Digimon Adventure 2020 Series Review | Better Than the Original?


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  • @CHopkins73
    @CHopkins73 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    So I'll just put this into 2 categories:
    Good- in terms of characters, Mimi, Izzy, and Hikari stand out. I think that Mimi's character is better in this version than the original and I've just always been a fan of Izzy. I thought Joe was really funny in this show and Hikari just stuck with me. I like the animation although I think some people overrate it. I like how they all got mega forms and the special forms for greymon and garurumon. And the special mega forms we got for patamon and gatomon in that one episode about 10 before the end I believe. I do like the vast amount of different Digimon we got to meet and I really enjoyed the gatomon/dark knightmon twist. I didn't see that coming at all.
    Bad- unfortunately I agree with the masses: too much taichi focus in the show. The original had alot of tai and Matt focus, but this one just feels more in your face. I like tai, but towards the end it felt like they couldn't save the day without Tai in the filler. I think Sora was forgettable throughout the whole show. Terrible job with her. I also didn't like that patamon could digivolve to pegasusmon. I know some will disagree but the armor digivolve stuff was made for a specific plot in 02, and didn't like it was just like a slide evolution in this show. And since I don't wanna make this too long, lastly the pacing. The pacing in this show is just bad. Like I felt like we got alot of story up front, and then 3/4 of the way and it was just filler after filler after filler. No buildup to the end imo.

  • @Firedrake-SP
    @Firedrake-SP 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I wish the 2020 Digimon Adventure would get an English dub, and be distributed by Viz Media.

    • @digimonlover1632
      @digimonlover1632 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Your wish has been granted. It’s getting a dub!

  • @geoknuckles4629
    @geoknuckles4629 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I read some scrapped ideas they had for 2020 like Greymon 2010 was going to appear as a dark counterpart for greymon to fight, Gigasmon was going to fight Petaldramon instead of Entmon, and Metal mamemon was supposed to have major role like digivolve into Machinedramon and Blitzgreymon was going to appear in that episode fighting Machinedramon.

  • @andrewshearsby8125
    @andrewshearsby8125 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Not a terrible series but it needed some work, especially after Hikari and Tailmon joined the team. Mimi is best girl, Omegamon Alter S was awesome.

  • @buchiklop110
    @buchiklop110 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    The animation was way better than the original, but that's not exactly a high bar considering Homestar Runner had better animation than the original show. Still, the visuals were really good on their own.
    I dunno how anyone can complain about Armor Digimon being around considering they've been very commonplace among wild Digimon since Tamers.
    Unfortunately, in terms of plot and pacing, the series fell way short compared to the original. There were too many episodes, especially in the first half, which was focused entirely on a battle rather than giving plot exposition or character development. They would never even give the kids a break. It was just battle after battle. It just got old after a while. Honestly, even the character development was terrible too. They hinted that Koushiro had the same adoption issues he had in the original, but then dropped it almost immediately afterwards. Sora, Takeru, and Hikari barely changed at all during the series. Yamato kind of changed, but then he went out of focus in the second half hard. Joe might as well not even be in the original show since he spent the majority of it in a freaking hot spring. It also doesn't help that Taichi's mother is the ONLY parental figure who got lines in this series. The other parents either only had silent cameos or didn't even appear at all.
    Pacing was also terrible. It started out fast, then got faster as it dedicated itself to action only, then once Millenniumon was defeated, it was basically spinning its wheels until everyone went Mega and it was time for the final battle. And the constant forced splitting was annoying as hell.
    And OMG, the shoehorning of Taichi in every freaking episode in the final arc was annoying as hell. I have no idea how he was able to travel hundreds of miles in a few hours. I wish they had the confidence to make an episode centering on the other kids without forcing Tai and Agumon in there.
    The only one who was unequivocally better in this series was Mimi. She didn't get as much character development, but the character herself was a lot more fun than the original and her filler episodes were far and away the best of the lot.

  • @borisbatim5994
    @borisbatim5994 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    just sayin, omegamon/omnimon was introduced before Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon. That is one of the few things that has bothered me personally

  • @NyanKyou
    @NyanKyou 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The Yagami Taichi Show ft. The Chosen Children

  • @canareoasmr
    @canareoasmr ปีที่แล้ว

    Yesss I hated that they prioritized tai and Matt’s evolution sequences and was shorter for the other digimon. It makes you feel like the only digidestineds are those two and the rest are just servants.

  • @ZannacrossG1
    @ZannacrossG1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I agree with this review, only thing I'll add is that the enemies were...more bland then RPG final boss from the 8 bit era. Sure the first season's enemies were not Oscar winners but at least they left a impact...Negamon is at best...a nothing rip off of Pride from Full Metal Brotherhood, oh well.

  • @maldon3659
    @maldon3659 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I was excited for this series at the beginning but lost interest by the end and found the original Digimon Adventure better especially when I watched it alongside the reboot

  • @maximilianosanchez1106
    @maximilianosanchez1106 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    2:41 it was surprising, wasn't it? Because it came out of nowhere, it never appeared again, and the way he appeared was stupid and soulless
    2:49 they did that on Tamers, didn't they?

    • @pezdispencer113
      @pezdispencer113 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah absorbing the data of the fallen was a major element of tamers. It also can't work in an adventure focused series since the Digimon in that universe are reborn in primary village on death. So I'm guessing that's just completely gone from this show then.

  • @reddungeoneer2187
    @reddungeoneer2187 ปีที่แล้ว

    When does the English version come out?

  • @lululamperouge7416
    @lululamperouge7416 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Should I watch this or rewatch the original? I haven't seen it since it was airing ages ago

    • @BananaMuffin-iz3ed
      @BananaMuffin-iz3ed ปีที่แล้ว

      I think it would be best to see the original first just to refresh your memories before getting into the reboot.

  • @KaiserTrigger
    @KaiserTrigger 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Animation wise, yes, by a long shot. But story wise? No. There's too much of blowing your load over and over again. Way too many digivolving moments. It lacks the oompf of the original where there was story related impact that was not just your typical anime cliche at the time. Like instead of taichi going berserk like in the reboot, and Agumon going into Machinedramon form, the original made it obvious that Taichi needed to learn how Digimon worked, and that you can't just train them withoiut knowing how your train them affects them. It was a learning moment for him, and he eventually had to overcome his own misgivings to reach his partners true ultimate.
    The show blows it's load so quickly, and I expected Devimon to have a much more impressive amount og scenes as a villain. He just shows up, calls the holy digimon his old friend, and then quickly digivolves because he throws some random unexplained hissy fit, and then digivolves again, and then the whole Machinedramon thing. There was no build up to show Devimon has an odd relationship with Angemon.
    There's way too many times where Digimon partners get random power ups like a typical shounen, but worse, because they keep getting random stuff. They kept bringing out mega forms like nothing, and Omnimon/Digimon that can go mega like WarGreymon are basically a deus ex machina. It's honestly horendous to see key moments from the original being treated like this, or being given lack luster updated counterparts.
    Digimon has never looked better for me, but it's also never been this dissappointing for me before. This new version needed to not so much take the same scenes as the original, but take the same approach to writing. Something being a characters fault, rather than a shounen dark power up. Something being treated as an eventual goal rather than a power up like Omni/omegamon. These things are what could have fixed it for me. Otherwise, I'm just watching to see how bad it can get, and to see how good the animation can look at its best.

    • @nafsii04
      @nafsii04 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      you took the words out of my mouth

  • @silverslayer6262
    @silverslayer6262 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    16:06 That is a complete understatement.

  • @seanburge7085
    @seanburge7085 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    If it was not for the original the remake would not have happened

    • @BGskater209
      @BGskater209 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks Sherlock

  • @austinlawrence1655
    @austinlawrence1655 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes I'd be interested in that video

  • @willwidrick2941
    @willwidrick2941 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Spot on review, I agree 100%