Troy was a another greek city state who ruled Bosporus Thats why the war happened Founded at 1300 bc by aiolian greeks , from thessaly. First greek colonization The Hellenic history is so vast and detailed that no be explained in a minute video Read greek history
@@kristypapa7444 wee bit more complicated than that; Etruscan kings brought their own culture, inspired by Greeks, to Rome. Then later on, as Roman contact with the Greeks intensified, they adapted more and more elements of the culture while giving it their own flair. To say they copied is not fair, they looked up to the ancient Greeks, but looked down on the Greeks of their own time.
Certainly gives reasons as to why America's founding father set our government like they did. A Republic with representatives chosen from among the people democratically. We're already falling. Failing due to the fact that the people let their enemies into government and they have gradually taken control. All that our founding fathers worried about has come. The traitors are many They are the Nazi of Germany, the Zionists of Europe, The Jesuits of the Catholics, The Corporations, the The bankers, the Communists, Socialists. Some are far worse than these.... They have all come together to form the New World Order... A technocratic, global Tyranny
@@TiempoNuevo-ew7ty Ah yes, bankers and communists, totally compatiple, it's not like they hate eachother or anything. It's very easy to put everyone you think is "bad" on one group of bad guys and pretend you are a paragon of virtue, but that is not the reality.
@@caiawlodarski5339 How trite: " are a paragon of virtue." , whatever, you probably need to do more research. You would know exactly what I meant.
@shut beak the meaning of aristocracy and oligargy is not the same. they change it. aristocracy means the most clever the most good. oligargy is some of them who are more powerfull from the others and take the goverment and that is not so good for democratic people but they can. also when the democrasy became bad and oliigarhy means that only some persons have the more power tyrany is the road to make them leave and when you want the tyrany to leave because press a lot the people to manage make the other leave. then the people make tyrany leave. and make a good democracy again. that happened always. that is that new big men understand and use it having their own in every part. they change the name of democracy to communism and oligarhy to nazism and communism too as crowd who brings back to them the goverment. so the people don't exist to that model. only vote which part of the same oligarhy want. so aristotele speak in his age meaning of that meanings. and also to our age as what they do the big men and make us obey and serve them. aristotele says all that to improve the social life. but wests take ariistotel and use his truth for more bad goverments.
Ancient Greece always fascinated me. As many historians agreed upon, was the most advanced civilization in history. The names of Greek philosophers such as Aristoteles take a massive place under popular culture. Their influence and legacy are still on everyone's tongue. And will continues from today until forever.
اليونانيين تقدموا لأنهم سرقوا جميع العلوم من الحضارات القديمة مثل حضارة بلاد الرافدين وحضارة مصر وحتى الأبجدية سرقوها من الفينيقيين وحتى الفلسفة سرقوها من الفلسفة البابلية القديمة لولا الشرق الأوسط وحضاراته العريقة والقديمة لما كان هناك وجود لشيء أسمه اليونان.
@@منوعاتأوركيدا Hérodote a inventé l'Histoire. Strabon à inventé la géographie. Ptolémée est le premier à avoir réalisé une carte du monde connu. Les grecs sont les premiers à avoir découvert que la terre était ronde et Ils ont calculé sa circonférence. Les Egyptiens et les mésopotamiens ne savaient pas que la terre était ronde.
Fun fact: the man who carried the message from Marathon to Athens yelled out nike, victory in ancient Greek. The distance of the run is also what our modern marathons are loosely based on. Great video! Thank you for expanding my knowledge on the subject!👍
neke is the greek word ...but the logo of Nike it was inspired by the Neke of Samothraki...the wings...some french guys have it in a museum ...a stolen master piece of greek art..
'Νενικήκαμεν' (verb, a' plural in Present Perfect) was the word that yelled out! The spelling is [ne-ni-ki-ka-men]. 'Νίκη', which means 'victory', is the noun of the verb!
*Rome video ends* Me: "Oh this video is so interesting sad it is over" Video: "We have another one about Greeks" Me "NICE!" *clicks* *Greek video ends* Me: "Oh this video is so interesting sad it is over" Video: "We have another one about Rome" Me "NICE!" *clicks* . . .
The name Alexander is derived from the Greek "Ἀλέξανδρος" (Aléxandros), meaning "Defender of the people" or "Defending men" and also, "Protector of men", a compound of the verb ἀλέξειν aléxein, "to ward off, to avert, to defend" and the noun ἀνήρ anḗr, "man" (GEN ἀνδρός andrós)
This has to be one of the best videos covering the period of Ancient Greece out there. Professional, specific and the timeline at the bottom is a way way to understand the scale of time across the different items!
Cicero Yeah, I just watched their videos on Greece and Rome in succession and was sad to find that. Hopefully, they will translate more of their videos in the future
This is a great way to help people organise all the information about ancient greece in a more streamlined, sequential order in their heads. Here in Greece we've been taught so many details about our ancient times, that it gets overwhelming. In fact we're taught and retaught about it 3 times in total until we graduate school. Yet, most of us forget or confuse things. This is a great video to help clear the mess! Also, the voice actor is excellent! Some innacuracies are to be found, regardless, like the reasons behind colonism or the Dorian Invasion, but the ability of the video to organise information effectively is not affected by this.
Been playing Assassin's creed Origins and was so surprised to see all the Greek stuff in Egypt, Greek people, Greek culture, Greek architecture, Alexandria, the library! Trying my best to understand it all and this video has really helped, thank you so much, your channel is awesome!
You brought up a very important point. To the general public, "Egypt" means pyramids, the sphinx, pharaohs and those weird beards and dance moves. But Egypt has been around for milennia. And oh boy how it changed through the years. With the partition of the Alexandrian empire, Ptolomeic Egypt became quite hellenized. We usually think of chariots as inherently Egyptian while the phalanx is inherently Macedonic, for example. But Ptolomeic Egypt had an army centered around Pezhetairoi and Hetairoi, just like Alexander´s. Egypt could be very Greek when it wanted to. And it is quite shocking at first trying to picture Egypt as Greek, but it is one of those little tricks history plays on us (and why history is awesome too)
Egypt in Greek means , below the eagean. There was always Greek presence in the area, especially after Alexander the great. If I remember correctly , the pharaohs hired mycenean mercenaries very early on, to defeat their eastern enemies, who paid them very well and constructed them several settlements.Thus, making the first step of the hellenization of egypt. Then alexander completed it.
History of ancient India. History of Japan. History of Americas (before the European immigration) History of Byzantium empire. And history of China. Also, thank you for making this wonderful video.
Hey, Russian guy, America does not equal the United States. He's asking for a history of the native population, though good luck on that one. I don't think there was much written down.
Cyrillic was created by the Greek-speaking monk Cyrillus and some other monk (they also employed Hebrew/Aramaic for letters such as shin). Somebody else already pointed out that the channel is Russian, but also it's named for a city founded by Ivan the Terrible. :D
@@GeoScorpion the russian alphabet was made by two greek speaking monks hired BY THE BULGARIAN KING which made the Bulgarian alphabet and after that Cyrilluses students made the other slavic alphabets :)
Origin of the name Philip: Derived from the Latin Philippus, which is from the Greek Philippos (lover of horses). The name is composed of the elements philos (loving) and hippos (horse) in Greek
Basilis Tselios Eros is sexual love. The Greeks had multiple words for love as do many other languages. In English, the Greek prefix/suffix “phil-“ means “lover of”. For example: Bibliophile: lover of books Francophile: lover of things French Hellenophile: lover of things Greek Philadelphia: brotherly love or love of one’s brother Pedophile: lover of children Philanderer: a man who has many sexual lovers etc.
Oh please do another one for other civilizations! I can't get enough of these Greek and Roman videos that's why I keep watching them again and again, coming back to them from time to time. Please make another great video about other civilizations.
There is one major problem bro.. that mainly there were 2 major civilizations, the Greek-West and the East, so he can't make lots of videos 🤓 . And I am talking about the godfathers and not individual empires that from time to time appeared
"The Trojan War was as distant in time to Alexander the Great as the Vikings are to ourselves." I'm going to have to stew on this fact for a little while 😵
Another good one: The empire that conquered the empire that conquered Ancient Egypt still existed 100 years ago Edit: This is no longer true. And it wasn’t fully true even before because Rome wasn’t quite an Empire yet when it conquered Egypt
@@masterspark9880 Ok good point but Egypt was conquered by the Republic, it was not an Empire quiiiiite yet. Also, the Byzantines abdicated their Romanitas when they made Greek the language of court.
@@henrygustavekrausse7459 It was conquered as the republic was turning into the empire. Augustus is widely considered to be the first emperor (and when he’s not it’s Julius) and he led the Roman conquest of Egypt
@@tiusernamenabalw Even that is debatable. Western turks definitely have more greek blood than central and eastern turks but they are still mainly descended from people that came there during the middle-ages from the east. Greeks and southern italians and to a certain extent even central italians are almost identical. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't get along of course. I'm half italian, half greek btw.
@@avidfather1864 western Turks we are anatolians, we are Hittite, Phrygian, Lydian, Roman, Greek, Ottoman, Turkish, maybe a little bit Egyptian and Phoenician, Armenian and other Mediterranean people
Macedonians weren't "distant relatives" of the Greeks, they were, are Greeks. You can look at wikipedia and see the table of Macedonian Olympic winners, take notice that in Olypic games only Greeks were allowed. Also Macedonians reffered themselves as Greeks, according to Herodotus (where the King of Macedon warned the Greek army the night before the battle of Platea", where in his own words "I am a Greek also", and they claimed their heritage from Heracles and the Dorians as Spartans did. Spartans never to my knowledge refused or reacted against that statement. So Macedonians were Dorians as the Spartans making them as much Greeks as them. By the way the word "Demagogos" in greek Δημαγωγός means "the one who directs people" which in Greek is derogative because they were telling people not the truth but what they liked in order to pursue their personal interests (much like modern politicians).
My dear read history learn to read sources and please cut the crap. Refusing irrefutable sources and history makes you look like an idiot. Also hellenistic period is considered after the death of the Greek King Alexander III, better know as Great, till 31bc which is the landmark of the battle of Actium. Read a lexicon (something that explains words). Also your Prime Minister refused any connection to ancinemt history, and you are Northern Macedon, which in my logic does not stand, but our treacherous communist gave you it's geographical not ethnological. Your bulgarian dialect was given name after pressure from GErmany.
@@nikd545 Back then, no one called themselves greek. They used the name of cities as heritage. Like athenian, spartan, phaleronian... It can be that people living in the kingdom of Macedon were different ethnicity than Athenians or Spartans, we will never know.
@@eniff2925 Dude read history before even think to write in public. There are a huge amount, tons of written and testified history which prove more than enough that the people living in greek peninsula called themselves Greeks fro the time at lest of Iliad. So please cu the crap.
So, if Macedonians were "distant relatives" of the Greeks, why on earth 1. Was their empire a Hellenistic empire? 2. Did they spread Greek as the common language of the empire? 3. Had Greek names for themselves and their cities? Weird that.
Sanctimon Well actually it wasn’t as simple as that. Historians had discussed this issue for along time, so there is not consensus about Macedonians ethnic identity. For example, in the Battle of Platea they were allies with the Achaemenid Empire, fighting against Greek City States alliance. Also, Macedonians didn’t speak Greek. And according to Herodotus, when they participated in the Olympics some Greeks saw it as an insult because they wouldn’t compete with “Barbarians”. Of course after Alexander all of this changed but it seemed that before the Hellenistic period Macedonia were often seemed as foreigners or not strictly Greeks. History isn’t that simple.
@@Juanfroco1298 All of these matters have long been settled among Classical scholars and the vast majority does not doubt for a second that Macedonians were a Greek tribe or they spoke a dialect of Greek. Macedonia was not the only Greek state that sided with the Persians. So did Aegina and a few others. However, no one doubts the Aeginians were Greek. They only do so regarding the Macedonians on account of contemporary political sensitivities. The whole motivation of Alexander's war against the Persians was to "avenge" the Persian invasions against Greece. His dream was to unite all Greeks under one Kingdom, rather than turn all men into "Macedonians", because that would not make sense, as being Macedonian also meant being Greek. His epigrams, following his victories named "All Greeks except the Spartans". Regarding the language: The inscriptions from Macedonia are all written either in Attic (koine) Greek, or a Greek dialect showing affinities both with the north-western ('Doric') dialects of Epirus and with the north-eastern ('Aeolic') dialects of Thessaly. This is the Macedonian dialect of Greek. If the ancient documents preserved today on stone reveal only those two possibilities, there is clearly no basis for a separate language. Note that Plato refers to the Aeolic dialect of Lesbian authors, calling it “barbaric”, by which he meant crude or rough, but Greek all the same. No one doubts that Lesbians authors were Greek. Also note that when the Roman conqueror in 167 B.C., Aemilius Paulus, called together representatives of the defeated Macedonian communities, his Latin pronouncements were translated for the benefit of the assembled Macedonians into Greek (Livy 45.29). The claim that although Alexander the Great spread the Greek language and culture, had a Greek name and initiated the Hellenistic (Greecian) period internationally without being Greek himself, is, to say the least, oxymoronic.
Ancient Macedonia has as much in common with the Former Yugoslav Republic which currently aspires to THAT NAME, as original Coca Cola (the cocaine-and-caffeine-laced medicine patented in 1886) has to the modern carbonated soft drink - only the name. The ancient Macedonians were Greek in name, ethnic origin, heritage, language, culture, religion, history, identity, and in every other conceivable way. They were as Greek as the Spartans, Athenians, Corinthians, Thebans, or any of the other classical Hellenic city-states or tribes, in Greece and far beyond. To claim otherwise is, at best, an ignorant distortion of history, at worst, a devious scheme bent to nefarious political ends. If the ancient Macedonians had any connection to the south Slavs and Bulgars that began to settle in the geographical region of Macedon almost a millennium after Alexander’s death, then King Hammurabi of Babylon and President Trump are identical twins! Macedonians always were, and always will be, Greek-FULL STOP. Beyond this incontrovertible historical fact, anyone can claim what they wish.
@Jovan Spasovski No one can deny possible mixes between people from different origins. However, I do not understand how some random balkan people who own a far shorter and more recent tradition can claim that the culture of ancient Macedonians is linked to their ancestors (like FYROM citizens) and is not associated with the culture that comes from the rest of the ancient Greek cities reaching up to modern Greece. According to my research and the one everyone else should do and as this video states; Macedonians were indeed Greeks in many different ways and had accepted it centuries ago. Also, Hephaestus is not an ancient Macedonian name but is far older. Hephaestus was the ancient Greek god of blacksmiths, metalworking etc (search it on wikipedia). And Alexander is a way older Greek name too than the date you believe written as "Ἀλέξανδρος" (Aléxandros), meaning "Defender of the people". The rest of the names are not Macedonian either but even if they were your statement does not prove anything simply because all nations borrow names from one another.
@Jovan Spasovski Wtf.. He said they are relative to the Greeks and that Alexander spread the Greek culture and language all over the world. Don't try to change the statement
Gio Antony When Greece wasn't born yet and the country was under Ottoman occupation the Greeks called themselves "Romans" not "Greeks", we're talking about only 200 years ago.
Greeks have a big contribution to the world like: Democracy The Alphabet The Library The Olympics Science and Mathematics Architecture Mythology The Lighthouse Standardized Medicine Trial by Jury The Theater And much more+
ancient vedic indians as well , yoga,meditation,artitech,shampoo, vedic science and maths, democracy, freedom of relgion buddism,jainism,sikhism and indian within itself had 60+ dharmas or philosophy ....ancient rich dance,music,arts and what not india has still preserved lot of it
You forgot to mention ''Music''. Theater and Music are the only two words that are commonly used in every language. There is no other word in any language to describe theater or music. They are both Hellenic. This pretty much sumps everything up.
I can only imagine the time you must have spent creating uniform icons for your map and cropping images to such precision! Truly truly admire the effort. thank you for the resource!
@@florjantrepca Hahahahaha macedonia is in Greece since 3.000 bc. Also Greece isn't our name. It's hellas. Fake country? We're literally the first country to ever exist. Ur literally Greek
@@bruh3128 ancient greece didnt have a national identity and was first athenian or spartan then greek. Sure they shared similar culture but the greece as a country wasnt a thing until 1821. But even then the first country was egypt than china
I absolutely love this commentary the guy's voice is so soothing and at the same time impactful like he is dedicated into what he is talking about. There is only three videos this dude appears in on this channel which is mainly consisting of Russian based videos and he nailed the two videos of explaining the evolution of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Big up to Brian Cox(not the famous astrophysicist and astronomer) the actor, who ironically played as the Greek figure Agamemnon (the King of Mycenae who is most well known for leading the Greek armies into war with Troy) in the movie Troy alongside Brad Pitt who played as Achilles.
The Macedonians and Epirotes (and other northern Greek kingdoms) were Greek! Sure, they didn't have the same form of organization as the city-states, but apart from that, they were identical. It's like comparing New York City and Appalachia (the region in the US, not a state). Different versions of the same culture.
But Ancient Greeks in this era was divided on ionians, dorians and some another ethics - one of them gained them culture from Minoyan Greeks directly, but not all and not equally. Compare them preferly seems like comparsion Appalachia and Sydney, when taking in account ancient communication and very slow culture spread
@@pop-n-rock exactly, like all other european nations, but in the age of internet it almost does not affect (only in politics maybe, not culture). In ancient times peoples often has a difficult communication with each other
@@СаргонДревний-п3е Still Greek, even if Athenians wouldn't have liked to admit it. Macedonian culture was Greek in all the ways Greek culture could be defined as such: language, religion, most customs, traditions, architecture, and yes, the same writing system. Drinking undiluted wine and retaining ancient government practices (Macedon still had powerful monarchs while most of Greece had oligarchy, democracy, or less than absolute kings) hardly disqualifies one as being Greek or not.
The ancient maccedonians, Epirus and Sparta are the real Proto Hellenic Greeks/Indo European Dorians they carry DNA haplo group R. While Athenians, Thebes, Corinth and other city states are Hellenized Anatolians they carry J2 DNA Haplo group, while Thessaly and others are Pelasgians they carry DNA haplo group E1b1b/E-V13. This is why they call then selves Hellenestics. All of them has unique contribution in Hellenistic culture. This is why modern Greece today is mixed DNA haplo group J2, E, R. The Anatolians J2 and Pelasgians E is the first people of Greece and the founder of Mycenean civilization, while the Hellenic Indo European/Proto Greeks are the one who Invaded Mycenean civilization. During the classical period of Greece they are all the same in sphere of influence culture they speak Hellenics dialects like Doric, Ionics, and worshiping Hellenic Indo European Gods Offcourse not only the Greeks is mixed now, also almost all nations now are mixed people because of migrations and invasions
Our conviction is strengthened that the Macedonians were a Greek race and akin to the Dorians, Having stayed behind in the far north they were unable to participated in the progressive civilisation of the tribes which were further south" [Ulrich Wilcken 'Alexander the Great', p 22]
@@medpol Tito wanted an independent state in the region northern of Macedonia for political reasons. And he made you believe that you are a unique nation.
@@raphaelc.5658 Egyptian wisdom was highly respected by Greeks. For them, a visit to Egypt and the possibility of studying with the Egyptian priests was the equivalent to a PhD in Oxford for us. So, the scholars that could afford a trip there ( the fare was expensive) did not hesitate to fulfil it. Thales visited Egypt. It is there that he conceived the Thales theorem ( what’s your relations with Geometry? ) and was deeply affected by Egyptian maths and astronomy.Thales of Miletus Plato travelled there also ( among other destinations as Sicily and Cyrene) when he was forced to leave Athens after Socrates’ conviction to death. Other Greek philosophers that study in Egypt were: Democritus, who went twice , spending an enormous amound of money . Herodotus, who was the first to write a trip advisor about Egypt.Herodotus - Wikipedia Archemedes maybe has studied in Egypt too. This is not confirmed but he did have correspondence with his fellow scholars in Alexandria. Pythagoras, student of Thales, had not only studied in Egypt but managed to be granted the priviledge in taking part in their whorship.Pythagoras - Wikipedia We can easily see, that Greek philosophy and mathematics have their roots in the South!
The Ancient Macedonian kingdom was Greek. The modern Republic of Macedonia (now Northern Macedonia) was given its name and its connection with ancient Macedonia for geopolitical reasons.
@Anth Graves when a Greek says he is makedonian he means makedonian Greek, im makedonian myself so ik pretty well, don't confuse makedonians with those bulgarians in vardaska
@@allsource1998 yep, we all agree, your government agrees, so yeah, this dispute has ended long ago with you losing, get over it, you ain't making any difference, your government has woken up, and soon more people from your country will wake up too.
Arzamas did the best in explaining Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and Russian Art history. From the VO, video quality, graphics, timeline visualization, and content.
I love it how to this day people still get confused over the country „north macedonia“ which in its origins and until the last century was called „skopia“ and was never part of greece. It was mainly inhabited by slavs. Now what is this macedonia that Alexander the great rose from. It was and still to this day is part of ancient and modern greece. The greeks call it Makedonia and is a state within the country. So why does the country „north macedonia“ (Former skopia) exist, you might ask? The answer is simple and to some not pleasent. It is envy over not having an identity and since being so close to the neighbour country greece and right at the border of the state makedonia, with its most prominent son, they might take that glory also falsely to themselves. Btw. I’m not greek, I’m Iranian (Persian), so this is not some patriotic content. I have skopian and even Greek friends. And most of them acknowledge and know about this as well.
Its not primarily a matter of envy, its a matter of existence as an independent nation. Its a country that has 25% albanians and 66% Slavs so if they dont claim being different from their neighbours, they will brake up as a country. The albanians had for a long time militia in the country trying to destabilise it, and on the other hand bulgarians openly say that most of 'northern macedonians' are bulgarian (they speak almost the same language even though the skopjans call it 'macedonian language'). Also in the long run the plan was to create a larger Macedonia by integrating the greek part, thus for former yugoslavia to gain access to the aegean sea and mediterranean sea.
@@alecxander6381 honestly brother, that’s a nice tolerant way to say it, but the reality is that they fell for Tito’s lies in order to not join their bulgarian brothers who were not part of the ex yugoslavian regime. They bought Tito’s lies like the world bought toilet papers at the beginning of the COVID pandemic.
Excellent work I 'd say.. Your mention about Macedonians as relatives to the Greek is wrong though. They were Greeks. The term "barbarian" was used for them only by orators such as Demosthenes, when Athens had inner conflict with Macedonia, like they previously did with Sparta.
@@grarglejobber7941 i dont know what your talking about but that has nothing to do with the issue at hand. all the information you need is here: Ancient Macedonia - A Greek Kingdom League of Corinth - the league of greek city states including macedon Vergina Sun - A Greek symbol Early Slavs - slavic migration in the 5th century Modern Slavic North Macedonian Language - a dialect of Bulgarian
When Rome conquered Greece, the Romans wanted to participate in the Olympic Games but the Greeks did not let them and created other games for foreigners because only Greeks could participate. The Macedonians could participate in the Olympic Games. This is the best evidence that the Macedonians were Greeks. Of course there are many more like for example when the Macedonian king Alexander (not the famous one) named himself as Greek in his speech to Athenians and Spartans and the other Greeks when they were fighting against Persia. Nobody interacted to say that they weren’t Greek. Whoever reads history will understand all these unless if that person doesn’t want to. Makedonians are Greek like athenians Spartans korithians and all the other Greeks
Πολυ σωστός φιλε. Μόνο ο Δημοσθένης τους ελεγε βαρβάρους για σκοπούς προπαγάνδας για να κινήσει τους Αθηναίους σε πολεμο με τους Μακεδόνες. Ντροπή να τίθεται το θεμα αν οι Μακεδόνες ηταν Έλληνες όταν δυο από τους μεγαλύτερους Έλληνες ηταν ο μεγάλος νους Φίλιππος και ο μοναδικός γιος του
lmao cope harder brown people generally made nothing great in the annals of history and so you honestly think you can steal history from peoples better than you hahaha it's like when black people say they made the pyramids
Curtius - The History of Greece' Vol 2] "Alexander the Great was a thorough Greek, and recognised the future of Macedonia as depending on her intimate connection with the other Greek states. The City of Pella began to be not only the greatest city in Macedonia, but the centre of Greek culture"
The ancient maccedonians, Epirus and Sparta are the real Proto Hellenic Greeks/Indo European Dorians they carry DNA haplo group R. While Athenians, Thebes, Corinth and other city states are Hellenized Anatolians they carry J2 DNA Haplo group, while Thessaly and others are Pelasgians they carry DNA haplo group E1b1b/E-V13. This is why they call then selves Hellenestics. All of them has unique contribution in Hellenistic culture. This is why modern Greece today is mixed DNA haplo group J2, E, R. The Anatolians J2 and Pelasgians E is the first people of Greece and the founder of Mycenean civilization, while the Hellenic Indo European/Proto Greeks are the one who Invaded Mycenean civilization. During the classical period of Greece they are all the same in sphere of influence culture they speak Hellenics dialects like Doric, Ionics, and worshiping Hellenic Indo European Gods Offcourse not only the Greeks is mixed now, also almost all nations now are mixed people because of migrations and invasions
This is by far the best video of ancient greece in all You Tube, it makes me wonder why Arzamas havent upload on english any more videos , theres just these one and the one of the ancient rome, wich is also fabulous!!!!
Bit inaccurate to say that Sparta was jealous of Athens’ prosperity, most Spartan citizens were actually rich Y’know due to all the slavery. They went to war with Athens because Athens had decided to ally with one of Sparta’s oldest enemies Argos and this absolutely royally pissed off the Spartans so they and the Peloponnesian League(named after the Peloponnese the peninsula that Sparta resides upon) went to war with the Delian league.
Not to mention Argos was famed for best soldiers in the land. That's right, Argos, not Sparta was known for their soldiers. Well Sparta too, but were not Elite.
They went to war with Athens because they saw that their influence over the Greek world had started to become extremely dangerous. When the construction of the Athens city walls began, right after the end of the greco-persian wars , Sparta understood that they needed to stop somehow their neighbours's plans. The alliance with Argos was a factor too but not the main cause. Sparta went to war out of fear for the future.
The Minoan civilization was apparently not destroyed by the volcanic eruption on Thera, according to an article in the New York Times, published November 28, 1989, which cites excavations in 1967 on the island of Santorini and at Mochlos that showed Minoan construction continued for some 150 years after the volcanic eruption. The date of the eruption was also pushed back to no later than 1600 B.C., based on radio carbon dating at Santorini and ash preserved in ice cores from Greenland. The Minoan civilization lasted until about 1450 B.C. The reason for it's collapse is unclear and the speculation is that invasion by the Mycenaens was the cause.
Very interesting. Recent history I have read about the fall of the Roman empire also indicates that foreign invasion was the key cause of the decline (i.e. the empire's economic and political health were relatively good otherwise). Perhaps we have overrated socioeconomic factors and underrated military ones when it comes to ancient civiliations' collapse.
Actually Ancient Greeks never saw Macedonias as ''semibarbarians''. There is no such thing as semibarbarians. Herodotus states that greeks expands till todays Kavala city ata the border of Thrace.
Actually they did. Herodotus stated that there were Greek poleis in modern Chalkidike (you're right), but that does not include the whole region and all folks there. But especially in the 4th century BC, when Athens, Sparta and Thebes lost their claims for hegemony, the Macedonians were the MVPs in Greece. Philipp II. was not recognised as a Greek king, though. He gained respect when he won the Olympics with a carriage and became archon (leader) of Thessaly after the battle at the crocus fields in 352. Athens splitted into two political groups: Pro-Macedons and Anti-Macedons. Pro_macedonians like Aeschines or Isocrates tried to "make" Philipp Greek by stating that his ancestors where of Greek descent, whereas anti-Macedons like Demosthenes tried to deny his Greek culture. So all of that was just a political debate that became really serious when the MAcedonias won the Battle of Chaironeia in 338 BC. But long story short: there actually WAS a debate whether the Macedonians were Greek or not and they definitely WERE seen as semibarbarians.
@@TheOasch there is nο such thing as semibarbarian I must insist. Show me one historical document that this word is mentioned. Herodotus states in Histories Book 1 Clio that greek tribes are expanded till todays eastern border of Kavala. (Nestos river) The debate you mentioned before was more political than anything else.
@@skoTsezos29 Yes, you are right, Herodotus says that. But I think we are talking past each other :) About 100 years later in the 4th century BC there is clearly a lot of discussion whether Macedonias are barbarians or not, because the times have changed and now the debate has become political, yes (but Herodotus wasn't objective at all and also had political reasons). The most prominent historical documents are Demosthenes (anti-Macedon) and Aeschines (pro-Macedon), for example "On the crown". Those were political debates, you are right, but populist politics (like Demosthenes') were keen to insult Macedonians in a pejorative way as barbarians. Herodotus used the term to distinguish so called barbarians from Greeks as they did not talk in Greek. Aeschines on the other side mentions that some of the folks in the Macedonian realm were Barbarians, but Philipp (as he was pro-Macedon) is of Greek descent. You are right in some points: No one explicitly mentions the term "semibarbarian" and Herodotus describes the regions to the Black Sea as Greek, but there were clearly discussions about the Macedonian origin. With "semibarbarian" I mean that not all of the Macedonians were considerd as "true" Greeks because of their accent.
@@costasmegas wow so many "Costas Me--as". The -- refers to me seeing a channel called Costas Melas and you are Costas Megas! I am amazed by your culture, Greeks!
Even half the Slavs living today in fyrom agree they have no relation to Ancient Greeks/Macedonians, they can't read the inscriptions beneath all the Alexander statues they built, you know why? Cause it's Greek and not Slavic. Just another politic propaganda so NATO can build bases in fyrom. USA will do anything for power/control.
What , are you serious , Re malaka , Skopje hasn't even Developed an army yet, and personally, that's as far as they will get . Greece would blow Skopje off the map in a days battle , true fact
@Rob Gorman your saying that Phillip ll of Macedon wasn't Greek But a barbarian Where do you get this information From , Phillip was of pure Hellenic blood , and the same, I mean , the same as the Spartans, and Corinthians .
ancient history documentary about Greece is like binge-watching the original drama series-myths, gods, epic battles, and more plot twists than a soap opera!
Brian Cox's voice just adds more dimension to this excellent video, really admire Russian academics great script and presentation Wish it was available when I was just starting to study history but it is not too late to start learning right
Very good effort . But you didn't talk about the Thebean period and Thebeab hegemony after the Peloponesian war and before Macedon's great rise. And you didn't mention that Aristotle was born near Macedon and not in southern Greece. You also didn't mention that Macedon created the Hellenic (Greek) Leage where most Greek states gave troops with the exception of Sparta, with the mission to free the Greek city states of the Aegean Coast of Anatolia and make war to Persia. But all in all, the best video I have seen on the subject and excellent result to condense 3000 years (3000 BC to 146 BC )in 17:30 minutes!
of course, they were a greek tribe the same way as Peloponnesians were a greek tribe all the greek tribes used to be hostile to each other because of geostrategics that does not in any way mean that they were different ethnically but newly formed state FYROM and also now Albania(!) tries to make the rest of the world believe that they are Macedonians (!!), it is starting to be irritating and insulting
false, Macedonians where never part of the core greek ethnicity. Now to be fair the people FYROM have almost nothing common with Macedonian, but that does not automatically make the Macedonians greek.
@@astridwib7340 You might be talking about moder macedonia which is actually is a different location to ancient macedonia, ancient macedonia sits within modern greece
@@54356776 We know because society in the Western world literally collapsed, the written word all but disappeared and pretty much every industry ceased to function. Not to mention the raiding and destruction of cities occurring across the known world mentioned in the video.
@@54356776 Trade was at the minimum, painting was basically unique in each city, although it was extremely simple, almost no written inscriptions from that time.
Ancient Greece was one of the greatest civilizations for sure. The Greek philosophers and their studies are still take an important place in popular culture and historical science. Salute Herodotus who's to be the first historian in history.
This video is truly remarkable! I've already subscribed to your channel even though it is totally pointless due to all of your content being in Russian. That obstacle in the form of a language barrier is what makes it impossible for me and a lot of potential viewers to enjoy your creative output. I think that this channel is certain to experience a massive growth, should you decide to make more videos in English.
Greece had democracy 2300 years ago (300bc) yet some countries today (2021)like north Korea, Venezuela or the middle east countries haven't even heard of democracy.
Venezuela is a democracy, what are you talking about? I mean sure, it has failed in some aspects but that doesn't change the fact that it is a democracy
Yeah but their definition of democracy is different from ours as mentioned in the video , if an ancient Athenian were to see our democracy he wouldn't agree to some parts ( maybe a large part ) .
@@ayma3932 I understand what you mean (direct vs not direct democracy) but that isn't the point here. What op meant is that there is no democracy at all in Venezuela, just because it is in a political shit storm at the moment. It's incredibly ignorant and quite unfair toward the people who live and vote there to compare it to kingdoms like Saudi Arabia or north Korea Edit: spelling error
He was Greek but not from the city of Macedonia neither athens where he studies and had his school, he was from a small Greek city named stagira (if that is how you spell it in English)
Im guessing we all are either preparing for a test
we're just nerds
Just nerds
Why not both
Test tomorrow and I forgot almost everything
If you were preparing for a test, you should see other fonts, since this video as a few historical errors
Just a fellow nerd lol
This guys voice is unreal. I haven’t heard a better voice actor/narrator
Arckedian Morgan Freeman's worthy rival
It's the guy who plays Agamemnon in Troy!
Dexter André Osiander ohhhh yeahhhh!! Lmao thanks bro. Hes also that dickhead from the bourne movies
David Attenborough
Brian Cox, he was also the first Hannibal Lecter.
“The Trojan wars are as distant to Alexander the Great as we are to the Viking age” now that’s crazy to think about
Troy was a another greek city state who ruled Bosporus
Thats why the war happened
Founded at 1300 bc by aiolian greeks , from thessaly.
First greek colonization
The Hellenic history is so vast and detailed that no be explained in a minute video
Read greek history
@@Usera2324dfre nope, the main theory is that troy was a luwian city. Ancient greece as you think of it did not exist during the bronze age
@@Usera2324dfre Troy was founded much more before the 1300 b.c.e. Probably during the end of the 3rd M b.c.e
so Ancient Rome was just the dlc of the Greeks
Not the DLC, Rome was Modern Warfare 3 of Ancient Greeks, Modern Warfare 2.
Yeah i mean the romans elevatad greek culture. They spread it to places it has not been before and invanted new things while doing so.
@@rizixxx3761 copied the greek culture
@@kristypapa7444 wee bit more complicated than that; Etruscan kings brought their own culture, inspired by Greeks, to Rome. Then later on, as Roman contact with the Greeks intensified, they adapted more and more elements of the culture while giving it their own flair. To say they copied is not fair, they looked up to the ancient Greeks, but looked down on the Greeks of their own time.
“If an Ancient Greek were to see modern democracy, he would only have one word... oligarchy...”
Great quote my friend
tbf due to the direct democracy of athens, it was very easy to rile up people to vote for radical change, hence the tyrants
Certainly gives reasons as to why America's founding father set our government like they did. A Republic with representatives chosen from among the people democratically. We're already falling. Failing due to the fact that the people let their enemies into government and they have gradually taken control. All that our founding fathers worried about has come. The traitors are many They are the Nazi of Germany, the Zionists of Europe, The Jesuits of the Catholics, The Corporations, the The bankers, the Communists, Socialists. Some are far worse than these.... They have all come together to form the New World Order... A technocratic, global Tyranny
@@TiempoNuevo-ew7ty Ah yes, bankers and communists, totally compatiple, it's not like they hate eachother or anything.
It's very easy to put everyone you think is "bad" on one group of bad guys and pretend you are a paragon of virtue, but that is not the reality.
@@caiawlodarski5339 How trite: " are a paragon of virtue." , whatever, you probably need to do more research. You would know exactly what I meant.
@shut beak the meaning of aristocracy and oligargy is not the same. they change it. aristocracy means the most clever the most good. oligargy is some of them who are more powerfull from the others and take the goverment and that is not so good for democratic people but they can. also when the democrasy became bad and oliigarhy means that only some persons have the more power tyrany is the road to make them leave and when you want the tyrany to leave because press a lot the people to manage make the other leave. then the people make tyrany leave. and make a good democracy again. that happened always. that is that new big men understand and use it having their own in every part. they change the name of democracy to communism and oligarhy to nazism and communism too as crowd who brings back to them the goverment. so the people don't exist to that model. only vote which part of the same oligarhy want. so aristotele speak in his age meaning of that meanings. and also to our age as what they do the big men and make us obey and serve them. aristotele says all that to improve the social life. but wests take ariistotel and use his truth for more bad goverments.
This video is so amazing. Please make a version of this video that is a few hours long. I would watch the whole thing!
you have to pay for brian cox
This guy makes awesome Rome Remastered mods!
Narrated by Agamemnon. Fitting.
Thank you!
Hearing him say "Trojan War" was some insane throwback
You sack of wine!
STOCKHOLM briliant comment!
Ancient Greece always fascinated me. As many historians agreed upon, was the most advanced civilization in history. The names of Greek philosophers such as Aristoteles take a massive place under popular culture. Their influence and legacy are still on everyone's tongue. And will continues from today until forever.
اليونانيين تقدموا لأنهم سرقوا جميع العلوم من الحضارات القديمة مثل حضارة بلاد الرافدين وحضارة مصر وحتى الأبجدية سرقوها من الفينيقيين وحتى الفلسفة سرقوها من الفلسفة البابلية القديمة لولا الشرق الأوسط وحضاراته العريقة والقديمة لما كان هناك وجود لشيء أسمه اليونان.
Yes their philosphy has heavily influenced us in the West.
@@منوعاتأوركيدا Hérodote a inventé l'Histoire. Strabon à inventé la géographie.
Ptolémée est le premier à avoir réalisé une carte du monde connu.
Les grecs sont les premiers à avoir découvert que la terre était ronde et Ils ont calculé sa circonférence.
Les Egyptiens et les mésopotamiens ne savaient pas que la terre était ronde.
@@منوعاتأوركيدا why do u speak arabic though?
They just stole everything like colonists
Fun fact: the man who carried the message from Marathon to Athens yelled out nike, victory in ancient Greek. The distance of the run is also what our modern marathons are loosely based on. Great video! Thank you for expanding my knowledge on the subject!👍
The Mach1ne the way u write it isn't completely correct . It's more like neke doesn't include an I in pronounciasion.
neke is the greek word ...but the logo of Nike it was inspired by the Neke of Samothraki...the wings...some french guys have it in a museum ...a stolen master piece of greek art..
'Νενικήκαμεν' (verb, a' plural in Present Perfect) was the word that yelled out! The spelling is [ne-ni-ki-ka-men]. 'Νίκη', which means 'victory', is the noun of the verb!
Well that probably did never happen, but it's a nice legend. That's why Nike, the sports brand is called like that. Victory in Greek
A word we still use today, a word that is used for a sports brand: Nike :))
*Rome video ends*
Me: "Oh this video is so interesting sad it is over"
Video: "We have another one about Greeks"
Me "NICE!" *clicks*
*Greek video ends*
Me: "Oh this video is so interesting sad it is over"
Video: "We have another one about Rome"
Me "NICE!" *clicks*
MrFantocan lmaooo
Help he's in an infinite loop
I've been in this endless cycle, blissfully I must say, for almost 2 weeks haha
SOS - i need help ending this loop!
@@sinoroman I've even began translating the Rome video to Spanish hahahaha
The name Alexander is derived from the Greek "Ἀλέξανδρος" (Aléxandros), meaning "Defender of the people" or "Defending men" and also, "Protector of men", a compound of the verb ἀλέξειν aléxein, "to ward off, to avert, to defend" and the noun ἀνήρ anḗr, "man" (GEN ἀνδρός andrós)
@Klaudio Gjeta Are really that stupid? Greek language has existed for over 3000 years. Also how come a pure blooded albania has a roman name?
And this is how i learned the true origin of my name.
Thanks buddy.
In that time Alexander lived, greece didnt even existed. You can see it on the old maps. How can this be? Makedonia is there and greek isnt
@Athan asiosno i say that all was pelasgo illyrian lands in the Ancient.
@Athan asios jep there are words we still speak today
This has to be one of the best videos covering the period of Ancient Greece out there. Professional, specific and the timeline at the bottom is a way way to understand the scale of time across the different items!
@@allsource1998 what
They missed the "classical moment" in art which was another first in our cognitive history, but apart from that it's quite acceptable.
Not too professional.
Fantastic video!
Fancy meeting you here, Emperor Tigerstar
EmperorTigerstar too bad almost all their other videos are in Russian.
Cicero Yeah, I just watched their videos on Greece and Rome in succession and was sad to find that. Hopefully, they will translate more of their videos in the future
EmperorTigerstar commie
Marcus Eaton no not at all
I'd subscribe to your channel, but most videos are in russian. I really liked this one and the roman one
same with me, but I subscribed nevertheless.
right i was confused
lol I subscribed cause I actually know Russian, but I was clueless about that and originally thought it was just an English channel
Reyon88 you are trash yourself
@@mylovestory6057 drop the snap
Have studied Greco-Roman history since prep school (over 50 yrs) and this is the best summary of Greek civilization I have ever seen.
Imagine subbing right away after one minute of watching and then finding out that you don't understand the rest of the videos in the channel at all.
Yeah why is this all in russian!
This is a great way to help people organise all the information about ancient greece in a more streamlined, sequential order in their heads. Here in Greece we've been taught so many details about our ancient times, that it gets overwhelming. In fact we're taught and retaught about it 3 times in total until we graduate school. Yet, most of us forget or confuse things. This is a great video to help clear the mess! Also, the voice actor is excellent! Some innacuracies are to be found, regardless, like the reasons behind colonism or the Dorian Invasion, but the ability of the video to organise information effectively is not affected by this.
Been playing Assassin's creed Origins and was so surprised to see all the Greek stuff in Egypt, Greek people, Greek culture, Greek architecture, Alexandria, the library! Trying my best to understand it all and this video has really helped, thank you so much, your channel is awesome!
You brought up a very important point. To the general public, "Egypt" means pyramids, the sphinx, pharaohs and those weird beards and dance moves. But Egypt has been around for milennia. And oh boy how it changed through the years. With the partition of the Alexandrian empire, Ptolomeic Egypt became quite hellenized. We usually think of chariots as inherently Egyptian while the phalanx is inherently Macedonic, for example. But Ptolomeic Egypt had an army centered around Pezhetairoi and Hetairoi, just like Alexander´s. Egypt could be very Greek when it wanted to. And it is quite shocking at first trying to picture Egypt as Greek, but it is one of those little tricks history plays on us (and why history is awesome too)
Richardsen it was for a period of time at the ptolemaic empire.
To help you understand - in Athens you see the items stolen from Egypt! This is what they did.
@@DjolePcom what? What kind of bullshit is it? There no in Athens items stole from Egypt
Egypt in Greek means , below the eagean. There was always Greek presence in the area, especially after Alexander the great. If I remember correctly , the pharaohs hired mycenean mercenaries very early on, to defeat their eastern enemies, who paid them very well and constructed them several settlements.Thus, making the first step of the hellenization of egypt. Then alexander completed it.
History of ancient India.
History of Japan.
History of Americas (before the European immigration)
History of Byzantium empire.
And history of China.
Also, thank you for making this wonderful video.
The history of India and china would be hard to put into a video under 20 minutes
What?? American history???? Lol
lifes40123 then make it an hour or longer
Hey, Russian guy, America does not equal the United States. He's asking for a history of the native population, though good luck on that one. I don't think there was much written down.
Richard Santann
"leaving us the weird Russian alphabet for instance" this man just casually roasted the Russians
Russian alphabet made by 2 greeks so blame them
This channel is Russian.
Cyrillic was created by the Greek-speaking monk Cyrillus and some other monk (they also employed Hebrew/Aramaic for letters such as shin). Somebody else already pointed out that the channel is Russian, but also it's named for a city founded by Ivan the Terrible. :D
@@GeoScorpion the russian alphabet was made by two greek speaking monks hired BY THE BULGARIAN KING which made the Bulgarian alphabet and after that Cyrilluses students made the other slavic alphabets :)
Origin of the name Philip: Derived from the Latin Philippus, which is from the Greek Philippos (lover of horses). The name is composed of the elements philos (loving) and hippos (horse) in Greek
It is more like ''friend'' here. Philippos means friend of horses or someone that is taking care of them. In ancient greek love is έρος, eros.
How did hippos go from being horses to hippopotamus in Africa?
How about my last name?
Basilis Tselios
Eros is sexual love. The Greeks had multiple words for love as do many other languages.
In English, the Greek prefix/suffix “phil-“ means “lover of”. For example:
Bibliophile: lover of books
Francophile: lover of things French
Hellenophile: lover of things Greek
Philadelphia: brotherly love or love of one’s brother
Pedophile: lover of children
Philanderer: a man who has many sexual lovers
@@scipioprime69 it comes from "ippos" (horse) and "lito" (untie) so in short it means the one who lets horses go free.
A fine British man just said meme.
A fine British man created the term meme.
@@thitherword trueeee
I'm British so
I used to be adventurer like you until i got an arrow in the knee
@Jack K you talking about the lack of full stops
@Jack K no that was because it originally said they instead of I
This is some high quality shit right there.
what do you mean
You said high-quality sh*t. But they say you can't polish a turd.
Brought to you by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin ;)
Colonel Dick Faggotson why is this so funny
@@Swadaable Vladimir name translates as WorldOwner
Putin - Way man.
So you can call Putin - Worldowner Worldownerson Wayman.
Oh please do another one for other civilizations! I can't get enough of these Greek and Roman videos that's why I keep watching them again and again, coming back to them from time to time. Please make another great video about other civilizations.
There is one major problem bro.. that mainly there were 2 major civilizations, the Greek-West and the East, so he can't make lots of videos 🤓 . And I am talking about the godfathers and not individual empires that from time to time appeared
Do on bout america 🍟🍔
@@TehhDesiree nop
@@yourstepdad1632 1 min vid
@@skrivnosti5499 yea sure Greece fake country sure sure
"The Trojan War was as distant in time to Alexander the Great as the Vikings are to ourselves."
I'm going to have to stew on this fact for a little while 😵
I'll give you an other one, that took me a while to grasp.
The pyramids of Giza were so ancient to Cleopatra, as Cleopatra is to us.
And another thing: the the Stegosaurus is as ancient to the T-Rex as the T-Rex is to us.
Another good one: The empire that conquered the empire that conquered Ancient Egypt still existed 100 years ago
Edit: This is no longer true. And it wasn’t fully true even before because Rome wasn’t quite an Empire yet when it conquered Egypt
@@masterspark9880 Ok good point but Egypt was conquered by the Republic, it was not an Empire quiiiiite yet. Also, the Byzantines abdicated their Romanitas when they made Greek the language of court.
@@henrygustavekrausse7459 It was conquered as the republic was turning into the empire. Augustus is widely considered to be the first emperor (and when he’s not it’s Julius) and he led the Roman conquest of Egypt
Have been waiting for an English version and there it is! Thank you.
10:04 I think that's the most dramatic way anyone has ever said the word "meme".
Greeks... One of the most wonderful nations in the world.
Loves from your neighbor🇹🇷🇬🇷
Fam yk us Greeks don’t really like Turks Ye
We dont like the war politics not the people ,hello neighbor
Western Turks, Greeks and South Italians are the same people. Only religion and nationalism creates divisions.
@@tiusernamenabalw Even that is debatable. Western turks definitely have more greek blood than central and eastern turks but they are still mainly descended from people that came there during the middle-ages from the east. Greeks and southern italians and to a certain extent even central italians are almost identical. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't get along of course. I'm half italian, half greek btw.
@@avidfather1864 western Turks we are anatolians, we are Hittite, Phrygian, Lydian, Roman, Greek, Ottoman, Turkish, maybe a little bit Egyptian and Phoenician, Armenian and other Mediterranean people
Macedonians weren't "distant relatives" of the Greeks, they were, are Greeks. You can look at wikipedia and see the table of Macedonian Olympic winners, take notice that in Olypic games only Greeks were allowed. Also Macedonians reffered themselves as Greeks, according to Herodotus (where the King of Macedon warned the Greek army the night before the battle of Platea", where in his own words "I am a Greek also", and they claimed their heritage from Heracles and the Dorians as Spartans did. Spartans never to my knowledge refused or reacted against that statement. So Macedonians were Dorians as the Spartans making them as much Greeks as them.
By the way the word "Demagogos" in greek Δημαγωγός means "the one who directs people" which in Greek is derogative because they were telling people not the truth but what they liked in order to pursue their personal interests (much like modern politicians).
My dear read history learn to read sources and please cut the crap. Refusing irrefutable sources and history makes you look like an idiot. Also hellenistic period is considered after the death of the Greek King Alexander III, better know as Great, till 31bc which is the landmark of the battle of Actium. Read a lexicon (something that explains words). Also your Prime Minister refused any connection to ancinemt history, and you are Northern Macedon, which in my logic does not stand, but our treacherous communist gave you it's geographical not ethnological. Your bulgarian dialect was given name after pressure from GErmany.
@paulbsmokin XD nice
Wait did you just argue with yourself
@@nikd545 Back then, no one called themselves greek. They used the name of cities as heritage. Like athenian, spartan, phaleronian... It can be that people living in the kingdom of Macedon were different ethnicity than Athenians or Spartans, we will never know.
@@eniff2925 Dude read history before even think to write in public. There are a huge amount, tons of written and testified history which prove more than enough that the people living in greek peninsula called themselves Greeks fro the time at lest of Iliad. So please cu the crap.
The page-turning sound throughout this video is hella soothing.
So, if Macedonians were "distant relatives" of the Greeks, why on earth
1. Was their empire a Hellenistic empire?
2. Did they spread Greek as the common language of the empire?
3. Had Greek names for themselves and their cities?
Weird that.
Macedonias were considered foreigners.
@@Juanfroco1298 I guess that's why they let them compete in the Olympic games. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Sanctimon Well actually it wasn’t as simple as that. Historians had discussed this issue for along time, so there is not consensus about Macedonians ethnic identity. For example, in the Battle of Platea they were allies with the Achaemenid Empire, fighting against Greek City States alliance. Also, Macedonians didn’t speak Greek. And according to Herodotus, when they participated in the Olympics some Greeks saw it as an insult because they wouldn’t compete with “Barbarians”. Of course after Alexander all of this changed but it seemed that before the Hellenistic period Macedonia were often seemed as foreigners or not strictly Greeks. History isn’t that simple.
@@Juanfroco1298 All of these matters have long been settled among Classical scholars and the vast majority does not doubt for a second that Macedonians were a Greek tribe or they spoke a dialect of Greek.
Macedonia was not the only Greek state that sided with the Persians. So did Aegina and a few others. However, no one doubts the Aeginians were Greek. They only do so regarding the Macedonians on account of contemporary political sensitivities. The whole motivation of Alexander's war against the Persians was to "avenge" the Persian invasions against Greece. His dream was to unite all Greeks under one Kingdom, rather than turn all men into "Macedonians", because that would not make sense, as being Macedonian also meant being Greek. His epigrams, following his victories named "All Greeks except the Spartans".
Regarding the language: The inscriptions from Macedonia are all written either in Attic (koine) Greek, or a Greek dialect showing affinities both with the north-western ('Doric') dialects of Epirus and with the north-eastern ('Aeolic') dialects of Thessaly. This is the Macedonian dialect of Greek. If the ancient documents preserved today on stone reveal only those two possibilities, there is clearly no basis for a separate language. Note that Plato refers to the Aeolic dialect of Lesbian authors, calling it “barbaric”, by which he meant crude or rough, but Greek all the same. No one doubts that Lesbians authors were Greek. Also note that when the Roman conqueror in 167 B.C., Aemilius Paulus, called together representatives of the defeated Macedonian communities, his Latin pronouncements were translated for the benefit of the assembled Macedonians into Greek (Livy 45.29).
The claim that although Alexander the Great spread the Greek language and culture, had a Greek name and initiated the Hellenistic (Greecian) period internationally without being Greek himself, is, to say the least, oxymoronic.
@xXDJXxLIVE What a load of propagandist, revisionist, nationalistic nonsense.
Arzamas has made great work here. 18 minutes and beatiful graphics.
Outstanding presentation of classic Greece 🇬🇷, bravo 👏🏻
@@GorgeousGeorge97 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Humanity❤️❤️❤️
@@GorgeousGeorge97 Entertaining. Why, thank you…
Really good video. This does a great job of summing up major events over a huge time frame. Amazing you got it down to 18 minutes.
Ancient Macedonia has as much in common with the Former Yugoslav Republic which currently aspires to THAT NAME, as original Coca Cola
(the cocaine-and-caffeine-laced medicine patented in 1886) has to the modern carbonated soft drink - only the name.
The ancient Macedonians were Greek in name, ethnic origin, heritage, language, culture, religion, history, identity, and in every other conceivable way.
They were as Greek as the Spartans, Athenians, Corinthians, Thebans, or any of the other classical Hellenic city-states or tribes, in Greece and far beyond. To claim otherwise is, at best, an ignorant distortion of history, at worst, a devious scheme bent to nefarious political ends.
If the ancient Macedonians had any connection to the south Slavs and Bulgars that began to settle in the geographical region of Macedon almost a millennium after Alexander’s death, then King Hammurabi of Babylon and President Trump are identical twins!
Macedonians always were, and always will be, Greek-FULL STOP. Beyond this incontrovertible historical fact, anyone can claim what they wish.
Let me guess, you are Macedonian?
...over 2000 years. Still a thing. 🙂
Get your own life. 😉
Could not agree more with Dorian
@Jovan Spasovski No one can deny possible mixes between people from different origins. However, I do not understand how some random balkan people who own a far shorter and more recent tradition can claim that the culture of ancient Macedonians is linked to their ancestors (like FYROM citizens) and is not associated with the culture that comes from the rest of the ancient Greek cities reaching up to modern Greece. According to my research and the one everyone else should do and as this video states; Macedonians were indeed Greeks in many different ways and had accepted it centuries ago. Also, Hephaestus is not an ancient Macedonian name but is far older. Hephaestus was the ancient Greek god of blacksmiths, metalworking etc (search it on wikipedia). And Alexander is a way older Greek name too than the date you believe written as "Ἀλέξανδρος" (Aléxandros), meaning "Defender of the people". The rest of the names are not Macedonian either but even if they were your statement does not prove anything simply because all nations borrow names from one another.
@Jovan Spasovski Wtf.. He said they are relative to the Greeks and that Alexander spread the Greek culture and language all over the world. Don't try to change the statement
LOVE IT SO MUCH, perfect blend of humor, music and key points in history, thank you!
Please do a video about Byzantine empire
you mean roman empire?
Eastern Roman Empire if you wish
Eastern Romans spoke Greek, had different religion and customs and called Italians "Latins".
You are just jealous :)
Gio Antony
When Greece wasn't born yet and the country was under Ottoman occupation the Greeks called themselves "Romans" not "Greeks", we're talking about only 200 years ago.
They called themselves Romioi. We still call ourselves that way. Does it make us Romans? Don't forget the 4th crusade.
Greeks have a big contribution to the world like:
The Alphabet
The Library
The Olympics
Science and Mathematics
The Lighthouse
Standardized Medicine
Trial by Jury
The Theater
And much more+
@Kong King democracy was invented by a king 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@Kong King all fake keep crying iranian
ancient vedic indians as well , yoga,meditation,artitech,shampoo, vedic science and maths, democracy, freedom of relgion buddism,jainism,sikhism and indian within itself had 60+ dharmas or philosophy ....ancient rich dance,music,arts and what not india has still preserved lot of it
You forgot to mention ''Music''. Theater and Music are the only two words that are commonly used in every language. There is no other word in any language to describe theater or music. They are both Hellenic. This pretty much sumps everything up.
The alphabet was created by the Phoenicians
I can only imagine the time you must have spent creating uniform icons for your map and cropping images to such precision! Truly truly admire the effort. thank you for the resource!
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Human Love❤️❤️❤️.
Greetings from Macedonia, Greece 🇬🇷
Not Greek, where is Macedonia the greek haha, Greek fake name fake country
@@florjantrepca ok greetings from Macedonia, Hellas 🇬🇷
@@florjantrepca Hahahahaha macedonia is in Greece since 3.000 bc. Also Greece isn't our name. It's hellas. Fake country? We're literally the first country to ever exist. Ur literally Greek
@@florjantrepca and yeah macedonia is Greek
@@bruh3128 ancient greece didnt have a national identity and was first athenian or spartan then greek. Sure they shared similar culture but the greece as a country wasnt a thing until 1821. But even then the first country was egypt than china
I wish this channel produced more content like this
Had a lot but in Russian
I absolutely love this commentary the guy's voice is so soothing and at the same time impactful like he is dedicated into what he is talking about.
There is only three videos this dude appears in on this channel which is mainly consisting of Russian based videos and he nailed the two videos of explaining the evolution of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Big up to Brian Cox(not the famous astrophysicist and astronomer) the actor, who ironically played as the Greek figure Agamemnon (the King of Mycenae who is most well known for leading the Greek armies into war with Troy) in the movie Troy alongside Brad Pitt who played as Achilles.
The Macedonians and Epirotes (and other northern Greek kingdoms) were Greek! Sure, they didn't have the same form of organization as the city-states, but apart from that, they were identical. It's like comparing New York City and Appalachia (the region in the US, not a state). Different versions of the same culture.
But Ancient Greeks in this era was divided on ionians, dorians and some another ethics - one of them gained them culture from Minoyan Greeks directly, but not all and not equally. Compare them preferly seems like comparsion Appalachia and Sydney, when taking in account ancient communication and very slow culture spread
@@СаргонДревний-п3е today's Greeks are also separated in tribes but they are Greeks ethnically
@@pop-n-rock exactly, like all other european nations, but in the age of internet it almost does not affect (only in politics maybe, not culture). In ancient times peoples often has a difficult communication with each other
@@СаргонДревний-п3е Still Greek, even if Athenians wouldn't have liked to admit it. Macedonian culture was Greek in all the ways Greek culture could be defined as such: language, religion, most customs, traditions, architecture, and yes, the same writing system. Drinking undiluted wine and retaining ancient government practices (Macedon still had powerful monarchs while most of Greece had oligarchy, democracy, or less than absolute kings) hardly disqualifies one as being Greek or not.
The ancient maccedonians, Epirus and Sparta are the real Proto Hellenic Greeks/Indo European Dorians they carry DNA haplo group R. While Athenians, Thebes, Corinth and other city states are Hellenized Anatolians they carry J2 DNA Haplo group, while Thessaly and others are Pelasgians they carry DNA haplo group E1b1b/E-V13. This is why they call then selves Hellenestics. All of them has unique contribution in Hellenistic culture. This is why modern Greece today is mixed DNA haplo group J2, E, R. The Anatolians J2 and Pelasgians E is the first people of Greece and the founder of Mycenean civilization, while the Hellenic Indo European/Proto Greeks are the one who Invaded Mycenean civilization. During the classical period of Greece they are all the same in sphere of influence culture they speak Hellenics dialects like Doric, Ionics, and worshiping Hellenic Indo European Gods
Offcourse not only the Greeks is mixed now, also almost all nations now are mixed people because of migrations and invasions
Our conviction is strengthened that the Macedonians were a Greek race and akin to the Dorians, Having stayed behind in the far north they were unable to participated in the progressive civilisation of the tribes which were further south" [Ulrich Wilcken 'Alexander the Great', p 22]
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Human Love❤️❤️❤️.
Saying that Macedonians are 'distant relatives' of Greeks is like saying that Texans are 'distant relatives' of Americans
do you the Texans of Ports of entry like Galveston or the original Texans
@@medpol Lol learn history first and then talk again. Tito's propaganda worked as it seems.
@@medpol Tito wanted an independent state in the region northern of Macedonia for political reasons. And he made you believe that you are a unique nation.
@@chris_bagl he wanted cuz he was from croatian and didnt want serbia to take this land neither bulgaria cuz they would be more powerfull than croatia
@@goro2867 Exactly. So he made them believe that they're macedonians
The greatest civilization that has ever existed without even little competition. Love to our friends🇫🇷🇬🇷
@@KralJulian-z1o What?
The greatest civilization of all time is the Ancient Egyptian civilization which is where the greeks got most of their knowledge from
@@Omar-df3uk There's no evidence about the influence of the Egyptians to the Greeks. 0 evidence. Sadly.
@@raphaelc.5658 Egyptian wisdom was highly respected by Greeks. For them, a visit to Egypt and the possibility of studying with the Egyptian priests was the equivalent to a PhD in Oxford for us.
So, the scholars that could afford a trip there ( the fare was expensive) did not hesitate to fulfil it.
Thales visited Egypt. It is there that he conceived the Thales theorem ( what’s your relations with Geometry? ) and was deeply affected by Egyptian maths and astronomy.Thales of Miletus
Plato travelled there also ( among other destinations as Sicily and Cyrene) when he was forced to leave Athens after Socrates’ conviction to death.
Other Greek philosophers that study in Egypt were: Democritus, who went twice , spending an enormous amound of money .
Herodotus, who was the first to write a trip advisor about Egypt.Herodotus - Wikipedia
Archemedes maybe has studied in Egypt too. This is not confirmed but he did have correspondence with his fellow scholars in Alexandria.
Pythagoras, student of Thales, had not only studied in Egypt but managed to be granted the priviledge in taking part in their whorship.Pythagoras - Wikipedia
We can easily see, that Greek philosophy and mathematics have their roots in the South!
18 minutes is not enough time for such a great history.
This and the Rome video by the same channel are some of the best I’ve ever seen.
The Ancient Macedonian kingdom was Greek. The modern Republic of Macedonia (now Northern Macedonia) was given its name and its connection with ancient Macedonia for geopolitical reasons.
@Anth Graves when a Greek says he is makedonian he means makedonian Greek, im makedonian myself so ik pretty well, don't confuse makedonians with those bulgarians in vardaska
What the heck does this have to do with the video?
It's called Skopje and Greek Macedonians
Really ?
@@allsource1998 yep, we all agree, your government agrees, so yeah, this dispute has ended long ago with you losing, get over it, you ain't making any difference, your government has woken up, and soon more people from your country will wake up too.
This video was AMAZING! Great voice work. Fantastic visuals.
Make more videos like this PLEASE!!
They do them all the time! (Learn Russian :p)
"The Greeks settled around the Mediterranean like frogs around a pond" is a delightful text! xD thumbs up!
Arzamas did the best in explaining Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and Russian Art history. From the VO, video quality, graphics, timeline visualization, and content.
I love it how to this day people still get confused over the country „north macedonia“ which in its origins and until the last century was called „skopia“ and was never part of greece. It was mainly inhabited by slavs.
Now what is this macedonia that Alexander the great rose from. It was and still to this day is part of ancient and modern greece. The greeks call it Makedonia and is a state within the country.
So why does the country „north macedonia“ (Former skopia) exist, you might ask? The answer is simple and to some not pleasent. It is envy over not having an identity and since being so close to the neighbour country greece and right at the border of the state makedonia, with its most prominent son, they might take that glory also falsely to themselves.
Btw. I’m not greek, I’m Iranian (Persian), so this is not some patriotic content. I have skopian and even Greek friends. And most of them acknowledge and know about this as well.
Btw, Alexander was Greek. He was from the state of makedonia, which is still to this day greece.
You have one of the most detailed and with proofs opinion my friend. Well done!
Its not primarily a matter of envy, its a matter of existence as an independent nation. Its a country that has 25% albanians and 66% Slavs so if they dont claim being different from their neighbours, they will brake up as a country. The albanians had for a long time militia in the country trying to destabilise it, and on the other hand bulgarians openly say that most of 'northern macedonians' are bulgarian (they speak almost the same language even though the skopjans call it 'macedonian language'). Also in the long run the plan was to create a larger Macedonia by integrating the greek part, thus for former yugoslavia to gain access to the aegean sea and mediterranean sea.
@@alecxander6381 honestly brother, that’s a nice tolerant way to say it, but the reality is that they fell for Tito’s lies in order to not join their bulgarian brothers who were not part of the ex yugoslavian regime. They bought Tito’s lies like the world bought toilet papers at the beginning of the COVID pandemic.
Great video. One thing missing though : Cycladic Civilization. Very unique and characteristic one around same time with the Minoan one !
Excellent work I 'd say.. Your mention about Macedonians as relatives to the Greek is wrong though. They were Greeks. The term "barbarian" was used for them only by orators such as Demosthenes, when Athens had inner conflict with Macedonia, like they previously did with Sparta.
lmao cope harder barbarian
@@grarglejobber7941 i hope you find some pride in your country eventually. Stealing another's history won't get you anywhere
@@grarglejobber7941 i dont know what your talking about but that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.
all the information you need is here:
Ancient Macedonia - A Greek Kingdom
League of Corinth - the league of greek city states including macedon
Vergina Sun - A Greek symbol
Early Slavs - slavic migration in the 5th century
Modern Slavic North Macedonian Language - a dialect of Bulgarian
When Rome conquered Greece, the Romans wanted to participate in the Olympic Games but the Greeks did not let them and created other games for foreigners because only Greeks could participate. The Macedonians could participate in the Olympic Games. This is the best evidence that the Macedonians were Greeks. Of course there are many more like for example when the Macedonian king Alexander (not the famous one) named himself as Greek in his speech to Athenians and Spartans and the other Greeks when they were fighting against Persia. Nobody interacted to say that they weren’t Greek. Whoever reads history will understand all these unless if that person doesn’t want to. Makedonians are Greek like athenians Spartans korithians and all the other Greeks
Πολυ σωστός φιλε. Μόνο ο Δημοσθένης τους ελεγε βαρβάρους για σκοπούς προπαγάνδας για να κινήσει τους Αθηναίους σε πολεμο με τους Μακεδόνες. Ντροπή να τίθεται το θεμα αν οι Μακεδόνες ηταν Έλληνες όταν δυο από τους μεγαλύτερους Έλληνες ηταν ο μεγάλος νους Φίλιππος και ο μοναδικός γιος του
If you love ancient history, this documentary is a must-watch. Learned so much in just one sitting!
Everything written found in Macedonia was greek...
Macedonians were greeks
Correct Macedonians were Greek invaders of Caucasus
Chris Anagn. How else did they get to the Caucasus area., was Alexander invited?
lmao cope harder brown people generally made nothing great in the annals of history and so you honestly think you can steal history from peoples better than you hahaha it's like when black people say they made the pyramids
@LEGI0N Wolf Meh racism isn't even a real thing
If U mean Macedonians Yes but not Bulgarians today who call himself macedonians and speak slavic
Curtius - The History of Greece' Vol 2]
"Alexander the Great was a thorough Greek, and recognised the future of Macedonia as depending on her intimate connection with the other Greek states. The City of Pella began to be not only the greatest city in Macedonia, but the centre of Greek culture"
The ancient maccedonians, Epirus and Sparta are the real Proto Hellenic Greeks/Indo European Dorians they carry DNA haplo group R. While Athenians, Thebes, Corinth and other city states are Hellenized Anatolians they carry J2 DNA Haplo group, while Thessaly and others are Pelasgians they carry DNA haplo group E1b1b/E-V13. This is why they call then selves Hellenestics. All of them has unique contribution in Hellenistic culture. This is why modern Greece today is mixed DNA haplo group J2, E, R. The Anatolians J2 and Pelasgians E is the first people of Greece and the founder of Mycenean civilization, while the Hellenic Indo European/Proto Greeks are the one who Invaded Mycenean civilization. During the classical period of Greece they are all the same in sphere of influence culture they speak Hellenics dialects like Doric, Ionics, and worshiping Hellenic Indo European Gods
Offcourse not only the Greeks is mixed now, also almost all nations now are mixed people because of migrations and invasions
@@hiphop24-s3s source. ?
Interesting, this was insightful as I love Greek poetry and it's history is beautiful, thanks for posting.
This is by far the best video of ancient greece in all You Tube, it makes me wonder why Arzamas havent upload on english any more videos , theres just these one and the one of the ancient rome, wich is also fabulous!!!!
Arzamas have got video about Rome Empire
I have been roaming around ancient greece since last week and its more colourful than i thought it would be. Nice place to visit in this timeline.
Bit inaccurate to say that Sparta was jealous of Athens’ prosperity, most Spartan citizens were actually rich Y’know due to all the slavery. They went to war with Athens because Athens had decided to ally with one of Sparta’s oldest enemies Argos and this absolutely royally pissed off the Spartans so they and the Peloponnesian League(named after the Peloponnese the peninsula that Sparta resides upon) went to war with the Delian league.
Not to mention Argos was famed for best soldiers in the land. That's right, Argos, not Sparta was known for their soldiers. Well Sparta too, but were not Elite.
They went to war with Athens because they saw that their influence over the Greek world had started to become extremely dangerous. When the construction of the Athens city walls began, right after the end of the greco-persian wars , Sparta understood that they needed to stop somehow their neighbours's plans. The alliance with Argos was a factor too but not the main cause. Sparta went to war out of fear for the future.
Athens also made Greek enemies through the Delian league that would ally with Sparta as they were the only ones capable of fighting Athens
The Minoan civilization was apparently not destroyed by the volcanic eruption on Thera, according to an article in the New York Times, published November 28, 1989, which cites excavations in 1967 on the island of Santorini and at Mochlos that showed Minoan construction continued for some 150 years after the volcanic eruption. The date of the eruption was also pushed back to no later than 1600 B.C., based on radio carbon dating at Santorini and ash preserved in ice cores from Greenland. The Minoan civilization lasted until about 1450 B.C. The reason for it's collapse is unclear and the speculation is that invasion by the Mycenaens was the cause.
Very interesting. Recent history I have read about the fall of the Roman empire also indicates that foreign invasion was the key cause of the decline (i.e. the empire's economic and political health were relatively good otherwise). Perhaps we have overrated socioeconomic factors and underrated military ones when it comes to ancient civiliations' collapse.
The remnant mixed in with migrants while the rest fled to the Middle East.The High Priests of Anu in Mesopotamia thought they were atlanteans.
This and the Rome video are two of the best videos on youtube.
Rome one Which channel
@@welaz3331 same channel
this was like a proper documentary thank you for this amazing video!
Do ancient India!!
Beautiful video ❤️ subscribed
Excellent choice of Narrators, Briax Cox is perfect for the subject matter.
Your English language videos are absolutely terrific! Hope you'll make more of them.
Actually Ancient Greeks never saw Macedonias as ''semibarbarians''. There is no such thing as semibarbarians. Herodotus states that greeks expands till todays Kavala city ata the border of Thrace.
Actually they did. Herodotus stated that there were Greek poleis in modern Chalkidike (you're right), but that does not include the whole region and all folks there. But especially in the 4th century BC, when Athens, Sparta and Thebes lost their claims for hegemony, the Macedonians were the MVPs in Greece. Philipp II. was not recognised as a Greek king, though. He gained respect when he won the Olympics with a carriage and became archon (leader) of Thessaly after the battle at the crocus fields in 352. Athens splitted into two political groups: Pro-Macedons and Anti-Macedons. Pro_macedonians like Aeschines or Isocrates tried to "make" Philipp Greek by stating that his ancestors where of Greek descent, whereas anti-Macedons like Demosthenes tried to deny his Greek culture. So all of that was just a political debate that became really serious when the MAcedonias won the Battle of Chaironeia in 338 BC. But long story short: there actually WAS a debate whether the Macedonians were Greek or not and they definitely WERE seen as semibarbarians.
I live in Kavala and I didn't know that. Nice information.
@@TheOasch there is nο such thing as semibarbarian I must insist. Show me one historical document that this word is mentioned. Herodotus states in Histories Book 1 Clio that greek tribes are expanded till todays eastern border of Kavala. (Nestos river) The debate you mentioned before was more political than anything else.
@@skoTsezos29 Yes, you are right, Herodotus says that. But I think we are talking past each other :) About 100 years later in the 4th century BC there is clearly a lot of discussion whether Macedonias are barbarians or not, because the times have changed and now the debate has become political, yes (but Herodotus wasn't objective at all and also had political reasons). The most prominent historical documents are Demosthenes (anti-Macedon) and Aeschines (pro-Macedon), for example "On the crown". Those were political debates, you are right, but populist politics (like Demosthenes') were keen to insult Macedonians in a pejorative way as barbarians. Herodotus used the term to distinguish so called barbarians from Greeks as they did not talk in Greek. Aeschines on the other side mentions that some of the folks in the Macedonian realm were Barbarians, but Philipp (as he was pro-Macedon) is of Greek descent.
You are right in some points: No one explicitly mentions the term "semibarbarian" and Herodotus describes the regions to the Black Sea as Greek, but there were clearly discussions about the Macedonian origin. With "semibarbarian" I mean that not all of the Macedonians were considerd as "true" Greeks because of their accent.
oi lufFYYyYy
I have a test on Monday and this helped me a lot! Made me understand everything in simple terms! Thank You!!
Hello 👋
Loving that this is narrated by Brian Cox, its Agamemnon!
This and the Rome video are top quality.
Great touch having Brian Cox as narrator after his performance as Agamemnon in Troy (2004)
When growing up we learned of Greece (and Rome) from Hollywood movies. I wish we had these videos and not thought Hercules and Cyclops were real.
Well, the ancient Greeks thought so too, and this in a way is kinda cool
It's really great that the channel was able to get Brian Cox to help narrate their videos
one of the greatest civilizations of all time, the Greeks (Hellenes) 🙏🏼
Macedonias were also Ancient Greeks. Then every city was an autonomous state, Macedonia was "city-state" like Athens, Sparta etc.
Yes, the term distant relative to the Greeks is not accurate. They were cousins of the Athenians and Spartans would be more accurate.
@@costasmegas Exactly!!
@@costasmegas wow so many "Costas Me--as". The -- refers to me seeing a channel called Costas Melas and you are Costas Megas! I am amazed by your culture, Greeks!
They were in the Olympics, where ONLY greeks where allowed to take part
Macedonia was a greek kingdom,not city state
Someone: mentions Macedonia
Greeks and Skopians: it's show time
Even half the Slavs living today in fyrom agree they have no relation to Ancient Greeks/Macedonians, they can't read the inscriptions beneath all the Alexander statues they built, you know why? Cause it's Greek and not Slavic.
Just another politic propaganda so NATO can build bases in fyrom. USA will do anything for power/control.
And what a show it is
But not slavic macedonians 🤣🤣
What , are you serious ,
Re malaka , Skopje hasn't even
Developed an army yet, and personally, that's as far as they will get .
Greece would blow Skopje off the map in a days battle , true fact
@Rob Gorman your saying that Phillip ll of Macedon wasn't Greek
But a barbarian
Where do you get this information
From , Phillip was of pure Hellenic blood , and the same, I mean , the same as the Spartans, and Corinthians .
These Videos are timeless
Im greek and proud of my heritege...MACEDONIA IS GREEK
GeorgeVatsos of course it is! Best wishes from Serbia
Don't falsify history, Macedonia is one
DMK ooooooo my bratte
grisbar its Greek
LOVE GREECE SO MUCH 🇦🇲🇬🇷🇦🇲🇬🇷🇦🇲🇬🇷🇦🇲🇬🇷🇦🇲🇬🇷🇦🇲
Brother 🇦🇲❤️🇬🇷
@Jordan & Jordan thats why phillips resting place is in greece 🇬🇷🇬🇷💪💪😂😂😂💪💪💪🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
ancient history documentary about Greece is like binge-watching the original drama series-myths, gods, epic battles, and more plot twists than a soap opera!
Brian Cox's voice just adds more dimension to this excellent video, really admire Russian academics great script and presentation
Wish it was available when I was just starting to study history but it is not too late to start learning right
Very good effort . But you didn't talk about the Thebean period and Thebeab hegemony after the Peloponesian war and before Macedon's great rise. And you didn't mention that Aristotle was born near Macedon and not in southern Greece. You also didn't mention that Macedon created the Hellenic (Greek) Leage where most Greek states gave troops with the exception of Sparta, with the mission to free the Greek city states of the Aegean Coast of Anatolia and make war to Persia.
But all in all, the best video I have seen on the subject and excellent result to condense 3000 years (3000 BC to 146 BC )in 17:30 minutes!
Macedonians are not distinct relatives of Greeks cause they are simply Greeks lol
of course, they were a greek tribe the same way as Peloponnesians were a greek tribe
all the greek tribes used to be hostile to each other because of geostrategics
that does not in any way mean that they were different ethnically
but newly formed state FYROM and also now Albania(!) tries to make the rest of the world believe that they are Macedonians (!!), it is starting to be irritating and insulting
false, Macedonians where never part of the core greek ethnicity. Now to be fair the people FYROM have almost nothing common with Macedonian, but that does not automatically make the Macedonians greek.
Macedonians have more slavic blood I think.. based on dna results that i have seen on youtube
@@astridwib7340 You might be talking about moder macedonia which is actually is a different location to ancient macedonia, ancient macedonia sits within modern greece
@@maxthomas-bland4842 so why the former Yugoslav country rename their territory with Macedonia then?
Man I wish they had my English content. I don't mind the subtitles for the rest of their videos, but love the work they've done so far.
Cox nailed the narration here
We call them dark ages because we dont know much about that period and not because they were ages of decline.
They were both.
How do you know ?
@@54356776 We know because society in the Western world literally collapsed, the written word all but disappeared and pretty much every industry ceased to function. Not to mention the raiding and destruction of cities occurring across the known world mentioned in the video.
And we don't know that much about that period for a reason. Record keeping becomes a minor priority when there's no one left to read it.
@@54356776 Trade was at the minimum, painting was basically unique in each city, although it was extremely simple, almost no written inscriptions from that time.
Вы прям жжете переводами. Видимо долго их готовили, отличная работа.
Ancient Greece was one of the greatest civilizations for sure. The Greek philosophers and their studies are still take an important place in popular culture and historical science. Salute Herodotus who's to be the first historian in history.
Very good narration and research . Got to know so much of Greek history. Some more of such videos on ancient world history are welcome
These are amazing! Brian Cox has a voice like silk
You mean Agamemnon.
Where is Brian Cox?
my bad, I thought you meant Professor Brian Cox..
16:38 the last independent Greek Kingdom that fell was the Indo-Greek Kingdom in 10 AD.
Love the Greek history.
This video is truly remarkable! I've already subscribed to your channel even though it is totally pointless due to all of your content being in Russian. That obstacle in the form of a language barrier is what makes it impossible for me and a lot of potential viewers to enjoy your creative output. I think that this channel is certain to experience a massive growth, should you decide to make more videos in English.
@@skrivnosti5499 Nice tin foil hat there
Lol I love how this epic summary-documentary ends with, "... leaving us the weird Russian alphabet for instance."
In the fact that Ancient Rome was just the dlc of the Greeks
Greece had democracy 2300 years ago (300bc) yet some countries today (2021)like north Korea, Venezuela or the middle east countries haven't even heard of democracy.
Some leaders just like oppressing their people
Venezuela is a democracy, what are you talking about? I mean sure, it has failed in some aspects but that doesn't change the fact that it is a democracy
Yeah but their definition of democracy is different from ours as mentioned in the video , if an ancient Athenian were to see our democracy he wouldn't agree to some parts ( maybe a large part ) .
@@ayma3932 I understand what you mean (direct vs not direct democracy) but that isn't the point here. What op meant is that there is no democracy at all in Venezuela, just because it is in a political shit storm at the moment. It's incredibly ignorant and quite unfair toward the people who live and vote there to compare it to kingdoms like Saudi Arabia or north Korea
Edit: spelling error
Green democracies were slave states where women or slaves were excluded from voting. They would indeed not like our society, lul
Small detail: Aristotle himself was Macedonian
Aristotelis Papageorgiou Greek *
He was Greek but not from the city of Macedonia neither athens where he studies and had his school, he was from a small Greek city named stagira (if that is how you spell it in English)
@@TylerDurden-cy5cs Stagira was in Macedonia