Please foregive me for saying this: the doc. of the trinity has done a good job on you, "thus thinks the devil." But let me try & undo that. You see we as Christians can never know Jesus except by analyizing our own experience. With that in mind I want to just quickly show you the difference between us & Jesus. I know a woman sometimes catches things quicker then a man, just like the women at the tomb of Jesus. So here goes: I recieved God's spirit when I was 19. At that time I became just like Jesus always was: a man in the flesh born of Gods Spirit. You see God created a human embro in Mary's womb. That embro was constituted as spirit, soul & body. That embro took on fallen human flesh from Mary who was also a fallen human being, just like any one of us. But, & here is the difference between us & Jesus: the spirit of Jesus within that human embro already had the life of God in it. So for this reason the spirit of Jesus did not need regeneration as ours. In other words Jesus did not need to be born again as we do. For this reason Jesus was God conscious the moment His mind became mature enough to know right & wrong. And in the same way in which God does not expect us to sin when once we receive his precious power or H.S. (he that is born of God sinneth not, 1 Jn.3:9,) in that same way God did not expect Jesus to sin, & He did'nt. He had the power within Him to overcome sin from a child. And praise His name, since He never sinned, He, therefore, became our Saviour & very real example & pattern for living in this life. If you can grasp & understand what I have just said then you will understand what the devils goal was in inventing the doctrine of the trinity. May Christ's blessings be upon you. You, my friend are looking at these Scriptures through trinitarean glasses. (Referring to Isaiah 9:) These Scriptures do not necessitate the doctrine of the trinity. Here I will tell you why: God the Father has made Him (Jesus) Lord & Christ, so He is governor of the universe- "the government is on His shoulder." And, yes the name of Jesus is indeed "wonderful," & indeed He is my wonderful "Counsellor." As far as Him being called the "Mighty God," notice it speaks correctly, namely, it does not say He shall be called the Almighty God, but only the "mighty God." And also, my friend, if Almighty God calls us to fall down & worship Jesus, as God, in His glorified state, then we should have no problem with that. Psalms 2:12 says "kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way." Furthermore these Scriptures are fulfilled as the Hebrew writer quotes God as commanding all the angels to worship Jesus as the Son, Vs. 6 of chap. 1. Then he quotes God as saying to the Son: "thy throne Oh God is forever & ever." Here God Almighty is calling Jesus God, fulfilling the prophesy in Isaiah where it says He shall be called the mighty God. And as far as being called "everlasting Father?" I call Jesus my everlasting Father, but He is not my eternal Father as God Almighty is. Jesus is my eternal brother but not my eternal Father. Those who call Jesus God & God Jesus; who make no distinction between the Father & the Son bring confusion & are of that spirit of antichrist as John says in 1 Jn. 2:22, "He is antichrist who denieth the Father & the Son." The Bible talks about the "only begotten of the Father," John 1:14. And that begetting took place at Bethlehem. As far as the Word being with God. (Referring to 1 Jn. 1:1) That in no way proves a trinitarean God. Again take those glasses off. My Word which goes out from me is also with me, it is no where else; it comes out of me & I associate my self with it; it is me; I identify myself with my word. Well if I can do that how much more can Almighty God who is perfect do that- "and the Word was God." "In the beginning was the word"- in the beginning was the plan of God. Notice it does not say from eternity was the plan of God. That makes all the difference. (So these Scriptures fly in the face of the eternal Son theory). Jesus came into the mind of God sometime before the foundation of the world. If we stretch a line out before us & say this line has no beginning then we can truely say this line is from or comes out of eternity. But, if somewhere along that line we have a demarcation of something new, then, & only then, can we truly refer to that something as "in the beginning. So there is a vast difference between "in the beginning" & "from eternity." I could go on & on, but you must think for yourself. When Jesus was born, Jn. 1:14, that's when the plan or "Word" was fleshed out or came into fulfillment which God had from "the beginning." Paul Shrock Your statement is typical trinitarean. I'm responding, not for yoursake but for others, because you are determined to believe this evil doctrine no matter what evidence to the contrary. Just as I brought out in other comments, you split Jesus in two. But Jesus said things like "of that day & hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels, nor the son, but my Father only." Which side was speaking here? His divine side or His flesh side? You must know something about Jesus that even He Himself didn't know about Himself, hah? No! your theory is all diobolical hogwash! Jesus was a whole person just like you & I. When He said He didn't know the day nor hour of His return that means He as a whole being or person did not know. And also when He died His whole being died & even His Spirit went back to the Father from whence it had come. This is what is referred to a paradise. When He declared to the believing thief on the cross "today thou shalt be with me in paradise He was referring to both of their spirits. These went into safe guarding to the Father. (If we are born again children of God this also happens to our spirit). After 3 days the spirit of Jesus came back & joined His un-decayed body & He was resurrected with an immortal body of nail prints. On the other hand the thief is still awaiting the resurrection. Upon resurrection His spirit will join a brand new immortal body. This is why Jesus is spoken of as being "the first fruits of them that slept," 1 Cor. 15:23. But again, this is why the devil had the doctrine of the trinity invented, namely, so that Christians become blind to all these things- so that the wonderful pattern of which Jesus is for the true child of God becomes destroyed. You say you will not waiver. Well that's because your own heart is deceived. You must have some hidden sin that your deceived heart wants to hold on to. You see the doctrine of the trinity was invented so that Christians can keep on sinning to some degree or another for the rest of their lives. Jesus had committed His whole life & being to the Heavenly Father. But for us that's not possible. That's the trinitareans claim & it is sin. God's word says we should "try the spirits, whether they are of God," 1 Jn. 4:1. It is a spirit in you which blinds you & does not allow you to confess Jesus as a man in the flesh as the rest of humanity or as you & I. The spirit in you makes you believe Jesus is a god or deity coming down from heaven. In this way you, same as the other trinitarian Christians, can have an excuse for whatever sin you are still holding on to, saying, "there was only one man perfect, & that was Jesus, do you expect me to live like Him, I'm only human." The fact that you say I'm only human gives the lie. In other words I'm only human in contrast to Jesus. So your concept of Him as Son of God was unlike us as Sons of God, "He was God becoming man," as though that were possible. This is precisely that spirit of antichrist, which John was speaking about, which would come into the world. The fact that Jesus was man is only given lip service by people like yourself. Of course, you say, He was a man, but you say that without understanding & only because the Bible affirms it. Otherwise, very obviously, your clever lie would be exposed. Some brother wrote: One Doctrine Theology comes from above, but contradicting and opposing views, and alternate opinions, strange doctrines and private interpretations; are from beneath; which cause strife, division, sects, schisms, and heresies which are all part of the great apostasy;....... I responed: The great apostacy took place when the Christian church was transformed into Roman Catholism. That is also when the man of sin was revealed, the great antichrist. He is ruling the world today behind the scene, see Rev. 17:18. Almost all the fathers of the mainline denominations confessed that popery is the seat of antichrist. But now, with ecumenism, of which the Vatican is behind, the "deadly wound inflicted upon the head of the beast," Rev.13:3, is almost healed. But here is my point: Again I remind you, my friend, when the Church was being transformed into Romanism that's when the doctrine of the trinity, which you are still holding on to, was also being formulated. When this doctrine was fully implicated it was forced upon the Christians with the Sword. Many Christians were banished & killed who did not go along with it. This doctrine resulted in "the Church" loosing the true knowledge of the Lord Jesus: it plunged the world into the dark ages of terrible, terrible bloodshed & superstition. This was the fruit of that diabolical doctrine. To make a long story short: the key for unity is the correct knowledge of the Lord Jesus. When we have this knowledge then we will understand that indeed we are brothers & we will be our brothers keeper. From what I hear from you is that you understand something is wrong but even you are then refusing the remedy. You talk about unity but you are still very blind as to how unity is attained to. May Christ open your eyes my brother.
The doctrine of the 'trinity' is mentioned specifically nowhere in God, s word the bible. It was first in Emperor Constantine's summer palace that self appointed 'bishops' voted, under his influence to adopt the first phase of the 'trinity' this was 300 years AFTER the completion of the bible! Paul warned us that 'From amoung you yourselves ( bishops) men will rise and speak twisted things & draw the disciples away for themselves" ( Acts 20:30) Prohecies in the bible always come true!
Oh no modalists or Arians in the comments. I could pick a fight with them. But I've been down that path before. I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to. And I don't have to cast my pearls before swine.
Paul said: "God chose the foolish things of he world to put the wise men to shame". Its not rocket science to understand the bible. We dont need 'doctrines' especially ones that were formulated by pagan roman emperors ! Paul also said "Actually for us there is ON GOD THE FATHER, out of whom ALL THINGS ARE.!" End of story! ( read 1 Cor 8:6 & 1 Cor 1:27) No trinity!
Truth????? There are ONLY TWO DEITIES(two persons only) that are WORSHIP in HEAVEN. Rev 5:13-14 Rev 21:22-23 Rev 22:1-3 MYSTERY doctrine! MYSTERY religion! MYSTERY BABYLON!!! Jesus Christ is the CO-CREATOR of the FATHER. Prov 8:22-36 Prov 30:4 Is it conclusive that plurality refers to THREE ALONE? How about two? Is it not plural also?
Paul wrote so that there will be no confusion among the saints. 1Cor 5-6 There is only but one God, the Father, from whom all things came & for whom we live; & there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, "THROUGH" (CO-CREATOR of the God Almighty Prov 8:22-36 Col 1:15-19 Prov 30:4) whom all things came & through whom we live. BUT NOT EVERYONE KNOWS THIS. The Almighty wants all to "honor" His Son as all honors the Father(John 5:23). In the beginning was Jesus, & Jesus was WITH the Most High God Almighty, & Jesus was God(this is how to "honor" the His Son Jesus). All authority has been given to Jesus. Daniel 7:14 Matthew 28:18 That why in Hebrews 1:8-12, the God Almighty called His Son as God!
@ 52RGD or your the ONE who is wrong. Worship in heaven rev 5:13 They are worshiping the Father & Son. The Throne of God & the Lamb. Rev 21:22-23 Rev 22:1-3
2 John 8-11 He that abideth in the DOCTRINE of Christ, he hath BOTH the Father & the Son. If there come any unto you, & bring not this DOCTRINE, receive him not in your house, neither bid him God speed. 1 John 22-25 Who is the LIAR? He denieth the Father & the Son. (doctrine)
Dennis Ablon , The entire bible teach that there is only ONE GOD not TWO. Isaiah 44:24 "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, "I AM" the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens "ALONE"; that spreadeth abroad the earth by "MYSELF"" Mark 12:29 "And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel: THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD." James 2:19 "You believe that THERE IS ONE GOD. Good! Even the demons believe that-and shudder." 1 Timothy 2:5 "For THERE IS ONE GOD, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" Malachi 2:10 "Have we not all ONE FATHER? hath not ONE GOD created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?" The above verses teach that there is ONLY ONE GOD without any implication, insinuation, or any hint of a Two Deities. CAN YOU GIVE ME A VERSE THAT SAYS THERE ARE TWO(2) DIETIES? ""He that abideth in the DOCTRINE of Christ, he hath BOTH the Father & the Son.""--> If you abide in the doctrine of Christ you have both the Father and the Son BECAUSE Christ is both Father and Son. Christ was God the Father manifest in the flesh. 1 Timothy 3:16 John 1:1; John 1:14 Isaiah 9:6 says "A Son will be born and He shall be called mighty God, Everlasting Father." There is only ONE FATHER. Revelation 22:3-5 "The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and "HIS" servants will serve "HIM". 4 They will see "HIS" face, and "HIS" name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever." Revelation 4:2 Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and "ONE" sat on the throne. The verses above show that there is only ONE GOD. God and the Lamb is one person. There is only ONE THRONE in heaven. Only ONE person owns and sit at the throne. The throne belongs to God and the Lamb.
Rev. 4:2 The One sitting on the throne is the Most High God-Father. Read rev. chapter 5:1-14 so that you will not be out of context. The Lamb came & took the scroll from the right hand of the Most High-Father who sat on the throne. They are two separate persons. That why apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor 8: 5-7 to avoid confusion among the saint that there is but one God the FATHER "FROM" whom all things came & one Lord Jesus Christ(the CRAFTSMAN at the Father's side on creation Prov 8:22-36 Col 1:15 -19 It was the Lord Jesus who executed creation because He is the "WORD of God" , Hebrews 1:3 The Co-creator of the Father "sustaining" all things by His powerful "WORD". ), "THROUGH" whom all things came. David believed in two Lords Psalms 110:1 Solomon did two! Prov 30:4 All Paul's salutations of his letters to the churches of God has both the Father & the Son. 1 John 1:1-3 Word of Life-w/c was "with" the Father, & has appeared to us. And our fellowship is w/ the Father & w/ His Son, Jesus Christ. Isaiah --52:12-- (Two separate deities traveling w/ the Israelites) But you will not leave in haste or go in flight for the LORD will go BEFORE you, the God of Israel will be your REAR GUARD. 1John --2:22---27 Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist- he DENIES the FATHER & the SON. 2 John 8-11 he that abideth in the DOCTRINE of Christ, he has BOTH the FATHER & the SON. If there come any unto you, & bring not this DOCTRINE, receive him not in your house neither bid him God speed.
John 1:18 No one has ever seen God(Most High-Father), but GOD the One & Only(Son Jesus Christ), who is at the Father's side has "MADE HIM KNOWN". Two separate deities. Luke 10:22 It will be the Lord Jesus who reveals the Father whom he chooses to reveal.
Daniel 7:9-14 The Ancient of Days(Most High) & the Son of Man (Lord Jesus) Two separate deities. 1 Cor 15:24-28 Then the end will come, when he(Lord Jesus) hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority & power. For He must reign until he has put all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For he has "put everything under His feet." Now when it says that "everything" has been put under Him, IT IS CLEAR THAT THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE GOD(MOST HIGH) HIMSELF, WHO PUT EVERYTHING UNDER CHRIST. When He has done this, THEN THE SON HIMSELF WILL BE MADE SUBJECT TO HIM (MOST HIGH) WHO PUT EVERYTHING UNDER HIM, so that God may all in all. 1 Cor 11:1 I praise you for remembering me in everything & for "HOLDING to the TEACHINGS", just as I passed them to you. Now I want you to REALIZE that the head of every man is Christ, & the HEAD of CHRIST is GOD(MOST HIGH). Rev. 1: 6 To Him who loves us & freed us from our sins by His blood, & made us to be a kingdom & priests to serve "His GOD" & Father(most High). Rev. 3:11-13 Now the Lord Jesus is now in heaven saying, I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of "MY GOD". Never again will he leave it, I will write on Him the name of "MY GOD" & the name of the city of "MY GOD", the new Jerusalem, w/c is coming down out of heaven from "MY GOD".
"with"-conjuction-means separate! John 1:1-3 In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was "WITH" God(Most High) and Jesus was God. He was "WITH" God in the beginning. "Through" Jesus(the Craftsman at the Father's side on creation Prov 8:22-36) all things were made; without Jesus nothing was made that has been made. 1 John 1-3 "which was WITH the Father" & appeared to us.
if you believe in three persons God the father God the son God the holy spirit God the Father is the Father of God the Son? God the holy spirit interacting to mary and give birth to God the son. The first person is the father of the 2nd person? that is why they have to say its mystery because it does not make any sense..
I loved this class with Thoennes. He was such an amazing professor - totally transformed my spiritual life.
Claire Rogers
See Trinities Podcast for real scholarship.
Beautiful presentation. Why we don't see more of this Dr. in today's shallow generation. Please do more videos, Dr.
Good discussion of the Trinity. God Bless!
There is not a single verse that teaches trinity.
But the best explanation is that of MRODSMACKDOWN, the egg.
Please foregive me for saying this: the doc. of the trinity has done a good job on you, "thus thinks the devil." But let me try & undo that. You see we as Christians can never know Jesus except by analyizing our own experience. With that in mind I want to just quickly show you the difference between us & Jesus. I know a woman sometimes catches things quicker then a man, just like the women at the tomb of Jesus. So here goes: I recieved God's spirit when I was 19. At that time I became just like Jesus always was: a man in the flesh born of Gods Spirit. You see God created a human embro in Mary's womb. That embro was constituted as spirit, soul & body. That embro took on fallen human flesh from Mary who was also a fallen human being, just like any one of us. But, & here is the difference between us & Jesus: the spirit of Jesus within that human embro already had the life of God in it. So for this reason the spirit of Jesus did not need regeneration as ours. In other words Jesus did not need to be born again as we do. For this reason Jesus was God conscious the moment His mind became mature enough to know right & wrong. And in the same way in which God does not expect us to sin when once we receive his precious power or H.S. (he that is born of God sinneth not, 1 Jn.3:9,) in that same way God did not expect Jesus to sin, & He did'nt. He had the power within Him to overcome sin from a child. And praise His name, since He never sinned, He, therefore, became our Saviour & very real example & pattern for living in this life. If you can grasp & understand what I have just said then you will understand what the devils goal was in inventing the doctrine of the trinity. May Christ's blessings be upon you.
You, my friend are looking at these Scriptures through trinitarean glasses. (Referring to Isaiah 9:) These Scriptures do not necessitate the doctrine of the trinity. Here I will tell you why: God the Father has made Him (Jesus) Lord & Christ, so He is governor of the universe- "the government is on His shoulder." And, yes the name of Jesus is indeed "wonderful," & indeed He is my wonderful "Counsellor." As far as Him being called the "Mighty God," notice it speaks correctly, namely, it does not say He shall be called the Almighty God, but only the "mighty God." And also, my friend, if Almighty God calls us to fall down & worship Jesus, as God, in His glorified state, then we should have no problem with that. Psalms 2:12 says "kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way." Furthermore these Scriptures are fulfilled as the Hebrew writer quotes God as commanding all the angels to worship Jesus as the Son, Vs. 6 of chap. 1. Then he quotes God as saying to the Son: "thy throne Oh God is forever & ever." Here God Almighty is calling Jesus God, fulfilling the prophesy in Isaiah where it says He shall be called the mighty God. And as far as being called "everlasting Father?" I call Jesus my everlasting Father, but He is not my eternal Father as God Almighty is. Jesus is my eternal brother but not my eternal Father. Those who call Jesus God & God Jesus; who make no distinction between the Father & the Son bring confusion & are of that spirit of antichrist as John says in 1 Jn. 2:22, "He is antichrist who denieth the Father & the Son." The Bible talks about the "only begotten of the Father," John 1:14. And that begetting took place at Bethlehem.
As far as the Word being with God. (Referring to 1 Jn. 1:1) That in no way proves a trinitarean God. Again take those glasses off. My Word which goes out from me is also with me, it is no where else; it comes out of me & I associate my self with it; it is me; I identify myself with my word. Well if I can do that how much more can Almighty God who is perfect do that- "and the Word was God." "In the beginning was the word"- in the beginning was the plan of God. Notice it does not say from eternity was the plan of God. That makes all the difference. (So these Scriptures fly in the face of the eternal Son theory). Jesus came into the mind of God sometime before the foundation of the world. If we stretch a line out before us & say this line has no beginning then we can truely say this line is from or comes out of eternity. But, if somewhere along that line we have a demarcation of something new, then, & only then, can we truly refer to that something as "in the beginning. So there is a vast difference between "in the beginning" & "from eternity." I could go on & on, but you must think for yourself. When Jesus was born, Jn. 1:14, that's when the plan or "Word" was fleshed out or came into fulfillment which God had from "the beginning."
Paul Shrock Your statement is typical trinitarean. I'm responding, not for yoursake but for others, because you are determined to believe this evil doctrine no matter what evidence to the contrary. Just as I brought out in other comments, you split Jesus in two. But Jesus said things like "of that day & hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels, nor the son, but my Father only." Which side was speaking here? His divine side or His flesh side? You must know something about Jesus that even He Himself didn't know about Himself, hah? No! your theory is all diobolical hogwash! Jesus was a whole person just like you & I. When He said He didn't know the day nor hour of His return that means He as a whole being or person did not know. And also when He died His whole being died & even His Spirit went back to the Father from whence it had come. This is what is referred to a paradise. When He declared to the believing thief on the cross "today thou shalt be with me in paradise He was referring to both of their spirits. These went into safe guarding to the Father. (If we are born again children of God this also happens to our spirit). After 3 days the spirit of Jesus came back & joined His un-decayed body & He was resurrected with an immortal body of nail prints. On the other hand the thief is still awaiting the resurrection. Upon resurrection His spirit will join a brand new immortal body. This is why Jesus is spoken of as being "the first fruits of them that slept," 1 Cor. 15:23. But again, this is why the devil had the doctrine of the trinity invented, namely, so that Christians become blind to all these things- so that the wonderful pattern of which Jesus is for the true child of God becomes destroyed.
You say you will not waiver. Well that's because your own heart is deceived. You must have some hidden sin that your deceived heart wants to hold on to. You see the doctrine of the trinity was invented so that Christians can keep on sinning to some degree or another for the rest of their lives. Jesus had committed His whole life & being to the Heavenly Father. But for us that's not possible. That's the trinitareans claim & it is sin. God's word says we should "try the spirits, whether they are of God," 1 Jn. 4:1. It is a spirit in you which blinds you & does not allow you to confess Jesus as a man in the flesh as the rest of humanity or as you & I. The spirit in you makes you believe Jesus is a god or deity coming down from heaven. In this way you, same as the other trinitarian Christians, can have an excuse for whatever sin you are still holding on to, saying, "there was only one man perfect, & that was Jesus, do you expect me to live like Him, I'm only human." The fact that you say I'm only human gives the lie. In other words I'm only human in contrast to Jesus. So your concept of Him as Son of God was unlike us as Sons of God, "He was God becoming man," as though that were possible. This is precisely that spirit of antichrist, which John was speaking about, which would come into the world. The fact that Jesus was man is only given lip service by people like yourself. Of course, you say, He was a man, but you say that without understanding & only because the Bible affirms it. Otherwise, very obviously, your clever lie would be exposed.
Some brother wrote: One Doctrine Theology comes from above, but contradicting and opposing views, and alternate opinions, strange doctrines and private interpretations; are from beneath; which cause strife, division, sects, schisms, and heresies which are all part of the great apostasy;.......
I responed: The great apostacy took place when the Christian church was transformed into Roman Catholism. That is also when the man of sin was revealed, the great antichrist. He is ruling the world today behind the scene, see Rev. 17:18. Almost all the fathers of the mainline denominations confessed that popery is the seat of antichrist. But now, with ecumenism, of which the Vatican is behind, the "deadly wound inflicted upon the head of the beast," Rev.13:3, is almost healed. But here is my point: Again I remind you, my friend, when the Church was being transformed into Romanism that's when the doctrine of the trinity, which you are still holding on to, was also being formulated. When this doctrine was fully implicated it was forced upon the Christians with the Sword. Many Christians were banished & killed who did not go along with it. This doctrine resulted in "the Church" loosing the true knowledge of the Lord Jesus: it plunged the world into the dark ages of terrible, terrible bloodshed & superstition. This was the fruit of that diabolical doctrine. To make a long story short: the key for unity is the correct knowledge of the Lord Jesus. When we have this knowledge then we will understand that indeed we are brothers & we will be our brothers keeper. From what I hear from you is that you understand something is wrong but even you are then refusing the remedy. You talk about unity but you are still very blind as to how unity is attained to. May Christ open your eyes my brother.
The doctrine of the 'trinity' is mentioned specifically nowhere in God, s word the bible. It was first in Emperor Constantine's summer palace that self appointed 'bishops' voted, under his influence to adopt the first phase of the 'trinity' this was 300 years AFTER the completion of the bible! Paul warned us that 'From amoung you yourselves ( bishops) men will rise and speak twisted things & draw the disciples away for themselves" ( Acts 20:30) Prohecies in the bible always come true!
This is the ONLY TRUE DOCTRINE written in the SCRIPTURES that has a PROMISE-even ETERNAL LIFE!!! 2 John 1:8-11 1 John 2:22-27 John 17:3
Oh no modalists or Arians in the comments. I could pick a fight with them. But I've been down that path before. I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to. And I don't have to cast my pearls before swine.
Paul said: "God chose the foolish things of he world to put the wise men to shame". Its not rocket science to understand the bible. We dont need 'doctrines' especially ones that were formulated by pagan roman emperors ! Paul also said "Actually for us there is ON GOD THE FATHER, out of whom ALL THINGS ARE.!" End of story! ( read 1 Cor 8:6 & 1 Cor 1:27) No trinity!
Truth????? There are ONLY TWO DEITIES(two persons only) that are WORSHIP in HEAVEN. Rev 5:13-14 Rev 21:22-23 Rev 22:1-3 MYSTERY doctrine! MYSTERY religion! MYSTERY BABYLON!!! Jesus Christ is the CO-CREATOR of the FATHER. Prov 8:22-36 Prov 30:4 Is it conclusive that plurality refers to THREE ALONE? How about two? Is it not plural also?
the word trinity is not in the holy words proverbs 30:5,6 all who accept the trinity will and have denied the God of Jesus
@ Dennis Ablon, You are both wrong. The scriptures say that there is only one God. Not two nor three.
Paul wrote so that there will be no confusion among the saints. 1Cor 5-6 There is only but one God, the Father, from whom all things came & for whom we live; & there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, "THROUGH" (CO-CREATOR of the God Almighty Prov 8:22-36 Col 1:15-19 Prov 30:4) whom all things came & through whom we live. BUT NOT EVERYONE KNOWS THIS. The Almighty wants all to "honor" His Son as all honors the Father(John 5:23). In the beginning was Jesus, & Jesus was WITH the Most High God Almighty, & Jesus was God(this is how to "honor" the His Son Jesus). All authority has been given to Jesus. Daniel 7:14 Matthew 28:18 That why in Hebrews 1:8-12, the God Almighty called His Son as God!
Can you show me verses in the scriptures that in heaven God is worship as one person only?
@ 52RGD or your the ONE who is wrong. Worship in heaven rev 5:13 They are worshiping the Father & Son. The Throne of God & the Lamb. Rev 21:22-23 Rev 22:1-3
2 John 8-11 He that abideth in the DOCTRINE of Christ, he hath BOTH the Father & the Son. If there come any unto you, & bring not this DOCTRINE, receive him not in your house, neither bid him God speed. 1 John 22-25 Who is the LIAR? He denieth the Father & the Son. (doctrine)
See Trinities podcast, Dr Dale Tuggy. Many do not hold to any of the Trinity theories. There is not even agreement on one definition.
Elohim-Plural (Almighty Father & His Son Jesus) Proverbs 30:4
Dennis Ablon ,
The entire bible teach that there is only ONE GOD not TWO.
Isaiah 44:24
"Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, "I AM" the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens "ALONE"; that spreadeth abroad the earth by "MYSELF""
Mark 12:29
"And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel: THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD."
James 2:19 "You believe that THERE IS ONE GOD. Good! Even the demons believe that-and shudder."
1 Timothy 2:5
"For THERE IS ONE GOD, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus"
Malachi 2:10
"Have we not all ONE FATHER? hath not ONE GOD created us? why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?"
The above verses teach that there is ONLY ONE GOD without any implication, insinuation, or any hint of a Two Deities.
""He that abideth in the DOCTRINE of Christ, he hath BOTH the Father & the Son.""--> If you abide in the doctrine of Christ you have both the Father and the Son BECAUSE Christ is both Father and Son.
Christ was God the Father manifest in the flesh. 1 Timothy 3:16
John 1:1; John 1:14
Isaiah 9:6 says "A Son will be born and He shall be called mighty God, Everlasting Father." There is only ONE FATHER.
Revelation 22:3-5
"The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and "HIS" servants will serve "HIM". 4 They will see "HIS" face, and "HIS" name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever."
Revelation 4:2
Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and "ONE" sat on the throne.
The verses above show that there is only ONE GOD.
God and the Lamb is one person.
There is only ONE THRONE in heaven.
Only ONE person owns and sit at the throne.
The throne belongs to God and the Lamb.
Rev. 4:2 The One sitting on the throne is the Most High God-Father. Read rev. chapter 5:1-14 so that you will not be out of context. The Lamb came & took the scroll from the right hand of the Most High-Father who sat on the throne. They are two separate persons. That why apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor 8: 5-7 to avoid confusion among the saint that there is but one God the FATHER "FROM" whom all things came & one Lord Jesus Christ(the CRAFTSMAN at the Father's side on creation Prov 8:22-36 Col 1:15 -19 It was the Lord Jesus who executed creation because He is the "WORD of God" , Hebrews 1:3 The Co-creator of the Father "sustaining" all things by His powerful "WORD". ), "THROUGH" whom all things came. David believed in two Lords Psalms 110:1 Solomon did two! Prov 30:4 All Paul's salutations of his letters to the churches of God has both the Father & the Son. 1 John 1:1-3 Word of Life-w/c was "with" the Father, & has appeared to us. And our fellowship is w/ the Father & w/ His Son, Jesus Christ. Isaiah --52:12-- (Two separate deities traveling w/ the Israelites) But you will not leave in haste or go in flight for the LORD will go BEFORE you, the God of Israel will be your REAR GUARD. 1John --2:22---27 Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist- he DENIES the FATHER & the SON. 2 John 8-11 he that abideth in the DOCTRINE of Christ, he has BOTH the FATHER & the SON. If there come any unto you, & bring not this DOCTRINE, receive him not in your house neither bid him God speed.
John 1:18 No one has ever seen God(Most High-Father), but GOD the One & Only(Son Jesus Christ), who is at the Father's side has "MADE HIM KNOWN". Two separate deities. Luke 10:22 It will be the Lord Jesus who reveals the Father whom he chooses to reveal.
Daniel 7:9-14 The Ancient of Days(Most High) & the Son of Man (Lord Jesus) Two separate deities. 1 Cor 15:24-28 Then the end will come, when he(Lord Jesus) hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority & power. For He must reign until he has put all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. For he has "put everything under His feet." Now when it says that "everything" has been put under Him, IT IS CLEAR THAT THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE GOD(MOST HIGH) HIMSELF, WHO PUT EVERYTHING UNDER CHRIST. When He has done this, THEN THE SON HIMSELF WILL BE MADE SUBJECT TO HIM (MOST HIGH) WHO PUT EVERYTHING UNDER HIM, so that God may all in all. 1 Cor 11:1 I praise you for remembering me in everything & for "HOLDING to the TEACHINGS", just as I passed them to you. Now I want you to REALIZE that the head of every man is Christ, & the HEAD of CHRIST is GOD(MOST HIGH). Rev. 1: 6 To Him who loves us & freed us from our sins by His blood, & made us to be a kingdom & priests to serve "His GOD" & Father(most High). Rev. 3:11-13 Now the Lord Jesus is now in heaven saying, I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of "MY GOD". Never again will he leave it, I will write on Him the name of "MY GOD" & the name of the city of "MY GOD", the new Jerusalem, w/c is coming down out of heaven from "MY GOD".
"with"-conjuction-means separate! John 1:1-3 In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was "WITH" God(Most High) and Jesus was God. He was "WITH" God in the beginning. "Through" Jesus(the Craftsman at the Father's side on creation Prov 8:22-36) all things were made; without Jesus nothing was made that has been made. 1 John 1-3 "which was WITH the Father" & appeared to us.
if you believe in three persons
God the father
God the son
God the holy spirit
God the Father is the Father of
God the Son?
God the holy spirit interacting to mary
and give birth to God the son.
The first person is the father of the
2nd person?
that is why they have to say its mystery
because it does not make any sense..
Jehovah IS Jesus! The Angel of God IS Jesus. In Old Testament character, unrevealed as the Son of God.