Dear Melaku, if at all possible, please allow the EPRP and ESM (Meison) of previous leaders to meet and settle their differences. The separate discussion couldn't be a way to figure out what caused the failure and how it was caused.
There is such psychological concept accepted in clinical practice to explain to our reactions in a state of post trauma referred as stages of grief, a mental process in which it begins with denial and shock, and gradually progresses to the eventual phase of acceptance or coming to terms. I read his first two books, ya twld 1 & 2, I found his perspective still remained at the denial stage. I'm not sure whether he's conscious of it or not.
The capitalism has smart system the social security system. When capitalism reached high stage they will moderate the whole existing existential difficulties by social security. This system will block the need for socialism May be in the future they may advance the public welfare by difference means. They began already the economic stimulation for the public. No need for unnecessary systems such as socialism that requires a lot of thinking and appreciations,that goes with actual events of the future management and administration for the coming centuries. Best Regard! Uso Mohamed Musa.
The term social Democracy can be replaced by civic democracy because the term social people will associate with socialism. Even Societal Democracy is better. In my opinion the people will not understand the socialism. It is too early the socialism for Ethiopia's at that particular time even today. ANY COUNTRY SHOULD PASS THROUGH Capitalism to be oriented socialism. When Derg said Ethiopia Tiqedem they are right this means, let Ethiopia proceeds in development! Any how the whole political philosophy had been exported from Europe. It will not suit Ethiopia. The wastage of the country's functionality still should be reviewed. Two things mixed,that is the human right issue and the economical development. It's problems hunged for decades. The whole Ethiopians should not enfluenced by the opinions of the others. They have to see the actual situation of the country and actual requirements. I will organize this opinion in the future! MOHAMED Musa Uso.
Thank you!
የሚገርም ኩነት ነው እነ ሕይወት ተፈራ ማሞ ፣ ታደለች (ታዲ) ኃይለሚካኤል እና ሌሎችም ሁሉን ፃፉልን አደመጥን አነበብን እርስ በእርስ ተወያይን ግን ምን?
በቃ ሁላችን በይቅርታ እንለፈውና ሌላ አማራጭ ስለሌለን ካለፈው ታሪካችን ትምህርት ወስደን ለሀገራችን ለሕዞቦቿ በሰላም ወጥቶ መግባት እንስራ እና ፈጣሪ የሰጠን ይህችን አጭር ዕድሜ እናቶቻችን የማይጨነቁባት ሁሉም ሠው ሠው በመሆኑ ብቻ በእኩል የሚተዳደርበት ህግና ስረዓት ተዘርግቶ ፈጣሪን እንኳን ባንፈራ በሕግ አምላክ እያልን የምንኖርባት ኢትዮጵያን አቆዩልን
ሁላችንም በኃላፊነት መንፈስ እንድንሰራ ቅን ልቦና ይሰጥን
Thank you Ruth
"የሚገርም ኩነት ነው እነ ሕይወት ተፈራ ማሞ" ......... "ሕይወት ተፈራ ምንዳ" ተብሎ ይታረም
ለአኢትዮፕያውን ያለፈው ታሪክ ተዘሏል ይህን የሚደፍን ዝግጅት በጣም ያስፈልጋል ስተት ለማረም ግን እምብዛም አይታይም
Dear Melaku, if at all possible, please allow the EPRP and ESM (Meison) of previous leaders to meet and settle their differences. The separate discussion couldn't be a way to figure out what caused the failure and how it was caused.
There is such psychological concept accepted in clinical practice to explain to our reactions in a state of post trauma referred as stages of grief, a mental process in which it begins with denial and shock, and gradually progresses to the eventual phase of acceptance or coming to terms. I read his first two books, ya twld 1 & 2, I found his perspective still remained at the denial stage. I'm not sure whether he's conscious of it or not.
ለአዘጋጁ ለጥያቄ (ለውይይት) ከመቅረብህ በፊት በቂ ዝግጅት አድርገህ መቅረብ ነበረብህ ለምሳሌ የሱማሌን ወረራ ደግፋችሁ ነበር ብለህ ስትጠይቅ ሲያስተባብሉ ልትሞግታቸው አልቻልክም ሁለተኛ ነፃ እርምጃ ደርግ እንጅ እኛ አልወሰድንም የመከላከል እርምጃ ነው ያሉትም ፈፅሞ ሃሰት ሲሆን የቀበሌ አመራሮችና የሙያ ማህበራትን ሲረሽኑ ህዝቡ አስታጥቁን አታስጨርሱን ብሎ ባቀረበው የአብዬት ጥበቃ ታጥቀው ፍልሚያው የተጀመረው በነገራችን ላይ እንዲህ ያለ ውይይት ከሁለቱም ወገኖች አቅርበህ ብታሟግታቸው እውነቱ እማን ጋር እንደሆነ ይታወቅ ነበር
ሁሉም የዛሬው ጊዜ ጋዜጠኞች ይኸው ናቸው ።
ማድረግ ስለቻሉ ብቻ የሚያዉቁ ይመስላቸዋል
እንደሚመስለኝ መለኪያቸዉ አለባበስ ነው ።
ክፍሉ: ስለ ኤርትራ ባንዴራ የU.N. ነበር ያልከው ፍጹም ስህተት ነዉ። ኤርትራ ፓላማ ውስጥ ለረጅም ጊዜ ክርክር ተደርጎበት ለመጨረሻ ከቀረቡት ሰባት ባንዴራ ኣማራጮች ውስጥ የተመረጠች ባንዴራ ነች።
ግራ ቀደም ተስፈንጣሪዎች ፣ ለወጣቱ ማለቅ ምክንያቶች፣ ገዳይ አሰገዳዮች፣ በዱላና በአንድ ሲገሉ የነበረው የሐገራችን የቁልቁለት መንገድ አንዱ ምክንያቶች
ኤርትራ ና ኢትዮጵያ መሀከል ብቻ ስይሆን በ ኣፍሪካም በ ኣለምም ጭምር ኣንድ ኣይነት ባህል እና ቋንቋ ያላቸው ህዝቦች በ ድንበር ተለያይትው መኖራቸው ኣዲስ ነገር ኣይደለም ፡
በቀኝ ግዛት ጊዜ ሃገሮች በድንበር በተካለሉበት ወቅት ነው ህገር ኣንደ ህገር የተፈጠረ ብለን እናምናለ,ብቻ ሳይሆን ኣልም እምትቀበለው የሃገሮች ድንበር ይህንኑን ብቻ ነው።
በ ሶማሌ እና ሱዳን ድምበሮችም ተመሳሳይ ቋንቋና ባህል ያላቸው ህዝቦች በ ድንበር በህገር ተለያይተው ይኖሩ የለንዴ ?
The capitalism has smart system the social security system.
When capitalism reached high stage they will moderate the whole existing existential difficulties by social security.
This system will block the need for socialism
May be in the future they may advance the public welfare by difference means.
They began already the economic stimulation for the public.
No need for unnecessary systems such as socialism
that requires a lot of thinking and appreciations,that goes with actual events of the future management and administration for the coming centuries.
Best Regard!
Uso Mohamed Musa.
አለም አቀፍ የትግል ስልት ቼ ጉ ቬራ ለኩባ እንደ ተሳተፈ ማርክሲዝም ሌኒኒዝም መመሪያ ነው እንኳን በዛን ጊዜ ኢትዮጵያዊ የነበሩት ኤርትራዊያን ይቅርና ።
አብዛኛው ማብራርያ በወቅቱ የነበረውን እውነት አይገልፅም። ከጥፋተኝነታቸው ለማምለጥ የቀረበ ማስተባበያ ነው። 80% ውሸት ነው።
አኢሀፓ ተሸውዶዋል አኤርትራ አባሎች መብዛታቸውን አለመጠርጠር ነው አብይ አሁንም እነሱን ነው የሚጠቀመው አብይ ያለ አኤርትራውያን ለወያኔ ቀለብ ነው አማራም አኦሮሞም አብይን ይጠላል
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea
The term social Democracy can be replaced by civic democracy because the term social people will associate with socialism.
Even Societal Democracy is better.
In my opinion the people will not understand the socialism.
It is too early the socialism for Ethiopia's at that particular time even today.
ANY COUNTRY SHOULD PASS THROUGH Capitalism to be oriented socialism.
When Derg said Ethiopia Tiqedem they are right this means, let Ethiopia proceeds in development!
Any how the whole political philosophy had been exported from Europe.
It will not suit Ethiopia.
The wastage of the country's functionality still should be reviewed.
Two things mixed,that is the human right issue and the economical development.
It's problems hunged for decades.
The whole Ethiopians should not enfluenced by the opinions of the others.
They have to see the actual situation of the country and actual requirements.
I will organize this opinion in the future!
ምን ኣይነት ዐይን ያወጣ ቅጥፈት ነው? ኢህ አፓ የ ኢህ አፓ ምስክር ሆኖ የቀረበበት? ሽብር ፈጣሪ ማን ነበረና ነው? ሁለቱ የኢህ አፓ መሪዎች፣ የበፊቱ ሳያንስ፣ ከመሞታቸው በፊት አንዳፍታ ያወናብዱን እንጂ!
ኤርትራ በጣልያን ተገዘታ መኖራወን እያመነከ የቅኝ ግዛት ጥየቄ አይደለም ማለት አሳፈሪ ነው የአማራው ሊህቃን ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያ ለደረሰችበት ሁኔታ ተጠያቂዎቸ ናቹህ የውሸት ታሪክ በመፈብረክና ሀቀኛ ታሪክ በመካድ የሌሎችን አሕዛብ የራስን ዕድል በራስ የመወሰን መብት ሰትጨፈልቁ ኖራቹሀል
The piece sheets of Arab turk Italian British etc the children of jebha called shaebia Eritrea 🇪🇷 soon solution coming Islamic Arabic republic Eritrea