Unfortunately, most of these apartment complexes in SoCal refuse to negotiate rents at all (which I consider to be a form of bad faith negotiation, but that's a separate issue). They simply say rates are non-negotiable and give vague non-specific language about market rates that don't correlate to reality without any concrete arguments on why they won't negotiate rates.
In California. This concept is an extremely difficult sell to a rental property owner/management co. One of the main reasons is because once a tenant has taken possesion of a unit, the owners options for increases are limited and controlled by gov agencies. This limits owners rights .. And makes owners far less flexible. Rent controls out in california only control incomes. never expenses. Not even gov agaency expenses, prop taxes. ect.....
Haha when you said incredible boring Harvard law professor - that part hit home for me. 😅
Thank you so much. Very digestible 👍🏾
This is really great Bob, thanks for this
Unfortunately, most of these apartment complexes in SoCal refuse to negotiate rents at all (which I consider to be a form of bad faith negotiation, but that's a separate issue). They simply say rates are non-negotiable and give vague non-specific language about market rates that don't correlate to reality without any concrete arguments on why they won't negotiate rates.
This video should have a million views, just shows people don't want to put in the work. Thanks a ton Bob, you're the man!
Thank you!
In California. This concept is an extremely difficult sell to a rental property owner/management co. One of the main reasons is because once a tenant has taken possesion of a unit, the owners options for increases are limited and controlled by gov agencies. This limits owners rights .. And makes owners far less flexible. Rent controls out in california only control incomes. never expenses. Not even gov agaency expenses, prop taxes. ect.....
I would of thought they’d deny you and bring in someone who would pay 1800. Glad it worked though
The tax what office?
Tax Assessors Office
I tried and most said nope!