How Do You Buff Holy Paladin In Mythic Plus?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ก.พ. 2024
  • Holy Paladin, cursed to be between the absolute meta and top tier, or bottom of the barrel as the absolute struggle. Can we fix it? Can we buff it? Without breaking it?
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ความคิดเห็น • 28

  • @HM-qf8ml
    @HM-qf8ml หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It took my too long to figure out that thumbnail. I thought the helmet was the left shoulder!

  • @Wellshem
    @Wellshem 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Mistweaver feels more like a holy paladin than hpal does. I just want to play brigitte from Ovewatch in WoW, ain't that complicated. Give me a hard hitting LoD around me (because why in front of you if you are literally a melee, bad design) and turn my damage into mono/multi target heal that I choose with beacon of faith/virtue. Keep it cooldown reliant and tadaaaah.

  • @game-day870
    @game-day870 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    When we do not track holy power on a character that is suppose to focus on holy power … blizzard messed up

    • @vanguelisk
      @vanguelisk 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      actually , after the rework,holy power is so abundant I never felt hp starved. They could very well remove it at this point

    • @game-day870
      @game-day870 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@vanguelisk i think we are saying the same thing? HP is worthless.

    • @thomasrebotier1741
      @thomasrebotier1741 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wow well summarized in 3 words : "blizzard messed up"

  • @dawgo5092
    @dawgo5092 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I really like builder-spender type classes in any game, which made me so excited to try holy paladin when I came to wow, and then it just didnt matter… im surprised at this point they didnt just remove holy power for holy specifically

  • @Gorgok19
    @Gorgok19 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I wish holy paladin would get away from the Glimmer of light playstyle, it was nice in BFA, but it needs to go now. I would rather have CS, HS and judgement generate Holy Power, then get WoG and LoD buffed, so you're a more traditional melee healer with a build and spend cycle. Then you combine that with Avenging Crusader for burst aoe healing when needed. (much like Cata playstyle tbh, it was nice back then).

  • @CasualBoomtown
    @CasualBoomtown 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    My perspective from staying in +18-20 m+ window, I have fun with hpal. I dont need to cast any hard healing spells, I'm always mobile. I get the job done and enjoy daybreak and Tyr combos. My huge issue is that I just don't do damage. I any slamming my keys on this and that and using all my HP on shield and I still do barely 30k. So much work and I wish I had more presence on the dos chart for my work.

  • @Gorgok19
    @Gorgok19 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Also I feel this is a problem with retail wow since forever now, too many multipliers to everything. For healers and dps, you need to hit X for 20% and Y for 30% for your skill Z to do 50% more and now it does something and that's not even your 2-3min cd I'm talking about, thats like 20-45sec cd spells that you need to track to get the most out of it. I feel it's too much, we need to get back to the days of you have 2-3min cd's that empower what you do and then regular spells and some 30sec cd's that heal or dps, no multipliers. IMO Cata/MoP/WoD were really good foundation for wow. Ever since legion things just get more and more complex for no reason, I need to create more keybinds in DF, because my 24 keybinds are not enough anymore.. And those are anywhere from regular rotation spells, CD's, modifier, utilities, trinket, movement spells, racials.

  • @thomasrebotier1741
    @thomasrebotier1741 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Came back to the game 3mo ago after years of interruption (stopped during BFA). At first I was surprised at how similar the spell set was to when I left-- it used to be that every expansion totally rewrote the rulebook, the worse being Pandaria, but today is not that changed on the surface from BOA. But after playing a bit longer I'm nonplussed. Like you say there's no synergy. Holy power seems to be the be-all end-all but you can't spend it efficiently, it's almost as if you just spend it to not waste it, but it's not really worth anything except being instant cast. Hand of Divinity is ridiculous because your two free Holy Light have to be cast within 12 secs ; because of the long cast time it's hard to fit exactly before intense damage, then you have a healthy party and these 2 free HL that end up 60% overheals, along with the two WoG that the HL-generated HP give you. Also, wings come too frequently and are too weak. I was used to a longer CD but real ooomph. I guess I'm still discovering the class dragonflight mechanics, but you can't figure it out by reading the talent tree...

  • @xSupeRvDad
    @xSupeRvDad หลายเดือนก่อน

    Veneration will single handily make holy pally fun again and easier.

  • @fabianb.7438
    @fabianb.7438 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice video!
    My point on holy pala after playing it for over 9 years as heal.
    First I didn’t like the caster bilde I know I know some what’s it but what’s the point at playing it hooky priest did the same and better. For me holy pala is one of two specs in the heal meta as melee! Whay because we were count drone the game as melee like Monk.
    For what is the quint essence of pala strong spender and solide healing with good to high dmg when playing meele. Combine withe fast and here really fast gameplay and as big cd wings.

  • @WyoLars
    @WyoLars 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I came back after not playing for a few years... i played holy paladin for years.. I can not get a hold of the current setup.. i switched to shaman over it.. I'm trying holy palaidan again now that we are towards the end of the season and I still cant get it... I've tried so many guide, either I'm totally missing the point or they have totally screwed up this class

  • @percioreinert8544
    @percioreinert8544 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Why do you run with inflorescence of the sunwell? To use those infusions on judgement?

    • @Bowserthehealer
      @Bowserthehealer  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      So the 12 holy power spenders to get free avenging wrath is great, but not if you run crusader. Its 8 seconds of wings and it feels awful. Inflorescence of the sunwell provides a lot of nice benefits including making hard casting more beneficial. I get a bunch out of those judgements too according to details.
      But yeah, 8 seconds of wings that you might not even have time to use during a mechanic feels terrible. And holding onto it feels worse. With wrath its a god send and I love running it.

  • @steelsky78
    @steelsky78 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I've quit holy paladin this season, while it's a capable healer the gameplay is a mess.
    Blessing of dawn + spenders being worthless breeds degenerate playstyle, having to fit hand of divinity uses to make holy light(to make it an actual button worth pressing) with tyr's extensions, flash of light being the efficient heal, mana recovery and consumption being atrocious, unbound freedom being a talent ON THE CLASS TREE for ret and prot but not holy, and the list goes on and on...
    First of all they tried to make "ranged" Holy a thing, when it never something you were supposed to do in modern paladin, with the rework they not only made it something you "could" play but something you must, therefore transforming holy paladin into a mess of a class.
    The rework did bring some amazing stuff but now it needs a simplification like what they did to discipline priest, disc had similar issues where you were burning several cooldowns and they ended up combining them into one button and adding synergies to existing one. Also make crusading strikes a thing for holy too pls? :P
    But I'm not looking forward to what's to come either, hero talents are bringing more button bloat and confusing gameplay decisions, don't get me wrong I love the idea of healers being more supporty, but I don't want the class to become a button mess without any synergies.
    Good video, love your content

  • @Soulmatic25
    @Soulmatic25 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I would love the option in the talent tree to choose between a melee build or caster, very much like mistweaver. I would go as far as having them become two seperate specializations.
    If they can't help etch out two separate identifies for Holy pally, I would like to see a
    1) A nerf to Tyrs Deliverance in regards to base thoroughput, however allow SoR and WOG to extend duration.
    2) Reduce mana cost of melee wings build
    3) Remove Light of Dawn, however, make Shield of Righteousness activate glimmers at 50% effectiveness
    4) Rework Lights Hammer - Spark of Tyr (choice node between either applying glimmer to Friendly targets or enemy targets) - Launch a hammer of light into the sky, causing radiant sparks to descend, applying glimmers to 5 targets at 30% effectiveness for 20 sec. Cool down 12 seconds, mana cost 15,000, 40yard range, (give or take) - similar to temporal anomoly.
    5) Remove Holy light (like they did with Healing Touch for druids) and incorporate a slightly longer cast time for flash of light. Make it heal harder to compensate and make FOL splash heal instead of Holy Light with anyone with glimmer buff. Or choice node with
    Lights Refraction - Your Holy shocks no longer activates glimmers damage or healing and flash of light mana cost increased, however FoL extends duration of all targets with glimmer and activate glimmer at reduced effectiveness
    7) Add more synergies to crusader strike such as - Crusader's Vengeance - your crusader strike, now hits four targets at reduced effectiveness, however, each cast imparts holy energy onto your targets. At 5 stacks, your next shield of righteousness cost 100% more mana but causes your debuffed targets to explode in holy light for x damage.
    8) Make consecration move with you - Path of the Righteous - Your strength in the light flows throughout you, consecrating the very grounds you walk; consecration follows you but has shorter duration and increased mana cost.
    Something more or less along those lines would be fun, more synergetic, and help bring out the identifies of two distinct playstyles.
    Also to note, I absolutely do not in any form, want a season where Holy pally is so overpowered that the get an onslaught of nerfs. I'm perfectly okay with Holy pally being tuned to be in the middle of the pack, but to at least having a more rewarding and intuitive playstyle

  • @Justagamerl
    @Justagamerl 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Just give them super saiyan damage like they had in Legion.

    • @Bowserthehealer
      @Bowserthehealer  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Please do not give them that. The healer balance is almost amazing, I don't want to see ashen hollows again LOL

  • @LividAardvark3911
    @LividAardvark3911 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    HPal I actually switched from double-beacon to Virtue and found that I enjoyed the spec way more with that. This season I usually have to heal 1 target or literally everyone. But that's just my preference atm.
    But -- I think their single target heals need a buff personally despite what you said. It feels so hard to move an HP bar compared to literally every other healer. Their base healing might be comparable somewhat but I think you're missing that other classes have other interactions they can use to take their single target heals even higher. Pres can Pre-Echo or Lifebind + Verdant. Shaman can do any of their CDs and also Undulation plus their base crit rate with Tides up is like 80-90% and also Cloudburst is a smart heal. HPriest has Wings on a 1min CD and literally infinite Serenities with the tier set and 15% bonus healing on low HP targets, they hit for like 160K non crit, instant cast. HPal has almost no extra interactions to make their single target any stronger than it says on the tooltip excluding minor minor buffs from Infusion and Tyrs. That's what I hate about them atm. And honestly the only thing I hate about them except maybe WoG should hit a bit harder.
    Context: 3320 IO RDruid main and like 3K + - 100 on every other healer.

  • @valiantvincent2621
    @valiantvincent2621 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I do think the biggest part of the problem is that it seems SO geared around these big cooldown windows, that everything outside of them just feels, flat? even if you can make it work. and having a combo point style resource that doesn't feel rewarding in any way is also a huge issue. I don't ever want to see a return of the ranged Paladin healing *shudders in WoTLK raid flashbacks* but there has to be some kind of middle ground where you can be effective no matter what, while not needing to perfectly manage every big resource to get there.

  • @kizzagaming6523
    @kizzagaming6523 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I hate a few things, holy shock mouseovers being a requirement and really you just need to be running some external healbot program and not just a macro, need many trackers for things like ur CD's since you have so many / glimmers falling off / being in conc / Blessing of autumn / Idk. It just feels really bad to play, playing all the healers now holy pally just felt sooooo bad to me. Dps is low, utility is good but not entirely reliable in a lot of weeks, and spending a GCD for it can sometimes kill someone. Yeaaaah idk

  • @ADeArce
    @ADeArce 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The fix is put it back to how it was in 10.2.5. Class played great and they couldn’t just leave it alone.

  • @Poisonieer
    @Poisonieer 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Alot of it is the healing profile of this season is WAY different that dosent really match up with the hpally kit imo disc has more constant aoe healing mw being the aoe God that it is. Hpally dose well with big boom damage and down time. Holy power needs to go away though.

  • @bigbadbeardo
    @bigbadbeardo 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Best way to describe holy paladin and holy power spenders atm, is its game of thrones
    It’s got a good build up, but the end result is garbage.
    Spenders need a proper looking at and need something to actually make them worth spending. It’s also actually at a point where SOTR does more healing than LoD lmao

  • @ic3t3ap3ach
    @ic3t3ap3ach 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    this spec sounds too complicated for me 😂. ret paladin and prot is simple. this isn't