I mean he has every right to. This basically the equivalent to seeing a fucking nuke go off and destroy a whole city on your second day of active duty.
man that tutorial is so full of life and humor. "man someone needs to do an ammo sweep around here" - giving context on why there are random grenades on the ground. "pull that shit again and you're gonna get some unexpected chainsaw training". "wow, all this damage came from your grenade" - "sure as hell didn't come from yours". "thats an order, soldier!" so much immersion I just love that marcus isn't a total asshole. he had to tell dom to cool it down with the insults to his brother who died. Really miss those character development moments. gosh, this was nostalgic.
One thing I love about Ben is despite his green-ness, he gradually wins the respect of Delta Squad, even Marcus; not only that, but he retains his cheeriness while still being a competent and capable Gear, even if that green-ness still shows on occasion. One thing that sucks about him dying is how later, Marcus and Dom comment on Ben's love for pyrotechnics, something we didn't get to see before his death 😟
I really fell in love with Benny, his cheesiness and enthusiasm really helped lift up some of GOW heaviness. Helped too that I learned his was killer with his Longshot. Took the head of a Drone that had me down in one run.
I mean he did die taking part in the lightmass offense which even though it wasn’t directly sacrificed he played his part as did all the dead gears in gears 1
14:17 Marcus: "where's Carmine?" Ben: " I got your back Sarge!" It always hit me that moment because even if he was a green gear, he earn the respect of all delta members, even Marcus... and try to do his best for his squad members.. that vibe of little brother trying his best even if he screws up... damn.... hits more harder now that I'm the elder brother of my family.. Rest in peace Benjamin
honestly i was really flipping mad at the way he died why was no one holding on to him while they were in the raven?! like he was wounded he couldnt catch him self from falling and he was bound to fall eventually since its no doors and it takes wide turns i was just mad no one held on to him to keep him from falling
@@AwildGwen That’s why if this game ever gets a remaster (with brand new cutscenes to boot) I hope they show Delta trying to keep him on the Raven until his inevitable fall. On a side note, I wish we got to see him grow especially by 4 and 5. Oh well.
@@twitchtokoyami4830 And in the dream in Gears Of War 3 you can see Anthony and Ben fighting alongside Marcus and Dom, real shows they had a impact on him to that kind of personal extent.
Wish we had more screen time with Anthony and ben. While Anthony was killed too quick I think ben was a great character. I can see why Clayton really wants the locust dead...
I think there was more planned for Anthony as a character. My only evidence being that he was in the first Gears of War teaser in Veteran armor and to the left of Marcus in the original game cover.
@@ThePilleroflightning I just replayed Gears 3 for the first time since childhood. I have no idea why Clayton got sidelined. He was a cool character. Why the heck did Jace get more screentime... Didn't Epic make a big deal out of his survival? Makes no sense narratively.
i appreciate the flamethrower comment at the end being put in it made me so sad seeing them mention his passing but also happy that he meant smth to them that theyd remember him even after.
Beefiest 18* y/o I’ve ever seen in a game. I’ll forever be sad that we never got to see him become a veteran gear in his own right and having interactions with big brother Clay.
words will never be able to describe how much i loved Ben not only my favorite Carmin but defenitly one of my favorite charecters right up there with Dizzy
I always thought that Marcus might’ve saw Ben as a son but it may have not seem like but in gears 3 in the nightmare ben is in it that may imply that bens death had a huge impact on Marcus life indicating Marcus cared about him so much like a son
Ben Carmine he's a cool cog rookie sucks that he died even though Anthony died a sniper but Ben died a hero B. Carmine: I GOT YOUR BACK SARGE thats a hero's death
Indeed, the og trilogy needs a remaster/UE. 1 looked good, would love to see it for 2 and 3, don't necessarily care to have one for Judgement, but if they remaster it, I "might" try it.
The UE Gears was really good and even better than the original imo, but I still prefer the original because in UE they toned down the gore a lot, but still if I introduce my friends to gears I'm going to let them play UE
I'm sorry, but the scene where he rolls outta the helicopter into the Riftworm's mouth and the way Marcus yells "CARMINE!" after him will never not be funny to me.
man ben was my favorite character besides marcus and when he died i was just sitting on my couch bawling my eyes out and i wish he had more time in this game especially during the last parts of the game
10:08 Benjamin Carmine:“that’s why I wear helmets so I don’t breath in dust” Dom: “ya but I wouldn’t see snipers wouldn’t I” he was basically talking about Anthony carmines death
Being someone who played Gears 2 first (well, technically 3 was first, but only the first level), Benjy was the first Carmine I'd gotten to know; boy, was I surprised learning his origins in regards to his brother Anthony's unexpected popularity 😅
@@fuyotaco6557 Ben's helmet is different in this scene. search up his helmet and the back side of it is not the one in this scene. it's instead one of the other cog helmets shown in gears 2.
Cmon man master chief isn’t a scared kid how he remind you of him 😂. Not to mention any Spartan II especially chief would make light work of any cog character
B.Carmine really has heart and soul It’s why he’s so likeable He literally what you would expect from a private. Wish he lived. Honestly one of my favourites in the entire franchise. From all the deaths B.Carmine the one which upsets me the most. Second being Maria’s then Doms. You can see he was truly trying just to make his squad proud and fit in. He a good soldier. I genuinely feel bad for him that no one took him seriously because he’s a rook/private. Loved that character I wish he lived. I
I believe the 4th brother was in the Comics. Judgement references a non-COG family member in the first act. I believe there is about 8 or so known Carmines in the series.
I’ve replayed this campaign 5 times, everytime I play it with a friend I tell them to spot any halo references. They get excited at that part of the game.
Carmine did NOT deserve to die like that and so soon. He did nothing wrong to deserve such a fate. Thats one if the gears of war deaths that made me feel sad. R.I.P. Ben Carmine you'll never be forgotten
I remenber especting to Carmine to die like a stupid way or something but he dies at the end of the game and like a pro, literally surviving a gigant fall in the belly of a gigant monster and then die while saying her goodbuys, Ben was one of the best. And the dead of Tai was soo fucking shoking.
You know after years of not seeing my fav scene of the raven with carmine I find his staying behind to cover Marcuses back weird. I know at the time making games like this were hard but again it's still weird.
The saddest thing is when you don't train Ben. I always feel like he looks so sad
Well at least he doesn't die
He won't die if you don't train em??!!👀
@@madgun2134 He still will. Don't know what that guy is talking about
This thought keeps coming back to me 😐
Dude Benjamin carmine's death was one of the few in the series that actually had a visual effect on Marcus.
The poor boy was literally tore wide open, I was like “what the fuck man, let the boy live goddammit.”
T-Boneless and he was too young and had so much potential for growth to be the best now we’ll never know
He had the most painful death Anthony died quick same with the Gary died hella fast but him Ben had his guts eaten out and was alive while it happened
And one of the moment's that made me cry (im a fan of the carmines so that's why i cry when they die)
@@gmoneyxrg9647 the sad part is he was the youngest
The way Ben freaks out "Holy Shit" kills me everytime
I mean he has every right to. This basically the equivalent to seeing a fucking nuke go off and destroy a whole city on your second day of active duty.
@@hewhobattles8869 and if the nuke had a face and teeth
That almost sounds like Godzilla to me
man that tutorial is so full of life and humor.
"man someone needs to do an ammo sweep around here" - giving context on why there are random grenades on the ground.
"pull that shit again and you're gonna get some unexpected chainsaw training".
"wow, all this damage came from your grenade" - "sure as hell didn't come from yours".
"thats an order, soldier!" so much immersion
I just love that marcus isn't a total asshole. he had to tell dom to cool it down with the insults to his brother who died. Really miss those character development moments.
gosh, this was nostalgic.
That’s exactly what the new gears is missing. They need to remaster gears of war 2
Dont need you getting religious out there
“Don’t need you to get religious out there.” “Uhh, pardon?” “Holy.” “Oh right, full of holes. Heh, got it.”
“What’d chu call that thing? A monkey dog, heh, I got a special bone for it.”
Don’t forget the “Monkey dog thing”
One thing I love about Ben is despite his green-ness, he gradually wins the respect of Delta Squad, even Marcus; not only that, but he retains his cheeriness while still being a competent and capable Gear, even if that green-ness still shows on occasion.
One thing that sucks about him dying is how later, Marcus and Dom comment on Ben's love for pyrotechnics, something we didn't get to see before his death 😟
The only thing I can think of is during the tutorial and his eagerness to throw the grenade
I really fell in love with Benny, his cheesiness and enthusiasm really helped lift up some of GOW heaviness. Helped too that I learned his was killer with his Longshot. Took the head of a Drone that had me down in one run.
Apparently there was some cut content where he'd talk about his Pyromania, so that's why Dom mentions it
Thankfully if you happen to play as Benjamin in versus or horde and get a kill with Frag nades or incendiary nades, he'll laugh maniacally.
"Just good to know he died a hero's death" and Dom just "...yeah" got me so sad for some reason
Me too he just got sniped, i mean u die not knowing it's coming so it'll be like a simple death, just... got sniped
Poor Anthony got the black ops 2 quickscope treatment.
He didn't go out as a hero, but he damn well is one in my heart
I mean he did die taking part in the lightmass offense which even though it wasn’t directly sacrificed he played his part as did all the dead gears in gears 1
@@nonamesoyouwontsearchitupi372 No. He died dishonorably. He broke the golden rule of the Gears. As Marcus Fenix puts it, "Take cover or die."
Ben's my favorite character from any game
No shit😔
Same since i was little b carmine always had a spot in my heart
Couldn't agree more
Lmao the way Marcus says: "ROOK! Ya did good!"
Give Ben a small fright. Mad eit seem like marcus was gonna get mad at him, but than complimented him. Made Ben make feel better
FAX 8:55
7:01 & 8:51
Marcus:"Always keep ur head down in a firefight"
Wow he really referrenced Anthony Carmines Death
More like the universal way to not get killed.
He didn't want a repeat of a simple mistake.
Oh no. History is starting to repeat itself
@@toxic_cunt9179 For real but you're almost 1 year late
6:53 Nah, they even had a first variation gear die the same way he did
Not subtle at all
Benjamin must be protected
Oh do I have something to tell you-
Oh uh he died
Hes... very unsavable...
Someones got to tell him
Mission failed, we'll get em next time
"where's Carmine?"
" I got your back Sarge!"
It always hit me that moment because even if he was a green gear, he earn the respect of all delta members, even Marcus... and try to do his best for his squad members.. that vibe of little brother trying his best even if he screws up... damn.... hits more harder now that I'm the elder brother of my family..
Rest in peace Benjamin
Bro Doms “then I wouldn’t be able to see snipers so well” comment threw so much shade the locusts thought they were a level deeper
I can still hear Carmine saying "Ehh. Stand up like a man!" Whenever he revived me. RIP
Ben carmine will always be my favorite character
I laughed so hard when carmine said the golden rule
He was a good kid 😪
Bro 10:05 was so uncalled for by Dom. 😭 Poor Benjamin didn’t even get it.
benjamine was a open heart soldier he was really nice hate he had to die
honestly i was really flipping mad at the way he died why was no one holding on to him while they were in the raven?! like he was wounded he couldnt catch him self from falling and he was bound to fall eventually since its no doors and it takes wide turns i was just mad no one held on to him to keep him from falling
That’s why if this game ever gets a remaster (with brand new cutscenes to boot) I hope they show Delta trying to keep him on the Raven until his inevitable fall. On a side note, I wish we got to see him grow especially by 4 and 5. Oh well.
at 9:40 carmine is wearing the 3rd variation cog helmet instead of the 2nd variation lol
Holy shit I didn't expect to see you here
I noticed that too.
He also has the first helmet during one of the Derrick cutscenes
Wait what???
Marcus didn’t want ben to fight cuz he knew he isn’t the main character
He just didn't want fail him like he failed Anthony Carmine
@@twitchtokoyami4830 And in the dream in Gears Of War 3 you can see Anthony and Ben fighting alongside Marcus and Dom, real shows they had a impact on him to that kind of personal extent.
I saw that one.
7:40 ben just has the best voice
11:09 Dom is able to insult anyone, from COG rookies to AI's from 500 years in the future.
I love Ben the most… R.I.P
He was a best kid when he save his sergeant
He died a heros death he protected delta squad if not for Ben Carmine delta squad would have been killed
10:05 I feel like he was mocking Anthony on that one for sure.
Yeah I've always thought that too and it's so insulting considering snipers are hard to see in the first place and Dom said that he respected him
@@Duality2222-2 kinda dislike dom for that, low blow man
@@reaxel2384 yea that was REALLY a low blow
He was
@@chicken1456 it's fine. Karma bit him in the ass by being too late to save his wife lmao
Wish we had more screen time with Anthony and ben. While Anthony was killed too quick I think ben was a great character. I can see why Clayton really wants the locust dead...
I think there was more planned for Anthony as a character. My only evidence being that he was in the first Gears of War teaser in Veteran armor and to the left of Marcus in the original game cover.
Im surprised people doing think the same about Clay? He barely had screen-time himself and only 1 act in Gears 3
@@ThePilleroflightning I just replayed Gears 3 for the first time since childhood. I have no idea why Clayton got sidelined. He was a cool character. Why the heck did Jace get more screentime... Didn't Epic make a big deal out of his survival? Makes no sense narratively.
I never read Carmine's Cog Tag collectible till today 😢
best carmine from the best gears game, makes sense
Aside from Clayton
I like when he says "Drop the Sir sh*t, we're not that polite here."
7:48 to this day it amuses me that Seran flashlights are apparently bulky enough you’d need to sacrifice a gun in order to carry one
Guess they're Dead Space sized flashlights
then you realize dom has a flashlight like attachment on his armor lmao
i appreciate the flamethrower comment at the end being put in it made me so sad seeing them mention his passing but also happy that he meant smth to them that theyd remember him even after.
The worst part is the fact that *HE'S FUCKING 17*
Rest in peace to my favorite Carmine.
Pray for his soul.
Beefiest 18* y/o I’ve ever seen in a game. I’ll forever be sad that we never got to see him become a veteran gear in his own right and having interactions with big brother Clay.
words will never be able to describe how much i loved Ben not only my favorite Carmin but defenitly one of my favorite charecters right up there with Dizzy
Now that I'm in the army that first carmine scene is like 10x more funny 😂😂😂
11:08 the shade on halo is hilarious
When carmine said “I…hurt sarge” that almost broke me dude
Dude Benjamin sounds like how someone would react IRL
The death of Maria was infuriating yes, but when they killed my boi BEN, that’s when I started to hate the Locust
rule number one of gears of war, if you have a helmet *pray.*
I always thought that Marcus might’ve saw Ben as a son but it may have not seem like but in gears 3 in the nightmare ben is in it that may imply that bens death had a huge impact on Marcus life indicating Marcus cared about him so much like a son
9:54 smh dom
Ben Carmine he's a cool cog rookie
sucks that he died even though Anthony died a sniper but Ben died a hero
thats a hero's death
Yes Ben carmine is a hero to the end protecting his Sargent
That tutorial section alone felt so much more organic and enjoyable than the constant bullshit banter james and his lackies do the ENTIRE time.
11:08 Dom obviously went to the same school on cave formations that Cortana did
I was just about to say lmao i think that was a halo Easter egg
I like how they implemented the military etiquette,the difference between officers and enlisted when he sir instead of sgt
The only Carmine that all of his Gear Superior cared
Didn’t have much of Ben but he is favorited in the gears community 😂
His death would be so much sadder in a remastered version of this game but I’m dying to see a remaster
Indeed, the og trilogy needs a remaster/UE. 1 looked good, would love to see it for 2 and 3, don't necessarily care to have one for Judgement, but if they remaster it, I "might" try it.
The UE Gears was really good and even better than the original imo, but I still prefer the original because in UE they toned down the gore a lot, but still if I introduce my friends to gears I'm going to let them play UE
I'm sorry, but the scene where he rolls outta the helicopter into the Riftworm's mouth and the way Marcus yells "CARMINE!" after him will never not be funny to me.
man ben was my favorite character besides marcus and when he died i was just sitting on my couch bawling my eyes out and i wish he had more time in this game especially during the last parts of the game
10:05 a real scummy thing to say Dom, especially to a green happy-go-lucky 18 year old
i always feel so bad for ben when you dont train him he looks so sad
“Hey Marcus, you ever seen ‘em eating emulsion?”
“They could eat shit and die for all I care” 😄
“Holy shit, holy shit, HOLY SHIIIIT”
10:08 Benjamin Carmine:“that’s why I wear helmets so I don’t breath in dust”
Dom: “ya but I wouldn’t see snipers wouldn’t I” he was basically talking about Anthony carmines death
6:53 Welp...Déjà-Vu. It's like Anthony never left us
The sniper comment from dom is uncalled for. Cool character but man that was a dick move
He deserved better. He should’ve lived.
17:18 rip carmine 😢
Being someone who played Gears 2 first (well, technically 3 was first, but only the first level), Benjy was the first Carmine I'd gotten to know; boy, was I surprised learning his origins in regards to his brother Anthony's unexpected popularity 😅
Dude I rewatched the death and I almost cryed but cole screaming made me laugh
The devs thought they were slick... 💀(Look at Carmine's helmet)
Im confused what about his helmet?
@@fuyotaco6557 Ben's helmet is different in this scene. search up his helmet and the back side of it is not the one in this scene. it's instead one of the other cog helmets shown in gears 2.
Benjamin Carmine reminded me of Master Chief. He's better than Master Chief in my opinion. Best videogame character ever.
Cmon man master chief isn’t a scared kid how he remind you of him 😂. Not to mention any Spartan II especially chief would make light work of any cog character
@@vletur COGS are literally clone troopers on steroids, do your research.
@@mmnnnghgdgzgccx Bruh did u mix star wars and halo
@@vletur I’m being honest tho, In the lore COGs get shipped STEROIDS in their rations.
@@vleturChief was lucky, Ben just ran out of luck😢
B.Carmine really has heart and soul
It’s why he’s so likeable
He literally what you would expect from a private.
Wish he lived. Honestly one of my favourites in the entire franchise.
From all the deaths
B.Carmine the one which upsets me the most. Second being Maria’s then Doms.
You can see he was truly trying just to make his squad proud and fit in. He a good soldier. I genuinely feel bad for him that no one took him seriously because he’s a rook/private.
Loved that character I wish he lived.
I hate that the way carmine gets swallowed is him trying to give marcus and the others time to escape and eventually sacrificed his life for them
Rest in peace Ben, you died like a hero
He got holy!
Also Marcus was inspired by b. Carmine when he said "wonder why we don't have flashlights?"
Ben feels like he’s the player’s younger brother, at least to me. It’s why he’s my favorite and why his death hurts me the most
my favorite carmine
They should have had held on to him on the chopper …….
I honestly adore Ben Carmine, he deserved better
The moment's i cried at cuz of carmine 15:00 15:17
Funny how Dom said "yea but then I wouldn't see snipers so well," fore shadowing carmeezys death
Did Benjamin's helmet change to an NCOG Marine helmet?
That's a glitch or an oversight by Epic. That wasnt an NCOG Marine helmet though. It's just a 3rd variant of the regular COG helmet
There's also the part where they're climbing back onto the Rig earlier in the game and he has the first variation of the helmet instead
I like ben the most and because of his name but he was the only one to last a while before he died..... Atleat dom say rest in peace
0:13 I've never seen that helmet before
I would go so far to say Benjamin is literally the most relatable video game character in gaming history change my mind.
I love Clayton, but if I had to choose I would’ve chosen Ben to survive. His death is the only one that ever came close to Dom’s
1:39 they actually rescued Kim!
carmine is one my favorite character
IT'S ME!!!
Will we ever get to meet the 4th brother?
Well theres Anthony, Benjamin, Clayton, Gary (Technically), and Lizzie from what we know of.
Maybe in gears 6, who knows.
@@CynicalFurry There's another carmine that's on the memorial stone in gears 5
I believe the 4th brother was in the Comics. Judgement references a non-COG family member in the first act. I believe there is about 8 or so known Carmines in the series.
I thought Gary was the 4th brother?
@@davidceja3087 Apparently the brother's are in order of the alphabet.
Elizabeth "Lizzie"
The saddest thing is delta squad watch Ben getting munch for a hot second. Trying to identify if the cog gear is Ben or not.
Imagine they make a gow movie called like SAVE PRIVATE CARMINE where it's kinda like Saving Private Ryan but with a carmine brother
11:08 Halo CE Referance
I’ve replayed this campaign 5 times, everytime I play it with a friend I tell them to spot any halo references. They get excited at that part of the game.
Carmine did NOT deserve to die like that and so soon. He did nothing wrong to deserve such a fate. Thats one if the gears of war deaths that made me feel sad.
R.I.P. Ben Carmine you'll never be forgotten
I remenber especting to Carmine to die like a stupid way or something but he dies at the end of the game and like a pro, literally surviving a gigant fall in the belly of a gigant monster and then die while saying her goodbuys, Ben was one of the best. And the dead of Tai was soo fucking shoking.
Ben was always my favorite.
Edit: favorite line. It was a weird monkey dog thing?!?!
1:42 i would of definitely taken the spot, lmao
I'm Benjamin Carmine!
You know after years of not seeing my fav scene of the raven with carmine I find his staying behind to cover Marcuses back weird. I know at the time making games like this were hard but again it's still weird.
11:51 LMAO
Rip Carmine
Sounds like caboose
Right? I thought i was the only one that noticed that he sometimes sounds like Caboose
Well reloading sir
good enough
damn didn't know you could get his tags, why'd they put them so far from his body?
Probably got ripped off him when he got attacked
The only soldier who was the Best But was not the hardest
F Carmine
But did he tell his brother's