She is one remarkable lady! I just came across her the other day, I can't believe I never heard of her. I'm 68 and I'm so blown away. My granddaughter will love her.
I have been writing poetry for years, for myself, just touching on subjects such as these. Her masterpiece, Europe Is Lost, makes me strive to new heights both in my writing and in my life. Ever since I was lucky enough to catch her on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon I have been listening to this song over and over and marveling at the intelligence, cleverness, creativity, and most of all the realistic mirror she holds up to us all. Bravo Kate! I can't even express how brilliant I think this song is, I wish everyone could hear it. Hearing it made me feel less alone in the way that I view the world. Thank you for that.
She is an amazing artist. To accompany her first album 'Everybody Down' she has penned a book and a play. It is an incredibly arresting body of work but really only very relevant to those involved in urban struggle in the UK. All of her work from Europe Is Lost through Let Them Eat Chaos is definitely more for a global audience. She's a poet of the highest order, in my humble opinion.
She's a great artist but nothing she is saying is original politically so I don't really get what you mean about how I view the world as there are plenty of people out there, maybe get involved with something.
Kate lyrically goes beyond everything. She literally sums up everything i fear. And the governments feed us trivial bullshit to polarize us why we all get fed up with eachother and worry about things that do not matter.
You are awake, I'm thankful a friend showed me your work. We have been told countless lies about what life is and how it started and we've been told lies about our history and now all of it is taught in our school systems. The news and the media cast spells on everyone that watches, the thirst for true knowledge and meaning in life is lost, everyone is distracted or consumed, the connection to nature and truth won't be found unless you search for it, it's in us and that is why the lies were presented so we would stop looking, so we wouldn't realize how connected all of us are, so we would stop taking responsibility for our actions. Thank you for the words and truth that you searched for and shared.
She shines a big bright light on the things that's not a'ight. That we keep on experiencin' day in 'n' day out. She does it in such a clear, present way... That I can't even begin to ignore what she has to say.
Europe is lost, America lost, London is lost, Still we are clamouring victory. All that is meaningless rules, And we have learned nothing from history. People are dead in their lifetimes, Dazed in the shine of the streets. But look how the traffic keeps moving. The system's too slick to stop working. Business is good. And there's bands every night in the pubs, And there's two for one drinks in the clubs. We scrubbed up well We washed off the work and the stress Now all we want's some excess Better yet; A night to remember that we'll soon forget. All of the blood that was shed for these cities to grow, All of the bodies that fell. The roots that were dug from the ground So these games could be played I see it tonight in the stains on my hands. The buildings are screaming I cant ask for help though, nobody knows me, Hostile and worried and lonely. We move in our packs and these are the rights we were born to Working and working so we can be all that want Then dancing the drudgery off But even the drugs have got boring. Well, sex is still good when you get it. To sleep, to dream, to keep the dream in reach To each a dream, Don't weep, don't scream, Just keep it in, Keep sleeping in What am I gonna do to wake up? I feel the cost of it pushing my body Like I push my hands into pockets And softly I walk and I see it, it's all we deserve The wrongs of our past have resurfaced Despite all we did to vanquish the traces My very language is tainted With all that we stole to replace it with this, I am quiet, Feeling the onset of riot. But riots are tiny though, Systems are huge, The traffic keeps moving, proving there's nothing to do. It's big business baby and its smile is hideous. Top down violence, structural viciousness. Your kids are doped up on medical sedatives. But don't worry bout that. Worry bout terrorists. The water levels rising! The water levels rising! The animals, the polarbears, the elephants are dying! Stop crying. Start buying. But what about the oil spill? Shh. No one likes a party pooping spoil sport. Massacres massacres massacres/new shoes Ghettoised children murdered in broad daylight by those employed to protect them. Live porn streamed to your pre-teens bedrooms. Glass ceiling, no headroom. Half a generation live beneath the breadline. Oh but it's happy hour on the high street, Friday night at last lads, my treat! All went fine till that kid got glassed in the last bar, Place went nuts, you can ask our Lou, It was madness, the road ran red, pure claret. And about them immigrants? I cant stand them. Mostly, I mind my own business. But they're only coming over here to get rich. It's a sickness. England! England! Patriotism! And you wonder why kids want to die for religion? Work all your life for a pittance, Maybe you'll make it to manager, Pray for a raise Cross the beige days off on your beach babe calendar. Anarchists desperate for something to smash Scandalous pictures of glamorous rappers in fashionable magazines Who's dating who? Politico cash in an envelope Caught sniffing lines off a prostitutes prosthetic tits, And it's back to the house of lords with slapped wrists They abduct kids and fuck the heads of dead pigs But him in a hoodie with a couple of spliffs - Jail him, he's the criminal It's the BoredOfItAll generation The product of product placement and manipulation, Shoot em up, brutal, duty of care, Come on, new shoes. Beautiful hair. Bullshit saccharine ballads And selfies And selfies And selfies And here's me outside the palace of ME! Construct a self and psyhcosis And meanwhile the people are dead in their droves But nobody noticed, Well actually, some of them noticed, You could tell by the emoji they posted. Sleep like a gloved hand covers our eyes The lights are so nice and bright and lets dream But some of us are stuck like stones in a slipstream What am I gonna do wake up? We are lost We are lost We are lost And still nothing Will stop Nothing pauses We have ambitions and friends and our courtships to think of Divorces to drink off the thought of The money The money The oil
You are so amazing. Thank you. To be able to put all that in such powerful words and give them rythm. And put it out there like there's no tomorrow. Because we're on the best path to no tomorrow.... What am I gonna do to wake up?
Back here in 2025. - Still relevant. And it only gets more relevant with each year. Yet I still have hope we will make it. A change is bound to come. Thanks for your words & work Kae.
Kate, you are so good in what you are doing! Keep on going, hoping for a better world in future. Shall the humans wake up one day! ...and selfies, and selfies, and selfies...that's the point. We are lost!
I'm from the UK you tube is always streaming where ever I am and I had to discover this amazingly talented young girl on Australian QandA she should be on bgt 👍
I'm a 23 years old zommer from France. Few months ago we have a dissolution of our parlement by E.Macron, when the ultra-right, was at his best scores. This song, performance was for me a refuge for having the strength, the hope to fight against the Nazis Scums in the street and in the vote chamber, go to the manifestations against the ultra-right. Just thanks you Kae.
Dobra nie da się wstawić transkrypcji zatem tutaj: W suterenie, przy garażach Gdzie ludzie wyrzucają swoje materace Esther w swojej kuchni, robi kanapki Listwy na jej żaluzjach są nierówne i pokrzywione Możesz ją dostrzec z ulicy, nim zniknie z pola widzenia Zrzucić buty ze zmęczonych stóp Ociera czoło nadgarstkiem Właśnie wróciła z podwójnej zmiany Esther jest opiekunką, pracuje nocami Za nią, na ścianie w kuchni To czarno-biały rysunek jaskółek w locie Jej oczy są zmęczone, bolą mięśnie Otwiera puszkę piwa i wypija je Przytula go do spragnionych ust I trzyma tam aż do ostatniej kropli jest 04:18, znowu Jej mózg jest przeładowany tym co zrobiła tego dnia Wie, że nie zmruży oka nim wstanie słońce Dzisiaj znów martwi się o świat Właściwie martwi się nieustanie Zupełnie nie wie jak to wszystko Wyrzucić z głowy Europa jest stracona, Ameryka przepadła, stracony Londyn Ale my wciąż domagamy się zwycięstwa Wszystkie te bezsensowne zasady Niczego się nie nauczyliśmy się z historii ludzie martwi za życia Oszołomieni blaskiem ulic Ale spójrz, rozkład wciąż działa System jest zbyt sprytny, by przestać działać Biznes jest dobry, a co wieczór grają w pubach A w klubach są dwa drinki na jednego Wysuszone do ostatniej kropli By zapomnieć pracę i stres A teraz wszystko, czego chcemy, to przesadzić Jeszcze mocniej, by tą noc wkrótce po prostu zapomnieć Cała krew, która została przelana by te miasta rosły Wszystkie istoty, które przepadły Ich korzenie wyrwane z ziemi by można było grać w tą grę Widzę to teraz w odciskach na moich rękach Te domy krzyczą Nie mogę jednak prosić nikogo o pomoc, nikt mnie tu nie zna wrogi, zmartwiony, samotny Poruszamy się w naszych stadach i to są prawa, do których się urodziliśmy Pracować i pracować, abyśmy mogli być wreszcie tym wszystkim, czym chcemy A potem co nam zostaje to wytańczyć tą harówkę Ale z czasem nawet narkotyki stają się nudne Cóż, seks jest nadal dobry, jeśli go dostaniesz Spać, śnić, mieć sen w zasięgu ręki Do tego snu, nie szlochaj, nie krzycz Po prostu trzymaj to w sobie i śpij dalej Co mogę zrobić, aby się obudzić? Czuję, ten koszt który popycha moje ciało Tak jakbym wkładała ręce do kieszeni i delikatnie Więc idę i patrzę, to wszystko, na co zasługujemy To zło z przeszłości wróciło Mimo tego, co zrobiliśmy, aby zatrzeć te ślady Mój język przodków jest skażony Ze wszystkim tym co ukradliśmy, aby to zastąpić tym co teraz Jestem cicho, ale czuję podskórnie ciąg do niepokojów Zamieszki są jednak niewielkie, system jest zbyt wielki Ruch się nie zmienia, to dowód, że nie damy rady nic zrobić Ponieważ to wielki biznes, kochanie, a jego uśmiech jest ohydny Przemoc odgórna, okrucieństwo strukturalne Twoje dzieci otrzymują medyczne środki uspokajające Ale nie martw się tym, stary, martw się terrorystami poziom mórz się podnosi! poziom mórz się podnosi! Zwierzęta, słonie, niedźwiedzie polarne umierają! Przestań płakać, zacznij kupować, a jak tam z tym wyciekiem ropy? Ćśś, nikt nie lubi tych którzy psują zabawę Masakry, masakry, masakry / nowe buty Dzieci wciśnięte w getta zamordowane w biały dzień Przez osoby zatrudnione do ich ochrony Porno na żywo stremowane do sypialni twoich nastolatków Szklany sufit, bez poddasza Pół pokolenia żyje poniżej granicy przetrwania Och, ale zobacz to ‘happy hour’ na głównej ulicy W końcu!, ludzie!, w piątek wieczorem, moja uczta! Wszystko szło dobrze, dopóki ten dzieciak nie został oszukany w ostatnim barze Miejsce oszalało, możesz spytać najfajniejszego w barze To było szaleństwo, droga była czerwona, czysto bordowa A o imigrantach? Nie znoszę ich Przeważnie zajmuję się własnymi sprawami Przyjeżdżają tu tylko po to, żeby się wzbogacić, to choroba Anglia! Anglia! Patriotyzm! Zastanawiasz się, dlaczego dzieci chcą umierać za religię? To znaczy, pracuj całe życie za grosze Może uda ci się dotrzeć do menedżera i wymodlić podwyżkę Zkreśl swój kolejny szary dzień na kalendarzu z gołą dupą Anarchiści desperacko szukają czegoś do rozbicia Skandaliczne zdjęcia modnych raperów Kto z kim spotyka się w czarujących czasopismach? Gotówka Politico w kopercie Przyłapany na wciąganiu kresek z silikonowych piersi prostytutek Teraz wraca do parlamentu z okrągłymi siniakami nadgarstkach Uprowadzają dzieci i pieprzą głowy martwych świń Ale ci w bluzie z kapturem i kilkoma skrętami To przestępca, do ciupy z nim Za kraty z nim, to on jest przestępcą To pokolenie znudzonych wszystkim To produkt lokowania produktu i manipulacji Rozkurw ich brutalnie, taki twój obowiązek Ale o co chodzi!, nowe buty, piękne włosy, bzdury! Słodkie opowiastki i selfies, i selfies, i selfies A oto ja! przed pałacem MNIE! Stwórz siebie i tą psychozę W międzyczasie tłumy ludzi martwe w swojej niszy I nie, nikt nie zauważył;… cóż, może niektórzy z nich zauważyli Możesz to poznać po wbitej przez nich emotikonce Śpij jak dłoń w rękawiczce zakrywająca nasze oczy Światła są tak ładne i jasne, śnijmy Ale niektórzy z nas utknęli jak kamienie w nurcie strumienia Co mogę zrobić, aby się obudzić? Jesteśmy zgubieni, zgubieni, zgubieni I nadal nic się nie zatrzyma, nic się nie zatrzymuje Mamy ambicje, przyjaźnie i zaloty, o których warto pomyśleć Rozwody do przepicia z naszych myśli Pieniądze, pieniądze, ropa Planeta trzęsie się zepsuta A życie to zabawka Ubranie do zabrudzenia Ciężka praca, trud W ogóle nie widzę zakończenia Tylko koniec Jak w ogóle można to cenić? Kiedy współplemieńcy są martwi w swych pustyniach Zrobią miejsce dla obcych struktur Ale rozwijaj się, rozwijaj I zabijaj to, co znajdziesz, jeśli ci to zagraża Żadnego śladu miłości w polowaniu na większego byka Tutaj, w tym kraju, gdzie wszyscy mają wyjebane... Co mogę zrobić, aby się obudzić?
fucking incredible, what a woman, her lyrics strip back everything and describe it as it is, probably the most interesting and talented artist i;ve heard in a long long time
2024 who’s here? This is powerful STILLLLL
I’m here!
i am ~ Still Mesmerized !
Power like this never fades.
One of the best live rap performances I have ever witnessed.
Here again in 2022, still getting chills, their words more powerful than ever!
*their words :)
@@emiellenaert2950 thank you for the correction!!
@@bgNightmareTunaRoT Thank you for listening!
I wish i had discovered this sooner
Still loving it in 2023.😛
Still one of my favourite things on YT.
Kae is a true genius...
A fine example of modern day truth, unfortunately to no one listening! This is a gem
We are listening especially in the city of Zjohn cooper Clarke Salford
Now THAT is powerful stuff.. She's totally captured how so many people feel. Awesome.. and real.
Beauty is dead.
@@ribbrascal 🤡
@@thisaccountisdead168 🤡 🌍indeed
@@ribbrascal If you lived in sixties it'd be really real.
She is one remarkable lady! I just came across her the other day, I can't believe I never heard of her. I'm 68 and I'm so blown away. My granddaughter will love her.
Point being what...bark darkness DIZ was lady Macbeth and told THEN NOTED that DC had been a little bit more than the waters.......
Not a she anymore
@@GilesWendesfck your woke garbage
@@Chobacaalways a she.
Even more relevant now. What a performance! Masterpiece
she is a poet!
That is a correct statement.
Yep. She is, indeed.
@@Thisnameistaken11 😄
You could also call her THRUSH!....
that's EXACTLY what she is.... among other things
This is just insane. Brilliant.
Totally amazing.
Respect to Kate Tempest and other conscious British artists like
Lowkey, Akala, Sleafod Mods, Idles, Allflaws
Bad timing. Where have they been hiding the past 3 years?
I have fell in love with her music
eric jones she published an incredible book, well worth your buck
I'm just in love with her.
I have been writing poetry for years, for myself, just touching on subjects such as these. Her masterpiece, Europe Is Lost, makes me strive to new heights both in my writing and in my life. Ever since I was lucky enough to catch her on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon I have been listening to this song over and over and marveling at the intelligence, cleverness, creativity, and most of all the realistic mirror she holds up to us all. Bravo Kate! I can't even express how brilliant I think this song is, I wish everyone could hear it. Hearing it made me feel less alone in the way that I view the world. Thank you for that.
She is an amazing artist. To accompany her first album 'Everybody Down' she has penned a book and a play. It is an incredibly arresting body of work but really only very relevant to those involved in urban struggle in the UK. All of her work from Europe Is Lost through Let Them Eat Chaos is definitely more for a global audience. She's a poet of the highest order, in my humble opinion.
Have a listen to 18 year old Natalie.O Flaherty spoken poetry/ rap
She's a great artist but nothing she is saying is original politically so I don't really get what you mean about how I view the world as there are plenty of people out there, maybe get involved with something.
now thats a thing that i like to compare with what my Dog does every Day: shit
@@dinobeganovic9855 What would make you want to spend your time saying negative things to someone who is just complimenting someone's artistry?
Europe is the best 💪🏼⚔️
Kate lyrically goes beyond everything. She literally sums up everything i fear. And the governments feed us trivial bullshit to polarize us why we all get fed up with eachother and worry about things that do not matter.
This is one of her best performances. Brutal. Love it. Love the Producer in the back absolutely knocking the shit out of it!
This message just gets more and more powerful and relevant with age!
You are awake, I'm thankful a friend showed me your work. We have been told countless lies about what life is and how it started and we've been told lies about our history and now all of it is taught in our school systems. The news and the media cast spells on everyone that watches, the thirst for true knowledge and meaning in life is lost, everyone is distracted or consumed, the connection to nature and truth won't be found unless you search for it, it's in us and that is why the lies were presented so we would stop looking, so we wouldn't realize how connected all of us are, so we would stop taking responsibility for our actions. Thank you for the words and truth that you searched for and shared.
She shines a big bright light on the things that's not a'ight. That we keep on experiencin' day in 'n' day out. She does it in such a clear, present way... That I can't even begin to ignore what she has to say.
You go Girl. Let that passion flow.
I just keep coming back to this. Life changing.
You are amazing K! Don't think too hard about who you id as. Just be you because you are wonderful.
Brilliant and a bitter pill to swallow.
Europe is lost, America lost, London is lost,
Still we are clamouring victory.
All that is meaningless rules,
And we have learned nothing from history.
People are dead in their lifetimes,
Dazed in the shine of the streets.
But look how the traffic keeps moving.
The system's too slick to stop working.
Business is good. And there's bands every night in the pubs,
And there's two for one drinks in the clubs.
We scrubbed up well
We washed off the work and the stress
Now all we want's some excess
Better yet; A night to remember that we'll soon forget.
All of the blood that was shed for these cities to grow,
All of the bodies that fell.
The roots that were dug from the ground
So these games could be played
I see it tonight in the stains on my hands.
The buildings are screaming
I cant ask for help though, nobody knows me,
Hostile and worried and lonely.
We move in our packs and these are the rights we were born to
Working and working so we can be all that want
Then dancing the drudgery off
But even the drugs have got boring.
Well, sex is still good when you get it.
To sleep, to dream, to keep the dream in reach
To each a dream,
Don't weep, don't scream,
Just keep it in,
Keep sleeping in
What am I gonna do to wake up?
I feel the cost of it pushing my body
Like I push my hands into pockets
And softly I walk and I see it, it's all we deserve
The wrongs of our past have resurfaced
Despite all we did to vanquish the traces
My very language is tainted
With all that we stole to replace it with this,
I am quiet,
Feeling the onset of riot.
But riots are tiny though,
Systems are huge,
The traffic keeps moving, proving there's nothing to do.
It's big business baby and its smile is hideous.
Top down violence, structural viciousness.
Your kids are doped up on medical sedatives.
But don't worry bout that. Worry bout terrorists.
The water levels rising! The water levels rising!
The animals, the polarbears, the elephants are dying!
Stop crying. Start buying.
But what about the oil spill?
Shh. No one likes a party pooping spoil sport.
Massacres massacres massacres/new shoes
Ghettoised children murdered in broad daylight by those employed to protect them.
Live porn streamed to your pre-teens bedrooms.
Glass ceiling, no headroom. Half a generation live beneath the breadline.
Oh but it's happy hour on the high street,
Friday night at last lads, my treat!
All went fine till that kid got glassed in the last bar,
Place went nuts, you can ask our Lou,
It was madness, the road ran red, pure claret.
And about them immigrants? I cant stand them.
Mostly, I mind my own business.
But they're only coming over here to get rich.
It's a sickness.
England! England!
And you wonder why kids want to die for religion?
Work all your life for a pittance,
Maybe you'll make it to manager,
Pray for a raise
Cross the beige days off on your beach babe calendar.
Anarchists desperate for something to smash
Scandalous pictures of glamorous rappers in fashionable magazines
Who's dating who?
Politico cash in an envelope
Caught sniffing lines off a prostitutes prosthetic tits,
And it's back to the house of lords with slapped wrists
They abduct kids and fuck the heads of dead pigs
But him in a hoodie with a couple of spliffs -
Jail him, he's the criminal
It's the BoredOfItAll generation
The product of product placement and manipulation,
Shoot em up, brutal, duty of care,
Come on, new shoes.
Beautiful hair.
Bullshit saccharine ballads
And selfies
And selfies
And selfies
And here's me outside the palace of ME!
Construct a self and psyhcosis
And meanwhile the people are dead in their droves
But nobody noticed,
Well actually, some of them noticed,
You could tell by the emoji they posted.
Sleep like a gloved hand covers our eyes
The lights are so nice and bright and lets dream
But some of us are stuck like stones in a slipstream
What am I gonna do wake up?
We are lost
We are lost
We are lost
And still nothing
Will stop
Nothing pauses
We have ambitions and friends and our courtships to think of
Divorces to drink off the thought of
The money
The money
The oil
Is that how you see it? What's the most reliable news source in your opinion? Fox by any chance?
@Chase Gillpocalypse oh sure, America is doing great, ha.
top notch. whether you like it or not the woman speaks the truth no one can deny that.
I'm not sure how to articulate my feelings after watching this masterpiece 🔥
I'm 73,only just discovered this,powerful and true!!!!
Yeah girl. Spitting the truth. All day. No filler.
OMG this is what I need to hear. Love the growling dog. Blessings on Kate Tempest.
Very powerful and inspirational performance. Thanks from Slovakia.
More love to you Kate, people should be so lucky to hear you.
BRUTAL. Her flow is FUCKING raw, it's perfect with her message
Absolutely brilliant!
Woke up this morning to this. Wrote down the name, my new favorite artist.
can't say how beautiful this is
This is incredible. Thank you for sharing 🙏
This literally made me tear up. Cheers mate.
omg she is fantastic! !
You are so amazing. Thank you. To be able to put all that in such powerful words and give them rythm. And put it out there like there's no tomorrow. Because we're on the best path to no tomorrow.... What am I gonna do to wake up?
This is the best thing I have heard in Many a years. Wow.
Hi from Ukraine!)
Very glad to find such gorgeous singer
Yes - The Revolution will NOT be live-streamed!
The revolution is the islamic takeover of europe.
superb. love Kate tempest. class act
Shivers down my spine!
This performance is really cool!
So good bloody inspiring
Inspires me to listen to classical music
she is a word magician
she is a cunt
I'm here. Classic lyrics human. Always.
She is awesome!
So profoundly honest and real -Yes another JJ!
Most amazing peace of music i`ve ever heard.
Back here in 2025. - Still relevant. And it only gets more relevant with each year. Yet I still have hope we will make it. A change is bound to come.
Thanks for your words & work Kae.
She's amazing. Love from Finland!
Kate, u'r sooooo brilliant, thanks for these very true words!! One fan you
she's totally on fire
Totally lit performance!!!!
just wow. you made me both laugh and cry.
Kate, you are so good in what you are doing! Keep on going, hoping for a better world in future. Shall the humans wake up one day!
...and selfies, and selfies, and selfies...that's the point. We are lost!
I'm from the UK you tube is always streaming where ever I am and I had to discover this amazingly talented young girl on Australian QandA she should be on bgt 👍
Ian Cook same here wow just wow
Ah, a breath of fresh air. Keep spitting Kate!!
Brilliant! A great talent!
what an exstounding artist....big respect
she got balls!
Yay! Kate, you're SO-O-O-O gooooood!!!!
I'm a 23 years old zommer from France. Few months ago we have a dissolution of our parlement by E.Macron, when the ultra-right, was at his best scores. This song, performance was for me a refuge for having the strength, the hope to fight against the Nazis Scums in the street and in the vote chamber, go to the manifestations against the ultra-right. Just thanks you Kae.
Big Love From Poland
Big love back to you from the UK. Sorry we’re being such dicks at the moment.
@@mikeyg7800 ups
Pure awesomeness! That beat
Dobra nie da się wstawić transkrypcji zatem tutaj:
W suterenie, przy garażach
Gdzie ludzie wyrzucają swoje materace
Esther w swojej kuchni, robi kanapki
Listwy na jej żaluzjach są nierówne i pokrzywione
Możesz ją dostrzec z ulicy, nim zniknie z pola widzenia
Zrzucić buty ze zmęczonych stóp
Ociera czoło nadgarstkiem
Właśnie wróciła z podwójnej zmiany
Esther jest opiekunką, pracuje nocami
Za nią, na ścianie w kuchni
To czarno-biały rysunek jaskółek w locie
Jej oczy są zmęczone, bolą mięśnie
Otwiera puszkę piwa i wypija je
Przytula go do spragnionych ust
I trzyma tam aż do ostatniej kropli
jest 04:18, znowu
Jej mózg jest przeładowany tym co zrobiła tego dnia
Wie, że nie zmruży oka
nim wstanie słońce
Dzisiaj znów martwi się o świat
Właściwie martwi się nieustanie
Zupełnie nie wie jak to wszystko
Wyrzucić z głowy
Europa jest stracona, Ameryka przepadła, stracony Londyn
Ale my wciąż domagamy się zwycięstwa
Wszystkie te bezsensowne zasady
Niczego się nie nauczyliśmy się z historii
ludzie martwi za życia
Oszołomieni blaskiem ulic
Ale spójrz, rozkład wciąż działa
System jest zbyt sprytny, by przestać działać
Biznes jest dobry, a co wieczór grają w pubach
A w klubach są dwa drinki na jednego
Wysuszone do ostatniej kropli
By zapomnieć pracę i stres
A teraz wszystko, czego chcemy, to przesadzić
Jeszcze mocniej, by tą noc wkrótce po prostu zapomnieć
Cała krew, która została przelana by te miasta rosły
Wszystkie istoty, które przepadły
Ich korzenie wyrwane z ziemi
by można było grać w tą grę
Widzę to teraz w odciskach na moich rękach
Te domy krzyczą
Nie mogę jednak prosić nikogo o pomoc, nikt mnie tu nie zna
wrogi, zmartwiony, samotny
Poruszamy się w naszych stadach i to są prawa, do których się urodziliśmy
Pracować i pracować, abyśmy mogli być wreszcie tym wszystkim, czym chcemy
A potem co nam zostaje to wytańczyć tą harówkę
Ale z czasem nawet narkotyki stają się nudne
Cóż, seks jest nadal dobry, jeśli go dostaniesz
Spać, śnić, mieć sen w zasięgu ręki
Do tego snu, nie szlochaj, nie krzycz
Po prostu trzymaj to w sobie i śpij dalej
Co mogę zrobić, aby się obudzić?
Czuję, ten koszt który popycha moje ciało
Tak jakbym wkładała ręce do kieszeni i delikatnie
Więc idę i patrzę, to wszystko, na co zasługujemy
To zło z przeszłości wróciło
Mimo tego, co zrobiliśmy, aby zatrzeć te ślady
Mój język przodków jest skażony
Ze wszystkim tym co ukradliśmy, aby to zastąpić tym co teraz
Jestem cicho, ale czuję podskórnie ciąg do niepokojów
Zamieszki są jednak niewielkie, system jest zbyt wielki
Ruch się nie zmienia, to dowód, że nie damy rady nic zrobić
Ponieważ to wielki biznes, kochanie, a jego uśmiech jest ohydny
Przemoc odgórna, okrucieństwo strukturalne
Twoje dzieci otrzymują medyczne środki uspokajające
Ale nie martw się tym, stary, martw się terrorystami
poziom mórz się podnosi! poziom mórz się podnosi!
Zwierzęta, słonie, niedźwiedzie polarne umierają!
Przestań płakać, zacznij kupować, a jak tam z tym wyciekiem ropy?
Ćśś, nikt nie lubi tych którzy psują zabawę
Masakry, masakry, masakry / nowe buty
Dzieci wciśnięte w getta zamordowane w biały dzień
Przez osoby zatrudnione do ich ochrony
Porno na żywo stremowane do sypialni twoich nastolatków
Szklany sufit, bez poddasza
Pół pokolenia żyje poniżej granicy przetrwania
Och, ale zobacz to ‘happy hour’ na głównej ulicy
W końcu!, ludzie!, w piątek wieczorem, moja uczta!
Wszystko szło dobrze, dopóki ten dzieciak nie został oszukany w ostatnim barze
Miejsce oszalało, możesz spytać najfajniejszego w barze
To było szaleństwo, droga była czerwona, czysto bordowa
A o imigrantach? Nie znoszę ich
Przeważnie zajmuję się własnymi sprawami
Przyjeżdżają tu tylko po to, żeby się wzbogacić, to choroba
Anglia! Anglia! Patriotyzm!
Zastanawiasz się, dlaczego dzieci chcą umierać za religię?
To znaczy, pracuj całe życie za grosze
Może uda ci się dotrzeć do menedżera i wymodlić podwyżkę
Zkreśl swój kolejny szary dzień na kalendarzu z gołą dupą
Anarchiści desperacko szukają czegoś do rozbicia
Skandaliczne zdjęcia modnych raperów
Kto z kim spotyka się w czarujących czasopismach?
Gotówka Politico w kopercie
Przyłapany na wciąganiu kresek z silikonowych piersi prostytutek
Teraz wraca do parlamentu z okrągłymi siniakami nadgarstkach
Uprowadzają dzieci i pieprzą głowy martwych świń
Ale ci w bluzie z kapturem i kilkoma skrętami
To przestępca, do ciupy z nim
Za kraty z nim, to on jest przestępcą
To pokolenie znudzonych wszystkim
To produkt lokowania produktu i manipulacji
Rozkurw ich brutalnie, taki twój obowiązek
Ale o co chodzi!, nowe buty, piękne włosy, bzdury!
Słodkie opowiastki i selfies, i selfies, i selfies
A oto ja! przed pałacem MNIE!
Stwórz siebie i tą psychozę
W międzyczasie tłumy ludzi martwe w swojej niszy
I nie, nikt nie zauważył;… cóż, może niektórzy z nich zauważyli
Możesz to poznać po wbitej przez nich emotikonce
Śpij jak dłoń w rękawiczce zakrywająca nasze oczy
Światła są tak ładne i jasne, śnijmy
Ale niektórzy z nas utknęli jak kamienie w nurcie strumienia
Co mogę zrobić, aby się obudzić?
Jesteśmy zgubieni, zgubieni, zgubieni
I nadal nic się nie zatrzyma, nic się nie zatrzymuje
Mamy ambicje, przyjaźnie i zaloty, o których warto pomyśleć
Rozwody do przepicia z naszych myśli
Pieniądze, pieniądze, ropa
Planeta trzęsie się zepsuta
A życie to zabawka
Ubranie do zabrudzenia
Ciężka praca, trud
W ogóle nie widzę zakończenia
Tylko koniec
Jak w ogóle można to cenić?
Kiedy współplemieńcy są martwi w swych pustyniach
Zrobią miejsce dla obcych struktur
Ale rozwijaj się, rozwijaj
I zabijaj to, co znajdziesz, jeśli ci to zagraża
Żadnego śladu miłości w polowaniu na większego byka
Tutaj, w tym kraju, gdzie wszyscy mają wyjebane...
Co mogę zrobić, aby się obudzić?
fucking incredible, what a woman, her lyrics strip back everything and describe it as it is, probably the most interesting and talented artist i;ve heard in a long long time
Wow so cool, super gut 👍
absolutely superb
I am going to translate this song into spanish, I think it will be worth!! Spanish speakers need to listen to Kate´s songs
Manage too? I mean, her rhyming and style of rapping will be hard to translate along with it, so I wouldn't be surprised if no one has done it :P
Wow.. I have heard a good few tunes for years.. first time to see what you look like.. Class!
LOVE< LOVE< LOVE.. Incredibly moved, incredible insight...... INCREDIBLE!!!
Amazing and real beauty❤
I'd like to see a song with her and rage against the machine
Or prophets of rage.
I would also like to see them with Chuck D, another revolutionary poet who called all of us out on politics and our lives
man fuck ratm bunch of sellout poser pieces of shit. this chick's got more balls than all 4 of them bozos combined.
pure awesomeness
This song is trully mind blowing
Love this girl
Bless her
wow! This is the NEXT LEVEL of RAP!
Absolutely unreal
GOD DAMN. Cant wait to see her in May
Wow!!! There’s nothing you can add to that
Insanely good
6 minute long cold-chill
Olivia Alaniz
holy shit.... she's incredible
That's the best thing i've ever heard probably
Damn, this is incredible.
Everything artists these days should be doing. Fucking. Awesome.
serious goosebumps!
I really, really want to hug your drummer.
Modern day Ginsberg, Kerouac, or Dylan. Carrying the torch of true wordsmiths.
shE has returned. Long live Kate!
I need more spoken word rappers like this
Richtig gut!