It's not a great idea for the Japanese. They are weaker in feudal than other civs so you typical want to get to castle as fast as possible and being behind by 1 villager hurts them. If you aren't consistently getting the sheep you need to hit castle and produce units then consider starting the game by building a house on berries and sending all starting vills to berries and come back to sheep after you gather the berries up. This will be 15-20 secs slower castle time but will be safe and consistent as well.
@andytheindividual3862 It's definitely a good idea to protect your gold, but I actually think it's better to understand why you are placing a tower and what you are defending against rather than having a rule to always place a tower. In some matchups, like in the mirror, when you are racing to castle it can cost you several relics if you place a single tower because they get to castle first and secure the map with knights while you're trying to get the last bit of resources to age up. I'm going to make a guide on this soon
Such a clear and chill guide. Glad i found ur channel. Liked and subscribed.
Really clear guide. Nice one, will give it a try
@@lewtheblu92 I would love to hear how it goes
W guide and very nice clean explained !
@@bigbrainkilian6684 Thank you, glad you enjoyed it
Thanks for the very clear guide! Will try that out immediately!
@funkyfrankypedro3616 Love to hear it! It's incredibly fun and I'm more than happy to provide help or feedback
thank you for the build :) are you planning to do more build orders? There are not many after the patches :)
@dominikkoudelka4548 Yes I am, I have a few planned already. Are there any specific civs or build orders you would like to see?
@@MochaManGaming Could you do something for xu chi or chinese? i really want to try them, but they feel so complicated
My next guide will be on the Chinese! I am working on it now so you can expect it early next week
@@MochaManGaming awesome! thank you :)
what do you think about getting extra scout for sheep?
It's not a great idea for the Japanese. They are weaker in feudal than other civs so you typical want to get to castle as fast as possible and being behind by 1 villager hurts them. If you aren't consistently getting the sheep you need to hit castle and produce units then consider starting the game by building a house on berries and sending all starting vills to berries and come back to sheep after you gather the berries up. This will be 15-20 secs slower castle time but will be safe and consistent as well.
Always tower the gold! Better to be safe than sorry.
@andytheindividual3862 It's definitely a good idea to protect your gold, but I actually think it's better to understand why you are placing a tower and what you are defending against rather than having a rule to always place a tower. In some matchups, like in the mirror, when you are racing to castle it can cost you several relics if you place a single tower because they get to castle first and secure the map with knights while you're trying to get the last bit of resources to age up. I'm going to make a guide on this soon
China fast castle guiide next pls
@@Fl4sh_VAL_CS Let me see what I can cook up for you
@@MochaManGaming let's gooo, im ur new sub anyway ^^