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6 Weird Baby Behaviors That Scare New Parents (And When to be Concerned)
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It's common to notice a few strange baby quirks as your little one grows and develops. Many of them appear concerning, which might leave you wondering if there's something wrong that requires medical attention.
But quite often these little quirks are normal behavior for your baby and nothing to worry about. In this video you'll learn about some of the most common baby quirks, why your baby does them, and how to tell if you should be concerned or not.
As your baby goes through the normal phases of development, you'll notice all sorts of changes in their behavior, and it's normal to question whether you need to be worried or not. Hopefully this video helps clarify some of the things you'll see and make it a little less stressful for you!
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00:00 - 01:27: Weird Behaviour #1
01:28 - 02:25: Weird Behaviour #2
02:26 - 03:27: Weird Behaviour #3
03:28 - 04:17: Weird Behaviour #4
04:18 - 05:20: Weird Behaviour #5
05:21 - 06:36: Weird Behaviour #6
#emmahubbard #babydevelopment #newbornbaby
• 6 Weird Baby Behaviors...
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Thanks for watching! Have you or did you notice any of these weird behaviors in your newborn? My first born constantly had a runny eye and this did initially stress me out! Don't forget to your free 0 - 12 months old developmental milestone chart here: brightestbeginning.com/checklist/
Dear Emma, thank you very much, this was a great video again. Can you maybe make a video abaut shaking had. I found a lot af articles about it. I can be completly normal, just because of the teets or if the tge baby is tired but it can have a sign of some illnesses as well. What is normal, what us not? Thank you very much in advance. You are doing a great job 🙏
I'm a mom of triplets, they're 9months old now, still they didn't sleep through the night, i'm so sleep deprived, please help me with how to maintain a sleep routine ma'am.
@@margocsi83 all of these, lol
Hi Emma, the link is not working. I click on ' send me the chart' but the page is just static :(
Yes. My 6 month old spit up after feeds. I notified my Paediatrician, and he said not to over feed. It's as a result of overfeeding.
Thank you from Ukraine! As a first time mom your videos really help not to get crazy with all baby health questions. Especially at times when access to doctors is limited.
My 4week baby is going through every thing said on this video...best video I’ve watched to clear up everything
Week 5 is the worst for reflux and trapped gas
Thank you from India. We are new parents and it’s very difficult to use logic and Google at the same time. You made it easy Emma. Cheers!
Yarrow helps baby acne. 👍♥️ I used a yarrow tea bag, damp on the checks. Only 1-2x daily. Went completely away & my baby has beautiful skin ever since.
Try breast milk, I did and it went away IMMEDIATELY
hahaa! I remember when my first baby was born and I was in the hospital and she sneezed ... and I ran out down the hall to get the nurse going "Oh Nooo! She's got the flu!" 😅
My baby spit up of vomited in hospital and I thought she was chocking , we sprinted to the midwife
You should be happy when they cry with no tears, because when those tears come...it's over. My heart breaks a little every time.
Same here!
I also get sad when I see those tears 😢
The shaky body movements got me so scared I was getting ready to take her to the doctor. Thank you for this video
Same here,lm still concerned though,my baby twitch her eyes like she’s scared of something but she doesn’t cry
@@ruvachimbwanda261 mine too girl!! Like she got a bad dream and she also gets the chills.. but I’ll put off taking her to the doc for now
How is she doing now?
@@glendakarabokgatle6729 lol completely fine I don’t even remember when she stopped but it’s been a while, she’s 10 months old now
Me too
My baby is two weeks old and today was the first time I saw him produce tears. It was actually quite sad.
It can be heart breaking!
Aw, I'm at least a month pregnant with my first baby and not looking forward to this heartache
Just on day five, my newborn is able to produce tears and sneeze. She also jerks her head often when crying and that got me worried.
I always try comfort my baby when she cry except when she already sleeping and suddenly she grunt or break a few cries for a few seconds and then back to sleep, that’s where I left her be because I don’t want to disrupt her sleep.
Hi Emma, Thank you for these videos. They are really helpful. I had my 2nd baby in May. My first born is 9 and I’m telling you it seems like I forgot everything. He was 9lbs at birth and now at 12 lbs for 1 month. He spits up quite a bit and his pediatrician said it was normal. I had taken him to the ER for a similar purpose and the physician assistant said I could be overfeeding because he was showing all the normal signs of a healthy baby. Looking at your video eases some of my concerns I was still having hearing it a 3rd time. I look forward to watching more of your videos. Thanks again 💕
Sometimes my baby milk comes back out her mouth after a while.Thanks for the video it easy my worries even more.
Same here sis..
I find it very sad that so many parents these days say their newborns are just trying to get attention bc when they cry they have no tears😔 And they leave their baby to continue crying. They won’t even pick them up bc they say the baby just wants to be spoiled😒
That's heartbreaking 💔😢
Whenever my newborn starts crying I HAVE to go to him. It hurts me not to 😢
It seems to be more present in a certain political ideology. Fortunately most experts make it clear that isn't the case. So if a parent is receptive to expertise and education, they won't do this.
the parent must be real crazy then
Thank you Emma for making these videos and giving clarification with many things I wasn't sure wether to be concerned with or not.
My baby always had tears. Whenever she cries intensly, she has these small tears amd it breaks my heart.
Me too and she is 3weeks old
Thank you Dear Emma ! You up eases all my worries . I’m a proud grandma of a five month old ! 👶👵🏻 😘
You are so welcome! Also congrats on becoming a grandma!
My boyfriend tried telling me I need to let my son cry it out every so often. No. Absolutely not. Not one that can’t speak for himself. You can go sit outside sir.
Work them lungs
I could have sworn that people were always saying that newborn babies didn't have real tears at first. My baby is nearly eight weeks old and she has had real tears since the day she was born. I kept saying to the nurses how odd it was and they acted like I was crazy.
As a mother whose 3 day old ended up in NICU bc of a meningitis infection which was detected by seizures, FILM THEM and act as fast as you can. Trust your instincts, if it doesn’t look right it probably isn’t. Moro reflex is definitely different to seizures!
Very true. Do trust your instincts!
Our little one ended up in the children’s hospital at 19 days old with meningitis. My husband had just finished sayign our bubs eyes were doing funny things and was asking me if it was normal. Immediately after that our little one’s eyes rolled to the side and his body went stiff. I asked my husband if that was what he meant and he said no. I then said we need to check his temperature which was over 38 degrees - so straight to emergency and then after tests plus a lumbar puncture we found out he had meningitis.
So I totally agree if it doesn’t feel right, record the movement and go straight to the doctors.
Beatrice I hope your little one made a full recovery. I know I felt completely helpless seeing our little one so sick.
How's your baby?
Is your baby doing well??
I'm a nursing instructor, and you did a fabulous job!!
The part about baby not making tears got me with my newbie 🤣 I thought she was dehydrated and ran to Google where I learnt this information.
Thanks so much. New mum here appreciating your excellent and real content. So glad to finally find aussie facts and in my language 🙌
Downloaded ya charts. Yayy
Congratulations on the arrival of your little one!. So glad your loving the channel❤
Thank you for this content, I feel more at ease now with my daughter ❤
I'm so glad!
My baby had tears from day one! It was crazy!
Same my baby has tear from day one too
Lol thanks I be thinking my baby older than she actually is (7 days )
Thanks very much, you cleared up most of my concerns this video was very helpful 😊
Glad it was helpful!
Can you talk about breathing? What’s normal and what’s not, including noises they make?
Especially when they are asleep. I can’t stop worrying and watching my babies breathing at night..
The best response I can give you is what I’ve been giving the biggest thing to worry about when it comes to breathing is if they are breathing so heavy that you can see their rib cage. They really have to be straining to breathe and deep slow breaths where you can see rib bones is when I was told to be concerned.
In terms of newborns, we asked a similar question while in the hospital and we were informed that infants do a lot of "abdominal breathing" so it makes them look like they are breathing harder.
Yesss this
@@Misskaitlin133 Same
This video really soothing my burning heart.
Thank you so much for this video,I can relax now.spit up almost got me an attack😢
Thank you for this video🙏 it cleared all my doubts regarding my baby's weird activities ✨✨✨
That’s great to hear!
Trick To Resolve The Baby Acne: Apply Breastmilk Directly To The Affected Areas.. Will Resolve Almost Within 2-5hrs
Absolutely correct. It does work wonders I've experienced it
Magic milk🤌🏽I tend to use my frozen milk for skin ailments 😅it's great for conjunctivitis too among many other things 😊
I would love to see a video on how and when to transition a toddler to a toddler bed. I am having a hard time finding good sources and you always make it so easy to understand and follow! help! haha thank you!!
We did it after our daughter managed to climb out of her crib few times.
All my worries sorted, thank you
Could you tell us what to do to help the tear duct to open up to preferent infections. ?
My baby is just a month 2weeks old and he started shedding tears when he was 2weeka old
Thanks for sharing!
Excellent information! Thanks Emma.
Glad it was helpful!
Your video is so well understood 👏 🙌 Thank you
Glad it was helpful!
The reflux the baby acne are the ones that got me concerned but it is normal
Me too, can’t wait for the acne to clear up 🙏
Emma, thank you for your videos. They’re so helpful! Idk how I missed this one, I’ve been watching your videos since before giving birth and have learned a ton. This video actually addresses so many of the concerns we’ve had as new parents. Thank you!
I'm so glad! Thank you!
I seen a video of a baby that held his breath. My son did that exactly like this baby. Was the child ever diagnosed for what causes that
I think am now okay with my little angel, be blessed
That is wonderful to hear! All the best!
My boy at 2 days old was producing tears when he cried!😊
That would have made it even more heartbreaking!
Just like my baby.
Is it normal for the new born to laugh and smile during sleep
Is it??
very normal
Hye I am new here. I found your videos really helpful as im a new mom. My baby is one month old, my baby has startle reflux when he sleeps. I am worried about it.
Hello. I have a question. What should I do in order to stop the folding of my newborn baby’s ear. I am so worried about it🥺
Thank you I needed this
Glad it was helpful!
Disagree with "there's nothing you can do for blocked tear ducts" and "there's nothing you can do for baby acne". My daughter is 8 weeks, born with blocked tear duct and had some baby acne when she was born. The doctors and nurses said to put colostrum and or breastmilk in the corner of the eye for the tear duct, and on the face for the baby acne. Both were completely gone within a few days.
Love your videos, but please educate mamas on the power of liquid gold if they have the ability to/choose to breastfeed or pump.
Very true me too
I will try this for my 7 weeks old baby acne
@@militaadeyemo7705 my daughter is 17 weeks tomorrow and I use breastmilk for everything lol diaper rash, cradle cap, dry skin, little scratch marks she's gotten from her nail lol you name it. The stuff really is MADE for them in every single way imaginable
Its possible it was clearing up anyway. I just kept it clean with water and cotton balls and it eventually cleared up. I tried the breastmilk thing at the start but it done nothing.
@@Fashionseesta she was 24 hours old, so I doubt that. I use breastmilk for everything and it works for us, as it does for a lot of people. Glad you found another way that worked :)
Thanks tho,kinda Relieved 😌❤️
What about when the milk comes back up n it seems like they chocking even out they nose it's so scary
Baby acne goes away when i apply breadtmilk on his skin everytime iget achance to and it’s impressively helpful and effective 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
My baby shed tears during his 1st week
We ended up in the hospital because my husband saw our days old son spot up make "choking gestures". It was reflux.
Please can u educate me on the features of a 9weeks old baby devoid of celebral palsy.
A brilliant video. Thank you ❤
You are so welcome!
Hi Emma, thank you for this video..
Do you have anything on baby's heat rush? Eczema and remedies??? Noticed this little one has weird skin that's dry and I've been trying out some products just wanna know 1 good thing that I can use
I would try using aquafor it does amazing ointment or cream if the baby doesn't have a problem with lotion.
Thank you for clearing my doubts 😊 lots of love from new mommy of a baby boy from India, love your content, keep growing 💕
My pleasure 😊
I am so happy I found this channel ❤️
Thank you so much, I am so glad your video popped up. My baby is 4 months old, I was concern about his spit ups after feeding him my breast milk.
Thanks for informative teachings
It's my pleasure
Awesome video, have been looking for something to explain the pimples. Now I feel much better 😌 ☺️
Mine is a little over a week old and has tears when he cries
Love this video, thank you
Choking in newborn, tyst is fluid going into their head, please how do we avoid this? Kindly respond.
Main started crying with tears right from where she was born 😂
useful video sister. thankyou
This video is very helpful.. please do a video on normal v/s abnormal breathing in babies.. my 7 week baby snores and grunts in his sleep. Is that normal?
Mine does the same thing, and my doctor laughed when he heard her and said that is normal
@@killerswitch1020 my doctor said it’s normal too! But it scares me sometimes because I’ve never heard anything like this before.
My baby is 3month old now and when she cry's tear comes out from her eyes it has been so since birth. Hope there is no problem with her eyes?
Great video
Thank you for your video. I could not find the PDF file mentioned for baby development.
Hi Fern now worries at all. Here is the link to the free 0 - 12 months old developmental milestone chart here: brightestbeginning.com/checklist/
0:18 0:20 my baby is 10 days and she is having a soft misshapen head , it seems like a ballon with water when touching, I have no idea about it😢😢😢
Thanks for sharing.
It’s honestly my pleasure!
Did anyone here get told their babies front fontanelle was small and in the end it was all ok?
My baby shakes his head left and right before he goes to sleep. Is this normal?
Excellent video
Skin issues can be a sign of food allergies. I had to eliminate dairy in order to heal my baby's skin redness. She couldn't eat dairy (without skin problems) until she turned about 5yrs old.
Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi I've noticed my little one likes to lay in her dirty diaper especially when it's a number 2. She seems totally content and even smiles a little bit while doing it. I expected babies to get fussy when this happens but for us it's quite the opposite. Is this behavior normal?
Great video! I was kind of chill parent with my newborn, but because I read for each month about baby development. In my country several sites provide very good information. But maybe that is not the case everywhere, so these kind of videos are so helpful. Even now with my second one, I watch and read a lot. Because babies are so different. Thank you :)
Thanks so much for sharing!! I love that you are so proactive and read each month about your little one's development. It can make the parenting journey so much easier if you "study" up.
Bonjour votre commentaire m'intéresse. Je suis maman d'un bébé de 3 semaines et je m'inquiète beaucoup au moindre contrariété de mon bébé et bien souvent je m'inquiète de trop. Je dors peu et je stresse facilement. Pouvez vous s'il vous plaît me donner quelques sites pour me renseigner un peu, ce que vous regardez et lisez... Merci beaucoup
This is such a helpful video, thank you so much!
You're so welcome!
Thank you so much for these video man I was very concerned about my baby's acne I'm a new mom and your video helps me a lot to understand that. And I would like to ask you for a favor if you don't mind could you please talk about diapers rash. Thank you
Glad you found it helpful!
The thing that terrified me was when he was asleep his face would have 100 facial expressions in a minute and his eyes were open! (So the smiley facial expressions were extra creepy). We thought he was broken, but the internet said it was normal 🤷♀️ He only did it occasionally and for the 1st month or 2.
Seeing a newborn sleep is definitely an experience. They make so many noises, open their eyes and facial expressions.
I love watching them like that 😂 it is very creepy
@@neshacruz6574 😂
My baby is born at 1st week May 2023. Now, baby does not sleep properly. Please suggest what should be done
Useful tips.Welldone
My baby is 3 weeks and his eyes produce tears
My 6week old’s vomit comes through the nose. Is that normal?
I'm a first time mum, my baby is spitting up or replux and it's getting so worried..she is getting gaining weight though
Thank you.
Thanks sis
Welcome 😊
What vaccination is safe. Pls let me know
This video clears up some misconceptions. Thanks for the info. Very timely.
No worries at all!
Would you like to talk about baby snore and noisy baby? Breathing problems and how to deal with it?
I wish i watched this earlier...i freaked out when i saw this jercky movement on my 10days baby...i quickly ran to the hospital plus i was very emotional, until when i was reassured by a peadetrician its sleep myoca...something of that kind
It’s great that you were so proactive though! Can can be very scary at times because they do lots of unusual things and they are so little!
Tip: put breast milk on the baby acne and it will clear up. Ive been doing it with my son for a while now and it has mostly cleared up. Also breast milk is good for conjunctivitis
Thanks for sharing!
Is this true...because my baby has been with conjunctivitis that doesn't clear with tetracycline ointment...someone advised me of the breast milk but I was afraid
Yes, this is true.
Excellent video. Very useful 🙌🏻
I am so thankful for finding this channel. Great content
Hi! Our baby tend to cry while feeding, its very confusing and frustrating when he keeps on doing it. Hes wants to feed and when fed he’ll turn away and cry and then ask for the feed again immediately but still grunting and crying. Are we doing something wrong?
My poor sister-in-law and brother had a VERY difficult birthing experience. Their little man is just 4 days old and they're struggling with all sorts of newborn-related things, such as breast latching and, just generally, getting to know the rhythms/needs of a brand new little human. I want to offer so much guidance and support, especially as I have an 8 month old, but I don't want to say the wrong thing or stick my oar in it...What are your tips for supporting someone you love, going through the baby phase, without upsetting them or over-stepping the mark?
Hi @Tom Kins this can be really hard! I would just be available if they want to chat or if they ask questions then lead them to resources or things that you know work. As he is so young it will take them a little while to get their head around having a newborn - it is very overwhelming in the beginning. I find dropping food around or offering to come around and hold the bub so the parent can shower really helpful in those first few weeks.
Ask if they are ok with you helping them or giving suggestions. Not all parents know what they are doing. I remember a number of times people gave me suggestions or ideas. I was grateful and appreciative.
My stepmother was a God send when I had my son. I had never heard of swaddling being 18 yr old.She was able to quiet him when nothing else worked.
I drink sleeping tea or chamomile tes before sleep. To have a deep sleep after feeding or changing diapers in dawn.
baby is preterm 32 week delivery and 1 week old and he show ankel movement , hand arms movement but does not lift legs against the gravity yet after 1 week of delivery is it a cause of concern. He does not show jerky movement but ankel and arm movement smooth and fulid
Mam, newborn baby grunting Contionuesly at night time
What we do at that time
My baby is only 13 days and vomiting daily 10 times more without any fever. What is the treatment for that?
Could be she’s allergic to the formula… check for his / her poop and google to see all the signs
Its possible the baby is full. Too much feeding can cause vomiting. Feed the baby and stop every few times to burp. It helps
Hi I was wondering if you have done a video on normal baby movement after birth? I have a coming 4 month old that for the first 2 months never moved his arms or releases his fists. I feel like it was not normal so I started to work with him a lot on releasing his fist then moved to working on him stretching his arms. He is now headed for 4 months and can reach for things and grab them but I'm not sure he would be if I had not encouraged the movement. I'd love to learn more about what is normal movements for babies but not finding much helpful stuff as of yet.