Reaction To German Scenes In Hollywood Movies

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • Reaction To German Scenes In Hollywood Movies
    This is my reaction to German Scenes In Hollywood Movies
    In this video I react to German scenes and the German language in Hollywood movies and TV shows including Inglourious Basterds, Fury, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Django Unchained and more.

ความคิดเห็น • 395

  • @Waechter_im_All
    @Waechter_im_All 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +167

    As a native german speaker you can understand mostly everyone except Sheldon.
    *Pierce Brosnan* sounds like a Brit who can talk quite a bit of german. You can clearly understand, but his accent is reconizable.
    *Django Unchained* Christoph Waltz speaks "High German" with a slightly austrian touch. Sounds very distinguished. "Brunhild" speaks a very good german, but as far as I know, the actress learned it phonetically only. But it sounds pretty good.
    *Die Hard* Nobody speaks German at all except Alan Rickman, and he has a very strong british accent. All the rest talk some weird gibberish with some german phrases included, but completly with english grammar.
    *Scrubs* The Germans are no Germans. Strong US accent i.e. "uas" vs "was" (just like you said)
    *How I met Your Mother* . same here. Incorrect sentence structure, incorrect pronunciation. An American pretending to be a Geman. He can't even say his keyword "lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz" - wich is complete nonsens by the way. There is no such saying at all. And the second one I don't even understand. Personally I find this kind of Pseudo-German quite annoying.
    You'd buy that from *Brad Pitt* . He certainly does not sound like a German, but pretty well like someone who really learned and spoke German fluently once. Quite genuine. And passes for a German-speaking American. The woman, on the other hand... I don't know...I don't know either wether Brad Pitt speaks German for real or not, but if not, he's learned his lines very well!
    *Inglorious Basterds* "Excuse me, you have a rather strange accent..." - yapp! That' just what I was thinking. The guy on the right side IS a German. The guy on the left side (=Michael Fassbender) is not, but you almost miss it. Except with the Rs. I'm not sure if Fassbender is just playing it because it's part of his role or if that's his real accent. He was born in Germany but grew up in Ireland. So both could be true. But clearly the best German of the non-native speakers. (Although... he IS actually native...) The third one is Till Schweiger ---> German actor. So native speaker. Though many say, in all his movies he's mumbling so much not even Germans can understand.

    • @helloweener2007
      @helloweener2007 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      Brad Pitt said in a promotion interview for Fury that he likes the German language and that he is trying to master it for a long time, that he has good friends in Germany and one of his most favourite movies is "Das Boot". So it is likely genuine.

    • @calise616
      @calise616 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      In the basement scene actually most actors are Germans. One thing I love about Tarantino. He makes things as authentic as possible. I think Fassbender even „fakes“ a bit of a british accent for the scene.

    • @Anthyrion
      @Anthyrion 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      Yes, that guy in HIMYM was pretty annoying for a native speaker. Even the Texas Germans are better, then this guy

    • @MegaGimmler
      @MegaGimmler 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      Wow, someone did a lot of work there. Pretty acurate as well, exept for the HIMYM part. That was DISGUSTING and an Insult for the German language.

    • @Casanisl
      @Casanisl 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Sarah Chalke (Scrubs) has a german mother, so she can speak a few words. She has a very strong accent, but she knows the words.
      The actor in HIMYM was really bad with his german. Actually, he was way better in faking a german accent when speaking english.

  • @TheMadmaurice
    @TheMadmaurice 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +168

    As German who is not a bavarian, I don't mind Sheldon's depiction since he accurately states that he's a Bavarian.

    • @chezeus1672
      @chezeus1672 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      as a bavarian, the brezn is the only part that really offends me (aside from the laugh track). it looks absolutely disgusting.
      his clothing just screams CSU and/or FW, and i didn't understand a word he said. give him 5 maß bier, and even i couldn't see the difference between him and the average bavarian voter.

  • @sane0matic
    @sane0matic 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +80

    As a native german speaker you clearly hear Alan Rickman's accent. To me he sounds like a german who lives abroad for decades or an english man who can speak pretty least better than Sheldon :D

    • @Crit-Multiplier
      @Crit-Multiplier 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      also ich war positiv überrascht..

    • @alicemilne1444
      @alicemilne1444 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@Crit-Multiplier Die Aussprache ist nicht schlecht, aber die Vokale klingen falsch.

    • @steffiswoboda377
      @steffiswoboda377 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ich habe die Lautstärke voll aufgedreht, aber ich konnte nicht ein Wort von Alan Rickman verstehen. Was hat er gesagt?

  • @philippprime6844
    @philippprime6844 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +83

    The actors in Die Hard have very strong accents. It is not that easy for native German speakers to understand what they are saying.

    • @Anixira3001
      @Anixira3001 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      My favorite line (which unfortunately didn't make it into this video) will always be Alan Rickman's "Hans, schieß dem Fenster!". Wrong on so many levels, it's hilarious.

    • @annoar9776
      @annoar9776 9 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @philippprime6844
    @philippprime6844 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +86

    Michael Fassbender's accent in the scene in "Inglourious Basterds" isn't very strong, but you can still tell he's a English native speaker. Or at least no german native speaker. The rest are German actors, so they all speak perfect German (apart from Til Schweiger's red wine mumble of course).

    • @dirkdriessen1133
      @dirkdriessen1133 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I cant agree. Actualy he exactly sounds like Louis Tränker or Reinhard Karl, who both had strong tirolian acents. Michasl Fassbender did this with puruse, iam pretty szre.Also i dont believe that showing 3 fingers in an ungerman way whould ve lead to a bar shouting.

    • @icyenigma6839
      @icyenigma6839 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      He speaks very well but you can hear that he trys to speak without an englisch acent and that sounds weird at some points. In my opinions its the R and Ä where you can hear that he is no german. The 3 fingers are the last one, when you think he isnt what he he pretends to be its the last hint. I can only speak for myself but I never saw someone put 3 fingers up like he does.

    • @Wislex
      @Wislex 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      ​@@dirkdriessen1133I counter that. This scene is authentic in the WW2 setting and German soldiers and Nazis would be strongly put off if some person dressed in a German uniform would raise his hand that way. Especially as a higher ranking officer. They immediately would suspect him to be a spy.

    • @philippprime6844
      @philippprime6844 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@dirkdriessen1133 I don't know the two Austrian actors you mentioned. But in the story, it wouldn't make sense to fake an Austrian accent that sounds like an English accent.

    • @calise616
      @calise616 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@dirkdriessen1133with the fingers you are wrong I‘m afraid.

  • @ch.s1292
    @ch.s1292 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +87

    Sarah Chalke from Scrubs is half German, so her pronunciation is quite good. The patient, on the other hand, does not speak good German. She has taught Dr. Cox the phrase “Your wife has nice breasts,” and that’s why he got in trouble. 😊

    • @jkb2016
      @jkb2016 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      I think her grandmother was German, so she had a good portion of exposure. There's a talkshow clip of her where she speaks German with correct grammar but also with a heavy accent indicating she never was a regular speaker.

    • @gneggisje6503
      @gneggisje6503 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@jkb2016 the patient could be from bavaria.

    • @jkb2016
      @jkb2016 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@gneggisje6503 unlikely. Mert already noticed why =)

    • @gneggisje6503
      @gneggisje6503 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jkb2016 Way unlikely? for me he sounds not verkehrt ;D

    • @ch.s1292
      @ch.s1292 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@gneggisje6503The pronunciation of „was“ sounded very american.

  • @jensbarlau2256
    @jensbarlau2256 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +34

    To the "Inglorious bastards" scene... yes as a German it is easy to pick up that there is something off with his German accent. This works in this case

    • @spacecooookie
      @spacecooookie 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It took me two words to think about that his accent cant be german 😅

  • @philippprime6844
    @philippprime6844 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +71

    The expression “lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz” that the guy uses in HIMYM doesn’t exist in german language.

    • @Drachselhuberjoschi_1
      @Drachselhuberjoschi_1 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      Die brauchten was laaaanges für Seelenverwandt

    • @petebeatminister
      @petebeatminister 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Right, "Schicksalsschatz" is not a known word. But someone could make it up, because he thinks Germans have made a word for everything, by combining words. Like Prüfungsangst oder Lebenslust or what ever else. Some Americans think that.

    • @Winona493
      @Winona493 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      But I like "lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz"! We should adopt it!😂

    • @philippprime6844
      @philippprime6844 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Also, "lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz" would be two words and not just one, as incorrectly stated in this scene.

    • @philippprime6844
      @philippprime6844 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      @@Winona493 Stimmt schon, aber ich hätte trotzdem sowas wie "immerwährende Seelenverwandtschaft" bevorzugt. Du und ich sind also schonmal keine lebenslangen Schicksalsschätze, soviel ist klar.

  • @fzoid3534
    @fzoid3534 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    Fassbender by far sounded the best. He had a very thick accent but the flow - how he spoke was perfect.
    He was born in Germany but they moved to Ireland when he was 2 so he didn't grew up in Germany. One of his parents is German so that helped.
    The scene from how I met your mother on the other hand was pretty bad. Yeah he spoke quickly but probably because he didn't know how to pronounce the words correctly plus even though what he said kinda made sense no one uses these words. It's a comedy though I don't care much.
    Brosnan in the James Bond scene wasn't half bad. Still clearly someone who's not German but knows a few words. The woman from the ticket shop has to be German though.
    Often it's not just the pronunciation of the single words but how the rhythm is when they speak. Here most actors sound wrong.
    That you have with any other language as well.

  • @jenhai9826
    @jenhai9826 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Christoph Waltz's German is perfect. His German actually sounds as every German actor's German after stage school. It's that kind of high German that is not naturally spoken anywhere in Germany but that is taught at acting lessons.

    • @Waechter_im_All
      @Waechter_im_All 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No, that's not right. It's High Grade Standard German like everyone speaks it in an around Hannover - only with a recognizable touch of Vienna, wich makes Christoph Waltz' German so special and extremely elegant.

    • @jenhai9826
      @jenhai9826 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@Waechter_im_All As I am a student of linguistics, I'm aware it's quite similar to the region around Hannover, but nevertheless there are some slight difference to natural language use that show it's the stage school German. But you're absolutely right, his German is still pretty impressive

    • @Waechter_im_All
      @Waechter_im_All 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Baby believe me: I know what I'm talking about. I live there

    • @jenhai9826
      @jenhai9826 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@Waechter_im_All No need to call anyone baby though. And especially living there does not help; linguistic first semester. Similar sounds are not necessarily identical sound; it differs in nuances. I'm out of that discussion now, neither need to be called "Baby" nor to be mansplained.

    • @Waechter_im_All
      @Waechter_im_All 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@jenhai9826 og you are so schlau! First semester! Then you should have realized already: Linguistics is 100 per cent concerned with theory. With how things work. But not with how they actually sound. But who knows? maybe things have changed completely since my MA...

  • @Schwuuuuup
    @Schwuuuuup 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    I am so proud of Mert that he spottet the fake German from Scrubs just from the "Vas?" vs "Was". Many Germans of my age don't know that the German W and English W are not the same.

    • @Floxxoror
      @Floxxoror 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Many Germans pronounce the English 'v' like the English 'w'. This is the worst imo. Like Silicon Walley, Wice Beach.

    • @Schwuuuuup
      @Schwuuuuup 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Floxxoror I'm from a generation where even my English teachers didn't know the difference

  • @Lalepaula9
    @Lalepaula9 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    The guy in how I met your mother is sooo not believably german 😂. Nobody says that word he expressed in German and he has also a thick American accent 🙈. In addition I think it’s quite offensive that like every American film with Germans in it is about Nazis and also Germany is like cliché Bavaria for most of the Americans 😅.

    • @Trampelschrat
      @Trampelschrat 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The "Lebenslangerschicksalschatz" is a joke about the long german words. Of course no one says that. It's made up for the joke.

    • @rvsneveren
      @rvsneveren 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      And it isn't even One word. It's an adjective and a noun. So, two words...

  • @twinmama42
    @twinmama42 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +69

    Michael Fassbender spoke with a faint but clear accent (at least for a native speaker). That was on purpose. I've seen some interviews with him, where he speaks perfect German without any accent at all. If I didn't know better, I considered him to be German. His German is native speaker level.
    The other actor in the scene (the one you liked) is Til Schweiger, a German actor. In Germany, he's famous for mumbling in his roles.
    Christoph Waltz is an Austrian actor with a faint Austrian accent. It's almost standard German - but the melody of his speech and the slightly rolling "r"s (we don't roll the "r"s in standard German) give him away as someone from Bavaria, Austria, or Southern Tyrolia.

    • @Sepulcralis00
      @Sepulcralis00 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      So I wanted to look at those interviews where he speaks german and I have to say he does not speak perfect german. A bit broken actually. The way he speaks in Inglorious Basterds is the best I heard of him.

    • @cyx01
      @cyx01 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      i’ve watched them too. he speaks with a very strong accent and a limited vocabulary

    • @APedroSanchez
      @APedroSanchez 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The "SS"-Guy was protrayed by August Diehl, another popular german actor

    • @glaus8741
      @glaus8741 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sehr gut zusammengefasst.

    • @tubekulose
      @tubekulose 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Waltz didn't actually roll his "r"s. Just re-listen the scene!
      Rolling the "r" isn't more common in Austria than it is in Germany except for some regions in Burgenland and Styria.
      That's apparently a German misconception and a stereotype based on 1940s and 1950s movies, where by the way most German actors did it as well.
      Just a few Austrians like Gerhard Bronner, Maxi Böhm, Falco and some others played with this stylistic element.
      However no relatives of mine and none of my friends and acquaintances (apart from those from Burgenland and Styria, as I mentioned before) rolled/roll their "r"s and neither do I.

  • @tzmtzt
    @tzmtzt 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +39

    The How I met your mother one was very close to only gibberish to me.
    doesnt help, that these complicated words are in fact not widely used :D

    • @philtee4170
      @philtee4170 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

      Ich habe noch nie den Ausdruck "Lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz" gehört 😂. Das ist noch nicht einmal ein Wort sondern zwei. // I've never heard of a life long treasure of destiny in German, look at my german translation above, it's not even one word. 😂

    • @uteziemes5633
      @uteziemes5633 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@philtee4170 Was sollte eigentlich das zweite Wort sein? Ich habe nur "Gegenstand" verstanden.

    • @murti1565
      @murti1565 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      yeah, the "How I met your mother" clip was absolutely bad. I didn't understand a single word

    • @fjfd7457
      @fjfd7457 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@uteziemes5633 I think it's "beinah-Leidenschafts-Ge-gegenstand" (almost passion th-thing). It is almost incomprehensible and doesn't make any sense, as well as being grammatically incorrect.
      "Lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz" at least makes sense since "Schatz"(treasure) is a common nickname to call your spouse, people would just think you're weird for making up a fancy, poetic word for your future partner.
      The second thing isn't a word at all and he leaves out the i, (imagine pronouncing passion without the i) and repeates the first syllable of Gegenstand, so I translated it as th-thing, it might be a stutter.
      But he only appears as an American pretending to be German, who's also quite condescending.

    • @uteziemes5633
      @uteziemes5633 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@fjfd7457 Thanks for the reply!
      The fact that the actor was supposed to play someone who just pretends to be German in order to seem more interesting at a party where there are a lot of people he doesn't know clarifies that this is only about the comedic humor. In the role he is not even allowed to speak perfect German. He should look for words clumsily, pronounce them unfinished or incorrectly, he should stutter and invent ugly words and claim that they are common in German.
      The terms he uses to form the words actually appear in descriptions of the two different categories of potential relationships. But in keeping with the role, American words were thought of and they were (probably intentionally) only poorly translated. The words “Lebenslang” (lifelong) and “Gegenstand” (object) would not be used in German in the respective contexts.
      - Lebenslangschicksalsschatz
      Lebenslang - Schicksal - Schatz
      lifelong - fate - treasure
      - Beinahleidenschaftsgegenstand
      Beinah - Leidenschaft - Gegenstand
      almost - passion - object
      As expected, none of his word creations are suitable to make it into everyday German vocabulary. Firstly because they are ugly and secondly because no one needs them. Under no circumstances would we replace the term "Große Liebe" (great love) with "Lebenslangschicksalsschatz" or the term “Gelegentlicher Sexpartner” (occasional sexpartner) with "Beinahleidenschaftsgegenstand".

  • @HalfEye79
    @HalfEye79 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    The sentence from Scrubs "Ihre Frau hat einen schönen Busen." Is realy translated to "You wife has nice boobs".
    The two long german words in "How I Met Your Mother" are made up. The components exist, but the words aren't used.

    • @Cornynut
      @Cornynut 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Never heard anyone say those words in Germany. Even worse than the word "Weltschmerz" (pain of the whole world) that I heard often as an example for words germans have that are soooo poetic and deep. No one ever said that word to me or in my surroundings, but as opposed to the 2 words in HIMYM its at least written in the dictionary.

    • @helloweener2007
      @helloweener2007 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Weltschmerz is a word that is linked with Jean Paul (Richter), so it is a 18th century, early 19th century word, which means more than 200 years old in use.

    • @compphysgeek
      @compphysgeek 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I never understood what Klum was saying in HIMYM. what did she say?

    • @helloweener2007
      @helloweener2007 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ach Du meine Güte nichts läuft mehr überhaupt nichts mehr.
      Literally: Oh you my goddness nothing runs anymore absolutely nothing anymore.
      I would translate it with: OMG, nothing, works put anymore absoluty nothing.

    • @Cornynut
      @Cornynut 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@helloweener2007 Doesnt make it any less of an unusual word? There are several older words that are still being used more widely. Weltschmerz isnt one of them.

  • @tigeriussvarne177
    @tigeriussvarne177 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Feli from Germany got a great reaction to the topic.

  • @astrocohorsclub
    @astrocohorsclub 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    The scene from James Bond puzzled me when I first watched the German version of the movie, because the German voice over actor speaks this sentence very slow. It was not until I saw the original version for the first time that I found out that the voice over actor had to speak slower because Brosnan himself speaks German and he speak it very slow. And especially in dubbed movies people tend to talk faster because in German sentences are more words than in English.

  • @tillhaberlen2186
    @tillhaberlen2186 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    As a german I think, Fassbenders accent is near perfect, which obviously suits the scene. You do notice that its not his first language, but its really good.

    • @philtee4170
      @philtee4170 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Michael Fassbender ist ja auch Deutscher 😅

    • @BrienneoffrigginTarth8888
      @BrienneoffrigginTarth8888 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​​​@@philtee4170Halb-Deutscher. Aber man hört definitiv, dass er nicht fließend und regelmäßig Deutsch spricht.

  • @nettcologne9186
    @nettcologne9186 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    -Don't say Fräulein to a woman, that's old school.
    - 6:10 He said, “Your wife has beautiful breasts,” instead of telling him about his illness

    • @Landwirt-0306
      @Landwirt-0306 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Fräulein ist doch Höflich.

    • @tzmtzt
      @tzmtzt 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      @@Landwirt-0306 Heutzutage kann das tätsächlich als sexistisch gewertet werden. Setzt die andere Person in einem Gespräch auf eine untere, verniedlichte Stufe.
      Muss man natürlich nicht so eng sehen, ist aber wahrscheinlich, dass es so eng gesehen wird.
      Und in der Tradition ist es die höfliche korrekte Anrede einer unverheirateten Frau. Ich denke, dass gerade der "unverheiratete" Part nicht mehr wirklich zeitgemäß ist.

    • @anna-ranja4573
      @anna-ranja4573 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes in unchained Django the translation made it worse, because only Fräulein could have the implimation to be offensive to make you smaler like to say girl or kid to a woman. But it take place in former time, where they want to be polite in speech and MEIN Fräulein is exactly that, polite.

    • @srccde
      @srccde 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Landwirt-0306 Nein, ist es nicht. Es wird generell als abwertend empfunden, da der Begriff aus einer Zeit kommt, in der man zwischen verheirateten und unverheirateten Frauen unterschieden hat und bspw. alleinerziehende Mütter diskriminiert wurden, indem man sie verächtlich als Fräulein bezeichnet hat, um hervorzuheben, dass sie es _gewagt_ haben unverheiratet Kinder zu haben (damals bezeichnete man diese Kinder dann auch noch als "Bastarde").

    • @Landwirt-0306
      @Landwirt-0306 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@srccde also hier in Sachsen wird das nicht als unhöflich angesehen.

  • @jensbarlau2256
    @jensbarlau2256 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    "Die hard" is acually well known for the bad german language in it. None of the actors really has a native sound at all.

    • @Dave1507
      @Dave1507 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      That's most of hollywood though, if it sounds german to english natives, that seems to be good enough. That's one reason Inglorious Basterds is that great. Anyone in that movie who's supposed to be german is a native german speaker.

    • @HalfEye79
      @HalfEye79 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      When I remember correctly, the actor of the biggest goon is German. In the scene, where he should shoot at the glass windows he looked to Rickman not because he has too quiet but because he couldn't make out what Rickman was saying.

    • @robertdeschinger2968
      @robertdeschinger2968 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      "schieß den Fenstern" instead of "zerschieß die Fenster" wich also Nobody use. The right sentence would be "zerschieß die Scheibe" or "zerschieß das Glas"😉

  • @MagicChris86
    @MagicChris86 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    To the second scene with Christoph Waltz, he speaks quite a clear Hochdeutsch (high German) with maybe just a tiny bit of a southern German or Austrian accent, but so small, almost not worth mentioning.

  • @busybee1066
    @busybee1066 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    In 'Django Unchained' Cristoph Walz a German native speaker with Austrian ''colour' to his accent, plays the role of a person coming from Düsseldorf in North Rhine-Westphalia. If you are from that area you can hear, that Waltz's Dr. King Schultz is not from Düsseldorf at all.
    He is masking his home-accent very well, you couldn't really tell where exactly he was from if you didn't know.
    Still, if you pay close attention you still get a hint of a more southern German because of some 's'-sounds at the beginning of words with a little more hissing to them, than is used in high German.
    - Not that all people in Düsseldorf speak accent free high German, but the local accent from the Lower Rhine area has a lot of soft sounds and the melody of the sentences is also very distinct.
    Christoph Waltz was perfect in this movie, but they should have made him a southerner.

    • @gavinderulo12
      @gavinderulo12 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm Viennese and imo it's easy to hear his roots in some scenes. I always thought he is supposed to be Austrian in the movie since it's quite obvious.

  • @fzoid3534
    @fzoid3534 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    To Till Schweiger.. he's one of a few German actors you can see in Hollywood movies. In Germany most of his movies are romcoms so inglorious basterds or the movie adaptation of Far Cry are rare.
    Btw. just because I've seen clips from that movie here as well. There's a movie Barefoot from 2014. The original is from 2005 and was written by Schweiger. He also directed the movie and played the lead.

    • @Anthyrion
      @Anthyrion 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I haven't seen much of him. But for me the best movie, where he is involved, is (T)Raumschiff Surprise^^

  • @Kivas_Fajo
    @Kivas_Fajo 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Best sounding German is Sandra Bullock. She sounds pretty natural with a little accent.
    Brad Pitt learned it well for quite a few movies and he sounds ofc still like an American speaking German, but he does a real good job with certain sounds, that are usually unpronounceable for Americans.

    • @darnulfdonnergroll6365
      @darnulfdonnergroll6365 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yep Sandra speaks German very well, as far i recall she was born in Franken (Region pfo Northern Bavaria) and lived a while in the country as a child and picked up the langauge - guess it helps her :) ) another actress specking very well German be Kirsten Dunst.

  • @maja-kehn9130
    @maja-kehn9130 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    The actor Mark Strong speaks German perfectly, I don´t know where he learned it but even as a native speaker, it was very impressive. You should check out interviews where he speaks German.

    • @deliatedeschi
      @deliatedeschi 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      good one! Mark stron ist fluent. Same goes for Karl Urban

    • @lilooc.7057
      @lilooc.7057 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I think his mother is from Austria. His German is perfect.

    • @tubekulose
      @tubekulose 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lilooc.7057 True!

    • @Wokeundwehrhaft
      @Wokeundwehrhaft 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@deliatedeschiHis full name is actually Karl-Heinz Urban. It won’t get more German than this.

    • @NeoDerGrose
      @NeoDerGrose 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I realy don't recognize him in any of these scenes.

  • @PowerBischi
    @PowerBischi 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    In the 1973 book "James Bond: The Authorized Biography" it is described that James Bond was born on November 11, 1920 in Wattenscheid in the Ruhr area (Germany) as the son of the Scottish engineer Andrew Bond from Glencoe and the Swiss mountaineer Monique Bond, née Delacroix, from Vaud.

    • @cocoangel1979
      @cocoangel1979 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Wattenscheid? 😅 How cute... that's a part of Bochum today and quite some people in my area nickname it in a very unnice way (as Wattenscheiss, which would translate into whatta sh*t)... 😂 Nice to read that James Bond is the most famous son of the town 👍

  • @andrethannhauser6302
    @andrethannhauser6302 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The scene in inglorious basterds indeed is one of the best movie scenes ever.
    Such a tension by mixing absurdities (bachelor party, drunken people, spies, accents, different ranked soldiers) kind of guess that this scene can escalate every second and it goes up and down several times. Great acting.

  • @drachenfrucht2728
    @drachenfrucht2728 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Michael Fassbender is one of my favourite actors❤ He is also speaking German in the movie "x men first class", when he is in Argentina

  • @HorseloverFat1984
    @HorseloverFat1984 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Christoph Waltz speaks "Hochdeutsch" in that scene. It's the standard German dialect. He does this extremely well for an Austrian but if are a native speaker or grew up in Germany you can still hear reminiscences of an Austrian or at least southern German Dialect. It's not so much the the choice of terms or the phonetic pronunciation of particular words but the melody and the intonation of his phrases. But I want to point out that he actually speaks better Hochdeutsch than many native speakers from Germany because he is smart and talented and actually cares for the way he speaks.

  • @Vaati1992
    @Vaati1992 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I just love Christoph Waltz's voice. So pleasant, despite the slight Austrian accent xD

  • @YamiBaddy
    @YamiBaddy 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    All the German in Inglorious Basterds sounds authentic.
    Really only the guy "faking being German" puts in some awkward pronounciations here and there so that it sticks out. But it's no accent I ever actually heard.
    I should really watch the movie. I keep seeing clips of it and keep being impressed by the natural German being used. Terentino really went above and beyond to make sure it's as authentic as possible. That's dedication and love for your work!

    • @ksenss2513
      @ksenss2513 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well, he employed German actors. Great decision, I'd say...

  • @PetraNaefcke
    @PetraNaefcke 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Christoph Waltz - an icon! This man is so good in everything he takes on. Love him.

  • @cocoangel1979
    @cocoangel1979 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Fassbender's Dad is German, his Mom's from Northern Ireland. He said in an interview that he understands better than he'd speak it, also due to visits to his relatives in Germany and he used to have a quite prominent accent when speaking German. The funny thing is... when he speaks in his native English, it kinda sounds a little 'germanized' to my ear... 😅
    Regardless, it's a joy to talk to him in both languages 🥰
    And may I say, in X-Men First Class he also shares a scene with a few German actors (Bar scene in Argentina) and his diction in that one is spot on 👌 As a native from that region I honestly believed that his parents came from Düsseldorf. He only stumbles over his own last name Lehnsherr a little later, but for pronouncing Düsseldorf perfectly, I'll give him that 😂😂😂 Flawless French and Polish for those movies were surely harder to handle 😉

  • @Alias_Anybody
    @Alias_Anybody 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Waltz' Standard German doesn't sound specifically Austrian, though you can hear that he most likely speaks a southern dialect based on intonation, rhythm and so on.

    • @tubekulose
      @tubekulose 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well, I'm from Vienna myself and I can clearly hear his Viennese accent.

    • @gavinderulo12
      @gavinderulo12 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@tubekulosejep. It's quite noticeable in certain words.

  • @neotdrum
    @neotdrum 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think the key to making German sound natural as a foreign speaker is not trying to get rid of any accent (that’ll almost always be there and that’s fine), but getting the intonation right. Alan Rickman did a fantastic job with that. His “was habe ich gesagt?!” sounded like he actually did his research; almost like he’s been living in an only-German speaking environment for a while. ✨👌
    And on that note, Michael Fassbender was simply phenomenal altogether.

  • @melchiorvonsternberg844
    @melchiorvonsternberg844 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The thing about the Swiss mother was a good thought process. But also, James Bond was born in Germany, namely in Wattenscheid. And almost no one has that on their radar...

  • @bananenmusli2769
    @bananenmusli2769 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Nice vid again, I'm impressed how you noticed some mistakes. I also found another video where Rowan Atkinson sings the European anthem in German, it's also very funny, I'd recommend it.

  • @ReeN1995
    @ReeN1995 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Christoph Waltz is so amazing as an actor. He just has that class about him.

    • @chassmash8903
      @chassmash8903 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      In fact he got his role in Inglourious Basterds because he is fluent in French, Italian and English all with but a little accent which you can hear all through the movie.....

  • @HustlerHorstRuediger
    @HustlerHorstRuediger 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Christoph walz speaks really clean and well articulated german (even for a native speaker) - just the rythm of his speach and the way he pronounces certain syllables gives away the hint that he is from the south.

  • @iofthefox2723
    @iofthefox2723 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Cristoph Waltz is a great Actor, with an ability not many Actors have: to speak "dangerously soft".
    And as a German, i must say: his german pronunciation is crystal clear, although you can hear a slightly austrian accent.

  • @gerhardadler3418
    @gerhardadler3418 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    When someone speaks the "ch" like a "k", you instantly know he is american. That and the "ü" (was a little off by Pierce too) are probably the hardest sounds for americans. The guy from "How i met your mother" was so obviously not german. H ebasically talked jibberish and he even pronounced simple german words like "Kindergarten" wrong (he said "KindergarDen", with a soft d). There are dialects where the T is pronounced as a D, but then it wouldn't be Kindergarden, but for example something like Kinnergade.

    • @marylincherie1806
      @marylincherie1806 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      in Franken sagt man Kindergardn

    • @melchiorvonsternberg844
      @melchiorvonsternberg844 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@marylincherie1806 Nicht überall in Franken...

  • @herrg.843
    @herrg.843 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    On the Scrubs scene: He said "Ihre Frau hat einen schönen Busen" which means "Your wife has beautiful breasts"
    And yes, everyone of them has a strong accent. That guy is never from Berlin. 😁

  • @SeniorGrutzifix
    @SeniorGrutzifix 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    2:08 my favorite scene of the whole movie. get me goosebumps everytime he comes to the door

  • @ririri88
    @ririri88 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    No matter what language or accent Christoph Walz speaks, he always sounds like Christoph Walz 😂

  • @th60of
    @th60of 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Kerry Washington in Django Unchained speaks German with something reminiscent of a French accent. Maybe her language coach was a French speaker with a decent command of German. What she gets wrong is a lack of "hard attack" (vowels shouldn't be linked but separated by a glottal stop) and a clear distinction between stressed and unstressed syllables.

  • @tomtorres212
    @tomtorres212 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The patient on Scrubs said 'Was hast Du gerade gesagt?' which translates to What did you say right now? and by his pronounciation of the 'Was', like 'Wuas', you can tell he´s not a native german speaker. As for Christoph Waltz, he speaks high german with a very, very, slight Austrian accent. He basically sounds like a posh Viennese guy - and yes, i´m from Vienna so i know, lol.

    • @tubekulose
      @tubekulose 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Liebe Grüße aus Wien nach Wien! 😁

  • @walterpost9073
    @walterpost9073 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The actor you like is Til Schweiger. In Germany he is known for being a terrible writer and director.
    The best non-German speaker would probably be Waltz, but he’s Austrian so he’s basically German. The guys from Inglorious Basterds had the best German I think.

  • @Cheruka
    @Cheruka 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    For the Inglorious Basterds scene. It is noticeably that the accent is not german, but I understand in this time the german Reich (I mean germany LOL) were much bigger and and had even more accents than today. So I get the impression from the soldiers not recognising that accent. But today, you just know that is not a german accent. But this makes the scene even more better for german speaking people. Taranito is a genius. The accent is just quite off.

  • @Samuraiii62
    @Samuraiii62 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You are very right. Chrostphj Waltz is just the best.,, my favourite actor. The scene of Inglourious Basterds was just perfect. They are all native german speakers. Fassbenders accent is really uncommon and would be noticible to native german speaker

  • @TheStupidLama
    @TheStupidLama 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Fassbender's German REALLY good. BUT you can absolutely tell that he is no native. He sounds like he's either a brilliant student of the language or has had A LOT exposure to the language. You can always tell when someone's good at speaking German, when, although you CAN absolutely tell they are not a native, you CANNOT tell what is mother tongue is. I would never guess that he's an Enlish speaker. Just that he's no native.
    Although some isolated sentences are so good I woudln't notice. But after a couple sentences I'm like: yaaaa no.

  • @thomasherreiner3583
    @thomasherreiner3583 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Michael Fassbender´s German is very very good, but as a German I clearly hear he is a native English speaker.

  • @gepflegtesgequatsche1922
    @gepflegtesgequatsche1922 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Alan Rickman‘s problem and of most foreign people is the pronounciation of „Ich“

  • @jensbarlau2256
    @jensbarlau2256 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Yeah.. the scene from "big bang theory" is really bad.. don´t use it man... the German pronounciation is horrible and there are some gramatical errors in it as well. It does not matter in this scene of course.

    • @MagicChris86
      @MagicChris86 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yeah, I think they could've done much better in the very first scene from TBBT, especially to fit to Sheldon's and Amy's superior intellects and striving to perfection, they should've put way more effort into the pronunciation and not to mix English and the wanna-be German so much. 😂

  • @user-kq5ke5yb6k
    @user-kq5ke5yb6k 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Bavaria was the section of Germany occupied by the Americans after WWII.

  • @Winona493
    @Winona493 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Everyone loves Christoph Waltz!!! For a reason!!!

  • @der_greis_ist_heissl2816
    @der_greis_ist_heissl2816 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Aye Christoph Waltz don't needs a synchro. He speaks his german parts on is own. In my opinion he is simply epic. I loved him in Django Unchained and Inglorious Bastards so much. My favorite of all time: the sherriff scene in Django Unchained. Just watch that scene in german. ❤🥰😍

  • @gudi2528
    @gudi2528 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    In the German version of Scrubs Dr. Cox needs her to translate into danish or swedish. Interesting these little changes

  • @N3KLAZ
    @N3KLAZ 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Du bist jetzt schon einer meiner Lieblings-TH-camr :D

  • @tupacx92shakur9
    @tupacx92shakur9 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    scrubs and how i met ur mother was such great time when they came out allways after school watching that stuff man... i miss this old times

  • @16-BitGuy
    @16-BitGuy 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Germans wouldn't even know what a lebensschatz is. First time hearing it

  • @schnubbel76
    @schnubbel76 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    The scene from Scrubs is horrible. Not because of Sarah Chalke (the blonde doctor) who speaks decent german and not because of Dr. Cox (who asks her what the diagnosis means in german and the joke is that she does not translate the actual diagnosis but the sentence is "your wife has nice boobs"). Problem is that the german patients (there are many more scenes with them) dont speak proper german at all. They have very strong american accents, the grammar is a disaster and some words are just translated wrong. I can not believe they could not afford some native german actors for those scenes.

    • @Dave1507
      @Dave1507 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      They probably could, but didn't bother, because it's apparently good enough to sound vaguely german to english natives.

    • @_K.A.R.
      @_K.A.R. 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      "Was hast du gerade gesagt" is a proper completely correct sentence
      Ich wüsste nicht was an diesem Satz falsch sein sollte, abgesehen davon, dass es eher Umgangssprache ist.

  • @Andinda1
    @Andinda1 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The reason why Bavaria is synonymous with Germany in the US is the GIs who were based in Bavaria. When they spoke of Germany back home they spoke of Bavaria.

  • @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121
    @ulf-nicklassdegenhardt-mei3121 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    *The Big Bang Theory* His accent is absolutely American. Her accent seem a little different to me, but I can't really gasp it. Well, and it is a terrible parody of Bavaria.
    *Django Unchained* Her accent is recognizable, but she pronounces the word very well. She really seems to know the German language. You recognize that Waltz is from Austria, but with a very little accent. The accent of people especially from the capital is very strong with long vowels. He could come from the center of Germany. I think, if you didn't know his origin, you could miss it in this scene.
    *James Bond* She is 100% German. Normally, when someone shall say some words in a different language in a movie, you tell him the words in that language to train the pronunciation and everything. His words really sounds like somebody just told him in English what he had to say and to translate it himself. But he sounds like an absolute beginner.
    *Die Hard* No, that sounds like someone who understands what he says, but not like a natural speaker. But it is not an American accent.
    *Scrubs* Heavy American accent. The patient just got told what to say, and fails at the first letter.
    *How I Met Your Mother* What is he talking about? You don't learn that word in kindergarten or anywhere else. Am am not sure, but he seems to create the German accent very well when he speaks English, but his German is absolutely not free from accents. PS: Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän
    *Fury* She has to be a native German speaker. It's the way she says the "Tut mir leid." If you learn a foreign language you would say it different. Brad peaks German very well, but the accent is 100% American.
    *Inglourious Basterds* The drunken soldier, 100% German. Well, he is German. And the German of the captain is also nearly perfect, but just nearly. Tarantino is very good in what he does. He needed someone with just a little fraction of an accent, and found him. I have to take a look at the dubbed version to see if it is there, too. I can't remember. When they dub a movie, they also change these parts to have the same voice all over the movie. I am happy that Till Schweiger, also German, doesn't mumble as much as normally. How does he sound when speaking English? Well, I could not identify the cities where the German language of those people comes from. I didn't hear Munich or Frankfurt. Mentioning Piz Palü in Switzerland as his place of origin was a good move to explain his accent to someone with such good language recognition. I love how Tarentino looks at this little aspects in his movies.

  • @SuperWitch40
    @SuperWitch40 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I think Sandra Bullock is the only actor/actress who actually speaks german perfectly. She is sooooo good.

    • @alicemilne1444
      @alicemilne1444 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's because her mother is German and she herself actually spent her early years in Germany before they moved to the USA. So Sandra has a native accent and she has no problems with grammar. However, I've heard her speaking in German in interviews Germany (e.g. when she's been here at the Berlinale film festival or other cultural events) and it's obvious that while she's comfortable speaking German, she has large gaps in active vocabulary and idioms. But she would soon get up to speed if she spent more than a few days at a time in Germany.

  • @kikikoko607
    @kikikoko607 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Even though Alan Rickman has a thick, British accent, while speaking German, I could never imagine another person, playing Hans Gruber, than him. ❤ And the other actors, who play terrorists are actually German.

  • @t3rki179
    @t3rki179 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Usually I instantly hear if an actor truly speaks German or not. Alan Rickman did a VERY good job

    • @gavinderulo12
      @gavinderulo12 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Bro what? He's very obviously not a native speaker. In many scenes the grammar is completely wrong too. Just think of "schieß dem Fenster".

  • @waynehampson9569
    @waynehampson9569 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As someone who is learning German I can always pick the actors that are putting on a German accent and the genuine article.

  • @ftrueck
    @ftrueck 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Christoph Waltz has a butter smooth way of speaking. Inglorious Basterds: The infuriating man was Till Schweiger, wo is actually german.

    • @tubekulose
      @tubekulose 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's how we people from Vienna use to speak: melodious and a bit slimy. 😁

  • @philipkudrna5643
    @philipkudrna5643 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    In the Django Scene, Waltz is brilliant (or brilliantly insane as always) - but he is native Austrian, so no wonder. His German is „high Austrian“, like they would speak at the court Theatre (Burgtheater) in Vienna, no „German-german“ accent. (Very nice!) The German of the female actress is pretty decent, but she has a strange French accent.

  • @jkb2016
    @jkb2016 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    3:00 Christoph Waltz speaks with a slight hint of an Austrian dialect. However, I think his talking pace is slower than that of average Austrians and German. Could come from a stage acting background. Kerry Washington's German is pretty good!

    • @_K.A.R.
      @_K.A.R. 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      might be because Waltz is Austrian^^

    • @tubekulose
      @tubekulose 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There is not "THE" Austrian dialect; just as there is not only ONE German dialect. There are plenty.
      Also Waltz doesn't speak in a dialect in this scene but with an accent.

    • @calise616
      @calise616 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@_K.A.R.really? Doh!

    • @jkb2016
      @jkb2016 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@tubekulose nobody mentioned dialects

    • @tubekulose
      @tubekulose 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jkb2016 You did in your first sentence.

  • @beageler
    @beageler 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Christoph Waltz, in that scene, has a tiny tinge of Austrian. But it is so little that it could be anything (like trying to elocute very well or using terms one isn't used to or similar) if the listener doesn't know that he's Austrian. And I get the feeling you think he was only born in Austria. He lived there for most of his life, I'm not sure where he lives now. He is Austrian, and only works in the States.
    The celebrity with the best German is, IMHO, Sandra Bullock. She gave an acceptance speech for a German movie award and gave it in perfect German with a light Frankonian dialect (except for confusing "Rede" and "Sprache," which both mean speech. The latter one only applies to speech in the sense of speaking, the former to speech in the sense of giving a speech).

  • @Adrenaline1987123456
    @Adrenaline1987123456 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    as a german best german speaker here is fassbinder (besides the real german actors) i think fassbinder sounds like a special dialect in german but not like an accent at all.very clear and goodto understand.

  • @esrohm6460
    @esrohm6460 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Actually Kindergarten is the German word for pre school.

  • @Kathy9586
    @Kathy9586 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hicox is an english man who is speaking very well german but with an english accent and all others in the tavern scene from the movie inglourious basterds are german actors.

  • @Plantoffel
    @Plantoffel 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The one at inglorious basterds is very good, it’s pretty close to perfect with said accent, but if you would tell me it’s a rare Swiss dialect I would believe it!

  • @MrEQuecky
    @MrEQuecky 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    to a native, if an American actor speaks German, usually it sounds of, sometimes even so of that it is hard to understand. I understand that decades ago it was more difficult to get native German speakers for movies or TV shows in the US, but I honestly cannot understand it nowadays… Inglorious Basterds did everything right in the casting process!!!

    • @thomasschraubt7497
      @thomasschraubt7497 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      in old Hollywood you had so many native speakers from all over europe ready to play roles and the authors willingly made use of that
      it's just great how for example in Casablanca you have so many Europeans involved.. it was true international cinema

  • @ElRackadusch
    @ElRackadusch 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The spoken German in Die Hard is often taken in germany as proof that no one in america cares whether scenes in other languages are realistic - it is supposed to be spoken by germans, but it makes no sense and is grammatically completely wrong.

  • @SaRah-21532
    @SaRah-21532 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Feli from Germany made a great reaction video to these scenes

  • @user-fg4ox6zn4r
    @user-fg4ox6zn4r 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Christoph on Kamera actually always speaks high german classic.

  • @Neleeni
    @Neleeni 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Michael Fassbender definitely does not sound like a native speaker but he's doing amazingly well! Germans will know immediately that he's faking it but his German sounds great!
    (Christoph Waltz is out of rating. He's amazing.)

  • @GreenSabre187
    @GreenSabre187 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Till schweiger is the one you asked for, famous german actor, but nowadays its rather quiet about him. He didnt wanted to play a nazi so quentin gave him the role as hugo stieglitz

  • @HG_Budde
    @HG_Budde 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You can really see by the dent in the video's performance on TH-cam, how all the German viewers unanimously went: "German representation in Hollywood? - Nah thanks, I'm good.". 😂

  • @mischa1981
    @mischa1981 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Of course, as a German myself I can hear clearly when somebody knows German but is originated from America or some other English speaking countries.
    I know this problem too well, my ex wife is Mexican and I lived for about 10 months in Mexico City and surroundings. Of course I know Spanish but I have a heavy german accent when I am talking to people wo speak Spanish.

  • @uteziemes5633
    @uteziemes5633 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The pronunciation of Mayim Bialik, the woman with the pretzel, was surprisingly good.

    • @zapzarap74
      @zapzarap74 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I think that's because she can speak yiddish.

    • @uteziemes5633
      @uteziemes5633 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@zapzarap74 I had the same thought at first, but then thought that not every Jew speaks Yiddish and asked myself whether there is still German in Yiddish that can be recognized as German, especially since only Eastern Yiddish still exists. - In the meantime, through research, I found out that she speaks Yiddish and heard her speak a few sentences in Yiddish in which there were some words of German origin that she pronounced like current German. - - - So yes, you're right, Mayim Bialik's knowledge of Yiddish certainly made it easier for her to correctly pronounce the two German lines in the Big Bang Theory episode seen here. However, without delving at least a little into the task, she could hardly achieve this good result. - - - (By the way, I heard her speaking Yiddish in an episode of the series "YidLife Crisis"

  • @thomasschraubt7497
    @thomasschraubt7497 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Pierce Brosnan: he got a though word with "Büro" ;)
    Brad Pitt: also tough for him to get "können" right
    Fassbender: This an interesting one, because he indeed talks with a strong accent but at the same time what he says he says very eloquently. You would probably assume this person has had high education or is very intelligence and is used to express themselves in a more sophisticated way. In this scene he is clearly mad and not too far off of losing his temper, but he still prefers rather classy words so "only" his tone is rough. The accent is so strong that I really had my problems with the idea of sending him in undercover :D There is no way for him to anywhere in Germany, Austria or Switzerland not standing out after finishing his first sentence. So it was absolutely inevitable to blow up in his face.

  • @philipkudrna5643
    @philipkudrna5643 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Brosnan has tried very hard to memorize the sentence, but he still got the pronounciation of „Büro“ wrong. (He actually nailed the difficult „ü“ sound, but he stressed the wrong syllable. It sounded French, not German. We would stress the „o“. But the sentence was correctly constructed and the rest was more or less ok.

    • @uteziemes5633
      @uteziemes5633 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks, finally I know his Büro ordered the car. I hadn’t understood the word.

  • @Xenia277
    @Xenia277 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Just to add on Micheal Fassbenders performance. Piz Palü and the village he‘s mentioning is in Switzerland. Most Swiss have quite a strong accent when speaking standard German (especially older gerneratuins). Now Fassbenders accent doesn‘t fit the region at all of course but I guess it would pass as Swiss for Germans whi don‘t now much about Switzerland. Like, yeah weird accent, probably Swiss. 😂

  • @Justforvisit
    @Justforvisit 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Christoph Waltz nailing his german accent perfectly in Inglorious Basterds?

  • @jkb2016
    @jkb2016 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    11:30 Actually, it's quite a fun to guess whether Fassbender speaks with a British accent or a fake British accent. It works very well for the scene, though! Til Schweiger gives his trademark mumble here. Would'n'beaTilSchweigerappearncewithou''immumbl'n'allo'hislin's. One of his better movies is "Knockin' on Heaven's Door". Give it a try if you can find a subbed version.

  • @lucywanted2512
    @lucywanted2512 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Christoph Waltz is a very elegant speaker

  • @nwahally
    @nwahally 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    While Sheldon's is a stereotypical depiction of begin German it is a spot on depiction of the run-of-the-mill Bavarian Barbarian. As someone who had the displeasure of living in Bavaria for a few years - great place for a holiday, utterly hostile to regular human existence - I wholeheartedly applaud it.

  • @beek7292
    @beek7292 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    George Mackay did a good Job in the Movie Munich

  • @annoar9776
    @annoar9776 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the woman in James Bond speaks such good german!

  • @axelk4921
    @axelk4921 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's a sad thing that Bruse Willis doesn't say a word in the showed scene. He was born and grew up in Germany and has forgotten almost everything he knew about the German language.
    But that got him a lot of roles as an “Irishman” because the “R” is also rolled in Bavaria
    Little joke: what do Scots and Bavarians have in common?
    They both wear "strange" clothes, dance funny , drink a lot and speak a language that no one understands ;)

  • @Dirk_Otto
    @Dirk_Otto 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "Ich bin ein Bavarian" = „Ich bin ein Berliner“ ist ein berühmtes Zitat aus der Rede John F. Kennedys am 26. Juni 1963 vor dem Rathaus Schöneberg in West-Berlin.

  • @K.Reimann
    @K.Reimann 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The Scene from Scrubs is really funny.
    The doctor says "Ihre Frau hat einen schönen Busen" which means "Your wife has nice boobs"
    An the "germany" guy says "Was hast du gerade gesagt?! " which means "What have you said ?!" This sentence as an answer to "nice boobs" means "Maybe i will knock you you down for talking like this to my wife! 🤣🤣

  • @tomunterbarmen2165
    @tomunterbarmen2165 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    James Bond Was Born 11.11.1920 in Wattenscheid/ Germany😊😊

  • @johgu92
    @johgu92 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Kerry Washington has a noticeable accent but it's quite good for an american movie, the only thing that's a bit off is she doesn't use the polite form of talking to someone, when her role would've only spoken like that to her masters.

  • @chezeus1672
    @chezeus1672 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "tell me about inglorious basterds" - gladly.
    fassbender has an unusual accent, for sure.
    but that's really all he has, his german is so good, a better back story to explain it would have been convincing enough.
    he could have claimed to be from upper silesia: his parents' accent would have slightly different 'r's and 'ch's compared to most germans (exactly what makes his accent unusual). that's not enough, but it's a perfect setup to push just the right buttons: as nationalists, they might have moved to germany proper when he was a kid and part of it went to poland in 1918, mixing in a different accent and diluting both. furthermore, the movie takes place after germany invaded poland, so the area was again under german control at the time. just bullshit your way through with some "return to the motherland" slogan, and you've basically blamed your weird accent on something the nazis hated just as much as jews, the treaty of versailles. he'd eat it up.
    a british spy who learned german this well would have known enough about then-current events to come up with a good background story for his accent on the fly, but instead, he says he's from piz palü in switzerland, of all places.
    that's as if someone with a very clear california accent and some slightly scottish pronounciations that make it sound a bit off claimed everyone has that same accent in his home village in india.
    it's even worse than that, germans struggle with the swiss pronounciation of the 'r' and 'ch' in the exact same way he struggles with their standard german pronounciation, he doesn't get them far enough back in his throat.
    but it's even worse than that, piz palü is part of the border between italy and the italian-speaking part of switzerland, a country that remained (mostly) neutral in the war.
    personally, i think the author of the script wanted to make the story as dubious as possible, to put the actors on the spot: non-german-speaking viewers probably won't notice, but it's so far off, every (german-speaking) basterd actor on the table must've secretly facepalmed when he said he's swiss.
    i'd love to hear him say the swiss german shibboleth "chuchichäschtli", though.
    anyway, of all the non-german actors in the video, fassbender's german is by far the best, nobody comes close. even some expatriates aquire a stronger foreign accent.

  • @stampcollector74
    @stampcollector74 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz" - oh so romantic. ♥