大洋洲国家杯:新西兰三球完胜对手 第六次捧起大洋洲冠军 | New Zealand wins 3-0 to win Oceania title for the sixth time

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2024
  • 位于维拉港的淡水体育场座无虚席,气氛热烈,这是瓦努阿图有史以来第一次参加国家杯决赛,但新西兰只用了 100 秒就让主场观众安静下来。新西兰队抓住了瓦努阿图队防守队员的失误。科斯塔·巴巴鲁塞斯的射门被挡出,但球落在了卡梅伦·霍维森脚下,后者在禁区边缘将球射入网中。比赛一度以1-0领先,瓦努阿图占据了相当的控球权,甚至创造了一些不错的机会,让主场球迷欣喜不已。但下半场新西兰凭借杰西·兰德尔和马克斯·马塔的进球彻底击败对手,最终第六次捧起大洋洲冠军。| An absolutely packed stadium at Freshwater in Port Vila was electric in the minutes leading up to kickoff, Vanuatu’s first Nations Cup Final ever, but it took only 100 seconds for the All Whites to silence the home crowd.New Zealand capitalized on a mistake from the Vanuatu defence. Kosta Barbarouses’ shot was blocked, but the ball fell to Cam Howieson who smashed it into the net from the edge of the box.The game stayed at 1-0 for some time, with Vanuatu having their fair share of the possession and even creating some decent half chances, to the delight of the home crowd.But they completely defeated their opponents with goals from Jesse Randall and Max Mata in the second half and eventually won the Oceania championship for the sixth time.

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