I always thought that Infi-nut was gaslighting zombies into thinking they actually need to break the hologram, and that the hologram being damaged is just there to uphold that illusion.
my headcanon for the lore of infi nut is that the hologram is made to look like a normal nut specifically to trick the zombies so they think they have to wait and eat it but in reality theyre stopping at thin air since theyre so stupid they dont realise theyre not eating
Infi-Nut's lore implies that his fascination with mirrors at a young age has somehow led to his current circumstances. I believe some form of Greek Tragedy-esque incident occurred that displaced his existence in reality. The projecter itself is likely either a fellow plant that decided to serve as a conduit to keep him rooted in reality, or it is the only remnant of his physical self. Both of these methods allow him temporarily return to a semi-physical state, dissipating briefly while the projecter regenerates enough (likely power generated through photosynthesis) to restore his state after being stressed.
The infinut isn't just a good plant, it's outright required in certain worlds' endless modes after a certain point as its the only plant whos boost actually defends against special zombies and environmental issues.
If you have blockoli it basically acts as infi pf, as it isn’t effected by fishermen. (And if you have a good offensive defense, octopus zombie doesn’t really disrupt it)
@@Pigsebas1 Infi Nut also can completely block Hair Metal Gargs' shockwaves which no plant can do so so they are still essential in NMT endless but true.
It's the tail. It is specifically stated in one of its pokedex entries that its 'tail' is the sentient bit, and that the big blue bit is used to protect it
@@crimsonmage3758 I can't find anything conclusive on this. I looked up the Wobbuffet Pokedex entries, and here's what I could find on its tail. In Silver, FireRed, SoulSilver, Y, Shield: "To keep its pitch-black tail hidden, it lives quietly in the darkness. It is never first to attack." In Crystal: "In order to conceal its black tail, it lives in a dark cave and only moves about at night." In Sapphire and Alpha Sapphire: "Wobbuffet does nothing but endure attacks - it won't attack on its own. However, it won't endure an attack on its tail. When that happens, the Pokémon will try to take the foe with it using Destiny Bond." In Emerald: "Usually docile, a Wobbuffet strikes back ferociously if its black tail is attacked. It makes its lair in caves where it waits for nightfall." In Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, White, B2W2, and BDSP: "It desperately tries to keep its black tail hidden. It is said to be proof the tail hides a secret."
with the firmamint it one of the most broken plant in teh game. you staggared your infinite and then you can use the mint to make 5 or 6 plant food walls ;3. and the icing on top you can use plant food to refresh the mint to food all your infininuts. on top of that the plant food effect instantly heals your nuts.
I thought infinut wasnt good, i mean didnt mean it like its trash/really bad, cuz i thought infinuts infinite hp ability isnt really that useful (i just wasnt using it enough to change my mind)
FINALLY. People don’t realize how great of synergy this plant has with like everything. Pausing zombies combined with a spikeweed THAT NEVER DIES along with a NIGH IMPENETRABLE BARRIER makes it the best wall plant for me, even more than primal wall nut.
Right. The fact it can cover every lane with one leaf and 75 sun at start is really just great. It's not it's enough to delay them till u finish the set up the the sun generatoe and the dps and cover one shot enemies like that's so good
Also, to add a Stalling/Slowing Plant like Pokra/Cold Snapdragon/Cold Snap Pea or Apple Mortar right behind Infi-Nut Wall Shield to make the Zombies movements & chewing slower helps too.
Probably the single best combo in the game that I found, is primal peashooter ice weed and infi-nut. If you want to you can add another plans but those are all you need
@@GRIMLOCK07My personal fave is combining him with Daisy Chain, no matter what zombie type it's getting stunned for a while. Super useful against insta-killing zombies.
Barrel Roller Zombies and Pianist don't 100% destroy Infi-nut, Infi-nut just take huge damage from these zombies and then regenerate afterwards. Also you forgot to mention how it counters Jesters and Hair Metal Gargs. Which makes Infi-nut crucial to stopping shockwaves from Hair Metals.
I dunno about Jesters but Hair Metal Gargs definitely. If you have stuff that slows them down during their jam they basically do not move, and Infi-Nut can take their shockwaves forever. You can basically stall them until your Thyme Warp reloads lol
I always assumed Infi-Nut is a hard-light hologram, a common trope in science fiction that’s basically a tangible solid hologram. Also, I find it ironic that the two best wall-nut variants in 2 are from the distant past and future respectively
Just a little footnote I'd like to add about Chard Guard: It makes for a fantastic combo with Aloe. The healing restored Chard's leaves and Chard's push helps to stall Aloe's healing cooldown. Its a surprisingly effective duo and pretty fun to use, its usually my choice for defense in vanilla
I agree about infinut solving many problems that other walls have but I just find primal wallnut more appealing personally. I guess primal is better at shutting down individual zombies while infinut serves a different purpose in slowing zombies to a lesser immediate extent but over a much longer duration of the level to many more groups of zombies. Why are all of the Far Future plants done so well haha not a single uninteresting plant in that world..
I absolutely agree and the *regreneration* gets countered very hard by gargantuars, and for infinuts to stall them they need a whole plant food. i get that like that thing covers the whole lane but pw has a very quick recharge
I somehow beat the campaign without this plant, because I thought this was just a worse wall nut, and now I’m so confused and impressed on how I survived without this plant
This series is so good- I don't actually play PvZ 2 anymore, but seeing you make these extremely cool videos has made me want to go back. Also loving your choice of soundtracks! :D
I think Infi's hologram is not *just* a hologram by definition but also hard light, a sci-fi concept people love to combine because it just makes sense
Honestly, I love it purely because of how well it pairs with Chard guard in the early game. It’s some pretty great stalling that still has some viability as a defence later into the level. Just place a chard guard behind it and whatever zombie is there is going to very slowly die, as each time it gets flung back, infinut has already fully regenerated
when i was a kid, i knew nothing about how good plants were or how bad plants were but i only liked infi-nut because i thought he looked cool. coming back years later, cool to know infi-nut is a pretty good plant.
Infi-Nut actually carried me during the short time I played the game for. That wall it has took care of a decent horde of zombies while I waited for that last bit of sun 😃 (Also I hear that Omori ost can't catch me off guard with that.)
Placing infinut in front of an endurian makes the Infinut take hits for the endurian whenever it regenerates. I feel like it’s amazing support for other Reinforcemint plants.
Do a video on why tiger grass is criminally underrated! Mostly because turkey pult exists and people think its better when in reality they both shine in different situations and tiger grass can be far better in some situations.
Tbh, Turkey kinda sucks basically everywhere where zombies are swarmy or have high dps. Except in the rare tile turnip w/ turkey in arena/endless. (The Boss nerf basically kinda destroyed it’s best purpose)
1:25 it's a game were plants with eyes fight zombies to protect a crazy time traveler to get a taco sense is the last thing they were thinking about is things making sense.
I have a video series idea for you, you could also cover specific zombies just like how you review specific plants. First video in the series, Zcorp Chair Zombie that rams into stuff. I hate those things
In the future I’d like to see a video on the Potato Mines (both normal and the primal variant)/Insta Kill plants in general. A video on the Shadow Plants (Moonflower, Nightshade, Dusk Lobber, Shadow Shroom, Grimrose, Shadow Peashooter, Murkadamia Nut, Noctarine, and Gloom Vine) could also be pretty interesting.
It would be interesting if there were walls which countered instant hitting effects. Not all effects but like 1 per wall. Resistance to flames, being crushed, ran over, being moved, ect. Infi-nut still would be unique in the jack of all trades design it has. This gives you more freedom in "Do I counter X zombie or do I stall them and get a different useful plant?" It also makes the Pumpkin less of a straight upgrade to most walls simply by not taking up space and letting you protect yourself from zombies which get various kinds of jumps from straight to the back to even midway.
Well there is a wall nut that counters the instant hit thing. Primal wallnut. Though it only reduces the damage to a third of their health, so it could only survive as many hits as its current health.
1:58 my person headcanon is that infi-nut is similar to Goop from Ben 10,where their body actually exists but requires a device to stabilise it(Goop’s ufo and Infi-nut’s hologram projector)
I quite like the Gum-nut because it's a great stall-ish plant. Just think about it: A level 1 Gum-nut leaves a MAX level wallnut under a zombie (possibly multiple because plant food and/or AOE) plus some more health based on the zombie trapped. It's REALLY good against the football mech that can screw up your symmetry or even a garg because it gets a lot of health from both. I still prefer plants like Endurian cause it pairs well with the Frostweed and any strong melee plant like Bonk Choy or Celery Stalker (or even both heheh) to SHRED even the tankiest zombies and mechs.. Maybe that's why I like playing the cracked version so much: don't really have to care about the expenses.
If you play Gumnut/Icebloom effectively you basically have a defense that most zombies can’t break in endless which is pretty cracked. (Except like bwb and garg jam shockwaves while creating the first few gum blocks)
I'm using this as an excuse to post my peanut rant I made a few months back. Plants vs Zombies is a series I hold really closely to my heart. I remember my Uncle showing it to me in 2009. I actually remember it was the game he used to teach me to power through tough moments in games. Roof levels scared me and he used that to make me push through and I had a blast. So when the sequel was announced? I was hyped. New worlds, gimmicks, zombies and plants to be added. And after a few updates. We got the peanut. Nuts are the classic go to for walls and defendes and peas are the classic go to for damage. There's only 1 issue. Peanut is fucking awful. Now PvZ 2 has a serious power creep issue with the premium plants. So I'll only be comparing it to other gemiums and world plants. Peanut is a peashooter and walnut smashed into one tile. For the price of a peashooter and wall nut together and to make it worse, at half health its attack power gets halfed as well. In the original game this plant could be decent. But there is absolutely no reason to not use better plants. Things like fume shroom, repeater, boomerang. They all do higher damage for cheaper, then just use one of the superior defense plants. Wall nut is a third of the cost, tall nut has double the health, Infi nut regenerates health. All of them are cheaper and so are the offensive plants that do more damage! Any other offense is better. Even lightning reed with pitiful damage can hit multiple lanes and chain zombies together! The issue for even worse when Lost ages came out. Red Stinger has the same cost and does the damage/Health gimmick way better. In the back of your lawn it does double damage, in the front it does none but has great defense. In the middle it averages out. Far more versatility, with the same cost and faster recharge! Not to mention the endurian! WHICH CAN DAMAGE MULTIPLE ZOMBIES FOR CHEAPER! It's outclassed in its own gimmick. Oh BuT tHoSe CaNt Be PoWeReD bY tOrChWoOd Congratu-fucking-lations, you just put your defensive plant BEHIND A NON DEFENSIVE ONE. Just use pea-pod or repeater for all that. Youll still have to slap a tall nut in front of the torchwood anyway! There is not a single world gimmick or situation where this shines, EVEN IN IT'S HOME WORLD. It was introduced along side the dark ages and is that worlds "gemium" plant. Yet is is highly expensive for a world with limited sun! Not to mention it can't even hit zombies past the gravestones, which is important due to the fact that the dangerous zombies, King Zombie and Wizard zombie are in the back! Oh hey, what about the levels where you have limited choices? This gives defense AND offense, right? Ok sure but uh, you ever fucking notice how they give you BETTER PLANTS. Those last 2 slots are better used for a potato mine so you can build sun, which you would need to do ANYWAY. Peanut is useless in every sense of the word. But some developer at PopCap must of taken pity on all the players who spent 100 gems on this garbage with the addition on mints, each plant was given a class and when their specific mint was played, all plants on the field cause a significant health and damage buff. Peanut was given to reinforce-mint (nuts), not appease-mint (peas). Reinforce-mint is the only mint in the game that activates it's families plant food ability (imagine an ultimate) So Peanut by the grace of being the only plant with a ranged ultimate gets use as actually very useful! or it would if the mints were only available to buy every few months for a large amount of currency you can only get in the multiplayer mode. EVEN THEN THE MINT RECHARGE TIME IS AMONG THE LARGEST IN THE GAME, MOST GAMES YOU CAN ONLY USE IT TWICE, AND BY THAT TIME YOU'VE COMPLETED ALL THE STORY MISSIONS Peanut does nothing special and is outclassed in every way by other plants in damage output, Health, Cost, Recharge or gimmick. It is not even a Jack of all trades master of none, it is garbage in each and every category
I’ve always used the infinut. I thought it was the best wall plant. It’s power up blocks all the lanes, and it regenerates after time. Sure, it’s low HP, and extra sun, but it rarely dies
I always use infinut as a great way to buy me time at the start of a level. I use lettuce as well as infinut to stall the first zombie. With me not needing to worry about him being fully taken off of the field, by the time that the zombie has eaten through the infi-nut I will have some offensive plants down and the infi-nut can easily regenerate on its own quickly to defend against the next wave of attackers. I rarely use any other nuts other than this guy, and as much as primal wall nut is loved by the community for him being able to quickly be put down, I prefer infi-nut always for my personal play style and the fact that he is permanently on the field.
Carrot: "reviving plants isn't useful" Infi-nut: "it's ability to revive itself is extremely useful" I still agree with you on both cases but the comparrison still is a bit funny to me xD
Your videos got me back into relearning the modern PVZ2 after playing on and off essentially once every three years. It's fun to see people's opinions on the current state of the game and/or mod landscape while comparing that with what it once was just under 10 years ago I'm aware of my position as a new viewer who's only started going through your catalogue in the past month, but your enunciation issues being paired with subtitles that are more often than not, paraphrased (i.e writing what you mean rather than what you proper said) makes the video much more distracting than if I had just left you playing on the background and ignored the instinct to process the words you slurred out Thanks a lot for your work, and I apologise for bringing up an accessibility issue in this light 🙏
I hope you were referring to Endurian, he’s actually one of my favorite plants and if it wasn’t for Infi-nut’s plant food effect I’d use Endurian a lot more. The tall-nut plus spike weed combo was one of my favorite’s in PvZ1 and combining them into one fruit I think was a brilliant idea
ngl this is an underrated series imo. I would like to see my 2 faves Kermal Pult (I like him in PvZ2 idk y) and Hypnoshroom in "here's why" (always my favourite plant from PvZ1) tbh I would never really see the plant/s potential (unless I like/love how they actually work lol) unless someone made a vid on it xD
The reason zombies eat the infinut is because they are dumb, so see it and stop walking to eat it. (I completely made that up, but it sounds feasible).
Can't wait for holly barrier, a plant I discovered lately to be busted in fast paced lvls and really good overall, just gets forgotten due to pvz2 balancing tho
I like to think that Infi-nut is just a plant created in the future MEANT TO ACT as a wall-nut to stop the zombies. The zombies are simply too stupid to realize its not an actual plant, so they eat thru it anyway. The leaves in the projector are an extra detail to hide the fact its a projection. Even if infi-nut looks fairly different to wall-nut, the zombies have little to no brain or thinking capabilities, so they are easily fooled by it. Honestly, its smart if you think about it like this.
I'd love to see you do a video on Red Stinger. The idea is really cool, having a single plant capable of serving multiple roles depending on where it's placed, but it's defensive forms are just so hilariously bad that the whole idea feels squandered to me.
Before Primal Wall-Nut and Jurrassic Marsh have ever been released, Infi-Nut has always been my go-to defense plant. Its ability to regenerate health as a wall plant have been a useful tool, especially when it synergizes well with Hurrikale, Spikeweed, Spikerock, Gumnut, Thyme Warp, and Chard Guard. The fact that his force field can neutralized some of the flying zombies and protect other lanes has been a lifesaver for me.
I think the second best wall plant in PvZ2 is the endurian. It can't counter what counters walls, but it will deal with general zombies very well. It deals damage to anything close enough to it and cares not about how many there are. If you have a horde of 5 normal zombies, they will likely make it through, but if you add even a pea shooter, they are probably dead before they can eat it.
Can you talk about your thoughts about stalling in general? They're pretty much OP in 95% of situations yet no mod really addresses the problem (or is there even a problem?).
Talk about rotobaga or starfruit!..somehow Maybe you can talk about why people think rotobaga is better than starfruit? (Starfruit’s my favorite plant.)
I always thought that Infi-nut was gaslighting zombies into thinking they actually need to break the hologram, and that the hologram being damaged is just there to uphold that illusion.
Literally my thoughts too
So when the hologram shut, that means infi-nut run out of batteries ?
@@akeplaybg8159 I imagine it's more of a "if I don't turn off right now, they'll figure out the nut isn't real" kind of thing.
It dies when gargantuars hit it because they hit the projector too
my headcanon for the lore of infi nut is that the hologram is made to look like a normal nut specifically to trick the zombies so they think they have to wait and eat it but in reality theyre stopping at thin air since theyre so stupid they dont realise theyre not eating
Thats a good theory
my theory is the projector is a phylactery
Makes sense to me.
This way it would be even more broken since the zombies would keep eating it forever lol
Infi-Nut's lore implies that his fascination with mirrors at a young age has somehow led to his current circumstances. I believe some form of Greek Tragedy-esque incident occurred that displaced his existence in reality. The projecter itself is likely either a fellow plant that decided to serve as a conduit to keep him rooted in reality, or it is the only remnant of his physical self. Both of these methods allow him temporarily return to a semi-physical state, dissipating briefly while the projecter regenerates enough (likely power generated through photosynthesis) to restore his state after being stressed.
Dear god that’s dark, most people are just like “haha air nut”
@@JustPineapple "Hehe, funny hard light-nut."
The infinut isn't just a good plant, it's outright required in certain worlds' endless modes after a certain point as its the only plant whos boost actually defends against special zombies and environmental issues.
i cant get past lvl 10 of tiki torch(bwb infinite lvl)without infinut plant food brub.
If you have blockoli it basically acts as infi pf, as it isn’t effected by fishermen.
(And if you have a good offensive defense, octopus zombie doesn’t really disrupt it)
@@Pigsebas1 Infi Nut also can completely block Hair Metal Gargs' shockwaves which no plant can do so so they are still essential in NMT endless but true.
I haven’t watched the vid yet but one zombie with no buffs for speed can be infinitely stalled between two infi-nuts
@videoplayback_ what?
The question of which part Infi-nut is supposed to be emits the same energy as figuring out which part of Wobbuffet is the real Pokemon.
It's the tail. It is specifically stated in one of its pokedex entries that its 'tail' is the sentient bit, and that the big blue bit is used to protect it
@@crimsonmage3758 which one?
@@crimsonmage3758 I can't find anything conclusive on this. I looked up the Wobbuffet Pokedex entries, and here's what I could find on its tail.
In Silver, FireRed, SoulSilver, Y, Shield: "To keep its pitch-black tail hidden, it lives quietly in the darkness. It is never first to attack."
In Crystal: "In order to conceal its black tail, it lives in a dark cave and only moves about at night."
In Sapphire and Alpha Sapphire: "Wobbuffet does nothing but endure attacks - it won't attack on its own. However, it won't endure an attack on its tail. When that happens, the Pokémon will try to take the foe with it using Destiny Bond."
In Emerald: "Usually docile, a Wobbuffet strikes back ferociously if its black tail is attacked. It makes its lair in caves where it waits for nightfall."
In Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Black, White, B2W2, and BDSP: "It desperately tries to keep its black tail hidden. It is said to be proof the tail hides a secret."
Its both, but the tail is where the brain is
I’ve always thought infinut was really underrated. I’ve heard people say that it’s a bad plant, and I’m just thinking how busted the healing is.
who said infinut is bad?
I’m assuming people calling him a bad plant are the minority. Most people know how good of a plant infinut is
yes infinut op
with the firmamint it one of the most broken plant in teh game. you staggared your infinite and then you can use the mint to make 5 or 6 plant food walls ;3. and the icing on top you can use plant food to refresh the mint to food all your infininuts. on top of that the plant food effect instantly heals your nuts.
I thought infinut wasnt good, i mean didnt mean it like its trash/really bad, cuz i thought infinuts infinite hp ability isnt really that useful (i just wasnt using it enough to change my mind)
FINALLY. People don’t realize how great of synergy this plant has with like everything. Pausing zombies combined with a spikeweed THAT NEVER DIES along with a NIGH IMPENETRABLE BARRIER makes it the best wall plant for me, even more than primal wall nut.
Right. The fact it can cover every lane with one leaf and 75 sun at start is really just great. It's not it's enough to delay them till u finish the set up the the sun generatoe and the dps and cover one shot enemies like that's so good
Also, to add a Stalling/Slowing Plant like Pokra/Cold Snapdragon/Cold Snap Pea or Apple Mortar right behind Infi-Nut Wall Shield to make the Zombies movements & chewing slower helps too.
When i dont extend your comment it ends as 'along with a NIG'
Probably the single best combo in the game that I found, is primal peashooter ice weed and infi-nut. If you want to you can add another plans but those are all you need
@@GRIMLOCK07My personal fave is combining him with Daisy Chain, no matter what zombie type it's getting stunned for a while. Super useful against insta-killing zombies.
I think the level where you can’t lose more than 5 plants in big wave beach is impossible without this plant.
Add it with plant boost from garden infi nut and no zombie would actually pass it becomes such a chill battle for that level lol
No one will surpassed big wave beach if this plant didn't exist
I did without using this plant, but this level was one of the hardest I’ve ever encountered
Which level?
@@quackers519 big wave beach day 25 if I remember.
Barrel Roller Zombies and Pianist don't 100% destroy Infi-nut, Infi-nut just take huge damage from these zombies and then regenerate afterwards. Also you forgot to mention how it counters Jesters and Hair Metal Gargs. Which makes Infi-nut crucial to stopping shockwaves from Hair Metals.
Barrel roller destroy it forever they dont respawn after destroyed by em
I usually used puff shroom for those
I dunno about Jesters but Hair Metal Gargs definitely.
If you have stuff that slows them down during their jam they basically do not move, and Infi-Nut can take their shockwaves forever. You can basically stall them until your Thyme Warp reloads lol
To counter Jesters, don't use plants that Jester counters
@@piggyplayzyt9084 mfw jester counters 80% of plants in the game:
I always assumed Infi-Nut is a hard-light hologram, a common trope in science fiction that’s basically a tangible solid hologram.
Also, I find it ironic that the two best wall-nut variants in 2 are from the distant past and future respectively
Finally someone understands the valuable asset that is the primal wallnut. (Or at least that's what i assume you are talking about.)
Infi-Nut and Primal Wall-Nut my beloved
They're essentially the past and future paradox forms of wall-nut like in pokemon scarlet and violet
@@zaptrapelectric2634before it was cool
Rock nut and Light Nut if we're going by paradox naming conventions
Infi-nut is a perfect sidegrade. When used poorly, it is much worse, but when you play to its strengths it offers unique and interesting strategies
Just a little footnote I'd like to add about Chard Guard: It makes for a fantastic combo with Aloe. The healing restored Chard's leaves and Chard's push helps to stall Aloe's healing cooldown. Its a surprisingly effective duo and pretty fun to use, its usually my choice for defense in vanilla
I agree about infinut solving many problems that other walls have but I just find primal wallnut more appealing personally. I guess primal is better at shutting down individual zombies while infinut serves a different purpose in slowing zombies to a lesser immediate extent but over a much longer duration of the level to many more groups of zombies. Why are all of the Far Future plants done so well haha not a single uninteresting plant in that world..
@@wizzem7890 well atleast it was the first level locked plant in the game.
@@wizzem7890 E.M. is meant to help with the mech "gimmick" though so at least it makes sense.
It's like Umbrella Leaf or Flower Pot in the first game
I absolutely agree and the *regreneration* gets countered very hard by gargantuars, and for infinuts to stall them they need a whole plant food. i get that like that thing covers the whole lane but pw has a very quick recharge
Citron isn’t great
I somehow beat the campaign without this plant, because I thought this was just a worse wall nut, and now I’m so confused and impressed on how I survived without this plant
The thing about infi-nut is in early stages of the run, you can treat this as premium wall-nut, very convenient
Premium nut
Premium *N U T*
This series is so good- I don't actually play PvZ 2 anymore, but seeing you make these extremely cool videos has made me want to go back.
Also loving your choice of soundtracks! :D
What if Infi-nut is an AI, stored in the projector, and 'transported' into the hologram part when he regenerates?
that is probably the closest we are going to get to an explanation
@@Creeps20 ye but idk why it considers as a * plant *
Or maybe the plant itself is alive and the hologram is just projecting its mind? In other words, the hologram and the plant would be the same?
@@bluequacker What if the actual infi-nut are those leafs around the projector?
@@Vividlyforgotten Why not the hologram be a natural feature of the plant?
"Still, it's a very spammable wall and is efafifavafva for that alone"
Primal walnut is better at getting an 5 lane wall quickly and can take 2 hits from garg
Oh wait he was talking Abt primal lol
I think Infi's hologram is not *just* a hologram by definition but also hard light, a sci-fi concept people love to combine because it just makes sense
Infinut was certainly very useful for me before getting Primal Wallnut. Good recharge, ability, and the PF effect is busted.
So loving this series. I love learning about plants more than just seeing gameplay and text.
“Very few zombies actually eat quickly”
Proceeds to show a newpaper zombies on the screen.
I literally don’t even play this game but I just love listening to you talk about it.
this genuinely makes me happy as bystanders also enjoy it no matter how little context they have, glad you enjoyed it
Honestly, I love it purely because of how well it pairs with Chard guard in the early game. It’s some pretty great stalling that still has some viability as a defence later into the level.
Just place a chard guard behind it and whatever zombie is there is going to very slowly die, as each time it gets flung back, infinut has already fully regenerated
when i was a kid, i knew nothing about how good plants were or how bad plants were but i only liked infi-nut because i thought he looked cool. coming back years later, cool to know infi-nut is a pretty good plant.
I love the OMORI Ost you used in the background
Infinut is great for those "Plan your defense" levels because for 75 sun and some plant food, you can cover all 5 lanes
Infi-Nut actually carried me during the short time I played the game for. That wall it has took care of a decent horde of zombies while I waited for that last bit of sun 😃
(Also I hear that Omori ost can't catch me off guard with that.)
Placing infinut in front of an endurian makes the Infinut take hits for the endurian whenever it regenerates. I feel like it’s amazing support for other Reinforcemint plants.
Its better if you have 2 rows of info nuts cus if one row gets eaten the other one gets eaten then as it gets eaten the other one regenerate
Do a video on why tiger grass is criminally underrated! Mostly because turkey pult exists and people think its better when in reality they both shine in different situations and tiger grass can be far better in some situations.
well the design is really bad for tiger grass. The animations are hideous too. Like the new plants
Tbh, Turkey kinda sucks basically everywhere where zombies are swarmy or have high dps. Except in the rare tile turnip w/ turkey in arena/endless. (The Boss nerf basically kinda destroyed it’s best purpose)
I think he only does this on plants he feels need a video
1:25 it's a game were plants with eyes fight zombies to protect a crazy time traveler to get a taco sense is the last thing they were thinking about is things making sense.
Hey, its a little thing, but I just wanna say! Thank you so much for having subtitles, they really help greatly!
Listening to this vid made me feel like English wasn’t my first language
I accidentally just tried clicking the sun in the video preview 😭
Found out about your channel yesterday. Cannot wait to watch this video.
I have a video series idea for you, you could also cover specific zombies just like how you review specific plants. First video in the series, Zcorp Chair Zombie that rams into stuff. I hate those things
Fun fact: any ground zombie that's sent airborne from anything other than Spring Bean or Levitater can be blown away by Blover
I’ve seen someone try it on the chair zombie and it did not work
Those discussions videos are very entertaining to watch, I love it! Keep up the good work, you look fantastic.
In the future I’d like to see a video on the Potato Mines (both normal and the primal variant)/Insta Kill plants in general.
A video on the Shadow Plants (Moonflower, Nightshade, Dusk Lobber, Shadow Shroom, Grimrose, Shadow Peashooter, Murkadamia Nut, Noctarine, and Gloom Vine) could also be pretty interesting.
The projector to normal zombies: "I'm fucking invincible!"
It would be interesting if there were walls which countered instant hitting effects. Not all effects but like 1 per wall.
Resistance to flames, being crushed, ran over, being moved, ect. Infi-nut still would be unique in the jack of all trades design it has. This gives you more freedom in "Do I counter X zombie or do I stall them and get a different useful plant?"
It also makes the Pumpkin less of a straight upgrade to most walls simply by not taking up space and letting you protect yourself from zombies which get various kinds of jumps from straight to the back to even midway.
Well there is a wall nut that counters the instant hit thing. Primal wallnut.
Though it only reduces the damage to a third of their health, so it could only survive as many hits as its current health.
Two walls of infinuts and you’ve won baiscally
1:58 my person headcanon is that infi-nut is similar to Goop from Ben 10,where their body actually exists but requires a device to stabilise it(Goop’s ufo and Infi-nut’s hologram projector)
it has a name of what will happen when a dude gets past November
Without infi nut plant food, big wave beach would be impossible to beat.
The hologram in the far future is so advance that it acts like a power ring from Green Lanterns
I quite like the Gum-nut because it's a great stall-ish plant. Just think about it:
A level 1 Gum-nut leaves a MAX level wallnut under a zombie (possibly multiple because plant food and/or AOE) plus some more health based on the zombie trapped. It's REALLY good against the football mech that can screw up your symmetry or even a garg because it gets a lot of health from both. I still prefer plants like Endurian cause it pairs well with the Frostweed and any strong melee plant like Bonk Choy or Celery Stalker (or even both heheh) to SHRED even the tankiest zombies and mechs.. Maybe that's why I like playing the cracked version so much: don't really have to care about the expenses.
If you pair reinforcemint with gum-nut, you essentially have one the most overpowered match ups in the game....
If you play Gumnut/Icebloom effectively you basically have a defense that most zombies can’t break in endless which is pretty cracked. (Except like bwb and garg jam shockwaves while creating the first few gum blocks)
Johnny reaching 0.01% of its power:
I didn't think infinite was underrated I genuinely thought everyone thought it was good for the 5 lane shield
One of the first things mentioned in the video is that most people just consider it a plant food dump even though its usefulness goes beyond that
Watching in November, so jealous right now
"Is Infinut the hologram or the projector?"
Are you the flesh or the blood? Is Kool-Aid Man the jar or the liquid? It is a unity. Infinut is both.
But… Koolaid Man IS the jar…
I appreciate the subtitles on these newer videos, keep up the good work!
Would love to see a video on coconut cannon, an extremely overlooked, underrated and interesting plant
"How can a hologram be sentient?"
Man's clearly never watched Star Trek Voyager. The Doctor would have some choice words.
I'm using this as an excuse to post my peanut rant I made a few months back.
Plants vs Zombies is a series I hold really closely to my heart. I remember my Uncle showing it to me in 2009. I actually remember it was the game he used to teach me to power through tough moments in games. Roof levels scared me and he used that to make me push through and I had a blast. So when the sequel was announced? I was hyped. New worlds, gimmicks, zombies and plants to be added. And after a few updates. We got the peanut. Nuts are the classic go to for walls and defendes and peas are the classic go to for damage. There's only 1 issue.
Peanut is fucking awful. Now PvZ 2 has a serious power creep issue with the premium plants. So I'll only be comparing it to other gemiums and world plants. Peanut is a peashooter and walnut smashed into one tile. For the price of a peashooter and wall nut together and to make it worse, at half health its attack power gets halfed as well. In the original game this plant could be decent. But there is absolutely no reason to not use better plants. Things like fume shroom, repeater, boomerang.
They all do higher damage for cheaper, then just use one of the superior defense plants. Wall nut is a third of the cost, tall nut has double the health, Infi nut regenerates health. All of them are cheaper and so are the offensive plants that do more damage! Any other offense is better. Even lightning reed with pitiful damage can hit multiple lanes and chain zombies together! The issue for even worse when Lost ages came out. Red Stinger has the same cost and does the damage/Health gimmick way better. In the back of your lawn it does double damage, in the front it does none but has great defense. In the middle it averages out. Far more versatility, with the same cost and faster recharge! Not to mention the endurian! WHICH CAN DAMAGE MULTIPLE ZOMBIES FOR CHEAPER! It's outclassed in its own gimmick. Oh BuT tHoSe CaNt Be PoWeReD bY tOrChWoOd Congratu-fucking-lations, you just put your defensive plant BEHIND A NON DEFENSIVE ONE. Just use pea-pod or repeater for all that. Youll still have to slap a tall nut in front of the torchwood anyway! There is not a single world gimmick or situation where this shines, EVEN IN IT'S HOME WORLD. It was introduced along side the dark ages and is that worlds "gemium" plant. Yet is is highly expensive for a world with limited sun! Not to mention it can't even hit zombies past the gravestones, which is important due to the fact that the dangerous zombies, King Zombie and Wizard zombie are in the back! Oh hey, what about the levels where you have limited choices? This gives defense AND offense, right? Ok sure but uh, you ever fucking notice how they give you BETTER PLANTS. Those last 2 slots are better used for a potato mine so you can build sun, which you would need to do ANYWAY.
Peanut is useless in every sense of the word. But some developer at PopCap must of taken pity on all the players who spent 100 gems on this garbage with the addition on mints, each plant was given a class and when their specific mint was played, all plants on the field cause a significant health and damage buff. Peanut was given to reinforce-mint (nuts), not appease-mint (peas). Reinforce-mint is the only mint in the game that activates it's families plant food ability (imagine an ultimate) So Peanut by the grace of being the only plant with a ranged ultimate gets use as actually very useful! or it would if the mints were only available to buy every few months for a large amount of currency you can only get in the multiplayer mode. EVEN THEN THE MINT RECHARGE TIME IS AMONG THE LARGEST IN THE GAME, MOST GAMES YOU CAN ONLY USE IT TWICE, AND BY THAT TIME YOU'VE COMPLETED ALL THE STORY MISSIONS
Peanut does nothing special and is outclassed in every way by other plants in damage output, Health, Cost, Recharge or gimmick. It is not even a Jack of all trades master of none, it is garbage in each and every category
This was a fun read
Discovered your channel recently, i can say i got hooked immediately, great videos!
I’ve always used the infinut. I thought it was the best wall plant. It’s power up blocks all the lanes, and it regenerates after time. Sure, it’s low HP, and extra sun, but it rarely dies
these background music choices are _chef’s kiss_
I always use infinut as a great way to buy me time at the start of a level. I use lettuce as well as infinut to stall the first zombie. With me not needing to worry about him being fully taken off of the field, by the time that the zombie has eaten through the infi-nut I will have some offensive plants down and the infi-nut can easily regenerate on its own quickly to defend against the next wave of attackers. I rarely use any other nuts other than this guy, and as much as primal wall nut is loved by the community for him being able to quickly be put down, I prefer infi-nut always for my personal play style and the fact that he is permanently on the field.
the most rambly and long winded explanation that stated the obvious, well done
15:04 foreshadowing?
I don't know why I fell down the PvZ rabbithole when I haven't played in years, but I can't stop
Ah yes something to watch at 6:03 am
Don't worry, the zombies are just having a "light" snack
Carrot: "reviving plants isn't useful"
Infi-nut: "it's ability to revive itself is extremely useful"
I still agree with you on both cases but the comparrison still is a bit funny to me xD
the virgin carrot vs the chad infinut
@@Creeps20 "Nuts and Immortality mean the same to you" -Dr Infinut
The wallnut + intensive carrot combo is the best combo in the game!1!1!!!1!!!!1
@@h3971 based
based on your mom
@@Creeps20 gon be honest, anyone whos got a dirty mind would both agree and disagree with you
Your videos got me back into relearning the modern PVZ2 after playing on and off essentially once every three years. It's fun to see people's opinions on the current state of the game and/or mod landscape while comparing that with what it once was just under 10 years ago
I'm aware of my position as a new viewer who's only started going through your catalogue in the past month, but your enunciation issues being paired with subtitles that are more often than not, paraphrased (i.e writing what you mean rather than what you proper said) makes the video much more distracting than if I had just left you playing on the background and ignored the instinct to process the words you slurred out
Thanks a lot for your work, and I apologise for bringing up an accessibility issue in this light 🙏
I hope you were referring to Endurian, he’s actually one of my favorite plants and if it wasn’t for Infi-nut’s plant food effect I’d use Endurian a lot more. The tall-nut plus spike weed combo was one of my favorite’s in PvZ1 and combining them into one fruit I think was a brilliant idea
I love endurian. It's sad that I don't use him as much as I should
it stops fisherman. nuff said
The best gaslighting plant ever. Gatekeep, gaslight, plant boss. I love infi-nut so much.
I literally I have no idea what I'm doing here, I don't even play or ever have played plants vs zombies, but still watched the whole video
ngl this is an underrated series imo.
I would like to see my 2 faves Kermal Pult (I like him in PvZ2 idk y) and Hypnoshroom in "here's why" (always my favourite plant from PvZ1)
tbh I would never really see the plant/s potential (unless I like/love how they actually work lol) unless someone made a vid on it xD
The thing i like the most about infi nut its plant food can directly counter fisherman zombie
The reason zombies eat the infinut is because they are dumb, so see it and stop walking to eat it. (I completely made that up, but it sounds feasible).
The Infi-Nut, also known as "Fuck you zombies, you're not getting past lane 6. Ever."
Can't wait for holly barrier, a plant I discovered lately to be busted in fast paced lvls and really good overall, just gets forgotten due to pvz2 balancing tho
1. It regenerates
2. It’s plant food literally stops the entire wave for a short period of time
3. Looks cool
I like to think that Infi-nut is just a plant created in the future MEANT TO ACT as a wall-nut to stop the zombies. The zombies are simply too stupid to realize its not an actual plant, so they eat thru it anyway. The leaves in the projector are an extra detail to hide the fact its a projection. Even if infi-nut looks fairly different to wall-nut, the zombies have little to no brain or thinking capabilities, so they are easily fooled by it. Honestly, its smart if you think about it like this.
@Samuel Has to imitate a wall nut to stay in character
I'd love to see you do a video on Red Stinger. The idea is really cool, having a single plant capable of serving multiple roles depending on where it's placed, but it's defensive forms are just so hilariously bad that the whole idea feels squandered to me.
Before Primal Wall-Nut and Jurrassic Marsh have ever been released, Infi-Nut has always been my go-to defense plant.
Its ability to regenerate health as a wall plant have been a useful tool, especially when it synergizes well with Hurrikale, Spikeweed, Spikerock, Gumnut, Thyme Warp, and Chard Guard.
The fact that his force field can neutralized some of the flying zombies and protect other lanes has been a lifesaver for me.
pov you normaly use infinut more than other nuts
What if zombies are just dumb and think they are eating something real when they arent
I think the second best wall plant in PvZ2 is the endurian. It can't counter what counters walls, but it will deal with general zombies very well. It deals damage to anything close enough to it and cares not about how many there are. If you have a horde of 5 normal zombies, they will likely make it through, but if you add even a pea shooter, they are probably dead before they can eat it.
0:33 how do u have 1,234,575,610 coins?
Either bc playing this game is a passion or some sort of apk/mods
@@dizzle9638or money
Either a mod or just playing without power ups/leveling for a While.
It’s a mod no way he has a trillion coins
2:10 Not true, Plankton's favorite food is holographic meatloaf.
Why do I understand what your saying but at the same time I cant.
2:10 This guy has obviously never had a holographic meatloaf
Can you talk about your thoughts about stalling in general? They're pretty much OP in 95% of situations yet no mod really addresses the problem (or is there even a problem?).
is an idea
I genuinely tapped on a coin that appeared during gameplay footage
You have been selected as random winner of “fuck you”
I honestly think that infi-nut would be better in pvz1. The slower gameplay would play into the healing over time effect.
3:36 thats what I did to clear big wave beach
ofc he's literally infinite who wouldn't like him????
Did I just see a zombie walk over flowers with an infi-nut in that square? Dude that's a better option that spikeweed for that then.
Talk about rotobaga or starfruit!..somehow
Maybe you can talk about why people think rotobaga is better than starfruit? (Starfruit’s my favorite plant.)
it’s like the holographic meatloaf plankton eats.
Dfq man, no offense, can't understand what you're saying without Subtitles... Good content, but you need to work on clarity please.
The plant is the projector for sure, if it wasn't than the whole mechanic of regeneration and respawning wouldn't make sense whatsoever
infi nut isnt bad.primal nut is just too good that it outclassed most of the non premium defensive plants
Infi-nut is the small base that the hard light construct eminates from. The ai/plant construct could take any form it wanted but it chooses a walnut
Infi-nut and primal wallnut are only 2 walls that are useful (beside premium plants)
I love the military pvz tactics. Offensive momentum lol.