質問内容を確認します。 日本以外の国籍で、1月1日2023年には日本の非居住者で、2月1日に日本に帰国して、非永住者になりました。1月1日に売却したアメリカの家は、日本の送金課税の対象になるかどうかという質問ですよね? 非居住者の間に外国の家の譲渡所得は日本の所得税と住民税の対象にはなりません。 非永住者の期間にアメリカでほかの収入があった場合、注意が必要です。たとえ送金したのが2月2日だったとしても、2月3日から12月31日において、3万ドルの銀行利息や株式の配当金や譲渡益がアメリカの源泉所得だとしましたら、日本に3万ドル以上送金した場合、日本の所得税及び住民税の対象になります。 1月1日に売却したアメリカの家の譲渡所得が 20万ドルあって、手元に50万ドル残っていたとしても、その50万ドルを最初に送金したとわみなされません。 アメリカ国籍の場合は、すべての所得がアメリカの課税対象にもなりますから、二重課税が発生する恐れがあります。二重課税の軽減、もしくわ回帰作は両国の外国税額控除です。 Confirming your question. On 1/1/2023 you sold a house in the U.S. while you were still a non-resident of Japan. You are a non-Japanese Citizen and moved to Japan on 2/1/2023 and obtained a Visa to live in Japan. You are a non-permanent resident starting on 2/1/2023. Is the capital gains from the sale of the house subject to Japanese tax? Since you sold the house while you were a non-resident and the source of that income is not in Japan, it is not taxable in Japan. It may be taxable in the U.S. at federal and state level if it is outside of the exemption amount. However, you must be careful when transferring money into Japan after you are a non-permanent resident if you have other income that originated outside of Japan. For example, if you have $30,000 in income from interesting, dividends, and capital gains from stocks and bank deposit in the U.S. from 2/3/2023 to 12/31/2023 and you transfered $30,000 on 2/2/2023 into Japan, the $30,000 is taxable in Japan even if the house you sold had a capital gain of $200,000 and you were left with $500,000 after the sale. For tax purpose, even though you didn't earn the money before the transfer, it was still transferred in the same year and during the time you were a non-permanent resident, thus the $30,000 becomes taxable in Japan. For U.S. Citizens, you are taxed on worldwide income thus you may be taxed in the same income in Japan as you are being taxed in the U.S. To reduce or eliminate the double taxation, foreign tax credit in both countries may be needed in depending on the income type.
Recently I went to Japan and consulted with Japanese tax accountant. He confirmed that for non-japanese national, for five years income gained outside japan is not taxable in japan so long as that income is not brought into japan
You have to be extra careful with the non-permanent resident status. It is money that is brought into Japan or any acts that is done in place of transferring money into Japan (deemed transfer). For example, if you bought something in U.S. Amazon and had the merchandise shipped into Japan (even if it is a gift to a friend in Japan), it is deemed transfer of monetary value thus subject to transfer tax. The more obvious foul is shopping with a U.S. Credit card in Japan and paying for it from U.S. bank account. The other scheme are things like loading SUICA with Apple Pay using a U.S. debit card that is connected to a U.S. bank account--clearly you attempted to circumvented the transfer tax. The oddity is if say you were divorced and as part of the settlement, you are receiving income that is normally not subject to Japanese tax--if you had any other income outside of Japan such as a bank account interest, dividend, capital gains, it is presumed all of that money is being transferred into Japan before the first yen from the tax free divorce settlement is being transferred. This is true even if there's a direct transfer from the X-spouse living outside of Japan for such divorce settlement to you whom happen to be a non-permanent resident in Japan. There's no direct connection with the tax free settlement to your financial accounts in the U.S., yet the assumption is that you brought the investment returns into Japan first before any principal is brought into Japan. Totally unfair.
毎月のニュースレターを受け取りたい方などは、www.cdhcpa.com/ja/personal-tax/ でご自身の希望の分野をお選びしていただき、ページの下半分の丸や、丸みのある長方形のイメージをクリックしていただくとご希望のページに飛ぶ仕組みになっています
1月1日に売却したアメリカの家の譲渡所得が 20万ドルあって、手元に50万ドル残っていたとしても、その50万ドルを最初に送金したとわみなされません。
Confirming your question. On 1/1/2023 you sold a house in the U.S. while you were still a non-resident of Japan. You are a non-Japanese Citizen and moved to Japan on 2/1/2023 and obtained a Visa to live in Japan. You are a non-permanent resident starting on 2/1/2023. Is the capital gains from the sale of the house subject to Japanese tax?
Since you sold the house while you were a non-resident and the source of that income is not in Japan, it is not taxable in Japan. It may be taxable in the U.S. at federal and state level if it is outside of the exemption amount.
However, you must be careful when transferring money into Japan after you are a non-permanent resident if you have other income that originated outside of Japan. For example, if you have $30,000 in income from interesting, dividends, and capital gains from stocks and bank deposit in the U.S. from 2/3/2023 to 12/31/2023 and you transfered $30,000 on 2/2/2023 into Japan, the $30,000 is taxable in Japan even if the house you sold had a capital gain of $200,000 and you were left with $500,000 after the sale. For tax purpose, even though you didn't earn the money before the transfer, it was still transferred in the same year and during the time you were a non-permanent resident, thus the $30,000 becomes taxable in Japan.
For U.S. Citizens, you are taxed on worldwide income thus you may be taxed in the same income in Japan as you are being taxed in the U.S. To reduce or eliminate the double taxation, foreign tax credit in both countries may be needed in depending on the income type.
Recently I went to Japan and consulted with Japanese tax accountant. He confirmed that for non-japanese national, for five years income gained outside japan is not taxable in japan so long as that income is not brought into japan
You have to be extra careful with the non-permanent resident status. It is money that is brought into Japan or any acts that is done in place of transferring money into Japan (deemed transfer). For example, if you bought something in U.S. Amazon and had the merchandise shipped into Japan (even if it is a gift to a friend in Japan), it is deemed transfer of monetary value thus subject to transfer tax. The more obvious foul is shopping with a U.S. Credit card in Japan and paying for it from U.S. bank account. The other scheme are things like loading SUICA with Apple Pay using a U.S. debit card that is connected to a U.S. bank account--clearly you attempted to circumvented the transfer tax. The oddity is if say you were divorced and as part of the settlement, you are receiving income that is normally not subject to Japanese tax--if you had any other income outside of Japan such as a bank account interest, dividend, capital gains, it is presumed all of that money is being transferred into Japan before the first yen from the tax free divorce settlement is being transferred. This is true even if there's a direct transfer from the X-spouse living outside of Japan for such divorce settlement to you whom happen to be a non-permanent resident in Japan. There's no direct connection with the tax free settlement to your financial accounts in the U.S., yet the assumption is that you brought the investment returns into Japan first before any principal is brought into Japan. Totally unfair.
ただ日本に帰った時 払い続けてる健康保険が使えて便利なので住民を抜かずにきています。