vielen dank! du warst meine rettung! ich habe ewig gegrübelt warum das fw update bei mir nicht funktioniert. ...dabei habe ich einfach vergessen tx und rx zu kreuzen.🙄 Grüße
Great video; I wish I could use it ; but I have been looking everywhere for the firmware version 60 or 61 but have been unable to find it anywhere. The links to the programming information and flash file are no longer valid on the jyetech site. I was hoping that you might still have a copy of the file you downloaded and that I might be able to get a copy of it from you. Thank you, Dennis Ostrowski
Thanks. There is one problem I face while on hold. When I change the time/div while on hold, only the number changes. The waveform does not scale on time axis. Can you help me out. There is no problem while running
+AxelL No1 No, the voltage levels can be up to +/- 12V there . You could use a max232 IC to convert that to a 5v signal and divide that down to 3v. But you'll be better off with a USB converter with 3v output levels. They are quite inexpensive. About a tenth of a blown scope :-)
That usb port confuses me. My directions say something like "it's for homebrew use" but then the scope seems to have some kind of software that will lock you out if you update it wrong. O.o And I was so proud of how well I soldered those micro pins only to find out that piece isnt necessary or even working, apparently...
It ist a USB to serial bridge (or adapter). If I had to buy one these days, I'd go for this one: It can be jumpered for 5v or 3.3v logic levels.
Hello! Great video! I installed the newest firmware on my DSO138 but now my probe is reading less then the real value (I connected it to 5v from an arduino and it shows only 1v). Do you have any clue what could caused this?
Sounds like a stupid question, but anyway: do you have a connection between the scope and the arduino‘s common ground? (Via the probe‘s ground connector?) I couldn‘t think of anything obvious that could cause a 5:1 reading error.
Yes, I have connected the common ground, also I connected a multimeter which shows 5V while the oscilloscope is only reading 1V. I looked everywhere and I couldn't find anything similar. Well, actually, maybe this information will help, I did a pretty stupid thing and due to my lack of attention, first time I connected the pins from the TTL something like GND -> TX; RX ->TX; Tx -> GND. But I got an error that it couldn't find the flash, retried with the correct connection and then worked like a charm. I don't know if this is problematic. Thanks a lot for the fast response tho! I really appreciate it! :D
It is more likely you have a cold solder joint if it stopped working. If your DSO138 is seriously damaged, I'd go for a DSO 150: It has more or less the same specifications, but I find it more user friendly. It is also well below 20€.
+AReResearch Danke für die Grüße lbr Andreas! Habe das Teil eben fertig aufgebaut (spielt sogar :-) Für 20 € kann man nicht meckern... 73 an best dx Jörg
kann man das ding nicht auch über den mini usb anschluss updaten ? :0 und muss ich das update aufspielen ich hab mir das ding auch geholt und werde es bald zsm bauen aber hab den adapter nicht :/
Der USB-Anschluss ist bei der aktuellen Firmware komplett ohne Funktion. Da geht leider absolut nichts rein oder raus. Mit dem seriellen Adapter lädt man die Firmware direkt in den Microcontroller. Ein Bootloader zum Update über USB wäre ein nettes Feature, aber ich bin nicht optimistisch, dass JYE das noch einbauen wird.
mist denn werde ich das ding wohl soschnell denn nicht geupdatet ´bekommen da ich keinen adapter habe und mich damit ehrlich gesagt auch garnicht wirklich auskenne :/ aber vielen dank für die schnelle antwort mfg
Ich kaufe diese Adapter immer direkt in China: Da kosten die praktisch nix und bei Waren unter 21€ gibt es keine Probleme mit dem Zoll. Einziger Nachteil: es dauert meist 6 Wochen bis das Zeug da ist. Aber so übel ist die Firmware mit der das Oszi kommt auch nicht - das geht schon erst mal so. Ich habe eine ganze Handvoll dieser Adapter und man braucht sie bei den Basteleien mit Microcontrollern die ganze Zeit. Man kann eine Menge Spaß damit haben. z.B. meine Videos hier: (Loopback / Prüfschleife / Test) oder so kleine Hacks wie hier: (Paswsword recovery auf Router)
IS THERE ANY HACKER DOWN THERE??? The real questions is: "What are the limiting factor?" How can we improve the quality of theses ultracheap O's? -Getting a better probe? -Install metal shielding around some components? -Replacing the capacitor (or any cheap component) with something else? -Get a 9V battery instead of a cheap 9V wall transfo (like I do to save on battery cost)? I'm not an electronic guru, I only have some basic knowledge and TH-cam as a perpetual teacher. Alex from Montréal
The limiting factor depends on where you want to push the limit. I think it is the fact that the DSO is using one of the built-in general purpose ADCs of the microcontroller. Here is a link to open source firmware and hardware mods. Again limited by the ADC's capabilities:
It is this thing from Thingiverse: a friend printed it for me, but it didn't last very long. Now I use this one from Banggood: It was amazingly hard to assemble, but looks absolutely great and works ok. (I only worry that the switches will break one day)
DSO138 прибор новий,пропав промінь,пробую прошивати програтором CH341A MINI PROGRAMMER та USB TO TTL видає програма помилку -No response from the target the Boot loader can not be started.Please verify the boot mode configuration and flash protection status.Reset your device then try again... - конфігурацію RX-TX міняв. Що може бути ? Дякую за відповідь! DSO138 is a new device, the beam has disappeared, I try to flash it with the CH341A MINI PROGRAMMER and USB TO TTL programmer, the program gives an error -No response from the target the Boot loader can not be started. Please verify the boot mode configuration and flash protection status. Reset your device then try again... - I changed the RX-TX configuration. What can be? Thanks for the answer! I did everything according to the instructions and put the jumpers.
It is this one: Currently at under 5€ (promo). It is more difficult to assemble than is seems. I watched the video and followed the instructions step-by-step.
Oops... sorry. It was this one when I did the video: but it broke (poor 3d printing quality) and I switched to the acrylic enclosure from Banggood. (See other post)
The scope is rated 100V (peak to peak), so you could use 1:10 probe. But there is no protection from electrical shock, so I wouldn‘t use it for potentially lethal voltages.
Actually the high voltage is only at the test end of the probe, no high voltage to the scope. 1:1, 10:1 or 100:1 start at the highest V/div on the screen and if there's room for more move to a lower V/div for clarity of the wave pattern. The probes with ratios have voltage dividing resistors inside them. If fact, one could even build a multiplier probe if needed, you would have to calculate how much current to limit the circuit to. You do not want any more than a few milliamps to go through the resistors to avoid heating them up. Remember the higher the voltage the higher the wattage so with small watt resistors use very high resistance. Ohms law and watts law ! Also a DC isolated probe can be made for AC signals only. This would be a good deal for sure if you want to measure signals in the range you're interested in along with the multiplier ratio. Simply use a multi position slide switch to select the ratio and either DC or AC. If know how to draw and / or read schematics you got it made. Just pick a suitable housing to put it in with the coaxial cable and BNC coupling.
At just over 15€ for a new DSO, ( ) I wouldn't bother changing the MCU.
From viewing other firmware update videos I can see you have done some steps off camera. Bad form. The zeroing feature does not work well if you don't run a calibration after updating. Logical since you have essentially created a new O-scope. You are misleading people into thinking there are no more steps.
Not that I recall. I was watching Julian Ilett's Vids on this. He does not mention calibrating the unit either. I watched sever build vids on it. Then I watched FFsossag's Video on updating the firmware "DSO138 firmware upgrade and review". He does a live boot. at around 10:00. The problem occurs at 12:30. The guy talks very strangely I think he is Finnish-English so you might have to listen to him a minute to 'tune' your ear. I apologize for my tone of voice in the original msg. I had wasted more than a little of my data allotment on poorly done videos. I usually don't get any response or rhetoric. I promise any other critique will come politely and sans the sarcasm. Usually my "friend" Zee L Usay does the You Tube commenting. :) He's not near as nice as I am....
Wie wäre es das Video auf Deutsch zu machen ?! Nicht das ich kein Englisch könnte aber ich finde sowieso schon das Hilfs und Lernvideos in Deutsch Mangelware sind. Da müssen wir doch nicht auch noch selber dafür sorgen das es noch schlimmer wird.
Ich mache das primär deshalb bevorzugt auf Englisch, weil ich damit ein potentiell größeres Publikum habe. Derzeit kommen etwa 20% der Aufrufe aus DL. Der andere Grund ist, daß mein schwäbischer Dialekt nicht so durchfärbt. Im Gegensatz zu Deutsch habe ich Englisch studiert. Aber es wäre einen Versuch wert, mal wieder ein Video in beiden Sprachen anzubieten und zu schauen wie das angenommen wird. Analytics sollte recht schnell zeigen ob die Mühe lohnt oder nicht.
Ja ich kann das schon nachvollziehen was du sagst, finde es aber dennoch sehr schade das eben die Hilfe Videos in Deutsch echt sehr spärlich sind und oft auch gruselig schlecht. Es gibt sicherlich auch viele Leute die sich im Englischen kaum Zuhause fühlen und Happy sind wenn's das ganze auch auf deutsch gibt. Müsste ja nicht mal wirklich alles neu gemacht werden sondern nur die Tonspur geändert werden...
Thank you, very clear and concise ( with a pleasant voice too)
I just bought a DSO 138 , Thank You for this tutorial .
Eine spitzen Anleitung, danke für das hochladen und den Link, da kaufe ich auch ein.
thanks ! i got a working dso 138 on the last firmware with your method awesome :)
Thank you very much.. upgraded from .045 to .061 software. Can't see any diff. but I have many mods to bring it up to date and reduce the noise.
vielen dank! du warst meine rettung!
ich habe ewig gegrübelt warum das fw update bei mir nicht funktioniert.
...dabei habe ich einfach vergessen tx und rx zu kreuzen.🙄
Danke Andy für das Video.
Great video; I wish I could use it ; but I have been looking everywhere for the firmware version 60 or 61 but have been unable to find it anywhere.
The links to the programming information and flash file are no longer valid on the jyetech site.
I was hoping that you might still have a copy of the file you downloaded and that I might be able to get a copy of it from you.
Thank you,
Dennis Ostrowski
But you didn't explain what the difference was between the software versions!
The release notes for the firmware are here:
can i use this scope in the output of an amplifier?for biasing
As long as it is an audio amp and not RF. It has a DC coupling option, so you should see the bias voltage.
@@AReResearch my councern was the output voltage of the amp.its working with 35v dc.would it be a problem?
The manual says 50Vpk. You could use a x10 probe to be on the safe side.
I install the software and the screen remains blank, what can I do?
what is the mini usb port on the board for, if this is done on the serial port? its just unused? it's 5v right? not enough to power the scope?
Thanks. There is one problem I face while on hold. When I change the time/div while on hold, only the number changes. The waveform does not scale on time axis. Can you help me out. There is no problem while running
How can it change when it is on hold!
Can I just use the motherboard COM port (Pin 2,3,5) to directly connect it to the PC without this converter? Because I don't have this converter.
+AxelL No1 No, the voltage levels can be up to +/- 12V there . You could use a max232 IC to convert that to a 5v signal and divide that down to 3v. But you'll be better off with a USB converter with 3v output levels. They are quite inexpensive. About a tenth of a blown scope :-)
Thanks!... I saw the price, I just wanted to skip the waiting time if possible. It could get long especially for cheap items from China.
That usb port confuses me. My directions say something like "it's for homebrew use" but then the scope seems to have some kind of software that will lock you out if you update it wrong. O.o
And I was so proud of how well I soldered those micro pins only to find out that piece isnt necessary or even working, apparently...
I agree. Seems rather pointless. I have little hope to see USB support for that device ever. Could be so cool to transfer screenshots.
I found out the same thing, after close inspection I realized there are not enough conductors on the PCB to be of any use.
just watched this video, and found it very informative. could you tell me what the little usb device you used is called?
It ist a USB to serial bridge (or adapter). If I had to buy one these days, I'd go for this one:
It can be jumpered for 5v or 3.3v logic levels.
Sir, can i get its source code program so that i can learn the basic and do some modification for educational purpose. Thanks
Thanks for the tutorial
Hello! Great video! I installed the newest firmware on my DSO138 but now my probe is reading less then the real value (I connected it to 5v from an arduino and it shows only 1v). Do you have any clue what could caused this?
Sounds like a stupid question, but anyway: do you have a connection between the scope and the arduino‘s common ground? (Via the probe‘s ground connector?)
I couldn‘t think of anything obvious that could cause a 5:1 reading error.
Yes, I have connected the common ground, also I connected a multimeter which shows 5V while the oscilloscope is only reading 1V. I looked everywhere and I couldn't find anything similar. Well, actually, maybe this information will help, I did a pretty stupid thing and due to my lack of attention, first time I connected the pins from the TTL something like GND -> TX; RX ->TX; Tx -> GND. But I got an error that it couldn't find the flash, retried with the correct connection and then worked like a charm. I don't know if this is problematic. Thanks a lot for the fast response tho! I really appreciate it! :D
What about the slide switch (x5 x2 x1)? It that is not switching both sets of contacts, it may result in a 5:1 error reading.
Thanks for the video , i will try it because mine does not sweep any more...
It is more likely you have a cold solder joint if it stopped working. If your DSO138 is seriously damaged, I'd go for a DSO 150:
It has more or less the same specifications, but I find it more user friendly. It is also well below 20€.
All jyetech websites are showing unsafe so can't get software or anything else there. Is the software available some other place?
Klasse Video, vielen Dank :-)
LG aus Berlin
Jörg, DL7UJW
+030Joerg 73 de DL9SET aus JN49OD ;-)
+AReResearch Danke für die Grüße lbr Andreas! Habe das Teil eben fertig aufgebaut (spielt sogar :-) Für 20 € kann man nicht meckern...
73 an best dx Jörg
is it possible to use the USB socket? I tried to connect a USB probe to my pc but it isn't able to recognize the device
Cristina Magnetti Gisolo the usb port is not working, just for show
DSO138 Original Firmware :
Flasher Direct Download Location :
Gut gemacht, danke!
great tut! thanks
merci pour cette video ! bien expliqué
kann man das ding nicht auch über den mini usb anschluss updaten ? :0 und muss ich das update aufspielen ich hab mir das ding auch geholt und werde es bald zsm bauen aber hab den adapter nicht :/
Der USB-Anschluss ist bei der aktuellen Firmware komplett ohne Funktion. Da geht leider absolut nichts rein oder raus. Mit dem seriellen Adapter lädt man die Firmware direkt in den Microcontroller. Ein Bootloader zum Update über USB wäre ein nettes Feature, aber ich bin nicht optimistisch, dass JYE das noch einbauen wird.
mist denn werde ich das ding wohl soschnell denn nicht geupdatet ´bekommen da ich keinen adapter habe und mich damit ehrlich gesagt auch garnicht wirklich auskenne :/ aber vielen dank für die schnelle antwort mfg
Ich kaufe diese Adapter immer direkt in China:
Da kosten die praktisch nix und bei Waren unter 21€ gibt es keine Probleme mit dem Zoll.
Einziger Nachteil: es dauert meist 6 Wochen bis das Zeug da ist.
Aber so übel ist die Firmware mit der das Oszi kommt auch nicht - das geht schon erst mal so.
Ich habe eine ganze Handvoll dieser Adapter und man braucht sie bei den Basteleien mit Microcontrollern die ganze Zeit. Man kann eine Menge Spaß damit haben. z.B. meine Videos hier: (Loopback / Prüfschleife / Test)
oder so kleine Hacks wie hier: (Paswsword recovery auf Router)
ahhh top danke für den link denn werd ich mir son ding mal bestellen :D
posso dire la mia versione lancio il programma e non funzione dice e dimostrativo e non va avanti grazie c'è altro sistema?
thks for the update
The real questions is: "What are the limiting factor?"
How can we improve the quality of theses ultracheap O's?
-Getting a better probe?
-Install metal shielding around some components?
-Replacing the capacitor (or any cheap component) with something else?
-Get a 9V battery instead of a cheap 9V wall transfo (like I do to save on battery cost)?
I'm not an electronic guru, I only have some basic knowledge and TH-cam as a perpetual teacher.
Alex from Montréal
The limiting factor depends on where you want to push the limit. I think it is the fact that the DSO is using one of the built-in general purpose ADCs of the microcontroller.
Here is a link to open source firmware and hardware mods. Again limited by the ADC's capabilities:
@@AReResearch Sure, if the ADC is the limiting factor.... Ok, I will read this, Thank you very much.
where did you get that casing? printed by yourself or bought somewhere?
It is this thing from Thingiverse: a friend printed it for me, but it didn't last very long.
Now I use this one from Banggood:
It was amazingly hard to assemble, but looks absolutely great and works ok. (I only worry that the switches will break one day)
DSO138 прибор новий,пропав промінь,пробую прошивати програтором CH341A MINI PROGRAMMER та USB TO TTL видає програма помилку -No response from the target the Boot loader can not be started.Please verify the boot mode configuration and flash protection status.Reset your device then try again... - конфігурацію RX-TX міняв. Що може бути ? Дякую за відповідь!
DSO138 is a new device, the beam has disappeared, I try to flash it with the CH341A MINI PROGRAMMER and USB TO TTL programmer, the program gives an error -No response from the target the Boot loader can not be started. Please verify the boot mode configuration and flash protection status. Reset your device then try again... - I changed the RX-TX configuration. What can be? Thanks for the answer!
I did everything according to the instructions and put the jumpers.
Were did you obtain that enclosure please ?
It is this one: Currently at under 5€ (promo). It is more difficult to assemble than is seems. I watched the video and followed the instructions step-by-step.
Oops... sorry. It was this one when I did the video: but it broke (poor 3d printing quality) and I switched to the acrylic enclosure from Banggood. (See other post)
hello sir,If I want to use this circuit measuring 220v -400vac wave how to do
The scope is rated 100V (peak to peak), so you could use 1:10 probe. But there is no protection from electrical shock, so I wouldn‘t use it for potentially lethal voltages.
Actually the high voltage is only at the test end of the probe, no high voltage to the scope. 1:1, 10:1 or 100:1 start at the highest V/div on the screen and if there's room for more move to a lower V/div for clarity of the wave pattern. The probes with ratios have voltage dividing resistors inside them. If fact, one could even build a multiplier probe if needed, you would have to calculate how much current to limit the circuit to. You do not want any more than a few milliamps to go through the resistors to avoid heating them up. Remember the higher the voltage the higher the wattage so with small watt resistors use very high resistance. Ohms law and watts law ! Also a DC isolated probe can be made for AC signals only. This would be a good deal for sure if you want to measure signals in the range you're interested in along with the multiplier ratio. Simply use a multi position slide switch to select the ratio and either DC or AC. If know how to draw and / or read schematics you got it made. Just pick a suitable housing to put it in with the coaxial cable and BNC coupling.
Nice. you are awesome !
how can I change the stm32 MCU with new ic
At just over 15€ for a new DSO, ( ) I wouldn't bother changing the MCU.
From viewing other firmware update videos I can see you have done some steps off camera. Bad form. The zeroing feature does not work well if you don't run a calibration after updating. Logical since you have essentially created a new O-scope. You are misleading people into thinking there are no more steps.
Have I missed anything apart from the zeroing? I'd add that to my blog post and put a link into the video to fix that.
Not that I recall. I was watching Julian Ilett's Vids on this. He does not mention calibrating the unit either. I watched sever build vids on it. Then I watched FFsossag's Video on updating the firmware "DSO138 firmware upgrade and review". He does a live boot. at around 10:00. The problem occurs at 12:30. The guy talks very strangely I think he is Finnish-English so you might have to listen to him a minute to 'tune' your ear.
I apologize for my tone of voice in the original msg. I had wasted more than a little of my data allotment on poorly done videos. I usually don't get any response or rhetoric. I promise any other critique will come politely and sans the sarcasm. Usually my "friend" Zee L Usay does the You Tube commenting. :) He's not near as nice as I am....
OK Thanks for vídeo.
Any buddy have Stm32f103c8 shoping site for india ?
Wie wäre es das Video auf Deutsch zu machen ?!
Nicht das ich kein Englisch könnte aber ich finde sowieso schon das Hilfs und Lernvideos in Deutsch Mangelware sind.
Da müssen wir doch nicht auch noch selber dafür sorgen das es noch schlimmer wird.
Ich mache das primär deshalb bevorzugt auf Englisch, weil ich damit ein potentiell größeres Publikum habe. Derzeit kommen etwa 20% der Aufrufe aus DL. Der andere Grund ist, daß mein schwäbischer Dialekt nicht so durchfärbt. Im Gegensatz zu Deutsch habe ich Englisch studiert.
Aber es wäre einen Versuch wert, mal wieder ein Video in beiden Sprachen anzubieten und zu schauen wie das angenommen wird. Analytics sollte recht schnell zeigen ob die Mühe lohnt oder nicht.
Ja ich kann das schon nachvollziehen was du sagst, finde es aber dennoch sehr schade das eben die Hilfe Videos in Deutsch echt sehr spärlich sind und oft auch gruselig schlecht.
Es gibt sicherlich auch viele Leute die sich im Englischen kaum Zuhause fühlen und Happy sind wenn's das ganze auch auf deutsch gibt.
Müsste ja nicht mal wirklich alles neu gemacht werden sondern nur die Tonspur geändert werden...
Can this be done on android device like Samsung tablet?
I don't think so.