Hi Jeffery, this recipe brought back a lot of childhood memories and it's something I have been craving. I hope you are able to read comments because this is a heartfelt thank you to you, Jeffery, for this video. Story time, I'm the next to the youngest of 8 kids. This story takes place in the late 60's I'm 67 now. My dad died when I was 7 and mom still had 5 boys at home to feed and water. Hamburger stew/soup was on the menu at least once a week year-round. I'm guessing that hamburger was cheap, or it was government handouts. I still remember looking in my soup bowl and seeing the grease shimmer on top of the juice. Mom passed when I was 13 and this soup is one of my fondest memories I have of Mom. Moms are amazing. They can take a pound of meat and feed 5 or 6 people. We were never hungry, and we all grew up. I'm in Hospice care now so I'm trying to recreate some of the childhood meals that have many happy thoughts that are part of the story. On the "good days" when I can stand up long enough to cook something, I do. I'm a carpenter not a cook so some simple recipes become difficult for me. You do a great job explaining how and why, thank you. Thank you for allowing me to write a long story about this soup too. Thank you, viewers, too, I hope I didn't bore you to death.
Oh my. This note gave me so many layers of emotions I don’t even know what to say except it touched and moved me beyond words and that it is exactly the reason I do what I do and will continue to do so. Thank you for sharing this and I wish you absolutely all the peace and calmness there is to offer.
As with so many of your other recipes, I foresee this one being in my regular rotation! 💜🤤 ETA: I made this last night and OMG. It is SO good! The only thing I did differently is omit the liquid smoke and add a 1/4 cup of sour cream. Yep, this will be in my regular rotation…thanks, Jeff!
This looks like an instant family favorite. Pressure luck cooking has become my #1 resource for new recipes for the instant pot. I just pre-ordered your next cookbook. I already know I'm going to find some great ideas and recipes in there.
WOW can't wait to try this recipe, just want to give you a big thanks to all your awesome recipes with the instant pot, when I got the instant pot for Christmas I had no idea what to do with it till I started watching your videos so again thank you so much
I can’t wait to make this!! Some of the best dishes I’ve ever made were from your recipes so when you said add pickles/ketchup, I was like OKAY🤣I know you’ll never steer us wrong😊
Jeffrey!❤ it’s 7 am here in California and you have my mouth watering already for this!!! As usual you making me go to the store for the ingredients, well, really just the meat…but guess what’s for dinner? Love you, kiddo!!
Jeffery, I made the stew. I didn't have all if the ingridance but the ingrediance police were not on duty that day and it came out great. It had the little glistening fat pools just like I remembered. We have to remember that Mother cooked hers in a Reave ware kettle because instant pots hadn't been thought of yet and pressure cookers scared her to death. Sorry for the mistakes this morning. I guess my brain is taking a holiday. I have to get busy and figure out what my next Jefery meal will be.
Made it today! Delicious! Definitely will make again. The only thing I did different was I sprinkled Tabasco sauce on it along with the garnishes. But I love 🌶.
This looks like a Big Winner in my Home. On the fence with the carrots but I will try it. Like you said It is a stew. Will hit the store tomorrow for a couple things. Can't Wait. Thank You.
I took the time to cook the Pepperoni pasta and it turned out to be tasty and wonderful, I made it for my baby who is two and I tasted it and it was delicious, we ate it for about two weeks and she had the last bit of it last night for dinner .I wound up taking the crock pot out after i tried it with the chicken broth and it wasnt tasty so I cooked it on the stove it was perfect .. Thank you
Pickles and ketchup, it's no invention and no weird stuff!! That's exactly what we put into some eastern European soups, we have different varieties of pickle soups, with tomato or ketchup in it, varieties of meat, even olives, bell peppers and chilli peppers in it. Everything goes so well!!! Beetroot soup with tomato paste or ketchup in it!! Sourcrout soup with tomato paste or ketchup in it!!! Make more soups!!! That's what we love in eastern Europe 🙂
Jeffery -- Question/Comment: I notice that many of your creations are often this amalgam of chunky/brothy. (and trust me, I've made a LOT of your recipes over the past 3 years. Your now iconic pot roast recipe was literally the FIRST thing I ever made in my Instant Pot, and was the reason I bought my first Instant Pot to begin with. They should be paying you royalties.) What I'm saying is, so often, your creations seem to be this juxtaposition of semi-solid elements, and a sort of runny, broth like base - like this one - which I'm going to try this week. I'd love to see you doing more recipes with a thicker (which doesn't always mean creamier) base. Sometimes, you know, the soul needs something that isn't, well, RUNNY. You know the consistency you get when you pop some broccoli florets, truffle oil, etc, into a Vitamix or Blendtec, and let the speed of the blender actually heat the soup? That amazing, creamy mouthfeel? That's what I'd like to see someone accomplish with the IP. It seems to be difficult to get that kind of amazing, thick, aerated consistency in the IP, (I suppose pressure isn't conducive to that, but, then again, food science can do miracles once someone makes a discovery. Or, it may be as simple as just using an immersion blender or something after a release? You're the expert.) I feel that if there's a frontier of the Instant Pot that isn't being explored, it's how to use pressure to create a certain type of creamy, bisque-like, or almost semi-granular sauce or soup that might be something like a good kartofflesuppe which, when done right, is astounding. Texture could be the new black - if that makes sense. (I'm not denying that you DO do thick, full bodied things like that from time to time -- I really loved your recipe for potato leek soup ((although I make it with Kirkland Bacon Crumbles as a major time saver - which works fantastically well - and if you don't already keep those things stocked, trust me and do it)).) Oh, and as one gay man to another; we have to get you pronouncing "gouda" correctly. Cheers from California - Love your channel, also planning on buying your upcoming book, and I ALWAYS recommend your videos as the starting point for anyone with a new IP (and I've given a couple as gifts - again, largely due to your channel.)
I wish Chicago could have a rainy, cold, fall day! Nothing but stupid sun....yes, I am that one person you'll ever meet who hates the sun. Not a f'ing cloud in the sky today.
RE: the Brown Sugar storage, what my mom does is to put it in a Tupperware container in the cupboard, but she tosses an apple in the container as well to keep the sugar soft. The apple will eventually turn brown (although no rotten) and have to be replace, but I am not sure how often that needs to be done
A stew without potatoes? Somehow I can't quite wrap my head around that. Otherwise it sounds great but I'd have to add four to six potatoes. Oops. I just realized I can't make this anyway. My wife cannot eat tomatoes or anything with tomatoes included.
I disagree. Hocus Pocus 2 was horrible! I had high hopes and was disappointed. They needed to bring back ALL the original characters just like Cobra Kai did to the original Karate Kid. If you read Hocus Pocus 2 the novel all the original characters were in it but the book was controversial and may have not been "disney" . Although Disney doesn't shy away from modern day so I am not sure why they didn't follow the novel. AND NO you will never lose me as a subscriber!
I love a good dill pickle on a burger, especially a crisp Claussen, but I might save mine for a cold topping, I don't want to ruin the lovely uncooked crispness of a Claussen.
While I'm ready for "Soup season" (eat soups year round)....this does not look even appetizing.....i would call it a hamburger beef stew...but not a cheeseburger stew just because it has the same ingredients/condiments found on a cheeseburger. I like the videos...but come'on.....
his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Hi Jeffery, this recipe brought back a lot of childhood memories and it's something I have been craving. I hope you are able to read comments because this is a heartfelt thank you to you, Jeffery, for this video.
Story time, I'm the next to the youngest of 8 kids. This story takes place in the late 60's I'm 67 now. My dad died when I was 7 and mom still had 5 boys at home to feed and water. Hamburger stew/soup was on the menu at least once a week year-round. I'm guessing that hamburger was cheap, or it was government handouts. I still remember looking in my soup bowl and seeing the grease shimmer on top of the juice.
Mom passed when I was 13 and this soup is one of my fondest memories I have of Mom. Moms are amazing. They can take a pound of meat and feed 5 or 6 people. We were never hungry, and we all grew up.
I'm in Hospice care now so I'm trying to recreate some of the childhood meals that have many happy thoughts that are part of the story. On the "good days" when I can stand up long enough to cook something, I do. I'm a carpenter not a cook so some simple recipes become difficult for me. You do a great job explaining how and why, thank you. Thank you for allowing me to write a long story about this soup too. Thank you, viewers, too, I hope I didn't bore you to death.
Oh my. This note gave me so many layers of emotions I don’t even know what to say except it touched and moved me beyond words and that it is exactly the reason I do what I do and will continue to do so. Thank you for sharing this and I wish you absolutely all the peace and calmness there is to offer.
Thank you for your story. My mom made this stew too and we were a family of six
Who is ready for soup season!!?? Im definitely making this!! ❤
I am! I'm going to be trying this as well.
All year is soup season! Weeee!
Love everything you do. I'd add elbow Mac aroni
As someone from South Texas, love the Buccees cap!
Another home run. My wife and I just made this. It’s fantastic.
As with so many of your other recipes, I foresee this one being in my regular rotation! 💜🤤 ETA: I made this last night and OMG. It is SO good! The only thing I did differently is omit the liquid smoke and add a 1/4 cup of sour cream. Yep, this will be in my regular rotation…thanks, Jeff!
you added the sour cream just before serving right? not cooked in
Such an unusual recipe. I’m going to throw caution to the wind and try it.😂 Perfect idea to eat a bowl while watching Sunday football.
This looks like an instant family favorite. Pressure luck cooking has become my #1 resource for new recipes for the instant pot. I just pre-ordered your next cookbook. I already know I'm going to find some great ideas and recipes in there.
Great videos. Keep it up Thanks😀
WOW can't wait to try this recipe, just want to give you a big thanks to all your awesome recipes with the instant pot, when I got the instant pot for Christmas I had no idea what to do with it till I started watching your videos so again thank you so much
I can’t wait to make this!! Some of the best dishes I’ve ever made were from your recipes so when you said add pickles/ketchup, I was like OKAY🤣I know you’ll never steer us wrong😊
I've got the three. Can't wait for the 4th book. You rock Jeffrey!
Jeffrey!❤ it’s 7 am here in California and you have my mouth watering already for this!!! As usual you making me go to the store for the ingredients, well, really just the meat…but guess what’s for dinner? Love you, kiddo!!
Jeff, this looks like a super comforting meal as Fall enters center stage. Thanks!
Love it Jeff 😃👍
Just in time for Halloween and the nice cool weather. Ty.
Oh heck yes!! This sounds perfect 😀🎃
Love the Buckees cap!
Gotta try this
I feel your enthusiasm!
you did it again Jeffrey, I gotta try this. claussuns only the best pickles there is.
I just made this soup so so good the pickles and juice a must thank you so much
Love your videos, Jeff!
wow that tomato paste can trick is incredible. thank u for sharing
I can’t take credit for it but it’s a game changer for sure.
My husband loves soups, I will have to try this one!
Cross between a stew and cheeseburger soup! Looks delicious!
Jeffery, I made the stew. I didn't have all if the ingridance but the ingrediance police were not on duty that day and it came out great. It had the little glistening fat pools just like I remembered.
We have to remember that Mother cooked hers in a Reave ware kettle because instant pots hadn't been thought of yet and pressure cookers scared her to death.
Sorry for the mistakes this morning. I guess my brain is taking a holiday. I have to get busy and figure out what my next Jefery meal will be.
This looks good!!
Looks really good! I’m making this today.
Made it today! Delicious! Definitely will make again. The only thing I did different was I sprinkled Tabasco sauce on it along with the garnishes. But I love 🌶.
Glad you posted this early though that I could go grab the ingredients while shopping.
Jeffrey, I still am your biggest fan and love your recipes. I just made your chicken and dumpling this morning! Soooo good! ❤️❤️❤️
I must make this very soon. I made your macaroni and pepperoni and we loved it 🎉 Thank you ☺️
This looks like a Big Winner in my Home. On the fence with the carrots but I will try it. Like you said It is a stew. Will hit the store tomorrow for a couple things. Can't Wait. Thank You.
I took the time to cook the Pepperoni pasta and it turned out to be tasty and wonderful, I made it for my baby who is two and I tasted it and it was delicious, we ate it for about two weeks and she had the last bit of it last night for dinner .I wound up taking the crock pot out after i tried it with the chicken broth and it wasnt tasty so I cooked it on the stove it was perfect .. Thank you
You shouldn't feed processed food like pepperoni to a baby
Looks yummy, would be tempted to put in a bread bowl 😮😮😮😮
My mouth is watering. You could add kale or spinach to represent the lettuce.
I’m down to try!
I'm going to make that as soon as my chili is done 😋
"Wheel of fortune sauce" lmfao!
Pickles and ketchup, it's no invention and no weird stuff!! That's exactly what we put into some eastern European soups, we have different varieties of pickle soups, with tomato or ketchup in it, varieties of meat, even olives, bell peppers and chilli peppers in it. Everything goes so well!!! Beetroot soup with tomato paste or ketchup in it!! Sourcrout soup with tomato paste or ketchup in it!!! Make more soups!!! That's what we love in eastern Europe 🙂
I just made it and it is delicious!! I also added 2 tsp. of dijon mustard and i did 1/2 cup of pickle juice. can i freeze this? makes quite a bit .
Hi Jeffrey This reminds of Grover's Bar and Grill Cheeseburger Soup in East Amherst NY. I have had it is amazing.
I love watching your videos and I think I’m watching you on 100000 pyramid right now
That looks fantastic.
What about topping it with some French's fried onions? Almost like oniony croutons.
There's green chili topping too!
I'm going to make this for my church soup contest
Making your chicken and dumplings now, chicken just came out of the instant pot to cool and shred
Good recipe will def make. The tomato paste thing I was doing before you were born 😉
Looks good. I would ladle this over some steak fries.
ill give it a go.....
Jeffery -- Question/Comment: I notice that many of your creations are often this amalgam of chunky/brothy. (and trust me, I've made a LOT of your recipes over the past 3 years. Your now iconic pot roast recipe was literally the FIRST thing I ever made in my Instant Pot, and was the reason I bought my first Instant Pot to begin with. They should be paying you royalties.) What I'm saying is, so often, your creations seem to be this juxtaposition of semi-solid elements, and a sort of runny, broth like base - like this one - which I'm going to try this week. I'd love to see you doing more recipes with a thicker (which doesn't always mean creamier) base. Sometimes, you know, the soul needs something that isn't, well, RUNNY. You know the consistency you get when you pop some broccoli florets, truffle oil, etc, into a Vitamix or Blendtec, and let the speed of the blender actually heat the soup? That amazing, creamy mouthfeel? That's what I'd like to see someone accomplish with the IP. It seems to be difficult to get that kind of amazing, thick, aerated consistency in the IP, (I suppose pressure isn't conducive to that, but, then again, food science can do miracles once someone makes a discovery. Or, it may be as simple as just using an immersion blender or something after a release? You're the expert.) I feel that if there's a frontier of the Instant Pot that isn't being explored, it's how to use pressure to create a certain type of creamy, bisque-like, or almost semi-granular sauce or soup that might be something like a good kartofflesuppe which, when done right, is astounding. Texture could be the new black - if that makes sense. (I'm not denying that you DO do thick, full bodied things like that from time to time -- I really loved your recipe for potato leek soup ((although I make it with Kirkland Bacon Crumbles as a major time saver - which works fantastically well - and if you don't already keep those things stocked, trust me and do it)).) Oh, and as one gay man to another; we have to get you pronouncing "gouda" correctly. Cheers from California - Love your channel, also planning on buying your upcoming book, and I ALWAYS recommend your videos as the starting point for anyone with a new IP (and I've given a couple as gifts - again, largely due to your channel.)
Hey Jeff...I Love your Bucee's Baseball cap...maybe you should do a video of you making a food item from Bucee's.
Oooh tempting.
The greatest losing point was no Thackeray Binks! 🧡🐈⬛🎃🤨 J like the first HP mostly because of Thackeray. Nice tomato paste hack! 😉👍
Thanks for the tomato paste recommendation
I wish Chicago could have a rainy, cold, fall day! Nothing but stupid sun....yes, I am that one person you'll ever meet who hates the sun. Not a f'ing cloud in the sky today.
Where do you find your ground meat combos? Never been able to find it!
My purchase 8 Qt. Pressure cooker. Does your recipes work on a 8 Qt. Or should I purchase a 6qt.? I love your channel.
any size works
I would add diced potato with the burger and carrots under pressure.
Hey! Worcestershire is pronounced like "WOO-sta-shur" or as i do, WOO-sta sauce, or just WOO-sta. Juts to make it easier. Love the instructional vids!
Love the stew idea, did you forget the diced potatoes?
I think steak fries would be perfect served alongside this!
I liked "Hocus Pocus 2' also
While I go make myself a cheeseburger, can we get an Instant Pot Sauerbraten recipe?
You need some sort of bread to sop up all that liquid goodness! 😋
RE: the Brown Sugar storage, what my mom does is to put it in a Tupperware container in the cupboard, but she tosses an apple in the container as well to keep the sugar soft. The apple will eventually turn brown (although no rotten) and have to be replace, but I am not sure how often that needs to be done
Every 20 minutes. 👍
I soak potatoes cut into fries in Pickle juice and cook them in the air fryer. pickle fries
I’m thinking I’m adding bacon to this
You lost weight? I kept waiting for the pasta, then remembered it was a stew...looks good.
Very very good dish but I accidentally put some soy sauce in it but it still taste good. I topped it off with some corn chips.
I just Ian hurricane come over here. no power for 7 days. good to see now
Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. Yeshua Ye(God) Shua(Messiah, Anointed One)
You just posted this comment on a Jewish guy video
@@helpfulcommenter He is a man and can handle it. How are you handling it for him?
@@MetalArms16212 Huh?
@@helpfulcommenter He can handle it
@@MetalArms16212 alrighty then
I STILL drink the pickle juice.
Were you on the $100,000 Pyramid? I am watching it now and this guy looks like you!!!
That’s me! 2016
@@PressureLuck super cool!!! So awesome!!!!!!
I think it needs some potatos. Every burger needs some fries 🍟
Melt the cheese on top at the end. Now we have a French onion style stew
A stew without potatoes? Somehow I can't quite wrap my head around that. Otherwise it sounds great but I'd have to add four to six potatoes.
Oops. I just realized I can't make this anyway. My wife cannot eat tomatoes or anything with tomatoes included.
My lord who like the sequel better than the original? Lol🙄
Long time no see ?
I disagree. Hocus Pocus 2 was horrible! I had high hopes and was disappointed. They needed to bring back ALL the original characters just like Cobra Kai did to the original Karate Kid. If you read Hocus Pocus 2 the novel all the original characters were in it but the book was controversial and may have not been "disney" . Although Disney doesn't shy away from modern day so I am not sure why they didn't follow the novel. AND NO you will never lose me as a subscriber!
I can maaaaybe get with the ketchup in there but the pickles are a bit much 😅
Is that a hat from Chucky Cheese's?
Looks great but you lost me on the pickles. 😖
I love a good dill pickle on a burger, especially a crisp Claussen, but I might save mine for a cold topping, I don't want to ruin the lovely uncooked crispness of a Claussen.
Lela it sounds weird but Trust me the pickles are what takes this over the top.
Just FYI its pronounced wooster-sure :)
Well don't you look all skinny and handsome today Jeff!!
Spud burger? Add some potato…. Just saying…
While I'm ready for "Soup season" (eat soups year round)....this does not look even appetizing.....i would call it a hamburger beef stew...but not a cheeseburger stew just because it has the same ingredients/condiments found on a cheeseburger. I like the videos...but come'on.....
his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Now if this doesn’t make this a holy dish, I don’t know what does!