Your 3DS taking a while to load will probably be caused by the SD Card size, the larger the SD Card, the longer it takes to load. I remember replacing the dinky 4GB Card in my original 3DS card with a 32GB one and it took a good while longer to boot up every time, although no matter what the OG DS will always load faster than the 3DS does
I have smaller hands, but the DS is still too small for me, not to talk about the GBA SP: playing F-Zero for even a moderate amount of time is impossible (while the Dualsense is too big for my hands, but I'm sure you big hands don't have any problem with the dualsense).
What a cozy video. As someone that still carries their New 3DS around in hopes of street passing any other 3DS players in the wild, I appreciate the callback to the systems that used to take up my time in the wee morning hours. I've still got my old systems and many of my old games, and your videos on ways to store and preserve them have been wonderful. Keep it up and I look forward to the next one.
Nothing can replace the DS line, the resistive touch screen is completely different from the capacitive screens on phones and other handhelds. Love seeing the PS Vita too, extremely capable system that always feels great in the hand.
I used to have my 3DS for years just collecting dust.. Ever since I moved..I have absolutely no idea where it is or what happened to it. It's lost to time
Protip, friends: people on Etsy 3D print and sell comfort grip thingies that you can slide your console into and play with so they hurt your hand less. Good luck!
In case you want to, fixing the L and R buttons is really easy. Just take the back off, then get a q-tip with isopropyl alcohol and use the q-tip to push down the button over and over. Ive been fixing a few of these up and its never failed for me.
Reminds me of how when I was in high school I'd always scoffed at people who complained about Kid Icarus Uprising giving them hand cramps because I easily put 400+ hours into that game on the OG 3DS without any concern about ergonomics. Even when the XL model came out later I had little interest because it just seemed unnecessarily bulky, the 3DS felt perfectly fine to me. But even though my hand size hasn't changed much, I have no idea how I was able to play games for so long because picking up a non-XL 3DS feels woefully uncomfortable to hold. I'm glad we have things like the Ayaneo Flip because even the XL is becoming less ideal for comfort after getting used to larger smartphones and the Steam Deck.
I dropped my DS Lite off a 3rd floor balcony at a party once. It still works despite having a cracked hinge, although I have to hold the top screen at a certain angle for it to display. Fortunately I mostly use it to play GBA games, so it still serves my needs just fine. Happy holidays, coughyybeans!
did the same thing with the black 3ds in the video. fell right on the front cover hard. no visible damage, but the backlight on the screen shifted slightly and if you know where to look you can't unsee it. happy holidays!!
Subbed. Your channel is so comforting and I love your little purple haired (cat?) character. Could literally listen to you ramble on about anything gaming related because you have a soft voice.
As someone who fights on a regular basis to keep all my old hardware running, CRTs TVs and Monitors in particular, sometimes the key is simply learning to appreciate and embrace the imperfections
The DSi XL is currently my main way to play DS games, because I absolutely cannot stand the way that the 3DS upscales older titles (though the feature is still appreciated for DSiWare like the Art Style series). Even as somebody with smaller hands, who can use a DS Lite just fine without any real issues, the added comfort of the XL might have made it my smartest gaming purchase in years. The DS library is too big and too stacked with absolute gems to ignore, and I'm glad I can play them in arguably the best possible way.
I just grabbed a modded one a couple weeks ago, and have been having a ton of fun with it. I had totally forgotten how many fun games the original DS had. The XL had been perfect for my big goofy hands too
Re your GBA with the missing battery cover: Try spraying a little contract cleaner into the power switch and wiggle it back a forth repeatedly. This should help remove the oxidization layer.
@@coughyybeans worst case, it might be leaky capacitors. plenty of guides on how to get that thing back up and running and better than ever. Much love for the first wideboi GB. most ergonomic form factor of them all
I absolutely relate to the sentimentality of hanging onto these handhelds. They're why they're my favorite way to game. Just like the DS Lite you showed, my red original 3DS is absolutely scratched and worn, as I brought around everywhere, during my middle school years. I adore that little thing and think it has so much more personality than the Switch ever will in its life time. I even bought a used 2DS, to continue the journey of 3DS games, even though I don't use it as much as I should.
Your GBA is still salvageable, it most likely has corrosion in the power switch mechanism, cleaning out the corrosion or dust would allow it to turn on again Edit: You could also buy 3d made grips which help with comfort
I got a old GBA (2003 clamshell design) in 2020 to play Mother 3. Works well but the games do that thing that old games do when the cartridge falls out
My GBA was acting up exactly like that, and it was a pretty easy fix. Opened it up just to have a better look inside, literally put a little bit of isopropyl inside the power switch, and turned the switch on and off a lot of times just for whatever was inside causing issues went away, or at least out of the contacts. It worked perfectly both of my GBA and my GBC, and now they turn on first try. Hoping you can fix yours eventually, it took me years to build up the courage to open up something that I was emotionally attached to.
I'm only a bit in but for what its worth I don't think that first GBA is toast, it looks like the power switch is the issue there. Since the light turns on for a moment when you toggle it that makes me think that it is able to make contact in the middle but not at the resting position. I've seen that a few times when cleaning or fixing systems before so she should be save-able. It may need as little as some cleaning with isopropyl alcohol, or worst case (assuming the switch is the issue that it seems to be) a replacement switch; which is a fairly simple job to solder in
I liked the ds original. It is out performed by the ds lite in brightness but the bulkyness of the original ds feels better in my hands. The sound was a bit louder in the original ds, at least as far as i can tell
I've been using my DS family systems less because of the smaller screens and buttons. I still enjoy using them from time to time but the smaller buttons and screens cause me some problems.
I was in college when the ds came out and my folks were still strict on playing games on school nights. I remember my buddy sold me his white ds lite with pokemon pearl and having to sneakily play through the game by hiding it in the couch. I still have my white ds lite, tho it has succumbed to the hindge Crack issues, so I keep it in a nerf skin to force it to stay in place. I also acquired a rose gold and a pink ds lite, which I use as well, I somehow ended up with 3 of these dang things lol
I recently replaced the batter on my gba and the buttons on my ds lite. Although I'm currently busy with games i recently bought, I genuinely can't wait to go back and finish some games younger me could never clear. I'm honestly surprised my hands are still comfortable holding thses things.
My PSP was easily my most used game system, consoles included. I adopted custom firmware early on and it was just an emulation dream. The 3000 was very pocket-able, bright screen, and fast enough to emulate up to N64 and GBA. Even after budgeting for a Vita, which I absolutely loved Gravity Rush and Killzone Merc., I still used my 3000 more because it could just slip into even my Jeans pocket and had a tone of game on one memory card.
You should give people some time to leave a like at the end of the video. I often put all interesting videos in my "play later" list, and when watching from that list, the next video will automatically load when the last one finishes. This video ends a bit sudden, making me miss the opportunity to like it, and since I'm lazy I mostly don't go back just to leave a like on videos. Anyway, your content deserves all the likes, shares and subscriptions it can garner, so please consider prolonging the videos just a few seconds after you're done talking. :) Cheers!
holy cow another video that feels made for me! I still play on my new3DSXL to this day, dont have a switch yet somehow and while i love the thing to death, my problem is the opposite. Im not very tall and my hands aren't really big so in busy games that require lots of touch controls and button presses at the same time i suffer 😢 the 2DS tho (regular old model one) is surprisingly comfy, maybe the screen is a bit too small but i look at it like a cute 'lil pet i cant help but love even when it bites me
it's funny, I actually still have my first DS (first gaming system for me because I was a poor kid) that I bought with my own money and by god that thing is so teeny in my hands I also noticed (at least for me) that the 2DS XL was by far more comfortable to hold and it look at, but that could also be because I'm mega blind and the screens help me see
Fun fact, your GBA SP most likely has a front light! They did release a backlit model later on, I think after the DS released even?? (which is the 101, in case you wanna check!) But the earlier generation actually had a front lit screen, which was still a huge improvement though, I remember being so excited about the toggle light as a child and would always turn it off if I needed to hide my Game boy at night :D
I have a lot of nostalgia for the DS Lite, but I also share your struggles with its form factor. I also personally find that the buttons are a bit too squishy. I actually ended up picking up a chunky original DS earlier this year, and aside from having an inferior screen, I vastly prefer it. I find that it fits into my grip better and the buttons feel a lot firmer, so as long as I'm not in some horrendously bright place, it's my go-to.
DSi Xl, 100%. It looks so good, the screens are bright and huge, and original DS games look better. There's something going on resolution wise that doesn't make original DS games look as sharp as they should be on the 3DS.
@@coughyybeans I remember the commercials for it being for the more "grown up" games like Brain Training and Sodoku, so it's kinda like this luxury thing for adults, definitely feels great in the hands
my og fat ds touchscreen gave out so quick, i was always jealous of my cousins ds lite cuz his actually worked properly. also the ds lite stylus was so much better. i miss my ds and dont know what happened to it. now i just have a ds emulator on my stylus phone but its not the same
people love fixing gameboys don't throw that out just because it won't turn on, it might need new battery terminals, or something stupid easy. GBAs are going for like $60+, throw a backlight in it and resell it for $175
I have most of my original handhelds still, only exception being my very first gameboy advance, which was stolen. And all except for my original DS lite work still, unfortunately the top screen of that DS lite started dying just before the 3DS came out.
I grew up with the Game Boy (1987) but i can not play with it anymore. The Display is just not worth "DMG" (sry, word joke^^) your eyes over time. For me, even if the Switch is also a Handheld, im a HUGE fan of the 3DS. It plays NDS Games, can be modded today and you can play everything below him. I understand the time it needs to start, but i own a bigger Battery, so it sits always in Standby Mode and i only turn it off, if i need something to install to the SD Card. (i own many physical 3DS Games, but it's nice to have the option to not always change the cartridge of a Game) And if i would stick on NDS, i would miss ALOT of great 3DS Games^^
@ Oh, more memories: - I ko’ed every special encounter pokemon and then was confused that they didn’t respawn - I fell for every. Single. Mew. Rumor. - I tried evolution stones on every one of my Pokémon to find the secret evolutions.
Oh huh that's odd, I'm replaying The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds on my New 3DS XL right now and the "delay" in turning the system on and off isn't as long as yours. I wonder why... My hands aren't too big for my old handhelds, but I did notice that now that I've let my fingernails grow out I've noticed my thumb nail is more likely to tap against the top of my 3DS when pushing the circlepad upward. Also on my Switch I've found pressing the minus button with my left thumb isn't as comfortable with slightly long nails, it's legit better to use my right thumb now. The funny thing is I didn't have these issues when I was still closeted, so I'm chalking these up to being a "trans girl who likes finally having long nails" problem (weirdly specific I know, but it's true, I sure as heck ain't cutting these nails after all the compliments I've been getting!).
Your 3DS taking a while to load will probably be caused by the SD Card size, the larger the SD Card, the longer it takes to load. I remember replacing the dinky 4GB Card in my original 3DS card with a 32GB one and it took a good while longer to boot up every time, although no matter what the OG DS will always load faster than the 3DS does
Big hands rise up
Big hands here!!! Gahhh!!! here's hoping the switch 2 is a bit bigger lol. I use my steam deck a lot more often
same here ! even the switch is kinda uncomfortable for me to hold lol
I have smaller hands, but the DS is still too small for me, not to talk about the GBA SP: playing F-Zero for even a moderate amount of time is impossible (while the Dualsense is too big for my hands, but I'm sure you big hands don't have any problem with the dualsense).
@@ApproxamatrixThe switch is uncomfortable because it's very thin and not ergonomic at all. I have a third party grip and it feels OK with that.
My goodness, what a comfy and cozy channel. I really enjoyed watching your recent videos. Very comforting naration too, great stuff, thank you!
What a cozy video. As someone that still carries their New 3DS around in hopes of street passing any other 3DS players in the wild, I appreciate the callback to the systems that used to take up my time in the wee morning hours.
I've still got my old systems and many of my old games, and your videos on ways to store and preserve them have been wonderful. Keep it up and I look forward to the next one.
Nothing can replace the DS line, the resistive touch screen is completely different from the capacitive screens on phones and other handhelds.
Love seeing the PS Vita too, extremely capable system that always feels great in the hand.
I used to have my 3DS for years just collecting dust.. Ever since I moved..I have absolutely no idea where it is or what happened to it. It's lost to time
its on top of your head! silly
Protip, friends: people on Etsy 3D print and sell comfort grip thingies that you can slide your console into and play with so they hurt your hand less. Good luck!
In case you want to, fixing the L and R buttons is really easy. Just take the back off, then get a q-tip with isopropyl alcohol and use the q-tip to push down the button over and over. Ive been fixing a few of these up and its never failed for me.
@@pandaitis0157 I'll give it a try!
Reminds me of how when I was in high school I'd always scoffed at people who complained about Kid Icarus Uprising giving them hand cramps because I easily put 400+ hours into that game on the OG 3DS without any concern about ergonomics. Even when the XL model came out later I had little interest because it just seemed unnecessarily bulky, the 3DS felt perfectly fine to me.
But even though my hand size hasn't changed much, I have no idea how I was able to play games for so long because picking up a non-XL 3DS feels woefully uncomfortable to hold. I'm glad we have things like the Ayaneo Flip because even the XL is becoming less ideal for comfort after getting used to larger smartphones and the Steam Deck.
I actually recently found that little plastic stand they gave you with the game so you didn't have to hold it!
I dropped my DS Lite off a 3rd floor balcony at a party once.
It still works despite having a cracked hinge, although I have to hold the top screen at a certain angle for it to display.
Fortunately I mostly use it to play GBA games, so it still serves my needs just fine.
Happy holidays, coughyybeans!
did the same thing with the black 3ds in the video. fell right on the front cover hard. no visible damage, but the backlight on the screen shifted slightly and if you know where to look you can't unsee it. happy holidays!!
The hinge thing is like the achilles heel of the DS Lite.
Subbed. Your channel is so comforting and I love your little purple haired (cat?) character. Could literally listen to you ramble on about anything gaming related because you have a soft voice.
legit such a kind thing to say, I don't like my voice at all so thank you 😭😭 a very happy new year to you and yours!!
@@coughyybeans You're welcome :)
Happy New Year to you too
Dragon Quest IX was my absolute jam! I loved how you can fully customize your party and their gear...
@@JosephStillGames one of my favorite features in rpgs for sure!
As someone who fights on a regular basis to keep all my old hardware running, CRTs TVs and Monitors in particular, sometimes the key is simply learning to appreciate and embrace the imperfections
The DSi XL is currently my main way to play DS games, because I absolutely cannot stand the way that the 3DS upscales older titles (though the feature is still appreciated for DSiWare like the Art Style series).
Even as somebody with smaller hands, who can use a DS Lite just fine without any real issues, the added comfort of the XL might have made it my smartest gaming purchase in years. The DS library is too big and too stacked with absolute gems to ignore, and I'm glad I can play them in arguably the best possible way.
my next handheld purchase is going to be a DSi for sure
I just grabbed a modded one a couple weeks ago, and have been having a ton of fun with it. I had totally forgotten how many fun games the original DS had. The XL had been perfect for my big goofy hands too
@@coughyybeans The DSi XL all have 2 IPS screens, so great colors and angles..
I believe you can remove the 3ds' forced soft filter when it's modded.
@HyperSonic1999orJTH you can disable the scaling without modding, mods just add alternative scalers
Re your GBA with the missing battery cover: Try spraying a little contract cleaner into the power switch and wiggle it back a forth repeatedly. This should help remove the oxidization layer.
i will give it a try!
@@coughyybeans worst case, it might be leaky capacitors. plenty of guides on how to get that thing back up and running and better than ever. Much love for the first wideboi GB. most ergonomic form factor of them all
I absolutely relate to the sentimentality of hanging onto these handhelds. They're why they're my favorite way to game.
Just like the DS Lite you showed, my red original 3DS is absolutely scratched and worn, as I brought around everywhere, during my middle school years. I adore that little thing and think it has so much more personality than the Switch ever will in its life time.
I even bought a used 2DS, to continue the journey of 3DS games, even though I don't use it as much as I should.
I still carry my 3ds around 😊
Your GBA is still salvageable, it most likely has corrosion in the power switch mechanism, cleaning out the corrosion or dust would allow it to turn on again
Edit: You could also buy 3d made grips which help with comfort
I recently found a yellow gameboy in a dumpster, must have found your gameboy (i am in the UK, so probably not, but imagine)
pls return my son
I got a old GBA (2003 clamshell design) in 2020 to play Mother 3. Works well but the games do that thing that old games do when the cartridge falls out
My GBA was acting up exactly like that, and it was a pretty easy fix.
Opened it up just to have a better look inside, literally put a little bit of isopropyl inside the power switch, and turned the switch on and off a lot of times just for whatever was inside causing issues went away, or at least out of the contacts.
It worked perfectly both of my GBA and my GBC, and now they turn on first try.
Hoping you can fix yours eventually, it took me years to build up the courage to open up something that I was emotionally attached to.
I'm only a bit in but for what its worth I don't think that first GBA is toast, it looks like the power switch is the issue there. Since the light turns on for a moment when you toggle it that makes me think that it is able to make contact in the middle but not at the resting position. I've seen that a few times when cleaning or fixing systems before so she should be save-able.
It may need as little as some cleaning with isopropyl alcohol, or worst case (assuming the switch is the issue that it seems to be) a replacement switch; which is a fairly simple job to solder in
screen actually turns on but nothing shows up. thanks for the tips! I'll keep trying
I liked the ds original. It is out performed by the ds lite in brightness but the bulkyness of the original ds feels better in my hands. The sound was a bit louder in the original ds, at least as far as i can tell
I'm almost 30 and still wear child sized gloves. I will happily take all your little handhelds 😂
I've been using my DS family systems less because of the smaller screens and buttons.
I still enjoy using them from time to time but the smaller buttons and screens cause me some problems.
i've been using my childhood 3ds again and its so nice :)
I was in college when the ds came out and my folks were still strict on playing games on school nights. I remember my buddy sold me his white ds lite with pokemon pearl and having to sneakily play through the game by hiding it in the couch. I still have my white ds lite, tho it has succumbed to the hindge Crack issues, so I keep it in a nerf skin to force it to stay in place. I also acquired a rose gold and a pink ds lite, which I use as well, I somehow ended up with 3 of these dang things lol
clockable from the video title alone lmfao
I recently replaced the batter on my gba and the buttons on my ds lite. Although I'm currently busy with games i recently bought, I genuinely can't wait to go back and finish some games younger me could never clear.
I'm honestly surprised my hands are still comfortable holding thses things.
Would love to hear more about your preservation project.
there's some videos on the channel about it!
My PSP was easily my most used game system, consoles included. I adopted custom firmware early on and it was just an emulation dream. The 3000 was very pocket-able, bright screen, and fast enough to emulate up to N64 and GBA. Even after budgeting for a Vita, which I absolutely loved Gravity Rush and Killzone Merc., I still used my 3000 more because it could just slip into even my Jeans pocket and had a tone of game on one memory card.
You should give people some time to leave a like at the end of the video. I often put all interesting videos in my "play later" list, and when watching from that list, the next video will automatically load when the last one finishes.
This video ends a bit sudden, making me miss the opportunity to like it, and since I'm lazy I mostly don't go back just to leave a like on videos.
Anyway, your content deserves all the likes, shares and subscriptions it can garner, so please consider prolonging the videos just a few seconds after you're done talking. :)
holy cow another video that feels made for me!
I still play on my new3DSXL to this day, dont have a switch yet somehow and while i love the thing to death, my problem is the opposite. Im not very tall and my hands aren't really big so in busy games that require lots of touch controls and button presses at the same time i suffer 😢
the 2DS tho (regular old model one) is surprisingly comfy, maybe the screen is a bit too small but i look at it like a cute 'lil pet i cant help but love even when it bites me
i missed out on the 2ds systems because I had no need, but the new 2ds xl's aesthetically are such a vibe
it's funny, I actually still have my first DS (first gaming system for me because I was a poor kid) that I bought with my own money and by god that thing is so teeny in my hands
I also noticed (at least for me) that the 2DS XL was by far more comfortable to hold and it look at, but that could also be because I'm mega blind and the screens help me see
i want a new 2ds xl real bad, but the 3/2ds family of systems are so expensive nowadays
Fun fact, your GBA SP most likely has a front light! They did release a backlit model later on, I think after the DS released even?? (which is the 101, in case you wanna check!) But the earlier generation actually had a front lit screen, which was still a huge improvement though, I remember being so excited about the toggle light as a child and would always turn it off if I needed to hide my Game boy at night :D
It's natural to outgrew a Nintendo DS someday!
GameBoy Advance SP and Nintendo DS are my top 2 favorite handheld consoles of all time. Always!
I have a lot of nostalgia for the DS Lite, but I also share your struggles with its form factor. I also personally find that the buttons are a bit too squishy. I actually ended up picking up a chunky original DS earlier this year, and aside from having an inferior screen, I vastly prefer it. I find that it fits into my grip better and the buttons feel a lot firmer, so as long as I'm not in some horrendously bright place, it's my go-to.
The first iteration of the Game Boy advance SP only had a front light. It wouldn’t be till the 101 model when they would introduced a backlight.
DSi Xl, 100%. It looks so good, the screens are bright and huge, and original DS games look better. There's something going on resolution wise that doesn't make original DS games look as sharp as they should be on the 3DS.
DSi XL is on my list to buy for sure, I never owned one
@@coughyybeans I remember the commercials for it being for the more "grown up" games like Brain Training and Sodoku, so it's kinda like this luxury thing for adults, definitely feels great in the hands
That GBA SP doesn't have a backlight. It's an AGS-001 and it was front lit. The actual backlit SP, the AGS-101, has a waaaaay better screen.
my og fat ds touchscreen gave out so quick, i was always jealous of my cousins ds lite cuz his actually worked properly. also the ds lite stylus was so much better. i miss my ds and dont know what happened to it. now i just have a ds emulator on my stylus phone but its not the same
people love fixing gameboys don't throw that out just because it won't turn on, it might need new battery terminals, or something stupid easy. GBAs are going for like $60+, throw a backlight in it and resell it for $175
I'd never throw it out! Something I'll look into for sure
I have most of my original handhelds still, only exception being my very first gameboy advance, which was stolen. And all except for my original DS lite work still, unfortunately the top screen of that DS lite started dying just before the 3DS came out.
The DS format is my favorite by far. Hands down.
The dsi Xl is pretty comfy
I grew up with the Game Boy (1987) but i can not play with it anymore. The Display is just not worth "DMG" (sry, word joke^^) your eyes over time.
For me, even if the Switch is also a Handheld, im a HUGE fan of the 3DS. It plays NDS Games, can be modded today and you can play everything below him.
I understand the time it needs to start, but i own a bigger Battery, so it sits always in Standby Mode and i only turn it off, if i need something to install to the SD Card. (i own many physical 3DS Games, but it's nice to have the option to not always change the cartridge of a Game)
And if i would stick on NDS, i would miss ALOT of great 3DS Games^^
Nintendo have to make an NDS XXXXXXXXXXXL WITH 2 4:3 7in Screens and snes butons
The OG DS is way more comfortable to hold than the Lite imo. Just a shame that the screens suck in comparison.
i saw your comment and was like no way i left this comment i havent even watched the video.
I got pokemon blue, raised a blastoise to 87 while my next highest was 30 something, and beat Gary by shear RNG luck and several party wipes
this is the way
@ Oh, more memories:
- I ko’ed every special encounter pokemon and then was confused that they didn’t respawn
- I fell for every. Single. Mew. Rumor.
- I tried evolution stones on every one of my Pokémon to find the secret evolutions.
Get 3ds xl
1998? did you know the dinosaurs?
a few of them
Oh huh that's odd, I'm replaying The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds on my New 3DS XL right now and the "delay" in turning the system on and off isn't as long as yours. I wonder why...
My hands aren't too big for my old handhelds, but I did notice that now that I've let my fingernails grow out I've noticed my thumb nail is more likely to tap against the top of my 3DS when pushing the circlepad upward. Also on my Switch I've found pressing the minus button with my left thumb isn't as comfortable with slightly long nails, it's legit better to use my right thumb now.
The funny thing is I didn't have these issues when I was still closeted, so I'm chalking these up to being a "trans girl who likes finally having long nails" problem (weirdly specific I know, but it's true, I sure as heck ain't cutting these nails after all the compliments I've been getting!).