder662 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well I’m a member of the church also. A conservative one. If your conscience tell you to use one cut then y’all go for it. But it’s not that crystal clear in scripture otherwise every conservative church of Christ would advocate it fiercely. As long as it’s done on the first day of every week when you come together. I apologize if you felt ridiculed, that wasn’t intended. But I don’t believe it’s necessary nor commanded to use one cup. The emphasis isn’t on the container or how many containers there are. But, like I said, if your conscience tells you otherwise then I don’t want to violate that.

    • @joshkarr1832
      @joshkarr1832 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @brandonelder662 One Lord. One Faith. One Baptism. One father who is above all, over all and through all. Jesus used One cup to represent His one new testament. He used one loaf to represent the one body of christ (church and his physical body). The one new testament holds his blood shed for all man (fruit of the vine).
      God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He doesn't change. He directed the priests to use one loaf of bread for each tribe on the table in the tabernacle. Today he shows us to use one loaf to represent Christ's one body and the one church he died for

  • @adriancutler7450
    @adriancutler7450 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    But I still do not believe that Gino Jennings is going to show up

    • @BibleSaysTV
      @BibleSaysTV  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Oh faithless generation how long …

    • @adriancutler7450
      @adriancutler7450 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@BibleSaysTVBrother Johnny I'm not faithless I have faith in you I have faith in God but I do not have faith in Gino Jennings this is not the first time he done this we will see in August

    • @adriancutler7450
      @adriancutler7450 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@BibleSaysTVIf I am wrong I will apologize to you in confess my sin that I was wrong I Will publicly confess that I was wrong

    • @BibleSaysTV
      @BibleSaysTV  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      it is not a sin for you to be voicing your negativism toward my efforts.

    • @adriancutler7450
      @adriancutler7450 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am not trying to be negative for your effort I just don't believe in Gino Jennings

  • @64warrior
    @64warrior 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i give my cell phone number...