I've had an occasion where melted and then refrozen snow / water slipping over the sensors has caused a weird ultrasonic reflection for my parking sensors
At mercedes, we get judged when you use a power probe, especially when you are a basic maintenance tech. They always encourage us to do a voltage drop test, but this testing method looks so clean and easy.Why don't manufacturers encourages to use power probes? Don't get it
Brilliant video mate and happy new year to you 👍🏼
Happy new year!
Nice little video that all the best for the new year bud.
Thanks, you too!
I've had an occasion where melted and then refrozen snow / water slipping over the sensors has caused a weird ultrasonic reflection for my parking sensors
Me too. Usually with my jobs its often a dimwitted cretin who has been farting about in the past lol
Happy New Year,BMW Mechanic-AllMech
And you Nick
Happy New Year! Body shops rarely understand proper handling of wiring circuits. Many of them do careless body work and gloss over it.
Happy new year Jason 🙂 I see it alot buddy 👍
All the best for the new year 👍
@@shaunblakemore7150thanks Shaun you too buddy
At mercedes, we get judged when you use a power probe, especially when you are a basic maintenance tech. They always encourage us to do a voltage drop test, but this testing method looks so clean and easy.Why don't manufacturers encourages to use power probes? Don't get it