"The forest was shrinking, but the trees (Africans) kept voting for the Axe (The western World and Chinese), for the Axe was clever and convinced the Trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them."
Good analogy but the axe's handle was greedy African "freedom fighter politicians" and the axe's head was weapons from abroad (Terror, Violent protest, Populist racist tales of "the evil white man", Maladministration, Russia's mercenaries, the CCP's loans, the militaries of greedy fellow African neighbours, religion calling for killing of fellow Africans, etc, etc). Africa should mature past stories about 'the other' and start introspection and face its own weaknesses within.
26:20 Senegalese fishing minister: 'We stopped issuing additional licenses for small fishing vessels in 2012 and [for] industrial fishing vessels since April 2020' There you have it. Corruption in a nutshell and admitted openly. DW, if you interviewed the Senegalese fishing minister why didn't you ask him why he was still issuing licenses to industrial fisheries (mainly China and Southern Europe) EIGHT years after he stopped issuing them to his own people?
Very insightful documentary. For sure the labor dynamics in globalization have a role to play in balancing the immigration problem both legally and illegally. We can all benefit, but its wrong to have the same people(west & multinational companies) create rules they willingly break.
I have migrated to Europe legally 4 years ago and yet it was so hard for me, I almost gave up. Only come here if you have nothing to lose or it will be frustrating.
@@Leela_L Nonsense...you don’t get out much or associate with migrants to cast such a judgement. Not unless you are multilingual and nothing between you and the non-English speaking migrant gets lost in the translation.
"Globalization in Crisis" paints a thought-provoking picture of the complex global economic landscape. It highlights both the opportunities and challenges faced by nations and individuals. Thank you for shedding light on this important issue.
Great documentary but I've seen the same false information on all documentaries on globalization. For example, they all say "locals do not want to do the jobs so we hire illegal immigrants who want the jobs". The truth is... if you pay the Spaniard 15 euros an hour he/she will pick the tomatoes. However, the owners wanna pay 2 euros an hour and want to get rid of all human rights and laws. FACT. There is no labor shortage. There is a livable wage shortage.
@仰望汽车 YANGWAN AUTO No. What happens is the farm will take less profits to compensate for the workers who are doing a job for a living wage. Consumers will pay for the product on seasonal growth of the strawberry. Considering 9 out 10 strawberries from the likes of Spain are exported to Germany and France it shows the emphasis on the slave balance sheet rather than quality of product.
I have never missed a documentary ever since i found this channel 4 years ago, very therapeutic, informative n real. I hope your team does a documentary about Uganda, one that is not about IDI Amin dada. We have alot to offer. Will be grateful 🙏
Agreed! Only thing that's missing is the perspective of the Chinese laborers in China, making the cheap products in factories. The ones who are often exploited under the CCP in China and invisible. The Chinese in this documentary are the upper middle class Chinese who are fine with exploiting their own people to make a buck to support their own families in Europe. Still, this is a GREAT documentary. Absolutely top quality and fascinating.
I went to Malta about 10 years ago, there were dozens of guys just standing around, mostly in the middle of roundabouts and on the side of busy roads. All day every day.
Africa is the one always left in the lurch, because of the greedy nature of our leaders in this continent. It's the ordinary black populations who're always suffering.
ordinary Chinese populations are suffering too. only option for them is to work 18-hour shifts in a factory with no bathroom breaks, polluted air outside, exhausted broken bodies, forced to live in a foreign city away from their families.... at least Africans have a better quality of life.
Well they had inordinate amounts of gold Diamonds Emeralds Sapphires , but of course De Beers European , s came along and took it off them. Murdered them and took as much as they could carry then a lot more and they are STILL taking
@@thomasthomasphilp4393 in the next 60 years africas riches will be run dry these resources are npt forever yet the afrians still give them away for almost nothing, why is snegal exporting food instead of feeding its people??? the africans seem to hate critical thinking.
8 Billion people and counting. Humanity is running up against this planet’s limits. Land, water, minerals, all are in short supply. And the environment is being degraded. To avoid disaster the people in rich countries will need to live a more modest lifestyle. The people in poor countries will need to have fewer babies.
Population control policy is not easy to implement, it requires a great deal of organisation. In countries with high chaos, time speeds up and so therefore policies have to be enacted efficiently.
I pray African can grow to what it should’ve been! So many countries took advantage of them and exploited them so much it’s sad seeing it’s poverty so badly
I'm tired of hearing about the migrant dynamics. Crack down on these companies exploiting them and stop them at the border. We know how all of this works yet we never seem to fix the problems.
when the wages you pay to your workers are too low for them to afford shelter and food you don't have a business you have an expensive hobby that other people are paying the price for you to carry on pretending.
Its why people revolt and kill their rich leaders. Just like japan, french, and others did, as they ate the rich. Even in the USA, they don't seem to realize, only young liberals seem to be more preachy about it, not wanting to be taking advantage of, not being indoctrinated. Its why "protests" are becoming more frequent about equality issues; just as france as they are protesting as they the wealthy are targeting their pensions... Just as the USA , their pensions are being targeted and healthcare for the old, are going to be taken away, they already taken away their free healthcare from the "poor"; poor conservatives, they'll die out before they realized they were merely sheep, that were fleeced and eaten.
Global capitalism will be the end of all life and it’s form if we continue as we are focusing life as a monitory gain or physical work only. At what point in evolution will we realize a full and happy life should be spent mostly creating memories and experiences with those we love, helping those in need, stepping out of our comfort zone and diving head first into cultures and communities we know little about. Learning from each other, growing personal growth over bank account growth. Humans are and always will be curious. So the belief that unless there’s the aspect of being ultra wealthy then technology advancement will stop is just not true. It wasn’t person wealth growth that make us stop hunting and gathering and start homesteads all those years ago. It was due to someone taking the risk and planting seeds and seeing what happened. For hundreds of years we spread this knowledge word of mouth. Then greedy asshats found a way to weasel others into giving up an area of personal responsibility for a small fee and slowly “leaders” and eventually “kings” and other assumed authority figures kept taking from the rest and here we are. If we would all take the power and responsibility back for ourselves and as communities regulate greed and violence from others then every problem in this world past present and future would all be solved.
Tell that to people in Gulag. They would have been so glad to trade their happy life in ussr to your one in a "cruel and inhumane" capitalistic reality. When it comes to practice for some reason people want to live not in a command economy but in a capitalistic one and are ready to sacrifice much for it. But ok. Its easier to ignore reality and just to wave short slogan which seems to be much more meaningful than it is.
I totally agree. I like to be more blunt and angry about it. I just say hope hasn’t and will never get anyone anywhere, it’s time to take the initiative and first steps to changing things ourselves. Once enough people are going the right way then governments will follow. Otherwise the elected people will only do what they think the people want. Forgetting 99% of people have a comfort zone and selfish area they like and want to be in. Like adults have to do with children; don’t give them what they want, give them what they need no matter how the people respond. A temper tantrum won’t help a child get a pure cake and ice cream diet. Doesn’t matter if elected people get voted out by the people having the adult equivalent of a temper tantrum. We as a people and planet cannot just allow a small number of loud mouths run the way we live.
One thing that's not mentioned in relation to EU migration is values, its something that worries me as my country has seen both riots over a book and often the rejection of things we value like equal right between genders or respect for different genders or sexualities. Kind of illustrated here with people thanking God and prophets.
In the past 30 years, the CCP has been able to attract foreign investments by using a weakness of the foreign investor: greed and the promise of short-term profits. The CEO of western companies have a short-term vision because their compensation is based on quarterly and yearly profits. This short-term vision is the dark side of the stock options. But the CCP promise juicy short-term profits comes with conditions: the foreign corporations must give their knowhow and must publicly support the CCP. But "There is no such thing as a free lunch". The knowhow is the competitive advantage of a company. The CEO of western companies compromised the future of their companies for their personal interest. The western CEO vision was : ‘’After me the flood’’ It is about time that the CEO of western companies put-on long-term vision glasses.
The China investments of Mercedes Benz, BMW and Volkswagen were short term vision based on blind greed. But the CCP promise juicy short-term profits comes with conditions: the foreign corporations must give their knowhow and must publicly support the CCP. The knowhow is the competitive advantage of a company. The CEO of western companies compromised the future of their companies for their personal interest.
AND the CCP is very comfortable with exploiting their own people. Working them to death so long as they get profit. They don't care about the well being of their own workers. The boss rules, the minions are nothing. The culture encourages this. We, in other countries, need to stand up to inhumane business practices and put morals not profits first.
Really great, informative documentary! It's truly sad & unfortunate that such a noble concept that should have helped all of humanity has left so many behind. The problem isn't the immigrants, it's the elitist corruption & callous greed of governments, multi-national corporations & unconscionable criminals who exploit these people who are just trying to survive & thrive like the rest of us. We must come together as a global village & reform globalization. But that won't happen when the rich & powerful continue to be the ones pulling the levers of power & influence. It's obvious that we do not having a level playing field & that needs to change ASAP.
Ash, you're right, i won't change. Globalization has created new system, it is Neo-feudalism. The corruption of it is unprecedented. Yes, we have come far from the dark ages, but the advancements in tech and science we have today only exposes the depth of corruption of human character whoch is irreversible. Its not the lack of education that keepschumanity going back to it, but deadness of conscience and absence of thr fear of God!
Careful what you wish for. The rich , mutli national corporations via groups like the UN and WEF want this "one World" globalization you speak of which takes away from national and local decision making. Decisions about trade, immigration, local economy sohuld be dictated by citizens and tax payers not Manadarins in Brussells.
Poverty, hunger, inequality, and human folly existed before globalization, and will remain even if globalization stops. The root is the incompetence of politicians and the selfish human nature. It's been well demonstrated in some of the interviews.
7:03 He said “The laws I made” (metonymically referring to the Spanish people, not him personally) and “almost an equal”. The translation made he seem much more agreeable.
The need for constant immigration in the west is caused by the purposeful stagnation of wages. The only people willing to take jobs with such low pay are immigrants(many undocumented) for whom the job/living standard is a step up from their own conditions. There wouldn't be a labour shortage if wages had kept pace with worker productivity for the last 50 years. Instead we cheered as unions were broken, strikes ended with back to work legislation and profits and wealth for those at the top continued to expand because we were all told "Oh well that could be you someday if you work hard!" 50 People control as much wealth as the bottom half of the planet. It should be obvious by now that the current system of lower corporate taxes, tax loopholes and creative accounting by corporations is not a net benefit to the majority. Capitalism is slavery with money for the slaves.
Why this documentary is ignoring major impact and focusing on tiny details. For example, Senegal population more than doubled in last 30 years therefore increasing demand on limited agriculture and ocean resources, but China is to blame???
Yes, DW very rightly said, where do we stand??? Everything related to money and profits, where humanity??? Don't know. One of an unique documentary by DW. Thank you DW team.
I hate how money and greed over rides morality and humanity. We should always put human rights and living conditions before profits. If any of our brothers and sisters isn't making it in this world then none of us is really making it.
Sadly for all of us living in today's world, the violent approach between different cultures/countries in the past took a huge toll and we are living it today with all the discrimination even when it is now truer than ever that an intertwined world would mean mainly great things for everybody for the biggest part. It is up to us and our children to build mirrors and bridges between cultures instead of big walls, it is possible.
The global overfishing is done by many nations, but China is the leader. Wherever they go fisheries are depleted, illegally. Japan runs a close second, then Malaysia. Big countries subsidize their fishing fleets. And then there is a Mafia too. There needs to be much more enforcement. And all national fishing fleets need to be downsized, and have their subsidies removed. The ocean is nearing collapse, but has amazing capacity to rebound still if we will back off, but this is very hard to do. A simple rule for African fisheries would be no fishing boats with metal hulls. Only wooden hull boats. Any other craft equipped for fishing with a metal hull would be open to confiscation, fishing or not. Done.
DW documentary channel is always doing excellent quality documentaries that show..truthful, warning ,eye-opening & and general enlightenments ...I appreciate your efforts for humanitarian wisdom
I remember when President Reagan started deregulation in many areas of the economy, giving the CEO's and shareholders of giant mega-corporations the green light to monopolize and start killing small business. He called it "trickle down economics". The wealth never trickled down and the huge wealth and income gap we see today is the result. The recent tax cut for the ultra wealthy ensures that the greedy can continue this trend unabated for the next few decades to come.
Each consumer of goods and services who benefits from the exploitation of labor is responsible for the suffering and the economic injustice this promotes.
how do we know whether the product/service was produced by a company that respects its workers? how? we normally know nothing about who owns the company, how the goods are made, by whom and what are their working conditions.
Everyone just wants a good healthy happy life. Let them in and let's help these people. They are good people. Don't let any racist nonsense tell you that they are not.
I live in Almería and so know the story of Moroccan and Senegalese immigrants that hold up the local fruit and vegetable sector as the Spanish refuse to do the hard graft in the greenhouses, especially in summer
and lowering the standards of living and braking unions and lowering the wage's for all . i could keep on going but free boarder's that the video is mentioned isn't the way forward as historically show's it lead's to a failed government eventually ect, might be partly to blame for spain going bankrupt as the welfare is pushed harder by mostly foreigners and locals need's whats to stop pretory boss/capitalism from jumping boarder's/eras? at least with boarder's/national values in enforced and national trade its got a pathway for being stopped but global as it's being advocated for ? in my eyes nothing stopping them from being horrible and braking the laws in more than one country at the same time
FDI is good however Home-grown solutions (Labour laws & grounded Policy shifts (devoid of skewed incentives for Foreign Entities vs local entities) can lift entire generations of the Citizenry (multiplier effects) with the right priorities pertaining to Resource Allocation. Scarcity guiding the movement of labour (migration) always has consequences... extralegal effects on host countries.
Excellent documentary, DW! As always, your videos provide unbiased coverage that includes beautiful and evocative footage. I'm American. At age 18, I got a job at an industrial-sized greenhouse in Florida. I lasted almost one day!! People have no idea how hard the work is in agriculture. These migrants are saints! They should be worshipped and thanked for their service to the community and the world! I'll never understand xenophobia.
This mentality of business/earning money is not okay. The era of taking advantage of high tech by using cheap labour to build high tech equipments is going to be over. Not only history or stories tell you that farming ppl is not right, the reality will tell you exactly the same. You might want to learn and make some changes in your life, teach your child from right and wrong, not walking the same way you had walked.
@32:57 The narrator chose not to translate when the guy said," s'ils me tuent, il n'y a pas de problèmes" It seems DW is selectively translating just to stay politically correct...
Why not control the number of people? More people will be the cause of destruction, exploitation, profit seeking ecological degradation all vice. Now a days people are treated as consuming machines for industries
The poor slaves from Africa 400 years later 😢 the irony... no changes in the rich corrupt are still committing the same crimes,,its pure evil,,it was then and still is now,
The term industrial fishing makes my stomach ache for those waters😔🌎❤️ Good luck to that young man trying to get to Europe-Germany…you CAN DO IT…keep forging ahead just as you are…good things are coming your way👍🏼🌎❤️
Very Well Explain To Canadians that just did No understand the Abuse to so Many From Africa. Thank you DW. Tried to Help Cubans & was Never permitted By their Regime
Very good documentary. Just wait when indias population gets a step up. They already speak English and like teh Chienese have local prenses in many countries already 🙂
DW is one of the best documentary channels available.
I agree they have a ton of great documentaries, its like food for the brain.
i agree
Vice also
Thank you very much for your support! All the best :)
"The forest was shrinking, but the trees (Africans) kept voting for the Axe (The western World and Chinese), for the Axe was clever and convinced the Trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them."
Good analogy but the axe's handle was greedy African "freedom fighter politicians" and the axe's head was weapons from abroad (Terror, Violent protest, Populist racist tales of "the evil white man", Maladministration, Russia's mercenaries, the CCP's loans, the militaries of greedy fellow African neighbours, religion calling for killing of fellow Africans, etc, etc). Africa should mature past stories about 'the other' and start introspection and face its own weaknesses within.
Wood = Flesh
@@chestersabajo5527 Greedy African "freedom fighter politicians" are made of flesh.
Axe means civilization that destroyed nature every where in the world
Stupendous documentaries all the time. Thank you DW for the good work always. Lots of love from Ghana🇬🇭, West Africa.
26:20 Senegalese fishing minister: 'We stopped issuing additional licenses for small fishing vessels in 2012 and [for] industrial fishing vessels since April 2020'
There you have it. Corruption in a nutshell and admitted openly.
DW, if you interviewed the Senegalese fishing minister why didn't you ask him why he was still issuing licenses to industrial fisheries (mainly China and Southern Europe) EIGHT years after he stopped issuing them to his own people?
4 months later, and no answer. Unfortunately, DW only seems to answer flattering coments.
@@Mpl3564ask your fishing minister yourself, may be will give answer.
@@menschin2 MY fishing Minister?! I'm not Senegalese...
Very insightful documentary. For sure the labor dynamics in globalization have a role to play in balancing the immigration problem both legally and illegally. We can all benefit, but its wrong to have the same people(west & multinational companies) create rules they willingly break.
This !!!
I have migrated to Europe legally 4 years ago and yet it was so hard for me, I almost gave up. Only come here if you have nothing to lose or it will be frustrating.
Kudos for saying this.....very few people will come out to say this.
It’s pretty much the same kinda of games going on no matter where you go in the world unless you move to antartica
@@Leela_L Nonsense...you don’t get out much or associate with migrants to cast such a judgement. Not unless you are multilingual and nothing between you and the non-English speaking migrant gets lost in the translation.
"Globalization in Crisis" paints a thought-provoking picture of the complex global economic landscape. It highlights both the opportunities and challenges faced by nations and individuals. Thank you for shedding light on this important issue.
It really hurts me to see foreign countries fishing in other countries' waters and the consequences it causes for the local fishers.
Shout out to China LOL from Philippines.
torpedo comes to mind
Outstanding documentary as always from DW
Thanks a lot for watching and for your positive feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to comment and are glad you like our content!
Great documentary but I've seen the same false information on all documentaries on globalization. For example, they all say "locals do not want to do the jobs so we hire illegal immigrants who want the jobs". The truth is... if you pay the Spaniard 15 euros an hour he/she will pick the tomatoes. However, the owners wanna pay 2 euros an hour and want to get rid of all human rights and laws.
There is no labor shortage. There is a livable wage shortage.
That's the hard truth to swallow
Same for other occupations (construction, gardening, service…) as well
@仰望汽车 YANGWAN AUTO No. What happens is the farm will take less profits to compensate for the workers who are doing a job for a living wage. Consumers will pay for the product on seasonal growth of the strawberry. Considering 9 out 10 strawberries from the likes of Spain are exported to Germany and France it shows the emphasis on the slave balance sheet
rather than quality of product.
@仰望汽车 YANGWAN AUTO I don’t think you understand basic economic theory of supply, demand and price.
Given the unemployment rate of Spain, I think if u enforce fair wage, those immigrants will just be out of jobs completely.
I have never missed a documentary ever since i found this channel 4 years ago, very therapeutic, informative n real.
I hope your team does a documentary about Uganda, one that is not about IDI Amin dada. We have alot to offer.
Will be grateful 🙏
Thank you DW for this amazing two-part documentary series highlighting the effects of globalization.
Thanks a lot for watching and for your positive feedback. We appreciate you taking the time to comment and
are glad you like our content!
Please make some for Islamic Miserability world face (organised crimes , breeding , exploitation on basis of beleifs etc)@@DWDocumentary
DW documentary meticulously presents the opinions from every perspective, nice.
Agreed! Only thing that's missing is the perspective of the Chinese laborers in China, making the cheap products in factories. The ones who are often exploited under the CCP in China and invisible. The Chinese in this documentary are the upper middle class Chinese who are fine with exploiting their own people to make a buck to support their own families in Europe. Still, this is a GREAT documentary. Absolutely top quality and fascinating.
@@fs5775 True, but I don´t think the chinese government would allow that kind of journalism fearing that it looses face.
I went to Malta about 10 years ago, there were dozens of guys just standing around, mostly in the middle of roundabouts and on the side of busy roads. All day every day.
Africa is the one always left in the lurch, because of the greedy nature of our leaders in this continent. It's the ordinary black populations who're always suffering.
ordinary Chinese populations are suffering too. only option for them is to work 18-hour shifts in a factory with no bathroom breaks, polluted air outside, exhausted broken bodies, forced to live in a foreign city away from their families.... at least Africans have a better quality of life.
Please make this a long a** series of how globalization is destroying lives.
Thanks DW❤
I wish for a better future for Africa because there are resources for progress
If Europeans grab their fish and resources, how then?
Well they had inordinate amounts of gold Diamonds Emeralds Sapphires , but of course De Beers European , s came along and took it off them.
Murdered them and took as much as they could carry then a lot more and they are STILL taking
@@thomasthomasphilp4393 in the next 60 years africas riches will be run dry these resources are npt forever yet the afrians still give them away for almost nothing, why is snegal exporting food instead of feeding its people??? the africans seem to hate critical thinking.
Why do Africans give Licenses to foreigners to take their resources for some money? The people are so apathetic to their governments.
@@himanshusingh5214 its childlike thinking
8 Billion people and counting. Humanity is running up against this planet’s limits. Land, water, minerals, all are in short supply. And the environment is being degraded. To avoid disaster the people in rich countries will need to live a more modest lifestyle. The people in poor countries will need to have fewer babies.
finally some sense
Well you voiced out my mind.
Africa should adopt 1 child policy for the next 50 years!
Population control policy is not easy to implement, it requires a great deal of organisation. In countries with high chaos, time speeds up and so therefore policies have to be enacted efficiently.
I pray African can grow to what it should’ve been! So many countries took advantage of them and exploited them so much it’s sad seeing it’s poverty so badly
Africa's main problem is it's corrupt leaders.
Once again, good work DW...
I'm tired of hearing about the migrant dynamics. Crack down on these companies exploiting them and stop them at the border. We know how all of this works yet we never seem to fix the problems.
why would they do that? they want the migrants. it is a cheap labour that they can exploit
when the wages you pay to your workers are too low for them to afford shelter and food you don't have a business you have an expensive hobby that other people are paying the price for you to carry on pretending.
Why do you in the first place want to go to their country? Why can't you stay in your own country?
It's neo-feudalism...as feudal lords used to exploited the peasants in times which Catholic church still calls her golden age......
@@koushikdas1992 because europeans won't pick those tomatoes
Money will sadly always come before people cuz humans are selfish
Oh yeah...that's why taxes are not voluntary but compulsory. If voluntary...no one will pay.
@@emmanuelameyaw9735 it's fucked up but it's true. We are too selfish
Its why people revolt and kill their rich leaders. Just like japan, french, and others did, as they ate the rich. Even in the USA, they don't seem to realize, only young liberals seem to be more preachy about it, not wanting to be taking advantage of, not being indoctrinated. Its why "protests" are becoming more frequent about equality issues; just as france as they are protesting as they the wealthy are targeting their pensions... Just as the USA , their pensions are being targeted and healthcare for the old, are going to be taken away, they already taken away their free healthcare from the "poor"; poor conservatives, they'll die out before they realized they were merely sheep, that were fleeced and eaten.
@Seeyou Seemee It was the downfall of our species, but new AI transhumanist technologies could maybe make us less selfish maybe...
@@aoeu256 it would make us even more selfish
“Profits over people” is not globalization its capitalism
global capitalism
Global capitalism will be the end of all life and it’s form if we continue as we are focusing life as a monitory gain or physical work only. At what point in evolution will we realize a full and happy life should be spent mostly creating memories and experiences with those we love, helping those in need, stepping out of our comfort zone and diving head first into cultures and communities we know little about. Learning from each other, growing personal growth over bank account growth. Humans are and always will be curious. So the belief that unless there’s the aspect of being ultra wealthy then technology advancement will stop is just not true. It wasn’t person wealth growth that make us stop hunting and gathering and start homesteads all those years ago. It was due to someone taking the risk and planting seeds and seeing what happened. For hundreds of years we spread this knowledge word of mouth. Then greedy asshats found a way to weasel others into giving up an area of personal responsibility for a small fee and slowly “leaders” and eventually “kings” and other assumed authority figures kept taking from the rest and here we are. If we would all take the power and responsibility back for ourselves and as communities regulate greed and violence from others then every problem in this world past present and future would all be solved.
@@natelincoln nobody dares to tell their neighbours that they are living too large...
It is called colonialization
Tell that to people in Gulag. They would have been so glad to trade their happy life in ussr to your one in a "cruel and inhumane" capitalistic reality.
When it comes to practice for some reason people want to live not in a command economy but in a capitalistic one and are ready to sacrifice much for it.
But ok. Its easier to ignore reality and just to wave short slogan which seems to be much more meaningful than it is.
Luv from Somalia 🇸🇴 I really look forward to every outstanding DOC u guys post. Bravo u Guys outdid y’allselfs again ❤️
I didn't know I needed this, thanks again for the enormous effort poured into the making of the documentary ❤️
It seems the Chinese often use the terms "You must...", "They must ...".
authoritarian attitude and culture
Brilliant balance of views presented, DW tries its best to not be biased and show all sides of the argument :)
Thank you for watching and for your positive feedback! We're glad you like our content.
Sad but we keep hoping for the best with good leadership
I totally agree. I like to be more blunt and angry about it. I just say hope hasn’t and will never get anyone anywhere, it’s time to take the initiative and first steps to changing things ourselves. Once enough people are going the right way then governments will follow. Otherwise the elected people will only do what they think the people want. Forgetting 99% of people have a comfort zone and selfish area they like and want to be in. Like adults have to do with children; don’t give them what they want, give them what they need no matter how the people respond. A temper tantrum won’t help a child get a pure cake and ice cream diet. Doesn’t matter if elected people get voted out by the people having the adult equivalent of a temper tantrum. We as a people and planet cannot just allow a small number of loud mouths run the way we live.
Excellent documentary.
Thanks for watching and taking the time to comment. Be sure to check out our channel for more content.
But why should Africa always cry of poverty when all we can do is unite and make good policies that favor our people?
That will never happen
That's what needs to happen!
Dw for sure your documentaries are by far the Best ever!!!
Thank you! We're happy to hear you enjoy our content :)
All media outlets have an agenda.
One thing that's not mentioned in relation to EU migration is values, its something that worries me as my country has seen both riots over a book and often the rejection of things we value like equal right between genders or respect for different genders or sexualities.
Kind of illustrated here with people thanking God and prophets.
In the past 30 years, the CCP has been able to attract foreign investments by using a weakness of the foreign investor: greed and the promise of short-term profits.
The CEO of western companies have a short-term vision because their compensation is based on quarterly and yearly profits. This short-term vision is the dark side of the stock options.
But the CCP promise juicy short-term profits comes with conditions: the foreign corporations must give their knowhow and must publicly support the CCP. But "There is no such thing as a free lunch".
The knowhow is the competitive advantage of a company. The CEO of western companies compromised the future of their companies for their personal interest. The western CEO vision was : ‘’After me the flood’’
It is about time that the CEO of western companies put-on long-term vision glasses.
The China investments of Mercedes Benz, BMW and Volkswagen were short term vision based on blind greed.
But the CCP promise juicy short-term profits comes with conditions: the foreign corporations must give their knowhow and must publicly support the CCP.
The knowhow is the competitive advantage of a company. The CEO of western companies compromised the future of their companies for their personal interest.
AND the CCP is very comfortable with exploiting their own people. Working them to death so long as they get profit. They don't care about the well being of their own workers. The boss rules, the minions are nothing. The culture encourages this. We, in other countries, need to stand up to inhumane business practices and put morals not profits first.
Best channel ever ❤
Such a great documentary, DW! Love from Brazil.
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are glad you like our content!
A very good video! Thanks for your work!!
Really great, informative documentary!
It's truly sad & unfortunate that such a noble concept that should have helped all of humanity has left so many behind.
The problem isn't the immigrants, it's the elitist corruption & callous greed of governments, multi-national corporations & unconscionable criminals who exploit these people who are just trying to survive & thrive like the rest of us. We must come together as a global village & reform globalization. But that won't happen when the rich & powerful continue to be the ones pulling the levers of power & influence. It's obvious that we do not having a level playing field & that needs to change ASAP.
Ash, you're right, i won't change. Globalization has created new system, it is Neo-feudalism. The corruption of it is unprecedented.
Yes, we have come far from the dark ages, but the advancements in tech and science we have today only exposes the depth of corruption of human character whoch is irreversible. Its not the lack of education that keepschumanity going back to it, but deadness of conscience and absence of thr fear of God!
Careful what you wish for. The rich , mutli national corporations via groups like the UN and WEF want this "one World" globalization you speak of which takes away from national and local decision making. Decisions about trade, immigration, local economy sohuld be dictated by citizens and tax payers not Manadarins in Brussells.
Poverty, hunger, inequality, and human folly existed before globalization, and will remain even if globalization stops. The root is the incompetence of politicians and the selfish human nature. It's been well demonstrated in some of the interviews.
there is no Poverty, hunger, inequality, and human folly in communism
7:03 He said “The laws I made” (metonymically referring to the Spanish people, not him personally) and “almost an equal”. The translation made he seem much more agreeable.
As a lucky child of immigrants, this gives me so many feels.
time to go back and fix your country soon. Good luck!
Impressive. I regret not seeing this sooner.. changed my perspective about globalization
The need for constant immigration in the west is caused by the purposeful stagnation of wages. The only people willing to take jobs with such low pay are immigrants(many undocumented) for whom the job/living standard is a step up from their own conditions. There wouldn't be a labour shortage if wages had kept pace with worker productivity for the last 50 years. Instead we cheered as unions were broken, strikes ended with back to work legislation and profits and wealth for those at the top continued to expand because we were all told "Oh well that could be you someday if you work hard!" 50 People control as much wealth as the bottom half of the planet. It should be obvious by now that the current system of lower corporate taxes, tax loopholes and creative accounting by corporations is not a net benefit to the majority. Capitalism is slavery with money for the slaves.
Thank you DW for detail explanation of globalization 👍👍👍👍
Thanks for watching and for the feedback!
*When the west is winning yes Globalization, expand expand ... when the west is losing no Globalization 🤭*
Why this documentary is ignoring major impact and focusing on tiny details. For example, Senegal population more than doubled in last 30 years therefore increasing demand on limited agriculture and ocean resources, but China is to blame???
Another excellent documentary. Thank you DW.
I looooove DW chanel🙏🏻💚🌎🌱🕊️🌈✨
Yes, DW very rightly said, where do we stand???
Everything related to money and profits, where humanity??? Don't know.
One of an unique documentary by DW. Thank you DW team.
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I hate how money and greed over rides morality and humanity. We should always put human rights and living conditions before profits. If any of our brothers and sisters isn't making it in this world then none of us is really making it.
Sadly for all of us living in today's world, the violent approach between different cultures/countries in the past took a huge toll and we are living it today with all the discrimination even when it is now truer than ever that an intertwined world would mean mainly great things for everybody for the biggest part.
It is up to us and our children to build mirrors and bridges between cultures instead of big walls, it is possible.
Immigrants are very hardworking people they suppose to get high earnings they are the backbones of the world
They can earn in their own country.
It should go without saying that all people deserve dignity and the chance to live a good life. You only get one...
It's so rare to see migrant workers/asylum seekers depicted with such grace and dignity. Great documentary.
Quantity over quality is the norm
"Don't raise your voice, improve your argument." -Anonymous
The global overfishing is done by many nations, but China is the leader. Wherever they go fisheries are depleted, illegally. Japan runs a close second, then Malaysia. Big countries subsidize their fishing fleets. And then there is a Mafia too. There needs to be much more enforcement. And all national fishing fleets need to be downsized, and have their subsidies removed. The ocean is nearing collapse, but has amazing capacity to rebound still if we will back off, but this is very hard to do. A simple rule for African fisheries would be no fishing boats with metal hulls. Only wooden hull boats. Any other craft equipped for fishing with a metal hull would be open to confiscation, fishing or not. Done.
DW documentary channel is always doing excellent quality documentaries that show..truthful, warning ,eye-opening & and general enlightenments ...I appreciate your efforts for humanitarian wisdom
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Life sucks for most of the world. 😕
only with globalization, where the powerful can exploit the masses. Nationalism doesnt have this problem.
I remember when President Reagan started deregulation in many areas of the economy, giving the CEO's and shareholders of giant mega-corporations the green light to monopolize and start killing small business. He called it "trickle down economics". The wealth never trickled down and the huge wealth and income gap we see today is the result. The recent tax cut for the ultra wealthy ensures that the greedy can continue this trend unabated for the next few decades to come.
Each consumer of goods and services who benefits from the exploitation of labor is responsible for the suffering and the economic injustice this promotes.
I can't control that I was born in the USA
Its the same process for every thing we consume,some company has the better end of the deals , even the slaves who put your phone together
how do we know whether the product/service was produced by a company that respects its workers? how? we normally know nothing about who owns the company, how the goods are made, by whom and what are their working conditions.
Thank you for these revelations. Sad but true.
Everyone just wants a good healthy happy life. Let them in and let's help these people.
They are good people. Don't let any racist nonsense tell you that they are not.
I live in Almería and so know the story of Moroccan and Senegalese immigrants that hold up the local fruit and vegetable sector as the Spanish refuse to do the hard graft in the greenhouses, especially in summer
So EU takes their fish and resources then blame them if the come to EU looking for food and life
and lowering the standards of living and braking unions and lowering the wage's for all . i could keep on going but free boarder's that the video is mentioned isn't the way forward as historically show's it lead's to a failed government eventually ect, might be partly to blame for spain going bankrupt as the welfare is pushed harder by mostly foreigners and locals need's
whats to stop pretory boss/capitalism from jumping boarder's/eras? at least with boarder's/national values in enforced and national trade its got a pathway for being stopped but global as it's being advocated for ? in my eyes nothing stopping them from being horrible and braking the laws in more than one country at the same time
I think you’ll find it’s the Chinese taking all the fish… literally all of them.
An excellent documentary indeed❤
Thanks for watching, we are happy to hear you enjoyed the docu!
FDI is good however Home-grown solutions (Labour laws & grounded Policy shifts (devoid of skewed incentives for Foreign Entities vs local entities) can lift entire generations of the Citizenry (multiplier effects) with the right priorities pertaining to Resource Allocation.
Scarcity guiding the movement of labour (migration) always has consequences... extralegal effects on host countries.
DW documentaries, the best german investment into "red pilling" the world.
Even when it goes against the germans and their governments behaviours.
Excellent documentary, DW! As always, your videos provide unbiased coverage that includes beautiful and evocative footage.
I'm American. At age 18, I got a job at an industrial-sized greenhouse in Florida. I lasted almost one day!! People have no idea how hard the work is in agriculture.
These migrants are saints! They should be worshipped and thanked for their service to the community and the world! I'll never understand xenophobia.
xenophobia is just fear of the unknown, fear is a big motivator for many people, even though it isn't the best advisor.
@@Santanorino6100 agreed
Interesting documentary.
indeed with DW we too have NOW the ANSWER
This mentality of business/earning money is not okay.
The era of taking advantage of high tech by using cheap labour to build high tech equipments is going to be over.
Not only history or stories tell you that farming ppl is not right, the reality will tell you exactly the same.
You might want to learn and make some changes in your life, teach your child from right and wrong, not walking the same way you had walked.
BTW, nice documentary, this is some true real life recorded.
@32:57 The narrator chose not to translate when the guy said," s'ils me tuent, il n'y a pas de problèmes" It seems DW is selectively translating just to stay politically correct...
Curious what that means?
@@scartits1 It means,"If they kill me, I have no problem with it"
TH-cam Algorithm does not allow some sensitive words
@@bellaolum9768 As a result, the whole world is sensitive even to normal things..
@@isaymymind1727 crazy right?
Pay them?!?!?...feeding them is far more than sufficient!......
Where are we heading as a civilization? We treat other human beings as scumbags, rubbish....we are disgusting.
Move to China. Or the U.A.E. Or Cuba. You do not get out much do you?
@@AQuietNight ...hey clever boy...what that has to do with my answer?
yes. we need to try make the world a better place for everyone. also people should stop having children if they can't afford to take care for them
clearly shows how people put money first. We are here to live and enjoy life to be more miserable than before
Sharing will save the world.
Socialism have a few pros but the cons outweighs the pros.Therefore it shouldn't be the standard our government ruled by.
Why not control the number of people? More people will be the cause of destruction, exploitation, profit seeking ecological degradation all vice. Now a days people are treated as consuming machines for industries
Thats the root of the problem.
It's time to be globalized people not products.
Do not blame the EU for your lack in strength. Africa has itself to blame.
The poor slaves from Africa 400 years later 😢 the irony... no changes in the rich corrupt are still committing the same crimes,,its pure evil,,it was then and still is now,
I'm in the expensive usa, I'm 66 and retired with a income, I like fishing, $150 a month sounds great, when can I move there
whenever you want
Hats off. Respect!
Information ❤❤❤
The greed of elites $$$$😢
Good one.....
The term industrial fishing makes my stomach ache for those waters😔🌎❤️ Good luck to that young man trying to get to Europe-Germany…you CAN DO IT…keep forging ahead just as you are…good things are coming your way👍🏼🌎❤️
Was this ever shown in television?
better to know the truth than hide from it
Africa my Africa , when will you be free ...
39:39 thank you yes, we don’t want to work like crazy Asians, we value our working rights that we thought for during the industrialisation period.
Very Well Explain To Canadians that just did No understand the Abuse to so Many From Africa. Thank you DW. Tried to Help Cubans & was Never permitted By their Regime
Minute 4:01 is just breathtaking... love to my inmigrants brothers and sisters
Africa is consistently losing itself and the leaders in charge are unaware
the leaders don't care, they just want to fill their own pockets
Thanks 🙏
35:56 horribly ignorant of where they’re heading.
remarkable programe
Very good documentary. Just wait when indias population gets a step up. They already speak English and like teh Chienese have local prenses in many countries already 🙂
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5 major events or case studies highlighted from your documentary viewing
I wonder if it is the big companies who throw all the garbage on the coast.
Could you also explain why canada imported a lot of immigrants