  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ค. 2024
  • เกม

ความคิดเห็น • 404

  • @mmtatlas4705
    @mmtatlas4705 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +438

    Honestly I'm worried with how Starfield turned out.

    • @Alexemenos
      @Alexemenos 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      That was a cash grab tho
      But yall need hope fr ESO was trash on launch but it became good same for 76 (not as good but still)

    • @hikiwa4337
      @hikiwa4337 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +82

      @@Alexemenos With active development starting in 2015 and with the utmost of eight years of development, Starfield is a cash grab to you? No, it's just a bad game.

    • @Slavesforsale1
      @Slavesforsale1 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      I'm not worried. I've already come to terms with the fact Bethesda is a shit company incapable of making good games.

    • @Naruku2121
      @Naruku2121 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      ​ @Alexemenos Cash Grab? On a New IP? That makes no sense, a Cash Grab would be banking on the expactions on an exisiting franchise to coast on to be a 'cash grab'.
      No if anything Starfield was the proving grounds. To see if Bethesda had the creative defining talent to make something entirely from scratch from passion not tethered by a narrative with already rich established lore (I.E ES and FO)
      And they failed. Even if ESVI ends up being on par with Skyrim, that would be a failure in a different way for it to take upwards of nearly 20 years and still be on the same level or marginally surpasses prior games.

    • @LiquidDIO
      @LiquidDIO 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

      ​@@AlexemenosThey called it their passion it's a cash grab? Bullshit.

  • @DMIwriter
    @DMIwriter 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +169

    Crafting spells with multiple effects from different schools, and spears as weapons were both already elements of Elder Scrolls 22 years ago in Morrowind

    • @ozzie607
      @ozzie607 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

      Exactly why it would be a perfect feature to reintroduce to Elder Scrolls 6

    • @jivananda108
      @jivananda108 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Even farther back! 1996 Daggerfall

    • @Cappuccino_Rabbit
      @Cappuccino_Rabbit 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Bringing back Mysticism, Unarmed, Medium Armor and maybe even Athletics skills would be nice too
      I like the roleplay aspect of Skyrim but man if i also miss that RPG side of Morrowind and Oblivion

    • @DMIwriter
      @DMIwriter 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jivananda108 Did Daggerfall have spears?

    • @TylerAForti
      @TylerAForti 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      No please Morrowind was released 10 years ago max...
      I can't believe that in a couple years Oblivion will be 20 years old too, god wtf

  • @davedixson
    @davedixson 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +131

    Some cool ideas in here - especially like the sea travelling concept... that would be totally awesome!

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      i agree, thank you kindly!

    • @melkormorgothbauglir.4848
      @melkormorgothbauglir.4848 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@linkalot7415 18:18 I disagree the Thalmor clearly are going to be the villains and attempt to deactivate the Adamantia I think your entire plot point with the Left Handed elf are trash they seem kinda dumb with the Left Handed elves being the real good guys and the Redguard being evil seems a kinda stupid bait and switch like the fall of the snow prince in solstheim, more so I believe didn't the Yokudans destroy and butcher the left handed elves way before they left Yokuda and Frandar Hunding and the Ra Gada (First Wave) left because of a civil with the Emperor of Yokuda they had who they then beat and fled over the sea to Hammerfell with the remaining Yokudans fleeing a couple centuries after when Yokuda was destroyed by the Swordsingers for some reason (which we could discover during this game or a DLC) I doubt it would be because of the Left handed elves because like I said they were destroyed centuries before even the First Ra Gada not like the scourings of Orsinium destroyed but Genocided to the last man because thats how bad the Yokudans hated the left handed elves I think its better to leave it their since the Thalmor seem the perfect villains and set up to come back to Hammerfell and try to take the Illiac bay its perfect and Left Handed elves appearing seems contrived and doesn't make sense your borrowing to much from Skyrim with Alduin being transported to the future and Oblivion with a Daedra being the main villain again trying to invade Mundus seems like a rehash of Oblivion and trying to make Oblivion part 2 is going to ruin the game don't get me wrong I'd love to see the Left Handed elves but the way your going about it is boring and I don't want to see a Daedra be the villain again the Thalmor seem set up to perfection and this could be the build up to the Second Great War your way would be a missed opportunity and useless to plot of the Elder Scrolls world right now which that the Second Great Wars coming and the Thalmors intentions are to destroy Mundus by deactivating the Towers so they can become Aedra again since their obsessed with the Altmer idea that their descended from the weaker Aedra who tried to build Mundus and got tricked by Lorkhan and lost all their power build Nirn and left handed elves would be a bus stop in this wider plot that has to happen at some point so either Elder Scrolls VI is the build up to the War and start of it and VII after it or during which would be crazy ambitious or we take a bus stop with the left handed elves do Oblivion 2 boogaloo and VII is the build but why I'd rather see the Left Handed Elves in a DLC where we discover their the reason Yokuda was destroyed by the Sword singers and we see them finally they seems much more DLC worthy not main storyline worthy and would ruin the Second Great War buildup and the Thalmor all in my humble opinion I understand you maybe rusty in ES lore and are kinda borrowing from ESO with the Daedra invasion and no shade its just my opinion I just vehemently disagree with you about the lore and this video game after all free to interpretation.

    • @melkormorgothbauglir.4848
      @melkormorgothbauglir.4848 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@linkalot7415 Like what I'm imagining the end of Elder Scrolls VI will be the beginning of the Second Great War something like a sudden invasion of Cyrodiil or like how the first war began with a Thalmor emissary rocking up with a bunch of dead blades or imperial spies or some evidence that proves they killed Emperor Titus Mede and then cut to black end Elder Scrolls VII coming in 2050 and that'll take place either during the Second Great War which will be very ambitious or after and it'll cover the end of Mundus/this Kalpa but your plot around the Left Handed elves is a DLC story or a bus stop as I keep referring to it and will be better served as the setting of a DLC or a short spin off game if Bethesda will actually start doing those to keep us full during the next 22 year wait for VII I swear George RR Martin is more frequent than Howard and his boys. Also I don't really like how you just pull a bait and switch and make the Left Handed Elves become the good guys and Redguard bad guys I feel like stories like those are just weird trying to seem deep and layered when they aren't stories like those are just a bad way of writing I don't agree with I prefer stories where its hard to pick a side because both are bad guys or neutral but have things in their favour more accurate to real life and you find it hard to pick a side not where ones clearly the evil path or siding with evil and the other the good guy side it flawed so for the DLC or spinoff game I'd hate to see that be the way they go with things.

  • @barneystinson4289
    @barneystinson4289 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +44


  • @ATX_C_Hawks
    @ATX_C_Hawks 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +45

    I love a lot of the concepts. I do fear that I wouldn’t trust Bethesda to make a smooth and fun experience with ship travel after seeing Starfield’s janky spaceship play.
    Still, I hope they prove me wrong, if they ever decided to take a swing at it.
    Great job!

  • @MusMasi
    @MusMasi 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +56

    The formation of an Orc Kingdom in the mountains to the east, could be a cool concept for a DLC. While all this is going on, Some Orc Holds see an opportunity to Create their own Nation out of the Chaos. The Main Character can work for them or against them? sI should watch the video till the end before commenting.

    • @____________838
      @____________838 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Technically Orsinium is already almost it’s own province…

    • @RealUlrichLeland
      @RealUlrichLeland 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I agree, I think the same could apply to the Reach.

  • @derherbsti
    @derherbsti 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +116

    Most importantly: Jeremy Soule HAS TO return for the soundtrack. I can't imagine a full ESO game without his music.

    • @RealUlrichLeland
      @RealUlrichLeland 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

      He was accused of sexual misconduct and r*pe so I doubt he'll return

    • @brian.phillips1985
      @brian.phillips1985 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He's a bit of a sexual criminal so I doubt that would happen

    • @Despotic_Waffle
      @Despotic_Waffle 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      He won't cause of his sex scandal. That's why he wasn't there for fallout either.

    • @animuslite8809
      @animuslite8809 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

      ​@@RealUlrichLelandaccused being the key word, also his accuser is a legitimate crazy person. Like actually bat shit.

    • @connorbanepoop
      @connorbanepoop 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      @@animuslite8809batshit crazy people are often victims of sexual assault, mostly BECAUSE if they do tell anyone you can always say they're just crazy. not saying this is the case just pointing out an interesting fact.

  • @Verdant1
    @Verdant1 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Ship travel would be such an important mechanic to add imo, not only connecting the world together more, but also giving way more freedom for characters builds and immersion. Great video, would love to see more!

  • @Aewon84
    @Aewon84 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +28

    There's no chance they would include the islands of the Abecean Sea in the vanilla game. That would be like if they had included Solstheim as part of vanilla Morrowind. But if they allow for ship travel in the game I'd like to see an Abecean Sea DLC. I agree about the Legacy of Orsinium DLC idea, but I want to see more than just two large DLCs. Especially if we have to wait another ten years for The Elder Scrolls VII (which, if they go with the two provinces idea, I think should take place in Valenwood and Elsweyr).

    • @gaspo2880
      @gaspo2880 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I think it's too drastic a theme change to go to Elsweyr or Valenwood, but maybe Yokuda could be nice

  • @maxsparza6944
    @maxsparza6944 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    this video is super well made, deserves more views, keep up te content like this and soon you’ll have more views I’m sure

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      thank you man, im glad someone appreciates it :) your kind words are highly appreciated too

  • @JeFilm94
    @JeFilm94 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I like your ideas for mechanics, like archeology tied to shifting landscape. The main story is fairly solid blueprint as well.
    My question mainly is where in the timeline this is set, and by extension what the continental political landscape looks like. If this is close to Skyrim's setting, what's the Empire doing? What's the Dominion doing? Why would High Rock choose to invade Hammerfell (which would not be a civil war btw, as they are not factions within the same country)?
    If this is some distant time after the events of Skyrim (timeskip again), what ramifications came from the history between these settings? The Empire and Dominion were set for another great war. Does the Empire remain? Does the Dominion remain? There's too many questions that are raised that affect the setting, story and plot by having the timeline undefined or unsettled.

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Valid questions 😂 I didn’t think everything fully through as you can probably tell haha. But thank you!

  • @ZeroFire442
    @ZeroFire442 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

    Hey, you should check out a game called Wayward Realms. It's being developed by the original creators of TES, and the majority of what you pitched in this video is what they're doing

    • @sebastianprimomija8375
      @sebastianprimomija8375 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Its good to see people spreading the word about Wayward.

    • @RealUlrichLeland
      @RealUlrichLeland 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      They're actually about to launch a Kickstarter

  • @hallacson8535
    @hallacson8535 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    I was honestly surprised when I saw your subscriber count mid-video, was expecting much higher.
    I hope Talos (algorithm) blesses you as it did me by showing your channel!

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you man that’s very kind of you to say ❤

  • @____________838
    @____________838 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    High Rock and Hammerfell both bring explorable over the course of 6 would be for the best.

    • @____________838
      @____________838 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      An addendum: I would love the Big DLC have the Protagonist explore the shattered remains of Yokuda, perhaps via using their own ship, thatcher than just swimming.

    • @____________838
      @____________838 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Addendum 2: Orsinium should be a fair portion of the map in the base game.

  • @DoctorBrokenToast
    @DoctorBrokenToast 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Glad to have found your channel so early, I'm here for the long haul. Keep up the EXCELLENT work!

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ❤ too kind

  • @Imperial.Soldier
    @Imperial.Soldier 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    The plot you made about the sinister elves is pretty good

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thanks bro I put a lot of thought into it!

  • @MytzerL
    @MytzerL 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I must say I loved the video, keep up the good work! :D

  • @TonyFapioni
    @TonyFapioni 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Many of us don’t want to accept it, but Skyrim is peak Elder Scrolls. Nothing will top it. It was Bethesda’s magnum opus.

    • @Zero-eq7mp
      @Zero-eq7mp 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It wasn’t even that good compared to legacy features like spell making and more real quests not radiant unending quests

  • @debbiegilmour6171
    @debbiegilmour6171 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I don't think there really needs to be any civil war questline just because Skyrim had one. Skyrim is pretty much the only game in the mainline series to be plagued by war and every game does stand on its own without relying too much on the tropes of its predecessors.

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That’s a valid point!

    • @dennismokry258
      @dennismokry258 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Political intrigue plots would work well in place of Civil War and there is already precedents from Daggerfall. There were three or more lightly integrated political plot lines in that game so many years ago which would be interesting to see where they go.
      Also in your game I would geek out so hard going into Privateer’s Hold lol

  • @bpopa27
    @bpopa27 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    You failed to address how the events of the Aldmeri invasion and anticipated re-invasion tie into your version of events. Highrock is still a part of the fading empire and Hammerfell subsided, and an alliance such as you mentioned in the final part doesn't make much sense. Unless you'd introduce a book hinting at a Dragon Break. And on the topic of DLC1, you already have an enormous amount of landmass to explore within two provinces, Having all the isles in the Abecean Sea explorable as DLC1 would be more adequate as opposed to just Stros M`kai.

    • @____________838
      @____________838 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      My “theory” is that you start the game as a prisoner of slavers, and it’s in fact an Aldmeri patrol that frees you, throwing players through a bit of a loop, due to how we saw the Dominion through an antagonistic lens in Skyrim.

    • @____________838
      @____________838 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I too hope that Stros Mkai isn’t a DLC, but part of the base game, with a certain sunken continent to the west being the major DLC.

    • @Ella-mg7zt
      @Ella-mg7zt หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @aqworlds5934
    @aqworlds5934 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    These are awesome concepts bro!

  • @christophernoneya4635
    @christophernoneya4635 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    You forgot about Elder Scrolls Redguard, todd's first game at the helm when talking about games that cover that area. You'll need to buy an additional 2 copies of skyrim to attone for this grave sin

    • @RealUlrichLeland
      @RealUlrichLeland 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      and pay for the dead man's dread creation club content so he can learn more Cyrus lore while paying for Skyrim

  • @basedluanp
    @basedluanp 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    You deserve more attention

  • @teddyboucher1848
    @teddyboucher1848 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I feel like elder scrolls 6 is going to have to have a major focus on the Second Great War between the Aldmeri dominion and the Empire.

  • @Lupinemancer87
    @Lupinemancer87 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I know everyone is dead set on this new game being set in either High Rock or Hammerfell, or both, and I can see why, it makes sense. But we've spend quite a lot of time in the northern provinces of Tamriel for the last couple of games: Skyrim, Morrowind, Redguard, Daggerfall (yes Cyrodiil was in the center, and did reach to the south), not to mention all of them aside from Morrowind are human settlements. So because of that, I'd much rather see some of the more southern provinces, not to mention some of the non-human races, get some attention: Summerset, Valenwood, Elsweyr and Black Marsh. Personally, Elsweyr and Valenwood are nr. 1 on my list.
    Also, since they just revealed a new Daedric Prince in ESO, Ithelia, it would be cool if TES6 delves more into her story and why we havn't heard of her since.

  • @Teeeeeeeeeeeeem
    @Teeeeeeeeeeeeem 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Super cool ideas, I’d be shocked if some, or any, of the new mechanics you proposed were adopted but I think the whole ensamble you’ve crafted would make for a fantastic and severely addictive RPG that I’d never put down. I just wish more developers would take notes from people like you who have put some serious and meaningful thought into concepts like this for franchises we all enjoy and have so much nostalgia for. In short, I rock wit u.

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Wow, what an overwhelmingly kind comment! Thank you so much man, your words made my day ❤

  • @Lunar_Arcanist
    @Lunar_Arcanist 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This videos awesome, you earned a sub! 😀

  • @bushikao
    @bushikao 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    16 cities isnt out of the realm of possibility for a bethesda game of two provinces, i mean oblivion has 7 cities (and cities in oblivion are far more city-like then in skyrim) and one huge capital. and quite frankly, if your gunna render wayrest and sentinel you kinda gotta make em at least 70% the size of the imperial city to do them justice

  • @lufi10
    @lufi10 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    amazing concept, I hope Bethesda take notes from this video.

  • @specialnobody4148
    @specialnobody4148 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The plot and storyline you laid out are honestly a great foundation for an Open World Rpg game. Makes the state of the world chaotic and under duress, so there are justifications for quest and mercenary work. Not only that, but it also provides a faction we've never interacted with as well as providing a big bad that Bethesda loves to lean on in their narratives.
    All this stems from your interest in the lore and history of Elder Scrolls. Using the Left Handed Elves not only makes it easier for Bethesda to create a new enemy faction for their next game (since they're already a part of the lore), but also we get to explore the history of the Redguards much more as well. All of which helps worldbuilding, not just for this hypothetical 6th game but also for the franchise as a whole.
    Having people who understand and appreciate the lore of an IP or franchise on staff can be a huge boon in creating narratives for future content since its much more easier for a team to create an intriguing story that builds on the foundation of the lore that already exist.
    The sad thing is, i don't believe current Bethesda has anyone like that on staff in the writers' room.
    As far as all the cool ideas that pertain to game play, I'm all for it. But this is Bethesda we're talking about here. Even if they had the imagination to implement them, they would not have the technical ability nor effort to do them justice. Great video nonetheless

  • @oliverharper9227
    @oliverharper9227 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    an excellent and well made video well done mate

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you kind sir 😊

  • @msteerie
    @msteerie 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      thank you very much! blessings of akatosh upon you x

  • @waah5901
    @waah5901 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Good video got the like, fudgemuppet reference got the sub hahaha

  • @ignisimber2818
    @ignisimber2818 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What about your comments on the cities did you rethink over and decide were unrealistic?

  • @94sHippie
    @94sHippie 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I like the idea of the travel and monster additions. One of the biggest things I would love to see is multiplayer support with private servers. The biggest thing that keeps me from getting into ESO is that it doesn't feel like an elder scrolls game that I'm getting immersed in but more like an MMO with Elder Scrolls theming.

  • @roninwilson2406
    @roninwilson2406 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I would love sea travel…even perhaps a deadra pirate ship..?

  • @andystray4554
    @andystray4554 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    Gamers gotta temper their expectations, it will be a buggy vast mess.
    People will complain how they released an unfinished product.
    Others will say they still managed to have fun with it.
    From the sound of the environments from this video the games map and files will be too big, and turn off people who just see it more as a long chore than an enjoyable rpg experience.
    But prove me wrong, pls

    • @thetzar2573
      @thetzar2573 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      If Pikmin 4 can meet expectations after 11 years of wait, then surely a Triple-A game can meet expectations after >13 years of wait. For reference, Skyrim came out 5 years after Oblivion.

    • @noahsylvester1754
      @noahsylvester1754 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@thetzar2573 nintendo is terrible, but their games are solid
      bethesda isn't like that, we've all seen their games get worse(and dumber) with each new entry regardless of the franchise

  • @zooker7938
    @zooker7938 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm in love with this concept. The only thing I think you really should have accounted for is WHEN in TES history this game would take place, and how the Empire and Aldmeri Dominion would be involved. Mainline TES games have been generally in chronological order, so this game would take place sometime after Skyrim. Are the Empire and the Dominion still fighting? Has one side or the other won? Has the Empire collapsed, and what role do High Rock and Hammerfell have in this? You could sidestep this problem by having this game take place earlier, perhaps before Oblivion, while the Empire is still in its prime.

  • @royalviking9228
    @royalviking9228 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    11:27 this is a must have for old times sake

  • @TheTrueBigWill
    @TheTrueBigWill 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Interesting how you mentioned the towers, I was hoping it would revolve around the towers but in the sense of the Thalmor. Like the story of them trying to destroy mundus and become one with the gods again, but then if is cool how our ideas both involve elven invaders who want to take control of the Adamantine Tower!
    Though on the subject of there being both High Rock and Hammerfell, I like the idea of the storyline in Hammerfell but also along the lines of the Thalmor, maybe there could be a main questline in each province; the Sinsitral storyline in Hammerfell and the Thalmor in Highrock. Maybe with both of the mer races wanting to go to the Adamantine tower, it could have an aspect of both questlines in Hammerfell and High Rock (though can be completed at different stages) can link at the very end when both questlines have been completed.
    What I mean by this is that it could be a matter of if you defeat the Thalmor in High Rock first, it could “end” with the leader of the Dominion slipping away and going into hiding, and the Sinistral elves questline “ending” in a stalemate by the Illiac bay, and when both storylines are completed, the leader of the Thalmor somehow makes it into the Adamantine Tower and the Sinistral Elves break through and also reach the tower.
    So then the big final mission of both main quests revolves around you as the player trying to fight past fleets of Sinistral Elves to stop the Dominion from destroying the tower. After the player fights their way through the Sinistral Elves, they come face to face with the leader of the Thalmor and after a final boss fight, the leader overpowers the player and is about to destroy the tower when Clavicus Vile mistakes this for his time to come down and uses his power to wipe out the Thalmor and anyone who supports them from Tamriel and who knows, maybe if they want to go dark and somber with it, wipe out all of the High Elves with them (with the possible exception of the player character).
    The aftermath could be as follows. If the altmer are then exterminated, it could then resolve with the Sinistral Elved taking up residence in the Summerset Isles and renaming it New Yokuda or something. Clavicus Vile comes to the mortal realm but as a result of prematurely using his power, sacrifices his immortality, leaving Barbas to take the mantle of the Daedric Prince. The Empire (if it has not already been dissolved) will appoint High Rock as a key place in it’s empire, maybe even rewarding the ruler of High Rock as the beginning of the new dynasty of the Empire (if the ruler is half-Imperial?) OR have the player be rewarded for their part in the defeat of the Thalmor by being part of a council who chooses the new Emperor after the untimely death of Titus Mede II. I do accept that for this to make sense, the events would have to take place right after Skyrim or at least after the events of the Dark Brotherhood questline which might not work, but if it was it could be cool to come across guards who spread rumours of a Dragonborn in Skyrim, or perhaps meeting the Ebony Warrior before they go off to fight the Dragonborn because we know that the Ebony Warrior was a redguard. However like I said, I know this might not work and might clash with some people’s headcanon for example if their Dragonborn did the Clavicus Vile questline AFTER the Dark Brotherhood questline or somehow fought the Ebony Warrior before joining the Dark Brotherhood, so it would in all probability not work, but everything up until the time I think could be viable!

  • @theexileac
    @theexileac 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Forgive me if this was mentioned as I haven’t finished the video. Bethesda already have ship mechanics with Starfield, what better way than to repurpose that for naval traversal in ES6?!

  • @joefair1137
    @joefair1137 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I wonder if you could have small water travel like hippocampi to make travel more personal? Great vid Adam as usual

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you brother (see what I did there?)

  • @FelisAlcea
    @FelisAlcea 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "Direnni" has always confused me because it sounds so much like it would be a morrowind great house. But instead, it's on the other side of tamriel.

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I can see what you mean!

  • @bjornironside1436
    @bjornironside1436 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I heard they are adding Hammerfell and Highrock as you mentioned but I also heard that they would add Akavir as well and Pyandomea to be explorable too.
    Yokuda shall be there but what about Atmora ?

  • @raughboy188
    @raughboy188 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    One of the member os Direnni family created foundation of alchemy in Elder scrolls universe.

  • @donatodiniccolodibettobardi842
    @donatodiniccolodibettobardi842 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    So, is that a pitch for fans to make a better Elder Scrolls 6 game themselves without waiting for the new lows of Bethesda's incompetence?

  • @tazo8658
    @tazo8658 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm IN! Though it does sound like a very broad concept, scale wise, it's exactly because of that i'd be so invested. I've been wanting to learn more about the Sword Singers and also the future of the Orsiniums, and there's also sea exploration? Huge. There's only one thing i feel it's missing here, and it's the Sea Elves. They're my favorite elven branch because of their alien culture and their prowess with Weather Magic. If we're going sea faring, they gotta be here. Unless they would have to be excluded because they don't use the waters near Hammerfell and High Rock 🙁

  • @user-su8kl8ft5k
    @user-su8kl8ft5k 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Very good video. I fear that bethesda are going to cut down on some of the uniqueness of the provinces to make them more appealing to a mass audience as they did with Skyrim and Oblivion. Still, a new TES is long overdue. I hope they do add boats and climbing, Morrowind's map is tiny but is so well vertically designed that it feels a lot bigger and richer when you start levitating around. Would be interesting to see something similar.

  • @charliesmith1558
    @charliesmith1558 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I’m hoping it’s hammerfell and maybe high rock with a big dlc

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Would be amazing, but do you mean high rock would be the dlc? Personally I’m defo not in favour of them making entire provinces or even parts of other provinces locked behind dlc

  • @ottolindfors
    @ottolindfors 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Am the only one who wants to go back to daggerfall style maps? Vast, realistic and majestic landscapes on a gigantic scale with thousands of cities in each kingdom, as it should be. I like the feeling of living in a true fantasy world, and not just a little sandbox where you can walk across the entire kingdom in 20 minutes.

  • @mister_i9245
    @mister_i9245 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Instead of a Civil War I would go for a Second Great War, with an imperial victory leading to imperial control of the entire landmass, and a Dominion victory leading to independent dominion aligned kingdoms of Hammerfell and High Rock, with perhaps a Dominion annexation of Balfiera. I'd also include Orsinium somewhere.

  • @Formoka
    @Formoka 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Honestly, I like the Hammerfell idea that’s been going around. I’d like to be a Blade Singer. And join the Ashaba. Throw in an art style similar to ESO and make it as comfortable to play as Skyrim, and I’d be pretty happy.

    • @Tyleya
      @Tyleya 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I agree. I want to see the cites in hammerfell. Sword Singing would be awesome!

  • @brandonmireles3249
    @brandonmireles3249 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I also want to know who won the Second Great War since it was teased on going happen in Skyrim. Maybe in Elder Scroll 6 we can read a book or get some npc mentioning the outcome of the war.

  • @blackhobbitno1
    @blackhobbitno1 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Just get this Guy to direct the entire development os ES 6

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You’re too kind 😂😂 well, keep this a secret, but I actually had an interesting email about employment from Bethesda after uploading this…😊

  • @handsandi4653
    @handsandi4653 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The last time I was excited about something new was the new starwars movie
    It won't be Skyrim 2 but hopefully it turns into it's own thing and turns out well for both player's and the company

  • @thornescapes7707
    @thornescapes7707 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    One element that I would love to see in basically every RPG going forward is some sort of base building, even if it's only redecorating the inside of my home. It's one element that annoys me intensely in Skyrim. I want to be able to personalize my living space. The settlers part of settlements in Fallout 4 had... issues, but being able to rearrange and personalize things is magnificent.
    Of course, this also adds possibilities for larger scale fortifications, but mostly I want to be able to rearrange my home base.

  • @weinerdoge9981
    @weinerdoge9981 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    If they add back climbing im buying that day one

  • @brandonmireles3249
    @brandonmireles3249 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don’t know if you mentioned but Highrock I believe is currently apart with the Empire. Is this version of Elder Scroll 6 hundreds of years after Skyrim?

  • @sagittariusa7662
    @sagittariusa7662 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Direnni would be interesting as it could be very similar to Daggerfall but also expand back into Skyrim, Cyrodiil and include the Sommerset Isles as possible DLC expansions. You could even include Valenwood and Elsweyr, depending on popularity. I would make Morrowind and Black Marsh to be available room for modders to develop and therefore available room in modding resources for that prospect in the future depending on fans. I would reward fans if Direnni became a smashing success and the Skyrim DLC expansion was a further success (with of course Direnni's success on its own being necessary for the Skyrim DLC expansion to exist in the first place) to possibly include Solstheim and even Roscrea. Likewise for Cyrodiil's success would include Stirk and Topal Island. Success for the Sommerset Isles would include Artaeum. This means each expansion must function completely on their own and the added free expansion to each DLC would include further content (quest and story wise) to enrich the playing experience.
    If all three expansions are a hit, then after a re-mastered edition which also becomes quite popular and success, then two additional expansions would be made concerning Valenwood and Elsweyr. Again, I would make Eastern Tamriel something that fans can contribute towards. Although, if the Re-mastered edition is not a hit or the three expansions don't establish their mark, then I would leave it open for fans concerning those two additional provinces.
    Each Expansion would include additional content in each prior established area, not just add new areas. There would also be new features concerning combat or gameplay mechanics that wouldn't be appropriate without the inclusion of each province allowing you to enhance your prior gaming experience should you wish to start over.

  • @radiusbecka1799
    @radiusbecka1799 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    I'm not expecting much. Skyrim was a big game where the characters reacted to the choices you made. I just want a skyrim that looks like Strarfield without all the game breaking bugs

    • @FRLoca83
      @FRLoca83 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      bro skyrim is a nearly 13 years old game, you should have higher expectations

    • @Iverald
      @Iverald 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Most of the things you do in Skyrim have no bearing on the world. Sure, you can nake some provinces change the jarls, but there are little to no consequences.
      Became the leader of all major factions? You have no executive power and can only do the same work you did when you were a basic grunt.
      Killed Alduin? Sure, one guard praises you, but then you hear "Hands to yourself, sneak thief".
      This lack of impact on the world was barely passable 13 years ago. And don't get me started on the combat mechanics.

    • @16floz
      @16floz 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@Iverald you nerds have such a hate boner for skyrim you didnt even realize what OP is saying lmfao. They just said its a big game where people react to the choices you make, which is true. Its definitely got flaws but people like you have been parroting the same mindless criticisms of skyrim for going on 15 years. This is such a boring, cold take. You sound like a 15 year old that just watched a "skyrim bad" video essay

    • @elric5371
      @elric5371 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Iveraldbros never played the game. Shush with your hating you are wrong.

    • @Slavesforsale1
      @Slavesforsale1 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      "I want a Skyrim (a horribly shallow nothing of a game with borderline non-existent RPG elements) that looks like Starfield (one of the ugliest games Bethesda has every made)"
      This has to be a joke. Characters reacted to your choices? What choices? Skyrim barely has any actual meaningful choices to make in the game.

  • @rod9829
    @rod9829 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Just play Tamriel rebuilt for Morrowind, Bethesda has lost the Mandate of Heaven

  • @tristenandtessaXD
    @tristenandtessaXD 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I personally would love to have the ability to have settlement building so I can make a cool village or castle or base!

    • @RealUlrichLeland
      @RealUlrichLeland 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes I'd like this system to return as long as it doesn't take up too much space that could be used for handcrafted locations, which was a big complaint of the settlements in Fallout 4.

  • @ElijahuPincher
    @ElijahuPincher 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Literally two days ago i thought about how cool it would be to have a cartography skill in a TES type of game, where it would determine how much information is on the map in the places you've explored

  • @wolffrdu6463
    @wolffrdu6463 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    also, you forgot one big part, high rock is part of the empire (even if the empire is on it's last foot)

  • @words3147
    @words3147 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Been wishing we'd get hammerfell + highrock with naval gameplay in the sea between them for years. A man can dream

  • @garrettfisher7806
    @garrettfisher7806 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So you want two places on Tamriel we’ve already had games?

  • @tacoman736
    @tacoman736 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My main thing is just the writing, we know they can make some great environments, but we haven’t gotten very good writing since arguably morrowind. Even that benefits from just having way more text in game, and almost every tes book being there, or originating there.

  • @huntclanhunt9697
    @huntclanhunt9697 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I honestly hate the "get to a hogh point to unlock the map" mechanic. If the game has that, I'm either not getting it or immediate modding it out

    • @aceambling7685
      @aceambling7685 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The worst ubisoft mechanic. It was thematically appropriate in Assassins Creed but then they added it to every game.

  • @ralphiecifaretto8961
    @ralphiecifaretto8961 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Most Elder Scrolls fans won't even be gamers anymore!

    • @MusMasi
      @MusMasi 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Pensioners lol

    • @ralphiecifaretto8961
      @ralphiecifaretto8961 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @MusMasi 18 years if it's released in 2029! You could have had a kid the year Skyrim came out and they would be graduating high school when you buy ES6

    • @I6IJoShI9I
      @I6IJoShI9I 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@ralphiecifaretto8961 that’s just unacceptable.

    • @GlennElliottKeller
      @GlennElliottKeller 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They will transform into Wraiths and Lichs

  • @wolffrdu6463
    @wolffrdu6463 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    you forgot yokuda, they are a map of what is left unsunken of the continent
    edit, you just didn't put the part of the map, but did mention it

  • @JaysonCarmona
    @JaysonCarmona 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    No Aldmeri?

  • @RealUlrichLeland
    @RealUlrichLeland 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is actually very similar to what I dreamt up as my ideal TES 6. Having it be nautical would be the perfect implementation of the ship mechanics they developed for Starfield, especially since fans have always complained about how underwater areas of the map lack gameplay. I liked AC Black Flag a lot so I think you're bang on that it would be a good basis for ship battles.
    Personally, I would be disappointed if we didn't see some sort of development of the Thalmor after they left so much suspense in Skyrim, so I'd prefer if they were the main adversary. There's a lot of basis for this in the lore because after the Great War Hammerfell seceeded from the empire and fought a second war against the Aldmeri dominion for their independence. The Sadia quest in Skyrim is actually about the redguards trying to arrest Sadia for colluding with the Thalmor. I'm sure the sinistral elves would feature in some capacity, but probably as a hidden race like the Falmer in Skyrim or an extinct one like the Dwemer.
    To be honest though, I don't want to overinflate my expectations. I'd be perfectly happy with the game taking place entirely on mainland Hammerfell as long as it was well crafted. They could always add areas like Balfiera, Stros Mkai or Thras as dlc.

  • @RannonSi
    @RannonSi 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    2:09 I'd prefer one well-made province (given, that they actually spent time to make the lore deep and interesting) rather than two (essentially) empty provinces, but if they could do it well, I'd be all for it.
    7:29 When it comes to ships it'd be fun to see them take inspiration from the kinds of ships used in (and around) the Arabia and Scandinavia (as both had the mix of inland-ish seas and well, the sea).
    8:08 Have cannons (and/or gunpowder) ever been mentioned in the Elder Scrolls? If yes, that's not a bad idea. If no, it could still work, but then it probably would have to take place, quite a few decades after Skyrim.
    10:06 While you probably don't mean the ones you're scrolling over (but just to be sure), I reckon that there'd need to be some really good reasons for why any island large enough to be seen on the world (well, continent) map
    10:40 Lies and slander!
    13:10 Or, y'know magic (E.G: wind, which I reckon could be used to blind (when low level, or why not fill their lungs?) or bury to suffocation (when high level)
    15:32 Spears new, eh? ;)
    15:38 It'd be nice to see some Morrowind style magic (thou, TBH, I didn't really get into it enough to understand it, when I played it at when I was somewhere around 11-14).
    15:45 It'd be fun and interesting to see a game that'd use destructible environments (remember when we used to fantasise about all games getting that, a decade, or two ago (longer for ye older players)?) combined with a physics based damage system (also, see my 13:10 comment)!
    15:59 Case in point, why only the rock when you can raze the entire cliff over your enemies!? :D
    16:08 I'd love this! Especially if they let people game the system.
    16:37 I dunno, it'd be pleasant to get another Elder Scrolls where you aren't the chosen one from the start (and Sword singing sounds like you'd be another Dragon born, or the one seen in the Emperor's dream). Unless it was implemented as something you could learn, if you went out of your way to do it, in that case, I'd agree!
    17:05 This, I'd like, I miss that you could have several options on how to use your weapons (and choose which one to use). On top of that, it'd be interesting to be able to use things like Half-blading and murder strokes! Or just use your spear as a staff (because what is it, if not a staff with a sharpened end?) and bash someone with it?
    *I hope for enough NPCs' for the place to not feel desolate (including the Cities, with the Hamlet size and population that we got with Skyrim), and that they're made in a way that makes both them, and the world feel alive (as unspecified as that sounds).
    *Working trade, and trade routes would be a plus (especially if one would take your ship ideas into consideration).

    • @linkalot7415
      @linkalot7415  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I can tell you put a lot of time into this comment and I really appreciate it, it’s great to see what others think! Thanks for watching

    • @whitehawk4099
      @whitehawk4099 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      In terms of the chosen one narrative, it worked well in Morrowind because the overarching narrative about Nietzschean vitalism. The Tribunal attained their status of gods because of their power, and so have you attained the status of Nerevarine because of your power. There was a destiny, but there were many who could have fulfilled it, and it is only through your effort that you did. The Emperor doesn't think you are really Nerevarine, but rather that some people might and that would undermine his opponents in the province.
      In Oblivion, the game begins with you being informed that you have some kind of mystic status where you were seen in prophetic dreams. Then, the game doesn't really do much with it.
      In Skyrim, the game begins again with you being the chosen one, in this case the Dragonborn. There is no one else that could have been this, and it doesn't really tie into anything else.
      In these cases, you just are instantly granted the status without earning it. The status doesn't even mean that much either. Guards don't treat you differently in Skyrim, except for telling you to stop that shouting, despite you having mythical status of Dragonborn, the last of which most would know about is Talos, whose worship is being repressed.
      There is no recognition of your status and you are simply granted it, which is why it falls flat.

    • @RannonSi
      @RannonSi 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@whitehawk4099 You put it better than I could have, thank you! ^^,

    • @RannonSi
      @RannonSi 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@linkalot7415 Thank you both for your video and your response to my comment! ^^,

  • @ryanjamesbaldock5370
    @ryanjamesbaldock5370 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Let’s just hope it works …

  • @Noemys3
    @Noemys3 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think that both High Rock and Hammerfell would be great. It would be interesting seeing the political differences between the 2. Hammerfell is independent but High Rock is still under Imperial rule, and I think there is a lot they can do with that and seeing the different ways people act and treat each other and players could even choose if they agree with one or the other.

  • @kamerongrossi3471
    @kamerongrossi3471 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I think there is a high chance of ship travel due to Bethesda’s ability to use ships in starfield and they very well could have been testing things for es6

  • @bluegoose7832
    @bluegoose7832 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    10:50 I would also suggest that they finally bring back levitation spells. They got rid of them because of engine/AI limitations and then gave it an in-universe reason (the Empire banned levitation and teleportation spells lol). There is really no reason for a modern TES game to still remove a viable traversal option for mages. The grapple hook can be a warrior/rogue's way of scaling a mountain while a skilled mage can simply fly over

  • @quintinjansevanvuuren9638
    @quintinjansevanvuuren9638 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I think Jamaican accents on some Hammerfell city guards would be so cool.

    • @JackJanuary
      @JackJanuary 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      “Did ya see dem warriors from Skyrim, mon? Dey had straight swords. Straight. Swords.”

    • @quintinjansevanvuuren9638
      @quintinjansevanvuuren9638 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@JackJanuary You get it brother🙏🏻

    • @GeldtheGelded
      @GeldtheGelded 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@JackJanuary Staying irie, me hope?

    • @animuslite8809
      @animuslite8809 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Aren't redguards more arab/berber? Why would they have Jamaican accents?

    • @quintinjansevanvuuren9638
      @quintinjansevanvuuren9638 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@animuslite8809 You are correct, but my understanding of the coastal region with islands and what have you of Hammerfell is that its very much like the Caribbean, even has pirates. Some Nords in Skyrim sound Scandinavian and some sound Austrian and some American. So with that in mind I don't think its inconceivable for Redguard pirates in the Abeccean sea to sound Jamaican. Rule of cool more than anything else.

  • @fernandomaxis6550
    @fernandomaxis6550 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I love these ideas! I do expect Bethesda to have better grasp of how they want to incorporate a ship and open space/ocean. As well as factions. From what we have seen of StarField. Especially how well improved NPCs are and next level it's questing is.

  • @puzelle
    @puzelle 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I love your ideas, and I am convinced that Bethesda's devs and story writers will take a lot of inspiration if you send this video to them. I really think you should.
    # Vampirism and werewolves should also still be viable options in the game, IMO.
    # And why not add the ability to decorate the houses that you buy?
    # Maybe, if Bethesda do decide to include ships and sailing, you could be able to make one of those your home or base at a late point in the game.
    # Then there is, of course, romance and marriage. I think players will be disappointed if that doesn't become part of the game world as well.
    # I also think players will appreciate a return of missions where they can prove themselves in an arena system (I say 'they' here because this particular element never really meant a whole lot to me, personally).
    Thank you so much for making this video. It has been a truly delightful watch!

  • @8S1V
    @8S1V 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Man I really wish that Starfield turns out as bad as it is because they focusing all they manpower on TES6. Honestly, I think Bethesda just need to look at some highly downloaded mods on Nexus to figure out what the fans want for TES6.
    Also another idea for the DLCs name, because I think all of TES DLCs have one word, I think The Elder Scrolls VI: Direnni - Stronghold for the Orsinium DLC and Elder Scrolls VI: Direnni - Plaguespread or something for the Sload DLC would be cool.

    • @aceambling7685
      @aceambling7685 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Lmao the copium never ends.

    • @8S1V
      @8S1V 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah need to huff some of those lol@@aceambling7685

    • @8S1V
      @8S1V 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Gotta need some of those man@@aceambling7685

  • @tehofil
    @tehofil 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Before even watching I would say climbing skill should come back no question asked

  • @resplendentorder8661
    @resplendentorder8661 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My pitch for TES V was Highrock/Hammerfell and then you can sail across the ocean to the Summerset Isles but for SOME reason they did Skyrim instead.

  • @gurugru5958
    @gurugru5958 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lorewise, I believe Yokudans and Sinistral Elves are from another timeline with different gods. So it would be weird for Clavicus Vile or someone of his ilk to have a major role in their history.

  • @duphasdan
    @duphasdan 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I would hate for it to be here. Not only is it too similar to Oblivion and Skyrim, but there already was an Elder Scrolls game that takes place in both Hammerfell and Highrock. Players can go and pick up The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall if they want to play there. Sure it is old as heck, but still. The places that haven't been used yet are all in the south, Elswyre, Blackmarsh, Valenwood, and Aldimir.

  • @fialovejbiftek
    @fialovejbiftek 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    A lot of those concepts sound really interesting. If that game had at least half of what you said, i would be probably satisfied, but seeing how badly Bethesda messed up Starfield, makes me worry a lot. Except the slightly better, GTA-V tier graphics, It's a huge downgrade compared to Skyrim.

  • @TheForbiddenRing
    @TheForbiddenRing 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My hot take is that spellcrafting is something we're better off without. I'd prefer more focused in-depth magic. Skyrim magic did the magic it had very well, in my opinion, it was just lacking in how many spells there were.

  • @MattCellaneous
    @MattCellaneous 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It should have been Akavir. 4 or 5 new races, It was said the neravarine went to akavir. Wide open lore. A great next step for the game.

  • @Aunny123
    @Aunny123 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bethesda needs to hire you as their head writer.

  • @redwolfstudios5699
    @redwolfstudios5699 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is long, sorry.
    We share alot of similar ideas, but we differ on some major things. I would see the confrontation between the orcs, redguards and bretons be the main event of the base game. I would do away with the sinestral elves ( as much as i'd love for them to return in some capacity as a playable race especially) The main quest would be about the conflict between three races.
    If you side with Highrock your job is to rally the kingdoms under 1 banner, this is a major part of the quest line involving each major city and politics with some smaller scale battles depending on how things play out in your meetings with each king/queen. If you side with hammerfell its about convincing the crowns and forebears to work together, this involves much more combat with very high stakes but minimal politcal moments. So you are mostly going through a civil war but you ultimately want to end the blood shed so there are crucial moments to vie for peace. If you side Orsinium it will be about building defenses and gathering allies from other orc settlements to defend the city with you. This is going to be the most action heavy of the three as the orcs favor strength above all else so you'll actually be fighting no matter what, against chieftains to earn their favor and prove your status or attacking caravans and such to get supplies. This allows for 3 different types of people to engage with the main quest. Political minded people might lean towards Highrock, Action only people might lean towards Orsinium and people who want a bit of an equal balance of the two might go Hammerfell. Then the attack on orsinium begins and the choices you made will weigh heavily on the outcome. Perhaps Orsinium survives or perhaps they fall but you sided with Highrock and didn't do enough, so they fall and are claimed by Hammerfell instead. Also i'd like for guild faction alliances like the dark brotherhood and fighters guild to be able to help you do things differently if you want to use them.
    I think this approach leads to alot more replayability with all the different ways to approach the main questline but also seeing how things you do during each side can change the outcome as well. So not only will you want to try the three main approaches, you might want to try all 3, multiple times, as different classes or character types to see the differing outcomes.
    My major DLC idea is Summerset Isles. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect larger land masses from this game as I expect BGS is going to use procedural generation no matter how much we protest, to fill the larger portions of the maps which means hand crafting the cities and dungeons. The main quest of the major DLC will be based around the Dominion and the Thalmor and discovering what it is they want with the Direnni tower and the 0 stone below. Touching the 0 stone creates a dragonbreak or something that you, the character will get to do. But I do want to see an end to the Thalmor and Dominion plots within this game. I'd also like for the Eye of Magnus to return in a major way here.
    I agree we should be a prisoner on a ship at the start but I think the beginning should introduce us to both the major plot and new mechanics. So I think you're on a Redguard corsair ship headed for Stros M'kai and you're attacked by a Breton war ship. The ship has barely been able to flee the last encounter so when you are freed its because the captain has died and the remaining crew doesn't think they can survive without all the help they can get so you and 3 other prisoners are released from the cell and put to work on the ship. This shows you how to maintain your ship with repairs and such and eventually you're given the helm so you can steer the ship in a shotty form of command while you enter a ship battle. The ship is destroyed and you end up on Stros M'kai. The 3 other prisoners survived by stealing the life raft and they pulled you out of the wreckage and brought you to land. This introduces you to an orc, redguard and a breton follower, all three of which join your party for now to show you the new party mechanics (nothing crazy) They banter with eachother as you look for a way off the island and that banter gives you more insight on the other choices you can make in the main conflict. Stros M'kai itself serves as a small land based tutorial for weapon uses, dialogue mechanics, crafting mechanics and base building mechanics as you're put to work helping someone restore a location damaged during a pirate raid to earn a spot on their boat going to the mainland, as you don't have any money. Which introduces you to that pirate faction as well as you are able to join them or fight them off, both outcomes lead to you getting off of Stros M'kai though.
    I'd do away with the sword singing mechanic in favor of returning to the oblivion style of casting spells. I'd also like to see oblivions class system return and be revamped as well as their leveling mechanics, again return and revamped, no more perk points. I want an RPG not an action adventure game.

  • @SkyBorik
    @SkyBorik 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's most likely going to feature a lot of procedural generation. They are not going to just ditch the technology they developed for Starfield. In my opinion the map is going to be not 1.8x Skyrim but something like 18 times bigger than Skyrim. Cities and some of the surroundings are going to be handcrafted, everything in between is proc gen like in Starfield with Points of interest spawning every few hundred meters. Islands are also going to be proc gen.
    Ship mechanics aren't enough for it to be the next big thing for Bethesda. Todd said it's going to be the ultimate fantasy simulator. That's why I think that TES VI is going to feature ruling mechanic. Imagine buying some land from the king/count (or whatever, I'm not good with TES lore) and starting your own little city. Your subjects are going to build the town themselves aka Sim Settlements mod from Fallout 4. It could get attacked so you need to build the defences. It's going to be the big selling point of the game. Like imagine 'not E3' 2027 where Todd comes on the stage and says "We handcrafted 10 big cities for this game, but that's not all, because you can build your own city"

  • @CleopatraKing
    @CleopatraKing 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    All i want in es6 is spell crafting weapon crafting, return of attributes, spears and throwing weapons(but make them good) and an expanded perk system that doesnt require moddding to be interesting

  • @kexle8768
    @kexle8768 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You compare the rope and pulley system to botw’s climbing system, but it’s more similar to Tears of the Kingdom’s Ascension rune

  • @thenormalformalandhormonal8531
    @thenormalformalandhormonal8531 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'll be honest, nothing excuses how long it's taking to develop. They announced it, then quickly pushed it aside when hype died down. I don't doubt they only announced it to build up hype so they can sell more ESO dlc.

  • @alexrothman2078
    @alexrothman2078 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I would enjoy seeing a better mounted combat system.
    Maybe like how bannerlord 2 works

  • @melkormorgothbauglir.4848
    @melkormorgothbauglir.4848 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What I'm most excited for are the Sword Singers and Ansei as well as their Shehai blades like image black samurai its kinda what they are but in the 4th Era they don't exist anymore and I want to uncover their lore and powers and get cool magic Samurai powers I just hope they can fulfill my expectations and it isn't just one magic tree with the Shehai blade unlocked at the end like at least 3-5 magic trees and their heavily involved in the lore I'm much more excited about visiting Hammerfell than High Rock I've seen England every day for my entire life I'm good skipping till like mid game so I hope they don't just focus on High Rock mostly and leave Hammerfell empty just because Hammerfell seems harder to do justice hopefully we get a good Hammerfell depiction and not just a ripoff Black Saudi Arabia and theirs a mix of African architecture (mostly East and West) with Arab and Egyptian and I think it'll look beautiful as well as having big architectural differences between the Forebears and Crowns with the Crowns having a more fanciful tradionalist West African and Arab architecture with the Forebears having this West African Ethiopian style with a lot of Imperial influence as their known for that and this cultural diversness where if you go to settlements near Skyrim they have this Nord look or maybe Reachmen look and the towns near Cyrodiil have this Imperial look and the ones near High Rock bordering the Illiac bay have this Breton look only Forebear terratories whilst Crowns maintain their own architecture and that'll be the major storyline in Hammerfell resolving the differences between the Crowns and Forbears and uniting them not just fighting a civil war and choosing sides because it makes sense that the Nords and Imperials would keep fighting each other they've been drifting apart a lot in recent years but the Forebears and Crowns have been fighting since the 2nd Era so it makes sense the feud would be ending by now and in recent years the Forebears and Crowns have been pretty unified fighting off the Thalmor together the only major fall in this is that the crowns failed to help the forebears defend border terratories against the Nords leading to them losing the war and that'll be the main issue between them you have resolve by using the Thalmor threat against them to unify them and unlike the Stormcloaks they don't trust the Thalmor since they just fought them off and you'll have to use them to mend the 1000 Year schism eventually resolving their differences and making the Redguards united but I hope after we finish this plotline it actually affects the map and when we visit Hammerfell it looks different and changed with it looking more united and you don't get attacked by the Forebears because your that Crown guy and viceversa so they actually start looking unified and together and the cities change and adaot and we can see how our work in the plot actually affects the map that'd be so cool and hopefully kill some dirty Thalmor since they'll be the main villains trying to get to the Adamantine Tower and deactivate its stone which will definitely be the main plotline.

  • @nenirouvelliv
    @nenirouvelliv 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If it's Iliac Bay then I'd imagine the Direnni and the Adamantine Tower play a big part. I'd imagine the Direnni being one of the good guys (though I think they had slaves in the past), as to a contrast to the Thalmor so it's not going to be be just Altmer=Evil. Maybe Bethesda will even pull a Direnni princess for the coomers to simp over.

  • @fredrickdenga7552
    @fredrickdenga7552 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We all have refused to move on😂😂

  • @waseemaqrab8872
    @waseemaqrab8872 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The problem I have with Bethesda is that there's a lot of quality of life features and content they can add but they don't add it in the final product just like starfield

  • @WeaponXcel
    @WeaponXcel 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Most of this was pretty good. I personally prefer the Dark Elf race but would like to see the Red Guards be shown in a heroic light. I personally wasn’t a fan of the Red guards being a fault for their homelands destruction or being “cowards.” I felt like this could be spun in a better way.