I like thinking the moment as basically the integral of the shear graph. When the shear graph had a positive are under a linear equation, then it allowed me to think that the moment should have a parabolic line. Then similar for the other negative are of the shear diagram. In addition, a good rule to check if you did them correct is that both shear and moment diagrams start and end at the 0 mark.
you always so helpfull thanks
Why did we consider 600N/m positive? and we started the graph by adding it to the upside? Shouldn't it be negative if it's clockwise?
sorry, i meant to say 600 N.m
@@besimemreozcan i was wondering the same thing. Did you ever figure out why?
How did you know that the moment graph was gonna be like that?
I like thinking the moment as basically the integral of the shear graph. When the shear graph had a positive are under a linear equation, then it allowed me to think that the moment should have a parabolic line. Then similar for the other negative are of the shear diagram. In addition, a good rule to check if you did them correct is that both shear and moment diagrams start and end at the 0 mark.